path: root/compiler
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authorSimon Marlow <>2012-08-01 10:45:14 +0100
committerSimon Marlow <>2012-08-02 11:57:29 +0100
commita915d9b47e3ff1bb3491f4d57f7c6cd6781fcd2a (patch)
treed3fb8c5de8ae9b1a8f13586fdff3ac47fb1e6172 /compiler
parent08c16ba9dc405e804c6f85051b5c8f1f7d595263 (diff)
Inline into the last node
Also lots of refactoring and tidyup
Diffstat (limited to 'compiler')
1 files changed, 132 insertions, 60 deletions
diff --git a/compiler/cmm/CmmSink.hs b/compiler/cmm/CmmSink.hs
index 7cdc1f6ac3..f314805852 100644
--- a/compiler/cmm/CmmSink.hs
+++ b/compiler/cmm/CmmSink.hs
@@ -64,28 +64,21 @@ type Assignment = (LocalReg, CmmExpr, AbsAddr)
cmmSink :: CmmGraph -> CmmGraph
cmmSink graph = ofBlockList (g_entry graph) $ sink mapEmpty $ blocks
liveness = cmmLiveness graph
getLive l = mapFindWithDefault Set.empty l liveness
blocks = postorderDfs graph
- all_succs = concatMap successors blocks
- succ_counts :: BlockEnv Int
- succ_counts = foldr (\l -> mapInsertWith (+) l 1) mapEmpty all_succs
- join_pts = mapFilter (>1) succ_counts
+ join_pts = findJoinPoints blocks
sink :: BlockEnv [Assignment] -> [CmmBlock] -> [CmmBlock]
sink _ [] = []
sink sunk (b:bs) =
-- pprTrace "sink" (ppr lbl) $
- blockJoin first final_middle last : sink sunk' bs
+ blockJoin first final_middle final_last : sink sunk' bs
lbl = entryLabel b
(first, middle, last) = blockSplit b
- (middle', assigs) = walk ann_middles emptyBlock
- (mapFindWithDefault [] lbl sunk)
succs = successors last
@@ -96,6 +89,10 @@ cmmSink graph = ofBlockList (g_entry graph) $ sink mapEmpty $ blocks
live_middle = gen_kill last live
ann_middles = annotate live_middle (blockToList middle)
+ -- Now sink and inline in this block
+ (middle', assigs) = walk ann_middles (mapFindWithDefault [] lbl sunk)
+ (final_last, assigs') = tryToInline live last assigs
-- We cannot sink into join points (successors with more than
-- one predecessor), so identify the join points and the set
-- of registers live in them.
@@ -114,11 +111,11 @@ cmmSink graph = ofBlockList (g_entry graph) $ sink mapEmpty $ blocks
_ -> False
-- Now, drop any assignments that we will not sink any further.
- (dropped_last, assigs') = dropAssignments drop_if init_live_sets assigs
+ (dropped_last, assigs'') = dropAssignments drop_if init_live_sets assigs'
drop_if a@(r,rhs,_) live_sets = (should_drop, live_sets')
- should_drop = a `conflicts` last
+ should_drop = a `conflicts` final_last
|| {- not (isTiny rhs) && -} live_in_multi live_sets r
|| r `Set.member` live_in_joins
@@ -133,7 +130,7 @@ cmmSink graph = ofBlockList (g_entry graph) $ sink mapEmpty $ blocks
final_middle = foldl blockSnoc middle' dropped_last
sunk' = mapUnion sunk $
- mapFromList [ (l, filterAssignments (getLive l) assigs')
+ mapFromList [ (l, filterAssignments (getLive l) assigs'')
| l <- succs ]
@@ -144,66 +141,85 @@ isTiny (CmmLit _) = True
isTiny _other = False
-- annotate each node with the set of registers live *after* the node
annotate :: RegSet -> [CmmNode O O] -> [(RegSet, CmmNode O O)]
-annotate live nodes = snd $ foldr (\n (live,nodes) -> (gen_kill n live, (live,n) : nodes)) (live,[]) nodes
+annotate live nodes = snd $ foldr ann (live,[]) nodes
+ where ann n (live,nodes) = (gen_kill n live, (live,n) : nodes)
+-- Find the blocks that have multiple successors (join points)
+findJoinPoints :: [CmmBlock] -> BlockEnv Int
+findJoinPoints blocks = mapFilter (>1) succ_counts
+ where
+ all_succs = concatMap successors blocks
+ succ_counts :: BlockEnv Int
+ succ_counts = foldr (\l -> mapInsertWith (+) l 1) mapEmpty all_succs
+-- filter the list of assignments to remove any assignments that
+-- are not live in a continuation.
