path: root/compiler
diff options
mode: <unknown>2006-11-06 16:02:44 +0000 <unknown>2006-11-06 16:02:44 +0000
commit6f074a37a1546391632863898da3c32bbb7995df (patch)
tree5c3536942cd293990803065481d71ebf431c470a /compiler
parent94b170a053c161d1e0cc4418b37a6a4807872a5f (diff)
Various debugging print changes; nothing exciting
Diffstat (limited to 'compiler')
4 files changed, 20 insertions, 10 deletions
diff --git a/compiler/simplCore/SimplEnv.lhs b/compiler/simplCore/SimplEnv.lhs
index 765fd004d7..c9fb4fbb8b 100644
--- a/compiler/simplCore/SimplEnv.lhs
+++ b/compiler/simplCore/SimplEnv.lhs
@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ module SimplEnv (
setEnclosingCC, getEnclosingCC,
-- Environments
- SimplEnv(..), -- Temp not abstract
+ SimplEnv(..), pprSimplEnv, -- Temp not abstract
mkSimplEnv, extendIdSubst, SimplEnv.extendTvSubst,
zapSubstEnv, setSubstEnv,
getInScope, setInScope, setInScopeSet, modifyInScope, addNewInScopeIds,
@@ -129,6 +129,12 @@ data SimplEnv
+pprSimplEnv :: SimplEnv -> SDoc
+-- Used for debugging; selective
+pprSimplEnv env
+ = vcat [ptext SLIT("TvSubst:") <+> ppr (seTvSubst env),
+ ptext SLIT("IdSubst:") <+> ppr (seIdSubst env) ]
type SimplIdSubst = IdEnv SimplSR -- IdId |--> OutExpr
-- See Note [Extending the Subst] in CoreSubst
@@ -144,10 +150,10 @@ instance Outputable SimplSR where
ppr (DoneId v) = ptext SLIT("DoneId") <+> ppr v
ppr (ContEx tv id e) = vcat [ptext SLIT("ContEx") <+> ppr e {-,
ppr (filter_env tv), ppr (filter_env id) -}]
- where
- fvs = exprFreeVars e
- filter_env env = filterVarEnv_Directly keep env
- keep uniq _ = uniq `elemUFM_Directly` fvs
+ -- where
+ -- fvs = exprFreeVars e
+ -- filter_env env = filterVarEnv_Directly keep env
+ -- keep uniq _ = uniq `elemUFM_Directly` fvs
diff --git a/compiler/simplCore/SimplUtils.lhs b/compiler/simplCore/SimplUtils.lhs
index 60d5eb2ae6..fbe5f18b89 100644
--- a/compiler/simplCore/SimplUtils.lhs
+++ b/compiler/simplCore/SimplUtils.lhs
@@ -28,6 +28,7 @@ import SimplEnv
import DynFlags
import StaticFlags
import CoreSyn
+import PprCore
import CoreFVs
import CoreUtils
import Literal
@@ -120,11 +121,12 @@ instance Outputable LetRhsFlag where
instance Outputable SimplCont where
ppr (Stop ty is_rhs _) = ptext SLIT("Stop") <> brackets (ppr is_rhs) <+> ppr ty
- ppr (ApplyTo dup arg se cont) = (ptext SLIT("ApplyTo") <+> ppr dup <+> ppr arg) $$ ppr cont
+ ppr (ApplyTo dup arg se cont) = ((ptext SLIT("ApplyTo") <+> ppr dup <+> pprParendExpr arg) $$
+ nest 2 (pprSimplEnv se)) $$ ppr cont
ppr (StrictBind b _ _ _ cont) = (ptext SLIT("StrictBind") <+> ppr b) $$ ppr cont
ppr (StrictArg f _ _ cont) = (ptext SLIT("StrictArg") <+> ppr f) $$ ppr cont
ppr (Select dup bndr alts se cont) = (ptext SLIT("Select") <+> ppr dup <+> ppr bndr) $$
- (nest 4 (ppr alts $$ ppr (seIdSubst se))) $$ ppr cont
+ (nest 4 (ppr alts $$ pprSimplEnv se)) $$ ppr cont
ppr (CoerceIt co cont) = (ptext SLIT("CoerceIt") <+> ppr co) $$ ppr cont
data DupFlag = OkToDup | NoDup
diff --git a/compiler/simplCore/Simplify.lhs b/compiler/simplCore/Simplify.lhs
index 1be1ae375c..5b68cc5f5d 100644
--- a/compiler/simplCore/Simplify.lhs
+++ b/compiler/simplCore/Simplify.lhs
@@ -626,8 +626,9 @@ simplExprC env expr cont
simplExprF :: SimplEnv -> InExpr -> SimplCont
-> SimplM (SimplEnv, OutExpr)
-simplExprF env e cont = -- pprTrace "simplExprF" (ppr e $$ ppr cont {- $$ ppr (seIdSubst env) -} $$ ppr (seFloats env) ) $
- simplExprF' env e cont
+simplExprF env e cont
+ = -- pprTrace "simplExprF" (ppr e $$ ppr cont $$ ppr (seTvSubst env) $$ ppr (seIdSubst env) {- $$ ppr (seFloats env) -} ) $
+ simplExprF' env e cont
simplExprF' env (Var v) cont = simplVar env v cont
simplExprF' env (Lit lit) cont = rebuild env (Lit lit) cont
diff --git a/compiler/specialise/Rules.lhs b/compiler/specialise/Rules.lhs
index 0a06854237..1ab02bb4fb 100644
--- a/compiler/specialise/Rules.lhs
+++ b/compiler/specialise/Rules.lhs
@@ -231,7 +231,8 @@ matchRules is_active in_scope fn args rules
go ms [] = ms
go ms (r:rs) = case (matchRule is_active in_scope args rough_args r) of
Just e -> go ((r,e):ms) rs
- Nothing -> -- pprTrace "Failed match" ((ppr r) $$ (ppr args)) $
+ Nothing -> -- pprTrace "match failed" (ppr r $$ ppr args $$
+ -- ppr [(arg_id, unfoldingTemplate unf) | Var arg_id <- args, let unf = idUnfolding arg_id, isCheapUnfolding unf] )
go ms rs
findBest :: (Id, [CoreExpr])