path: root/compiler
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authorRyan Scott <>2019-07-12 10:47:05 -0400
committerMarge Bot <>2019-07-26 00:57:02 -0400
commit30b6f391801d58e364f79df5da2cf9f02be2ba5f (patch)
treef11e81851c126fa689c60f157ec768bebe1fe35b /compiler
parentb9c99df1a4cdd23bcd26db7ae6ee7ee6464d654e (diff)
Banish reportFloatingViaTvs to the shadow realm (#15831, #16181)
GHC used to reject programs of this form: ``` newtype Age = MkAge Int deriving Eq via Const Int a ``` That's because an earlier implementation of `DerivingVia` would generate the following instance: ``` instance Eq Age where (==) = coerce @(Const Int a -> Const Int a -> Bool) @(Age -> Age -> Bool) (==) ``` Note that the `a` in `Const Int a` is not bound anywhere, which causes all sorts of issues. I figured that no one would ever want to write code like this anyway, so I simply banned "floating" `via` type variables like `a`, checking for their presence in the aptly named `reportFloatingViaTvs` function. `reportFloatingViaTvs` ended up being implemented in a subtly incorrect way, as #15831 demonstrates. Following counsel with the sage of gold fire, I decided to abandon `reportFloatingViaTvs` entirely and opt for a different approach that would _accept_ the instance above. This is because GHC now generates this instance instead: ``` instance forall a. Eq Age where (==) = coerce @(Const Int a -> Const Int a -> Bool) @(Age -> Age -> Bool) (==) ``` Notice that we now explicitly quantify the `a` in `instance forall a. Eq Age`, so everything is peachy scoping-wise. See `Note [Floating `via` type variables]` in `TcDeriv` for the full scoop. A pleasant benefit of this refactoring is that it made it much easier to catch the problem observed in #16181, so this patch fixes that issue too. Fixes #15831. Fixes #16181.
Diffstat (limited to 'compiler')
3 files changed, 168 insertions, 140 deletions
diff --git a/compiler/hsSyn/HsDecls.hs b/compiler/hsSyn/HsDecls.hs
index bd0bcb527d..3cac82ed2f 100644
--- a/compiler/hsSyn/HsDecls.hs
+++ b/compiler/hsSyn/HsDecls.hs
@@ -47,7 +47,8 @@ module HsDecls (
-- ** Standalone deriving declarations
DerivDecl(..), LDerivDecl,
-- ** Deriving strategies
- DerivStrategy(..), LDerivStrategy, derivStrategyName,
+ DerivStrategy(..), LDerivStrategy,
+ derivStrategyName, foldDerivStrategy, mapDerivStrategy,
-- ** @RULE@ declarations
@@ -1936,6 +1937,21 @@ derivStrategyName = text . go
go NewtypeStrategy = "newtype"
go (ViaStrategy {}) = "via"
+-- | Eliminate a 'DerivStrategy'.
+foldDerivStrategy :: (p ~ GhcPass pass)
+ => r -> (XViaStrategy p -> r) -> DerivStrategy p -> r
+foldDerivStrategy other _ StockStrategy = other
+foldDerivStrategy other _ AnyclassStrategy = other
+foldDerivStrategy other _ NewtypeStrategy = other
+foldDerivStrategy _ via (ViaStrategy t) = via t
+-- | Map over the @via@ type if dealing with 'ViaStrategy'. Otherwise,
+-- return the 'DerivStrategy' unchanged.
