path: root/compiler
diff options
mode: <unknown>2009-08-20 12:34:43 +0000 <unknown>2009-08-20 12:34:43 +0000
commitd64022dc071b587c20a693b7f355f69dc110b707 (patch)
tree4de5684a83ab0e0fb97eff8493c77c2525afc700 /compiler
parent4a84e214da8a2d87d2fd819d59fb06115e98014c (diff)
Improvements to record puns, wildcards
* Make C { A.a } work with punning, expanding to C { A.a = a } * Make it so that, with -fwarn-unused-matches, f (C {..}) = x does not complain about the bindings introduced by the "..". * Make -XRecordWildCards implies -XDisambiguateRecordFields. * Overall refactoring of RnPat, which had become very crufty. In particular, there is now a monad, CpsRn, private to RnPat, which deals with the cps-style plumbing. This is why so many lines of RnPat have changed. * Refactor the treatment of renaming of record fields into two passes - rnHsRecFields1, used both for patterns and expressions, which expands puns, wild-cards - a local renamer in RnPat for fields in patterns - a local renamer in RnExpr for fields in construction and update This make it all MUCH easier to understand * Improve documentation of record puns, wildcards, and disambiguation
Diffstat (limited to 'compiler')
11 files changed, 615 insertions, 596 deletions
diff --git a/compiler/basicTypes/RdrName.lhs b/compiler/basicTypes/RdrName.lhs
index d476f4a933..ed6bd43edb 100644
--- a/compiler/basicTypes/RdrName.lhs
+++ b/compiler/basicTypes/RdrName.lhs
@@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ module RdrName (
-- * Local mapping of 'RdrName' to 'Name.Name'
- LocalRdrEnv, emptyLocalRdrEnv, extendLocalRdrEnv,
+ LocalRdrEnv, emptyLocalRdrEnv, extendLocalRdrEnv, extendLocalRdrEnvList,
lookupLocalRdrEnv, lookupLocalRdrOcc, elemLocalRdrEnv,
-- * Global mapping of 'RdrName' to 'GlobalRdrElt's
@@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ module RdrName (
lookupGlobalRdrEnv, extendGlobalRdrEnv,
pprGlobalRdrEnv, globalRdrEnvElts,
lookupGRE_RdrName, lookupGRE_Name, getGRE_NameQualifier_maybes,
- hideSomeUnquals, findLocalDupsRdrEnv,
+ hideSomeUnquals, findLocalDupsRdrEnv, pickGREs,
-- ** Global 'RdrName' mapping elements: 'GlobalRdrElt', 'Provenance', 'ImportSpec'
GlobalRdrElt(..), isLocalGRE, unQualOK, qualSpecOK, unQualSpecOK,
@@ -316,8 +316,12 @@ type LocalRdrEnv = OccEnv Name
emptyLocalRdrEnv :: LocalRdrEnv
emptyLocalRdrEnv = emptyOccEnv
-extendLocalRdrEnv :: LocalRdrEnv -> [Name] -> LocalRdrEnv
-extendLocalRdrEnv env names
+extendLocalRdrEnv :: LocalRdrEnv -> Name -> LocalRdrEnv
+extendLocalRdrEnv env name
+ = extendOccEnv env (nameOccName name) name
+extendLocalRdrEnvList :: LocalRdrEnv -> [Name] -> LocalRdrEnv
+extendLocalRdrEnvList env names
= extendOccEnvList env [(nameOccName n, n) | n <- names]
lookupLocalRdrEnv :: LocalRdrEnv -> RdrName -> Maybe Name
@@ -474,7 +478,7 @@ pickGREs rdr_name gres
pick :: GlobalRdrElt -> Maybe GlobalRdrElt
pick gre@(GRE {gre_prov = LocalDef, gre_name = n}) -- Local def
| rdr_is_unqual = Just gre
- | Just (mod,_) <- rdr_is_qual -- Qualified name
+ | Just (mod,_) <- rdr_is_qual -- Qualified name
, Just n_mod <- nameModule_maybe n -- Binder is External
, mod == moduleName n_mod = Just gre
| otherwise = Nothing
diff --git a/compiler/main/DynFlags.hs b/compiler/main/DynFlags.hs
index b0d43002e0..1969c3b629 100644
--- a/compiler/main/DynFlags.hs
+++ b/compiler/main/DynFlags.hs
@@ -1856,6 +1856,12 @@ impliedFlags
, (Opt_ScopedTypeVariables, Opt_RelaxedPolyRec) -- Ditto for scoped type variables; see
-- Note [Scoped tyvars] in TcBinds
, (Opt_ImpredicativeTypes, Opt_RankNTypes)
+ -- Record wild-cards implies field disambiguation
+ -- Otherwise if you write (C {..}) you may well get
+ -- stuff like " 'a' not in scope ", which is a bit silly
+ -- if the compiler has just filled in field 'a' of constructor 'C'
+ , (Opt_RecordWildCards, Opt_DisambiguateRecordFields)
glasgowExtsFlags :: [DynFlag]
diff --git a/compiler/parser/RdrHsSyn.lhs b/compiler/parser/RdrHsSyn.lhs
index 5d54c2f02c..59dfe02d3e 100644
--- a/compiler/parser/RdrHsSyn.lhs
+++ b/compiler/parser/RdrHsSyn.lhs
@@ -53,8 +53,7 @@ import HsSyn -- Lots of it
import Class ( FunDep )
import TypeRep ( Kind )
import RdrName ( RdrName, isRdrTyVar, isRdrTc, mkUnqual, rdrNameOcc,
- isRdrDataCon, isUnqual, getRdrName, isQual,
- setRdrNameSpace, showRdrName )
+ isRdrDataCon, isUnqual, getRdrName, setRdrNameSpace )
import BasicTypes ( maxPrecedence, Activation, RuleMatchInfo,
InlinePragma(..), InlineSpec(..),
alwaysInlineSpec, neverInlineSpec )
@@ -728,11 +727,9 @@ checkPat loc _ _
checkAPat :: DynFlags -> SrcSpan -> HsExpr RdrName -> P (Pat RdrName)
checkAPat dynflags loc e = case e of
- EWildPat -> return (WildPat placeHolderType)
- HsVar x | isQual x -> parseError loc ("Qualified variable in pattern: "
- ++ showRdrName x)
- | otherwise -> return (VarPat x)
- HsLit l -> return (LitPat l)
+ EWildPat -> return (WildPat placeHolderType)
+ HsVar x -> return (VarPat x)
+ HsLit l -> return (LitPat l)
-- Overloaded numeric patterns (e.g. f 0 x = x)
-- Negation is recorded separately, so that the literal is zero or +ve
@@ -831,10 +828,6 @@ checkFunBind :: SrcSpan
-> Located (GRHSs RdrName)
-> P (HsBind RdrName)
checkFunBind lhs_loc fun is_infix pats opt_sig (L rhs_span grhss)
- | isQual (unLoc fun)
- = parseErrorSDoc (getLoc fun)
- (ptext (sLit "Qualified name in function definition:") <+> ppr (unLoc fun))
- | otherwise
= do ps <- checkPatterns pats
let match_span = combineSrcSpans lhs_loc rhs_span
return (makeFunBind fun is_infix [L match_span (Match ps opt_sig grhss)])
diff --git a/compiler/rename/RnBinds.lhs b/compiler/rename/RnBinds.lhs
index d7865f45c0..2f80afced1 100644
--- a/compiler/rename/RnBinds.lhs
+++ b/compiler/rename/RnBinds.lhs
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ import RdrHsSyn
import RnHsSyn
import TcRnMonad
import RnTypes ( rnHsSigType, rnLHsType, checkPrecMatch)
-import RnPat (rnPatsAndThen_LocalRightwards, rnBindPat,
+import RnPat (rnPats, rnBindPat,
NameMaker, localRecNameMaker, topRecNameMaker, applyNameMaker
@@ -157,8 +157,10 @@ it expects the global environment to contain bindings for the binders
rnTopBindsLHS :: MiniFixityEnv
-> HsValBinds RdrName
-> RnM (HsValBindsLR Name RdrName)
-rnTopBindsLHS fix_env binds =
- (uncurry $ rnValBindsLHSFromDoc (topRecNameMaker fix_env)) (bindersAndDoc binds) binds
+rnTopBindsLHS fix_env binds
+ = do { let (boundNames,doc) = bindersAndDoc binds
+ ; mod <- getModule
+ ; rnValBindsLHSFromDoc (topRecNameMaker mod fix_env) boundNames doc binds }
rnTopBindsRHS :: NameSet -- Names bound by these binds
-> HsValBindsLR Name RdrName
@@ -461,8 +463,7 @@ rnBindLHS name_maker _ (L loc (FunBind { fun_id = name@(L nameLoc _),
fun_tick = fun_tick
= setSrcSpan loc $
- do { (newname, _fvs) <- applyNameMaker name_maker name $ \ newname ->
- return (newname, emptyFVs)
+ do { newname <- applyNameMaker name_maker name
; return (L loc (FunBind { fun_id = L nameLoc newname,
fun_infix = inf,
fun_matches = matches,
@@ -769,7 +770,7 @@ rnMatch' ctxt match@(Match pats maybe_rhs_sig grhss)
-- Now the main event
-- note that there are no local ficity decls for matches
- ; rnPatsAndThen_LocalRightwards ctxt pats $ \ pats' -> do
+ ; rnPats ctxt pats $ \ pats' -> do
{ (grhss', grhss_fvs) <- rnGRHSs ctxt grhss
; return (Match pats' Nothing grhss', grhss_fvs) }}
diff --git a/compiler/rename/RnEnv.lhs b/compiler/rename/RnEnv.lhs
index 414a717dd7..d3e1bdc2c5 100644
--- a/compiler/rename/RnEnv.lhs
+++ b/compiler/rename/RnEnv.lhs
@@ -12,13 +12,13 @@ module RnEnv (
lookupGlobalOccRn, lookupGlobalOccRn_maybe,
lookupLocalDataTcNames, lookupSigOccRn,
lookupFixityRn, lookupTyFixityRn,
- lookupInstDeclBndr, lookupRecordBndr, lookupConstructorFields,
+ lookupInstDeclBndr, lookupLocatedSubBndr, lookupConstructorFields,
lookupSyntaxName, lookupSyntaxTable,
lookupGreRn, lookupGreLocalRn, lookupGreRn_maybe,
getLookupOccRn, addUsedRdrNames,
- newLocalsRn, newIPNameRn,
- bindLocalNames, bindLocalNamesFV,
+ newLocalBndrRn, newLocalBndrsRn, newIPNameRn,
+ bindLocalName, bindLocalNames, bindLocalNamesFV,
MiniFixityEnv, emptyFsEnv, extendFsEnv, lookupFsEnv,
bindLocatedLocalsFV, bindLocatedLocalsRn,
@@ -30,9 +30,7 @@ module RnEnv (
mapFvRn, mapFvRnCPS,
warnUnusedMatches, warnUnusedModules, warnUnusedImports,
warnUnusedTopBinds, warnUnusedLocalBinds,
- dataTcOccs, unknownNameErr, kindSigErr, perhapsForallMsg,
- checkM
+ dataTcOccs, unknownNameErr, kindSigErr, perhapsForallMsg
) where
#include "HsVersions.h"
@@ -55,8 +53,8 @@ import DataCon ( dataConFieldLabels )
import OccName
import Module ( Module, ModuleName )
import PrelNames ( mkUnboundName, rOOT_MAIN, iNTERACTIVE,
- consDataConKey, hasKey, forall_tv_RDR )
-import UniqSupply
+ consDataConKey, forall_tv_RDR )
+import Unique
import BasicTypes
import ErrUtils ( Message )
import SrcLoc
@@ -75,21 +73,6 @@ import qualified Data.Set as Set
-- XXX
thenM :: Monad a => a b -> (b -> a c) -> a c
thenM = (>>=)
-thenM_ :: Monad a => a b -> a c -> a c
-thenM_ = (>>)
-returnM :: Monad m => a -> m a
-returnM = return
-mappM :: (Monad m) => (a -> m b) -> [a] -> m [b]
