path: root/compiler/utils
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mode: <>2018-05-03 16:20:03 -0400
committerBen Gamari <>2018-05-05 13:09:18 -0400
commit426ae98852be498fa87d10e4c88ba8d726d6b320 (patch)
tree571fe17d77ecd21af3625af661073dd4a5b15a76 /compiler/utils
parent49f594307d0615e6b32d054d39364d85d2d6317e (diff)
Split TrieMap into a general (TrieMap) and core specific (CoreTrieMap) module.
Splitting TrieMap into a general and core specific part allows us to define instances for TrieMap without creating a transitive dependency on CoreSyn. Test Plan: ci Reviewers: goldfire, bgamari, simonmar, simonpj Reviewed By: bgamari, simonpj Subscribers: simonpj, nomeata, thomie, carter GHC Trac Issues: #15082 Differential Revision:
Diffstat (limited to 'compiler/utils')
1 files changed, 405 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/compiler/utils/TrieMap.hs b/compiler/utils/TrieMap.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..917e3b21f6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compiler/utils/TrieMap.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,405 @@
+(c) The University of Glasgow 2006
+(c) The GRASP/AQUA Project, Glasgow University, 1992-1998
+{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE TypeSynonymInstances #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}
+module TrieMap(
+ -- * Maps over 'Maybe' values
+ MaybeMap,
+ -- * Maps over 'List' values
+ ListMap,
+ -- * Maps over 'Literal's
+ LiteralMap,
+ -- * 'TrieMap' class
+ TrieMap(..), insertTM, deleteTM,
+ -- * Things helpful for adding additional Instances.
+ (>.>), (|>), (|>>), XT,
+ foldMaybe,
+ -- * Map for leaf compression
+ GenMap,
+ lkG, xtG, mapG, fdG,
+ xtList, lkList
+ ) where
+import GhcPrelude
+import Literal
+import UniqDFM
+import Unique( Unique )
+import qualified Data.Map as Map
+import qualified Data.IntMap as IntMap
+import Outputable
+import Control.Monad( (>=>) )
+This module implements TrieMaps, which are finite mappings
+whose key is a structured value like a CoreExpr or Type.
+This file implements tries over general data structures.
+Implementation for tries over Core Expressions/Types are
+available in coreSyn/TrieMap.
+The regular pattern for handling TrieMaps on data structures was first
+described (to my knowledge) in Connelly and Morris's 1995 paper "A
+generalization of the Trie Data Structure"; there is also an accessible
+description of the idea in Okasaki's book "Purely Functional Data
+Structures", Section 10.3.2
+* *
+ The TrieMap class
+* *
+type XT a = Maybe a -> Maybe a -- How to alter a non-existent elt (Nothing)
+ -- or an existing elt (Just)
+class TrieMap m where
+ type Key m :: *
+ emptyTM :: m a
+ lookupTM :: forall b. Key m -> m b -> Maybe b
+ alterTM :: forall b. Key m -> XT b -> m b -> m b
+ mapTM :: (a->b) -> m a -> m b
+ foldTM :: (a -> b -> b) -> m a -> b -> b
+ -- The unusual argument order here makes
+ -- it easy to compose calls to foldTM;
+ -- see for example fdE below
+insertTM :: TrieMap m => Key m -> a -> m a -> m a
+insertTM k v m = alterTM k (\_ -> Just v) m
+deleteTM :: TrieMap m => Key m -> m a -> m a
+deleteTM k m = alterTM k (\_ -> Nothing) m
+-- Recall that
+-- Control.Monad.(>=>) :: (a -> Maybe b) -> (b -> Maybe c) -> a -> Maybe c
+(>.>) :: (a -> b) -> (b -> c) -> a -> c
+-- Reverse function composition (do f first, then g)
+infixr 1 >.>
+(f >.> g) x = g (f x)
+infixr 1 |>, |>>
+(|>) :: a -> (a->b) -> b -- Reverse application
+x |> f = f x
+(|>>) :: TrieMap m2
+ => (XT (m2 a) -> m1 (m2 a) -> m1 (m2 a))
+ -> (m2 a -> m2 a)
+ -> m1 (m2 a) -> m1 (m2 a)
+(|>>) f g = f (Just . g . deMaybe)
+deMaybe :: TrieMap m => Maybe (m a) -> m a
+deMaybe Nothing = emptyTM
+deMaybe (Just m) = m
+* *
+ IntMaps
+* *
+instance TrieMap IntMap.IntMap where
+ type Key IntMap.IntMap = Int
+ emptyTM = IntMap.empty
+ lookupTM k m = IntMap.lookup k m
+ alterTM = xtInt
+ foldTM k m z = IntMap.foldr k z m
+ mapTM f m = f m
+xtInt :: Int -> XT a -> IntMap.IntMap a -> IntMap.IntMap a
+xtInt k f m = IntMap.alter f k m
+instance Ord k => TrieMap (Map.Map k) where
+ type Key (Map.Map k) = k
+ emptyTM = Map.empty
+ lookupTM = Map.lookup
+ alterTM k f m = Map.alter f k m
+ foldTM k m z = Map.foldr k z m
+ mapTM f m = f m
+Note [foldTM determinism]
+We want foldTM to be deterministic, which is why we have an instance of
+TrieMap for UniqDFM, but not for UniqFM. Here's an example of some things that
+go wrong if foldTM is nondeterministic. Consider:
+ f a b = return (a <> b)
+Depending on the order that the typechecker generates constraints you
+get either:
+ f :: (Monad m, Monoid a) => a -> a -> m a
+ f :: (Monoid a, Monad m) => a -> a -> m a
+The generated code will be different after desugaring as the dictionaries
+will be bound in different orders, leading to potential ABI incompatibility.
