path: root/compiler
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authorTwan van Laarhoven <>2008-01-17 19:00:33 +0000
committerTwan van Laarhoven <>2008-01-17 19:00:33 +0000
commit37e2b6d8287a9760ee89b1812537b14eabd46835 (patch)
tree34975e6e51d5a1e1319219820bec81887e69de30 /compiler
parentf377ab11a16267e253a270c73284d80298eb09d4 (diff)
Monadify rename/RnPat: use do, return and standard monad functions
Diffstat (limited to 'compiler')
1 files changed, 23 insertions, 24 deletions
diff --git a/compiler/rename/RnPat.lhs b/compiler/rename/RnPat.lhs
index 49f6f1db2d..b3564f6847 100644
--- a/compiler/rename/RnPat.lhs
+++ b/compiler/rename/RnPat.lhs
@@ -244,15 +244,15 @@ rnLPatAndThen var@(NM varf) (L loc p) cont =
-- we need to bind pattern variables for view pattern expressions
-- (e.g. in the pattern (x, x -> y) x needs to be bound in the rhs of the tuple)
- SigPatIn pat ty ->
- doptM Opt_PatternSignatures `thenM` \ patsigs ->
+ SigPatIn pat ty -> do
+ patsigs <- doptM Opt_PatternSignatures
if patsigs
- then rnLPatAndThen var pat
+ then rnLPatAndThen var pat
(\ pat' -> do { (ty', fvs1) <- rnHsTypeFVs tvdoc ty
; (res, fvs2) <- lcont (SigPatIn pat' ty')
; return (res, fvs1 `plusFV` fvs2) })
- else addErr (patSigErr ty) `thenM_`
- rnLPatAndThen var pat cont
+ else do addErr (patSigErr ty)
+ rnLPatAndThen var pat cont
tvdoc = text "In a pattern type-signature"
@@ -412,7 +412,7 @@ rnHsRecFieldsAndThen choice rn_thing (HsRecFields fields dd) cont =
-- duplicate field reporting function
field_dup_err dup_group = addErr (dupFieldErr doingstr (head dup_group))
- mappM_ field_dup_err dup_fields
+ mapM_ field_dup_err dup_fields
-- helper to rename each field
rn_field pun_ok (HsRecField field inside pun) cont = do
@@ -458,9 +458,9 @@ rnHsRecFieldsAndThen choice rn_thing (HsRecFields fields dd) cont =
checkErr dd_flag (needFlagDotDot doingstr)
let fld_names1 = map (unLoc . hsRecFieldId) fields1
case doDotDot choice of
- Nothing -> addErr (badDotDot doingstr) `thenM_`
- -- we return a junk value here so that error reporting goes on
- cont (HsRecFields fields1 dd)
+ Nothing -> do addErr (badDotDot doingstr)
+ -- we return a junk value here so that error reporting goes on
+ cont (HsRecFields fields1 dd)
Just (con, mk_field) ->
dot_dot_fields fld_names1 con mk_field $
\ fields2 ->
@@ -529,24 +529,24 @@ are made available.
rnLit :: HsLit -> RnM ()
rnLit (HsChar c) = checkErr (inCharRange c) (bogusCharError c)
-rnLit other = returnM ()
+rnLit other = return ()
-rnOverLit (HsIntegral i _ _)
- = lookupSyntaxName fromIntegerName `thenM` \ (from_integer_name, fvs) ->
+rnOverLit (HsIntegral i _ _) = do
+ (from_integer_name, fvs) <- lookupSyntaxName fromIntegerName
if inIntRange i then
- returnM (HsIntegral i from_integer_name placeHolderType, fvs)
- else let
+ return (HsIntegral i from_integer_name placeHolderType, fvs)
+ else let
extra_fvs = mkFVs [plusIntegerName, timesIntegerName]
-- Big integer literals are built, using + and *,
-- out of small integers (DsUtils.mkIntegerLit)
-- [NB: plusInteger, timesInteger aren't rebindable...
-- they are used to construct the argument to fromInteger,
-- which is the rebindable one.]
- in
- returnM (HsIntegral i from_integer_name placeHolderType, fvs `plusFV` extra_fvs)
+ in
+ return (HsIntegral i from_integer_name placeHolderType, fvs `plusFV` extra_fvs)
-rnOverLit (HsFractional i _ _)
- = lookupSyntaxName fromRationalName `thenM` \ (from_rat_name, fvs) ->
+rnOverLit (HsFractional i _ _) = do
+ (from_rat_name, fvs) <- lookupSyntaxName fromRationalName
extra_fvs = mkFVs [ratioDataConName, plusIntegerName, timesIntegerName]
-- We have to make sure that the Ratio type is imported with
@@ -556,12 +556,11 @@ rnOverLit (HsFractional i _ _)
-- as part of the type for fromRational.
-- The plus/times integer operations may be needed to construct the numerator
-- and denominator (see DsUtils.mkIntegerLit)
- in
- returnM (HsFractional i from_rat_name placeHolderType, fvs `plusFV` extra_fvs)
+ return (HsFractional i from_rat_name placeHolderType, fvs `plusFV` extra_fvs)
-rnOverLit (HsIsString s _ _)
- = lookupSyntaxName fromStringName `thenM` \ (from_string_name, fvs) ->
- returnM (HsIsString s from_string_name placeHolderType, fvs)
+rnOverLit (HsIsString s _ _) = do
+ (from_string_name, fvs) <- lookupSyntaxName fromStringName
+ return (HsIsString s from_string_name placeHolderType, fvs)
@@ -595,7 +594,7 @@ rnQuasiQuote (HsQuasiQuote n quoter quoteSpan quote)
checkTupSize :: Int -> RnM ()
checkTupSize tup_size
| tup_size <= mAX_TUPLE_SIZE
- = returnM ()
+ = return ()
| otherwise
= addErr (sep [ptext SLIT("A") <+> int tup_size <> ptext SLIT("-tuple is too large for GHC"),
nest 2 (parens (ptext SLIT("max size is") <+> int mAX_TUPLE_SIZE)),