path: root/compiler
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authorSimon Peyton Jones <>2015-07-23 08:34:10 +0100
committerSimon Peyton Jones <>2015-07-23 08:34:36 +0100
commit985127510685c3e7ed462260bd69d2e6557430f4 (patch)
tree8316649ad14a62b4af3b88fa2857db068936be4d /compiler
parent5c3fc921aeeeec392a89914783b2be9ea3dade27 (diff)
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Diffstat (limited to 'compiler')
1 files changed, 7 insertions, 1 deletions
diff --git a/compiler/typecheck/FunDeps.hs b/compiler/typecheck/FunDeps.hs
index 9d4ef1c72e..997dcc0019 100644
--- a/compiler/typecheck/FunDeps.hs
+++ b/compiler/typecheck/FunDeps.hs
@@ -225,12 +225,18 @@ checkClsFD :: FunDep TyVar -> [TyVar] -- One functional dependency f
-> ClsInst -- An instance template
-> TyVarSet -> [Type] -> [Maybe Name] -- Arguments of this (C tys) predicate
-- TyVarSet are extra tyvars that can be instantiated
- -> [([TyVar], [Pair Type])]
+ -> [([TyVar], [Pair Type])] -- Empty or singleton
checkClsFD fd clas_tvs
(ClsInst { is_tvs = qtvs, is_tys = tys_inst, is_tcs = rough_tcs_inst })
extra_qtvs tys_actual rough_tcs_actual
+-- Compare instance {a,b} C sx sp sy sq
+-- with {c,d,e} C tx tp ty tq
+-- for fundep (x,y -> p,q) from class (C x p y q)
+-- If (sx,sy) unifies with (tx,ty), take the subst S
-- 'qtvs' are the quantified type variables, the ones which an be instantiated
-- to make the types match. For example, given
-- class C a b | a->b where ...