+mapDerivStrategy :: (p ~ GhcPass pass)
+ => (XViaStrategy p -> XViaStrategy p)
+ -> DerivStrategy p -> DerivStrategy p
+mapDerivStrategy f ds = foldDerivStrategy ds (ViaStrategy . f) ds
* *
diff --git a/compiler/rename/RnSource.hs b/compiler/rename/RnSource.hs
index aea4b0d5eb..8f85fac28b 100644
--- a/compiler/rename/RnSource.hs
+++ b/compiler/rename/RnSource.hs
@@ -971,8 +971,7 @@ rnSrcDerivDecl (DerivDecl _ ty mds overlap)
= do { standalone_deriv_ok <- xoptM LangExt.StandaloneDeriving
; unless standalone_deriv_ok (addErr standaloneDerivErr)
; (mds', ty', fvs)
- <- rnLDerivStrategy DerivDeclCtx mds $ \strat_tvs ppr_via_ty ->
- rnAndReportFloatingViaTvs strat_tvs loc ppr_via_ty "instance" $
+ <- rnLDerivStrategy DerivDeclCtx mds $
rnHsSigWcType BindUnlessForall DerivDeclCtx ty
; warnNoDerivStrat mds' loc
; return (DerivDecl noExtField ty' mds' overlap, fvs) }
@@ -1725,20 +1724,12 @@ rnLHsDerivingClause doc
, deriv_clause_strategy = dcs
, deriv_clause_tys = (dL->L loc' dct) }))
= do { (dcs', dct', fvs)
- <- rnLDerivStrategy doc dcs $ \strat_tvs ppr_via_ty ->
- mapFvRn (rn_deriv_ty strat_tvs ppr_via_ty) dct
+ <- rnLDerivStrategy doc dcs $ mapFvRn (rnHsSigType doc) dct
; warnNoDerivStrat dcs' loc
; pure ( cL loc (HsDerivingClause { deriv_clause_ext = noExtField
, deriv_clause_strategy = dcs'
, deriv_clause_tys = cL loc' dct' })
, fvs ) }
- where
- rn_deriv_ty :: [Name] -> SDoc -> LHsSigType GhcPs
- -> RnM (LHsSigType GhcRn, FreeVars)
- rn_deriv_ty strat_tvs ppr_via_ty deriv_ty@(HsIB {hsib_body = dL->L loc _}) =
- rnAndReportFloatingViaTvs strat_tvs loc ppr_via_ty "class" $
- rnHsSigType doc deriv_ty
- rn_deriv_ty _ _ (XHsImplicitBndrs nec) = noExtCon nec
rnLHsDerivingClause _ (dL->L _ (XHsDerivingClause nec))
= noExtCon nec
rnLHsDerivingClause _ _ = panic "rnLHsDerivingClause: Impossible Match"
@@ -1747,20 +1738,19 @@ rnLHsDerivingClause _ _ = panic "rnLHsDerivingClause: Impossible Match"
rnLDerivStrategy :: forall a.
-> Maybe (LDerivStrategy GhcPs)
- -> ([Name] -- The tyvars bound by the via type
- -> SDoc -- The pretty-printed via type (used for
- -- error message reporting)
- -> RnM (a, FreeVars))
+ -> RnM (a, FreeVars)
-> RnM (Maybe (LDerivStrategy GhcRn), a, FreeVars)
rnLDerivStrategy doc mds thing_inside
= case mds of
Nothing -> boring_case Nothing
- Just ds -> do (ds', thing, fvs) <- rn_deriv_strat ds
- pure (Just ds', thing, fvs)
+ Just (dL->L loc ds) ->
+ setSrcSpan loc $ do
+ (ds', thing, fvs) <- rn_deriv_strat ds
+ pure (Just (cL loc ds'), thing, fvs)
- rn_deriv_strat :: LDerivStrategy GhcPs
- -> RnM (LDerivStrategy GhcRn, a, FreeVars)
- rn_deriv_strat (dL->L loc ds) = do
+ rn_deriv_strat :: DerivStrategy GhcPs
+ -> RnM (DerivStrategy GhcRn, a, FreeVars)
+ rn_deriv_strat ds = do
let extNeeded :: LangExt.Extension
| ViaStrategy{} <- ds
@@ -1772,9 +1762,9 @@ rnLDerivStrategy doc mds thing_inside
failWith $ illegalDerivStrategyErr ds
case ds of
- StockStrategy -> boring_case (cL loc StockStrategy)
