path: root/compiler
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authorAlec Theriault <>2018-12-11 13:47:35 -0500
committerBen Gamari <>2018-12-11 14:23:22 -0500
commitf582379de2c4ff7577235c926ad953debdae3cac (patch)
treedf39b7a00d1730be04da120ca452517043478809 /compiler
parent21339c9f6bfb952a3a0b8de5ee649d46dfbf0d9b (diff)
Support generating HIE files
Adds a `-fenable-ide-info` flag which instructs GHC to generate `.hie` files (see the wiki page: This is a rebased version of Zubin Duggal's (@wz1000) GHC changes for his GSOC project, as posted here: Test Plan: ./validate Reviewers: bgamari, gershomb, nomeata, alanz, sjakobi Reviewed By: alanz, sjakobi Subscribers: alanz, hvr, sjakobi, rwbarton, wz1000, carter Differential Revision:
Diffstat (limited to 'compiler')
17 files changed, 3295 insertions, 52 deletions
diff --git a/compiler/backpack/DriverBkp.hs b/compiler/backpack/DriverBkp.hs
index 7784df2ff5..e10d6d1de1 100644
--- a/compiler/backpack/DriverBkp.hs
+++ b/compiler/backpack/DriverBkp.hs
@@ -677,6 +677,7 @@ summariseRequirement pn mod_name = do
env <- getBkpEnv
time <- liftIO $ getModificationUTCTime (bkp_filename env)
hi_timestamp <- liftIO $ modificationTimeIfExists (ml_hi_file location)
+ hie_timestamp <- liftIO $ modificationTimeIfExists (ml_hie_file location)
let loc = srcLocSpan (mkSrcLoc (mkFastString (bkp_filename env)) 1 1)
mod <- liftIO $ addHomeModuleToFinder hsc_env mod_name location
@@ -690,6 +691,7 @@ summariseRequirement pn mod_name = do
ms_hs_date = time,
ms_obj_date = Nothing,
ms_iface_date = hi_timestamp,
+ ms_hie_date = hie_timestamp,
ms_srcimps = [],
ms_textual_imps = extra_sig_imports,
ms_parsed_mod = Just (HsParsedModule {
@@ -765,12 +767,13 @@ hsModuleToModSummary pn hsc_src modname
HsSrcFile -> "hs")
-- DANGEROUS: bootifying can POISON the module finder cache
let location = case hsc_src of
- HsBootFile -> addBootSuffixLocn location0
+ HsBootFile -> addBootSuffixLocnOut location0
_ -> location0
-- This duplicates a pile of logic in GhcMake
env <- getBkpEnv
time <- liftIO $ getModificationUTCTime (bkp_filename env)
hi_timestamp <- liftIO $ modificationTimeIfExists (ml_hi_file location)
+ hie_timestamp <- liftIO $ modificationTimeIfExists (ml_hie_file location)
-- Also copied from 'getImports'
let (src_idecls, ord_idecls) = partition (ideclSource.unLoc) imps
@@ -815,7 +818,8 @@ hsModuleToModSummary pn hsc_src modname
ms_hs_date = time,
ms_obj_date = Nothing, -- TODO do this, but problem: hi_timestamp is BOGUS
- ms_iface_date = hi_timestamp
+ ms_iface_date = hi_timestamp,
+ ms_hie_date = hie_timestamp
-- | Create a new, externally provided hashed unit id from
diff --git a/compiler/basicTypes/Module.hs b/compiler/basicTypes/Module.hs
index 98476a3131..45fd4c19b5 100644
--- a/compiler/basicTypes/Module.hs
+++ b/compiler/basicTypes/Module.hs
@@ -112,7 +112,8 @@ module Module
-- * The ModuleLocation type
- addBootSuffix, addBootSuffix_maybe, addBootSuffixLocn,
+ addBootSuffix, addBootSuffix_maybe,
+ addBootSuffixLocn, addBootSuffixLocnOut,
-- * Module mappings
@@ -267,11 +268,12 @@ data ModLocation
-- yet. Always of form foo.hi, even if there is an
-- hi-boot file (we add the -boot suffix later)
- ml_obj_file :: FilePath
+ ml_obj_file :: FilePath,
-- Where the .o file is, whether or not it exists yet.
-- (might not exist either because the module hasn't
-- been compiled yet, or because it is part of a
-- package with a .a file)
+ ml_hie_file :: FilePath
} deriving Show
instance Outputable ModLocation where
@@ -302,7 +304,16 @@ addBootSuffixLocn :: ModLocation -> ModLocation
addBootSuffixLocn locn
= locn { ml_hs_file = fmap addBootSuffix (ml_hs_file locn)
, ml_hi_file = addBootSuffix (ml_hi_file locn)
- , ml_obj_file = addBootSuffix (ml_obj_file locn) }
+ , ml_obj_file = addBootSuffix (ml_obj_file locn)
+ , ml_hie_file = addBootSuffix (ml_hie_file locn) }
+addBootSuffixLocnOut :: ModLocation -> ModLocation
+-- ^ Add the @-boot@ suffix to all output file paths associated with the
+-- module, not including the input file itself
+addBootSuffixLocnOut locn
+ = locn { ml_hi_file = addBootSuffix (ml_hi_file locn)
+ , ml_obj_file = addBootSuffix (ml_obj_file locn)
+ , ml_hie_file = addBootSuffix (ml_hie_file locn) }
diff --git a/compiler/ b/compiler/
index a99c6e7526..7f84cac192 100644
--- a/compiler/
+++ b/compiler/
@@ -170,6 +170,7 @@ Library
+ hieFile
-- we use an explicit Prelude
@@ -179,6 +180,11 @@ Library
+ HieTypes
+ HieDebug
+ HieBin
+ HieUtils
+ HieAst
diff --git a/compiler/hieFile/HieAst.hs b/compiler/hieFile/HieAst.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..6fcc9243f8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compiler/hieFile/HieAst.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,1713 @@
+{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE TypeSynonymInstances #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE AllowAmbiguousTypes #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-}
+module HieAst ( mkHieFile ) where
+import GhcPrelude
+import Avail ( Avails )
+import Bag ( Bag, bagToList )
+import BasicTypes
+import BooleanFormula
+import Class ( FunDep )
+import CoreUtils ( exprType )
+import ConLike ( conLikeName )
+import Config ( cProjectVersion )
+import Desugar ( deSugarExpr )
+import FieldLabel
+import HsSyn
+import HscTypes
+import Module ( ModuleName, ml_hs_file )
+import MonadUtils ( concatMapM, liftIO )
+import Name ( Name, nameSrcSpan, setNameLoc )
+import SrcLoc
+import TcHsSyn ( hsPatType )
+import Type ( Type )
+import Var ( Id, Var, setVarName, varName, varType )
+import HieTypes
+import HieUtils
+import qualified Data.Array as A
+import qualified Data.ByteString as BS
+import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as BSC
+import qualified Data.Map as M
+import qualified Data.Set as S
+import Data.Data ( Data, Typeable )
+import Data.List ( foldl1' )
+import Data.Maybe ( listToMaybe )
+import Control.Monad.Trans.Reader
+import Control.Monad.Trans.Class ( lift )
+-- These synonyms match those defined in main/GHC.hs
+type RenamedSource = ( HsGroup GhcRn, [LImportDecl GhcRn]
+ , Maybe [(LIE GhcRn, Avails)]
+ , Maybe LHsDocString )
+type TypecheckedSource = LHsBinds GhcTc
+{- Note [Name Remapping]
+The Typechecker introduces new names for mono names in AbsBinds.
+We don't care about the distinction between mono and poly bindings,
+so we replace all occurrences of the mono name with the poly name.
+newtype HieState = HieState
+ { name_remapping :: M.Map Name Id
+ }
+initState :: HieState
+initState = HieState M.empty
+class ModifyState a where -- See Note [Name Remapping]
+ addSubstitution :: a -> a -> HieState -> HieState
+instance ModifyState Name where
+ addSubstitution _ _ hs = hs
+instance ModifyState Id where
+ addSubstitution mono poly hs =
+ hs{name_remapping = M.insert (varName mono) poly (name_remapping hs)}
+modifyState :: ModifyState (IdP p) => [ABExport p] -> HieState -> HieState
+modifyState = foldr go id
+ where
+ go ABE{abe_poly=poly,abe_mono=mono} f = addSubstitution mono poly . f
+ go _ f = f
+type HieM = ReaderT HieState Hsc
+-- | Construct an 'HieFile' from the outputs of the typechecker.
+mkHieFile :: ModSummary -> TypecheckedSource -> RenamedSource -> Hsc HieFile
+mkHieFile ms ts rs = do
+ (asts', arr) <- getCompressedAsts ts rs
+ let Just src_file = ml_hs_file $ ms_location ms
+ src <- liftIO $ BS.readFile src_file
+ return $ HieFile
+ { hie_version = curHieVersion
+ , hie_ghc_version = BSC.pack cProjectVersion
+ , hie_hs_file = src_file
+ , hie_types = arr
+ , hie_asts = asts'
+ , hie_hs_src = src
+ }
+getCompressedAsts :: TypecheckedSource -> RenamedSource
+ -> Hsc (HieASTs TypeIndex, A.Array TypeIndex HieTypeFlat)
+getCompressedAsts ts rs = do
+ asts <- enrichHie ts rs
+ return $ compressTypes asts
+enrichHie :: TypecheckedSource -> RenamedSource -> Hsc (HieASTs Type)
+enrichHie ts (hsGrp, imports, exports, _) = flip runReaderT initState $ do
+ tasts <- toHie $ fmap (BC RegularBind ModuleScope) ts
+ rasts <- processGrp hsGrp
+ imps <- toHie $ filter (not . ideclImplicit . unLoc) imports
+ exps <- toHie $ fmap (map $ IEC Export . fst) exports
+ let spanFile children = case children of
+ [] -> mkRealSrcSpan (mkRealSrcLoc "" 1 1) (mkRealSrcLoc "" 1 1)
+ _ -> mkRealSrcSpan (realSrcSpanStart $ nodeSpan $ head children)
+ (realSrcSpanEnd $ nodeSpan $ last children)
+ modulify xs =
+ Node (simpleNodeInfo "Module" "Module") (spanFile xs) xs
+ asts = HieASTs
+ $ resolveTyVarScopes
+ $ (modulify . mergeSortAsts)
+ $ M.fromListWith (++)
+ $ map (\x -> (srcSpanFile (nodeSpan x),[x])) flat_asts
+ flat_asts = concat
+ [ tasts
+ , rasts
+ , imps
+ , exps
+ ]
+ return asts
+ where
+ processGrp grp = concatM
+ [ toHie $ fmap (RS ModuleScope ) hs_valds grp
+ , toHie $ hs_splcds grp
+ , toHie $ hs_tyclds grp
+ , toHie $ hs_derivds grp
+ , toHie $ hs_fixds grp
+ , toHie $ hs_defds grp
+ , toHie $ hs_fords grp
+ , toHie $ hs_warnds grp
+ , toHie $ hs_annds grp
+ , toHie $ hs_ruleds grp
+ ]
+getRealSpan :: SrcSpan -> Maybe Span
+getRealSpan (RealSrcSpan sp) = Just sp
+getRealSpan _ = Nothing
+grhss_span :: GRHSs p body -> SrcSpan
+grhss_span (GRHSs _ xs bs) = foldl' combineSrcSpans (getLoc bs) (map getLoc xs)
+grhss_span (XGRHSs _) = error "XGRHS has no span"
+bindingsOnly :: [Context Name] -> [HieAST a]
+bindingsOnly [] = []
+bindingsOnly (C c n : xs) = case nameSrcSpan n of
+ RealSrcSpan span -> Node nodeinfo span [] : bindingsOnly xs
+ where nodeinfo = NodeInfo S.empty [] (M.singleton (Right n) info)
+ info = mempty{identInfo = S.singleton c}
+ _ -> bindingsOnly xs
+concatM :: Monad m => [m [a]] -> m [a]
+concatM xs = concat <$> sequence xs
+{- Note [Capturing Scopes and other non local information]
+toHie is a local tranformation, but scopes of bindings cannot be known locally,
+hence we have to push the relevant info down into the binding nodes.