-mappM = mapM
-mappM_ :: (Monad m) => (a -> m b) -> [a] -> m ()
-mappM_ = mapM_
-checkM :: Monad m => Bool -> m () -> m ()
-checkM = unless
@@ -112,13 +95,13 @@ newTopSrcBinder this_mod (L loc rdr_name)
-- data T = (,) Int Int
-- unless we are in GHC.Tup
ASSERT2( isExternalName name, ppr name )
- do { checkM (this_mod == nameModule name)
+ do { unless (this_mod == nameModule name)
(addErrAt loc (badOrigBinding rdr_name))
; return name }
| Just (rdr_mod, rdr_occ) <- isOrig_maybe rdr_name
- = do { checkM (rdr_mod == this_mod || rdr_mod == rOOT_MAIN)
+ = do { unless (rdr_mod == this_mod || rdr_mod == rOOT_MAIN)
(addErrAt loc (badOrigBinding rdr_name))
-- When reading External Core we get Orig names as binders,
-- but they should agree with the module gotten from the monad
@@ -141,7 +124,7 @@ newTopSrcBinder this_mod (L loc rdr_name)
--TODO, should pass the whole span
| otherwise
- = do { checkM (not (isQual rdr_name))
+ = do { unless (not (isQual rdr_name))
(addErrAt loc (badQualBndrErr rdr_name))
-- Binders should not be qualified; if they are, and with a different
-- module name, we we get a confusing "M.T is not in scope" error later
@@ -207,7 +190,7 @@ lookupTopBndrRn_maybe :: RdrName -> RnM (Maybe Name)
lookupTopBndrRn_maybe rdr_name
| Just name <- isExact_maybe rdr_name
- = returnM (Just name)
+ = return (Just name)
| Just (rdr_mod, rdr_occ) <- isOrig_maybe rdr_name
-- This deals with the case of derived bindings, where
@@ -223,12 +206,12 @@ lookupTopBndrRn_maybe rdr_name
let occ = rdrNameOcc rdr_name
; when (isTcOcc occ && isSymOcc occ)
(do { op_ok <- doptM Opt_TypeOperators
- ; checkM op_ok (addErr (opDeclErr rdr_name)) })
+ ; unless op_ok (addErr (opDeclErr rdr_name)) })
; mb_gre <- lookupGreLocalRn rdr_name
; case mb_gre of
- Nothing -> returnM Nothing
- Just gre -> returnM (Just $ gre_name gre) }
+ Nothing -> return Nothing
+ Just gre -> return (Just $ gre_name gre) }
@@ -244,40 +227,11 @@ lookupInstDeclBndr :: Name -> Located RdrName -> RnM (Located Name)
-- name is only in scope qualified. I.e. even if method op is
-- in scope as M.op, we still allow plain 'op' on the LHS of
-- an instance decl
-lookupInstDeclBndr cls rdr = lookup_located_sub_bndr is_op doc rdr
+lookupInstDeclBndr cls rdr = lookupLocatedSubBndr (ParentIs cls) doc rdr
doc = ptext (sLit "method of class") <+> quotes (ppr cls)
- is_op (GRE {gre_par = ParentIs n}) = n == cls
- is_op _ = False
-lookupRecordBndr :: Maybe (Located Name) -> Located RdrName -> RnM (Located Name)
--- Used for record construction and pattern matching
--- When the -XDisambiguateRecordFields flag is on, take account of the
--- constructor name to disambiguate which field to use; it's just the
--- same as for instance decls
--- NB: Consider this:
--- module Foo where { data R = R { fld :: Int } }
--- module Odd where { import Foo; fld x = x { fld = 3 } }
--- Arguably this should work, because the reference to 'fld' is
--- unambiguous because there is only one field id 'fld' in scope.
--- But currently it's rejected.
-lookupRecordBndr Nothing rdr_name
- = lookupLocatedGlobalOccRn rdr_name
-lookupRecordBndr (Just (L _ data_con)) rdr_name
- = do { flag_on <- doptM Opt_DisambiguateRecordFields
- ; if not flag_on
- then lookupLocatedGlobalOccRn rdr_name
- else do {
- fields <- lookupConstructorFields data_con
- ; let is_field gre = gre_name gre `elem` fields
- ; lookup_located_sub_bndr is_field doc rdr_name
- }}
- where
- doc = ptext (sLit "field of constructor") <+> quotes (ppr data_con)
lookupConstructorFields :: Name -> RnM [Name]
-- Look up the fields of a given constructor
-- * For constructors from this module, use the record field env,
@@ -298,34 +252,57 @@ lookupConstructorFields con_name
; return (dataConFieldLabels con) } }
-lookup_located_sub_bndr :: (GlobalRdrElt -> Bool)
+-- Used for record construction and pattern matching
+-- When the -XDisambiguateRecordFields flag is on, take account of the
+-- constructor name to disambiguate which field to use; it's just the
+-- same as for instance decls
+-- NB: Consider this:
+-- module Foo where { data R = R { fld :: Int } }
+-- module Odd where { import Foo; fld x = x { fld = 3 } }
+-- Arguably this should work, because the reference to 'fld' is
+-- unambiguous because there is only one field id 'fld' in scope.
+-- But currently it's rejected.
+lookupLocatedSubBndr :: Parent -- NoParent => just look it up as usual
+ -- ParentIs p => use p to disambiguate
-> SDoc -> Located RdrName
-> RnM (Located Name)
-lookup_located_sub_bndr is_good doc rdr_name
- = wrapLocM (lookup_sub_bndr is_good doc) rdr_name
-lookup_sub_bndr :: (GlobalRdrElt -> Bool) -> SDoc -> RdrName -> RnM Name
-lookup_sub_bndr is_good doc rdr_name
- | isUnqual rdr_name -- Find all the things the rdr-name maps to
- = do { -- and pick the one with the right parent name
- ; addUsedRdrName rdr_name
+lookupLocatedSubBndr parent doc rdr_name
+ = wrapLocM (lookup_sub_bndr parent doc) rdr_name
+lookup_sub_bndr :: Parent -> SDoc -> RdrName -> RnM Name
+lookup_sub_bndr parent doc rdr_name
+ | Just n <- isExact_maybe rdr_name -- This happens in derived code
+ = return n
+ | Just (rdr_mod, rdr_occ) <- isOrig_maybe rdr_name
+ = lookupOrig rdr_mod rdr_occ
+ | otherwise -- Find all the things the rdr-name maps to
+ = do { -- and pick the one with the right parent name
; env <- getGlobalRdrEnv
- ; case filter is_good (lookupGlobalRdrEnv env (rdrNameOcc rdr_name)) of
+ ; let gres = (lookupGlobalRdrEnv env (rdrNameOcc rdr_name))
+ ; case pick parent gres of
-- NB: lookupGlobalRdrEnv, not lookupGRE_RdrName!
-- The latter does pickGREs, but we want to allow 'x'
-- even if only 'M.x' is in scope
- [gre] -> return (gre_name gre)
+ [gre] -> do { addUsedRdrName gre rdr_name
+ ; return (gre_name gre) }
[] -> do { addErr (unknownSubordinateErr doc rdr_name)
- ; traceRn (text "RnEnv.lookup_sub_bndr" <+> ppr rdr_name)
+ ; traceRn (text "RnEnv.lookup_sub_bndr" <+> (ppr rdr_name $$ ppr gres))
; return (mkUnboundName rdr_name) }
gres -> do { addNameClashErrRn rdr_name gres
- ; return (gre_name (head gres)) }
- }
+ ; return (gre_name (head gres)) } }
+ where
+ pick NoParent gres -- Normal lookup
+ = pickGREs rdr_name gres
+ pick (ParentIs p) gres -- Disambiguating lookup
+ | isUnqual rdr_name = filter (right_parent p) gres
+ | otherwise = filter (right_parent p) (pickGREs rdr_name gres)
- | otherwise -- Occurs in derived instances, where we just
- -- refer directly to the right method with an Orig
- -- And record fields can be Quals: C { F.f = x }
- = lookupGlobalOccRn rdr_name
+ right_parent p (GRE { gre_par = ParentIs p' }) = p==p'
+ right_parent _ _ = False
newIPNameRn :: IPName RdrName -> TcRnIf m n (IPName Name)
newIPNameRn ip_rdr = newIPName (mapIPName rdrNameOcc ip_rdr)
@@ -360,7 +337,7 @@ lookupOccRn :: RdrName -> RnM Name
lookupOccRn rdr_name
= getLocalRdrEnv `thenM` \ local_env ->
case lookupLocalRdrEnv local_env rdr_name of
- Just name -> returnM name
+ Just name -> return name
Nothing -> lookupGlobalOccRn rdr_name
lookupLocatedGlobalOccRn :: Located RdrName -> RnM (Located Name)
@@ -413,7 +390,7 @@ unboundName rdr_name
; traceRn (vcat [unknownNameErr rdr_name,
ptext (sLit "Global envt is:"),
nest 3 (pprGlobalRdrEnv env)])
- ; returnM (mkUnboundName rdr_name) }
+ ; return (mkUnboundName rdr_name) }
-- Lookup in the Global RdrEnv of the module
@@ -422,27 +399,7 @@ unboundName rdr_name
lookupGreRn_maybe :: RdrName -> RnM (Maybe GlobalRdrElt)
-- Just look up the RdrName in the GlobalRdrEnv
lookupGreRn_maybe rdr_name
- = do { mGre <- lookupGreRn_help rdr_name (lookupGRE_RdrName rdr_name)
- ; case mGre of
- Just gre ->
- case gre_prov gre of
- LocalDef -> return ()
- Imported _ -> addUsedRdrName rdr_name
- Nothing ->
- return ()
- ; return mGre }
-addUsedRdrName :: RdrName -> RnM ()
-addUsedRdrName rdr
- = do { env <- getGblEnv
- ; updMutVar (tcg_used_rdrnames env)
- (\s -> Set.insert rdr s) }
-addUsedRdrNames :: [RdrName] -> RnM ()
-addUsedRdrNames rdrs
- = do { env <- getGblEnv
- ; updMutVar (tcg_used_rdrnames env)
- (\s -> foldr Set.insert s rdrs) }
+ = lookupGreRn_help rdr_name (lookupGRE_RdrName rdr_name)
lookupGreRn :: RdrName -> RnM GlobalRdrElt
-- If not found, add error message, and return a fake GRE
@@ -471,10 +428,28 @@ lookupGreRn_help :: RdrName -- Only used in error message
lookupGreRn_help rdr_name lookup
= do { env <- getGlobalRdrEnv
; case lookup env of
- [] -> returnM Nothing
- [gre] -> returnM (Just gre)
+ [] -> return Nothing
+ [gre] -> do { addUsedRdrName gre rdr_name
+ ; return (Just gre) }
gres -> do { addNameClashErrRn rdr_name gres
- ; returnM (Just (head gres)) } }
+ ; return (Just (head gres)) } }
+addUsedRdrName :: GlobalRdrElt -> RdrName -> RnM ()
+-- Record usage of imported RdrNames
+addUsedRdrName gre rdr
+ | isLocalGRE gre = return ()
+ | otherwise = do { env <- getGblEnv
+ ; updMutVar (tcg_used_rdrnames env)
+ (\s -> Set.insert rdr s) }
+addUsedRdrNames :: [RdrName] -> RnM ()
+-- Record used sub-binders
+-- We don't check for imported-ness here, because it's inconvenient
+-- and not stritly necessary.