+One way to solve this would be to notice that the typeclasses could be
+sorted alphabetically.
+Unfortunately that doesn't quite work with this example:
+ f a b = let x = a <> a; y = b <> b in x
+where you infer:
+ f :: (Monoid m, Monoid m1) => m1 -> m -> m1
+ f :: (Monoid m1, Monoid m) => m1 -> m -> m1
+Here you could decide to take the order of the type variables in the type
+according to depth first traversal and use it to order the constraints.
+The real trouble starts when the user enables incoherent instances and
+the compiler has to make an arbitrary choice. Consider:
+ class T a b where
+ go :: a -> b -> String
+ instance (Show b) => T Int b where
+ go a b = show a ++ show b
+ instance (Show a) => T a Bool where
+ go a b = show a ++ show b
+ f = go 10 True
+GHC is free to choose either dictionary to implement f, but for the sake of
+determinism we'd like it to be consistent when compiling the same sources
+with the same flags.
+inert_dicts :: DictMap is implemented with a TrieMap. In getUnsolvedInerts it
+gets converted to a bag of (Wanted) Cts using a fold. Then in
+solve_simple_wanteds it's merged with other WantedConstraints. We want the
+conversion to a bag to be deterministic. For that purpose we use UniqDFM
+instead of UniqFM to implement the TrieMap.
+See Note [Deterministic UniqFM] in UniqDFM for more details on how it's made
+instance TrieMap UniqDFM where
+ type Key UniqDFM = Unique
+ emptyTM = emptyUDFM
+ lookupTM k m = lookupUDFM m k
+ alterTM k f m = alterUDFM f m k
+ foldTM k m z = foldUDFM k z m
+ mapTM f m = mapUDFM f m
+* *
+ Maybes
+* *
+If m is a map from k -> val
+then (MaybeMap m) is a map from (Maybe k) -> val
+data MaybeMap m a = MM { mm_nothing :: Maybe a, mm_just :: m a }
+instance TrieMap m => TrieMap (MaybeMap m) where
+ type Key (MaybeMap m) = Maybe (Key m)
+ emptyTM = MM { mm_nothing = Nothing, mm_just = emptyTM }
+ lookupTM = lkMaybe lookupTM
+ alterTM = xtMaybe alterTM
+ foldTM = fdMaybe
+ mapTM = mapMb
+mapMb :: TrieMap m => (a->b) -> MaybeMap m a -> MaybeMap m b
+mapMb f (MM { mm_nothing = mn, mm_just = mj })
+ = MM { mm_nothing = fmap f mn, mm_just = mapTM f mj }
+lkMaybe :: (forall b. k -> m b -> Maybe b)
+ -> Maybe k -> MaybeMap m a -> Maybe a
+lkMaybe _ Nothing = mm_nothing
+lkMaybe lk (Just x) = mm_just >.> lk x
+xtMaybe :: (forall b. k -> XT b -> m b -> m b)
+ -> Maybe k -> XT a -> MaybeMap m a -> MaybeMap m a
+xtMaybe _ Nothing f m = m { mm_nothing = f (mm_nothing m) }
+xtMaybe tr (Just x) f m = m { mm_just = mm_just m |> tr x f }
+fdMaybe :: TrieMap m => (a -> b -> b) -> MaybeMap m a -> b -> b
+fdMaybe k m = foldMaybe k (mm_nothing m)
+ . foldTM k (mm_just m)
+* *
+ Lists
+* *
+data ListMap m a
+ = LM { lm_nil :: Maybe a
+ , lm_cons :: m (ListMap m a) }
+instance TrieMap m => TrieMap (ListMap m) where
+ type Key (ListMap m) = [Key m]
+ emptyTM = LM { lm_nil = Nothing, lm_cons = emptyTM }
+ lookupTM = lkList lookupTM
+ alterTM = xtList alterTM
+ foldTM = fdList
+ mapTM = mapList
+instance (TrieMap m, Outputable a) => Outputable (ListMap m a) where
+ ppr m = text "List elts" <+> ppr (foldTM (:) m [])
+mapList :: TrieMap m => (a->b) -> ListMap m a -> ListMap m b
+mapList f (LM { lm_nil = mnil, lm_cons = mcons })
+ = LM { lm_nil = fmap f mnil, lm_cons = mapTM (mapTM f) mcons }
+lkList :: TrieMap m => (forall b. k -> m b -> Maybe b)
+ -> [k] -> ListMap m a -> Maybe a
+lkList _ [] = lm_nil
+lkList lk (x:xs) = lm_cons >.> lk x >=> lkList lk xs
+xtList :: TrieMap m => (forall b. k -> XT b -> m b -> m b)
+ -> [k] -> XT a -> ListMap m a -> ListMap m a
+xtList _ [] f m = m { lm_nil = f (lm_nil m) }
+xtList tr (x:xs) f m = m { lm_cons = lm_cons m |> tr x |>> xtList tr xs f }
+fdList :: forall m a b. TrieMap m
+ => (a -> b -> b) -> ListMap m a -> b -> b
+fdList k m = foldMaybe k (lm_nil m)
+ . foldTM (fdList k) (lm_cons m)
+foldMaybe :: (a -> b -> b) -> Maybe a -> b -> b
+foldMaybe _ Nothing b = b
+foldMaybe k (Just a) b = k a b
+* *
+ Basic maps
+* *
+type LiteralMap a = Map.Map Literal a
+* *
+ GenMap
+* *
+Note [Compressed TrieMap]
+The GenMap constructor augments TrieMaps with leaf compression. This helps
+solve the performance problem detailed in #9960: suppose we have a handful
+H of entries in a TrieMap, each with a very large key, size K. If you fold over
+such a TrieMap you'd expect time O(H). That would certainly be true of an
+association list! But with TrieMap we actually have to navigate down a long
+singleton structure to get to the elements, so it takes time O(K*H). This
+can really hurt on many type-level computation benchmarks:
+see for example T9872d.
