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authorGeorge Karachalias <>2015-12-04 07:11:55 +0100
committerGeorge Karachalias <>2015-12-04 07:11:55 +0100
commitae4398d64655b43606386dddb01637bbfcf0171e (patch)
tree3ae903b249547366a6ad8531b7d773238ac1a74a /compiler
parent40fc353650d44472203153b04302a3614a0552eb (diff)
Improve performance for PM check on literals (Fixes #11160 and #11161)
Two changes: 1. Instead of generating constraints of the form (x ~ e) (as we do in the paper), generate constraints of the form (e ~ e). The term oracle (`tmOracle` in deSugar/TmOracle.hs) is not really efficient and in the presence of many (x ~ e) constraints behaves quadratically. For literals, constraints of the form (False ~ (x ~ lit)) are pretty common, so if we start with { y ~ False, y ~ (x ~ lit) } we end up givng to the solver (a) twice as many constraints as we need and (b) half of them trigger the solver's weakness. This fixes #11160. 2. Treat two overloaded literals that look different as different. This is not entirely correct but it is what both the previous and the current check did. I had the ambitious plan to do the *right thing* (equality between overloaded literals is undecidable in the general case) and just use this assumption when issuing the warnings. It seems to generate much more constraints than I expected (breaks #11161) so I just do it immediately now instead of generating everything and filtering afterwards. Even if it is not (strictly speaking) correct, we have the following: * Gives the "expected" warnings (the ones Ocaml or the previous algorithm would give) and, * Most importantly, it is safe. Unless a catch-all clause exists, a match against literals is always non-exhaustive. So, effectively this affects only what is shown to the user (and, evidently, performance!).
Diffstat (limited to 'compiler')
3 files changed, 70 insertions, 329 deletions
diff --git a/compiler/deSugar/Check.hs b/compiler/deSugar/Check.hs
index 382112c951..55dcfc224e 100644
--- a/compiler/deSugar/Check.hs
+++ b/compiler/deSugar/Check.hs
@@ -71,7 +71,7 @@ The algorithm used is described in the paper:
type PmM a = DsM a
-data PmConstraint = TmConstraint Id PmExpr -- ^ Term equalities: x ~ e
+data PmConstraint = TmConstraint PmExpr PmExpr -- ^ Term equalities: e ~ e
| TyConstraint [EvVar] -- ^ Type equalities
| BtConstraint Id -- ^ Strictness constraints: x ~ _|_
@@ -174,10 +174,12 @@ checkMatches vars matches
initial_uncovered :: [Id] -> DsM ValSetAbs
initial_uncovered vars = do
ty_cs <- TyConstraint . bagToList <$> getDictsDs
- tm_cs <- map (uncurry TmConstraint) . bagToList <$> getTmCsDs
+ tm_cs <- map simpleToTmCs . bagToList <$> getTmCsDs
let vsa = map (VA . PmVar) vars
return $ mkConstraint (ty_cs:tm_cs) (foldr Cons Singleton vsa)
+ where
+ simpleToTmCs :: (Id, PmExpr) -> PmConstraint
+ simpleToTmCs (x,e) = TmConstraint (PmExprVar x) e
%* *
@@ -670,8 +672,8 @@ mkOneConFull x usupply con = (con_abs, constraints)
, pm_con_args = arguments }
constraints -- term and type constraints
- | null evvars = [ TmConstraint x (pmPatToPmExpr con_abs) ]
- | otherwise = [ TmConstraint x (pmPatToPmExpr con_abs)
+ | null evvars = [ TmConstraint (PmExprVar x) (pmPatToPmExpr con_abs) ]
+ | otherwise = [ TmConstraint (PmExprVar x) (pmPatToPmExpr con_abs)
, TyConstraint evvars ]
mkConVars :: UniqSupply -> [Type] -> [ValAbs] -- ys, fresh with the given type
