path: root/compiler/utils
diff options
authorIan Lynagh <>2011-05-08 16:13:33 +0100
committerIan Lynagh <>2011-05-08 16:13:33 +0100
commitd45197aabb22178066a8ec50d29331786a0c518c (patch)
treefeac564466e2d1182b8d0ee7691580f564cf5b17 /compiler/utils
parentc5f7496604b096277e3ba57fcb6ed85422613c75 (diff)
parentdaead6bf93cc751417461507048db9b1aa8b669a (diff)
Merge branch 'coloured-core' of into coloured-corecoloured-core
Diffstat (limited to 'compiler/utils')
2 files changed, 189 insertions, 99 deletions
diff --git a/compiler/utils/Outputable.lhs b/compiler/utils/Outputable.lhs
index c4a685b3b5..fc4d919473 100644
--- a/compiler/utils/Outputable.lhs
+++ b/compiler/utils/Outputable.lhs
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ module Outputable (
Outputable(..), OutputableBndr(..),
-- * Pretty printing combinators
- SDoc,
+ SDoc, runSDoc, initSDocContext,
interppSP, interpp'SP, pprQuotedList, pprWithCommas, quotedListWithOr,
empty, nest,
@@ -33,6 +33,9 @@ module Outputable (
hang, punctuate, ppWhen, ppUnless,
speakNth, speakNTimes, speakN, speakNOf, plural,
+ coloured, PprColour, colType, colCoerc, colDataCon,
+ colBinder, bold, keyword,
-- * Converting 'SDoc' into strings and outputing it
printSDoc, printErrs, printOutput, hPrintDump, printDump,
printForC, printForAsm, printForUser, printForUserPartWay,
@@ -41,6 +44,7 @@ module Outputable (
showSDocForUser, showSDocDebug, showSDocDump, showSDocDumpOneLine,
showSDocUnqual, showsPrecSDoc,
+ renderWithStyle,
pprInfixVar, pprPrefixVar,
pprHsChar, pprHsString, pprHsInfix, pprHsVar,
@@ -218,38 +222,56 @@ code (either C or assembly), or generating interface files.
-type SDoc = PprStyle -> Doc
+newtype SDoc = SDoc { runSDoc :: SDocContext -> Doc }
+data SDocContext = SDC
+ { sdocStyle :: !PprStyle
+ , sdocLastColour :: !PprColour
+ -- ^ The most recently used colour. This allows nesting colours.
+ }
+initSDocContext :: PprStyle -> SDocContext
+initSDocContext sty = SDC
+ { sdocStyle = sty
+ , sdocLastColour = colReset
+ }
withPprStyle :: PprStyle -> SDoc -> SDoc
-withPprStyle sty d _sty' = d sty
+withPprStyle sty d = SDoc $ \ctxt -> runSDoc d ctxt{sdocStyle=sty}
withPprStyleDoc :: PprStyle -> SDoc -> Doc
-withPprStyleDoc sty d = d sty
+withPprStyleDoc sty d = runSDoc d (initSDocContext sty)
pprDeeper :: SDoc -> SDoc
-pprDeeper _ (PprUser _ (PartWay 0)) = Pretty.text "..."
-pprDeeper d (PprUser q (PartWay n)) = d (PprUser q (PartWay (n-1)))
-pprDeeper d other_sty = d other_sty
+pprDeeper d = SDoc $ \ctx -> case ctx of
+ SDC{sdocStyle=PprUser _ (PartWay 0)} -> Pretty.text "..."
+ SDC{sdocStyle=PprUser q (PartWay n)} ->
+ runSDoc d ctx{sdocStyle = PprUser q (PartWay (n-1))}
+ _ -> runSDoc d ctx
pprDeeperList :: ([SDoc] -> SDoc) -> [SDoc] -> SDoc
-- Truncate a list that list that is longer than the current depth
-pprDeeperList f ds (PprUser q (PartWay n))
- | n==0 = Pretty.text "..."
- | otherwise = f (go 0 ds) (PprUser q (PartWay (n-1)))
- where
- go _ [] = []
- go i (d:ds) | i >= n = [text "...."]
