path: root/compiler
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authorSimon Peyton Jones <>2014-07-18 09:35:24 +0100
committerSimon Peyton Jones <>2014-07-18 15:33:52 +0100
commit4b3df0bb705c9287046c07bbc6c038960fbf8d53 (patch)
tree422d51f4e75aacc01cb6b6b050ca5d019c81a055 /compiler
parent3214ec5abda4e5261770c3a996335e290bbb2a91 (diff)
Further improvements to floating equalities
This equality-floating stuff is horribly delicate! Trac #9316 showed up yet another corner case. The main changes are * include CTyVarEqs when "growing" the skolem set * do not include the kind argument to (~) when growing the skolem set I added a lot more comments as well
Diffstat (limited to 'compiler')
1 files changed, 191 insertions, 120 deletions
diff --git a/compiler/typecheck/TcSimplify.lhs b/compiler/typecheck/TcSimplify.lhs
index 843e0507dc..dde5902ccc 100644
--- a/compiler/typecheck/TcSimplify.lhs
+++ b/compiler/typecheck/TcSimplify.lhs
@@ -843,39 +843,6 @@ Consider floated_eqs (all wanted or derived):
simpl_loop. So we iterate if there any of these
-floatEqualities :: [TcTyVar] -> Bool -> WantedConstraints
- -> TcS (Cts, WantedConstraints)
--- Post: The returned floated constraints (Cts) are only Wanted or Derived
--- and come from the input wanted ev vars or deriveds
--- Also performs some unifications, adding to monadically-carried ty_binds
--- These will be used when processing floated_eqs later
-floatEqualities skols no_given_eqs wanteds@(WC { wc_flat = flats })
- | not no_given_eqs -- There are some given equalities, so don't float
- = return (emptyBag, wanteds) -- Note [Float Equalities out of Implications]
- | otherwise
- = do { let (float_eqs, remaining_flats) = partitionBag is_floatable flats
- ; untch <- TcS.getUntouchables
- ; mapM_ (promoteTyVar untch) (varSetElems (tyVarsOfCts float_eqs))
- -- See Note [Promoting unification variables]
- ; ty_binds <- getTcSTyBindsMap
- ; traceTcS "floatEqualities" (vcat [ text "Flats =" <+> ppr flats
- , text "Floated eqs =" <+> ppr float_eqs
- , text "Ty binds =" <+> ppr ty_binds])
- ; return (float_eqs, wanteds { wc_flat = remaining_flats }) }
- where
- -- See Note [Float equalities from under a skolem binding]
- skol_set = fixVarSet mk_next (mkVarSet skols)
- mk_next tvs = foldrBag grow_one tvs flats
- grow_one (CFunEqCan { cc_tyargs = xis, cc_rhs = rhs }) tvs
- | intersectsVarSet tvs (tyVarsOfTypes xis)
- = tvs `unionVarSet` tyVarsOfType rhs
- grow_one _ tvs = tvs
- is_floatable :: Ct -> Bool
- is_floatable ct = isEqPred pred && skol_set `disjointVarSet` tyVarsOfType pred
- where
- pred = ctPred ct
promoteTyVar :: Untouchables -> TcTyVar -> TcS ()
-- When we float a constraint out of an implication we must restore
-- invariant (MetaTvInv) in Note [Untouchable type variables] in TcType
@@ -1036,6 +1003,80 @@ should! If we don't solve the constraint, we'll stupidly quantify over
(b:*) instead of (a:OpenKind), which can lead to disaster; see Trac #7332.
Trac #7641 is a simpler example.
+Note [Promoting unification variables]
+When we float an equality out of an implication we must "promote" free
+unification variables of the equality, in order to maintain Invariant
+(MetaTvInv) from Note [Untouchable type variables] in TcType. for the
+leftover implication.
+This is absolutely necessary. Consider the following example. We start
+with two implications and a class with a functional dependency.
+ class C x y | x -> y
+ instance C [a] [a]
+ (I1) [untch=beta]forall b. 0 => F Int ~ [beta]
+ (I2) [untch=beta]forall c. 0 => F Int ~ [[alpha]] /\ C beta [c]
+We float (F Int ~ [beta]) out of I1, and we float (F Int ~ [[alpha]]) out of I2.
