path: root/compiler
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authorNorman Ramsey <>2007-09-11 15:45:33 +0000
committerNorman Ramsey <>2007-09-11 15:45:33 +0000
commitc105c74926393accbccf8a826714fde8d6440370 (patch)
treeedb3fe8c992cc935a128741a0abb4a0b086f4637 /compiler
parentc0a5a5d2e41341046aaf37c1d2155372e7ed3ee8 (diff)
scrape some unused barnacles off of ZipCfg and put them into ZipCfgExtras
Diffstat (limited to 'compiler')
3 files changed, 104 insertions, 69 deletions
diff --git a/compiler/cmm/ZipCfg.hs b/compiler/cmm/ZipCfg.hs
index 0c2b84b0fe..e9d474de37 100644
--- a/compiler/cmm/ZipCfg.hs
+++ b/compiler/cmm/ZipCfg.hs
@@ -9,22 +9,30 @@ module ZipCfg
, LastNode, mkBranchNode, isBranchNode, branchNodeTarget
-- Observers and transformers
- , entry, exit, focus, focusp, unfocus
- , blockId, zip, unzip, last, goto_end, ht_to_first, ht_to_last, zipht
- , tailOfLast
- , splice_head, splice_tail, splice_head_only, splice_focus_entry
- , splice_focus_exit, remove_entry_label
+ , blockId, zip, unzip, last, goto_end, zipht, tailOfLast
+ , remove_entry_label
+ , splice_tail, splice_head, splice_head_only
, of_block_list, to_block_list
+ , map_nodes
, postorder_dfs
- , fold_layout, fold_blocks
- , fold_fwd_block, foldM_fwd_block
- , map_nodes, translate
+ , fold_layout
+ , fold_blocks
+ , translate
, pprLgraph
+ {-
+ -- the following functions might one day be useful and can be found
+ -- either below or in ZipCfgExtras:
+ , entry, exit, focus, focusp, unfocus
+ , ht_to_first, ht_to_last,
+ , splice_focus_entry, splice_focus_exit
+ , fold_fwd_block, foldM_fwd_block
+ -}
-import Maybes
import Outputable hiding (empty)
import Panic
import Prelude hiding (zip, unzip, last)
@@ -111,21 +119,6 @@ fourth representation that is asymptotically optimal for such construction.
-entry :: LGraph m l -> FGraph m l -- focus on edge out of entry node
-exit :: LGraph m l -> FGraph m l -- focus on edge into default exit node
- -- (fails if there isn't one)
-focus :: BlockId -> LGraph m l -> FGraph m l -- focus on edge out of node with id
-focusp :: (Block m l -> Bool) -> LGraph m l -> Maybe (FGraph m l)
- -- focus on start of block satisfying predicate
-unfocus :: FGraph m l -> LGraph m l -- lose focus
--- | We can insert a single-entry, single-exit subgraph at
--- the current focus.
--- The new focus can be at either the entry edge or the exit edge.
-splice_focus_entry :: FGraph m l -> LGraph m l -> FGraph m l
-splice_focus_exit :: FGraph m l -> LGraph m l -> FGraph m l
--------------- Representation --------------------
-- | A basic block is a [[first]] node, followed by zero or more [[middle]]
@@ -269,18 +262,6 @@ instance LastNode l => HavingSuccessors (Block m l) where
succs b = succs (unzip b)
-------------------- Observing nodes
--- | Fold from first to last
-fold_fwd_block ::
- (BlockId -> a -> a) -> (m -> a -> a) -> (ZLast l -> a -> a) ->
- Block m l -> a -> a
--- | iterate from first to last
-foldM_fwd_block ::
- Monad m => (BlockId -> a -> m a) -> (mid -> a -> m a) -> (ZLast l -> a -> m a) ->
- Block mid l -> a -> m a
-- ================ IMPLEMENTATION ================--
blockId (Block id _) = id
@@ -313,14 +294,12 @@ last (ZBlock _ t) = lastt t
where lastt (ZLast l) = l
lastt (ZTail _ t) = lastt t
+focus :: BlockId -> LGraph m l -> FGraph m l -- focus on edge out of node with id
focus id (LGraph entry blocks) =
case lookupBlockEnv blocks id of
Just b -> FGraph entry (unzip b) (delFromUFM blocks id)
Nothing -> panic "asked for nonexistent block in flow graph"
-focusp p (LGraph entry blocks) =
