path: root/compiler
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authorSebastian Graf <>2019-04-01 19:59:45 +0200
committerMarge Bot <>2019-04-03 04:03:47 -0400
commit4626cf213fe7affe5f8c2d94dbf03e727c816694 (patch)
treef1cd3dc77fb91aebe12e5677abdc5f9bf9f1aaa2 /compiler
parent7b090b53fea065d2cfd967ea919426af9ba8d737 (diff)
Fix Uncovered set of literal patterns
Issues #16289 and #15713 are proof that the pattern match checker did an unsound job of estimating the value set abstraction corresponding to the uncovered set. The reason is that the fix from #11303 introducing `NLit` was incomplete: The `LitCon` case desugared to `Var` rather than `LitVar`, which would have done the necessary case splitting analogous to the `ConVar` case. This patch rectifies that by introducing the fresh unification variable in `LitCon` in value abstraction position rather than pattern postition, recording a constraint equating it to the constructor expression rather than the literal. Fixes #16289 and #15713.
Diffstat (limited to 'compiler')
2 files changed, 14 insertions, 5 deletions
diff --git a/compiler/deSugar/Check.hs b/compiler/deSugar/Check.hs
index 0c653da2b2..1495280f94 100644
--- a/compiler/deSugar/Check.hs
+++ b/compiler/deSugar/Check.hs
@@ -2118,15 +2118,22 @@ pmcheckHd (p@(PmLit l)) ps guards
-- no information is lost
-- LitCon
-pmcheckHd (PmLit l) ps guards (va@(PmCon {})) (ValVec vva delta)
+pmcheckHd p@PmLit{} ps guards va@PmCon{} (ValVec vva delta)
= do y <- liftD $ mkPmId (pmPatType va)
- let tm_state = extendSubst y (PmExprLit l) (delta_tm_cs delta)
+ -- Analogous to the ConVar case, we have to case split the value
+ -- abstraction on possible literals. We do so by introducing a fresh
+ -- variable that is equated to the constructor. LitVar will then take
+ -- care of the case split by resorting to NLit.
+ let tm_state = extendSubst y (vaToPmExpr va) (delta_tm_cs delta)
delta' = delta { delta_tm_cs = tm_state }
- pmcheckHdI (PmVar y) ps guards va (ValVec vva delta')
+ pmcheckHdI p ps guards (PmVar y) (ValVec vva delta')
-- ConLit
-pmcheckHd (p@(PmCon {})) ps guards (PmLit l) (ValVec vva delta)
+pmcheckHd p@PmCon{} ps guards (PmLit l) (ValVec vva delta)
= do y <- liftD $ mkPmId (pmPatType p)
+ -- This desugars to the ConVar case by introducing a fresh variable that
+ -- is equated to the literal via a constraint. ConVar will then properly
+ -- case split on all possible constructors.
let tm_state = extendSubst y (PmExprLit l) (delta_tm_cs delta)
delta' = delta { delta_tm_cs = tm_state }
pmcheckHdI p ps guards (PmVar y) (ValVec vva delta')
diff --git a/compiler/deSugar/TmOracle.hs b/compiler/deSugar/TmOracle.hs
index d6364bef52..87e5f0a268 100644
--- a/compiler/deSugar/TmOracle.hs
+++ b/compiler/deSugar/TmOracle.hs
@@ -33,6 +33,7 @@ import HsLit
import TcHsSyn
import MonadUtils
import Util
+import Outputable
import NameEnv
@@ -134,7 +135,8 @@ solveComplexEq solver_state@(standby, (unhandled, env)) eq@(e1, e2) = case eq of
(PmExprEq _ _, PmExprEq _ _) -> Just (eq:standby, (unhandled, env))
- _ -> Just (standby, (True, env)) -- I HATE CATCH-ALLS
+ _ -> WARN( True, text "solveComplexEq: Catch all" <+> ppr eq )
+ Just (standby, (True, env)) -- I HATE CATCH-ALLS
-- | Extend the substitution and solve the (possibly updated) constraints.
extendSubstAndSolve :: Name -> PmExpr -> TmState -> Maybe TmState