- AnyclassStrategy -> boring_case (cL loc AnyclassStrategy)
- NewtypeStrategy -> boring_case (cL loc NewtypeStrategy)
+ StockStrategy -> boring_case StockStrategy
+ AnyclassStrategy -> boring_case AnyclassStrategy
+ NewtypeStrategy -> boring_case NewtypeStrategy
ViaStrategy via_ty ->
do (via_ty', fvs1) <- rnHsSigType doc via_ty
let HsIB { hsib_ext = via_imp_tvs
@@ -1782,65 +1772,13 @@ rnLDerivStrategy doc mds thing_inside
(via_exp_tv_bndrs, _, _) = splitLHsSigmaTy via_body
via_exp_tvs = hsLTyVarNames via_exp_tv_bndrs
via_tvs = via_imp_tvs ++ via_exp_tvs
- (thing, fvs2) <- extendTyVarEnvFVRn via_tvs $
- thing_inside via_tvs (ppr via_ty')
- pure (cL loc (ViaStrategy via_ty'), thing, fvs1 `plusFV` fvs2)
- boring_case :: mds
- -> RnM (mds, a, FreeVars)
- boring_case mds = do
- (thing, fvs) <- thing_inside [] empty
- pure (mds, thing, fvs)
--- | Errors if a @via@ type binds any floating type variables.
--- See @Note [Floating `via` type variables]@
- :: forall a. Outputable a
- => [Name] -- ^ The bound type variables from a @via@ type.
- -> SrcSpan -- ^ The source span (for error reporting only).
- -> SDoc -- ^ The pretty-printed @via@ type (for error reporting only).
- -> String -- ^ A description of what the @via@ type scopes over
- -- (for error reporting only).
- -> RnM (a, FreeVars) -- ^ The thing the @via@ type scopes over.
- -> RnM (a, FreeVars)
-rnAndReportFloatingViaTvs tv_names loc ppr_via_ty via_scope_desc thing_inside
- = do (thing, thing_fvs) <- thing_inside
- setSrcSpan loc $ mapM_ (report_floating_via_tv thing thing_fvs) tv_names
- pure (thing, thing_fvs)
- where
- report_floating_via_tv :: a -> FreeVars -> Name -> RnM ()
- report_floating_via_tv thing used_names tv_name
- = unless (tv_name `elemNameSet` used_names) $ addErr $ vcat
- [ text "Type variable" <+> quotes (ppr tv_name) <+>
- text "is bound in the" <+> quotes (text "via") <+>
- text "type" <+> quotes ppr_via_ty
- , text "but is not mentioned in the derived" <+>
- text via_scope_desc <+> quotes (ppr thing) <>
- text ", which is illegal" ]
-Note [Floating `via` type variables]
-Imagine the following `deriving via` clause:
- data Quux
- deriving Eq via (Const a Quux)
+ (thing, fvs2) <- extendTyVarEnvFVRn via_tvs thing_inside
+ pure (ViaStrategy via_ty', thing, fvs1 `plusFV` fvs2)
-This should be rejected. Why? Because it would generate the following instance:
- instance Eq Quux where
- (==) = coerce @(Quux -> Quux -> Bool)
- @(Const a Quux -> Const a Quux -> Bool)
- (==) :: Const a Quux -> Const a Quux -> Bool
-This instance is ill-formed, as the `a` in `Const a Quux` is unbound. The
-problem is that `a` is never used anywhere in the derived class `Eq`. Since
-`a` is bound but has no use sites, we refer to it as "floating".
-We use the rnAndReportFloatingViaTvs function to check that any type renamed
-within the context of the `via` deriving strategy actually uses all bound
-`via` type variables, and if it doesn't, it throws an error.