+addUsedRdrNames rdrs
+ = do { env <- getGblEnv
+ ; updMutVar (tcg_used_rdrnames env)
+ (\s -> foldr Set.insert s rdrs) }
-- GHCi support
@@ -715,7 +690,7 @@ lookupFixityRn name
loadInterfaceForName doc name `thenM` \ iface -> do {
traceRn (text "lookupFixityRn: looking up name in iface cache and found:" <+>
vcat [ppr name, ppr $ mi_fix_fn iface (nameOccName name)]);
- returnM (mi_fix_fn iface (nameOccName name))
+ return (mi_fix_fn iface (nameOccName name))
doc = ptext (sLit "Checking fixity for") <+> ppr name
@@ -774,9 +749,9 @@ lookupSyntaxName std_name
-- Get the similarly named thing from the local environment
lookupOccRn (mkRdrUnqual (nameOccName std_name)) `thenM` \ usr_name ->
- returnM (HsVar usr_name, unitFV usr_name)
+ return (HsVar usr_name, unitFV usr_name)
- normal_case = returnM (HsVar std_name, emptyFVs)
+ normal_case = return (HsVar std_name, emptyFVs)
lookupSyntaxTable :: [Name] -- Standard names
-> RnM (SyntaxTable Name, FreeVars) -- See comments with HsExpr.ReboundNames
@@ -785,11 +760,11 @@ lookupSyntaxTable std_names
if implicit_prelude then normal_case
-- Get the similarly named thing from the local environment
- mappM (lookupOccRn . mkRdrUnqual . nameOccName) std_names `thenM` \ usr_names ->
+ mapM (lookupOccRn . mkRdrUnqual . nameOccName) std_names `thenM` \ usr_names ->
- returnM (std_names `zip` map HsVar usr_names, mkFVs usr_names)
+ return (std_names `zip` map HsVar usr_names, mkFVs usr_names)
- normal_case = returnM (std_names `zip` map HsVar std_names, emptyFVs)
+ normal_case = return (std_names `zip` map HsVar std_names, emptyFVs)
@@ -800,18 +775,22 @@ lookupSyntaxTable std_names
-newLocalsRn :: [Located RdrName] -> RnM [Name]
-newLocalsRn rdr_names_w_loc
- = newUniqueSupply `thenM` \ us ->
- returnM (zipWith mk rdr_names_w_loc (uniqsFromSupply us))
- where
- mk (L loc rdr_name) uniq
- | Just name <- isExact_maybe rdr_name = name
- -- This happens in code generated by Template Haskell
- | otherwise = ASSERT2( isUnqual rdr_name, ppr rdr_name )
- -- We only bind unqualified names here
- -- lookupRdrEnv doesn't even attempt to look up a qualified RdrName
- mkInternalName uniq (rdrNameOcc rdr_name) loc
+newLocalBndrRn :: Located RdrName -> RnM Name
+-- Used for non-top-level binders. These should
+-- never be qualified.
+newLocalBndrRn (L loc rdr_name)
+ | Just name <- isExact_maybe rdr_name
+ = return name -- This happens in code generated by Template Haskell
+ -- although I'm not sure why. Perhpas it's the call
+ -- in RnPat.newName LetMk?
+ | otherwise
+ = do { unless (isUnqual rdr_name)
+ (addErrAt loc (badQualBndrErr rdr_name))
+ ; uniq <- newUnique
+ ; return (mkInternalName uniq (rdrNameOcc rdr_name) loc) }
+newLocalBndrsRn :: [Located RdrName] -> RnM [Name]
+newLocalBndrsRn = mapM newLocalBndrRn
checkDupAndShadowedRdrNames :: SDoc -> [Located RdrName] -> RnM ()
@@ -823,26 +802,32 @@ checkDupAndShadowedRdrNames doc loc_rdr_names
bindLocatedLocalsRn :: SDoc -- Documentation string for error message
- -> [Located RdrName]
+ -> [Located RdrName]
-> ([Name] -> RnM a)
-> RnM a
bindLocatedLocalsRn doc_str rdr_names_w_loc enclosed_scope
- = checkDupAndShadowedRdrNames doc_str rdr_names_w_loc `thenM_`
+ = do { checkDupAndShadowedRdrNames doc_str rdr_names_w_loc
-- Make fresh Names and extend the environment
- newLocalsRn rdr_names_w_loc `thenM` \names ->
- bindLocalNames names (enclosed_scope names)
+ ; names <- newLocalBndrsRn rdr_names_w_loc
+ ; bindLocalNames names (enclosed_scope names) }
bindLocalNames :: [Name] -> RnM a -> RnM a
bindLocalNames names enclosed_scope
- = getLocalRdrEnv `thenM` \ name_env ->
- setLocalRdrEnv (extendLocalRdrEnv name_env names)
- enclosed_scope
+ = do { name_env <- getLocalRdrEnv
+ ; setLocalRdrEnv (extendLocalRdrEnvList name_env names)
+ enclosed_scope }
+bindLocalName :: Name -> RnM a -> RnM a
+bindLocalName name enclosed_scope
+ = do { name_env <- getLocalRdrEnv
+ ; setLocalRdrEnv (extendLocalRdrEnv name_env name)
+ enclosed_scope }
bindLocalNamesFV :: [Name] -> RnM (a, FreeVars) -> RnM (a, FreeVars)
bindLocalNamesFV names enclosed_scope
= do { (result, fvs) <- bindLocalNames names enclosed_scope
- ; returnM (result, delListFromNameSet fvs names) }
+ ; return (result, delListFromNameSet fvs names) }
@@ -853,7 +838,7 @@ bindLocatedLocalsFV :: SDoc -> [Located RdrName]
bindLocatedLocalsFV doc rdr_names enclosed_scope
= bindLocatedLocalsRn doc rdr_names $ \ names ->
enclosed_scope names `thenM` \ (thing, fvs) ->
- returnM (thing, delListFromNameSet fvs names)
+ return (thing, delListFromNameSet fvs names)
bindTyVarsRn :: SDoc -> [LHsTyVarBndr RdrName]
@@ -863,7 +848,7 @@ bindTyVarsRn :: SDoc -> [LHsTyVarBndr RdrName]
bindTyVarsRn doc_str tyvar_names enclosed_scope
= bindLocatedLocalsRn doc_str located_tyvars $ \ names ->
do { kind_sigs_ok <- doptM Opt_KindSignatures
- ; checkM (null kinded_tyvars || kind_sigs_ok)
+ ; unless (null kinded_tyvars || kind_sigs_ok)
(mapM_ (addErr . kindSigErr) kinded_tyvars)
; enclosed_scope (zipWith replace tyvar_names names) }
@@ -898,7 +883,7 @@ bindPatSigTyVarsFV :: [LHsType RdrName]
bindPatSigTyVarsFV tys thing_inside
= bindPatSigTyVars tys $ \ tvs ->
thing_inside `thenM` \ (result,fvs) ->
- returnM (result, fvs `delListFromNameSet` tvs)
+ return (result, fvs `delListFromNameSet` tvs)
bindSigTyVarsFV :: [Name]
-> RnM (a, FreeVars)
@@ -920,7 +905,7 @@ checkDupRdrNames :: SDoc
-> RnM ()
checkDupRdrNames doc_str rdr_names_w_loc
= -- Check for duplicated names in a binding group
- mappM_ (dupNamesErr getLoc doc_str) dups
+ mapM_ (dupNamesErr getLoc doc_str) dups
(_, dups) = removeDups (\n1 n2 -> unLoc n1 `compare` unLoc n2) rdr_names_w_loc
@@ -929,7 +914,7 @@ checkDupNames :: SDoc
-> RnM ()
checkDupNames doc_str names
= -- Check for duplicated names in a binding group
- mappM_ (dupNamesErr nameSrcSpan doc_str) dups
+ mapM_ (dupNamesErr nameSrcSpan doc_str) dups
(_, dups) = removeDups (\n1 n2 -> nameOccName n1 `compare` nameOccName n2) names
@@ -938,7 +923,7 @@ checkShadowedNames :: SDoc -> (GlobalRdrEnv, LocalRdrEnv) -> [(SrcSpan,OccName)]
checkShadowedNames doc_str (global_env,local_env) loc_rdr_names
= ifOptM Opt_WarnNameShadowing $
do { traceRn (text "shadow" <+> ppr loc_rdr_names)
- ; mappM_ check_shadow loc_rdr_names }
+ ; mapM_ check_shadow loc_rdr_names }
check_shadow (loc, occ)
| startsWithUnderscore occ = return () -- Do not report shadowing for "_x"
@@ -981,9 +966,9 @@ checkShadowedNames doc_str (global_env,local_env) loc_rdr_names
-- A useful utility
mapFvRn :: (a -> RnM (b, FreeVars)) -> [a] -> RnM ([b], FreeVars)
-mapFvRn f xs = do stuff <- mappM f xs
+mapFvRn f xs = do stuff <- mapM f xs
case unzip stuff of
- (ys, fvs_s) -> returnM (ys, plusFVs fvs_s)
+ (ys, fvs_s) -> return (ys, plusFVs fvs_s)
-- because some of the rename functions are CPSed:
-- maps the function across the list from left to right;
@@ -1007,7 +992,7 @@ mapFvRnCPS f (x:xs) cont = f x $ \ x' ->
warnUnusedModules :: [(ModuleName,SrcSpan)] -> RnM ()
warnUnusedModules mods
- = ifOptM Opt_WarnUnusedImports (mappM_ bleat mods)
+ = ifOptM Opt_WarnUnusedImports (mapM_ bleat mods)
bleat (mod,loc) = addWarnAt loc (mk_warn mod)
mk_warn m = vcat [ptext (sLit "Module") <+> quotes (ppr m)
@@ -1041,7 +1026,7 @@ warnUnusedLocals names
= warnUnusedBinds [(n,LocalDef) | n<-names]
warnUnusedBinds :: [(Name,Provenance)] -> RnM ()
-warnUnusedBinds names = mappM_ warnUnusedName (filter reportable names)
+warnUnusedBinds names = mapM_ warnUnusedName (filter reportable names)
where reportable (name,_)
| isWiredInName name = False -- Don't report unused wired-in names
-- Otherwise we get a zillion warnings
diff --git a/compiler/rename/RnExpr.lhs b/compiler/rename/RnExpr.lhs
index beee03730d..4b263e2a54 100644
--- a/compiler/rename/RnExpr.lhs