- | otherwise = d : go (i+1) ds
-pprDeeperList f ds other_sty
- = f ds other_sty
+pprDeeperList f ds = SDoc work
+ where
+ work ctx@SDC{sdocStyle=PprUser q (PartWay n)}
+ | n==0 = Pretty.text "..."
+ | otherwise =
+ runSDoc (f (go 0 ds)) ctx{sdocStyle = PprUser q (PartWay (n-1))}
+ where
+ go _ [] = []
+ go i (d:ds) | i >= n = [text "...."]
+ | otherwise = d : go (i+1) ds
+ work other_ctx = runSDoc (f ds) other_ctx
pprSetDepth :: Depth -> SDoc -> SDoc
-pprSetDepth depth doc (PprUser q _) = doc (PprUser q depth)
-pprSetDepth _depth doc other_sty = doc other_sty
+pprSetDepth depth doc = SDoc $ \ctx -> case ctx of
+ SDC{sdocStyle=PprUser q _} ->
+ runSDoc doc ctx{sdocStyle = PprUser q depth}
+ _ ->
+ runSDoc doc ctx
getPprStyle :: (PprStyle -> SDoc) -> SDoc
-getPprStyle df sty = df sty sty
+getPprStyle df = SDoc $ \ctx -> runSDoc (df (sdocStyle ctx)) ctx
@@ -282,22 +304,24 @@ userStyle (PprUser _ _) = True
userStyle _other = False
ifPprDebug :: SDoc -> SDoc -- Empty for non-debug style
-ifPprDebug d sty@PprDebug = d sty
-ifPprDebug _ _ = Pretty.empty
+ifPprDebug d = SDoc $ \ctx -> case ctx of
+ SDC{sdocStyle=PprDebug} -> runSDoc d ctx
+ _ -> Pretty.empty
-- Unused [7/02 sof]
printSDoc :: SDoc -> PprStyle -> IO ()
printSDoc d sty = do
- Pretty.printDoc PageMode stdout (d sty)
+ Pretty.printDoc PageMode stdout (runSDoc d (initSDocContext sty))
hFlush stdout
-- I'm not sure whether the direct-IO approach of Pretty.printDoc
-- above is better or worse than the put-big-string approach here
-printErrs :: Doc -> IO ()
-printErrs doc = do Pretty.printDoc PageMode stderr doc
- hFlush stderr
+printErrs :: SDoc -> PprStyle -> IO ()
+printErrs doc sty = do
+ Pretty.printDoc PageMode stderr (runSDoc doc (initSDocContext sty))
+ hFlush stderr
printOutput :: Doc -> IO ()
printOutput doc = Pretty.printDoc PageMode stdout doc
@@ -307,25 +331,32 @@ printDump doc = hPrintDump stdout doc
hPrintDump :: Handle -> SDoc -> IO ()
hPrintDump h doc = do
- Pretty.printDoc PageMode h (better_doc defaultDumpStyle)
+ Pretty.printDoc PageMode h
+ (runSDoc better_doc (initSDocContext defaultDumpStyle))
hFlush h
better_doc = doc $$ blankLine
printForUser :: Handle -> PrintUnqualified -> SDoc -> IO ()
printForUser handle unqual doc
- = Pretty.printDoc PageMode handle (doc (mkUserStyle unqual AllTheWay))
+ = Pretty.printDoc PageMode handle
+ (runSDoc doc (initSDocContext (mkUserStyle unqual AllTheWay)))
printForUserPartWay :: Handle -> Int -> PrintUnqualified -> SDoc -> IO ()
printForUserPartWay handle d unqual doc
- = Pretty.printDoc PageMode handle (doc (mkUserStyle unqual (PartWay d)))
+ = Pretty.printDoc PageMode handle
+ (runSDoc doc (initSDocContext (mkUserStyle unqual (PartWay d))))
-- printForC, printForAsm do what they sound like
printForC :: Handle -> SDoc -> IO ()