filterAssignments :: RegSet -> [Assignment] -> [Assignment]
filterAssignments live assigs = reverse (go assigs [])
- where go [] kept = kept
+ where go [] kept = kept
go (a@(r,_,_):as) kept | needed = go as (a:kept)
| otherwise = go as kept
- needed = r `Set.member` live || any (a `conflicts`) (map toNode kept)
-walk :: [(RegSet, CmmNode O O)] -> Block CmmNode O O -> [Assignment]
- -> (Block CmmNode O O, [Assignment])
+ needed = r `Set.member` live
+ || any (a `conflicts`) (map toNode kept)
+ -- Note that we must keep assignments that are
+ -- referred to by other assignments we have
+ -- already kept.
-walk [] block as = (block, as)
-walk ((live,node):ns) block as
- | Just a <- shouldSink node1 = walk ns block (a : as1)
- | otherwise = walk ns block' as'
- where
- (node1, as1) = tryToInline live usages node as
- where usages :: UniqFM Int
- usages = foldRegsUsed addUsage emptyUFM node
- (dropped, as') = dropAssignmentsSimple (`conflicts` node1) as1
- block' = foldl blockSnoc block dropped `blockSnoc` node1
-tryToInline :: RegSet -> UniqFM Int -> CmmNode O x -> [Assignment]
- -> (CmmNode O x, [Assignment])
-tryToInline _live _usages node []
- = (node, [])
-tryToInline live usages node (a@(l,rhs,_) : rest)
- | occurs_once_in_this_node = inline_and_discard
- | False {- isTiny rhs -} = inline_and_keep
- -- ^^ seems to make things slightly worse
- where
- inline_and_discard = tryToInline live' usages' node' rest
- inline_and_keep = (node'', a : rest')
- where (node'',rest') = inline_and_discard
+-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- Walk through the nodes of a block, sinking and inlining assignments
+-- as we go.
- occurs_once_in_this_node =
- not (l `elemRegSet` live) && lookupUFM usages l == Just 1
+walk :: [(RegSet, CmmNode O O)] -- nodes of the block, annotated with
+ -- the set of registers live *after*
+ -- this node.
- live' = foldRegsUsed extendRegSet live rhs
- usages' = foldRegsUsed addUsage usages rhs
+ -> [Assignment] -- The current list of
+ -- assignments we are sinking.
+ -- Later assignments may refer
+ -- to earlier ones.
- node' = mapExpDeep inline node
- where inline (CmmReg (CmmLocal l')) | l == l' = rhs
- inline (CmmRegOff (CmmLocal l') off) | l == l' = cmmOffset rhs off
- inline other = other
-tryToInline live usages node (assig@(_,rhs,_) : rest)
- = (node', assig : rest')
- where (node', rest') = tryToInline live usages' node rest
- usages' = foldRegsUsed addUsage usages rhs
+ -> ( Block CmmNode O O -- The new block
+ , [Assignment] -- Assignments to sink further
+ )
-addUsage :: UniqFM Int -> LocalReg -> UniqFM Int
-addUsage m r = addToUFM_C (+) m r 1
+walk nodes assigs = go nodes emptyBlock assigs
+ where
+ go [] block as = (block, as)
+ go ((live,node):ns) block as
+ | discard = go ns block as
+ | Just a <- shouldSink node1 = go ns block (a : as1)
+ | otherwise = go ns block' as'
+ where
+ -- discard dead assignments. This doesn't do as good a job as
+ -- removeDeadAsssignments, because it would need multiple passes
+ -- to get all the dead code, but it catches the common case of
+ -- superfluous reloads from the stack that the stack allocator
+ -- leaves behind.