+We use the following types (*Context and *Scoped) to wrap things and
+carry the required info
+(Maybe Span) always carries the span of the entire binding, including rhs
+data Context a = C ContextInfo a -- Used for names and bindings
+data RContext a = RC RecFieldContext a
+data RFContext a = RFC RecFieldContext (Maybe Span) a
+-- ^ context for record fields
+data IEContext a = IEC IEType a
+-- ^ context for imports/exports
+data BindContext a = BC BindType Scope a
+-- ^ context for imports/exports
+data PatSynFieldContext a = PSC (Maybe Span) a
+-- ^ context for pattern synonym fields.
+data SigContext a = SC SigInfo a
+-- ^ context for type signatures
+data SigInfo = SI SigType (Maybe Span)
+data SigType = BindSig | ClassSig | InstSig
+data RScoped a = RS Scope a
+-- ^ Scope spans over everything to the right of a, (mostly) not
+-- including a itself
+-- (Includes a in a few special cases like recursive do bindings) or
+-- let/where bindings
+-- | Pattern scope
+data PScoped a = PS (Maybe Span)
+ Scope -- ^ use site of the pattern
+ Scope -- ^ pattern to the right of a, not including a
+ a
+ deriving (Typeable, Data) -- Pattern Scope
+{- Note [TyVar Scopes]
+Due to -XScopedTypeVariables, type variables can be in scope quite far from
+their original binding. We resolve the scope of these type variables
+in a seperate pass
+data TScoped a = TS TyVarScope a -- TyVarScope
+data TVScoped a = TVS TyVarScope Scope a -- TyVarScope
+-- ^ First scope remains constant
+-- Second scope is used to build up the scope of a tyvar over
+-- things to its right, ala RScoped
+-- | Each element scopes over the elements to the right
+listScopes :: Scope -> [Located a] -> [RScoped (Located a)]
+listScopes _ [] = []
+listScopes rhsScope [pat] = [RS rhsScope pat]
+listScopes rhsScope (pat : pats) = RS sc pat : pats'
+ where
+ pats'@((RS scope p):_) = listScopes rhsScope pats
+ sc = combineScopes scope $ mkScope $ getLoc p
+-- | 'listScopes' specialised to 'PScoped' things
+ :: Maybe Span
+ -> Scope
+ -> Scope
+ -> [LPat (GhcPass p)]
+ -> [PScoped (LPat (GhcPass p))]
+patScopes rsp useScope patScope xs =
+ map (\(RS sc a) -> PS rsp useScope sc (unLoc a)) $
+ listScopes patScope (map dL xs)
+-- | 'listScopes' specialised to 'TVScoped' things
+ :: TyVarScope
+ -> Scope
+ -> [LHsTyVarBndr a]
+ -> [TVScoped (LHsTyVarBndr a)]
+tvScopes tvScope rhsScope xs =
+ map (\(RS sc a)-> TVS tvScope sc a) $ listScopes rhsScope xs
+{- Note [Scoping Rules for SigPat]
+Explicitly quantified variables in pattern type signatures are not
+brought into scope in the rhs, but implicitly quantified variables
+are (HsWC and HsIB).
+This is unlike other signatures, where explicitly quantified variables
+are brought into the RHS Scope
+For example
+foo :: forall a. ...;
+foo = ... -- a is in scope here
+bar (x :: forall a. a -> a) = ... -- a is not in scope here
+-- ^ a is in scope here (pattern body)
+bax (x :: a) = ... -- a is in scope here
+Because of HsWC and HsIB pass on their scope to their children
+we must wrap the LHsType in pattern signatures in a
+Shielded explictly, so that the HsWC/HsIB scope is not passed
+on the the LHsType
+data Shielded a = SH Scope a -- Ignores its TScope, uses its own scope instead
+type family ProtectedSig a where
+ ProtectedSig GhcRn = HsWildCardBndrs GhcRn (HsImplicitBndrs
+ GhcRn
+ (Shielded (LHsType GhcRn)))
+ ProtectedSig GhcTc = NoExt
+class ProtectSig a where
+ protectSig :: Scope -> LHsSigWcType (NoGhcTc a) -> ProtectedSig a
+instance (HasLoc a) => HasLoc (Shielded a) where
+ loc (SH _ a) = loc a
+instance (ToHie (TScoped a)) => ToHie (TScoped (Shielded a)) where
+ toHie (TS _ (SH sc a)) = toHie (TS (ResolvedScopes [sc]) a)
+instance ProtectSig GhcTc where
+ protectSig _ _ = NoExt
+instance ProtectSig GhcRn where
+ protectSig sc (HsWC a (HsIB b sig)) =
+ HsWC a (HsIB b (SH sc sig))
+ protectSig _ _ = error "protectSig not given HsWC (HsIB)"
+class HasLoc a where
+ -- ^ defined so that HsImplicitBndrs and HsWildCardBndrs can
+ -- know what their implicit bindings are scoping over
+ loc :: a -> SrcSpan
+instance HasLoc thing => HasLoc (TScoped thing) where
+ loc (TS _ a) = loc a
+instance HasLoc thing => HasLoc (PScoped thing) where
+ loc (PS _ _ _ a) = loc a
+instance HasLoc (LHsQTyVars GhcRn) where
+ loc (HsQTvs _ vs) = loc vs
+ loc _ = noSrcSpan
+instance HasLoc thing => HasLoc (HsImplicitBndrs a thing) where
+ loc (HsIB _ a) = loc a
+ loc _ = noSrcSpan
+instance HasLoc thing => HasLoc (HsWildCardBndrs a thing) where
+ loc (HsWC _ a) = loc a
+ loc _ = noSrcSpan
+instance HasLoc (Located a) where
+ loc (L l _) = l
+instance HasLoc a => HasLoc [a] where
+ loc [] = noSrcSpan
+ loc xs = foldl1' combineSrcSpans $ map loc xs
+instance (HasLoc a, HasLoc b) => HasLoc (FamEqn s a b) where
+ loc (FamEqn _ a Nothing b _ c) = foldl1' combineSrcSpans [loc a, loc b, loc c]
+ loc (FamEqn _ a (Just tvs) b _ c) = foldl1' combineSrcSpans
+ [loc a, loc tvs, loc b, loc c]
+ loc _ = noSrcSpan
+instance HasLoc (HsDataDefn GhcRn) where
+ loc def@(HsDataDefn{}) = loc $ dd_cons def
+ -- Only used for data family instances, so we only need rhs
+ -- Most probably the rest will be unhelpful anyway
+ loc _ = noSrcSpan
+instance HasLoc (Pat (GhcPass a)) where
+ loc (dL -> L l _) = l
+-- | The main worker class
+class ToHie a where
+ toHie :: a -> HieM [HieAST Type]
+-- | Used to collect type info
+class Data a => HasType a where
+ getTypeNode :: a -> HieM [HieAST Type]
+instance (ToHie a) => ToHie [a] where
+ toHie = concatMapM toHie
+instance (ToHie a) => ToHie (Bag a) where
+ toHie = toHie . bagToList
+instance (ToHie a) => ToHie (Maybe a) where
+ toHie = maybe (pure []) toHie
+instance ToHie (Context (Located NoExt)) where
+ toHie _ = pure []
+instance ToHie (TScoped NoExt) where
+ toHie _ = pure []
+instance ToHie (IEContext (Located ModuleName)) where
+ toHie (IEC c (L (RealSrcSpan span) mname)) =
+ pure $ [Node (NodeInfo S.empty [] idents) span []]
+ where details = mempty{identInfo = S.singleton (IEThing c)}
+ idents = M.singleton (Left mname) details
+ toHie _ = pure []
+instance ToHie (Context (Located Var)) where
+ toHie c = case c of
+ C context (L (RealSrcSpan span) name')
+ -> do
+ m <- asks name_remapping
+ let name = M.findWithDefault name' (varName name') m
+ pure
+ [Node
+ (NodeInfo S.empty [] $
+ M.singleton (Right $ varName name)
+ (IdentifierDetails (Just $ varType name')
+ (S.singleton context)))
+ span
+ []]
+ _ -> pure []
+instance ToHie (Context (Located Name)) where
+ toHie c = case c of
+ C context (L (RealSrcSpan span) name') -> do
+ m <- asks name_remapping
+ let name = case M.lookup name' m of
+ Just var -> varName var
+ Nothing -> name'
+ pure
+ [Node
+ (NodeInfo S.empty [] $
+ M.singleton (Right name)
+ (IdentifierDetails Nothing
+ (S.singleton context)))
+ span
+ []]
+ _ -> pure []
+-- | Dummy instances - never called
+instance ToHie (TScoped (LHsSigWcType GhcTc)) where
+ toHie _ = pure []
+instance ToHie (TScoped (LHsWcType GhcTc)) where
+ toHie _ = pure []
+instance ToHie (SigContext (LSig GhcTc)) where
+ toHie _ = pure []
+instance ToHie (TScoped Type) where
+ toHie _ = pure []
+instance HasType (LHsBind GhcRn) where
+ getTypeNode (L spn bind) = makeNode bind spn
+instance HasType (LHsBind GhcTc) where
+ getTypeNode (L spn bind) = case bind of
+ FunBind{fun_id = name} -> makeTypeNode bind spn (varType $ unLoc name)
+ _ -> makeNode bind spn
+instance HasType (LPat GhcRn) where
+ getTypeNode (dL -> L spn pat) = makeNode pat spn
+instance HasType (LPat GhcTc) where
+ getTypeNode (dL -> L spn opat) = makeTypeNode opat spn (hsPatType opat)
+instance HasType (LHsExpr GhcRn) where
+ getTypeNode (L spn e) = makeNode e spn
+instance HasType (LHsExpr GhcTc) where
+ getTypeNode e@(L spn e') = lift $ do
+ hs_env <- Hsc $ \e w -> return (e,w)
+ (_,mbe) <- liftIO $ deSugarExpr hs_env e
+ case mbe of
+ Just te -> makeTypeNode e' spn (exprType te)
+ Nothing -> makeNode e' spn
+instance ( ToHie (Context (Located (IdP a)))
+ , ToHie (MatchGroup a (LHsExpr a))
+ , ToHie (PScoped (LPat a))
+ , ToHie (GRHSs a (LHsExpr a))
+ , ToHie (LHsExpr a)
+ , ToHie (Located (PatSynBind a a))
+ , HasType (LHsBind a)
+ , ModifyState (IdP a)
+ , Data (HsBind a)
+ ) => ToHie (BindContext (LHsBind a)) where
+ toHie (BC context scope b@(L span bind)) =
+ concatM $ getTypeNode b : case bind of
+ FunBind{fun_id = name, fun_matches = matches} ->
+ [ toHie $ C (ValBind context scope $ getRealSpan span) name
+ , toHie matches
+ ]
