path: root/compiler/vectorise
diff options
authorRoman Leshchinskiy <>2007-08-29 14:56:30 +0000
committerRoman Leshchinskiy <>2007-08-29 14:56:30 +0000
commit8e3058a518acedf74306f95f06a7e78cc1145ca6 (patch)
tree4390a09cc1b168e5bfa92a00736cb5ac6de30ed9 /compiler/vectorise
parentbfddbe303f56f1e96b0e4820986699768738beb4 (diff)
Delete dead code
Diffstat (limited to 'compiler/vectorise')
1 files changed, 2 insertions, 75 deletions
diff --git a/compiler/vectorise/VectType.hs b/compiler/vectorise/VectType.hs
index b238199730..c3f83508e0 100644
--- a/compiler/vectorise/VectType.hs
+++ b/compiler/vectorise/VectType.hs
@@ -626,40 +626,10 @@ mkPADFun :: TyCon -> VM Var
mkPADFun vect_tc
= newExportedVar (mkPADFunOcc $ getOccName vect_tc) =<< paDFunType vect_tc
-data Shape = Shape {
- shapeReprTys :: [Type]
- , shapeStrictness :: [StrictnessMark]
- , shapeLength :: [CoreExpr] -> VM CoreExpr
- , shapeReplicate :: CoreExpr -> CoreExpr -> VM [CoreExpr]
- }
-tyConShape :: TyCon -> VM Shape
-tyConShape vect_tc
- | isProductTyCon vect_tc
- = return $ Shape {
- shapeReprTys = [intPrimTy]
- , shapeStrictness = [NotMarkedStrict]
- , shapeLength = \[len] -> return len
- , shapeReplicate = \len _ -> return [len]
- }
- | otherwise
- = do
- repr_ty <- mkPArrayType intTy -- FIXME: we want to unbox this
- return $ Shape {
- shapeReprTys = [repr_ty]
- , shapeStrictness = [MarkedStrict]
- , shapeLength = \[sel] -> lengthPA sel
- , shapeReplicate = \len n -> do
- e <- replicatePA len n
- return [e]
- }
buildTyConBindings :: TyCon -> TyCon -> TyCon -> TyCon -> Var
-> VM [(Var, CoreExpr)]
buildTyConBindings orig_tc vect_tc prepr_tc arr_tc dfun
= do
- shape <- tyConShape vect_tc
repr <- mkRepr vect_tc
vectDataConWorkers repr orig_tc vect_tc arr_tc
dict <- buildPADict repr vect_tc prepr_tc arr_tc dfun
@@ -700,7 +670,6 @@ vectDataConWorkers repr orig_tc vect_tc arr_tc
(lift_data_con tys (concat pre)
(concat post)
(mkDataConTag con))
vect_data_con con = return $ mkConApp con ty_args
lift_data_con tys pre_tys post_tys tag
@@ -708,10 +677,10 @@ vectDataConWorkers repr orig_tc vect_tc arr_tc
len <- builtin liftingContext
args <- mapM (newLocalVar FSLIT("xs"))
=<< mapM mkPArrayType tys
shape <- replicateShape repr (Var len) tag
repr <- mk_arr_repr (Var len) (map Var args)
pre <- mapM emptyPA pre_tys
post <- mapM emptyPA post_tys
@@ -741,48 +710,6 @@ vectDataConWorkers repr orig_tc vect_tc arr_tc
orig_worker = dataConWorkId data_con
-vectDataConWorker :: Shape -> TyCon -> TyCon -> DataCon
- -> DataCon -> DataCon -> [[Type]] -> [[Type]]
- -> VM ()
-vectDataConWorker shape vect_tc arr_tc arr_dc orig_dc vect_dc pre (dc_tys : post)
- = do
- clo <- closedV
- . inBind orig_worker
- . polyAbstract tvs $ \abstract ->
- liftM (abstract . vectorised)
- $ buildClosures tvs [] dc_tys res_ty (liftM2 (,) mk_vect mk_lift)
- worker <- cloneId mkVectOcc orig_worker (exprType clo)
- hoistBinding worker clo
- defGlobalVar orig_worker worker
- return ()
- where
- tvs = tyConTyVars vect_tc
- arg_tys = mkTyVarTys tvs
- res_ty = mkTyConApp vect_tc arg_tys
- orig_worker = dataConWorkId orig_dc
- mk_vect = return . mkConApp vect_dc $ map Type arg_tys
- mk_lift = do
- len <- newLocalVar FSLIT("n") intPrimTy
- arr_tys <- mapM mkPArrayType dc_tys
- args <- mapM (newLocalVar FSLIT("xs")) arr_tys
- shapes <- shapeReplicate shape
- (Var len)
- (mkDataConTag vect_dc)
- empty_pre <- mapM emptyPA (concat pre)
- empty_post <- mapM emptyPA (concat post)
- return . mkLams (len : args)
- . wrapFamInstBody arr_tc arg_tys
- . mkConApp arr_dc
- $ map Type arg_tys ++ shapes
- ++ empty_pre
- ++ map Var args
- ++ empty_post
buildPADict :: Repr -> TyCon -> TyCon -> TyCon -> Var -> VM CoreExpr
buildPADict repr vect_tc prepr_tc arr_tc dfun
= polyAbstract tvs $ \abstract ->