@@ -818,14 +820,14 @@ nameType name usupply ty = newEvVar idname ty
idname = mkInternalName unique occname noSrcSpan
-- | Partition the constraints to type cs, term cs and forced variables
-splitConstraints :: [PmConstraint] -> ([EvVar], [(Id, PmExpr)], Maybe Id)
+splitConstraints :: [PmConstraint] -> ([EvVar], [(PmExpr, PmExpr)], Maybe Id)
splitConstraints [] = ([],[],Nothing)
splitConstraints (c : rest)
= case c of
- TyConstraint cs -> (cs ++ ty_cs, tm_cs, bot_cs)
- TmConstraint x e -> (ty_cs, (x,e):tm_cs, bot_cs)
- BtConstraint cs -> ASSERT (isNothing bot_cs) -- NB: Only one x ~ _|_
- (ty_cs, tm_cs, Just cs)
+ TyConstraint cs -> (cs ++ ty_cs, tm_cs, bot_cs)
+ TmConstraint e1 e2 -> (ty_cs, (e1,e2):tm_cs, bot_cs)
+ BtConstraint cs -> ASSERT (isNothing bot_cs) -- NB: Only one x ~ _|_
+ (ty_cs, tm_cs, Just cs)
(ty_cs, tm_cs, bot_cs) = splitConstraints rest
@@ -883,20 +885,14 @@ pruneVSABound n v = go n init_cs emptylist v
vecs1 <- go n all_cs vec vsa1
vecs2 <- go (n - length vecs1) all_cs vec vsa2
return (vecs1 ++ vecs2)
- Singleton ->
- -- Have another go at the term oracle state, for strange
- -- equalities between overloaded literals. See
- -- Note [Undecidable Equality on Overloaded Literals] in TmOracle
- if containsEqLits tm_env
- then return [] -- not on the safe side
- else do
- -- TODO: Provide an incremental interface for the type oracle
- sat <- tyOracle (listToBag ty_cs)
- return $ case sat of
- True -> let (residual_eqs, subst) = wrapUpTmState tm_env
- vector = substInValVecAbs subst (toList vec)
- in [(vector, residual_eqs)]
- False -> []
+ Singleton -> do
+ -- TODO: Provide an incremental interface for the type oracle
+ sat <- tyOracle (listToBag ty_cs)
+ return $ case sat of
+ True -> let (residual_eqs, subst) = wrapUpTmState tm_env
+ vector = substInValVecAbs subst (toList vec)
+ in [(vector, residual_eqs)]
+ False -> []
Constraint cs vsa -> case splitConstraints cs of
(new_ty_cs, new_tm_cs, new_bot_ct) ->
@@ -1000,7 +996,7 @@ pmTraverse us gvsa rec (p:ps) vsa =
PmGuard pv e ->
let (us1, us2) = splitUniqSupply us
y = mkPmId us1 (patternType p)
- cs = [TmConstraint y e]
+ cs = [TmConstraint (PmExprVar y) e]
in mkConstraint cs $ tailVSA $
pmTraverse us2 gvsa rec (pv++ps) (VA (PmVar y) `mkCons` vsa)
@@ -1023,16 +1019,12 @@ cMatcher, uMatcher, dMatcher :: PmMatcher
-- CVar
cMatcher us gvsa (PmVar x) ps va vsa
= VA va `mkCons` (cs `mkConstraint` covered us gvsa ps vsa)
- where cs = [TmConstraint x (pmPatToPmExpr va)]
+ where cs = [TmConstraint (PmExprVar x) (pmPatToPmExpr va)]
-- CLitCon
cMatcher us gvsa (PmLit l) ps (va@(PmCon {})) vsa
- = VA va `mkCons` (cs `mkConstraint` covered us2 gvsa ps vsa)
- where
- (us1, us2) = splitUniqSupply us
- y = mkPmId us1 (pmPatType va)
- cs = [ TmConstraint y (PmExprLit l)
- , TmConstraint y (pmPatToPmExpr va) ]
+ = VA va `mkCons` (cs `mkConstraint` covered us gvsa ps vsa)
+ where cs = [ TmConstraint (PmExprLit l) (pmPatToPmExpr va) ]
-- CConLit
cMatcher us gvsa (p@(PmCon {})) ps (PmLit l) vsa
@@ -1041,7 +1033,7 @@ cMatcher us gvsa (p@(PmCon {})) ps (PmLit l) vsa
(us1, us2, us3) = splitUniqSupply3 us
y = mkPmId us1 (pmPatType p)
(con_abs, all_cs) = mkOneConFull y us2 (pm_con_con p)
- cs = TmConstraint y (PmExprLit l) : all_cs
+ cs = TmConstraint (PmExprVar y) (PmExprLit l) : all_cs
-- CConCon
cMatcher us gvsa (p@(PmCon { pm_con_con = c1, pm_con_args = args1 })) ps