+ boring_case :: ds -> RnM (ds, a, FreeVars)
+ boring_case ds = do
+ (thing, fvs) <- thing_inside
+ pure (ds, thing, fvs)
badGadtStupidTheta :: HsDocContext -> SDoc
badGadtStupidTheta _
diff --git a/compiler/typecheck/TcDeriv.hs b/compiler/typecheck/TcDeriv.hs
index c8617b89d1..0863e22cb9 100644
--- a/compiler/typecheck/TcDeriv.hs
+++ b/compiler/typecheck/TcDeriv.hs
@@ -685,22 +685,22 @@ deriveStandalone (L loc (DerivDecl _ deriv_ty mb_lderiv_strat overlap_mode))
; let ctxt = TcType.InstDeclCtxt True
; traceTc "Deriving strategy (standalone deriving)" $
vcat [ppr mb_lderiv_strat, ppr deriv_ty]
- ; (mb_lderiv_strat', via_tvs') <- tcDerivStrategy mb_lderiv_strat
- ; (cls_tvs', deriv_ctxt', cls, inst_tys')
- <- tcExtendTyVarEnv via_tvs' $
+ ; (mb_lderiv_strat, via_tvs) <- tcDerivStrategy mb_lderiv_strat
+ ; (cls_tvs, deriv_ctxt, cls, inst_tys)
+ <- tcExtendTyVarEnv via_tvs $
tcStandaloneDerivInstType ctxt deriv_ty
- ; checkTc (not (null inst_tys')) derivingNullaryErr
- ; let mb_deriv_strat' = fmap unLoc mb_lderiv_strat'
- tvs' = via_tvs' ++ cls_tvs'
- inst_ty' = last inst_tys'
+ ; checkTc (not (null inst_tys)) derivingNullaryErr
+ ; let mb_deriv_strat = fmap unLoc mb_lderiv_strat
+ tvs = via_tvs ++ cls_tvs
+ inst_ty = last inst_tys
-- See Note [Unify kinds in deriving]
- ; (tvs, deriv_ctxt, inst_tys) <-
- case mb_deriv_strat' of
+ ; (tvs', deriv_ctxt', inst_tys', mb_deriv_strat') <-
+ case mb_deriv_strat of
-- Perform an additional unification with the kind of the `via`
-- type and the result of the previous kind unification.
Just (ViaStrategy via_ty) -> do
let via_kind = tcTypeKind via_ty
- inst_ty_kind = tcTypeKind inst_ty'
+ inst_ty_kind = tcTypeKind inst_ty
mb_match = tcUnifyTy inst_ty_kind via_kind
checkTc (isJust mb_match)
@@ -712,38 +712,42 @@ deriveStandalone (L loc (DerivDecl _ deriv_ty mb_lderiv_strat overlap_mode))
-- See Note [Unification of two kind variables in deriving]
unmapped_tkvs = filter (\v -> v `notElemTCvSubst` kind_subst
&& not (v `elemVarSet` ki_subst_range))
- tvs'
+ tvs
(subst, _) = substTyVarBndrs kind_subst unmapped_tkvs
(final_deriv_ctxt, final_deriv_ctxt_tys)
- = case deriv_ctxt' of
+ = case deriv_ctxt of
InferContext wc -> (InferContext wc, [])
SupplyContext theta ->
let final_theta = substTheta subst theta
in (SupplyContext final_theta, final_theta)
- final_inst_tys = substTys subst inst_tys'
+ final_inst_tys = substTys subst inst_tys