+ PatBind{pat_lhs = lhs, pat_rhs = rhs} ->
+ [ toHie $ PS (getRealSpan span) scope NoScope lhs
+ , toHie rhs
+ ]
+ VarBind{var_rhs = expr} ->
+ [ toHie expr
+ ]
+ AbsBinds{abs_exports = xs, abs_binds = binds} ->
+ [ local (modifyState xs) $ -- Note [Name Remapping]
+ toHie $ fmap (BC context scope) binds
+ ]
+ PatSynBind _ psb ->
+ [ toHie $ L span psb -- PatSynBinds only occur at the top level
+ ]
+ XHsBindsLR _ -> []
+instance ( ToHie (LMatch a body)
+ ) => ToHie (MatchGroup a body) where
+ toHie mg = concatM $ case mg of
+ MG{ mg_alts = (L span alts) , mg_origin = FromSource } ->
+ [ pure $ locOnly span
+ , toHie alts
+ ]
+ MG{} -> []
+ XMatchGroup _ -> []
+instance ( ToHie (Context (Located (IdP a)))
+ , ToHie (PScoped (LPat a))
+ , ToHie (HsPatSynDir a)
+ ) => ToHie (Located (PatSynBind a a)) where
+ toHie (L sp psb) = concatM $ case psb of
+ PSB{psb_id=var, psb_args=dets, psb_def=pat, psb_dir=dir} ->
+ [ toHie $ C (Decl PatSynDec $ getRealSpan sp) var
+ , toHie $ toBind dets
+ , toHie $ PS Nothing lhsScope NoScope pat
+ , toHie dir
+ ]
+ where
+ lhsScope = combineScopes varScope detScope
+ varScope = mkLScope var
+ detScope = case dets of
+ (PrefixCon args) -> foldr combineScopes NoScope $ map mkLScope args
+ (InfixCon a b) -> combineScopes (mkLScope a) (mkLScope b)
+ (RecCon r) -> foldr go NoScope r
+ go (RecordPatSynField a b) c = combineScopes c
+ $ combineScopes (mkLScope a) (mkLScope b)
+ detSpan = case detScope of
+ LocalScope a -> Just a
+ _ -> Nothing
+ toBind (PrefixCon args) = PrefixCon $ map (C Use) args
+ toBind (InfixCon a b) = InfixCon (C Use a) (C Use b)
+ toBind (RecCon r) = RecCon $ map (PSC detSpan) r
+ XPatSynBind _ -> []
+instance ( ToHie (MatchGroup a (LHsExpr a))
+ ) => ToHie (HsPatSynDir a) where
+ toHie dir = case dir of
+ ExplicitBidirectional mg -> toHie mg
+ _ -> pure []
+instance ( a ~ GhcPass p
+ , ToHie body
+ , ToHie (HsMatchContext (NameOrRdrName (IdP a)))
+ , ToHie (PScoped (LPat a))
+ , ToHie (GRHSs a body)
+ , Data (Match a body)
+ ) => ToHie (LMatch (GhcPass p) body) where
+ toHie (L span m ) = concatM $ makeNode m span : case m of
+ Match{m_ctxt=mctx, m_pats = pats, m_grhss = grhss } ->
+ [ toHie mctx
+ , let rhsScope = mkScope $ grhss_span grhss
+ in toHie $ patScopes Nothing rhsScope NoScope pats
+ , toHie grhss
+ ]
+ XMatch _ -> []
+instance ( ToHie (Context (Located a))
+ ) => ToHie (HsMatchContext a) where
+ toHie (FunRhs{mc_fun=name}) = toHie $ C MatchBind name
+ toHie (StmtCtxt a) = toHie a
+ toHie _ = pure []
+instance ( ToHie (HsMatchContext a)
+ ) => ToHie (HsStmtContext a) where
+ toHie (PatGuard a) = toHie a
+ toHie (ParStmtCtxt a) = toHie a
+ toHie (TransStmtCtxt a) = toHie a
+ toHie _ = pure []
+instance ( a ~ GhcPass p
+ , ToHie (Context (Located (IdP a)))
+ , ToHie (RContext (HsRecFields a (PScoped (LPat a))))
+ , ToHie (LHsExpr a)
+ , ToHie (TScoped (LHsSigWcType a))
+ , ProtectSig a
+ , ToHie (TScoped (ProtectedSig a))
+ , HasType (LPat a)
+ , Data (HsSplice a)
+ ) => ToHie (PScoped (LPat (GhcPass p))) where
+ toHie (PS rsp scope pscope lpat@(dL -> L ospan opat)) =
+ concatM $ getTypeNode lpat : case opat of
+ WildPat _ ->
+ []
+ VarPat _ lname ->
+ [ toHie $ C (PatternBind scope pscope rsp) lname
+ ]
+ LazyPat _ p ->
+ [ toHie $ PS rsp scope pscope p
+ ]
+ AsPat _ lname pat ->
+ [ toHie $ C (PatternBind scope
+ (combineScopes (mkLScope (dL pat)) pscope)
+ rsp)
+ lname
+ , toHie $ PS rsp scope pscope pat
+ ]
+ ParPat _ pat ->
+ [ toHie $ PS rsp scope pscope pat
+ ]
+ BangPat _ pat ->
+ [ toHie $ PS rsp scope pscope pat
+ ]
+ ListPat _ pats ->
+ [ toHie $ patScopes rsp scope pscope pats
+ ]
+ TuplePat _ pats _ ->
+ [ toHie $ patScopes rsp scope pscope pats
+ ]
+ SumPat _ pat _ _ ->
+ [ toHie $ PS rsp scope pscope pat
+ ]
+ ConPatIn c dets ->
+ [ toHie $ C Use c
+ , toHie $ contextify dets
+ ]
+ ConPatOut {pat_con = con, pat_args = dets}->
+ [ toHie $ C Use $ fmap conLikeName con
+ , toHie $ contextify dets
+ ]
+ ViewPat _ expr pat ->
+ [ toHie expr
+ , toHie $ PS rsp scope pscope pat
+ ]
+ SplicePat _ sp ->
+ [ toHie $ L ospan sp
+ ]
+ LitPat _ _ ->
+ []
+ NPat _ _ _ _ ->
+ []
+ NPlusKPat _ n _ _ _ _ ->
+ [ toHie $ C (PatternBind scope pscope rsp) n
+ ]
+ SigPat _ pat sig ->
+ [ toHie $ PS rsp scope pscope pat
+ , let cscope = mkLScope (dL pat) in
+ toHie $ TS (ResolvedScopes [cscope, scope, pscope])
+ (protectSig @a cscope sig)
+ -- See Note [Scoping Rules for SigPat]
+ ]
+ CoPat _ _ _ _ ->
+ []
+ XPat _ -> []
+ where
+ contextify (PrefixCon args) = PrefixCon $ patScopes rsp scope pscope args
+ contextify (InfixCon a b) = InfixCon a' b'
+ where [a', b'] = patScopes rsp scope pscope [a,b]
+ contextify (RecCon r) = RecCon $ RC RecFieldMatch $ contextify_rec r
+ contextify_rec (HsRecFields fds a) = HsRecFields (map go scoped_fds) a
+ where
+ go (RS fscope (L spn (HsRecField lbl pat pun))) =
+ L spn $ HsRecField lbl (PS rsp scope fscope pat) pun
+ scoped_fds = listScopes pscope fds
+instance ( ToHie body
+ , ToHie (LGRHS a body)
+ , ToHie (RScoped (LHsLocalBinds a))
+ ) => ToHie (GRHSs a body) where
+ toHie grhs = concatM $ case grhs of
+ GRHSs _ grhss binds ->
+ [ toHie grhss
+ , toHie $ RS (mkScope $ grhss_span grhs) binds
+ ]
+ XGRHSs _ -> []
+instance ( ToHie (Located body)
+ , ToHie (RScoped (GuardLStmt a))
+ , Data (GRHS a (Located body))
+ ) => ToHie (LGRHS a (Located body)) where
+ toHie (L span g) = concatM $ makeNode g span : case g of
+ GRHS _ guards body ->
+ [ toHie $ listScopes (mkLScope body) guards
+ , toHie body
+ ]
+ XGRHS _ -> []
+instance ( a ~ GhcPass p
+ , ToHie (Context (Located (IdP a)))
+ , HasType (LHsExpr a)
+ , ToHie (PScoped (LPat a))
+ , ToHie (MatchGroup a (LHsExpr a))
+ , ToHie (LGRHS a (LHsExpr a))
+ , ToHie (RContext (HsRecordBinds a))
+ , ToHie (RFContext (Located (AmbiguousFieldOcc a)))
+ , ToHie (ArithSeqInfo a)
+ , ToHie (LHsCmdTop a)
+ , ToHie (RScoped (GuardLStmt a))
+ , ToHie (RScoped (LHsLocalBinds a))
+ , ToHie (TScoped (LHsWcType (NoGhcTc a)))
+ , ToHie (TScoped (LHsSigWcType (NoGhcTc a)))
+ , Data (HsExpr a)
+ , Data (HsSplice a)
+ , Data (HsTupArg a)
+ , Data (AmbiguousFieldOcc a)
+ ) => ToHie (LHsExpr (GhcPass p)) where
+ toHie e@(L mspan oexpr) = concatM $ getTypeNode e : case oexpr of
+ HsVar _ (L _ var) ->
+ [ toHie $ C Use (L mspan var)
+ -- Patch up var location since typechecker removes it
+ ]
+ HsUnboundVar _ _ ->
+ []
+ HsConLikeOut _ con ->
+ [ toHie $ C Use $ L mspan $ conLikeName con
+ ]
+ HsRecFld _ fld ->
+ [ toHie $ RFC RecFieldOcc Nothing (L mspan fld)
+ ]
+ HsOverLabel _ _ _ -> []
+ HsIPVar _ _ -> []
+ HsOverLit _ _ -> []
+ HsLit _ _ -> []
+ HsLam _ mg ->
+ [ toHie mg
+ ]
+ HsLamCase _ mg ->
+ [ toHie mg
+ ]
+ HsApp _ a b ->
+ [ toHie a
+ , toHie b
+ ]
+ HsAppType _ expr sig ->
+ [ toHie expr
+ , toHie $ TS (ResolvedScopes []) sig
+ ]
+ OpApp _ a b c ->
+ [ toHie a
+ , toHie b
+ , toHie c
+ ]
+ NegApp _ a _ ->
+ [ toHie a
+ ]
+ HsPar _ a ->
+ [ toHie a
+ ]
+ SectionL _ a b ->
+ [ toHie a
+ , toHie b
+ ]
+ SectionR _ a b ->
+ [ toHie a
+ , toHie b
+ ]
+ ExplicitTuple _ args _ ->
+ [ toHie args
+ ]
+ ExplicitSum _ _ _ expr ->
+ [ toHie expr
+ ]
+ HsCase _ expr matches ->
+ [ toHie expr
+ , toHie matches
+ ]
+ HsIf _ _ a b c ->
+ [ toHie a
+ , toHie b
+ , toHie c
+ ]
+ HsMultiIf _ grhss ->
+ [ toHie grhss
+ ]
+ HsLet _ binds expr ->
+ [ toHie $ RS (mkLScope expr) binds
+ , toHie expr
+ ]
+ HsDo _ _ (L ispan stmts) ->
+ [ pure $ locOnly ispan
+ , toHie $ listScopes NoScope stmts
+ ]
+ ExplicitList _ _ exprs ->
+ [ toHie exprs
+ ]
+ RecordCon {rcon_con_name = name, rcon_flds = binds}->
+ [ toHie $ C Use name
+ , toHie $ RC RecFieldAssign $ binds
+ ]
+ RecordUpd {rupd_expr = expr, rupd_flds = upds}->
+ [ toHie expr
+ , toHie $ map (RC RecFieldAssign) upds
+ ]
+ ExprWithTySig _ expr sig ->
+ [ toHie expr
+ , toHie $ TS (ResolvedScopes [mkLScope expr]) sig
+ ]
+ ArithSeq _ _ info ->
+ [ toHie info
+ ]
+ HsSCC _ _ _ expr ->
+ [ toHie expr
+ ]
+ HsCoreAnn _ _ _ expr ->
+ [ toHie expr
+ ]
+ HsProc _ pat cmdtop ->
+ [ toHie $ PS Nothing (mkLScope cmdtop) NoScope pat
+ , toHie cmdtop
+ ]
+ HsStatic _ expr ->
+ [ toHie expr
+ ]
+ HsArrApp _ a b _ _ ->
+ [ toHie a
+ , toHie b
+ ]
+ HsArrForm _ expr _ cmds ->
+ [ toHie expr
+ , toHie cmds
+ ]
+ HsTick _ _ expr ->
+ [ toHie expr
+ ]
+ HsBinTick _ _ _ expr ->
+ [ toHie expr
+ ]
+ HsTickPragma _ _ _ _ expr ->
+ [ toHie expr
+ ]
+ HsWrap _ _ a ->
+ [ toHie $ L mspan a
+ ]
+ HsBracket _ b ->
+ [ toHie b
+ ]
+ HsRnBracketOut _ b p ->
+ [ toHie b
+ , toHie p
+ ]
+ HsTcBracketOut _ b p ->