@@ -1055,15 +1047,8 @@ cMatcher us gvsa (p@(PmCon { pm_con_con = c1, pm_con_args = args1 })) ps
-- CLitLit
cMatcher us gvsa (PmLit l1) ps (va@(PmLit l2)) vsa = case eqPmLit l1 l2 of
- Just True -> VA va `mkCons` covered us gvsa ps vsa -- match
- Just False -> Empty -- mismatch
- Nothing -> VA va `mkCons` (cs `mkConstraint` covered us2 gvsa ps vsa)
- -- See Note [Undecidable Equality on Overloaded Literals] in TmOracle
- where
- (us1, us2) = splitUniqSupply us
- y = mkPmId us1 (pmPatType va)
- cs = [ TmConstraint y (PmExprLit l1)
- , TmConstraint y (PmExprLit l2) ]
+ True -> VA va `mkCons` covered us gvsa ps vsa -- match
+ False -> Empty -- mismatch
-- CConVar
cMatcher us gvsa (p@(PmCon { pm_con_con = con })) ps (PmVar x) vsa
@@ -1077,7 +1062,7 @@ cMatcher us gvsa (p@(PmLit l)) ps (PmVar x) vsa
= cMatcher us gvsa p ps lit_abs (mkConstraint cs vsa)
lit_abs = PmLit l
- cs = [TmConstraint x (PmExprLit l)]
+ cs = [TmConstraint (PmExprVar x) (PmExprLit l)]
-- uMatcher
-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
@@ -1085,7 +1070,7 @@ cMatcher us gvsa (p@(PmLit l)) ps (PmVar x) vsa
-- UVar
uMatcher us gvsa (PmVar x) ps va vsa
= VA va `mkCons` (cs `mkConstraint` uncovered us gvsa ps vsa)
- where cs = [TmConstraint x (pmPatToPmExpr va)]
+ where cs = [TmConstraint (PmExprVar x) (pmPatToPmExpr va)]
-- ULitCon
uMatcher us gvsa (PmLit l) ps (va@(PmCon {})) vsa
@@ -1093,7 +1078,7 @@ uMatcher us gvsa (PmLit l) ps (va@(PmCon {})) vsa
(us1, us2) = splitUniqSupply us
y = mkPmId us1 (pmPatType va)
- cs = [TmConstraint y (PmExprLit l)]
+ cs = [TmConstraint (PmExprVar y) (PmExprLit l)]
-- UConLit
uMatcher us gvsa (p@(PmCon {})) ps (PmLit l) vsa
@@ -1101,7 +1086,7 @@ uMatcher us gvsa (p@(PmCon {})) ps (PmLit l) vsa
(us1, us2) = splitUniqSupply us
y = mkPmId us1 (pmPatType p)
- cs = [TmConstraint y (PmExprLit l)]
+ cs = [TmConstraint (PmExprVar y) (PmExprLit l)]
-- UConCon
uMatcher us gvsa ( p@(PmCon { pm_con_con = c1, pm_con_args = args1 })) ps
@@ -1115,20 +1100,8 @@ uMatcher us gvsa ( p@(PmCon { pm_con_con = c1, pm_con_args = args1 })) ps
-- ULitLit
uMatcher us gvsa (PmLit l1) ps (va@(PmLit l2)) vsa = case eqPmLit l1 l2 of
- Just True -> VA va `mkCons` uncovered us gvsa ps vsa -- match
- Just False -> VA va `mkCons` vsa -- mismatch
- Nothing -> mkUnion (VA va `mkCons`
- (match_cs `mkConstraint` uncovered us3 gvsa ps vsa))
- (non_match_cs `mkConstraint` (VA va `mkCons` vsa))
- -- See Note [Undecidable Equality on Overloaded Literals] in TmOracle
- where
- (us1, us2, us3) = splitUniqSupply3 us
- y = mkPmId us1 (pmPatType va)
- z = mkPmId us2 boolTy
- match_cs = [ TmConstraint y (PmExprLit l1)
- , TmConstraint y (PmExprLit l2) ]
- non_match_cs = [ TmConstraint z falsePmExpr
- , TmConstraint z (PmExprEq (PmExprLit l1) (PmExprLit l2))]
+ True -> VA va `mkCons` uncovered us gvsa ps vsa -- match
+ False -> VA va `mkCons` vsa -- mismatch
-- UConVar
uMatcher us gvsa (p@(PmCon { pm_con_con = con })) ps (PmVar x) vsa
@@ -1145,14 +1118,12 @@ uMatcher us gvsa (p@(PmCon { pm_con_con = con })) ps (PmVar x) vsa
-- ULitVar
uMatcher us gvsa (p@(PmLit l)) ps (PmVar x) vsa
- = mkUnion (uMatcher us2 gvsa p ps (PmLit l) (mkConstraint match_cs vsa))
+ = mkUnion (uMatcher us gvsa p ps (PmLit l) (mkConstraint match_cs vsa))
(non_match_cs `mkConstraint` (VA (PmVar x) `mkCons` vsa))
- (us1, us2) = splitUniqSupply us
- y = mkPmId us1 (pmPatType p)