+ final_via_ty = substTy subst via_ty
+ -- See Note [Floating `via` type variables]
final_tvs = tyCoVarsOfTypesWellScoped $
final_deriv_ctxt_tys ++ final_inst_tys
- pure (final_tvs, final_deriv_ctxt, final_inst_tys)
+ ++ [final_via_ty]
+ pure ( final_tvs, final_deriv_ctxt, final_inst_tys
+ , Just (ViaStrategy final_via_ty) )
- _ -> pure (tvs', deriv_ctxt', inst_tys')
- ; let cls_tys = take (length inst_tys - 1) inst_tys
- inst_ty = last inst_tys
+ _ -> pure (tvs, deriv_ctxt, inst_tys, mb_deriv_strat)
+ ; let cls_tys' = take (length inst_tys' - 1) inst_tys'
+ inst_ty' = last inst_tys'
; traceTc "Standalone deriving;" $ vcat
- [ text "tvs:" <+> ppr tvs
- , text "mb_deriv_strat:" <+> ppr mb_deriv_strat'
- , text "deriv_ctxt:" <+> ppr deriv_ctxt
+ [ text "tvs':" <+> ppr tvs'
+ , text "mb_deriv_strat':" <+> ppr mb_deriv_strat'
+ , text "deriv_ctxt':" <+> ppr deriv_ctxt'
, text "cls:" <+> ppr cls
- , text "tys:" <+> ppr inst_tys ]
+ , text "inst_tys':" <+> ppr inst_tys' ]
-- C.f. TcInstDcls.tcLocalInstDecl1
; traceTc "Standalone deriving:" $ vcat
[ text "class:" <+> ppr cls
- , text "class types:" <+> ppr cls_tys
- , text "type:" <+> ppr inst_ty ]
+ , text "class types:" <+> ppr cls_tys'
+ , text "type:" <+> ppr inst_ty' ]
- ; let bale_out msg = failWithTc (derivingThingErr False cls cls_tys
- inst_ty mb_deriv_strat' msg)
+ ; let bale_out msg = failWithTc (derivingThingErr False cls cls_tys'
+ inst_ty' mb_deriv_strat' msg)
- ; case tcSplitTyConApp_maybe inst_ty of
+ ; case tcSplitTyConApp_maybe inst_ty' of
Just (tc, tc_args)
| className cls == typeableClassName
-> do warnUselessTypeable
@@ -751,8 +755,8 @@ deriveStandalone (L loc (DerivDecl _ deriv_ty mb_lderiv_strat overlap_mode))
| otherwise
-> Just <$> mkEqnHelp (fmap unLoc overlap_mode)
- tvs cls cls_tys tc tc_args
- deriv_ctxt mb_deriv_strat'
+ tvs' cls cls_tys' tc tc_args
+ deriv_ctxt' mb_deriv_strat'
_ -> -- Complain about functions, primitive types, etc,
bale_out $
@@ -851,66 +855,69 @@ deriveTyData tc tc_args mb_deriv_strat deriv_tvs cls cls_tys cls_arg_kind
; checkTc (enough_args && isJust mb_match)
(derivingKindErr tc cls cls_tys cls_arg_kind enough_args)
- ; let propagate_subst kind_subst tkvs' cls_tys' tc_args'
- = (final_tkvs, final_cls_tys, final_tc_args)
+ ; let -- Returns a singleton-element list if using ViaStrategy and an
+ -- empty list otherwise. Useful for free-variable calculations.