+ [ toHie b
+ , toHie p
+ ]
+ HsSpliceE _ x ->
+ [ toHie $ L mspan x
+ ]
+ EWildPat _ -> []
+ EAsPat _ a b ->
+ [ toHie $ C Use a
+ , toHie b
+ ]
+ EViewPat _ a b ->
+ [ toHie a
+ , toHie b
+ ]
+ ELazyPat _ a ->
+ [ toHie a
+ ]
+ XExpr _ -> []
+instance ( a ~ GhcPass p
+ , ToHie (LHsExpr a)
+ , Data (HsTupArg a)
+ ) => ToHie (LHsTupArg (GhcPass p)) where
+ toHie (L span arg) = concatM $ makeNode arg span : case arg of
+ Present _ expr ->
+ [ toHie expr
+ ]
+ Missing _ -> []
+ XTupArg _ -> []
+instance ( a ~ GhcPass p
+ , ToHie (PScoped (LPat a))
+ , ToHie (LHsExpr a)
+ , ToHie (SigContext (LSig a))
+ , ToHie (RScoped (LHsLocalBinds a))
+ , ToHie (RScoped (ApplicativeArg a))
+ , ToHie (Located body)
+ , Data (StmtLR a a (Located body))
+ , Data (StmtLR a a (Located (HsExpr a)))
+ ) => ToHie (RScoped (LStmt (GhcPass p) (Located body))) where
+ toHie (RS scope (L span stmt)) = concatM $ makeNode stmt span : case stmt of
+ LastStmt _ body _ _ ->
+ [ toHie body
+ ]
+ BindStmt _ pat body _ _ ->
+ [ toHie $ PS (getRealSpan $ getLoc body) scope NoScope pat
+ , toHie body
+ ]
+ ApplicativeStmt _ stmts _ ->
+ [ concatMapM (toHie . RS scope . snd) stmts
+ ]
+ BodyStmt _ body _ _ ->
+ [ toHie body
+ ]
+ LetStmt _ binds ->
+ [ toHie $ RS scope binds
+ ]
+ ParStmt _ parstmts _ _ ->
+ [ concatMapM (\(ParStmtBlock _ stmts _ _) ->
+ toHie $ listScopes NoScope stmts)
+ parstmts
+ ]
+ TransStmt {trS_stmts = stmts, trS_using = using, trS_by = by} ->
+ [ toHie $ listScopes scope stmts
+ , toHie using
+ , toHie by
+ ]
+ RecStmt {recS_stmts = stmts} ->
+ [ toHie $ map (RS $ combineScopes scope (mkScope span)) stmts
+ ]
+ XStmtLR _ -> []
+instance ( ToHie (LHsExpr a)
+ , ToHie (PScoped (LPat a))
+ , ToHie (BindContext (LHsBind a))
+ , ToHie (SigContext (LSig a))
+ , ToHie (RScoped (HsValBindsLR a a))
+ , Data (HsLocalBinds a)
+ ) => ToHie (RScoped (LHsLocalBinds a)) where
+ toHie (RS scope (L sp binds)) = concatM $ makeNode binds sp : case binds of
+ EmptyLocalBinds _ -> []
+ HsIPBinds _ _ -> []
+ HsValBinds _ valBinds ->
+ [ toHie $ RS (combineScopes scope $ mkScope sp)
+ valBinds
+ ]
+ XHsLocalBindsLR _ -> []
+instance ( ToHie (BindContext (LHsBind a))
+ , ToHie (SigContext (LSig a))
+ , ToHie (RScoped (XXValBindsLR a a))
+ ) => ToHie (RScoped (HsValBindsLR a a)) where
+ toHie (RS sc v) = concatM $ case v of
+ ValBinds _ binds sigs ->
+ [ toHie $ fmap (BC RegularBind sc) binds
+ , toHie $ fmap (SC (SI BindSig Nothing)) sigs
+ ]
+ XValBindsLR x -> [ toHie $ RS sc x ]
+instance ToHie (RScoped (NHsValBindsLR GhcTc)) where
+ toHie (RS sc (NValBinds binds sigs)) = concatM $
+ [ toHie (concatMap (map (BC RegularBind sc) . bagToList . snd) binds)
+ , toHie $ fmap (SC (SI BindSig Nothing)) sigs
+ ]
+instance ToHie (RScoped (NHsValBindsLR GhcRn)) where
+ toHie (RS sc (NValBinds binds sigs)) = concatM $
+ [ toHie (concatMap (map (BC RegularBind sc) . bagToList . snd) binds)
+ , toHie $ fmap (SC (SI BindSig Nothing)) sigs
+ ]
+instance ( ToHie (RContext (LHsRecField a arg))
+ ) => ToHie (RContext (HsRecFields a arg)) where
+ toHie (RC c (HsRecFields fields _)) = toHie $ map (RC c) fields
+instance ( ToHie (RFContext (Located label))
+ , ToHie arg
+ , HasLoc arg
+ , Data label
+ , Data arg
+ ) => ToHie (RContext (LHsRecField' label arg)) where
+ toHie (RC c (L span recfld)) = concatM $ makeNode recfld span : case recfld of
+ HsRecField label expr _ ->
+ [ toHie $ RFC c (getRealSpan $ loc expr) label
+ , toHie expr
+ ]
+removeDefSrcSpan :: Name -> Name
+removeDefSrcSpan n = setNameLoc n noSrcSpan
+instance ToHie (RFContext (LFieldOcc GhcRn)) where
+ toHie (RFC c rhs (L nspan f)) = concatM $ case f of
+ FieldOcc name _ ->
+ [ toHie $ C (RecField c rhs) (L nspan $ removeDefSrcSpan name)
+ ]
+ XFieldOcc _ -> []
+instance ToHie (RFContext (LFieldOcc GhcTc)) where
+ toHie (RFC c rhs (L nspan f)) = concatM $ case f of
+ FieldOcc var _ ->
+ let var' = setVarName var (removeDefSrcSpan $ varName var)
+ in [ toHie $ C (RecField c rhs) (L nspan var')
+ ]
+ XFieldOcc _ -> []
+instance ToHie (RFContext (Located (AmbiguousFieldOcc GhcRn))) where
+ toHie (RFC c rhs (L nspan afo)) = concatM $ case afo of
+ Unambiguous name _ ->
+ [ toHie $ C (RecField c rhs) $ L nspan $ removeDefSrcSpan name
+ ]
+ Ambiguous _name _ ->
+ [ ]
+ XAmbiguousFieldOcc _ -> []
+instance ToHie (RFContext (Located (AmbiguousFieldOcc GhcTc))) where
+ toHie (RFC c rhs (L nspan afo)) = concatM $ case afo of
+ Unambiguous var _ ->
+ let var' = setVarName var (removeDefSrcSpan $ varName var)
+ in [ toHie $ C (RecField c rhs) (L nspan var')
+ ]
+ Ambiguous var _ ->
+ let var' = setVarName var (removeDefSrcSpan $ varName var)
+ in [ toHie $ C (RecField c rhs) (L nspan var')
+ ]
+ XAmbiguousFieldOcc _ -> []
+instance ( a ~ GhcPass p
+ , ToHie (PScoped (LPat a))
+ , ToHie (BindContext (LHsBind a))
+ , ToHie (LHsExpr a)
+ , ToHie (SigContext (LSig a))
+ , ToHie (RScoped (HsValBindsLR a a))
+ , Data (StmtLR a a (Located (HsExpr a)))
+ , Data (HsLocalBinds a)
+ ) => ToHie (RScoped (ApplicativeArg (GhcPass p))) where
+ toHie (RS sc (ApplicativeArgOne _ pat expr _)) = concatM
+ [ toHie $ PS Nothing sc NoScope pat
+ , toHie expr
+ ]
+ toHie (RS sc (ApplicativeArgMany _ stmts _ pat)) = concatM
+ [ toHie $ listScopes NoScope stmts
+ , toHie $ PS Nothing sc NoScope pat
+ ]
+ toHie (RS _ (XApplicativeArg _)) = pure []
+instance (ToHie arg, ToHie rec) => ToHie (HsConDetails arg rec) where
+ toHie (PrefixCon args) = toHie args
+ toHie (RecCon rec) = toHie rec
+ toHie (InfixCon a b) = concatM [ toHie a, toHie b]
+instance ( ToHie (LHsCmd a)
+ , Data (HsCmdTop a)
+ ) => ToHie (LHsCmdTop a) where
+ toHie (L span top) = concatM $ makeNode top span : case top of
+ HsCmdTop _ cmd ->
+ [ toHie cmd
+ ]
+ XCmdTop _ -> []
+instance ( a ~ GhcPass p
+ , ToHie (PScoped (LPat a))
+ , ToHie (BindContext (LHsBind a))
+ , ToHie (LHsExpr a)
+ , ToHie (MatchGroup a (LHsCmd a))
+ , ToHie (SigContext (LSig a))
+ , ToHie (RScoped (HsValBindsLR a a))
+ , Data (HsCmd a)
+ , Data (HsCmdTop a)
+ , Data (StmtLR a a (Located (HsCmd a)))
+ , Data (HsLocalBinds a)
+ , Data (StmtLR a a (Located (HsExpr a)))
+ ) => ToHie (LHsCmd (GhcPass p)) where
+ toHie (L span cmd) = concatM $ makeNode cmd span : case cmd of
+ HsCmdArrApp _ a b _ _ ->
+ [ toHie a
+ , toHie b
+ ]
+ HsCmdArrForm _ a _ _ cmdtops ->
+ [ toHie a
+ , toHie cmdtops
+ ]
+ HsCmdApp _ a b ->
+ [ toHie a
+ , toHie b
+ ]
+ HsCmdLam _ mg ->
+ [ toHie mg
+ ]
+ HsCmdPar _ a ->
+ [ toHie a
+ ]
+ HsCmdCase _ expr alts ->
+ [ toHie expr
+ , toHie alts
+ ]
+ HsCmdIf _ _ a b c ->
+ [ toHie a
+ , toHie b
+ , toHie c
+ ]
+ HsCmdLet _ binds cmd' ->
+ [ toHie $ RS (mkLScope cmd') binds
+ , toHie cmd'
+ ]
+ HsCmdDo _ (L ispan stmts) ->
+ [ pure $ locOnly ispan
+ , toHie $ listScopes NoScope stmts
+ ]
+ HsCmdWrap _ _ _ -> []
+ XCmd _ -> []
+instance ToHie (TyClGroup GhcRn) where
+ toHie (TyClGroup _ classes roles instances) = concatM
+ [ toHie classes
+ , toHie roles
+ , toHie instances
+ ]
+ toHie (XTyClGroup _) = pure []
+instance ToHie (LTyClDecl GhcRn) where
+ toHie (L span decl) = concatM $ makeNode decl span : case decl of
+ FamDecl {tcdFam = fdecl} ->
+ [ toHie (L span fdecl)
+ ]
+ SynDecl {tcdLName = name, tcdTyVars = vars, tcdRhs = typ} ->
+ [ toHie $ C (Decl SynDec $ getRealSpan span) name
+ , toHie $ TS (ResolvedScopes [mkScope $ getLoc typ]) vars
+ , toHie typ
+ ]
+ DataDecl {tcdLName = name, tcdTyVars = vars, tcdDataDefn = defn} ->
+ [ toHie $ C (Decl DataDec $ getRealSpan span) name
+ , toHie $ TS (ResolvedScopes [quant_scope, rhs_scope]) vars
+ , toHie defn
+ ]
+ where
+ quant_scope = mkLScope $ dd_ctxt defn
+ rhs_scope = sig_sc `combineScopes` con_sc `combineScopes` deriv_sc
+ sig_sc = maybe NoScope mkLScope $ dd_kindSig defn
+ con_sc = foldr combineScopes NoScope $ map mkLScope $ dd_cons defn
+ deriv_sc = mkLScope $ dd_derivs defn
+ ClassDecl { tcdCtxt = context
+ , tcdLName = name
+ , tcdTyVars = vars
+ , tcdFDs = deps
+ , tcdSigs = sigs
+ , tcdMeths = meths
+ , tcdATs = typs
+ , tcdATDefs = deftyps
+ } ->
+ [ toHie $ C (Decl ClassDec $ getRealSpan span) name
+ , toHie context
+ , toHie $ TS (ResolvedScopes [context_scope, rhs_scope]) vars
+ , toHie deps
+ , toHie $ map (SC $ SI ClassSig $ getRealSpan span) sigs
+ , toHie $ fmap (BC InstanceBind ModuleScope) meths
+ , toHie typs
+ , concatMapM (pure . locOnly . getLoc) deftyps
+ , toHie $ map (go . unLoc) deftyps
+ ]
+ where
+ context_scope = mkLScope context
+ rhs_scope = foldl1' combineScopes $ map mkScope
