path: root/compiler/utils
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authorPhil Ruffwind <>2017-03-23 20:59:01 -0400
committerBen Gamari <>2017-03-23 22:14:48 -0400
commitadf27d614f8a48d8dcf2d4e2e7872f7b3f818364 (patch)
tree5dae7f8b6ed3caecfceaa220798967291904ed26 /compiler/utils
parent90d9e977224f3bd71bd5d2cc70e16851541346d2 (diff)
Allow colors to be customized
Allow customization of diagnostic colors through the GHC_COLORS environment variable. Some color-related code have been refactored to PprColour to reduce the circular dependence between DynFlags, Outputable, ErrUtils. Some color functions that were part of Outputable but were never used have been deleted. Test Plan: validate Reviewers: austin, hvr, bgamari, dfeuer Reviewed By: bgamari, dfeuer Subscribers: dfeuer, rwbarton, thomie, snowleopard Differential Revision:
Diffstat (limited to 'compiler/utils')
3 files changed, 118 insertions, 72 deletions
diff --git a/compiler/utils/Outputable.hs b/compiler/utils/Outputable.hs
index 8a2afbec79..403c5cef73 100644
--- a/compiler/utils/Outputable.hs
+++ b/compiler/utils/Outputable.hs
@@ -38,9 +38,7 @@ module Outputable (
speakNth, speakN, speakNOf, plural, isOrAre, doOrDoes,
- coloured, bold, keyword, PprColour, colReset, colBold, colBlackFg,
- colRedFg, colGreenFg, colYellowFg, colBlueFg, colMagentaFg, colCyanFg,
- colWhiteFg, colBinder, colCoerc, colDataCon, colType,
+ coloured, keyword,
-- * Converting 'SDoc' into strings and outputing it
printSDoc, printSDocLn, printForUser, printForUserPartWay,
@@ -89,8 +87,7 @@ module Outputable (
import {-# SOURCE #-} DynFlags( DynFlags, hasPprDebug, hasNoDebugOutput,
targetPlatform, pprUserLength, pprCols,
useUnicode, useUnicodeSyntax,
- useColor, canUseColor, overrideWith,
- unsafeGlobalDynFlags )
+ shouldUseColor, unsafeGlobalDynFlags )
import {-# SOURCE #-} Module( UnitId, Module, ModuleName, moduleName )
import {-# SOURCE #-} OccName( OccName )
@@ -99,6 +96,7 @@ import FastString
import qualified Pretty
import Util
import Platform
+import qualified PprColour as Col
import Pretty ( Doc, Mode(..) )
import Panic
import GHC.Serialized
@@ -113,7 +111,6 @@ import Data.Int
import qualified Data.IntMap as IM
import Data.Set (Set)
import qualified Data.Set as Set
-import Data.Monoid (Monoid, mappend, mempty)
import Data.String
import Data.Word
import System.IO ( Handle )
@@ -318,7 +315,7 @@ newtype SDoc = SDoc { runSDoc :: SDocContext -> Doc }
data SDocContext = SDC
{ sdocStyle :: !PprStyle
- , sdocLastColour :: !PprColour
+ , sdocLastColour :: !Col.PprColour
-- ^ The most recently used colour. This allows nesting colours.
, sdocDynFlags :: !DynFlags
@@ -329,7 +326,7 @@ instance IsString SDoc where
initSDocContext :: DynFlags -> PprStyle -> SDocContext
initSDocContext dflags sty = SDC
{ sdocStyle = sty
- , sdocLastColour = colReset
+ , sdocLastColour = Col.colReset
, sdocDynFlags = dflags
@@ -438,7 +435,8 @@ printSDoc :: Mode -> DynFlags -> Handle -> PprStyle -> SDoc -> IO ()
printSDoc mode dflags handle sty doc =
Pretty.printDoc_ mode cols handle (runSDoc doc ctx)
- Pretty.printDoc_ mode cols handle (runSDoc (coloured colReset empty) ctx)
+ Pretty.printDoc_ mode cols handle
+ (runSDoc (coloured Col.colReset empty) ctx)
cols = pprCols dflags
ctx = initSDocContext dflags sty
@@ -721,81 +719,26 @@ ppWhen False _ = empty
ppUnless True _ = empty
ppUnless False doc = doc
--- | A colour\/style for use with 'coloured'.
-newtype PprColour = PprColour String
--- | Allow colours to be combined (e.g. bold + red);
--- In case of conflict, right side takes precedence.
-instance Monoid PprColour where
- mempty = PprColour mempty
- PprColour s1 `mappend` PprColour s2 = PprColour (s1 `mappend` s2)
--- Colours
-colReset :: PprColour
-colReset = PprColour "\27[0m"
-colBold :: PprColour
-colBold = PprColour "\27[;1m"
-colBlackFg :: PprColour
-colBlackFg = PprColour "\27[30m"
-colRedFg :: PprColour
-colRedFg = PprColour "\27[31m"
-colGreenFg :: PprColour
-colGreenFg = PprColour "\27[32m"
-colYellowFg :: PprColour
-colYellowFg = PprColour "\27[33m"
-colBlueFg :: PprColour
-colBlueFg = PprColour "\27[34m"
-colMagentaFg :: PprColour
-colMagentaFg = PprColour "\27[35m"
-colCyanFg :: PprColour
-colCyanFg = PprColour "\27[36m"
-colWhiteFg :: PprColour
-colWhiteFg = PprColour "\27[37m"
-colBinder :: PprColour
-colBinder = colGreenFg
-colCoerc :: PprColour
-colCoerc = colBlueFg
-colDataCon :: PprColour
-colDataCon = colRedFg
-colType :: PprColour
-colType = colBlueFg
-- | Apply the given colour\/style for the argument.