+++ b/compiler/rename/RnExpr.lhs
@@ -48,6 +48,7 @@ import Maybes ( expectJust )
import Outputable
import SrcLoc
import FastString
+import Control.Monad
@@ -248,13 +249,13 @@ rnExpr (ExplicitTuple tup_args boxity)
rnExpr (RecordCon con_id _ rbinds)
= do { conname <- lookupLocatedOccRn con_id
- ; (rbinds', fvRbinds) <- rnHsRecFields_Con conname rnLExpr rbinds
+ ; (rbinds', fvRbinds) <- rnHsRecBinds (HsRecFieldCon (unLoc conname)) rbinds
; return (RecordCon conname noPostTcExpr rbinds',
fvRbinds `addOneFV` unLoc conname) }
rnExpr (RecordUpd expr rbinds _ _ _)
= do { (expr', fvExpr) <- rnLExpr expr
- ; (rbinds', fvRbinds) <- rnHsRecFields_Update rnLExpr rbinds
+ ; (rbinds', fvRbinds) <- rnHsRecBinds HsRecFieldUpd rbinds
; return (RecordUpd expr' rbinds' [] [] [],
fvExpr `plusFV` fvRbinds) }
@@ -307,7 +308,7 @@ rnExpr e@(ELazyPat {}) = patSynErr e
rnExpr (HsProc pat body)
= newArrowScope $
- rnPatsAndThen_LocalRightwards ProcExpr [pat] $ \ [pat'] ->
+ rnPats ProcExpr [pat] $ \ [pat'] ->
rnCmdTop body `thenM` \ (body',fvBody) ->
return (HsProc pat' body', fvBody)
@@ -364,6 +365,26 @@ rnSection other = pprPanic "rnSection" (ppr other)
%* *
+ Records
+%* *
+rnHsRecBinds :: HsRecFieldContext -> HsRecordBinds RdrName
+ -> RnM (HsRecordBinds Name, FreeVars)
+rnHsRecBinds ctxt rec_binds@(HsRecFields { rec_dotdot = dd })
+ = do { (flds, fvs) <- rnHsRecFields1 ctxt HsVar rec_binds
+ ; (flds', fvss) <- mapAndUnzipM rn_field flds
+ ; return (HsRecFields { rec_flds = flds', rec_dotdot = dd },
+ fvs `plusFV` plusFVs fvss) }
+ where
+ rn_field fld = do { (arg', fvs) <- rnLExpr (hsRecFieldArg fld)
+ ; return (fld { hsRecFieldArg = arg' }, fvs) }
+%* *
Arrow commands
%* *
@@ -569,7 +590,7 @@ rnArithSeq (FromThenTo expr1 expr2 expr3)
rnBracket :: HsBracket RdrName -> RnM (HsBracket Name, FreeVars)
rnBracket (VarBr n) = do { name <- lookupOccRn n
; this_mod <- getModule
- ; checkM (nameIsLocalOrFrom this_mod name) $ -- Reason: deprecation checking asumes the
+ ; unless (nameIsLocalOrFrom this_mod name) $ -- Reason: deprecation checking asumes the
do { _ <- loadInterfaceForName msg name -- home interface is loaded, and this is the
; return () } -- only way that is going to happen
; return (VarBr name, unitFV name) }
@@ -644,7 +665,7 @@ rnStmt ctxt (BindStmt pat expr _ _) thing_inside
-- The binders do not scope over the expression
; (bind_op, fvs1) <- lookupSyntaxName bindMName
; (fail_op, fvs2) <- lookupSyntaxName failMName
- ; rnPatsAndThen_LocalRightwards (StmtCtxt ctxt) [pat] $ \ [pat'] -> do
+ ; rnPats (StmtCtxt ctxt) [pat] $ \ [pat'] -> do
{ (thing, fvs3) <- thing_inside
; return ((BindStmt pat' expr' bind_op fail_op, thing),
fv_expr `plusFV` fvs1 `plusFV` fvs2 `plusFV` fvs3) }}
@@ -793,7 +814,7 @@ rnParallelStmts ctxt segs thing_inside = do
go orig_lcl_env bndrs [] = do
let (bndrs', dups) = removeDups cmpByOcc bndrs
- inner_env = extendLocalRdrEnv orig_lcl_env bndrs'
+ inner_env = extendLocalRdrEnvList orig_lcl_env bndrs'
mapM_ dupErr dups
(thing, fvs) <- setLocalRdrEnv inner_env thing_inside
diff --git a/compiler/rename/RnPat.lhs b/compiler/rename/RnPat.lhs
index ac35fe55fc..b094628580 100644
--- a/compiler/rename/RnPat.lhs
+++ b/compiler/rename/RnPat.lhs
@@ -11,14 +11,13 @@ free variables.
module RnPat (-- main entry points
- rnPatsAndThen_LocalRightwards, rnBindPat,
+ rnPats, rnBindPat,
NameMaker, applyNameMaker, -- a utility for making names:
localRecNameMaker, topRecNameMaker, -- sometimes we want to make local names,
-- sometimes we want to make top (qualified) names.
- rnHsRecFields_Con, rnHsRecFields_Update, --rename record fields in a constructor
- --and in an update
+ rnHsRecFields1, HsRecFieldContext(..),
-- Literals
rnLit, rnOverLit,
@@ -49,448 +48,489 @@ import PrelNames
import Constants ( mAX_TUPLE_SIZE )
import Name
import NameSet
+import Module
import RdrName
import ListSetOps ( removeDups, minusList )
import Outputable
import SrcLoc
import FastString
import Literal ( inCharRange )
+import Control.Monad ( when )
%* *
+ The CpsRn Monad
%* *
+Note [CpsRn monad]
+The CpsRn monad uses continuation-passing style to support this
+style of programming:
+ do { ...
+ ; ns <- bindNames rs
+ ; ...blah... }
+ where rs::[RdrName], ns::[Name]
+The idea is that '...blah...'
+ a) sees the bindings of ns
+ b) returns the free variables it mentions
+ so that bindNames can report unused ones
+In particular,
+ mapM rnPatAndThen [p1, p2, p3]
+has a *left-to-right* scoping: it makes the binders in
+p1 scope over p2,p3.
--- externally abstract type of name makers,
--- which is how you go from a RdrName to a Name
-data NameMaker = NM (forall a. Located RdrName -> (Name -> RnM (a, FreeVars))
- -> RnM (a, FreeVars))
+newtype CpsRn b = CpsRn { unCpsRn :: forall r. (b -> RnM (r, FreeVars))
+ -> RnM (r, FreeVars) }
+ -- See Note [CpsRn monad]
+instance Monad CpsRn where
+ return x = CpsRn (\k -> k x)
+ (CpsRn m) >>= mk = CpsRn (\k -> m (\v -> unCpsRn (mk v) k))
+runCps :: CpsRn a -> RnM (a, FreeVars)
+runCps (CpsRn m) = m (\r -> return (r, emptyFVs))
+liftCps :: RnM a -> CpsRn a
+liftCps rn_thing = CpsRn (\k -> rn_thing >>= k)
+liftCpsFV :: RnM (a, FreeVars) -> CpsRn a
+liftCpsFV rn_thing = CpsRn (\k -> do { (v,fvs1) <- rn_thing
+ ; (r,fvs2) <- k v
+ ; return (r, fvs1 `plusFV` fvs2) })
+wrapSrcSpanCps :: (a -> CpsRn b) -> Located a -> CpsRn (Located b)
+-- Set the location, and also wrap it around the value returned
+wrapSrcSpanCps fn (L loc a)
+ = CpsRn (\k -> setSrcSpan loc $
+ unCpsRn (fn a) $ \v ->
+ k (L loc v))
+lookupConCps :: Located RdrName -> CpsRn (Located Name)
+lookupConCps con_rdr
+ = CpsRn (\k -> do { con_name <- lookupLocatedOccRn con_rdr
+ ; (r, fvs) <- k con_name
+ ; return (r, fvs `plusFV` unitFV (unLoc con_name)) })
-matchNameMaker :: NameMaker
- = NM (\ rdr_name thing_inside ->
- do { names@[name] <- newLocalsRn [rdr_name]
- ; bindLocalNamesFV names $ do
- { (res, fvs) <- thing_inside name
- ; warnUnusedMatches names fvs
- ; return (res, fvs) }})
-topRecNameMaker, localRecNameMaker
- :: MiniFixityEnv -> NameMaker
+%* *
+ Name makers
+%* *
--- topNameMaker and localBindMaker do not check for unused binding
-localRecNameMaker fix_env
- = NM (\ rdr_name thing_inside ->
- do { [name] <- newLocalsRn [rdr_name]
- ; bindLocalNamesFV_WithFixities [name] fix_env $
- thing_inside name })
-topRecNameMaker fix_env
- = NM (\rdr_name thing_inside ->
- do { mod <- getModule
- ; name <- newTopSrcBinder mod rdr_name
+Externally abstract type of name makers,
+which is how you go from a RdrName to a Name
+data NameMaker
+ = LamMk -- Lambdas
+ Bool -- True <=> report unused bindings
+ | LetMk -- Let bindings, incl top level
+ -- Do not check for unused bindings
+ (Maybe Module) -- Just m => top level of module m
+ -- Nothing => not top level
+ MiniFixityEnv
+topRecNameMaker :: Module -> MiniFixityEnv -> NameMaker
+topRecNameMaker mod fix_env = LetMk (Just mod) fix_env
+localRecNameMaker :: MiniFixityEnv -> NameMaker
+localRecNameMaker fix_env = LetMk Nothing fix_env
+matchNameMaker :: NameMaker
+matchNameMaker = LamMk True
+newName :: NameMaker -> Located RdrName -> CpsRn Name
+newName (LamMk report_unused) rdr_name
+ = CpsRn (\ thing_inside ->
+ do { name <- newLocalBndrRn rdr_name
+ ; (res, fvs) <- bindLocalName name (thing_inside name)
+ ; when report_unused $ warnUnusedMatches [name] fvs
+ ; return (res, name `delFV` fvs) })
+newName (LetMk mb_top fix_env) rdr_name
+ = CpsRn (\ thing_inside ->
+ do { name <- case mb_top of
+ Nothing -> newLocalBndrRn rdr_name
+ Just mod -> newTopSrcBinder mod rdr_name
; bindLocalNamesFV_WithFixities [name] fix_env $
thing_inside name })
- -- Note: the bindLocalNamesFV_WithFixities is somewhat suspicious
- -- because it binds a top-level name as a local name.