- match_cs = [ TmConstraint x (PmExprLit l)]
- non_match_cs = [ TmConstraint y falsePmExpr
- , TmConstraint y (PmExprEq (PmExprVar x) (PmExprLit l)) ]
+ match_cs = [ TmConstraint (PmExprVar x) (PmExprLit l)]
+ non_match_cs = [ TmConstraint falsePmExpr
+ (PmExprEq (PmExprVar x) (PmExprLit l)) ]
-- dMatcher
-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
@@ -1160,16 +1131,12 @@ uMatcher us gvsa (p@(PmLit l)) ps (PmVar x) vsa
-- DVar
dMatcher us gvsa (PmVar x) ps va vsa
= VA va `mkCons` (cs `mkConstraint` divergent us gvsa ps vsa)
- where cs = [TmConstraint x (pmPatToPmExpr va)]
+ where cs = [TmConstraint (PmExprVar x) (pmPatToPmExpr va)]
-- DLitCon
dMatcher us gvsa (PmLit l) ps (va@(PmCon {})) vsa
- = VA va `mkCons` (cs `mkConstraint` divergent us2 gvsa ps vsa)
- where
- (us1, us2) = splitUniqSupply us
- y = mkPmId us1 (pmPatType va)
- cs = [ TmConstraint y (PmExprLit l)
- , TmConstraint y (pmPatToPmExpr va) ]
+ = VA va `mkCons` (cs `mkConstraint` divergent us gvsa ps vsa)
+ where cs = [ TmConstraint (PmExprLit l) (pmPatToPmExpr va) ]
-- DConLit
dMatcher us gvsa (p@(PmCon { pm_con_con = con })) ps (PmLit l) vsa
@@ -1178,7 +1145,7 @@ dMatcher us gvsa (p@(PmCon { pm_con_con = con })) ps (PmLit l) vsa
(us1, us2, us3) = splitUniqSupply3 us
y = mkPmId us1 (pmPatType p)
(con_abs, all_cs) = mkOneConFull y us2 con
- cs = TmConstraint y (PmExprLit l) : all_cs
+ cs = TmConstraint (PmExprVar y) (PmExprLit l) : all_cs
-- DConCon
dMatcher us gvsa (p@(PmCon { pm_con_con = c1, pm_con_args = args1 })) ps
@@ -1192,15 +1159,8 @@ dMatcher us gvsa (p@(PmCon { pm_con_con = c1, pm_con_args = args1 })) ps
-- DLitLit
dMatcher us gvsa (PmLit l1) ps (va@(PmLit l2)) vsa = case eqPmLit l1 l2 of
- Just True -> VA va `mkCons` divergent us gvsa ps vsa -- we know: match
- Just False -> Empty -- we know: no match
- Nothing -> VA va `mkCons` (cs `mkConstraint` divergent us2 gvsa ps vsa)
- -- See Note [Undecidable Equality on Overloaded Literals] in TmOracle
- where
- (us1, us2) = splitUniqSupply us
- y = mkPmId us1 (pmPatType va)
- cs = [ TmConstraint y (PmExprLit l1)
- , TmConstraint y (PmExprLit l2) ]
+ True -> VA va `mkCons` divergent us gvsa ps vsa -- match
+ False -> Empty -- mismatch
-- DConVar
dMatcher us gvsa (p@(PmCon { pm_con_con = con })) ps (PmVar x) vsa
@@ -1215,7 +1175,7 @@ dMatcher us gvsa (PmLit l) ps (PmVar x) vsa
= mkUnion (VA (PmVar x) `mkCons` mkConstraint [BtConstraint x] vsa)
(dMatcher us gvsa (PmLit l) ps (PmLit l) (mkConstraint cs vsa))
- cs = [TmConstraint x (PmExprLit l)]
+ cs = [TmConstraint (PmExprVar x) (PmExprLit l)]
-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- * Propagation of term constraints inwards when checking nested matches
diff --git a/compiler/deSugar/PmExpr.hs b/compiler/deSugar/PmExpr.hs
index c28e95d90d..f426bb4d19 100644
--- a/compiler/deSugar/PmExpr.hs
+++ b/compiler/deSugar/PmExpr.hs
@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ import VarSet
import Data.Functor ((<$>))
import Data.Maybe (mapMaybe)
-import Data.List (groupBy, sortBy)
+import Data.List (groupBy, sortBy, nubBy)
import Control.Monad.Trans.State.Lazy
@@ -66,21 +66,16 @@ data PmLit = PmSLit HsLit -- simple
-- inconclusive. Since an overloaded PmLit represents a function application
-- (e.g. fromInteger 5), if two literals look the same they are the same but
-- if they don't, whether they are depends on the implementation of the
--- from-function.