+They may react to yield that (beta := [alpha]) which can then be pushed inwards
+the leftover of I2 to get (C [alpha] [a]) which, using the FunDep, will mean that
+(alpha := a). In the end we will have the skolem 'b' escaping in the untouchable
+beta! Concrete example is in indexed_types/should_fail/ExtraTcsUntch.hs:
+ class C x y | x -> y where
+ op :: x -> y -> ()
+ instance C [a] [a]
+ type family F a :: *
+ h :: F Int -> ()
+ h = undefined
+ data TEx where
+ TEx :: a -> TEx
+ f (x::beta) =
+ let g1 :: forall b. b -> ()
+ g1 _ = h [x]
+ g2 z = case z of TEx y -> (h [[undefined]], op x [y])
+ in (g1 '3', g2 undefined)
+Note [Solving Family Equations]
+After we are done with simplification we may be left with constraints of the form:
+ [Wanted] F xis ~ beta
+If 'beta' is a touchable unification variable not already bound in the TyBinds
+then we'd like to create a binding for it, effectively "defaulting" it to be 'F xis'.
+When is it ok to do so?
+ 1) 'beta' must not already be defaulted to something. Example:
+ [Wanted] F Int ~ beta <~ Will default [beta := F Int]
+ [Wanted] F Char ~ beta <~ Already defaulted, can't default again. We
+ have to report this as unsolved.
+ 2) However, we must still do an occurs check when defaulting (F xis ~ beta), to
+ set [beta := F xis] only if beta is not among the free variables of xis.
+ 3) Notice that 'beta' can't be bound in ty binds already because we rewrite RHS
+ of type family equations. See Inert Set invariants in TcInteract.
+This solving is now happening during zonking, see Note [Unflattening while zonking]
+in TcMType.
+* *
+* Floating equalities *
+* *
Note [Float Equalities out of Implications]
For ordinary pattern matches (including existentials) we float
@@ -1081,8 +1122,59 @@ Consequence: classes with functional dependencies don't matter (since there is
no evidence for a fundep equality), but equality superclasses do matter (since
they carry evidence).
+floatEqualities :: [TcTyVar] -> Bool -> WantedConstraints
+ -> TcS (Cts, WantedConstraints)
+-- Main idea: see Note [Float Equalities out of Implications]
+-- Post: The returned floated constraints (Cts) are only Wanted or Derived
+-- and come from the input wanted ev vars or deriveds
+-- Also performs some unifications (via promoteTyVar), adding to
+-- monadically-carried ty_binds. These will be used when processing
+-- floated_eqs later
+-- Subtleties: Note [Float equalities from under a skolem binding]
+-- Note [Skolem escape]
+floatEqualities skols no_given_eqs wanteds@(WC { wc_flat = flats })
+ | not no_given_eqs -- There are some given equalities, so don't float
+ = return (emptyBag, wanteds) -- Note [Float Equalities out of Implications]
+ | otherwise
+ = do { let (float_eqs, remaining_flats) = partitionBag is_floatable flats
+ ; untch <- TcS.getUntouchables
+ ; mapM_ (promoteTyVar untch) (varSetElems (tyVarsOfCts float_eqs))
+ -- See Note [Promoting unification variables]
+ ; ty_binds <- getTcSTyBindsMap
+ ; traceTcS "floatEqualities" (vcat [ text "Skols =" <+> ppr skols
+ , text "Flats =" <+> ppr flats
+ , text "Skol set =" <+> ppr skol_set
+ , text "Floated eqs =" <+> ppr float_eqs
+ , text "Ty binds =" <+> ppr ty_binds])
+ ; return (float_eqs, wanteds { wc_flat = remaining_flats }) }
+ where
+ is_floatable :: Ct -> Bool
+ is_floatable ct
+ = case classifyPredType (ctPred ct) of
+ EqPred ty1 ty2 -> skol_set `disjointVarSet` tyVarsOfType ty1
+ && skol_set `disjointVarSet` tyVarsOfType ty2
+ _ -> False
+ skol_set = fixVarSet mk_next (mkVarSet skols)
+ mk_next tvs = foldr grow_one tvs flat_eqs
+ flat_eqs :: [(TcTyVarSet, TcTyVarSet)]
+ flat_eqs = [ (tyVarsOfType ty1, tyVarsOfType ty2)
+ | EqPred ty1 ty2 <- map (classifyPredType . ctPred) (bagToList flats)]
+ grow_one (tvs1,tvs2) tvs
+ | intersectsVarSet tvs tvs1 = tvs `unionVarSet` tvs2
+ | intersectsVarSet tvs tvs2 = tvs `unionVarSet` tvs2
+ | otherwise = tvs
Note [When does an implication have given equalities?]