- -- however, this binding seems to work, and it only exists for
- -- the duration of the patterns and the continuation;
- -- then the top-level name is added to the global env
- -- before going on to the RHSes (see RnSource.lhs).
-applyNameMaker :: NameMaker -> Located RdrName
- -> (Name -> RnM (a,FreeVars)) -> RnM (a, FreeVars)
-applyNameMaker (NM f) = f
--- There are various entry points to renaming patterns, depending on
--- (1) whether the names created should be top-level names or local names
--- (2) whether the scope of the names is entirely given in a continuation
--- (e.g., in a case or lambda, but not in a let or at the top-level,
--- because of the way mutually recursive bindings are handled)
--- (3) whether the a type signature in the pattern can bind
--- lexically-scoped type variables (for unpacking existential
--- type vars in data constructors)
--- (4) whether we do duplicate and unused variable checking
--- (5) whether there are fixity declarations associated with the names
--- bound by the patterns that need to be brought into scope with them.
--- Rather than burdening the clients of this module with all of these choices,
--- we export the three points in this design space that we actually need:
--- entry point 1:
--- binds local names; the scope of the bindings is entirely in the thing_inside
--- allows type sigs to bind type vars
--- local namemaker
--- unused and duplicate checking
--- no fixities
-rnPatsAndThen_LocalRightwards :: HsMatchContext Name -- for error messages
- -> [LPat RdrName]
- -- the continuation gets:
- -- the list of renamed patterns
- -- the (overall) free vars of all of them
- -> ([LPat Name] -> RnM (a, FreeVars))
- -> RnM (a, FreeVars)
-rnPatsAndThen_LocalRightwards ctxt pats thing_inside
+ -- Note: the bindLocalNamesFV_WithFixities is somewhat suspicious
+ -- because it binds a top-level name as a local name.
+ -- however, this binding seems to work, and it only exists for
+ -- the duration of the patterns and the continuation;
+ -- then the top-level name is added to the global env
+ -- before going on to the RHSes (see RnSource.lhs).
+%* *
+ External entry points
+%* *
+There are various entry points to renaming patterns, depending on
+ (1) whether the names created should be top-level names or local names
+ (2) whether the scope of the names is entirely given in a continuation
+ (e.g., in a case or lambda, but not in a let or at the top-level,
+ because of the way mutually recursive bindings are handled)
+ (3) whether the a type signature in the pattern can bind
+ lexically-scoped type variables (for unpacking existential
+ type vars in data constructors)
+ (4) whether we do duplicate and unused variable checking
+ (5) whether there are fixity declarations associated with the names
+ bound by the patterns that need to be brought into scope with them.
+ Rather than burdening the clients of this module with all of these choices,
+ we export the three points in this design space that we actually need:
+-- ----------- Entry point 1: rnPats -------------------
+-- Binds local names; the scope of the bindings is entirely in the thing_inside
+-- * allows type sigs to bind type vars
+-- * local namemaker
+-- * unused and duplicate checking
+-- * no fixities
+rnPats :: HsMatchContext Name -- for error messages
+ -> [LPat RdrName]
+ -> ([LPat Name] -> RnM (a, FreeVars))
+ -> RnM (a, FreeVars)
+rnPats ctxt pats thing_inside
= do { envs_before <- getRdrEnvs
-- (0) bring into scope all of the type variables bound by the patterns
-- (1) rename the patterns, bringing into scope all of the term variables
-- (2) then do the thing inside.
; bindPatSigTyVarsFV (collectSigTysFromPats pats) $
- rnLPatsAndThen matchNameMaker pats $ \ pats' ->
- do { -- Check for duplicated and shadowed names
+ unCpsRn (rnLPatsAndThen matchNameMaker pats) $ \ pats' -> do
+ { -- Check for duplicated and shadowed names
-- Because we don't bind the vars all at once, we can't
-- check incrementally for duplicates;
-- Nor can we check incrementally for shadowing, else we'll
-- complain *twice* about duplicates e.g. f (x,x) = ...
- ; let names = collectPatsBinders pats'
- ; checkDupNames doc_pat names
- ; checkShadowedNames doc_pat envs_before
- [(nameSrcSpan name, nameOccName name) | name <- names]
- ; thing_inside pats' } }
+ ; let names = collectPatsBinders pats'
+ ; checkDupNames doc_pat names
+ ; checkShadowedNames doc_pat envs_before
+ [(nameSrcSpan name, nameOccName name) | name <- names]
+ ; thing_inside pats' } }
doc_pat = ptext (sLit "In") <+> pprMatchContext ctxt
--- entry point 2:
--- binds local names; in a recursive scope that involves other bound vars
+applyNameMaker :: NameMaker -> Located RdrName -> RnM Name
+applyNameMaker mk rdr = do { (n, _fvs) <- runCps (newName mk rdr); return n }
+-- ----------- Entry point 2: rnBindPat -------------------
+-- Binds local names; in a recursive scope that involves other bound vars
-- e.g let { (x, Just y) = e1; ... } in ...
--- does NOT allows type sig to bind type vars
--- local namemaker
--- no unused and duplicate checking
--- fixities might be coming in
+-- * does NOT allows type sig to bind type vars
+-- * local namemaker
+-- * no unused and duplicate checking
+-- * fixities might be coming in
rnBindPat :: NameMaker
-> LPat RdrName
- -> RnM (LPat Name,
- -- free variables of the pattern,
- -- but not including variables bound by this pattern
- FreeVars)
-rnBindPat name_maker pat
- = rnLPatsAndThen name_maker [pat] $ \ [pat'] ->
- return (pat', emptyFVs)
--- general version: parametrized by how you make new names
--- invariant: what-to-do continuation only gets called with a list whose length is the same as
--- the part of the pattern we're currently renaming
-rnLPatsAndThen :: NameMaker -- how to make a new variable
- -> [LPat RdrName] -- part of pattern we're currently renaming
- -> ([LPat Name] -> RnM (a, FreeVars)) -- what to do afterwards
- -> RnM (a, FreeVars) -- renaming of the whole thing
-rnLPatsAndThen var = mapFvRnCPS (rnLPatAndThen var)
--- the workhorse
-rnLPatAndThen :: NameMaker
- -> LPat RdrName -- part of pattern we're currently renaming
- -> (LPat Name -> RnM (a, FreeVars)) -- what to do afterwards
- -> RnM (a, FreeVars) -- renaming of the whole thing
-rnLPatAndThen var@(NM varf) (L loc p) cont =
- setSrcSpan loc $
- let reloc = L loc
- lcont = \ unlocated -> cont (reloc unlocated)
- in
- case p of
- WildPat _ -> lcont (WildPat placeHolderType)
- ParPat pat -> rnLPatAndThen var pat $ \ pat' -> lcont (ParPat pat')
- LazyPat pat -> rnLPatAndThen var pat $ \ pat' -> lcont (LazyPat pat')
- BangPat pat -> rnLPatAndThen var pat $ \ pat' -> lcont (BangPat pat')
- VarPat name ->
- varf (reloc name) $ \ newBoundName ->
- lcont (VarPat newBoundName)
- -- we need to bind pattern variables for view pattern expressions
- -- (e.g. in the pattern (x, x -> y) x needs to be bound in the rhs of the tuple)
+ -> RnM (LPat Name, FreeVars)
+ -- Returned FreeVars are the free variables of the pattern,
+ -- of course excluding variables bound by this pattern
+rnBindPat name_maker pat = runCps (rnLPatAndThen name_maker pat)
+%* *
+ The main event
+%* *
+-- ----------- Entry point 3: rnLPatAndThen -------------------
+-- General version: parametrized by how you make new names
+rnLPatsAndThen :: NameMaker -> [LPat RdrName] -> CpsRn [LPat Name]
+rnLPatsAndThen mk = mapM (rnLPatAndThen mk)
+ -- Despite the map, the monad ensures that each pattern binds
+ -- variables that may be mentioned in subsequent patterns in the list
+-- The workhorse
+rnLPatAndThen :: NameMaker -> LPat RdrName -> CpsRn (LPat Name)
+rnLPatAndThen nm lpat = wrapSrcSpanCps (rnPatAndThen nm) lpat
+rnPatAndThen :: NameMaker -> Pat RdrName -> CpsRn (Pat Name)
