path: root/compiler
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authorArtem Pyanykh <>2019-04-04 13:43:38 +0300
committerMarge Bot <>2019-04-09 10:30:13 -0400
commitaf4cea7f1411e5b99e2417d7c2d3d0e697093103 (patch)
treeec9ef85347e5c8915e864573997c15aaa8cc5a73 /compiler
parent36d380475d9056fdf93305985be3def00aaf6cf7 (diff)
codegen: fix memset unroll for small bytearrays, add 64-bit sets
Fixes #16052 When the offset in `setByteArray#` is statically known, we can provide better alignment guarantees then just 1 byte. Also, memset can now do 64-bit wide sets. The current memset intrinsic is not optimal however and can be improved for the case when we know that we deal with (baseAddress at known alignment) + offset For instance, on 64-bit `setByteArray# s 1# 23# 0#` given that bytearray is 8 bytes aligned could be unrolled into `movb, movw, movl, movq, movq`; but currently it is `movb x23` since alignment of 1 is all we can embed into MO_Memset op.
Diffstat (limited to 'compiler')
3 files changed, 77 insertions, 29 deletions
diff --git a/compiler/codeGen/StgCmmPrim.hs b/compiler/codeGen/StgCmmPrim.hs
index 4a07c7893e..1abef3a90a 100644
--- a/compiler/codeGen/StgCmmPrim.hs
+++ b/compiler/codeGen/StgCmmPrim.hs
@@ -2073,10 +2073,18 @@ doCopyAddrToByteArrayOp src_p dst dst_off bytes = do
-- character.
doSetByteArrayOp :: CmmExpr -> CmmExpr -> CmmExpr -> CmmExpr
-> FCode ()
-doSetByteArrayOp ba off len c
- = do dflags <- getDynFlags
- p <- assignTempE $ cmmOffsetExpr dflags (cmmOffsetB dflags ba (arrWordsHdrSize dflags)) off
- emitMemsetCall p c len 1
+doSetByteArrayOp ba off len c = do
+ dflags <- getDynFlags
+ let maxAlign = wORD_SIZE dflags
+ align = minimum [maxAlign, possibleAlign]
+ p <- assignTempE $ cmmOffsetExpr dflags (cmmOffsetB dflags ba (arrWordsHdrSize dflags)) off
+ emitMemsetCall p c len align
+ where
+ possibleAlign = case off of
+ CmmLit (CmmInt intOff _) -> fromIntegral $ byteAlignment (fromIntegral intOff)
+ _ -> 1
-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Allocating arrays
diff --git a/compiler/nativeGen/X86/CodeGen.hs b/compiler/nativeGen/X86/CodeGen.hs
index 0424b1b84f..06ebd2adb5 100644
--- a/compiler/nativeGen/X86/CodeGen.hs
+++ b/compiler/nativeGen/X86/CodeGen.hs
@@ -1843,22 +1843,32 @@ genCCall dflags is32Bit (PrimTarget (MO_Memcpy align)) _
dst_addr = AddrBaseIndex (EABaseReg dst) EAIndexNone
(ImmInteger (n - i))
-genCCall dflags _ (PrimTarget (MO_Memset align)) _
+genCCall dflags is32Bit (PrimTarget (MO_Memset align)) _
CmmLit (CmmInt c _),
CmmLit (CmmInt n _)]
- | fromInteger insns <= maxInlineMemsetInsns dflags && align .&. 3 == 0 = do
+ | fromInteger insns <= maxInlineMemsetInsns dflags = do
code_dst <- getAnyReg dst
dst_r <- getNewRegNat format
- return $ code_dst dst_r `appOL` go dst_r (fromInteger n)
+ if format == II64 && n >= 8 then do
+ code_imm8byte <- getAnyReg (CmmLit (CmmInt c8 W64))
+ imm8byte_r <- getNewRegNat II64
+ return $ code_dst dst_r `appOL`
+ code_imm8byte imm8byte_r `appOL`
+ go8 dst_r imm8byte_r (fromInteger n)
+ else
+ return $ code_dst dst_r `appOL`
+ go4 dst_r (fromInteger n)
- (format, val) = case align .&. 3 of
- 2 -> (II16, c2)
- 0 -> (II32, c4)
- _ -> (II8, c)
+ format = case byteAlignment (fromIntegral align) of
+ 8 -> if is32Bit then II32 else II64
+ 4 -> II32
+ 2 -> II16
+ _ -> II8
c2 = c `shiftL` 8 .|. c
c4 = c2 `shiftL` 16 .|. c2
+ c8 = c4 `shiftL` 32 .|. c4
-- The number of instructions we will generate (approx). We need 1
-- instructions per move.