- fmap (\(b, bs) -> FGraph entry (unzip b) bs) (splitp_blocks p blocks)
splitp_blocks :: (Block m l -> Bool) -> BlockEnv (Block m l) ->
Maybe (Block m l, BlockEnv (Block m l))
splitp_blocks p blocks = lift $ foldUFM scan (Nothing, emptyBlockEnv) blocks
@@ -332,12 +311,6 @@ splitp_blocks p blocks = lift $ foldUFM scan (Nothing, emptyBlockEnv) blocks
lift (Nothing, _) = Nothing
lift (Just b, bs) = Just (b, bs)
-entry g@(LGraph eid _) = focus eid g
-exit g@(LGraph eid _) = FGraph eid (ZBlock h (ZLast l)) others
- where FGraph _ b others = focusp is_exit g `orElse` panic "no exit in flow graph"
- (h, l) = goto_end b
is_exit :: Block m l -> Bool
is_exit b = case last (unzip b) of { LastExit -> True; _ -> False }
@@ -350,8 +323,6 @@ insertBlock b bs =
Just _ -> panic ("duplicate labels " ++ show id ++ " in ZipCfg graph")
where id = blockId b
-unfocus (FGraph e bz bs) = LGraph e (insertBlock (zip bz) bs)
check_single_exit :: LGraph l m -> a -> a
check_single_exit g =
let check block found = case last (unzip block) of
@@ -366,6 +337,11 @@ check_single_exit g =
freshBlockId :: String -> UniqSM BlockId
freshBlockId _ = do { u <- getUniqueUs; return $ BlockId u }
+entry :: LGraph m l -> FGraph m l -- focus on edge out of entry node
+entry g@(LGraph eid _) = focus eid g
postorder_dfs g@(LGraph _ blocks) =
let FGraph _ eblock _ = entry g
in vnode (zip eblock) (\acc _visited -> acc) [] emptyBlockSet
@@ -395,14 +371,6 @@ fold_layout f z g@(LGraph eid _) = fold (postorder_dfs g) z
if id == eid then panic "entry as successor"
else Just id
-fold_fwd_block first middle last (Block id t) z = tail t (first id z)
- where tail (ZTail m t) z = tail t (middle m z)
- tail (ZLast l) z = last l z
-foldM_fwd_block first middle last (Block id t) z = do { z <- first id z; tail t z }
- where tail (ZTail m t) z = do { z <- middle m z; tail t z }
- tail (ZLast l) z = last l z
fold_blocks f z (LGraph _ blocks) = foldUFM f z blocks
map_nodes idm middle last (LGraph eid blocks) = LGraph (idm eid) (mapUFM block blocks)
@@ -465,14 +433,6 @@ splice_tail g tail =
(entry, LGraph (gr_entry g) (insertBlock (zipht exit tail) others))
in prepare_for_splicing g splice_one_block splice_many_blocks
-splice_focus_entry (FGraph eid (ZBlock head tail) blocks) g =
- let (tail', g') = splice_tail g tail in
- FGraph eid (ZBlock head tail') (plusUFM (gr_blocks g') blocks)
-splice_focus_exit (FGraph eid (ZBlock head tail) blocks) g =
- let (g', head') = splice_head head g in
- FGraph eid (ZBlock head' tail) (plusUFM (gr_blocks g') blocks)
splice_head_only head g =
let FGraph eid gentry gblocks = entry g
in case gentry of
diff --git a/compiler/cmm/ZipCfgCmmRep.hs b/compiler/cmm/ZipCfgCmmRep.hs
index 71e206e4f6..4c35a92591 100644
--- a/compiler/cmm/ZipCfgCmmRep.hs
+++ b/compiler/cmm/ZipCfgCmmRep.hs
@@ -157,12 +157,7 @@ instance Outputable Convention where
instance DF.DebugNodes Middle Last
instance Outputable CmmGraph where
- ppr = pprCmmGraphAsRep
-pprCmmGraphAsRep :: CmmGraph -> SDoc
-pprCmmGraphAsRep g = vcat (map ppr_block blocks)
- where blocks = postorder_dfs g
- ppr_block (Block id tail) = hang (ppr id <> colon) 4 (ppr tail)
+ ppr = pprLgraph
pprMiddle :: Middle -> SDoc
pprMiddle stmt = (case stmt of
diff --git a/compiler/cmm/ZipCfgExtras.hs b/compiler/cmm/ZipCfgExtras.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..1cd2fa9e20
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compiler/cmm/ZipCfgExtras.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,80 @@
+{-# OPTIONS -Wall -fno-warn-name-shadowing #-}
+-- This module contains code related to the zipcfg representation.