+rnPatAndThen _ (WildPat _) = return (WildPat placeHolderType)
+rnPatAndThen mk (ParPat pat) = do { pat' <- rnLPatAndThen mk pat; return (ParPat pat') }
+rnPatAndThen mk (LazyPat pat) = do { pat' <- rnLPatAndThen mk pat; return (LazyPat pat') }
+rnPatAndThen mk (BangPat pat) = do { pat' <- rnLPatAndThen mk pat; return (BangPat pat') }
+rnPatAndThen mk (VarPat rdr) = do { loc <- liftCps getSrcSpanM
+ ; name <- newName mk (L loc rdr)
+ ; return (VarPat name) }
+ -- we need to bind pattern variables for view pattern expressions
+ -- (e.g. in the pattern (x, x -> y) x needs to be bound in the rhs of the tuple)
- SigPatIn pat ty -> do
- patsigs <- doptM Opt_ScopedTypeVariables
- if patsigs
- then rnLPatAndThen var pat
- (\ pat' -> do { (ty', fvs1) <- rnHsTypeFVs tvdoc ty
- ; (res, fvs2) <- lcont (SigPatIn pat' ty')
- ; return (res, fvs1 `plusFV` fvs2) })
- else do addErr (patSigErr ty)
- rnLPatAndThen var pat cont
- where
- tvdoc = text "In a pattern type-signature"
+rnPatAndThen mk (SigPatIn pat ty)
+ = do { patsigs <- liftCps (doptM Opt_ScopedTypeVariables)
+ ; if patsigs
+ then do { pat' <- rnLPatAndThen mk pat
+ ; ty' <- liftCpsFV (rnHsTypeFVs tvdoc ty)
+ ; return (SigPatIn pat' ty') }
+ else do { liftCps (addErr (patSigErr ty))
+ ; rnPatAndThen mk (unLoc pat) } }
+ where
+ tvdoc = text "In a pattern type-signature"
- LitPat lit@(HsString s) ->
- do ovlStr <- doptM Opt_OverloadedStrings
- if ovlStr
- then rnLPatAndThen var (reloc $ mkNPat (mkHsIsString s placeHolderType) Nothing) cont
- else do { rnLit lit; lcont (LitPat lit) } -- Same as below
- LitPat lit -> do { rnLit lit; lcont (LitPat lit) }
- NPat lit mb_neg _eq ->
- do { (lit', fvs1) <- rnOverLit lit
- ; (mb_neg', fvs2) <- case mb_neg of
- Nothing -> return (Nothing, emptyFVs)
- Just _ -> do { (neg, fvs) <- lookupSyntaxName negateName
- ; return (Just neg, fvs) }
- ; (eq', fvs3) <- lookupSyntaxName eqName
- ; (res, fvs4) <- lcont (NPat lit' mb_neg' eq')
- ; return (res, fvs1 `plusFV` fvs2 `plusFV` fvs3 `plusFV` fvs4) }
- -- Needed to find equality on pattern
- NPlusKPat name lit _ _ ->
- varf name $ \ new_name ->
- do { (lit', fvs1) <- rnOverLit lit
- ; (minus, fvs2) <- lookupSyntaxName minusName
- ; (ge, fvs3) <- lookupSyntaxName geName
- ; (res, fvs4) <- lcont (NPlusKPat (L (nameSrcSpan new_name) new_name) lit' ge minus)
- ; return (res, fvs1 `plusFV` fvs2 `plusFV` fvs3 `plusFV` fvs4) }
+rnPatAndThen mk (LitPat lit)
+ | HsString s <- lit
+ = do { ovlStr <- liftCps (doptM Opt_OverloadedStrings)
+ ; if ovlStr
+ then rnPatAndThen mk (mkNPat (mkHsIsString s placeHolderType) Nothing)
+ else normal_lit }
+ | otherwise = normal_lit
+ where
+ normal_lit = do { liftCps (rnLit lit); return (LitPat lit) }
+rnPatAndThen _ (NPat lit mb_neg _eq)
+ = do { lit' <- liftCpsFV $ rnOverLit lit
+ ; mb_neg' <- liftCpsFV $ case mb_neg of
+ Nothing -> return (Nothing, emptyFVs)
+ Just _ -> do { (neg, fvs) <- lookupSyntaxName negateName
+ ; return (Just neg, fvs) }
+ ; eq' <- liftCpsFV $ lookupSyntaxName eqName
+ ; return (NPat lit' mb_neg' eq') }
+rnPatAndThen mk (NPlusKPat rdr lit _ _)
+ = do { new_name <- newName mk rdr
+ ; lit' <- liftCpsFV $ rnOverLit lit
+ ; minus <- liftCpsFV $ lookupSyntaxName minusName
+ ; ge <- liftCpsFV $ lookupSyntaxName geName
+ ; return (NPlusKPat (L (nameSrcSpan new_name) new_name) lit' ge minus) }
-- The Report says that n+k patterns must be in Integral
- AsPat name pat ->
- varf name $ \ new_name ->
- rnLPatAndThen var pat $ \ pat' ->
- lcont (AsPat (L (nameSrcSpan new_name) new_name) pat')
- ViewPat expr pat ty ->
- do { vp_flag <- doptM Opt_ViewPatterns
- ; checkErr vp_flag (badViewPat p)
- -- because of the way we're arranging the recursive calls,
- -- this will be in the right context
- ; (expr', fv_expr) <- rnLExpr expr
- ; (res, fvs_res) <- rnLPatAndThen var pat $ \ pat' ->
- lcont (ViewPat expr' pat' ty)
- ; return (res, fvs_res `plusFV` fv_expr) }
+rnPatAndThen mk (AsPat rdr pat)
+ = do { new_name <- newName mk rdr
+ ; pat' <- rnLPatAndThen mk pat
+ ; return (AsPat (L (nameSrcSpan new_name) new_name) pat') }
+rnPatAndThen mk p@(ViewPat expr pat ty)
+ = do { liftCps $ do { vp_flag <- doptM Opt_ViewPatterns
+ ; checkErr vp_flag (badViewPat p) }
+ -- Because of the way we're arranging the recursive calls,
+ -- this will be in the right context
+ ; expr' <- liftCpsFV $ rnLExpr expr
+ ; pat' <- rnLPatAndThen mk pat
+ ; return (ViewPat expr' pat' ty) }
+rnPatAndThen mk (ConPatIn con stuff)
+ -- rnConPatAndThen takes care of reconstructing the pattern
+ = rnConPatAndThen mk con stuff
+rnPatAndThen mk (ListPat pats _)
+ = do { pats' <- rnLPatsAndThen mk pats
+ ; return (ListPat pats' placeHolderType) }
+rnPatAndThen mk (PArrPat pats _)
+ = do { pats' <- rnLPatsAndThen mk pats
+ ; return (PArrPat pats' placeHolderType) }
+rnPatAndThen mk (TuplePat pats boxed _)
+ = do { liftCps $ checkTupSize (length pats)
+ ; pats' <- rnLPatsAndThen mk pats
+ ; return (TuplePat pats' boxed placeHolderType) }
+rnPatAndThen _ (TypePat ty)
+ = do { ty' <- liftCpsFV $ rnHsTypeFVs (text "In a type pattern") ty
+ ; return (TypePat ty') }
#ifndef GHCI
- (QuasiQuotePat _) -> pprPanic "Can't do QuasiQuotePat without GHCi" (ppr p)
+rnPatAndThen _ p@(QuasiQuotePat {})
+ = pprPanic "Can't do QuasiQuotePat without GHCi" (ppr p)
- QuasiQuotePat qq -> do
- (qq', _) <- rnQuasiQuote qq
- pat' <- runQuasiQuotePat qq'
- rnLPatAndThen var pat' $ \ (L _ pat'') ->
- lcont pat''
+rnPatAndThen mk (QuasiQuotePat qq)
+ = do { qq' <- liftCpsFV $ rnQuasiQuote qq
+ ; pat <- liftCps $ runQuasiQuotePat qq'
+ ; L _ pat' <- rnLPatAndThen mk pat
+ ; return pat' }
#endif /* GHCI */
- ConPatIn con stuff ->
- -- rnConPatAndThen takes care of reconstructing the pattern
- rnConPatAndThen var con stuff cont
- ListPat pats _ ->
- rnLPatsAndThen var pats $ \ patslist ->
- lcont (ListPat patslist placeHolderType)
- PArrPat pats _ ->
- do { (res, res_fvs) <- rnLPatsAndThen var pats $ \ patslist ->
- lcont (PArrPat patslist placeHolderType)
- ; return (res, res_fvs `plusFV` implicit_fvs) }
- where
- implicit_fvs = mkFVs [lengthPName, indexPName]
- TuplePat pats boxed _ ->
- do { checkTupSize (length pats)
- ; rnLPatsAndThen var pats $ \ patslist ->
- lcont (TuplePat patslist boxed placeHolderType) }
- TypePat ty ->
- do { (ty', fvs1) <- rnHsTypeFVs (text "In a type pattern") ty
- ; (res, fvs2) <- lcont (TypePat ty')
- ; return (res, fvs1 `plusFV` fvs2) }
- p -> pprPanic "rnLPatAndThen" (ppr p)
+rnPatAndThen _ pat = pprPanic "rnLPatAndThen" (ppr pat)
--- helper for renaming constructor patterns
rnConPatAndThen :: NameMaker
-> Located RdrName -- the constructor
-> HsConPatDetails RdrName
- -> (LPat Name -> RnM (a, FreeVars)) -- what to do afterwards
- -> RnM (a, FreeVars)
-rnConPatAndThen var (con@(L loc _)) (PrefixCon pats) cont
- = do { con' <- lookupLocatedOccRn con
- ; (res, res_fvs) <- rnLPatsAndThen var pats $ \ pats' ->
- cont (L loc $ ConPatIn con' (PrefixCon pats'))
- ; return (res, res_fvs `addOneFV` unLoc con') }
-rnConPatAndThen var (con@(L loc _)) (InfixCon pat1 pat2) cont
- = do { con' <- lookupLocatedOccRn con
- ; (res, res_fvs) <- rnLPatAndThen var pat1 $ \ pat1' ->
- rnLPatAndThen var pat2 $ \ pat2' ->
- do { fixity <- lookupFixityRn (unLoc con')
- ; pat' <- mkConOpPatRn con' fixity pat1' pat2'
- ; cont (L loc pat') }
- ; return (res, res_fvs `addOneFV` unLoc con') }
-rnConPatAndThen var (con@(L loc _)) (RecCon rpats) cont
- = do { con' <- lookupLocatedOccRn con
- ; (res, res_fvs) <- rnHsRecFieldsAndThen_Pattern con' var rpats $ \ rpats' ->
- cont (L loc $ ConPatIn con' (RecCon rpats'))
- ; return (res, res_fvs `addOneFV` unLoc con') }
--- what kind of record expression we're doing
--- the first two tell the name of the datatype constructor in question
--- and give a way of creating a variable to fill in a ..