@@ -1868,25 +1878,45 @@ genCCall dflags _ (PrimTarget (MO_Memset align)) _
sizeBytes :: Integer
sizeBytes = fromIntegral (formatInBytes format)
- go :: Reg -> Integer -> OrdList Instr
- go dst i
- -- TODO: Add movabs instruction and support 64-bit sets.
- | i >= sizeBytes = -- This might be smaller than the below sizes
- unitOL (MOV format (OpImm (ImmInteger val)) (OpAddr dst_addr)) `appOL`
- go dst (i - sizeBytes)
- | i >= 4 = -- Will never happen on 32-bit
- unitOL (MOV II32 (OpImm (ImmInteger c4)) (OpAddr dst_addr)) `appOL`
- go dst (i - 4)
- | i >= 2 =
- unitOL (MOV II16 (OpImm (ImmInteger c2)) (OpAddr dst_addr)) `appOL`
- go dst (i - 2)
- | i >= 1 =
- unitOL (MOV II8 (OpImm (ImmInteger c)) (OpAddr dst_addr)) `appOL`
- go dst (i - 1)
- | otherwise = nilOL
+ -- Depending on size returns the widest MOV instruction and its
+ -- width.
+ gen4 :: AddrMode -> Integer -> (InstrBlock, Integer)
+ gen4 addr size
+ | size >= 4 =
+ (unitOL (MOV II32 (OpImm (ImmInteger c4)) (OpAddr addr)), 4)
+ | size >= 2 =
+ (unitOL (MOV II16 (OpImm (ImmInteger c2)) (OpAddr addr)), 2)
+ | size >= 1 =
+ (unitOL (MOV II8 (OpImm (ImmInteger c)) (OpAddr addr)), 1)
+ | otherwise = (nilOL, 0)
+ -- Generates a 64-bit wide MOV instruction from REG to MEM.
+ gen8 :: AddrMode -> Reg -> InstrBlock
+ gen8 addr reg8byte =
+ unitOL (MOV format (OpReg reg8byte) (OpAddr addr))
+ -- Unrolls memset when the widest MOV is <= 4 bytes.
+ go4 :: Reg -> Integer -> InstrBlock
+ go4 dst left =
+ if left <= 0 then nilOL
+ else curMov `appOL` go4 dst (left - curWidth)
- dst_addr = AddrBaseIndex (EABaseReg dst) EAIndexNone
- (ImmInteger (n - i))
+ possibleWidth = minimum [left, sizeBytes]
+ dst_addr = AddrBaseIndex (EABaseReg dst) EAIndexNone (ImmInteger (n - left))
+ (curMov, curWidth) = gen4 dst_addr possibleWidth
+ -- Unrolls memset when the widest MOV is 8 bytes (thus another Reg
+ -- argument). Falls back to go4 when all 8 byte moves are
+ -- exhausted.
+ go8 :: Reg -> Reg -> Integer -> InstrBlock
+ go8 dst reg8byte left =
+ if possibleWidth >= 8 then
+ let curMov = gen8 dst_addr reg8byte
+ in curMov `appOL` go8 dst reg8byte (left - 8)
+ else go4 dst left
+ where
+ possibleWidth = minimum [left, sizeBytes]
+ dst_addr = AddrBaseIndex (EABaseReg dst) EAIndexNone (ImmInteger (n - left))
genCCall _ _ (PrimTarget MO_WriteBarrier) _ _ _ = return nilOL
-- write barrier compiles to no code on x86/x86-64;
diff --git a/compiler/utils/Util.hs b/compiler/utils/Util.hs
index 9e67a43bf5..6f7a9e5d07 100644
--- a/compiler/utils/Util.hs
+++ b/compiler/utils/Util.hs
@@ -87,6 +87,7 @@ module Util (
-- * Integers
+ byteAlignment,
-- * Floating point
@@ -1149,6 +1150,15 @@ exactLog2 x
pow2 x | x == 1 = 0
| otherwise = 1 + pow2 (x `shiftR` 1)
+-- x is aligned at N bytes means the remainder from x / N is zero.
+-- Currently, interested in N <= 8, but can be expanded to N <= 16 or
+-- N <= 32 if used within SSE or AVX context.
+byteAlignment :: Integer -> Integer
+byteAlignment x = case x .&. 7 of
+ 0 -> 8
+ 4 -> 4
+ 2 -> 2
+ _ -> 1
-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------