+ [ loc deps, loc sigs, loc (bagToList meths), loc typs, loc deftyps]
+ go :: TyFamDefltEqn GhcRn
+ -> FamEqn GhcRn (TScoped (LHsQTyVars GhcRn)) (LHsType GhcRn)
+ go (FamEqn a var bndrs pat b rhs) =
+ FamEqn a var bndrs (TS (ResolvedScopes [mkLScope rhs]) pat) b rhs
+ go (XFamEqn NoExt) = XFamEqn NoExt
+ XTyClDecl _ -> []
+instance ToHie (LFamilyDecl GhcRn) where
+ toHie (L span decl) = concatM $ makeNode decl span : case decl of
+ FamilyDecl _ info name vars _ sig inj ->
+ [ toHie $ C (Decl FamDec $ getRealSpan span) name
+ , toHie $ TS (ResolvedScopes [rhsSpan]) vars
+ , toHie info
+ , toHie $ RS injSpan sig
+ , toHie inj
+ ]
+ where
+ rhsSpan = sigSpan `combineScopes` injSpan
+ sigSpan = mkScope $ getLoc sig
+ injSpan = maybe NoScope (mkScope . getLoc) inj
+ XFamilyDecl _ -> []
+instance ToHie (FamilyInfo GhcRn) where
+ toHie (ClosedTypeFamily (Just eqns)) = concatM $
+ [ concatMapM (pure . locOnly . getLoc) eqns
+ , toHie $ map go eqns
+ ]
+ where
+ go (L l ib) = TS (ResolvedScopes [mkScope l]) ib
+ toHie _ = pure []
+instance ToHie (RScoped (LFamilyResultSig GhcRn)) where
+ toHie (RS sc (L span sig)) = concatM $ makeNode sig span : case sig of
+ NoSig _ ->
+ []
+ KindSig _ k ->
+ [ toHie k
+ ]
+ TyVarSig _ bndr ->
+ [ toHie $ TVS (ResolvedScopes [sc]) NoScope bndr
+ ]
+ XFamilyResultSig _ -> []
+instance ToHie (Located (FunDep (Located Name))) where
+ toHie (L span fd@(lhs, rhs)) = concatM $
+ [ makeNode fd span
+ , toHie $ map (C Use) lhs
+ , toHie $ map (C Use) rhs
+ ]
+instance (ToHie pats, ToHie rhs, HasLoc pats, HasLoc rhs)
+ => ToHie (TScoped (FamEqn GhcRn pats rhs)) where
+ toHie (TS _ f) = toHie f
+instance ( ToHie pats
+ , ToHie rhs
+ , HasLoc pats
+ , HasLoc rhs
+ ) => ToHie (FamEqn GhcRn pats rhs) where
+ toHie fe@(FamEqn _ var tybndrs pats _ rhs) = concatM $
+ [ toHie $ C (Decl InstDec $ getRealSpan $ loc fe) var
+ , toHie $ fmap (tvScopes (ResolvedScopes []) scope) tybndrs
+ , toHie pats
+ , toHie rhs
+ ]
+ where scope = combineScopes patsScope rhsScope
+ patsScope = mkScope (loc pats)
+ rhsScope = mkScope (loc rhs)
+ toHie (XFamEqn _) = pure []
+instance ToHie (LInjectivityAnn GhcRn) where
+ toHie (L span ann) = concatM $ makeNode ann span : case ann of
+ InjectivityAnn lhs rhs ->
+ [ toHie $ C Use lhs
+ , toHie $ map (C Use) rhs
+ ]
+instance ToHie (HsDataDefn GhcRn) where
+ toHie (HsDataDefn _ _ ctx _ mkind cons derivs) = concatM
+ [ toHie ctx
+ , toHie mkind
+ , toHie cons
+ , toHie derivs
+ ]
+ toHie (XHsDataDefn _) = pure []
+instance ToHie (HsDeriving GhcRn) where
+ toHie (L span clauses) = concatM
+ [ pure $ locOnly span
+ , toHie clauses
+ ]
+instance ToHie (LHsDerivingClause GhcRn) where
+ toHie (L span cl) = concatM $ makeNode cl span : case cl of
+ HsDerivingClause _ strat (L ispan tys) ->
+ [ toHie strat
+ , pure $ locOnly ispan
+ , toHie $ map (TS (ResolvedScopes [])) tys
+ ]
+ XHsDerivingClause _ -> []
+instance ToHie (Located (DerivStrategy GhcRn)) where
+ toHie (L span strat) = concatM $ makeNode strat span : case strat of
+ StockStrategy -> []
+ AnyclassStrategy -> []
+ NewtypeStrategy -> []
+ ViaStrategy s -> [ toHie $ TS (ResolvedScopes []) s ]
+instance ToHie (Located OverlapMode) where
+ toHie (L span _) = pure $ locOnly span
+instance ToHie (LConDecl GhcRn) where
+ toHie (L span decl) = concatM $ makeNode decl span : case decl of
+ ConDeclGADT { con_names = names, con_qvars = qvars
+ , con_mb_cxt = ctx, con_args = args, con_res_ty = typ } ->
+ [ toHie $ map (C (Decl ConDec $ getRealSpan span)) names
+ , toHie $ TS (ResolvedScopes [ctxScope, rhsScope]) qvars
+ , toHie ctx
+ , toHie args
+ , toHie typ
+ ]
+ where
+ rhsScope = combineScopes argsScope tyScope
+ ctxScope = maybe NoScope mkLScope ctx
+ argsScope = condecl_scope args
+ tyScope = mkLScope typ
+ ConDeclH98 { con_name = name, con_ex_tvs = qvars
+ , con_mb_cxt = ctx, con_args = dets } ->
+ [ toHie $ C (Decl ConDec $ getRealSpan span) name
+ , toHie $ tvScopes (ResolvedScopes []) rhsScope qvars
+ , toHie ctx
+ , toHie dets
+ ]
+ where
+ rhsScope = combineScopes ctxScope argsScope
+ ctxScope = maybe NoScope mkLScope ctx
+ argsScope = condecl_scope dets
+ XConDecl _ -> []
+ where condecl_scope args = case args of
+ PrefixCon xs -> foldr combineScopes NoScope $ map mkLScope xs
+ InfixCon a b -> combineScopes (mkLScope a) (mkLScope b)
+ RecCon x -> mkLScope x
+instance ToHie (Located [LConDeclField GhcRn]) where
+ toHie (L span decls) = concatM $
+ [ pure $ locOnly span
+ , toHie decls
+ ]
+instance ( HasLoc thing
+ , ToHie (TScoped thing)
+ ) => ToHie (TScoped (HsImplicitBndrs GhcRn thing)) where
+ toHie (TS sc (HsIB ibrn a)) = concatM $
+ [ pure $ bindingsOnly $ map (C $ TyVarBind (mkScope span) sc) ibrn
+ , toHie $ TS sc a
+ ]
+ where span = loc a
+ toHie (TS _ (XHsImplicitBndrs _)) = pure []
+instance ( HasLoc thing
+ , ToHie (TScoped thing)
+ ) => ToHie (TScoped (HsWildCardBndrs GhcRn thing)) where
+ toHie (TS sc (HsWC names a)) = concatM $
+ [ pure $ bindingsOnly $ map (C $ TyVarBind (mkScope span) sc) names
+ , toHie $ TS sc a
+ ]
+ where span = loc a
+ toHie (TS _ (XHsWildCardBndrs _)) = pure []
+instance ToHie (SigContext (LSig GhcRn)) where
+ toHie (SC (SI styp msp) (L sp sig)) = concatM $ makeNode sig sp : case sig of
+ TypeSig _ names typ ->
+ [ toHie $ map (C TyDecl) names
+ , toHie $ TS (UnresolvedScope (map unLoc names) Nothing) typ
+ ]
+ PatSynSig _ names typ ->
+ [ toHie $ map (C TyDecl) names
+ , toHie $ TS (UnresolvedScope (map unLoc names) Nothing) typ
+ ]
+ ClassOpSig _ _ names typ ->
+ [ case styp of
+ ClassSig -> toHie $ map (C $ ClassTyDecl $ getRealSpan sp) names
+ _ -> toHie $ map (C $ TyDecl) names
+ , toHie $ TS (UnresolvedScope (map unLoc names) msp) typ
+ ]
+ IdSig _ _ -> []
+ FixSig _ fsig ->
+ [ toHie $ L sp fsig
+ ]
+ InlineSig _ name _ ->
+ [ toHie $ (C Use) name
+ ]
+ SpecSig _ name typs _ ->
+ [ toHie $ (C Use) name
+ , toHie $ map (TS (ResolvedScopes [])) typs
+ ]
+ SpecInstSig _ _ typ ->
+ [ toHie $ TS (ResolvedScopes []) typ
+ ]
+ MinimalSig _ _ form ->
+ [ toHie form
+ ]
+ SCCFunSig _ _ name mtxt ->
+ [ toHie $ (C Use) name
+ , pure $ maybe [] (locOnly . getLoc) mtxt
+ ]
+ CompleteMatchSig _ _ (L ispan names) typ ->
+ [ pure $ locOnly ispan
+ , toHie $ map (C Use) names
+ , toHie $ fmap (C Use) typ
+ ]
+ XSig _ -> []
+instance ToHie (LHsType GhcRn) where
+ toHie x = toHie $ TS (ResolvedScopes []) x
+instance ToHie (TScoped (LHsType GhcRn)) where
+ toHie (TS tsc (L span t)) = concatM $ makeNode t span : case t of
+ HsForAllTy _ bndrs body ->
+ [ toHie $ tvScopes tsc (mkScope $ getLoc body) bndrs
+ , toHie body
+ ]
+ HsQualTy _ ctx body ->
+ [ toHie ctx
+ , toHie body
+ ]
+ HsTyVar _ _ var ->
+ [ toHie $ C Use var
+ ]
+ HsAppTy _ a b ->
+ [ toHie a
+ , toHie b
+ ]
+ HsFunTy _ a b ->
+ [ toHie a
+ , toHie b
+ ]
+ HsListTy _ a ->
+ [ toHie a
+ ]
+ HsTupleTy _ _ tys ->
+ [ toHie tys
+ ]
+ HsSumTy _ tys ->
+ [ toHie tys
+ ]
+ HsOpTy _ a op b ->
+ [ toHie a
+ , toHie $ C Use op
+ , toHie b
+ ]
+ HsParTy _ a ->
+ [ toHie a
+ ]
+ HsIParamTy _ ip ty ->
+ [ toHie ip
+ , toHie ty
+ ]
+ HsKindSig _ a b ->
+ [ toHie a
+ , toHie b
+ ]
+ HsSpliceTy _ a ->
+ [ toHie $ L span a
+ ]
+ HsDocTy _ a _ ->
+ [ toHie a
+ ]
+ HsBangTy _ _ ty ->
+ [ toHie ty
+ ]
+ HsRecTy _ fields ->
+ [ toHie fields
+ ]
+ HsExplicitListTy _ _ tys ->
+ [ toHie tys
+ ]
+ HsExplicitTupleTy _ tys ->
+ [ toHie tys
+ ]
+ HsTyLit _ _ -> []
+ HsWildCardTy e ->
+ [ toHie e
+ ]
+ HsStarTy _ _ -> []
+ XHsType _ -> []
+instance ToHie HsWildCardInfo where
+ toHie (AnonWildCard name) = toHie $ C Use name
+instance ToHie (TVScoped (LHsTyVarBndr GhcRn)) where
+ toHie (TVS tsc sc (L span bndr)) = concatM $ makeNode bndr span : case bndr of
+ UserTyVar _ var ->
+ [ toHie $ C (TyVarBind sc tsc) var
+ ]
+ KindedTyVar _ var kind ->
+ [ toHie $ C (TyVarBind sc tsc) var
+ , toHie kind
+ ]
+ XTyVarBndr _ -> []
+instance ToHie (TScoped (LHsQTyVars GhcRn)) where
+ toHie (TS sc (HsQTvs (HsQTvsRn implicits _) vars)) = concatM $
+ [ pure $ bindingsOnly bindings
+ , toHie $ tvScopes sc NoScope vars
+ ]
+ where
+ varLoc = loc vars
+ bindings = map (C $ TyVarBind (mkScope varLoc) sc) implicits
+ toHie (TS _ (XLHsQTyVars _)) = pure []
+instance ToHie (LHsContext GhcRn) where
+ toHie (L span tys) = concatM $
+ [ pure $ locOnly span
+ , toHie tys
+ ]
+instance ToHie (LConDeclField GhcRn) where
+ toHie (L span field) = concatM $ makeNode field span : case field of
+ ConDeclField _ fields typ _ ->
+ [ toHie $ map (RFC RecFieldDecl (getRealSpan $ loc typ)) fields