-data RnHsRecFieldsChoice a = Constructor (Located Name) (RdrName -> a)
- | Pattern (Located Name) (RdrName -> a)
- | Update
-choiceToMessage :: RnHsRecFieldsChoice t -> String
-choiceToMessage (Constructor _ _) = "construction"
-choiceToMessage (Pattern _ _) = "pattern"
-choiceToMessage Update = "update"
-doDotDot :: RnHsRecFieldsChoice t -> Maybe (Located Name, RdrName -> t)
-doDotDot (Constructor a b) = Just (a,b)
-doDotDot (Pattern a b) = Just (a,b)
-doDotDot Update = Nothing
-getChoiceName :: RnHsRecFieldsChoice field -> Maybe (Located Name)
-getChoiceName (Constructor n _) = Just n
-getChoiceName (Pattern n _) = Just n
-getChoiceName (Update) = Nothing
--- helper for renaming record patterns;
--- parameterized so that it can also be used for expressions
-rnHsRecFieldsAndThen :: RnHsRecFieldsChoice field
- -- how to rename the fields (CPSed)
- -> (Located field -> (Located field' -> RnM (c, FreeVars))
- -> RnM (c, FreeVars))
- -- the actual fields
- -> HsRecFields RdrName (Located field)
- -- what to do in the scope of the field vars
- -> (HsRecFields Name (Located field') -> RnM (c, FreeVars))
- -> RnM (c, FreeVars)
--- Haddock comments for record fields are renamed to Nothing here
-rnHsRecFieldsAndThen choice rn_thing (HsRecFields fields dd) cont =
- let
- -- helper to collect and report duplicate record fields
- reportDuplicateFields doingstr fields =
- let
- -- each list represents a RdrName that occurred more than once
- -- (the list contains all occurrences)
- -- invariant: each list in dup_fields is non-empty
- dup_fields :: [[RdrName]]
- (_, dup_fields) = removeDups compare
- (map (unLoc . hsRecFieldId) fields)
- -- duplicate field reporting function
- field_dup_err dup_group = addErr (dupFieldErr doingstr (head dup_group))
- in
- mapM_ field_dup_err dup_fields
- -- helper to rename each field
- rn_field pun_ok (HsRecField field inside pun) cont = do
- fieldname <- lookupRecordBndr (getChoiceName choice) field
- checkErr (not pun || pun_ok) (badPun field)
- (res, res_fvs) <- rn_thing inside $ \ inside' ->
- cont (HsRecField fieldname inside' pun)
- return (res, res_fvs `addOneFV` unLoc fieldname)
- -- Compute the extra fields to be filled in by the dot-dot notation
- dot_dot_fields fs con mk_field cont = do
- con_fields <- lookupConstructorFields (unLoc con)
- let missing_fields = con_fields `minusList` fs
- loc <- getSrcSpanM -- Rather approximate
- -- it's important that we make the RdrName fields that we morally wrote
- -- and then rename them in the usual manner
- -- (rather than trying to make the result of renaming directly)
- -- because, for patterns, renaming can bind vars in the continuation
- mapFvRnCPS rn_thing
- (map (L loc . mk_field . mkRdrUnqual . getOccName) missing_fields) $
- \ rhss ->
- let new_fs = [ HsRecField (L loc f) r False
- | (f, r) <- missing_fields `zip` rhss ]
- in
- cont new_fs
- in do
- -- report duplicate fields
- let doingstr = choiceToMessage choice
- reportDuplicateFields doingstr fields
- -- rename the records as written
- -- check whether punning (implicit x=x) is allowed
- pun_flag <- doptM Opt_RecordPuns
- -- rename the fields
- mapFvRnCPS (rn_field pun_flag) fields $ \ fields1 ->
- -- handle ..
- case dd of
- Nothing -> cont (HsRecFields fields1 dd)
- Just n -> ASSERT( n == length fields ) do
- dd_flag <- doptM Opt_RecordWildCards
- checkErr dd_flag (needFlagDotDot doingstr)
- let fld_names1 = map (unLoc . hsRecFieldId) fields1
- case doDotDot choice of
- Nothing -> do addErr (badDotDot doingstr)
- -- we return a junk value here so that error reporting goes on
- cont (HsRecFields fields1 dd)
- Just (con, mk_field) ->
- dot_dot_fields fld_names1 con mk_field $
- \ fields2 ->
- cont (HsRecFields (fields1 ++ fields2) dd)
-needFlagDotDot :: String -> SDoc
-needFlagDotDot str = vcat [ptext (sLit "Illegal `..' in record") <+> text str,
- ptext (sLit "Use -XRecordWildCards to permit this")]
-badDotDot :: String -> SDoc
-badDotDot str = ptext (sLit "You cannot use `..' in record") <+> text str
+ -> CpsRn (Pat Name)
+rnConPatAndThen mk con (PrefixCon pats)
+ = do { con' <- lookupConCps con
+ ; pats' <- rnLPatsAndThen mk pats
+ ; return (ConPatIn con' (PrefixCon pats')) }
+rnConPatAndThen mk con (InfixCon pat1 pat2)
+ = do { con' <- lookupConCps con
+ ; pat1' <- rnLPatAndThen mk pat1
+ ; pat2' <- rnLPatAndThen mk pat2
+ ; fixity <- liftCps $ lookupFixityRn (unLoc con')
+ ; liftCps $ mkConOpPatRn con' fixity pat1' pat2' }
+rnConPatAndThen mk con (RecCon rpats)
+ = do { con' <- lookupConCps con
+ ; rpats' <- rnHsRecPatsAndThen mk con' rpats
+ ; return (ConPatIn con' (RecCon rpats')) }
+rnHsRecPatsAndThen :: NameMaker
+ -> Located Name -- Constructor
+ -> HsRecFields RdrName (LPat RdrName)
+ -> CpsRn (HsRecFields Name (LPat Name))
+rnHsRecPatsAndThen mk (L _ con) hs_rec_fields@(HsRecFields { rec_dotdot = dd })
+ = do { flds <- liftCpsFV $ rnHsRecFields1 (HsRecFieldPat con) VarPat hs_rec_fields
+ ; flds' <- mapM rn_field (flds `zip` [1..])
+ ; return (HsRecFields { rec_flds = flds', rec_dotdot = dd }) }
+ where
+ rn_field (fld, n') = do { arg' <- rnLPatAndThen (nested_mk dd mk n')
+ (hsRecFieldArg fld)
+ ; return (fld { hsRecFieldArg = arg' }) }
+ -- Suppress unused-match reporting for fields introduced by ".."
+ nested_mk Nothing mk _ = mk
+ nested_mk (Just _) mk@(LetMk {}) _ = mk
+ nested_mk (Just n) (LamMk report_unused) n' = LamMk (report_unused && (n' <= n))
+%* *
+ Record fields
+%* *
+data HsRecFieldContext
+ = HsRecFieldCon Name
+ | HsRecFieldPat Name
+ | HsRecFieldUpd
+ :: HsRecFieldContext
+ -> (RdrName -> arg) -- When punning, use this to build a new field
+ -> HsRecFields RdrName (Located arg)
+ -> RnM ([HsRecField Name (Located arg)], FreeVars)
+-- This supprisingly complicated pass
+-- a) looks up the field name (possibly using disambiguation)
+-- b) fills in puns and dot-dot stuff
+-- When we we've finished, we've renamed the LHS, but not the RHS,
+-- of each x=e binding
+rnHsRecFields1 ctxt mk_arg (HsRecFields { rec_flds = flds, rec_dotdot = dotdot })
+ = do { pun_ok <- doptM Opt_RecordPuns
+ ; disambig_ok <- doptM Opt_DisambiguateRecordFields
+ ; parent <- check_disambiguation disambig_ok mb_con
+ ; flds1 <- mapM (rn_fld pun_ok parent) flds
+ ; mapM_ (addErr . dupFieldErr ctxt) dup_flds
+ ; flds2 <- rn_dotdot dotdot mb_con flds1
+ ; return (flds2, mkFVs (getFieldIds flds2)) }
+ where
+ mb_con = case ctxt of
+ HsRecFieldUpd -> Nothing
+ HsRecFieldCon con -> Just con
+ HsRecFieldPat con -> Just con
+ doc = case mb_con of
+ Nothing -> ptext (sLit "constructor field name")
+ Just con -> ptext (sLit "field of constructor") <+> quotes (ppr con)
+ name_to_arg (L loc n) = L loc (mk_arg (mkRdrUnqual (nameOccName n)))
+ rn_fld pun_ok parent (HsRecField { hsRecFieldId = fld
+ , hsRecFieldArg = arg
+ , hsRecPun = pun })
+ = do { fld' <- lookupLocatedSubBndr parent doc fld
+ ; arg' <- if pun
+ then do { checkErr pun_ok (badPun fld)
+ ; return (name_to_arg fld') }
+ else return arg
+ ; return (HsRecField { hsRecFieldId = fld'
+ , hsRecFieldArg = arg'
+ , hsRecPun = pun }) }
+ rn_dotdot Nothing _mb_con flds -- No ".." at all
+ = return flds
+ rn_dotdot (Just {}) Nothing flds -- ".." on record update
+ = do { addErr (badDotDot ctxt); return flds }
+ rn_dotdot (Just n) (Just con) flds -- ".." on record con/pat
+ = ASSERT( n == length flds )
+ do { loc <- getSrcSpanM -- Rather approximate
+ ; dd_flag <- doptM Opt_RecordWildCards
+ ; checkErr dd_flag (needFlagDotDot ctxt)
+ ; con_fields <- lookupConstructorFields con
+ ; let present_flds = getFieldIds flds
+ absent_flds = con_fields `minusList` present_flds
+ extras = [ HsRecField
+ { hsRecFieldId = L loc f
+ , hsRecFieldArg = name_to_arg (L loc f)
+ , hsRecPun = True }
+ | f <- absent_flds ]
+ ; return (flds ++ extras) }
+ check_disambiguation :: Bool -> Maybe Name -> RnM Parent
+ -- When disambiguation is on, return the parent *type constructor*
+ -- That is, the parent of the data constructor. That's the parent
+ -- to use for looking up record fields.