-eqPmLit :: PmLit -> PmLit -> Maybe Bool
-eqPmLit (PmSLit l1) (PmSLit l2 ) = Just (l1 == l2)
-eqPmLit (PmOLit b1 l1) (PmOLit b2 l2) = if res then Just True else Nothing
- where res = b1 == b2 && l1 == l2
-eqPmLit _ _ = Just False -- this should not even happen I think
+-- from-function. Yet, for the purposes of the check, we check syntactically
+-- only (it is safe anyway, since literals always need a catch-all to be
+-- considered to be exhaustive).
+eqPmLit :: PmLit -> PmLit -> Bool
+eqPmLit (PmSLit l1) (PmSLit l2) = l1 == l2
+eqPmLit (PmOLit b1 l1) (PmOLit b2 l2) = b1 == b2 && l1 == l2
+eqPmLit _ _ = False
nubPmLit :: [PmLit] -> [PmLit]
-nubPmLit [] = []
-nubPmLit [x] = [x]
-nubPmLit (x:xs) = x : nubPmLit (filter (neqPmLit x) xs)
- where neqPmLit l1 l2 = case eqPmLit l1 l2 of
- Just True -> False
- Just False -> True
- Nothing -> True
+nubPmLit = nubBy eqPmLit
-- | Term equalities
type SimpleEq = (Id, PmExpr) -- We always use this orientation
@@ -374,4 +369,3 @@ instance Outputable PmLit where
-- not really useful for pmexprs per se
instance Outputable PmExpr where
ppr e = fst $ runPmPprM (pprPmExpr e) []
diff --git a/compiler/deSugar/TmOracle.hs b/compiler/deSugar/TmOracle.hs
index 8babc2ebdc..3731f801d3 100644
--- a/compiler/deSugar/TmOracle.hs
+++ b/compiler/deSugar/TmOracle.hs
@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ module TmOracle (
pprPmExprWithParens, lhsExprToPmExpr, hsExprToPmExpr,
-- the term oracle
- tmOracle, TmState, initialTmState, containsEqLits,
+ tmOracle, TmState, initialTmState,
-- misc.
exprDeepLookup, pmLitType, flattenPmVarEnv
@@ -91,12 +91,12 @@ type TmState = ([ComplexEq], TmOracleEnv)
initialTmState :: TmState
initialTmState = ([], (False, Map.empty))
--- | Solve a simple equality.
-solveSimpleEq :: TmState -> SimpleEq -> Maybe TmState
-solveSimpleEq solver_env@(_,(_,env)) simple
+-- | Solve a complex equality (top-level).
+solveOneEq :: TmState -> ComplexEq -> Maybe TmState
+solveOneEq solver_env@(_,(_,env)) complex
= solveComplexEq solver_env -- do the actual *merging* with existing state
- $ simplifyComplexEq -- simplify as much as you can
- $ applySubstSimpleEq env simple -- replace everything we already know
+ $ simplifyComplexEq -- simplify as much as you can
+ $ applySubstComplexEq env complex -- replace everything we already know
-- | Solve a complex equality.