+ NB: This note is mainly referred to from TcSMonad
+ but it relates to floating equalities, so I've
+ left it here
Consider an implication
beta => alpha ~ Int
where beta is a unification variable that has already been unified
@@ -1126,116 +1218,95 @@ This seems like the Right Thing, but it's more code, and more work
at runtime, so we are using the FlatSkolOrigin idea intead. It's less
obvious that it works, but I think it does, and it's simple and efficient.
Note [Float equalities from under a skolem binding]
-You might worry about skolem escape with all this floating.
-For example, consider
- [2] forall a. (a ~ F beta[2] delta,
- Maybe beta[2] ~ gamma[1])
-The (Maybe beta ~ gamma) doesn't mention 'a', so we float it, and
-solve with gamma := beta. But what if later delta:=Int, and
- F b Int = b.
-Then we'd get a ~ beta[2], and solve to get beta:=a, and now the
-skolem has escaped!
-But it's ok: when we float (Maybe beta[2] ~ gamma[1]), we promote beta[2]
-to beta[1], and that means the (a ~ beta[1]) will be stuck, as it should be.
-Previously we tried to "grow" the skol_set with the constraints, to get
-all the tyvars that could *conceivably* unify with the skolems, but that
-was far too conservative (Trac #7804). Example: this should be fine:
- f :: (forall a. a -> Proxy x -> Proxy (F x)) -> Int
- f = error "Urk" :: (forall a. a -> Proxy x -> Proxy (F x)) -> Int
-BUT (sigh) we have to be careful. Here are some edge cases:
+Which of the flat equalities can we float out? Obviously, only
+ones that don't mention the skolem-bound variables. But that is
+over-eager. Consider
+ [2] forall a. F a beta[1] ~ gamma[2], G beta[1] gamma[2] ~ Int
+The second constraint doesn't mention 'a'. But if we float it
+we'll promote gamma to gamma'[1]. Now suppose that we learn that
+beta := Bool, and F a Bool = a, and G Bool _ = Int. Then we'll
+we left with the constraint
+ [2] forall a. a ~ gamma'[1]
+which is insoluble because gamma became untouchable.
+Solution: only promote a constraint if its free variables cannot
+possibly be connected with the skolems. Procedurally, start with
+the skolems and "grow" that set as follows:
+ * For each flat equality F ts ~ s, or tv ~ s,
+ if the current set intersects with the LHS of the equality,
+ add the free vars of the RHS, and vice versa
+That gives us a grown skolem set. Now float an equality if its free
+vars don't intersect the grown skolem set.
+This seems very ad hoc (sigh). But here are some tricky edge cases:
a) [2]forall a. (F a delta[1] ~ beta[2], delta[1] ~ Maybe beta[2])
-b) [2]forall a. (F b ty ~ beta[2], G beta[2] ~ gamma[2])
+b1) [2]forall a. (F a ty ~ beta[2], G beta[2] ~ gamma[2])
+b2) [2]forall a. (a ~ beta[2], G beta[2] ~ gamma[2])
c) [2]forall a. (F a ty ~ beta[2], delta[1] ~ Maybe beta[2])
+d) [2]forall a. (gamma[1] ~ Tree beta[2], F ty ~ beta[2])
In (a) we *must* float out the second equality,
else we can't solve at all (Trac #7804).
-In (b) we *must not* float out the second equality.
- It will ultimately be solved (by flattening) in situ, but if we
- float it we'll promote beta,gamma, and render the first equality insoluble.
+In (b1, b2) we *must not* float out the second equality.
+ It will ultimately be solved (by flattening) in situ, but if we float
+ it we'll promote beta,gamma, and render the first equality insoluble.
+ Trac #9316 was an example of (b2). You may wonder why (a ~ beta[2]) isn't
+ solved; in #9316 it wasn't solved because (a:*) and (beta:kappa[1]), so the
+ equality was kind-mismatched, and hence was a CIrredEvCan. There was
+ another equality alongside, (kappa[1] ~ *). We must first float *that*
+ one out and *then* we can solve (a ~ beta).
In (c) it would be OK to float the second equality but better not to.
If we flatten we see (delta[1] ~ Maybe (F a ty)), which is a
- skolem-escape problem. If we float the secodn equality we'll
+ skolem-escape problem. If we float the second equality we'll
end up with (F a ty ~ beta'[1]), which is a less explicable error.