-printForC handle doc = Pretty.printDoc LeftMode handle (doc (PprCode CStyle))
+printForC handle doc =
+ Pretty.printDoc LeftMode handle
+ (runSDoc doc (initSDocContext (PprCode CStyle)))
printForAsm :: Handle -> SDoc -> IO ()
-printForAsm handle doc = Pretty.printDoc LeftMode handle (doc (PprCode AsmStyle))
+printForAsm handle doc =
+ Pretty.printDoc LeftMode handle
+ (runSDoc doc (initSDocContext (PprCode AsmStyle)))
pprCode :: CodeStyle -> SDoc -> SDoc
pprCode cs d = withPprStyle (PprCode cs) d
@@ -337,32 +368,44 @@ mkCodeStyle = PprCode
-- However, Doc *is* an instance of Show
-- showSDoc just blasts it out as a string
showSDoc :: SDoc -> String
-showSDoc d = Pretty.showDocWith PageMode (d defaultUserStyle)
+showSDoc d =
+ Pretty.showDocWith PageMode
+ (runSDoc d (initSDocContext defaultUserStyle))
+renderWithStyle :: SDoc -> PprStyle -> String
+renderWithStyle sdoc sty =
+ Pretty.render (runSDoc sdoc (initSDocContext sty))
-- This shows an SDoc, but on one line only. It's cheaper than a full
-- showSDoc, designed for when we're getting results like ""
-- and "foo{uniq strictness}" so we don't want fancy layout anyway.
showSDocOneLine :: SDoc -> String
-showSDocOneLine d = Pretty.showDocWith PageMode (d defaultUserStyle)
+showSDocOneLine d =
+ Pretty.showDocWith PageMode
+ (runSDoc d (initSDocContext defaultUserStyle))
showSDocForUser :: PrintUnqualified -> SDoc -> String
-showSDocForUser unqual doc = show (doc (mkUserStyle unqual AllTheWay))
+showSDocForUser unqual doc =
+ show (runSDoc doc (initSDocContext (mkUserStyle unqual AllTheWay)))
showSDocUnqual :: SDoc -> String
-- Only used in the gruesome isOperator
-showSDocUnqual d = show (d (mkUserStyle neverQualify AllTheWay))
+showSDocUnqual d =
+ show (runSDoc d (initSDocContext (mkUserStyle neverQualify AllTheWay)))
showsPrecSDoc :: Int -> SDoc -> ShowS
-showsPrecSDoc p d = showsPrec p (d defaultUserStyle)
+showsPrecSDoc p d = showsPrec p (runSDoc d (initSDocContext defaultUserStyle))
showSDocDump :: SDoc -> String
-showSDocDump d = Pretty.showDocWith PageMode (d PprDump)
+showSDocDump d =
+ Pretty.showDocWith PageMode (runSDoc d (initSDocContext PprDump))
showSDocDumpOneLine :: SDoc -> String
-showSDocDumpOneLine d = Pretty.showDocWith OneLineMode (d PprDump)
+showSDocDumpOneLine d =
+ Pretty.showDocWith OneLineMode (runSDoc d (initSDocContext PprDump))
showSDocDebug :: SDoc -> String
-showSDocDebug d = show (d PprDebug)
+showSDocDebug d = show (runSDoc d (initSDocContext PprDebug))
showPpr :: Outputable a => a -> String
showPpr = showSDoc . ppr
@@ -370,7 +413,7 @@ showPpr = showSDoc . ppr
docToSDoc :: Doc -> SDoc
-docToSDoc d = \_ -> d
+docToSDoc d = SDoc (\_ -> d)
empty :: SDoc
char :: Char -> SDoc
@@ -383,58 +426,58 @@ float :: Float -> SDoc
double :: Double -> SDoc