solveComplexEq :: TmState -> ComplexEq -> Maybe TmState
@@ -106,9 +106,8 @@ solveComplexEq solver_state@(standby, (unhandled, env)) eq@(e1, e2) = case eq of
(_,PmExprOther _) -> Just (standby, (True, env))
(PmExprLit l1, PmExprLit l2) -> case eqPmLit l1 l2 of
- Just True -> Just solver_state -- we are sure: equal
- Just False -> Nothing -- we are sure: not equal
- Nothing -> Just (eq:standby, (unhandled, env)) -- no clue
+ True -> Just solver_state
+ False -> Nothing
(PmExprCon c1 ts1, PmExprCon c2 ts2)
| c1 == c2 -> foldlM solveComplexEq solver_state (zip ts1 ts2)
@@ -166,9 +165,8 @@ simplifyEqExpr e1 e2 = case (e1, e2) of
-- Literals
(PmExprLit l1, PmExprLit l2) -> case eqPmLit l1 l2 of
- Just True -> (truePmExpr, True)
- Just False -> (falsePmExpr, True)
- Nothing -> (original, False)
+ True -> (truePmExpr, True)
+ False -> (falsePmExpr, True)
-- Can potentially be simplified
(PmExprEq {}, _) -> case (simplifyPmExpr e1, simplifyPmExpr e2) of
@@ -199,18 +197,18 @@ simplifyEqExpr e1 e2 = case (e1, e2) of
original = PmExprEq e1 e2 -- reconstruct equality
--- | Apply an (un-flattened) substitution on a simple equality.
-applySubstSimpleEq :: PmVarEnv -> SimpleEq -> ComplexEq
-applySubstSimpleEq env (x, e) = (varDeepLookup env x, exprDeepLookup env e)
+-- | Apply an (un-flattened) substitution to a simple equality.
+applySubstComplexEq :: PmVarEnv -> ComplexEq -> ComplexEq
+applySubstComplexEq env (e1,e2) = (exprDeepLookup env e1, exprDeepLookup env e2)
--- | Apply an (un-flattened) substitution on a variable.
+-- | Apply an (un-flattened) substitution to a variable.
varDeepLookup :: PmVarEnv -> Id -> PmExpr
varDeepLookup env x
| Just e <- Map.lookup x env = exprDeepLookup env e -- go deeper
| otherwise = PmExprVar x -- terminal
{-# INLINE varDeepLookup #-}
--- | Apply an (un-flattened) substitution on an expression.
+-- | Apply an (un-flattened) substitution to an expression.
exprDeepLookup :: PmVarEnv -> PmExpr -> PmExpr
exprDeepLookup env (PmExprVar x) = varDeepLookup env x
exprDeepLookup env (PmExprCon c es) = PmExprCon c (map (exprDeepLookup env) es)
@@ -219,8 +217,8 @@ exprDeepLookup env (PmExprEq e1 e2) = PmExprEq (exprDeepLookup env e1)
exprDeepLookup _ other_expr = other_expr -- PmExprLit, PmExprOther
-- | External interface to the term oracle.
-tmOracle :: TmState -> [SimpleEq] -> Maybe TmState
-tmOracle tm_state eqs = foldlM solveSimpleEq tm_state eqs
+tmOracle :: TmState -> [ComplexEq] -> Maybe TmState
+tmOracle tm_state eqs = foldlM solveOneEq tm_state eqs
-- | Type of a PmLit
pmLitType :: PmLit -> Type -- should be in PmExpr but gives cyclic imports :(
@@ -241,215 +239,4 @@ is the following:
truePmExpr, falsePmExpr or (e1' ~ e2') in case it is uncertain. Note
that it is not e but rather e', since it may perform some
simplifications deeper.
-Note [Undecidable Equality on Overloaded Literals]
-Overloaded literals do not offer equality like constructors do. A literal @lit@
-is used to actually represent @from lit@. For example, we can have the
- instance Num Bool where
- ...