+ discard = case node of
+ CmmAssign (CmmLocal r) _ -> not (r `Set.member` live)
+ _otherwise -> False
+ (node1, as1) = tryToInline live node as
+ (dropped, as') = dropAssignmentsSimple (`conflicts` node1) as1
+ block' = foldl blockSnoc block dropped `blockSnoc` node1
+-- Heuristic to decide whether to pick up and sink an assignment
+-- Currently we pick up all assignments to local registers. It might
+-- be profitable to sink assignments to global regs too, but the
+-- liveness analysis doesn't track those (yet) so we can't.
shouldSink :: CmmNode e x -> Maybe Assignment
shouldSink (CmmAssign (CmmLocal r) e) | no_local_regs = Just (r, e, exprAddr e)
where no_local_regs = True -- foldRegsUsed (\_ _ -> False) True e
@@ -212,10 +228,12 @@ shouldSink _other = Nothing
toNode :: Assignment -> CmmNode O O
toNode (r,rhs,_) = CmmAssign (CmmLocal r) rhs
-dropAssignmentsSimple :: (Assignment -> Bool) -> [Assignment] -> ([CmmNode O O], [Assignment])
+dropAssignmentsSimple :: (Assignment -> Bool) -> [Assignment]
+ -> ([CmmNode O O], [Assignment])
dropAssignmentsSimple f = dropAssignments (\a _ -> (f a, ())) ()
-dropAssignments :: (Assignment -> s -> (Bool, s)) -> s -> [Assignment] -> ([CmmNode O O], [Assignment])
+dropAssignments :: (Assignment -> s -> (Bool, s)) -> s -> [Assignment]
+ -> ([CmmNode O O], [Assignment])
dropAssignments should_drop state assigs
= (dropped, reverse kept)
@@ -229,6 +247,60 @@ dropAssignments should_drop state assigs
(dropit, state') = should_drop assig state
conflict = dropit || any (assig `conflicts`) dropped
+-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- Try to inline assignments into a node.
+ :: RegSet -- set of registers live after this
+ -- node. We cannot inline anything
+ -- that is live after the node, unless
+ -- it is small enough to duplicate.
+ -> CmmNode O x -- The node to inline into
+ -> [Assignment] -- Assignments to inline
+ -> (
+ CmmNode O x -- New node
+ , [Assignment] -- Remaining assignments
+ )
+tryToInline live node assigs = go live usages node assigs
+ where
+ usages :: UniqFM Int
+ usages = foldRegsUsed addUsage emptyUFM node
+ go _live _usages node [] = (node, [])
+ go live usages node (a@(l,rhs,_) : rest)
+ | occurs_once_in_this_node = inline_and_discard
+ | False {- isTiny rhs -} = inline_and_keep
+ -- ^^ seems to make things slightly worse
+ where
+ inline_and_discard = go live' usages' node' rest
+ inline_and_keep = (node'', a : rest')
+ where (node'',rest') = inline_and_discard
+ occurs_once_in_this_node =
+ not (l `elemRegSet` live) && lookupUFM usages l == Just 1
+ live' = foldRegsUsed extendRegSet live rhs
+ usages' = foldRegsUsed addUsage usages rhs
+ node' = mapExpDeep inline node
+ where inline (CmmReg (CmmLocal l')) | l == l' = rhs
+ inline (CmmRegOff (CmmLocal l') off) | l == l'
+ = cmmOffset rhs off
+ inline other = other
+ go live usages node (assig@(_,rhs,_) : rest)
+ = (node', assig : rest')
+ where (node', rest') = go live usages' node rest
+ usages' = foldRegsUsed addUsage usages rhs
+addUsage :: UniqFM Int -> LocalReg -> UniqFM Int
+addUsage m r = addToUFM_C (+) m r 1
-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- | @conflicts (r,e) stmt@ is @False@ if and only if the assignment