rational :: Rational -> SDoc
-empty _sty = Pretty.empty
-char c _sty = Pretty.char c
-text s _sty = Pretty.text s
-ftext s _sty = Pretty.ftext s
-ptext s _sty = Pretty.ptext s
-int n _sty = n
-integer n _sty = Pretty.integer n
-float n _sty = Pretty.float n
-double n _sty = Pretty.double n
-rational n _sty = Pretty.rational n
+empty = docToSDoc $ Pretty.empty
+char c = docToSDoc $ Pretty.char c
+text s = docToSDoc $ Pretty.text s
+ftext s = docToSDoc $ Pretty.ftext s
+ptext s = docToSDoc $ Pretty.ptext s
+int n = docToSDoc $ n
+integer n = docToSDoc $ Pretty.integer n
+float n = docToSDoc $ Pretty.float n
+double n = docToSDoc $ Pretty.double n
+rational n = docToSDoc $ Pretty.rational n
parens, braces, brackets, quotes, doubleQuotes, angleBrackets :: SDoc -> SDoc
-parens d sty = Pretty.parens (d sty)
-braces d sty = Pretty.braces (d sty)
-brackets d sty = Pretty.brackets (d sty)
-doubleQuotes d sty = Pretty.doubleQuotes (d sty)
-angleBrackets d = char '<' <> d <> char '>'
+parens d = SDoc $ Pretty.parens . runSDoc d
+braces d = SDoc $ Pretty.braces . runSDoc d
+brackets d = SDoc $ Pretty.brackets . runSDoc d
+doubleQuotes d = SDoc $ Pretty.doubleQuotes . runSDoc d
+angleBrackets d = char '<' <> d <> char '>'
cparen :: Bool -> SDoc -> SDoc
-cparen b d sty = Pretty.cparen b (d sty)
+cparen b d = SDoc $ Pretty.cparen b . runSDoc d
-- quotes encloses something in single quotes...
-- but it omits them if the thing ends in a single quote
-- so that we don't get `foo''. Instead we just have foo'.
-quotes d sty = case show pp_d of
- ('\'' : _) -> pp_d
- _other -> Pretty.quotes pp_d
- where
- pp_d = d sty
+quotes d = SDoc $ \sty ->
+ let pp_d = runSDoc d sty in
+ case show pp_d of
+ ('\'' : _) -> pp_d
+ _other -> Pretty.quotes pp_d
semi, comma, colon, equals, space, dcolon, arrow, underscore, dot :: SDoc
darrow, lparen, rparen, lbrack, rbrack, lbrace, rbrace, blankLine :: SDoc
-blankLine _sty = Pretty.ptext (sLit "")
-dcolon _sty = Pretty.ptext (sLit "::")
-arrow _sty = Pretty.ptext (sLit "->")
-darrow _sty = Pretty.ptext (sLit "=>")
-semi _sty = Pretty.semi
-comma _sty = Pretty.comma
-colon _sty = Pretty.colon
-equals _sty = Pretty.equals
-space _sty =
-underscore = char '_'
-dot = char '.'
-lparen _sty = Pretty.lparen
-rparen _sty = Pretty.rparen
-lbrack _sty = Pretty.lbrack
-rbrack _sty = Pretty.rbrack
-lbrace _sty = Pretty.lbrace
-rbrace _sty = Pretty.rbrace
+blankLine = docToSDoc $ Pretty.ptext (sLit "")
+dcolon = docToSDoc $ Pretty.ptext (sLit "::")
+arrow = docToSDoc $ Pretty.ptext (sLit "->")
+darrow = docToSDoc $ Pretty.ptext (sLit "=>")
+semi = docToSDoc $ Pretty.semi
+comma = docToSDoc $ Pretty.comma
+colon = docToSDoc $ Pretty.colon
+equals = docToSDoc $ Pretty.equals
+space = docToSDoc $
+underscore = char '_'
+dot = char '.'