+The point of a TrieMap is that you need to navigate to the point where only one
+key remains, and then things should be fast. So the point of a SingletonMap
+is that, once we are down to a single (key,value) pair, we stop and
+just use SingletonMap.
+'EmptyMap' provides an even more basic (but essential) optimization: if there is
+nothing in the map, don't bother building out the (possibly infinite) recursive
+TrieMap structure!
+Compressed triemaps are heavily used by CoreMap. So we have to mark some things
+as INLINEABLE to permit specialization.
+data GenMap m a
+ = EmptyMap
+ | SingletonMap (Key m) a
+ | MultiMap (m a)
+instance (Outputable a, Outputable (m a)) => Outputable (GenMap m a) where
+ ppr EmptyMap = text "Empty map"
+ ppr (SingletonMap _ v) = text "Singleton map" <+> ppr v
+ ppr (MultiMap m) = ppr m
+-- TODO undecidable instance
+instance (Eq (Key m), TrieMap m) => TrieMap (GenMap m) where
+ type Key (GenMap m) = Key m
+ emptyTM = EmptyMap
+ lookupTM = lkG
+ alterTM = xtG
+ foldTM = fdG
+ mapTM = mapG
+--We want to be able to specialize these functions when defining eg
+--tries over (GenMap CoreExpr) which requires INLINEABLE
+{-# INLINEABLE lkG #-}
+lkG :: (Eq (Key m), TrieMap m) => Key m -> GenMap m a -> Maybe a
+lkG _ EmptyMap = Nothing
+lkG k (SingletonMap k' v') | k == k' = Just v'
+ | otherwise = Nothing
+lkG k (MultiMap m) = lookupTM k m
+{-# INLINEABLE xtG #-}
+xtG :: (Eq (Key m), TrieMap m) => Key m -> XT a -> GenMap m a -> GenMap m a
+xtG k f EmptyMap
+ = case f Nothing of
+ Just v -> SingletonMap k v
+ Nothing -> EmptyMap
+xtG k f m@(SingletonMap k' v')
+ | k' == k
+ -- The new key matches the (single) key already in the tree. Hence,
+ -- apply @f@ to @Just v'@ and build a singleton or empty map depending
+ -- on the 'Just'/'Nothing' response respectively.
+ = case f (Just v') of
+ Just v'' -> SingletonMap k' v''
+ Nothing -> EmptyMap
+ | otherwise
+ -- We've hit a singleton tree for a different key than the one we are
+ -- searching for. Hence apply @f@ to @Nothing@. If result is @Nothing@ then
+ -- we can just return the old map. If not, we need a map with *two*
+ -- entries. The easiest way to do that is to insert two items into an empty
+ -- map of type @m a@.
+ = case f Nothing of
+ Nothing -> m
+ Just v -> emptyTM |> alterTM k' (const (Just v'))
+ >.> alterTM k (const (Just v))
+ >.> MultiMap
+xtG k f (MultiMap m) = MultiMap (alterTM k f m)
+{-# INLINEABLE mapG #-}
+mapG :: TrieMap m => (a -> b) -> GenMap m a -> GenMap m b
+mapG _ EmptyMap = EmptyMap
+mapG f (SingletonMap k v) = SingletonMap k (f v)
+mapG f (MultiMap m) = MultiMap (mapTM f m)
+{-# INLINEABLE fdG #-}
+fdG :: TrieMap m => (a -> b -> b) -> GenMap m a -> b -> b
+fdG _ EmptyMap = \z -> z
+fdG k (SingletonMap _ v) = \z -> k v z
+fdG k (MultiMap m) = foldTM k m