+ , toHie typ
+ ]
+ XConDeclField _ -> []
+instance ToHie (LHsExpr a) => ToHie (ArithSeqInfo a) where
+ toHie (From expr) = toHie expr
+ toHie (FromThen a b) = concatM $
+ [ toHie a
+ , toHie b
+ ]
+ toHie (FromTo a b) = concatM $
+ [ toHie a
+ , toHie b
+ ]
+ toHie (FromThenTo a b c) = concatM $
+ [ toHie a
+ , toHie b
+ , toHie c
+ ]
+instance ToHie (LSpliceDecl GhcRn) where
+ toHie (L span decl) = concatM $ makeNode decl span : case decl of
+ SpliceDecl _ splice _ ->
+ [ toHie splice
+ ]
+ XSpliceDecl _ -> []
+instance ToHie (HsBracket a) where
+ toHie _ = pure []
+instance ToHie PendingRnSplice where
+ toHie _ = pure []
+instance ToHie PendingTcSplice where
+ toHie _ = pure []
+instance ToHie (LBooleanFormula (Located Name)) where
+ toHie (L span form) = concatM $ makeNode form span : case form of
+ Var a ->
+ [ toHie $ C Use a
+ ]
+ And forms ->
+ [ toHie forms
+ ]
+ Or forms ->
+ [ toHie forms
+ ]
+ Parens f ->
+ [ toHie f
+ ]
+instance ToHie (Located HsIPName) where
+ toHie (L span e) = makeNode e span
+instance ( ToHie (LHsExpr a)
+ , Data (HsSplice a)
+ ) => ToHie (Located (HsSplice a)) where
+ toHie (L span sp) = concatM $ makeNode sp span : case sp of
+ HsTypedSplice _ _ _ expr ->
+ [ toHie expr
+ ]
+ HsUntypedSplice _ _ _ expr ->
+ [ toHie expr
+ ]
+ HsQuasiQuote _ _ _ ispan _ ->
+ [ pure $ locOnly ispan
+ ]
+ HsSpliced _ _ _ ->
+ []
+ XSplice _ -> []
+instance ToHie (LRoleAnnotDecl GhcRn) where
+ toHie (L span annot) = concatM $ makeNode annot span : case annot of
+ RoleAnnotDecl _ var roles ->
+ [ toHie $ C Use var
+ , concatMapM (pure . locOnly . getLoc) roles
+ ]
+ XRoleAnnotDecl _ -> []
+instance ToHie (LInstDecl GhcRn) where
+ toHie (L span decl) = concatM $ makeNode decl span : case decl of
+ ClsInstD _ d ->
+ [ toHie $ L span d
+ ]
+ DataFamInstD _ d ->
+ [ toHie $ L span d
+ ]
+ TyFamInstD _ d ->
+ [ toHie $ L span d
+ ]
+ XInstDecl _ -> []
+instance ToHie (LClsInstDecl GhcRn) where
+ toHie (L span decl) = concatM
+ [ toHie $ TS (ResolvedScopes [mkScope span]) $ cid_poly_ty decl
+ , toHie $ fmap (BC InstanceBind ModuleScope) $ cid_binds decl
+ , toHie $ map (SC $ SI InstSig $ getRealSpan span) $ cid_sigs decl
+ , pure $ concatMap (locOnly . getLoc) $ cid_tyfam_insts decl
+ , toHie $ cid_tyfam_insts decl
+ , pure $ concatMap (locOnly . getLoc) $ cid_datafam_insts decl
+ , toHie $ cid_datafam_insts decl
+ , toHie $ cid_overlap_mode decl
+ ]
+instance ToHie (LDataFamInstDecl GhcRn) where
+ toHie (L sp (DataFamInstDecl d)) = toHie $ TS (ResolvedScopes [mkScope sp]) d
+instance ToHie (LTyFamInstDecl GhcRn) where
+ toHie (L sp (TyFamInstDecl d)) = toHie $ TS (ResolvedScopes [mkScope sp]) d
+instance ToHie (Context a)
+ => ToHie (PatSynFieldContext (RecordPatSynField a)) where
+ toHie (PSC sp (RecordPatSynField a b)) = concatM $
+ [ toHie $ C (RecField RecFieldDecl sp) a
+ , toHie $ C Use b
+ ]
+instance ToHie (LDerivDecl GhcRn) where
+ toHie (L span decl) = concatM $ makeNode decl span : case decl of
+ DerivDecl _ typ strat overlap ->
+ [ toHie $ TS (ResolvedScopes []) typ
+ , toHie strat
+ , toHie overlap
+ ]
+ XDerivDecl _ -> []
+instance ToHie (LFixitySig GhcRn) where
+ toHie (L span sig) = concatM $ makeNode sig span : case sig of
+ FixitySig _ vars _ ->
+ [ toHie $ map (C Use) vars
+ ]
+ XFixitySig _ -> []
+instance ToHie (LDefaultDecl GhcRn) where
+ toHie (L span decl) = concatM $ makeNode decl span : case decl of
+ DefaultDecl _ typs ->
+ [ toHie typs
+ ]
+ XDefaultDecl _ -> []
+instance ToHie (LForeignDecl GhcRn) where
+ toHie (L span decl) = concatM $ makeNode decl span : case decl of
+ ForeignImport {fd_name = name, fd_sig_ty = sig, fd_fi = fi} ->
+ [ toHie $ C (ValBind RegularBind ModuleScope $ getRealSpan span) name
+ , toHie $ TS (ResolvedScopes []) sig
+ , toHie fi
+ ]
+ ForeignExport {fd_name = name, fd_sig_ty = sig, fd_fe = fe} ->
+ [ toHie $ C Use name
+ , toHie $ TS (ResolvedScopes []) sig
+ , toHie fe
+ ]
+ XForeignDecl _ -> []
+instance ToHie ForeignImport where
+ toHie (CImport (L a _) (L b _) _ _ (L c _)) = pure $ concat $
+ [ locOnly a
+ , locOnly b
+ , locOnly c
+ ]
+instance ToHie ForeignExport where
+ toHie (CExport (L a _) (L b _)) = pure $ concat $
+ [ locOnly a
+ , locOnly b
+ ]
+instance ToHie (LWarnDecls GhcRn) where
+ toHie (L span decl) = concatM $ makeNode decl span : case decl of
+ Warnings _ _ warnings ->
+ [ toHie warnings
+ ]
+ XWarnDecls _ -> []
+instance ToHie (LWarnDecl GhcRn) where
+ toHie (L span decl) = concatM $ makeNode decl span : case decl of
+ Warning _ vars _ ->
+ [ toHie $ map (C Use) vars
+ ]
+ XWarnDecl _ -> []
+instance ToHie (LAnnDecl GhcRn) where
+ toHie (L span decl) = concatM $ makeNode decl span : case decl of
+ HsAnnotation _ _ prov expr ->
+ [ toHie prov
+ , toHie expr
+ ]
+ XAnnDecl _ -> []
+instance ToHie (Context (Located a)) => ToHie (AnnProvenance a) where
+ toHie (ValueAnnProvenance a) = toHie $ C Use a
+ toHie (TypeAnnProvenance a) = toHie $ C Use a
+ toHie ModuleAnnProvenance = pure []
+instance ToHie (LRuleDecls GhcRn) where
+ toHie (L span decl) = concatM $ makeNode decl span : case decl of
+ HsRules _ _ rules ->
+ [ toHie rules
+ ]
+ XRuleDecls _ -> []
+instance ToHie (LRuleDecl GhcRn) where
+ toHie (L _ (XRuleDecl _)) = pure []
+ toHie (L span r@(HsRule _ rname _ tybndrs bndrs exprA exprB)) = concatM
+ [ makeNode r span
+ , pure $ locOnly $ getLoc rname
+ , toHie $ fmap (tvScopes (ResolvedScopes []) scope) tybndrs
+ , toHie $ map (RS $ mkScope span) bndrs
+ , toHie exprA
+ , toHie exprB
+ ]
+ where scope = bndrs_sc `combineScopes` exprA_sc `combineScopes` exprB_sc
+ bndrs_sc = maybe NoScope mkLScope (listToMaybe bndrs)
+ exprA_sc = mkLScope exprA
+ exprB_sc = mkLScope exprB
+instance ToHie (RScoped (LRuleBndr GhcRn)) where
+ toHie (RS sc (L span bndr)) = concatM $ makeNode bndr span : case bndr of
+ RuleBndr _ var ->
+ [ toHie $ C (ValBind RegularBind sc Nothing) var
+ ]
+ RuleBndrSig _ var typ ->
+ [ toHie $ C (ValBind RegularBind sc Nothing) var
+ , toHie $ TS (ResolvedScopes [sc]) typ
+ ]
+ XRuleBndr _ -> []
+instance ToHie (LImportDecl GhcRn) where
+ toHie (L span decl) = concatM $ makeNode decl span : case decl of
+ ImportDecl { ideclName = name, ideclAs = as, ideclHiding = hidden } ->
+ [ toHie $ IEC Import name
+ , toHie $ fmap (IEC ImportAs) as
+ , maybe (pure []) goIE hidden
+ ]
+ XImportDecl _ -> []
+ where
+ goIE (hiding, (L sp liens)) = concatM $
+ [ pure $ locOnly sp
+ , toHie $ map (IEC c) liens
+ ]
+ where
+ c = if hiding then ImportHiding else Import
+instance ToHie (IEContext (LIE GhcRn)) where
+ toHie (IEC c (L span ie)) = concatM $ makeNode ie span : case ie of
+ IEVar _ n ->
+ [ toHie $ IEC c n
+ ]
+ IEThingAbs _ n ->
+ [ toHie $ IEC c n
+ ]
+ IEThingAll _ n ->
+ [ toHie $ IEC c n
+ ]
+ IEThingWith _ n _ ns flds ->
+ [ toHie $ IEC c n
+ , toHie $ map (IEC c) ns
+ , toHie $ map (IEC c) flds
+ ]
+ IEModuleContents _ n ->
+ [ toHie $ IEC c n
+ ]
+ IEGroup _ _ _ -> []
+ IEDoc _ _ -> []
+ IEDocNamed _ _ -> []
+ XIE _ -> []
+instance ToHie (IEContext (LIEWrappedName Name)) where
+ toHie (IEC c (L span iewn)) = concatM $ makeNode iewn span : case iewn of
+ IEName n ->
+ [ toHie $ C (IEThing c) n
+ ]
+ IEPattern p ->
+ [ toHie $ C (IEThing c) p
+ ]
+ IEType n ->
+ [ toHie $ C (IEThing c) n
+ ]
+instance ToHie (IEContext (Located (FieldLbl Name))) where
+ toHie (IEC c (L span lbl)) = concatM $ makeNode lbl span : case lbl of
+ FieldLabel _ _ n ->
+ [ toHie $ C (IEThing c) $ L span n
+ ]
diff --git a/compiler/hieFile/HieBin.hs b/compiler/hieFile/HieBin.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..fa33936f40
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compiler/hieFile/HieBin.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,271 @@
+{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
+module HieBin ( readHieFile, writeHieFile, HieName(..), toHieName ) where
+import GhcPrelude
+import Binary
+import BinIface ( getDictFastString )
+import FastMutInt
+import FastString ( FastString )
+import Module ( Module )
+import Name
+import NameCache
+import Outputable
+import PrelInfo
+import SrcLoc
+import UniqSupply ( takeUniqFromSupply )
+import Unique
+import UniqFM
+import qualified Data.Array as A
+import Data.IORef
+import Data.List ( mapAccumR )
+import Data.Word ( Word32 )
+import Control.Monad ( replicateM )
+-- | `Name`'s get converted into `HieName`'s before being written into @.hie@
+-- files. See 'toHieName' and 'fromHieName' for logic on how to convert between
+-- these two types.
