path: root/compiler
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authorManuel M T Chakravarty <>2008-09-16 05:51:36 +0000
committerManuel M T Chakravarty <>2008-09-16 05:51:36 +0000
commit447c0b257a0e8df3b79422b17ec2cf1d952027f3 (patch)
treef48f375aef3441d4d225b363970220235a422e63 /compiler
parent7ef52f1d8104b990b2f0b2da240f45ecf2de7bf0 (diff)
Type families: apply flattening coercions in the right order
Diffstat (limited to 'compiler')
1 files changed, 37 insertions, 17 deletions
diff --git a/compiler/typecheck/TcTyFuns.lhs b/compiler/typecheck/TcTyFuns.lhs
index e1270cd6d8..41432e6063 100644
--- a/compiler/typecheck/TcTyFuns.lhs
+++ b/compiler/typecheck/TcTyFuns.lhs
@@ -269,6 +269,10 @@ emptyEqConfig = EqConfig
, binds = emptyBag
, skolems = emptyVarSet
+instance Outputable EqConfig where
+ ppr (EqConfig {eqs = eqs, locals = locals, wanteds = wanteds, binds = binds})
+ = vcat [ppr eqs, ppr locals, ppr wanteds, ppr binds]
The set of operations on an equality configuration. We obtain the initialise
@@ -284,7 +288,7 @@ no further propoagation is possible.
normaliseEqs :: [Inst] -> TcM EqConfig
normaliseEqs eqs
= do { ASSERTM2( allM isValidWantedEqInst eqs, ppr eqs )
- ; traceTc $ ptext (sLit "normaliseEqs")
+ ; traceTc $ ptext (sLit "Entering normaliseEqs")
; (eqss, skolemss) <- mapAndUnzipM normEqInst eqs
; return $ emptyEqConfig { eqs = concat eqss
@@ -300,7 +304,7 @@ normaliseEqs eqs
normaliseDicts :: Bool -> [Inst] -> TcM EqConfig
normaliseDicts isWanted insts
- = do { traceTc $ ptext (sLit "normaliseDicts") <+>
+ = do { traceTc $ ptext (sLit "Entering normaliseDicts") <+>
ptext (if isWanted then sLit "[Wanted]" else sLit "[Local]")
; (insts', eqss, bindss, skolemss) <- mapAndUnzip4M (normDict isWanted)
@@ -316,7 +320,9 @@ normaliseDicts isWanted insts
propagateEqs :: EqConfig -> TcM EqConfig
propagateEqs eqCfg@(EqConfig {eqs = todoEqs})
- = do { traceTc $ ptext (sLit "propagateEqs")
+ = do { traceTc $ hang (ptext (sLit "Entering propagateEqs:"))
+ 4 (ppr eqCfg)
; propagate todoEqs (eqCfg {eqs = []})
@@ -433,6 +439,20 @@ deriveEqInst rewrite ty1 ty2 co
swapped = rwi_swapped rewrite
(left, right) = if not swapped then (ty1, ty2) else (ty2, ty1)
+instance Outputable RewriteInst where
+ ppr (RewriteFam {rwi_fam = fam, rwi_args = args, rwi_right = rhs, rwi_co =co})
+ = hsep [ ppr co <+> text "::"
+ , ppr (mkTyConApp fam args)
+ , text "~>"
+ , ppr rhs
+ ]
+ ppr (RewriteVar {rwi_var = tv, rwi_right = rhs, rwi_co =co})
+ = hsep [ ppr co <+> text "::"
+ , ppr tv
+ , text "~>"
+ , ppr rhs
+ ]
The following functions turn an arbitrary equality into a set of normal
@@ -481,9 +501,9 @@ normEqInst inst
= do { (ty1', co1, ty1_eqs, ty1_skolems) <- flattenType inst ty1
; (ty2', co2, ty2_eqs, ty2_skolems) <- flattenType inst ty2
; let ty12_eqs = ty1_eqs ++ ty2_eqs
- rewriteCo = co1 `mkTransCoercion` mkSymCoercion co2
+ sym_co2 = mkSymCoercion co2
eqTys = (ty1', ty2')
- ; (co', ty12_eqs') <- adjustCoercions co rewriteCo eqTys ty12_eqs
+ ; (co', ty12_eqs') <- adjustCoercions co co1 sym_co2 eqTys ty12_eqs
; eqs <- checkOrientation ty1' ty2' co' inst
; if isLoopyEquality eqs ty12_eqs'
then do { if isWantedCo (tci_co inst)
@@ -503,11 +523,11 @@ normEqInst inst
= do { (args', cargs, args_eqss, args_skolemss)
<- mapAndUnzip4M (flattenType inst) args
; (ty2', co2, ty2_eqs, ty2_skolems) <- flattenType inst ty2
- ; let rewriteCo = mkTyConApp con cargs `mkTransCoercion`
- mkSymCoercion co2
+ ; let co1 = mkTyConApp con cargs
+ sym_co2 = mkSymCoercion co2
all_eqs = concat args_eqss ++ ty2_eqs
eqTys = (mkTyConApp con args', ty2')
- ; (co', all_eqs') <- adjustCoercions co rewriteCo eqTys all_eqs
+ ; (co', all_eqs') <- adjustCoercions co co1 sym_co2 eqTys all_eqs
; let thisRewriteFam = RewriteFam
{ rwi_fam = con
, rwi_args = args'
@@ -712,7 +732,8 @@ flattenType inst ty
= panic "TcTyFuns.flattenType: unexpected PredType"
adjustCoercions :: EqInstCo -- coercion of original equality
- -> Coercion -- coercion witnessing the rewrite
+ -> Coercion -- coercion witnessing the left rewrite
+ -> Coercion -- coercion witnessing the right rewrite
-> (Type, Type) -- types of flattened equality
-> [RewriteInst] -- equalities from flattening
-> TcM (EqInstCo, -- coercion for flattened equality
@@ -720,17 +741,17 @@ adjustCoercions :: EqInstCo -- coercion of original equality
-- Depending on whether we flattened a local or wanted equality, that equality's
-- coercion and that of the new equalities produced during flattening are
-- adjusted .
-adjustCoercions co rewriteCo eqTys all_eqs
+adjustCoercions (Left cotv) co1 co2 (ty_l, ty_r) all_eqs
-- wanted => generate a fresh coercion variable for the flattened equality
- | isWantedCo co
- = do { co' <- mkRightTransEqInstCo co rewriteCo eqTys
- ; return (co', all_eqs)
+ = do { cotv' <- newMetaCoVar ty_l ty_r
+ ; writeMetaTyVar cotv $
+ (co1 `mkTransCoercion` TyVarTy cotv' `mkTransCoercion` co2)
+ ; return (Left cotv', all_eqs)
+adjustCoercions co@(Right _) _co1 _co2 _eqTys all_eqs
-- local => turn all new equalities into locals and update (but not zonk)
-- the skolem
- | otherwise
= do { all_eqs' <- mapM wantedToLocal all_eqs
; return (co, all_eqs')
@@ -1059,8 +1080,7 @@ substitute eqs locals wanteds = subst eqs [] emptyBag locals wanteds
coSubst tySubst isWanted dict
| isClassDict dict
, tv `elemVarSet` tyVarsOfPred (tci_pred dict)
- = do { let co1Subst = mkSymCoercion $
- PredTy (substPred coSubst (tci_pred dict))
+ = do { let co1Subst = PredTy (substPred coSubst (tci_pred dict))
pred' = substPred tySubst (tci_pred dict)
; (dict', binds) <- mkDictBind dict isWanted co1Subst pred'
; return (binds, dict')