-Hence we start with the skolems, grow them by the CFunEqCans, and
-float ones that don't mention the grown variables. Seems very ad hoc.
-Note [Promoting unification variables]
-When we float an equality out of an implication we must "promote" free
-unification variables of the equality, in order to maintain Invariant
-(MetaTvInv) from Note [Untouchable type variables] in TcType. for the
-leftover implication.
-This is absolutely necessary. Consider the following example. We start
-with two implications and a class with a functional dependency.
- class C x y | x -> y
- instance C [a] [a]
- (I1) [untch=beta]forall b. 0 => F Int ~ [beta]
- (I2) [untch=beta]forall c. 0 => F Int ~ [[alpha]] /\ C beta [c]
-We float (F Int ~ [beta]) out of I1, and we float (F Int ~ [[alpha]]) out of I2.
-They may react to yield that (beta := [alpha]) which can then be pushed inwards
-the leftover of I2 to get (C [alpha] [a]) which, using the FunDep, will mean that
-(alpha := a). In the end we will have the skolem 'b' escaping in the untouchable
-beta! Concrete example is in indexed_types/should_fail/ExtraTcsUntch.hs:
- class C x y | x -> y where
- op :: x -> y -> ()
- instance C [a] [a]
- type family F a :: *
- h :: F Int -> ()
- h = undefined
- data TEx where
- TEx :: a -> TEx
+In (d) we must float the first equality, so that we can unify gamma.
+ But that promotes beta, so we must float the second equality too,
+ Trac #7196 exhibits this case
+Some notes
- f (x::beta) =
- let g1 :: forall b. b -> ()
- g1 _ = h [x]
- g2 z = case z of TEx y -> (h [[undefined]], op x [y])
- in (g1 '3', g2 undefined)
+* When "growing", do not simply take the free vars of the predicate!
+ Example [2]forall a. (a:* ~ beta[2]:kappa[1]), (kappa[1] ~ *)
+ We must float the second, and we must not float the first.
+ But the first actually looks like ((~) kappa a beta), so if we just
+ look at its free variables we'll see {a,kappa,beta), and that might
+ make us think kappa should be in the grown skol set.
+ (In any case, the kind argument for a kind-mis-matched equality like
+ this one doesn't really make sense anyway.)
+ That's why we use classifyPred when growing.
-Note [Solving Family Equations]
-After we are done with simplification we may be left with constraints of the form:
- [Wanted] F xis ~ beta
-If 'beta' is a touchable unification variable not already bound in the TyBinds
-then we'd like to create a binding for it, effectively "defaulting" it to be 'F xis'.
-When is it ok to do so?
- 1) 'beta' must not already be defaulted to something. Example:
+* Previously we tried to "grow" the skol_set with *all* the
+ constraints (not just equalities), to get all the tyvars that could
+ *conceivably* unify with the skolems, but that was far too
+ conservative (Trac #7804). Example: this should be fine:
+ f :: (forall a. a -> Proxy x -> Proxy (F x)) -> Int
+ f = error "Urk" :: (forall a. a -> Proxy x -> Proxy (F x)) -> Int
- [Wanted] F Int ~ beta <~ Will default [beta := F Int]
- [Wanted] F Char ~ beta <~ Already defaulted, can't default again. We
- have to report this as unsolved.
- 2) However, we must still do an occurs check when defaulting (F xis ~ beta), to
- set [beta := F xis] only if beta is not among the free variables of xis.
+Note [Skolem escape]
+You might worry about skolem escape with all this floating.
+For example, consider
+ [2] forall a. (a ~ F beta[2] delta,
+ Maybe beta[2] ~ gamma[1])
- 3) Notice that 'beta' can't be bound in ty binds already because we rewrite RHS
- of type family equations. See Inert Set invariants in TcInteract.
+The (Maybe beta ~ gamma) doesn't mention 'a', so we float it, and
+solve with gamma := beta. But what if later delta:=Int, and
+ F b Int = b.
+Then we'd get a ~ beta[2], and solve to get beta:=a, and now the
+skolem has escaped!
-This solving is now happening during zonking, see Note [Unflattening while zonking]
-in TcMType.
+But it's ok: when we float (Maybe beta[2] ~ gamma[1]), we promote beta[2]
+to beta[1], and that means the (a ~ beta[1]) will be stuck, as it should be.