+ deriv_strat_tys :: Maybe (DerivStrategy GhcTc) -> [Type]
+ deriv_strat_tys = foldMap (foldDerivStrategy [] (:[]))
+ propagate_subst kind_subst tkvs' cls_tys' tc_args' mb_deriv_strat'
+ = (final_tkvs, final_cls_tys, final_tc_args, final_mb_deriv_strat)
ki_subst_range = getTCvSubstRangeFVs kind_subst
-- See Note [Unification of two kind variables in deriving]
unmapped_tkvs = filter (\v -> v `notElemTCvSubst` kind_subst
&& not (v `elemVarSet` ki_subst_range))
- (subst, _) = substTyVarBndrs kind_subst unmapped_tkvs
- final_tc_args = substTys subst tc_args'
- final_cls_tys = substTys subst cls_tys'
- final_tkvs = tyCoVarsOfTypesWellScoped $
- final_cls_tys ++ final_tc_args
+ (subst, _) = substTyVarBndrs kind_subst unmapped_tkvs
+ final_tc_args = substTys subst tc_args'
+ final_cls_tys = substTys subst cls_tys'
+ final_mb_deriv_strat = fmap (mapDerivStrategy (substTy subst))
+ mb_deriv_strat'
+ -- See Note [Floating `via` type variables]
+ final_tkvs = tyCoVarsOfTypesWellScoped $
+ final_cls_tys ++ final_tc_args
+ ++ deriv_strat_tys final_mb_deriv_strat
; let tkvs = scopedSort $ fvVarList $
unionFV (tyCoFVsOfTypes tc_args_to_keep)
(FV.mkFVs deriv_tvs)
Just kind_subst = mb_match
- (tkvs', final_cls_tys', final_tc_args')
- = propagate_subst kind_subst tkvs cls_tys tc_args_to_keep
+ (tkvs', cls_tys', tc_args', mb_deriv_strat')
+ = propagate_subst kind_subst tkvs cls_tys
+ tc_args_to_keep mb_deriv_strat
-- See Note [Unify kinds in deriving]
- ; (tkvs, final_cls_tys, final_tc_args, final_mb_deriv_strat) <-
- case mb_deriv_strat of
+ ; (final_tkvs, final_cls_tys, final_tc_args, final_mb_deriv_strat) <-
+ case mb_deriv_strat' of
-- Perform an additional unification with the kind of the `via`
-- type and the result of the previous kind unification.
Just (ViaStrategy via_ty) -> do
- let final_via_ty = via_ty
- final_via_kind = tcTypeKind final_via_ty
- final_inst_ty_kind
- = tcTypeKind (mkTyConApp tc final_tc_args')
- via_match = tcUnifyTy final_inst_ty_kind final_via_kind
+ let via_kind = tcTypeKind via_ty
+ inst_ty_kind
+ = tcTypeKind (mkTyConApp tc tc_args')
+ via_match = tcUnifyTy inst_ty_kind via_kind
checkTc (isJust via_match)
- (derivingViaKindErr cls final_inst_ty_kind
- final_via_ty final_via_kind)
+ (derivingViaKindErr cls inst_ty_kind via_ty via_kind)
let Just via_subst = via_match
- (final_tkvs, final_cls_tys, final_tc_args)
- = propagate_subst via_subst tkvs'
- final_cls_tys' final_tc_args'
- pure ( final_tkvs, final_cls_tys, final_tc_args
- , Just $ ViaStrategy $ substTy via_subst via_ty
- )
+ pure $ propagate_subst via_subst tkvs' cls_tys'
+ tc_args' mb_deriv_strat'
- _ -> pure ( tkvs', final_cls_tys', final_tc_args'
- , mb_deriv_strat )
+ _ -> pure (tkvs', cls_tys', tc_args', mb_deriv_strat')
; traceTc "deriveTyData 1" $ vcat
- [ ppr mb_deriv_strat, pprTyVars deriv_tvs, ppr tc, ppr tc_args
+ [ ppr final_mb_deriv_strat, pprTyVars deriv_tvs, ppr tc, ppr tc_args
, pprTyVars (tyCoVarsOfTypesList tc_args)
, ppr n_args_to_keep, ppr n_args_to_drop
, ppr inst_ty_kind, ppr cls_arg_kind, ppr mb_match
, ppr final_tc_args, ppr final_cls_tys ]
; traceTc "deriveTyData 2" $ vcat
- [ ppr tkvs ]
+ [ ppr final_tkvs ]
; let final_tc_app = mkTyConApp tc final_tc_args
- ; checkTc (allDistinctTyVars (mkVarSet tkvs) args_to_drop) -- (a, b, c)
+ ; checkTc (allDistinctTyVars (mkVarSet final_tkvs) args_to_drop) -- (a, b, c)
(derivingEtaErr cls final_cls_tys final_tc_app)
-- Check that
-- (a) The args to drop are all type variables; eg reject:
@@ -932,7 +939,7 @@ deriveTyData tc tc_args mb_deriv_strat deriv_tvs cls cls_tys cls_arg_kind
-- Check that we aren't deriving an instance of a magical
-- type like (~) or Coercible (#14916).