+-- The code either has been used or has been thought to be useful
+-- within the Quick C-- compiler, but as yet no use has been found for
+-- it within GHC. This module should therefore be considered to be
+-- full of code that need not be maintained. Should a function in
+-- this module prove useful, it should not be exported, but rather
+-- should be migrated back into ZipCfg (or possibly ZipCfgUtil), where
+-- it can be maintained.
+module ZipCfgExtras
+ ()
+import Maybes
+import Panic
+import ZipCfg
+import UniqFM
+import Prelude hiding (zip, unzip, last)
+exit :: LGraph m l -> FGraph m l -- focus on edge into default exit node
+ -- (fails if there isn't one)
+focusp :: (Block m l -> Bool) -> LGraph m l -> Maybe (FGraph m l)
+ -- focus on start of block satisfying predicate
+unfocus :: FGraph m l -> LGraph m l -- lose focus
+-- | We can insert a single-entry, single-exit subgraph at
+-- the current focus.
+-- The new focus can be at either the entry edge or the exit edge.
+splice_focus_entry :: FGraph m l -> LGraph m l -> FGraph m l
+splice_focus_exit :: FGraph m l -> LGraph m l -> FGraph m l
+_unused :: ()
+_unused = all `seq` ()
+ where all = ( exit, focusp, unfocus, splice_focus_entry, splice_focus_exit
+ , fold_fwd_block, foldM_fwd_block (\_ a -> Just a)
+ )
+unfocus (FGraph e bz bs) = LGraph e (insertBlock (zip bz) bs)
+focusp p (LGraph entry blocks) =
+ fmap (\(b, bs) -> FGraph entry (unzip b) bs) (splitp_blocks p blocks)
+exit g@(LGraph eid _) = FGraph eid (ZBlock h (ZLast l)) others
+ where FGraph _ b others = focusp is_exit g `orElse` panic "no exit in flow graph"
+ (h, l) = goto_end b
+splice_focus_entry (FGraph eid (ZBlock head tail) blocks) g =
+ let (tail', g') = splice_tail g tail in
+ FGraph eid (ZBlock head tail') (plusUFM (gr_blocks g') blocks)
+splice_focus_exit (FGraph eid (ZBlock head tail) blocks) g =
+ let (g', head') = splice_head head g in
+ FGraph eid (ZBlock head' tail) (plusUFM (gr_blocks g') blocks)
+-- | Fold from first to last
+fold_fwd_block ::
+ (BlockId -> a -> a) -> (m -> a -> a) -> (ZLast l -> a -> a) ->
+ Block m l -> a -> a
+fold_fwd_block first middle last (Block id t) z = tail t (first id z)
+ where tail (ZTail m t) z = tail t (middle m z)
+ tail (ZLast l) z = last l z
+-- | iterate from first to last
+foldM_fwd_block ::
+ Monad m => (BlockId -> a -> m a) -> (mid -> a -> m a) -> (ZLast l -> a -> m a) ->
+ Block mid l -> a -> m a
+foldM_fwd_block first middle last (Block id t) z = do { z <- first id z; tail t z }
+ where tail (ZTail m t) z = do { z <- middle m z; tail t z }
+ tail (ZLast l) z = last l z
+splitp_blocks :: (Block m l -> Bool) -> BlockEnv (Block m l) ->
+ Maybe (Block m l, BlockEnv (Block m l))
+splitp_blocks = undefined -- implemented in ZipCfg but not exported
+is_exit :: Block m l -> Bool
+is_exit = undefined -- implemented in ZipCfg but not exported