-- Only takes effect if colours are enabled.
-coloured :: PprColour -> SDoc -> SDoc
-coloured col@(PprColour c) sdoc =
+coloured :: Col.PprColour -> SDoc -> SDoc
+coloured col@(Col.PprColour c) sdoc =
sdocWithDynFlags $ \dflags ->
- if overrideWith (canUseColor dflags) (useColor dflags)
- then SDoc $ \ctx@SDC{ sdocLastColour = PprColour lc } ->
+ if shouldUseColor dflags
+ then SDoc $ \ctx@SDC{ sdocLastColour = Col.PprColour lc } ->
case ctx of
SDC{ sdocStyle = PprUser _ _ Coloured } ->
let ctx' = ctx{ sdocLastColour = col } in
- Pretty.zeroWidthText c
+ Pretty.zeroWidthText (cReset ++ c)
Pretty.<> runSDoc sdoc ctx'
- Pretty.<> Pretty.zeroWidthText lc
+ Pretty.<> Pretty.zeroWidthText (cReset ++ lc)
_ -> runSDoc sdoc ctx
else sdoc
-bold :: SDoc -> SDoc
-bold = coloured colBold
+ where Col.PprColour cReset = Col.colReset
keyword :: SDoc -> SDoc
-keyword = bold
+keyword = coloured Col.colBold
diff --git a/compiler/utils/PprColour.hs b/compiler/utils/PprColour.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..1b97303b93
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compiler/utils/PprColour.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
+module PprColour where
+import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)
+import Util (OverridingBool(..), split)
+-- | A colour\/style for use with 'coloured'.
+newtype PprColour = PprColour String
+-- | Allow colours to be combined (e.g. bold + red);
+-- In case of conflict, right side takes precedence.
+instance Monoid PprColour where
+ mempty = PprColour mempty
+ PprColour s1 `mappend` PprColour s2 = PprColour (s1 `mappend` s2)
+colCustom :: String -> PprColour
+colCustom s = PprColour ("\27[" ++ s ++ "m")
+colReset :: PprColour
+colReset = colCustom "0"
+colBold :: PprColour
+colBold = colCustom ";1"
+colBlackFg :: PprColour
+colBlackFg = colCustom "30"
+colRedFg :: PprColour
+colRedFg = colCustom "31"
+colGreenFg :: PprColour
+colGreenFg = colCustom "32"
+colYellowFg :: PprColour
+colYellowFg = colCustom "33"
+colBlueFg :: PprColour
+colBlueFg = colCustom "34"
+colMagentaFg :: PprColour
+colMagentaFg = colCustom "35"
+colCyanFg :: PprColour
+colCyanFg = colCustom "36"
+colWhiteFg :: PprColour
+colWhiteFg = colCustom "37"
+data Scheme =
+ Scheme
+ { sMessage :: PprColour
+ , sWarning :: PprColour
+ , sError :: PprColour
+ , sFatal :: PprColour
+ , sMargin :: PprColour
+ }
+defaultScheme :: Scheme
+defaultScheme =
+ Scheme
+ { sMessage = colBold
+ , sWarning = colBold `mappend` colMagentaFg
+ , sError = colBold `mappend` colRedFg
+ , sFatal = colBold `mappend` colRedFg
+ , sMargin = colBold `mappend` colBlueFg
+ }
+-- | Parse the colour scheme from a string (presumably from the @GHC_COLORS@
+-- environment variable).
+parseScheme :: String -> (OverridingBool, Scheme) -> (OverridingBool, Scheme)
+parseScheme "always" (_, cs) = (Always, cs)
+parseScheme "auto" (_, cs) = (Auto, cs)
+parseScheme "never" (_, cs) = (Never, cs)
+parseScheme input (b, cs) =
+ ( b
+ , Scheme
+ { sMessage = fromMaybe (sMessage cs) (lookup "message" table)
+ , sWarning = fromMaybe (sWarning cs) (lookup "warning" table)
+ , sError = fromMaybe (sError cs) (lookup "error" table)
+ , sFatal = fromMaybe (sFatal cs) (lookup "fatal" table)
+ , sMargin = fromMaybe (sMargin cs) (lookup "margin" table)
+ }
+ )
+ where
+ table = do
+ w <- split ':' input
+ let (k, v') = break (== '=') w
+ case v' of
+ '=' : v -> return (k, colCustom v)
+ _ -> []
diff --git a/compiler/utils/Util.hs b/compiler/utils/Util.hs
index 30026c5016..65445e410c 100644
--- a/compiler/utils/Util.hs
+++ b/compiler/utils/Util.hs
@@ -129,6 +129,10 @@ module Util (
+ -- * Utils for flags
+ OverridingBool(..),
+ overrideWith,
) where
#include "HsVersions.h"
@@ -1358,3 +1362,14 @@ prettyCurrentCallStack = GHC.Stack.showCallStack ?callStack
prettyCurrentCallStack :: HasCallStack => String
prettyCurrentCallStack = "Call stack unavailable"
+data OverridingBool
+ = Auto
+ | Always
+ | Never
+ deriving Show
+overrideWith :: Bool -> OverridingBool -> Bool
+overrideWith b Auto = b
+overrideWith _ Always = True
+overrideWith _ Never = False