path: root/compiler
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authorRyan Scott <>2019-10-03 18:40:30 -0400
committerMarge Bot <>2019-10-23 05:58:49 -0400
commita19c7d17d75e5006209ecd5ef76d267888882145 (patch)
tree0468064aeb7f39fa503d7255e1e2be6b059de48e /compiler
parent900cf195ed9b372dadc378182a617a1bdf065908 (diff)
Reify oversaturated data family instances correctly (#17296)
`TcSplice` was not properly handling oversaturated data family instances, such as the example in #17296, as it dropped arguments due to carelessly zipping data family instance arguments with `tyConTyVars`. For data families, the number of `tyConTyVars` can sometimes be less than the number of arguments it can accept in a data family instance due to the fact that data family instances can be oversaturated. To account for this, `TcSplice.mkIsPolyTvs` has now been renamed to `tyConArgsPolyKinded` and now factors in `tyConResKind` in addition to `tyConTyVars`. I've also added `Note [Reified instances and explicit kind signatures]` which explains the various subtleties in play here. Fixes #17296.
Diffstat (limited to 'compiler')
2 files changed, 118 insertions, 21 deletions
diff --git a/compiler/typecheck/TcSplice.hs b/compiler/typecheck/TcSplice.hs
index aa9e38357e..945e496db7 100644
--- a/compiler/typecheck/TcSplice.hs
+++ b/compiler/typecheck/TcSplice.hs
@@ -1479,13 +1479,11 @@ reifyAxBranch fam_tc (CoAxBranch { cab_tvs = tvs
= do { tvs' <- reifyTyVarsToMaybe tvs
; let lhs_types_only = filterOutInvisibleTypes fam_tc lhs
; lhs' <- reifyTypes lhs_types_only
- ; annot_th_lhs <- zipWith3M annotThType (mkIsPolyTvs fam_tvs)
+ ; annot_th_lhs <- zipWith3M annotThType (tyConArgsPolyKinded fam_tc)
lhs_types_only lhs'
; let lhs_type = mkThAppTs (TH.ConT $ reifyName fam_tc) annot_th_lhs
; rhs' <- reifyType rhs
; return (TH.TySynEqn tvs' lhs_type rhs') }
- where
- fam_tvs = tyConVisibleTyVars fam_tc
reifyTyCon :: TyCon -> TcM TH.Info
reifyTyCon tc
@@ -1714,7 +1712,8 @@ reifyClass cls
-- | Annotate (with TH.SigT) a type if the first parameter is True
-- and if the type contains a free variable.
-- This is used to annotate type patterns for poly-kinded tyvars in
--- reifying class and type instances. See #8953 and th/T8953.
+-- reifying class and type instances.
+-- See @Note [Reified instances and explicit kind signatures]@.
annotThType :: Bool -- True <=> annotate
-> TyCoRep.Type -> TH.Type -> TcM TH.Type
-- tiny optimization: if the type is annotated, don't annotate again.
@@ -1726,24 +1725,116 @@ annotThType True ty th_ty
; return (TH.SigT th_ty th_ki) }
annotThType _ _ th_ty = return th_ty
--- | For every type variable in the input,
--- report whether or not the tv is poly-kinded. This is used to eventually
--- feed into 'annotThType'.
-mkIsPolyTvs :: [TyVar] -> [Bool]
-mkIsPolyTvs = map is_poly_tv
+-- | For every argument type that a type constructor accepts,
+-- report whether or not the argument is poly-kinded. This is used to
+-- eventually feed into 'annotThType'.
+-- See @Note [Reified instances and explicit kind signatures]@.
+tyConArgsPolyKinded :: TyCon -> [Bool]
+tyConArgsPolyKinded tc =
+ map (is_poly_ty . tyVarKind) tc_vis_tvs
+ -- See "Wrinkle: Oversaturated data family instances" in
+ -- @Note [Reified instances and explicit kind signatures]@
+ ++ map (is_poly_ty . tyCoBinderType) tc_res_kind_vis_bndrs -- (1) in Wrinkle
+ ++ repeat True -- (2) in Wrinkle
- is_poly_tv tv = not $
+ is_poly_ty :: Type -> Bool
+ is_poly_ty ty = not $
isEmptyVarSet $
filterVarSet isTyVar $
- tyCoVarsOfType $
- tyVarKind tv
+ tyCoVarsOfType ty
+ tc_vis_tvs :: [TyVar]
+ tc_vis_tvs = tyConVisibleTyVars tc
+ tc_res_kind_vis_bndrs :: [TyCoBinder]
+ tc_res_kind_vis_bndrs = filter isVisibleBinder $ fst $ splitPiTys $ tyConResKind tc
+Note [Reified instances and explicit kind signatures]
+Reified class instances and type family instances often include extra kind
+information to disambiguate instances. Here is one such example that
+illustrates this (#8953):
+ type family Poly (a :: k) :: Type
+ type instance Poly (x :: Bool) = Int
+ type instance Poly (x :: Maybe k) = Double
+If you're not careful, reifying these instances might yield this:
+ type instance Poly x = Int
+ type instance Poly x = Double
+To avoid this, we go through some care to annotate things with extra kind
+information. Some functions which accomplish this feat include:
+* annotThType: This annotates a type with a kind signature if the type contains
+ a free variable.
