path: root/compiler/vectorise
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authorSimon Peyton Jones <>2011-06-22 11:46:03 +0100
committerSimon Peyton Jones <>2011-06-22 11:46:03 +0100
commita9d48fd94ae92b979610f5efe5d66506928118eb (patch)
treef456de82c3eaa4939e5be2c2fc63c809d3a31514 /compiler/vectorise
parent089cc2928c8c0e8107448e62b29b6392a1abe30f (diff)
Remove "silent superclass parameters"
We introduced silent superclass parameters as a way to avoid superclass loops, but we now solve that problem a different way ("derived" superclass constraints carry no evidence). So they aren't needed any more. Apart from being a needless complication, they broke DoCon. Admittedly in a very obscure way, but still the result is hard to explain. To see the details see Trac #5051, with test case typecheck/should_compile/T5051. (The test is nice and small!)
Diffstat (limited to 'compiler/vectorise')
3 files changed, 56 insertions, 61 deletions
diff --git a/compiler/vectorise/Vectorise/Type/PADict.hs b/compiler/vectorise/Vectorise/Type/PADict.hs
index 4c786cf618..3fc2d0aea3 100644
--- a/compiler/vectorise/Vectorise/Type/PADict.hs
+++ b/compiler/vectorise/Vectorise/Type/PADict.hs
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ where
import Vectorise.Monad
import Vectorise.Builtins
import Vectorise.Type.Repr
-import Vectorise.Type.PRepr
+import Vectorise.Type.PRepr( buildPAScAndMethods )
import Vectorise.Utils
import BasicTypes
@@ -18,13 +18,13 @@ import TypeRep
import Id
import Var
import Name
-import FastString
+-- import FastString
-- import Outputable
-- debug = False
-- dtrace s x = if debug then pprTrace "Vectoris.Type.PADict" s x else x
--- | Build the PA dictionary for some type and hoist it to top level.
+-- | Build the PA dictionary function for some type and hoist it to top level.
-- The PA dictionary holds fns that convert values to and from their vectorised representations.
:: TyCon -- ^ tycon of the type being vectorised.
@@ -33,48 +33,47 @@ buildPADict
-> SumRepr -- ^ representation used for the type being vectorised.
-> VM Var -- ^ name of the top-level dictionary function.
-buildPADict vect_tc prepr_tc arr_tc repr
- = polyAbstract tvs $ \args ->
- do
- -- The superclass dictionary is an argument if the tycon is polymorphic
- let mk_super_ty = do
- r <- mkPReprType inst_ty
- pr_cls <- builtin prClass
- return $ PredTy $ ClassP pr_cls [r]
- super_tys <- sequence [mk_super_ty | not (null tvs)]
- super_args <- mapM (newLocalVar (fsLit "pr")) super_tys
- let args' = super_args ++ args
- -- it is constant otherwise
- super_consts <- sequence [prDictOfPReprInstTyCon inst_ty prepr_tc []
- | null tvs]
+-- Recall the definition:
+-- class class PR (PRepr a) => PA a where
+-- toPRepr :: a -> PRepr a
+-- fromPRepr :: PRepr a -> a
+-- toArrPRepr :: PData a -> PData (PRepr a)
+-- fromArrPRepr :: PData (PRepr a) -> PData a
+-- Example:
+-- df :: forall a. PA a -> PA (T a)
+-- df = /\a. \(d:PA a). MkPA ($PR_df a d) ($toPRepr a d) ...
+-- $dPR_df :: forall a. PA a -> PR (PRepr (T a))
+-- $dPR_df = ....
+-- $toRepr :: forall a. PA a -> T a -> PRepr (T a)
+-- $toPRepr = ...
+-- The "..." stuff is filled in by buildPAScAndMethods
- -- Get ids for each of the methods in the dictionary.
- method_ids <- mapM (method args') paMethods
+buildPADict vect_tc prepr_tc arr_tc repr
+ = polyAbstract tvs $ \args -> -- The args are the dictionaries we lambda
+ -- abstract over; and they are put in the
+ -- envt, so when we need a (PA a) we can
+ -- find it in the envt
+ do -- Get ids for each of the methods in the dictionary, including superclass
+ method_ids <- mapM (method args) buildPAScAndMethods
-- Expression to build the dictionary.
pa_dc <- builtin paDataCon
- let dict = mkLams (tvs ++ args')
+ let dict = mkLams (tvs ++ args)
$ mkConApp pa_dc
$ Type inst_ty
- : map Var super_args ++ super_consts
- -- the superclass dictionary is
- -- either lambda-bound or
- -- constant
- ++ map (method_call args') method_ids
+ : map (method_call args) method_ids
-- Build the type of the dictionary function.
pa_cls <- builtin paClass
- let dfun_ty = mkForAllTys tvs
- $ mkFunTys (map varType args')
- (PredTy $ ClassP pa_cls [inst_ty])
+ let dfun_ty = mkForAllTys tvs
+ $ mkFunTys (map varType args)
+ (PredTy $ ClassP pa_cls [inst_ty])
-- Set the unfolding for the inliner.