- ; spec <- mkEqnHelp Nothing tkvs
+ ; spec <- mkEqnHelp Nothing final_tkvs
cls final_cls_tys tc final_tc_args
(InferContext Nothing) final_mb_deriv_strat
; traceTc "deriveTyData 3" (ppr spec)
@@ -1137,6 +1144,73 @@ synonym, we will mistakenly believe that f is an eta-reduced type variable and
fail to derive Functor, even though the code above is correct (see #11416,
where this was first noticed). For this reason, we expand the type synonyms in
the eta-reduced types before doing any analysis.
+Note [Floating `via` type variables]
+When generating a derived instance, it will be of the form:
+ instance forall ???. C c_args (D d_args) where ...
+To fill in ???, GHC computes the free variables of `c_args` and `d_args`.
+`DerivingVia` adds an extra wrinkle to this formula, since we must also
+include the variables bound by the `via` type when computing the binders
+used to fill in ???. This might seem strange, since if a `via` type binds
+any type variables, then in almost all scenarios it will appear free in
+`c_args` or `d_args`. There are certain corner cases where this does not hold,
+however, such as in the following example (adapted from #15831):
+ newtype Age = MkAge Int
+ deriving Eq via Const Int a
+In this example, the `via` type binds the type variable `a`, but `a` appears
+nowhere in `Eq Age`. Nevertheless, we include it in the generated instance:
+ instance forall a. Eq Age where
+ (==) = coerce @(Const Int a -> Const Int a -> Bool)
+ @(Age -> Age -> Bool)
+ (==)
+The use of `forall a` is certainly required here, since the `a` in
+`Const Int a` would not be in scope otherwise. This instance is somewhat
+strange in that nothing in the instance head `Eq Age` ever determines what `a`
+will be, so any code that uses this instance will invariably instantiate `a`
+to be `Any`. We refer to this property of `a` as being a "floating" `via`
+type variable. Programs with floating `via` type variables are the only known
+class of program in which the `via` type quantifies type variables that aren't
+mentioned in the instance head in the generated instance.
+Fortunately, the choice to instantiate floating `via` type variables to `Any`
+is one that is completely transparent to the user (since the instance will
+work as expected regardless of what `a` is instantiated to), so we decide to
+permit them. An alternative design would make programs with floating `via`
+variables illegal, by requiring that every variable mentioned in the `via` type
+is also mentioned in the data header or the derived class. That restriction
+would require the user to pick a particular type (the choice does not matter);
+for example:
+ newtype Age = MkAge Int
+ -- deriving Eq via Const Int a -- Floating 'a'
+ deriving Eq via Const Int () -- Choose a=()
+ deriving Eq via Const Int Any -- Choose a=Any
+No expressiveness would be lost thereby, but stylistically it seems preferable
+to allow a type variable to indicate "it doesn't matter".
+Note that by quantifying the `a` in `forall a. Eq Age`, we are deferring the
+work of instantiating `a` to `Any` at every use site of the instance. An
+alternative approach would be to generate an instance that directly defaulted
+to `Any`:
+ instance Eq Age where
+ (==) = coerce @(Const Int Any -> Const Int Any -> Bool)
+ @(Age -> Age -> Bool)
+ (==)
+We do not implement this approach since it would require a nontrivial amount
+of implementation effort to substitute `Any` for the floating `via` type
+variables, and since the end result isn't distinguishable from the former
+instance (at least from the user's perspective), the amount of engineering
+required to obtain the latter instance just isn't worth it.
mkEqnHelp :: Maybe OverlapMode