+* tyConArgsPolyKinded: This checks every argument that a type constructor can
+ accept and reports if the type of the argument is poly-kinded. This
+ information is ultimately fed into annotThType.
+-- Wrinkle: Oversaturated data family instances
+What constitutes an argument to a type constructor in the definition of
+tyConArgsPolyKinded? For most type constructors, it's simply the visible
+type variable binders (i.e., tyConVisibleTyVars). There is one corner case
+we must keep in mind, however: data family instances can appear oversaturated
+(#17296). For instance:
+ data family Foo :: Type -> Type
+ data instance Foo x
+ data family Bar :: k
+ data family Bar x
+For these sorts of data family instances, tyConVisibleTyVars isn't enough,
+as they won't give you the kinds of the oversaturated arguments. We must
+also consult:
+1. The kinds of the arguments in the result kind (i.e., the tyConResKind).
+ This will tell us, e.g., the kind of `x` in `Foo x` above.
+2. If we go beyond the number of arguments in the result kind (like the
+ `x` in `Bar x`), then we conservatively assume that the argument's
+ kind is poly-kinded.
+-- Wrinkle: data family instances with return kinds
+Another squirrelly corner case is this:
+ data family Foo (a :: k)
+ data instance Foo :: Bool -> Type
+ data instance Foo :: Char -> Type
+If you're not careful, reifying these instances might yield this:
+ data instance Foo
+ data instance Foo
+We can fix this ambiguity by reifying the instances' explicit return kinds. We
+should only do this if necessary (see
+Note [When does a tycon application need an explicit kind signature?] in Type),
+but more importantly, we *only* do this if either of the following are true:
+1. The data family instance has no constructors.
+2. The data family instance is declared with GADT syntax.
+If neither of these are true, then reifying the return kind would yield
+something like this:
+ data instance (Bar a :: Type) = MkBar a
+Which is not valid syntax.
reifyClassInstances :: Class -> [ClsInst] -> TcM [TH.Dec]
reifyClassInstances cls insts
- = mapM (reifyClassInstance (mkIsPolyTvs tvs)) insts
- where
- tvs = tyConVisibleTyVars (classTyCon cls)
+ = mapM (reifyClassInstance (tyConArgsPolyKinded (classTyCon cls))) insts
reifyClassInstance :: [Bool] -- True <=> the corresponding tv is poly-kinded
-- includes only *visible* tvs
@@ -1769,9 +1860,7 @@ reifyClassInstance is_poly_tvs i
reifyFamilyInstances :: TyCon -> [FamInst] -> TcM [TH.Dec]
reifyFamilyInstances fam_tc fam_insts
- = mapM (reifyFamilyInstance (mkIsPolyTvs fam_tvs)) fam_insts
- where
- fam_tvs = tyConVisibleTyVars fam_tc
+ = mapM (reifyFamilyInstance (tyConArgsPolyKinded fam_tc)) fam_insts
reifyFamilyInstance :: [Bool] -- True <=> the corresponding tv is poly-kinded
-- includes only *visible* tvs
@@ -1808,10 +1897,19 @@ reifyFamilyInstance is_poly_tvs (FamInst { fi_flavor = flavor
; th_tys <- reifyTypes types_only
; annot_th_tys <- zipWith3M annotThType is_poly_tvs types_only th_tys
; let lhs_type = mkThAppTs (TH.ConT fam') annot_th_tys
+ ; mb_sig <-
+ -- See "Wrinkle: data family instances with return kinds" in
+ -- Note [Reified instances and explicit kind signatures]
+ if (null cons || isGadtSyntaxTyCon rep_tc)
+ && tyConAppNeedsKindSig False fam_tc (length ee_lhs)
+ then do { let full_kind = tcTypeKind (mkTyConApp fam_tc ee_lhs)
+ ; th_full_kind <- reifyKind full_kind
+ ; pure $ Just th_full_kind }
+ else pure Nothing
; return $
if isNewTyCon rep_tc
- then TH.NewtypeInstD [] th_tvs lhs_type Nothing (head cons) []
- else TH.DataInstD [] th_tvs lhs_type Nothing cons []
+ then TH.NewtypeInstD [] th_tvs lhs_type mb_sig (head cons) []
+ else TH.DataInstD [] th_tvs lhs_type mb_sig cons []
diff --git a/compiler/types/Type.hs b/compiler/types/Type.hs
index 8bf72453e7..44d18aff9a 100644
--- a/compiler/types/Type.hs
+++ b/compiler/types/Type.hs
@@ -1772,7 +1772,6 @@ tyCoBinderVar_maybe (Named tv) = Just $ binderVar tv
tyCoBinderVar_maybe _ = Nothing
tyCoBinderType :: TyCoBinder -> Type
--- Barely used
tyCoBinderType (Named tvb) = binderType tvb
tyCoBinderType (Anon _ ty) = ty