+data HieName
+ = ExternalName !Module !OccName !SrcSpan
+ | LocalName !OccName !SrcSpan
+ | KnownKeyName !Unique
+ deriving (Eq)
+instance Ord HieName where
+ compare (ExternalName a b c) (ExternalName d e f) = compare (a,b,c) (d,e,f)
+ compare (LocalName a b) (LocalName c d) = compare (a,b) (c,d)
+ compare (KnownKeyName a) (KnownKeyName b) = nonDetCmpUnique a b
+ -- Not actually non determinstic as it is a KnownKey
+ compare ExternalName{} _ = LT
+ compare LocalName{} ExternalName{} = GT
+ compare LocalName{} _ = LT
+ compare KnownKeyName{} _ = GT
+instance Outputable HieName where
+ ppr (ExternalName m n sp) = text "ExternalName" <+> ppr m <+> ppr n <+> ppr sp
+ ppr (LocalName n sp) = text "LocalName" <+> ppr n <+> ppr sp
+ ppr (KnownKeyName u) = text "KnownKeyName" <+> ppr u
+data HieSymbolTable = HieSymbolTable
+ { hie_symtab_next :: !FastMutInt
+ , hie_symtab_map :: !(IORef (UniqFM (Int, HieName)))
+ }
+data HieDictionary = HieDictionary
+ { hie_dict_next :: !FastMutInt -- The next index to use
+ , hie_dict_map :: !(IORef (UniqFM (Int,FastString))) -- indexed by FastString
+ }
+initBinMemSize :: Int
+initBinMemSize = 1024*1024
+writeHieFile :: Binary a => FilePath -> a -> IO ()
+writeHieFile filename hiefile = do
+ bh0 <- openBinMem initBinMemSize
+ -- remember where the dictionary pointer will go
+ dict_p_p <- tellBin bh0
+ put_ bh0 dict_p_p
+ -- remember where the symbol table pointer will go
+ symtab_p_p <- tellBin bh0
+ put_ bh0 symtab_p_p
+ -- Make some intial state
+ symtab_next <- newFastMutInt
+ writeFastMutInt symtab_next 0
+ symtab_map <- newIORef emptyUFM
+ let hie_symtab = HieSymbolTable {
+ hie_symtab_next = symtab_next,
+ hie_symtab_map = symtab_map }
+ dict_next_ref <- newFastMutInt
+ writeFastMutInt dict_next_ref 0
+ dict_map_ref <- newIORef emptyUFM
+ let hie_dict = HieDictionary {
+ hie_dict_next = dict_next_ref,
+ hie_dict_map = dict_map_ref }
+ -- put the main thing
+ let bh = setUserData bh0 $ newWriteState (putName hie_symtab)
+ (putName hie_symtab)
+ (putFastString hie_dict)
+ put_ bh hiefile
+ -- write the symtab pointer at the front of the file
+ symtab_p <- tellBin bh
+ putAt bh symtab_p_p symtab_p
+ seekBin bh symtab_p
+ -- write the symbol table itself
+ symtab_next' <- readFastMutInt symtab_next
+ symtab_map' <- readIORef symtab_map
+ putSymbolTable bh symtab_next' symtab_map'
+ -- write the dictionary pointer at the fornt of the file
+ dict_p <- tellBin bh
+ putAt bh dict_p_p dict_p
+ seekBin bh dict_p
+ -- write the dictionary itself
+ dict_next <- readFastMutInt dict_next_ref
+ dict_map <- readIORef dict_map_ref
+ putDictionary bh dict_next dict_map
+ -- and send the result to the file
+ writeBinMem bh filename
+ return ()
+readHieFile :: Binary a => NameCache -> FilePath -> IO (a, NameCache)
+readHieFile nc file = do
+ bh0 <- readBinMem file
+ dict <- get_dictionary bh0
+ -- read the symbol table so we are capable of reading the actual data
+ (bh1, nc') <- do
+ let bh1 = setUserData bh0 $ newReadState (error "getSymtabName")
+ (getDictFastString dict)
+ (nc', symtab) <- get_symbol_table bh1
+ let bh1' = setUserData bh1
+ $ newReadState (getSymTabName symtab)
+ (getDictFastString dict)
+ return (bh1', nc')
+ -- load the actual data
+ hiefile <- get bh1
+ return (hiefile, nc')
+ where
+ get_dictionary bin_handle = do
+ dict_p <- get bin_handle
+ data_p <- tellBin bin_handle
+ seekBin bin_handle dict_p
+ dict <- getDictionary bin_handle
+ seekBin bin_handle data_p
+ return dict
+ get_symbol_table bh1 = do
+ symtab_p <- get bh1
+ data_p' <- tellBin bh1
+ seekBin bh1 symtab_p
+ (nc', symtab) <- getSymbolTable bh1 nc
+ seekBin bh1 data_p'
+ return (nc', symtab)
+putFastString :: HieDictionary -> BinHandle -> FastString -> IO ()
+putFastString HieDictionary { hie_dict_next = j_r,
+ hie_dict_map = out_r} bh f
+ = do
+ out <- readIORef out_r
+ let unique = getUnique f
+ case lookupUFM out unique of
+ Just (j, _) -> put_ bh (fromIntegral j :: Word32)
+ Nothing -> do
+ j <- readFastMutInt j_r
+ put_ bh (fromIntegral j :: Word32)
+ writeFastMutInt j_r (j + 1)
+ writeIORef out_r $! addToUFM out unique (j, f)
+putSymbolTable :: BinHandle -> Int -> UniqFM (Int,HieName) -> IO ()
+putSymbolTable bh next_off symtab = do
+ put_ bh next_off
+ let names = A.elems (A.array (0,next_off-1) (nonDetEltsUFM symtab))
+ mapM_ (putHieName bh) names
+getSymbolTable :: BinHandle -> NameCache -> IO (NameCache, SymbolTable)
+getSymbolTable bh namecache = do
+ sz <- get bh
+ od_names <- replicateM sz (getHieName bh)
+ let arr = A.listArray (0,sz-1) names
+ (namecache', names) = mapAccumR fromHieName namecache od_names
+ return (namecache', arr)
+getSymTabName :: SymbolTable -> BinHandle -> IO Name
+getSymTabName st bh = do
+ i :: Word32 <- get bh
+ return $ st A.! (fromIntegral i)
+putName :: HieSymbolTable -> BinHandle -> Name -> IO ()
+putName (HieSymbolTable next ref) bh name = do
+ symmap <- readIORef ref
+ case lookupUFM symmap name of
+ Just (off, ExternalName mod occ (UnhelpfulSpan _))
+ | isGoodSrcSpan (nameSrcSpan name) -> do
+ let hieName = ExternalName mod occ (nameSrcSpan name)
+ writeIORef ref $! addToUFM symmap name (off, hieName)
+ put_ bh (fromIntegral off :: Word32)
+ Just (off, LocalName _occ span)
+ | notLocal (toHieName name) || nameSrcSpan name /= span -> do
+ writeIORef ref $! addToUFM symmap name (off, toHieName name)
+ put_ bh (fromIntegral off :: Word32)
+ Just (off, _) -> put_ bh (fromIntegral off :: Word32)
+ Nothing -> do
+ off <- readFastMutInt next
+ writeFastMutInt next (off+1)
+ writeIORef ref $! addToUFM symmap name (off, toHieName name)
+ put_ bh (fromIntegral off :: Word32)
+ where
+ notLocal :: HieName -> Bool
+ notLocal LocalName{} = False
+ notLocal _ = True
+-- ** Converting to and from `HieName`'s
+toHieName :: Name -> HieName
+toHieName name
+ | isKnownKeyName name = KnownKeyName (nameUnique name)
+ | isExternalName name = ExternalName (nameModule name)
+ (nameOccName name)
+ (nameSrcSpan name)
+ | otherwise = LocalName (nameOccName name) (nameSrcSpan name)
+fromHieName :: NameCache -> HieName -> (NameCache, Name)
+fromHieName nc (ExternalName mod occ span) =
+ let cache = nsNames nc
+ in case lookupOrigNameCache cache mod occ of
+ Just name -> (nc, name)
+ Nothing ->
+ let (uniq, us) = takeUniqFromSupply (nsUniqs nc)
+ name = mkExternalName uniq mod occ span
+ new_cache = extendNameCache cache mod occ name
+ in ( nc{ nsUniqs = us, nsNames = new_cache }, name )
+fromHieName nc (LocalName occ span) =
+ let (uniq, us) = takeUniqFromSupply (nsUniqs nc)
+ name = mkInternalName uniq occ span
+ in ( nc{ nsUniqs = us }, name )
+fromHieName nc (KnownKeyName u) = case lookupKnownKeyName u of
+ Nothing -> pprPanic "fromHieName:unknown known-key unique"
+ (ppr (unpkUnique u))
+ Just n -> (nc, n)
+-- ** Reading and writing `HieName`'s
+putHieName :: BinHandle -> HieName -> IO ()
+putHieName bh (ExternalName mod occ span) = do
+ putByte bh 0
+ put_ bh (mod, occ, span)
+putHieName bh (LocalName occName span) = do
+ putByte bh 1
+ put_ bh (occName, span)
+putHieName bh (KnownKeyName uniq) = do
+ putByte bh 2
+ put_ bh $ unpkUnique uniq
+getHieName :: BinHandle -> IO HieName
+getHieName bh = do
+ t <- getByte bh
+ case t of
+ 0 -> do
+ (modu, occ, span) <- get bh
+ return $ ExternalName modu occ span
+ 1 -> do
+ (occ, span) <- get bh
+ return $ LocalName occ span
+ 2 -> do
+ (c,i) <- get bh
+ return $ KnownKeyName $ mkUnique c i
+ _ -> panic "HieBin.getHieName: invalid tag"
diff --git a/compiler/hieFile/HieDebug.hs b/compiler/hieFile/HieDebug.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..7896cf7720
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compiler/hieFile/HieDebug.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,143 @@
+{-# LANGUAGE StandaloneDeriving #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
+module HieDebug where
+import GhcPrelude
+import SrcLoc
+import Module
+import FastString
+import Outputable
+import HieTypes
+import HieBin
+import HieUtils
+import qualified Data.Map as M
+import qualified Data.Set as S
+import Data.Function ( on )
+import Data.List ( sortOn )
+import Data.Foldable ( toList )