- fromInteger 0 = False
- fromInteger _ = True
- g :: Bool -> Bool
- g 4 = ... -- clause A
- g 2 = ... -- clause B
-Both clauses A and B will match argunent @True@ so we have an overlap. Yet, we
-cannot detect this unless we unfold the @fromInteger@ function. So @eqPmLit@
-from deSugar/PmExpr.hs returns @Nothing@ in this case. This complexes things a
-lot. Consider the following (similar to test ds022 in deSugar/should_compile):
- f l1 l2 = ... -- clause A
- f l3 l4 = ... -- clause B
- f l1 l2 = ... -- clause C
-Assuming that the @from@ function is side-effect-free (and total), clauses C
-and D are redundant, independently of the implementation of @from@:
- l1 == l2 ===> from l1 == from l2
- l1 /= l2 =/=> from l1 /= from l2
-Now consider what we should generate for @f@ (covered and uncovered only):
-U0 = { [x y |> {}] }
-Clause A: l1 l2
-CA = { [l1 l2 |> { x ~ l1, y ~ l2 }] }
-UA = { [x y |> { False ~ (x ~ l1) }]
- , [l1 y |> { x ~ l1, False ~ (y ~ l2) }] }
-Clause B: l3 l4
-CB = { [l3 l4 |> { False ~ (x ~ l1), x ~ l3, y ~ l4}]
- ..reduces to: False ~ (l3 ~ l1), y ~ l4
- , [l1 l4 |> { x ~ l1, False ~ (y ~ l2), l3 ~ z, z ~ l1, y ~ l4}] }
- ..reduces to: x ~ l1, False ~ (l4 ~ l2), l1 ~ l3
-UB = { [x y |> { False ~ (x ~ l1), False ~ (x ~ l3) }]
- , [l3 y |> { False ~ (x ~ l1), x ~ l3, False ~ (y ~ l4) }]
- ..reduces to: False ~ (l1 ~ l3), False ~ (y ~ l4)
- , [l1 y |> { x ~ l1, False ~ (y ~ l2), False ~ (l1 ~ l3) }]
- , [l1 y |> { x ~ l1, False ~ (y ~ l2), l1 ~ l3, False ~ (y ~ l4) }] }
-Clause C: l1 l2
-CC = { [l1 l2 |> { False ~ (x ~ l1), False ~ (x ~ l3), x ~ l1, y ~ l2 }]
- ..reduces to: False ~ (l1 ~ l1), False ~ (l1 ~ l3), x ~ l1
- False ~ True, False ~ (l1 ~ l3), x ~ l1
- , [l3 l2 |> { False ~ (l1 ~ l3), False ~ (y ~ l4), l1 ~ l3, y ~ l2 }]
- ..reduces to: False ~ (l1 ~ l3), False ~ (l2 ~ l4), l1 ~ l3
- , [l1 l2 |> { x ~ l1, False ~ (y ~ l2), False ~ (l1 ~ l3), y ~ l2 }]
- ..reduces to: x ~ l1, False ~ (l2 ~ l2), False ~ (l1 ~ l3)
- x ~ l1, False ~ True, False ~ (l1 ~ l3)
- , [l1 l2 |> { x ~ l1,False ~ (y ~ l2),l1 ~ l3,False ~ (y ~ l4),y ~ l2 }] }
- ..reduces to: x ~ l1, False ~ (l2 ~ l2), l1 ~ l3, False ~ (l2 ~ l4)
- x ~ l1, False ~ True, l1 ~ l3, False ~ (l2 ~ l4)
-Now the first problem shows itself: Our basic unification-based term oracle
-cannot detect that constraint:
- False ~ (l1 ~ l3), False ~ (l2 ~ l4), l1 ~ l3
-is inconsistent. That's what function @tryLitEqs@ (in comments) tries to do:
-use the equality l1 ~ l3 to replace False ~ (l1 ~ l3) with False ~ (l1 ~ l1)
-and expose the inconsistency.
-Let's turn back to UB and assume we had only clauses A and B. UB is as follows:
- UB = { [x y |> { False ~ (x ~ l1), False ~ (x ~ l3) }]
- , [l3 y |> { False ~ (l1 ~ l3), False ~ (y ~ l4) }]
- , [l1 y |> { x ~ l1, False ~ (y ~ l2), False ~ (l1 ~ l3) }]
- , [l1 y |> { x ~ l1, False ~ (y ~ l2), l1 ~ l3, False ~ (y ~ l4) }] }
-So we would get:
- Pattern match(es) are non-exhaustive
- In an equation for f:
- Patterns not matched:
- x y where x not one of {l1, l3}
- l3 y where y not one of {l4}
- l1 y where y not one of {l2}
- l1 y where y not one of {l2, l4} -- (*)
-What about the last warning? It holds UNDER THE ASSUMPTION that l1 == l2. It is
-quite unintuitive for the user so at the moment we drop such cases (see
-function @pruneVSABound@ in deSugar/Check.hs). I (gkaracha) would prefer to
-issue a warning like:
- Pattern match(es) are non-exhaustive
- In an equation for f:
- Patterns not matched:
- ...
