path: root/compiler
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authornineonine <>2022-06-17 18:38:38 -0700
committerMarge Bot <>2022-07-01 08:15:56 -0400
commitd072217016ceae7c557f638e91a365fa5ab7779c (patch)
treea07878552e0931b03702521bdfa3b5d87a7914c9 /compiler
parent70e47489f1fa87a0ee5656950c00b54f69823fc6 (diff)
Fix panic with UnliftedFFITypes+CApiFFI (#14624)
When declaring foreign import using CAPI calling convention, using unlifted unboxed types would result in compiler panic. There was an attempt to fix the situation in #9274, however it only addressed some of the ByteArray cases. This patch fixes other missed cases for all prims that may be used as basic foreign types.
Diffstat (limited to 'compiler')
2 files changed, 39 insertions, 12 deletions
diff --git a/compiler/GHC/HsToCore/Foreign/C.hs b/compiler/GHC/HsToCore/Foreign/C.hs
index 555db51840..69ae4962d8 100644
--- a/compiler/GHC/HsToCore/Foreign/C.hs
+++ b/compiler/GHC/HsToCore/Foreign/C.hs
@@ -281,11 +281,10 @@ dsFCall fn_id co fcall mDeclHeader = do
| isVoidRes = cCall
| otherwise = text "return" <+> cCall
- cCall = if isFun
- then ppr cName <> parens argVals
- else if null arg_tys
- then ppr cName
- else panic "dsFCall: Unexpected arguments to FFI value import"
+ cCall
+ | isFun = ppr cName <> parens argVals
+ | null arg_tys = ppr cName
+ | otherwise = panic "dsFCall: Unexpected arguments to FFI value import"
raw_res_ty = case tcSplitIOType_maybe io_res_ty of
Just (_ioTyCon, res_ty) -> res_ty
Nothing -> io_res_ty
@@ -358,12 +357,12 @@ toCType = f False
-- through one layer of type synonym etc.
| Just t' <- coreView t
= f voidOK t'
- -- This may be an 'UnliftedFFITypes'-style ByteArray# argument
- -- (which is marshalled like a Ptr)
- | Just byteArrayPrimTyCon == tyConAppTyConPicky_maybe t
- = (Nothing, text "const void*")
- | Just mutableByteArrayPrimTyCon == tyConAppTyConPicky_maybe t
- = (Nothing, text "void*")
+ -- Handle 'UnliftedFFITypes' argument
+ | Just tyCon <- tyConAppTyConPicky_maybe t
+ , isPrimTyCon tyCon
+ , Just cType <- ppPrimTyConStgType tyCon
+ = (Nothing, text cType)
-- Otherwise we don't know the C type. If we are allowing
-- void then return that; otherwise something has gone wrong.
| voidOK = (Nothing, text "void")
@@ -624,4 +623,3 @@ fun_type_arg_stdcall_info platform StdCallConv ty
in Just $ sum (map (widthInBytes . typeWidth . typeCmmType platform . getPrimTyOf) fe_arg_tys)
fun_type_arg_stdcall_info _ _other_conv _
= Nothing
diff --git a/compiler/GHC/HsToCore/Foreign/Utils.hs b/compiler/GHC/HsToCore/Foreign/Utils.hs
index c632adabbe..80b6908aaf 100644
--- a/compiler/GHC/HsToCore/Foreign/Utils.hs
+++ b/compiler/GHC/HsToCore/Foreign/Utils.hs
@@ -1,7 +1,10 @@
+{-# LANGUAGE MultiWayIf #-}
module GHC.HsToCore.Foreign.Utils
( Binding
, getPrimTyOf
, primTyDescChar
+ , ppPrimTyConStgType
@@ -74,3 +77,29 @@ primTyDescChar !platform ty
(signed_word, unsigned_word) = case platformWordSize platform of
PW4 -> ('W','w')
PW8 -> ('L','l')
+-- | Printed C Type to be used with CAPI calling convention
+ppPrimTyConStgType :: TyCon -> Maybe String
+ppPrimTyConStgType tc =
+ if | tc == charPrimTyCon -> Just "StgChar"
+ | tc == intPrimTyCon -> Just "StgInt"
+ | tc == int8PrimTyCon -> Just "StgInt8"
+ | tc == int16PrimTyCon -> Just "StgInt16"
+ | tc == int32PrimTyCon -> Just "StgInt32"
+ | tc == int64PrimTyCon -> Just "StgInt64"
+ | tc == wordPrimTyCon -> Just "StgWord"
+ | tc == word8PrimTyCon -> Just "StgWord8"
+ | tc == word16PrimTyCon -> Just "StgWord16"
+ | tc == word32PrimTyCon -> Just "StgWord32"
+ | tc == word64PrimTyCon -> Just "StgWord64"
+ | tc == floatPrimTyCon -> Just "StgFloat"
+ | tc == doublePrimTyCon -> Just "StgDouble"
+ | tc == addrPrimTyCon -> Just "StgAddr"
+ | tc == stablePtrPrimTyCon -> Just "StgStablePtr"
+ | tc == arrayPrimTyCon -> Just "const StgAddr"
+ | tc == mutableArrayPrimTyCon -> Just "StgAddr"
+ | tc == byteArrayPrimTyCon -> Just "const StgAddr"
+ | tc == mutableByteArrayPrimTyCon -> Just "StgAddr"
+ | tc == smallArrayPrimTyCon -> Just "const StgAddr"
+ | tc == smallMutableArrayPrimTyCon -> Just "StgAddr"
+ | otherwise -> Nothing