+lparen = docToSDoc $ Pretty.lparen
+rparen = docToSDoc $ Pretty.rparen
+lbrack = docToSDoc $ Pretty.lbrack
+rbrack = docToSDoc $ Pretty.rbrack
+lbrace = docToSDoc $ Pretty.lbrace
+rbrace = docToSDoc $ Pretty.rbrace
nest :: Int -> SDoc -> SDoc
-- ^ Indent 'SDoc' some specified amount
@@ -448,11 +491,11 @@ nest :: Int -> SDoc -> SDoc
($+$) :: SDoc -> SDoc -> SDoc
-- ^ Join two 'SDoc' together vertically
-nest n d sty = Pretty.nest n (d sty)
-(<>) d1 d2 sty = (Pretty.<>) (d1 sty) (d2 sty)
-(<+>) d1 d2 sty = (Pretty.<+>) (d1 sty) (d2 sty)
-($$) d1 d2 sty = (Pretty.$$) (d1 sty) (d2 sty)
-($+$) d1 d2 sty = (Pretty.$+$) (d1 sty) (d2 sty)
+nest n d = SDoc $ Pretty.nest n . runSDoc d
+(<>) d1 d2 = SDoc $ \sty -> (Pretty.<>) (runSDoc d1 sty) (runSDoc d2 sty)
+(<+>) d1 d2 = SDoc $ \sty -> (Pretty.<+>) (runSDoc d1 sty) (runSDoc d2 sty)
+($$) d1 d2 = SDoc $ \sty -> (Pretty.$$) (runSDoc d1 sty) (runSDoc d2 sty)
+($+$) d1 d2 = SDoc $ \sty -> (Pretty.$+$) (runSDoc d1 sty) (runSDoc d2 sty)
hcat :: [SDoc] -> SDoc
-- ^ Concatenate 'SDoc' horizontally
@@ -471,19 +514,19 @@ fcat :: [SDoc] -> SDoc
-- ^ This behaves like 'fsep', but it uses '<>' for horizontal conposition rather than '<+>'
-hcat ds sty = Pretty.hcat [d sty | d <- ds]
-hsep ds sty = Pretty.hsep [d sty | d <- ds]
-vcat ds sty = Pretty.vcat [d sty | d <- ds]
-sep ds sty = Pretty.sep [d sty | d <- ds]
-cat ds sty = [d sty | d <- ds]
-fsep ds sty = Pretty.fsep [d sty | d <- ds]
-fcat ds sty = Pretty.fcat [d sty | d <- ds]
+hcat ds = SDoc $ \sty -> Pretty.hcat [runSDoc d sty | d <- ds]
+hsep ds = SDoc $ \sty -> Pretty.hsep [runSDoc d sty | d <- ds]
+vcat ds = SDoc $ \sty -> Pretty.vcat [runSDoc d sty | d <- ds]
+sep ds = SDoc $ \sty -> Pretty.sep [runSDoc d sty | d <- ds]
+cat ds = SDoc $ \sty -> [runSDoc d sty | d <- ds]
+fsep ds = SDoc $ \sty -> Pretty.fsep [runSDoc d sty | d <- ds]
+fcat ds = SDoc $ \sty -> Pretty.fcat [runSDoc d sty | d <- ds]
hang :: SDoc -- ^ The header
-> Int -- ^ Amount to indent the hung body
-> SDoc -- ^ The hung body, indented and placed below the header
-> SDoc
-hang d1 n d2 sty = Pretty.hang (d1 sty) n (d2 sty)
+hang d1 n d2 = SDoc $ \sty -> Pretty.hang (runSDoc d1 sty) n (runSDoc d2 sty)
punctuate :: SDoc -- ^ The punctuation
-> [SDoc] -- ^ The list that will have punctuation added between every adjacent pair of elements
@@ -500,6 +543,46 @@ ppWhen False _ = empty
ppUnless True _ = empty
ppUnless False doc = doc
+-- | A colour\/style for use with 'coloured'.
+newtype PprColour = PprColour String
+-- Colours
+colType :: PprColour
+colType = PprColour "\27[34m"
+colBold :: PprColour
+colBold = PprColour "\27[;1m"
+colCoerc :: PprColour
+colCoerc = PprColour "\27[34m"
+colDataCon :: PprColour
+colDataCon = PprColour "\27[31m"
+colBinder :: PprColour
+colBinder = PprColour "\27[32m"
+colReset :: PprColour
+colReset = PprColour "\27[0m"
+-- | Apply the given colour\/style for the argument.