raw_dfun <- newExportedVar dfun_name dfun_ty
- let dfun_unf = mkDFunUnfolding dfun_ty
- $ map (const $ DFunLamArg 0) super_args
- ++ map DFunConstArg super_consts
- ++ map (DFunPolyArg . Var) method_ids
+ let dfun_unf = mkDFunUnfolding dfun_ty $
+ map (DFunPolyArg . Var) method_ids
dfun = raw_dfun `setIdUnfolding` dfun_unf
`setInlinePragma` dfunInlinePragma
@@ -102,11 +101,3 @@ buildPADict vect_tc prepr_tc arr_tc repr
method_call args id = mkApps (Var id) (map Type arg_tys ++ map Var args)
method_name name = mkVarOcc $ occNameString dfun_name ++ ('$' : name)
-paMethods :: [(String, TyCon -> TyCon -> TyCon -> SumRepr -> VM CoreExpr)]
-paMethods = [("toPRepr", buildToPRepr),
- ("fromPRepr", buildFromPRepr),
- ("toArrPRepr", buildToArrPRepr),
- ("fromArrPRepr", buildFromArrPRepr)]
diff --git a/compiler/vectorise/Vectorise/Type/PRepr.hs b/compiler/vectorise/Vectorise/Type/PRepr.hs
index c30bfed6ed..a7c0a9116e 100644
--- a/compiler/vectorise/Vectorise/Type/PRepr.hs
+++ b/compiler/vectorise/Vectorise/Type/PRepr.hs
@@ -1,10 +1,6 @@
module Vectorise.Type.PRepr
- ( buildPReprTyCon
- , buildToPRepr
- , buildFromPRepr
- , buildToArrPRepr
- , buildFromArrPRepr)
+ ( buildPReprTyCon, buildPAScAndMethods )
import Vectorise.Utils
import Vectorise.Monad
@@ -48,6 +44,28 @@ buildPReprTyCon orig_tc vect_tc repr
tyvars = tyConTyVars vect_tc
+buildPAScAndMethods :: [(String, TyCon -> TyCon -> TyCon -> SumRepr -> VM CoreExpr)]
+-- buildPAScandmethods says how to build the PR superclass and methods of PA
+-- class class PR (PRepr a) => PA a where
+-- toPRepr :: a -> PRepr a
+-- fromPRepr :: PRepr a -> a
+-- toArrPRepr :: PData a -> PData (PRepr a)
+-- fromArrPRepr :: PData (PRepr a) -> PData a
+buildPAScAndMethods = [("PR", buildPRDict),
+ ("toPRepr", buildToPRepr),
+ ("fromPRepr", buildFromPRepr),
+ ("toArrPRepr", buildToArrPRepr),
+ ("fromArrPRepr", buildFromArrPRepr)]
+buildPRDict :: TyCon -> TyCon -> TyCon -> SumRepr -> VM CoreExpr
+buildPRDict vect_tc prepr_tc _ _
+ = prDictOfPReprInstTyCon inst_ty prepr_tc arg_tys
+ where
+ arg_tys = mkTyVarTys (tyConTyVars vect_tc)
+ inst_ty = mkTyConApp vect_tc arg_tys
buildToPRepr :: TyCon -> TyCon -> TyCon -> SumRepr -> VM CoreExpr
buildToPRepr vect_tc repr_tc _ repr
= do
diff --git a/compiler/vectorise/Vectorise/Utils/PADict.hs b/compiler/vectorise/Vectorise/Utils/PADict.hs
index 9c7af44ca9..03a0e3d93d 100644
--- a/compiler/vectorise/Vectorise/Utils/PADict.hs
+++ b/compiler/vectorise/Vectorise/Utils/PADict.hs
@@ -79,18 +79,11 @@ paDictOfType ty
dfun <- maybeCantVectoriseM "No PA dictionary for type constructor"
(ppr tc <+> text "in" <+> ppr ty)
$ lookupTyConPA tc
- super <- super_dict tc ty_args
dicts <- mapM paDictOfType ty_args
- return $ Var dfun `mkTyApps` ty_args `mkApps` super `mkApps` dicts
+ return $ Var dfun `mkTyApps` ty_args `mkApps` dicts
paDictOfTyApp _ _ = failure
- super_dict _ [] = return []
- super_dict tycon ty_args
- = do
- pr <- prDictOfPReprInst (TyConApp tycon ty_args)
- return [pr]
failure = cantVectorise "Can't construct PA dictionary for type" (ppr ty)
paMethod :: (Builtins -> Var) -> String -> Type -> VM CoreExpr
@@ -106,13 +99,6 @@ paMethod method _ ty
dict <- paDictOfType ty
return $ mkApps (Var fn) [Type ty, dict]
--- | Given a type @ty@, return the PR dictionary for @PRepr ty@.
-prDictOfPReprInst :: Type -> VM CoreExpr
-prDictOfPReprInst ty
- = do
- (prepr_tc, prepr_args) <- preprSynTyCon ty
- prDictOfPReprInstTyCon ty prepr_tc prepr_args
-- | Given a type @ty@, its PRepr synonym tycon and its type arguments,
-- return the PR @PRepr ty@. Suppose we have: