path: root/compiler
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authorSimon Peyton Jones <>2016-10-12 12:02:04 +0100
committerSimon Peyton Jones <>2016-10-12 12:34:31 +0100
commit8fa5f5b197542b6e7e9e570991a1488204e606c9 (patch)
tree8a8b3d15fb051a8870f04d0772dbe89d59a0916a /compiler
parentf8d2c205e04bcb83d39ccbede4c2a6279f702a6b (diff)
Add derived shadows only for Wanted constraints
This patch implements choice (3) of comment:14 on Trac #12660. It cures an infinite loop (caused by the creation of an infinite type) in in compiling the 'singletons' package. See Note [Add derived shadows only for Wanteds] in TcSMonad.
Diffstat (limited to 'compiler')
1 files changed, 41 insertions, 19 deletions
diff --git a/compiler/typecheck/TcSMonad.hs b/compiler/typecheck/TcSMonad.hs
index 18b6a69b6f..640ed737ca 100644
--- a/compiler/typecheck/TcSMonad.hs
+++ b/compiler/typecheck/TcSMonad.hs
@@ -394,7 +394,7 @@ dictionary to the inert_solved_dicts. In general, we use it to avoid
creating a new EvVar when we have a new goal that we have solved in
the past.
-But in particular, we can use it to create *recursive* dicationaries.
+But in particular, we can use it to create *recursive* dictionaries.
The simplest, degnerate case is
instance C [a] => C [a] where ...
If we have
@@ -665,11 +665,12 @@ Note [inert_model: the inert model]
decomposing injective arguments of type functions, and
- - A Derived "shadow copy" for every Given or Wanted (a ~N ty) in
- inert_eqs.
+ - A Derived "shadow copy" for every Wanted (a ~N ty) in
+ inert_eqs. (Originally included every Given too; but
+ see Note [Add derived shadows only for Wanteds])
* The model is not subject to "kicking-out". Reason: we make a Derived
- shadow copy of any Given/Wanted (a ~ ty), and that Derived copy will
+ shadow copy of any Wanted (a ~ ty), and that Derived copy will
be fully rewritten by the model before it is added
* The principal reason for maintaining the model is to generate
@@ -1123,26 +1124,22 @@ Note [Adding an inert canonical constraint the InertCans]
NB: 'a' cannot be in fv(ty), because the constraint is canonical.
2. (DShadow) Do emitDerivedShadows
- For every inert G/W constraint c, st
+ For every inert [W] constraint c, st
(a) (a~ty) can rewrite c (see Note [Emitting shadow constraints]),
(b) the model cannot rewrite c
kick out a Derived *copy*, leaving the original unchanged.
Reason for (b) if the model can rewrite c, then we have already
generated a shadow copy
+ See Note [Add derived shadows only for Wanteds]
[Given/Wanted Nominal] [G/W] a ~N ty:
1. Add it to inert_eqs
- 2. Emit [D] a~ty
- Step (2) is needed to allow the current model to fully
- rewrite [D] a~ty before adding it using the [Derived Nominal]
- steps above.
- We must do this even for Givens, because
- work-item [G] a ~ [b], model has [D] b ~ a.
- We need a shadow [D] a ~ [b] in the work-list
- When we process it, we'll rewrite to a ~ [a] and get an occurs check
+ 2. For [W], Emit [D] a~ty
+ Step (2) is needed to allow the current model to fully
+ rewrite [D] a~ty before adding it using the [Derived Nominal]
+ steps above.
+ See Note [Add derived shadows only for Wanteds]
* Unifying a:=ty, is like adding [G] a~ty, but we can't make a [D]
a~ty, as in step (1) of the [G/W] case above. So instead, do
@@ -1262,7 +1259,7 @@ emitDerivedShadows IC { inert_eqs = tv_eqs
| otherwise = cts
want_shadow ct
- = not (isDerivedCt ct) -- No need for a shadow of a Derived!
+ = isWantedCt ct -- See Note [Add shadows only for Wanteds]
&& (new_tv `elemVarSet` rw_tvs) -- New tv can rewrite ct, yielding a
-- different ct
&& not (modelCanRewrite model rw_tvs)-- We have not already created a
@@ -1284,7 +1281,31 @@ mkShadowCt ct
derived_ev = CtDerived { ctev_pred = ctEvPred ev
, ctev_loc = ctEvLoc ev }
-{- Note [Keep CDictCan shadows as CDictCan]
+{- Note [Add derived shadows only for Wanteds]
+We now only add shadows for Wanted constraints. Why add derived
+shadows for Givens? After all, Givens can rewrite Deriveds. But
+Deriveds can't rewrite Givens. So in principle, if we created a
+Derived shadow of a Given, it could be rewritten by other Deriveds,
+and that could, conceivably, lead to a useful unification.
+But (a) I have been unable to come up with an example of this
+happening and (b) see Trac #12660 for how adding the derived shadows
+of a Given led to an infinite loop. For (b) there may be other
+ways to solve the loop, but simply reraining from adding
+derived shadows of Givens is particularly simple. And it's more
+efficient too!
+Still, here's one possible reason for adding derived shadows
+for Givens. Consider
+ work-item [G] a ~ [b], model has [D] b ~ a.
+If we added the derived shadow (into the work list)
+ [D] a ~ [b]
+When we process it, we'll rewrite to a ~ [a] and get an
+occurs check. Without it we'll miss the occurs check (reporting
+inaccessible code); but that's probably OK.
+Note [Keep CDictCan shadows as CDictCan]
Suppose we have
class C a => D a b
@@ -1334,7 +1355,8 @@ addInertCan ct
-- Emit shadow derived if necessary
-- See Note [Emitting shadow constraints]
; let rw_tvs = rewritableTyCoVars ct
- ; when (not (isDerivedCt ct) && modelCanRewrite (inert_model ics) rw_tvs)
+ ; when (isWantedCt ct && modelCanRewrite (inert_model ics) rw_tvs)
+ -- See Note [Add shadows only for Wanteds]
(emitWork [mkShadowCt ct])
; traceTcS "addInertCan }" $ empty }
@@ -2556,7 +2578,7 @@ nestTcS :: TcS a -> TcS a
-- Use the current untouchables, augmenting the current
-- evidence bindings, and solved dictionaries
-- But have no effect on the InertCans, or on the inert_flat_cache
--- (the latter because the thing inside a nestTcS does unflattening)
+-- (we want to inherit the latter from processing the Givens)
nestTcS (TcS thing_inside)
= TcS $ \ env@(TcSEnv { tcs_inerts = inerts_var }) ->
do { inerts <- TcM.readTcRef inerts_var