+-- Only takes effect if colours are enabled.
+coloured :: PprColour -> SDoc -> SDoc
+-- TODO: coloured _ sdoc ctxt | coloursDisabled = sdoc ctxt
+coloured col@(PprColour c) sdoc =
+ SDoc $ \ctx@SDC{ sdocLastColour = PprColour lc } ->
+ let ctx' = ctx{ sdocLastColour = col } in
+ Pretty.zeroWidthText c Pretty.<> runSDoc sdoc ctx' Pretty.<> Pretty.zeroWidthText lc
+bold :: SDoc -> SDoc
+bold = coloured colBold
+keyword :: SDoc -> SDoc
+keyword = bold
@@ -806,21 +889,23 @@ pprDefiniteTrace str doc x = pprAndThen trace str doc x
pprPanicFastInt :: String -> SDoc -> FastInt
-- ^ Specialization of pprPanic that can be safely used with 'FastInt'
-pprPanicFastInt heading pretty_msg = panicFastInt (show (doc PprDebug))
- where
- doc = text heading <+> pretty_msg
+pprPanicFastInt heading pretty_msg =
+ panicFastInt (show (runSDoc doc (initSDocContext PprDebug)))
+ where
+ doc = text heading <+> pretty_msg
pprAndThen :: (String -> a) -> String -> SDoc -> a
-pprAndThen cont heading pretty_msg = cont (show (doc PprDebug))
- where
+pprAndThen cont heading pretty_msg =
+ cont (show (runSDoc doc (initSDocContext PprDebug)))
+ where
doc = sep [text heading, nest 4 pretty_msg]
assertPprPanic :: String -> Int -> SDoc -> a
-- ^ Panic with an assertation failure, recording the given file and line number.
-- Should typically be accessed with the ASSERT family of macros
assertPprPanic file line msg
- = panic (show (doc PprDebug))
+ = panic (show (runSDoc doc (initSDocContext PprDebug)))
doc = sep [hsep[text "ASSERT failed! file",
text file,
@@ -833,7 +918,7 @@ warnPprTrace :: Bool -> String -> Int -> SDoc -> a -> a
warnPprTrace _ _file _line _msg x | opt_NoDebugOutput = x
warnPprTrace False _file _line _msg x = x
warnPprTrace True file line msg x
- = trace (show (doc defaultDumpStyle)) x
+ = trace (show (runSDoc doc (initSDocContext defaultDumpStyle))) x
doc = sep [hsep [text "WARNING: file", text file, text "line", int line],
diff --git a/compiler/utils/Pretty.lhs b/compiler/utils/Pretty.lhs
index a518c0b6f6..f0ca69cbb9 100644
--- a/compiler/utils/Pretty.lhs
+++ b/compiler/utils/Pretty.lhs
@@ -163,7 +163,7 @@ module Pretty (
empty, isEmpty, nest,
- char, text, ftext, ptext,
+ char, text, ftext, ptext, zeroWidthText,
int, integer, float, double, rational,
parens, brackets, braces, quotes, doubleQuotes,
semi, comma, colon, space, equals,
@@ -224,6 +224,10 @@ The primitive @Doc@ values
empty :: Doc
isEmpty :: Doc -> Bool
+-- | Some text, but without any width. Use for non-printing text
+-- such as a HTML or Latex tags
+zeroWidthText :: String -> Doc
text :: String -> Doc
char :: Char -> Doc
@@ -560,6 +564,7 @@ ftext s = case iUnbox (lengthFS s) of {sl -> textBeside_ (PStr s) sl Empty}
ptext :: LitString -> Doc
ptext s_= case iUnbox (lengthLS s) of {sl -> textBeside_ (LStr s sl) sl Empty}
where s = {-castPtr-} s_
+zeroWidthText s = textBeside_ (Str s) (_ILIT(0)) Empty
#if defined(__GLASGOW_HASKELL__)
-- RULE that turns (text "abc") into (ptext (A# "abc"#)) to avoid the