path: root/compiler/utils
diff options
authorIan Lynagh <>2008-02-18 19:36:45 +0000
committerIan Lynagh <>2008-02-18 19:36:45 +0000
commit5cc2c61d5f286fe327419ea5b4dfc31744585f3a (patch)
tree2ca8f565fa1dbce690e910b4e9e7752199c823b5 /compiler/utils
parent9e572ecf91b1202e03ae318f98da18e6e677b995 (diff)
Fix warnings in Binary
Diffstat (limited to 'compiler/utils')
1 files changed, 25 insertions, 29 deletions
diff --git a/compiler/utils/Binary.hs b/compiler/utils/Binary.hs
index f20ee129d6..ad048b6674 100644
--- a/compiler/utils/Binary.hs
+++ b/compiler/utils/Binary.hs
@@ -1,11 +1,4 @@
{-# OPTIONS -cpp #-}
-{-# OPTIONS -w #-}
--- The above warning supression flag is a temporary kludge.
--- While working on this module you are encouraged to remove it and fix
--- any warnings in the module. See
--- for details
-- (c) The University of Glasgow 2002-2006
@@ -105,19 +98,19 @@ type BinArray = IOUArray Int Word8
data BinHandle
- = BinMem { -- binary data stored in an unboxed array
- bh_usr :: UserData, -- sigh, need parameterized modules :-)
- off_r :: !FastMutInt, -- the current offset
- sz_r :: !FastMutInt, -- size of the array (cached)
- arr_r :: !(IORef BinArray) -- the array (bounds: (0,size-1))
+ = BinMem { -- binary data stored in an unboxed array
+ bh_usr :: UserData, -- sigh, need parameterized modules :-)
+ _off_r :: !FastMutInt, -- the current offset
+ _sz_r :: !FastMutInt, -- size of the array (cached)
+ _arr_r :: !(IORef BinArray) -- the array (bounds: (0,size-1))
-- XXX: should really store a "high water mark" for dumping out
-- the binary data to a file.
| BinIO { -- binary data stored in a file
bh_usr :: UserData,
- off_r :: !FastMutInt, -- the current offset (cached)
- hdl :: !IO.Handle -- the file handle (must be seekable)
+ _off_r :: !FastMutInt, -- the current offset (cached)
+ _hdl :: !IO.Handle -- the file handle (must be seekable)
-- cache the file ptr in BinIO; using hTell is too expensive
-- to call repeatedly. If anyone else is modifying this Handle
@@ -190,22 +183,22 @@ seekBin :: BinHandle -> Bin a -> IO ()
seekBin (BinIO _ ix_r h) (BinPtr p) = do
writeFastMutInt ix_r p
hSeek h AbsoluteSeek (fromIntegral p)
-seekBin h@(BinMem _ ix_r sz_r a) (BinPtr p) = do
+seekBin h@(BinMem _ ix_r sz_r _) (BinPtr p) = do
sz <- readFastMutInt sz_r
if (p >= sz)
then do expandBin h p; writeFastMutInt ix_r p
else writeFastMutInt ix_r p
isEOFBin :: BinHandle -> IO Bool
-isEOFBin (BinMem _ ix_r sz_r a) = do
+isEOFBin (BinMem _ ix_r sz_r _) = do
ix <- readFastMutInt ix_r
sz <- readFastMutInt sz_r
return (ix >= sz)
-isEOFBin (BinIO _ ix_r h) = hIsEOF h
+isEOFBin (BinIO _ _ h) = hIsEOF h
writeBinMem :: BinHandle -> FilePath -> IO ()
writeBinMem (BinIO _ _ _) _ = error "Data.Binary.writeBinMem: not a memory handle"
-writeBinMem (BinMem _ ix_r sz_r arr_r) fn = do
+writeBinMem (BinMem _ ix_r _ arr_r) fn = do
h <- openBinaryFile fn WriteMode
arr <- readIORef arr_r
ix <- readFastMutInt ix_r
@@ -232,7 +225,7 @@ readBinMem filename = do
-- expand the size of the array to include a specified offset
expandBin :: BinHandle -> Int -> IO ()
-expandBin (BinMem _ ix_r sz_r arr_r) off = do
+expandBin (BinMem _ _ sz_r arr_r) off = do
sz <- readFastMutInt sz_r
let sz' = head (dropWhile (<= off) (iterate (* 2) sz))
arr <- readIORef arr_r
@@ -375,8 +368,8 @@ instance Binary Int64 where
-- Instances for standard types
instance Binary () where
- put_ bh () = return ()
- get _ = return ()
+ put_ _ () = return ()
+ get _ = return ()
-- getF bh p = case getBitsF bh 0 p of (_,b) -> ((),b)
instance Binary Bool where
@@ -476,7 +469,7 @@ instance (Binary a, Binary b) => Binary (Either a b) where
instance Binary Integer where
put_ bh (S# i#) = do putByte bh 0; put_ bh (I# i#)
put_ bh (J# s# a#) = do
- p <- putByte bh 1;
+ putByte bh 1
put_ bh (I# s#)
let sz# = sizeofByteArray# a# -- in *bytes*
put_ bh (I# sz#) -- in *bytes*
@@ -618,8 +611,10 @@ newWriteState = do
ud_symtab_map = symtab_map
+noUserData :: a
noUserData = undef "UserData"
+undef :: String -> a
undef s = panic ("Binary.UserData: no " ++ s)
@@ -653,7 +648,8 @@ type SymbolTable = Array Int Name
-- Reading and writing FastStrings
-putFS bh (FastString id l _ buf _) = do
+putFS :: BinHandle -> FastString -> IO ()
+putFS bh (FastString _ l _ buf _) = do
put_ bh l
withForeignPtr buf $ \ptr ->
@@ -672,6 +668,7 @@ getFS bh@BinMem{} = do
off <- readFastMutInt (off_r bh)
return $! (mkFastSubStringBA# arr off l)
+getFS :: BinHandle -> IO FastString
getFS bh = do
l <- get bh
fp <- mallocForeignPtrBytes l
@@ -686,20 +683,19 @@ getFS bh = do
go 0
instance Binary FastString where
- put_ bh f@(FastString id l _ fp _) =
+ put_ bh f =
case getUserData bh of {
UserData { ud_dict_next = j_r,
- ud_dict_map = out_r,
- ud_dict = dict} -> do
+ ud_dict_map = out_r} -> do
out <- readIORef out_r
let uniq = getUnique f
case lookupUFM out uniq of
- Just (j,f) -> put_ bh j
+ Just (j, _) -> put_ bh j
Nothing -> do
j <- readFastMutInt j_r
put_ bh j
- writeFastMutInt j_r (j+1)
- writeIORef out_r $! addToUFM out uniq (j,f)
+ writeFastMutInt j_r (j + 1)
+ writeIORef out_r $! addToUFM out uniq (j, f)
get bh = do