+ check_disambiguation disambig_ok mb_con
+ | disambig_ok, Just con <- mb_con
+ = do { env <- getGlobalRdrEnv
+ ; return (case lookupGRE_Name env con of
+ [gre] -> gre_par gre
+ gres -> WARN( True, ppr con <+> ppr gres ) NoParent) }
+ | otherwise = return NoParent
+ dup_flds :: [[RdrName]]
+ -- Each list represents a RdrName that occurred more than once
+ -- (the list contains all occurrences)
+ -- Each list in dup_fields is non-empty
+ (_, dup_flds) = removeDups compare (getFieldIds flds)
+getFieldIds :: [HsRecField id arg] -> [id]
+getFieldIds flds = map (unLoc . hsRecFieldId) flds
+needFlagDotDot :: HsRecFieldContext -> SDoc
+needFlagDotDot ctxt = vcat [ptext (sLit "Illegal `..' in record") <+> pprRFC ctxt,
+ ptext (sLit "Use -XRecordWildCards to permit this")]
+badDotDot :: HsRecFieldContext -> SDoc
+badDotDot ctxt = ptext (sLit "You cannot use `..' in a record") <+> pprRFC ctxt
badPun :: Located RdrName -> SDoc
badPun fld = vcat [ptext (sLit "Illegal use of punning for field") <+> quotes (ppr fld),
ptext (sLit "Use -XNamedFieldPuns to permit this")]
+dupFieldErr :: HsRecFieldContext -> [RdrName] -> SDoc
+dupFieldErr ctxt dups
+ = hsep [ptext (sLit "duplicate field name"),
+ quotes (ppr (head dups)),
+ ptext (sLit "in record"), pprRFC ctxt]
--- wrappers
-rnHsRecFieldsAndThen_Pattern :: Located Name
- -> NameMaker -- new name maker
- -> HsRecFields RdrName (LPat RdrName)
- -> (HsRecFields Name (LPat Name) -> RnM (c, FreeVars))
- -> RnM (c, FreeVars)
-rnHsRecFieldsAndThen_Pattern n var
- = rnHsRecFieldsAndThen (Pattern n VarPat) (rnLPatAndThen var)
--- wrapper to use rnLExpr in CPS style;
--- because it does not bind any vars going forward, it does not need
--- to be written that way
-rnLExprAndThen :: (LHsExpr RdrName -> RnM (LHsExpr Name, FreeVars))
- -> LHsExpr RdrName
- -> (LHsExpr Name -> RnM (c, FreeVars))
- -> RnM (c, FreeVars)
-rnLExprAndThen f e cont = do { (x, fvs1) <- f e
- ; (res, fvs2) <- cont x
- ; return (res, fvs1 `plusFV` fvs2) }
--- non-CPSed because exprs don't leave anything bound
-rnHsRecFields_Con :: Located Name
- -> (LHsExpr RdrName -> RnM (LHsExpr Name, FreeVars))
- -> HsRecFields RdrName (LHsExpr RdrName)
- -> RnM (HsRecFields Name (LHsExpr Name), FreeVars)
-rnHsRecFields_Con n rnLExpr fields = rnHsRecFieldsAndThen (Constructor n HsVar)
- (rnLExprAndThen rnLExpr) fields $ \ res ->
- return (res, emptyFVs)
-rnHsRecFields_Update :: (LHsExpr RdrName -> RnM (LHsExpr Name, FreeVars))
- -> HsRecFields RdrName (LHsExpr RdrName)
- -> RnM (HsRecFields Name (LHsExpr Name), FreeVars)
-rnHsRecFields_Update rnLExpr fields = rnHsRecFieldsAndThen Update
- (rnLExprAndThen rnLExpr) fields $ \ res ->
- return (res, emptyFVs)
+pprRFC :: HsRecFieldContext -> SDoc
+pprRFC (HsRecFieldCon {}) = ptext (sLit "construction")
+pprRFC (HsRecFieldPat {}) = ptext (sLit "pattern")
+pprRFC (HsRecFieldUpd {}) = ptext (sLit "update")
%* *
@@ -517,29 +557,6 @@ rnOverLit lit@(OverLit {ol_val=val})
, ol_rebindable = rebindable }, fvs) }
--- Old code returned extra free vars need in desugarer
--- but that is no longer necessary, I believe
--- if inIntRange i then
--- return (HsIntegral i from_integer_name placeHolderType, fvs)
--- else let
--- extra_fvs = mkFVs [plusIntegerName, timesIntegerName]
--- Big integer literals are built, using + and *,
--- out of small integers (DsUtils.mkIntegerLit)
--- [NB: plusInteger, timesInteger aren't rebindable...
--- they are used to construct the argument to fromInteger,
--- which is the rebindable one.]
--- (HsFractional i _ _) = do
--- extra_fvs = mkFVs [ratioDataConName, plusIntegerName, timesIntegerName]
--- We have to make sure that the Ratio type is imported with
--- its constructor, because literals of type Ratio t are
--- built with that constructor.
--- The Rational type is needed too, but that will come in
--- as part of the type for fromRational.
--- The plus/times integer operations may be needed to construct the numerator
--- and denominator (see DsUtils.mkIntegerLit)
%* *
@@ -552,8 +569,8 @@ See Note [Quasi-quote overview] in TcSplice.
rnQuasiQuote :: HsQuasiQuote RdrName -> RnM (HsQuasiQuote Name, FreeVars)
rnQuasiQuote (HsQuasiQuote n quoter quoteSpan quote)
= do { loc <- getSrcSpanM
- ; [n'] <- newLocalsRn [L loc n]
- ; quoter' <- (lookupOccRn quoter)
+ ; n' <- newLocalBndrRn (L loc n)
+ ; quoter' <- lookupOccRn quoter
-- If 'quoter' is not in scope, proceed no further
-- Otherwise lookupOcc adds an error messsage and returns
-- an "unubound name", which makes the subsequent attempt to
@@ -582,12 +599,6 @@ patSigErr ty
= (ptext (sLit "Illegal signature in pattern:") <+> ppr ty)
$$ nest 4 (ptext (sLit "Use -XScopedTypeVariables to permit it"))
-dupFieldErr :: String -> RdrName -> SDoc
-dupFieldErr str dup
- = hsep [ptext (sLit "duplicate field name"),
- quotes (ppr dup),
- ptext (sLit "in record"), text str]
bogusCharError :: Char -> SDoc
bogusCharError c
= ptext (sLit "character literal out of range: '\\") <> char c <> char '\''
@@ -595,5 +606,4 @@ bogusCharError c
badViewPat :: Pat RdrName -> SDoc
badViewPat pat = vcat [ptext (sLit "Illegal view pattern: ") <+> ppr pat,
ptext (sLit "Use -XViewPatterns to enable view patterns")]
diff --git a/compiler/rename/RnSource.lhs b/compiler/rename/RnSource.lhs
index 86873b0223..bbf4938776 100644
--- a/compiler/rename/RnSource.lhs
+++ b/compiler/rename/RnSource.lhs
@@ -21,11 +21,10 @@ import RnBinds ( rnTopBindsLHS, rnTopBindsRHS, rnMethodBinds, renameSigs, mkSig
import RnEnv ( lookupLocalDataTcNames, lookupLocatedOccRn,
lookupTopBndrRn, lookupLocatedTopBndrRn,
- lookupOccRn, newLocalsRn,
+ lookupOccRn, newLocalBndrsRn,
bindLocatedLocalsFV, bindPatSigTyVarsFV,
bindTyVarsRn, extendTyVarEnvFVRn,
- bindLocalNames, checkDupRdrNames, mapFvRn,
- checkM
+ bindLocalNames, checkDupRdrNames, mapFvRn
import RnNames ( getLocalNonValBinders, extendGlobalRdrEnvRn )
import HscTypes ( GenAvailInfo(..), availsToNameSet )
@@ -779,7 +778,7 @@ rnTyClDecl (ClassDecl {tcdCtxt = context, tcdLName = cname,
-- No need to check for duplicate method signatures
-- since that is done by RnNames.extendGlobalRdrEnvRn
-- and the methods are already in scope
- ; gen_tyvars <- newLocalsRn gen_rdr_tyvars_w_locs
+ ; gen_tyvars <- newLocalBndrsRn gen_rdr_tyvars_w_locs
; rnMethodBinds (unLoc cname') (mkSigTvFn sigs') gen_tyvars mbinds }
-- Haddock docs
@@ -945,7 +944,7 @@ rnATs ats = mapFvRn (wrapLocFstM rn_at) ats
rn_at (tydecl@TyFamily {}) = rnFamily tydecl lookupIdxVars
rn_at (tydecl@TySynonym {}) =
- checkM (isNothing (tcdTyPats tydecl)) $ addErr noPatterns
+ unless (isNothing (tcdTyPats tydecl)) $ addErr noPatterns
rnTyClDecl tydecl
rn_at _ = panic "RnSource.rnATs: invalid TyClDecl"
diff --git a/compiler/rename/RnTypes.lhs b/compiler/rename/RnTypes.lhs
index 3086b946d3..61c039cc22 100644
--- a/compiler/rename/RnTypes.lhs
+++ b/compiler/rename/RnTypes.lhs
@@ -159,7 +159,7 @@ rnHsType doc (HsListTy ty) = do
rnHsType doc (HsKindSig ty k)
= do { kind_sigs_ok <- doptM Opt_KindSignatures
- ; checkM kind_sigs_ok (addErr (kindSigErr ty))
+ ; unless kind_sigs_ok (addErr (kindSigErr ty))
; ty' <- rnLHsType doc ty
; return (HsKindSig ty' k) }
@@ -610,7 +610,7 @@ rnSplice :: HsSplice RdrName -> RnM (HsSplice Name, FreeVars)
rnSplice (HsSplice n expr)
= do { checkTH expr "splice"
; loc <- getSrcSpanM
- ; [n'] <- newLocalsRn [L loc n]
+ ; n' <- newLocalBndrRn (L loc n)
; (expr', fvs) <- rnLExpr expr
-- Ugh! See Note [Splices] above
diff --git a/compiler/typecheck/TcEnv.lhs b/compiler/typecheck/TcEnv.lhs
index 055fc2cf88..df6eac119c 100644
--- a/compiler/typecheck/TcEnv.lhs
+++ b/compiler/typecheck/TcEnv.lhs
@@ -337,7 +337,7 @@ tcExtendTyVarEnv2 binds thing_inside = do
tcl_tyvars = gtvs,
tcl_rdr = rdr_env}) <- getLclEnv
- rdr_env' = extendLocalRdrEnv rdr_env (map fst binds)
+ rdr_env' = extendLocalRdrEnvList rdr_env (map fst binds)
new_tv_set = tcTyVarsOfTypes (map snd binds)
le' = extendNameEnvList le [(name, ATyVar name ty) | (name, ty) <- binds]
@@ -408,7 +408,7 @@ tc_extend_local_id_env env th_lvl names_w_ids thing_inside
_ -> Wobbly})
| (name,id) <- names_w_ids, let id_ty = idType id]
le' = extendNameEnvList (tcl_env env) extra_env
- rdr_env' = extendLocalRdrEnv (tcl_rdr env) [name | (name,_) <- names_w_ids]
+ rdr_env' = extendLocalRdrEnvList (tcl_rdr env) [name | (name,_) <- names_w_ids]
diff --git a/compiler/typecheck/TcPat.lhs b/compiler/typecheck/TcPat.lhs
index 5a54f8dc8f..8c73fa9708 100644
--- a/compiler/typecheck/TcPat.lhs
+++ b/compiler/typecheck/TcPat.lhs
@@ -628,7 +628,7 @@ tcConPat pstate con_span data_con tycon pat_ty arg_pats thing_inside
unwrap_ty res_pat
-- Add the stupid theta
- ; addDataConStupidTheta data_con ctxt_res_tys
+ ; setSrcSpan con_span $ addDataConStupidTheta data_con ctxt_res_tys
; ex_tvs' <- tcInstSkolTyVars skol_info ex_tvs
-- Get location from monad, not from ex_tvs