- l1 y where y not one of {l2, l4}
- under the assumption that l1 ~ l3
-It may be more complex but I would prefer to play on the safe side and (safely)
-issue all warnings and leave it up to the user to decide whether the assumption
-holds or not.
-At the moment, we use @containsEqLits@ and consider all constraints that
-include literal equalities inconsistent. We could achieve the same by replacing
-this clause of @eqPmLit@:
- eqPmLit (PmOLit b1 l1) (PmOLit b2 l2)
- | b1 == b2 && l1 == l2 = Just True
- | otherwise = Nothing
-with this:
- eqPmLit (PmOLit b1 l1) (PmOLit b2 l2)
- | b1 == b2 && l1 == l2 = Just True
- | otherwise = Just False
-which approximates on the unsafe side. Hopefully, literals always need a
-catch-all case to be considered exhaustive so in practice it makes small
-difference. I hate this but it gives the warnings the users are used to.
-{- Not Enabled at the moment
--- | Check whether overloaded literal constraints exist in the state and if
--- they can be used to detect further inconsistencies.
-tryLitEqs :: TmState -> Maybe Bool
-tryLitEqs tm_state@(stb,_) = do
- ans <- exploitLitEqs (Just tm_state)
- -- Three possible results:
- -- Nothing : Inconsistency found.
- -- Just True : Literal constraints exist but no inconsistency found.
- -- Just False : There are no literal constraints in the state.
- return (isJust $ exists isLitEq_mb stb)
--- | Exploit overloaded literal constraints
--- @lit1 ~ lit2@ to improve the term oracle's expressivity.
-exploitLitEqs :: Maybe TmState -> Maybe TmState
-exploitLitEqs tm_state = case tm_state of
- -- The oracle did not find any inconsistency. Try and exploit
- -- residual literal equalities for a more precise result.
- Just st@(standby, (unhandled, env)) ->
- case exists isLitEq_mb standby of
- -- Such an equality exists. This means that we are under the assumption
- -- that two overloaded literals reduce to the same value (for all we know
- -- they do). Replace the one with the other in the rest residual
- -- constraints and run the solver once more, looking for an inconsistency.
- Just ((l1, l2), rest) ->
- let new_env = (replaceLit l1 l2) env
- new_stb = map (replaceLitSimplifyComplexEq l1 l2) rest
- in exploitLitEqs
- (foldlM solveComplexEq ([], (unhandled, new_env)) new_stb)
- -- We don't have anything. Just return what you had..
- Nothing -> Just st
- -- The oracle has already found an inconsistency.
- -- No need to search further.
- Nothing -> Nothing
- where
- replaceLitSimplifyComplexEq :: PmLit -> PmLit -> ComplexEq -> ComplexEq
- replaceLitSimplifyComplexEq l1 l2 (e1,e2) =
- simplifyComplexEq (replaceLit l1 l2 e1, replaceLit l1 l2 e2)
--- | Replace a literal with another in an expression
--- See Note [Undecidable Equality on Overloaded Literals]
-replaceLit :: PmLit -> PmLit -> PmExpr -> PmExpr
-replaceLit l1 l2 e = case e of
- PmExprVar {} -> e
- PmExprCon c es -> PmExprCon c (map (replaceLit l1 l2) es)
- PmExprLit l -> case eqPmLit l l1 of
- Just True -> PmExprLit l2
- Just False -> e
- Nothing -> e
- PmExprEq e1 e2 -> PmExprEq (replaceLit l1 l2 e1) (replaceLit l1 l2 e2)
- PmExprOther {} -> e -- do nothing
--- | Check whether the term oracle state
--- contains any equalities between literals.
-containsEqLits :: TmState -> Bool
-containsEqLits (stb, _) = isJust (exists isLitEq_mb stb)
-exists :: (a -> Maybe b) -> [a] -> Maybe (b, [a])
-exists _ [] = Nothing
-exists p (x:xs) = case p x of
- Just y -> Just (y, xs)
- Nothing -> do
- (y, ys) <- exists p xs
- return (y, x:ys)
--- | Check whether a complex equality refers to literals only
-isLitEq_mb :: ComplexEq -> Maybe (PmLit, PmLit)
-isLitEq_mb (PmExprLit l1, PmExprLit l2) = Just (l1, l2)
-isLitEq_mb _other_eq = Nothing