+ppHies :: Outputable a => (HieASTs a) -> SDoc
+ppHies (HieASTs asts) = M.foldrWithKey go "" asts
+ where
+ go k a rest = vcat $
+ [ "File: " <> ppr k
+ , ppHie a
+ , rest
+ ]
+ppHie :: Outputable a => HieAST a -> SDoc
+ppHie = go 0
+ where
+ go n (Node inf sp children) = hang header n rest
+ where
+ rest = vcat $ map (go (n+2)) children
+ header = hsep
+ [ "Node"
+ , ppr sp
+ , ppInfo inf
+ ]
+ppInfo :: Outputable a => NodeInfo a -> SDoc
+ppInfo ni = hsep
+ [ ppr $ toList $ nodeAnnotations ni
+ , ppr $ nodeType ni
+ , ppr $ M.toList $ nodeIdentifiers ni
+ ]
+type Diff a = a -> a -> [SDoc]
+diffFile :: Diff HieFile
+diffFile = diffAsts eqDiff `on` (getAsts . hie_asts)
+diffAsts :: (Outputable a, Eq a) => Diff a -> Diff (M.Map FastString (HieAST a))
+diffAsts f = diffList (diffAst f) `on` M.elems
+diffAst :: (Outputable a, Eq a) => Diff a -> Diff (HieAST a)
+diffAst diffType (Node info1 span1 xs1) (Node info2 span2 xs2) =
+ infoDiff ++ spanDiff ++ diffList (diffAst diffType) xs1 xs2
+ where
+ spanDiff
+ | span1 /= span2 = [hsep ["Spans", ppr span1, "and", ppr span2, "differ"]]
+ | otherwise = []
+ infoDiff
+ = (diffList eqDiff `on` (S.toAscList . nodeAnnotations)) info1 info2
+ ++ (diffList diffType `on` nodeType) info1 info2
+ ++ (diffIdents `on` nodeIdentifiers) info1 info2
+ diffIdents a b = (diffList diffIdent `on` normalizeIdents) a b
+ diffIdent (a,b) (c,d) = diffName a c
+ ++ eqDiff b d
+ diffName (Right a) (Right b) = case (a,b) of
+ (ExternalName m o _, ExternalName m' o' _) -> eqDiff (m,o) (m',o')
+ (LocalName o _, ExternalName _ o' _) -> eqDiff o o'
+ _ -> eqDiff a b
+ diffName a b = eqDiff a b
+type DiffIdent = Either ModuleName HieName
+normalizeIdents :: NodeIdentifiers a -> [(DiffIdent,IdentifierDetails a)]
+normalizeIdents = sortOn fst . map (first toHieName) . M.toList
+ where
+ first f (a,b) = (fmap f a, b)
+diffList :: Diff a -> Diff [a]
+diffList f xs ys
+ | length xs == length ys = concat $ zipWith f xs ys
+ | otherwise = ["length of lists doesn't match"]
+eqDiff :: (Outputable a, Eq a) => Diff a
+eqDiff a b
+ | a == b = []
+ | otherwise = [hsep [ppr a, "and", ppr b, "do not match"]]
+validAst :: HieAST a -> Either SDoc ()
+validAst (Node _ span children) = do
+ checkContainment children
+ checkSorted children
+ mapM_ validAst children
+ where
+ checkSorted [] = return ()
+ checkSorted [_] = return ()
+ checkSorted (x:y:xs)
+ | nodeSpan x `leftOf` nodeSpan y = checkSorted (y:xs)
+ | otherwise = Left $ hsep
+ [ ppr $ nodeSpan x
+ , "is not to the left of"
+ , ppr $ nodeSpan y
+ ]
+ checkContainment [] = return ()
+ checkContainment (x:xs)
+ | span `containsSpan` (nodeSpan x) = checkContainment xs
+ | otherwise = Left $ hsep
+ [ ppr $ span
+ , "does not contain"
+ , ppr $ nodeSpan x
+ ]
+-- | Look for any identifiers which occur outside of their supposed scopes.
+-- Returns a list of error messages.
+validateScopes :: M.Map FastString (HieAST a) -> [SDoc]
+validateScopes asts = M.foldrWithKey (\k a b -> valid k a ++ b) [] refMap
+ where
+ refMap = generateReferencesMap asts
+ valid (Left _) _ = []
+ valid (Right n) refs = concatMap inScope refs
+ where
+ mapRef = foldMap getScopeFromContext . identInfo . snd
+ scopes = case foldMap mapRef refs of
+ Just xs -> xs
+ Nothing -> []
+ inScope (sp, dets)
+ | definedInAsts asts n
+ && any isOccurrence (identInfo dets)
+ = case scopes of
+ [] -> []
+ _ -> if any (`scopeContainsSpan` sp) scopes
+ then []
+ else return $ hsep $
+ [ "Name", ppr n, "at position", ppr sp
+ , "doesn't occur in calculated scope", ppr scopes]
+ | otherwise = []
diff --git a/compiler/hieFile/HieTypes.hs b/compiler/hieFile/HieTypes.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..c20887f045
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compiler/hieFile/HieTypes.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,503 @@
+{-# LANGUAGE DeriveTraversable #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE TypeSynonymInstances #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
+module HieTypes where
+import GhcPrelude
+import Binary
+import FastString ( FastString )
+import IfaceType
+import Module ( ModuleName )
+import Name ( Name )
+import Outputable hiding ( (<>) )
+import SrcLoc ( RealSrcSpan )
+import qualified Data.Array as A
+import qualified Data.Map as M
+import qualified Data.Set as S
+import Data.ByteString ( ByteString )
+import Data.Data ( Typeable, Data )
+import Data.Semigroup ( Semigroup(..) )
+import Data.Word ( Word8 )
+import Control.Applicative ( (<|>) )
+type Span = RealSrcSpan
+-- | Current version of @.hie@ files
+curHieVersion :: Word8
+curHieVersion = 0
+{- |
+GHC builds up a wealth of information about Haskell source as it compiles it.
+@.hie@ files are a way of persisting some of this information to disk so that
+external tools that need to work with haskell source don't need to parse,
+typecheck, and rename all over again. These files contain:
+ * a simplified AST
+ * nodes are annotated with source positions and types
+ * identifiers are annotated with scope information
+ * the raw bytes of the initial Haskell source
+Besides saving compilation cycles, @.hie@ files also offer a more stable
+interface than the GHC API.
+data HieFile = HieFile
+ { hie_version :: Word8
+ -- ^ version of the HIE format
+ , hie_ghc_version :: ByteString
+ -- ^ Version of GHC that produced this file
+ , hie_hs_file :: FilePath
+ -- ^ Initial Haskell source file path
+ , hie_types :: A.Array TypeIndex HieTypeFlat
+ -- ^ Types referenced in the 'hie_asts'.
+ --
+ -- See Note [Efficient serialization of redundant type info]
+ , hie_asts :: HieASTs TypeIndex
+ -- ^ Type-annotated abstract syntax trees
+ , hie_hs_src :: ByteString
+ -- ^ Raw bytes of the initial Haskell source
+ }
+instance Binary HieFile where
+ put_ bh hf = do
+ put_ bh $ hie_version hf
+ put_ bh $ hie_ghc_version hf
+ put_ bh $ hie_hs_file hf
+ put_ bh $ hie_types hf
+ put_ bh $ hie_asts hf
+ put_ bh $ hie_hs_src hf
+ get bh = HieFile
+ <$> get bh
+ <*> get bh
+ <*> get bh
+ <*> get bh
+ <*> get bh
+ <*> get bh
+Note [Efficient serialization of redundant type info]
+The type information in .hie files is highly repetitive and redundant. For
+example, consider the expression
+ const True 'a'
+There is a lot of shared structure between the types of subterms:
+ * const True 'a' :: Bool
+ * const True :: Char -> Bool
+ * const :: Bool -> Char -> Bool
+Since all 3 of these types need to be stored in the .hie file, it is worth
+making an effort to deduplicate this shared structure. The trick is to define
+a new data type that is a flattened version of 'Type':
+ data HieType a = HAppTy a a -- data Type = AppTy Type Type
+ | HFunTy a a -- | FunTy Type Type
+ | ...
+ type TypeIndex = Int
+Types in the final AST are stored in an 'A.Array TypeIndex (HieType TypeIndex)',
+where the 'TypeIndex's in the 'HieType' are references to other elements of the
+array. Types recovered from GHC are deduplicated and stored in this compressed
+form with sharing of subtrees.
+type TypeIndex = Int
+-- | A flattened version of 'Type'.
+-- See Note [Efficient serialization of redundant type info]
+data HieType a
+ = HTyVarTy Name
+ | HAppTy a (HieArgs a)
+ | HTyConApp IfaceTyCon (HieArgs a)
+ | HForAllTy ((Name, a),ArgFlag) a
+ | HFunTy a a
+ | HQualTy a a -- ^ type with constraint: @t1 => t2@ (see 'IfaceDFunTy')
+ | HLitTy IfaceTyLit
+ | HCastTy a
+ | HCoercionTy
+ deriving (Functor, Foldable, Traversable, Eq)
+type HieTypeFlat = HieType TypeIndex
+-- | Roughly isomorphic to the original core 'Type'.
+newtype HieTypeFix = Roll (HieType (HieTypeFix))
+instance Binary (HieType TypeIndex) where
+ put_ bh (HTyVarTy n) = do
+ putByte bh 0
+ put_ bh n
+ put_ bh (HAppTy a b) = do
+ putByte bh 1
+ put_ bh a
+ put_ bh b
+ put_ bh (HTyConApp n xs) = do
+ putByte bh 2
+ put_ bh n
+ put_ bh xs
+ put_ bh (HForAllTy bndr a) = do
+ putByte bh 3
+ put_ bh bndr
+ put_ bh a
+ put_ bh (HFunTy a b) = do
+ putByte bh 4
+ put_ bh a
+ put_ bh b
+ put_ bh (HQualTy a b) = do
+ putByte bh 5
+ put_ bh a
+ put_ bh b
+ put_ bh (HLitTy l) = do
+ putByte bh 6
+ put_ bh l
+ put_ bh (HCastTy a) = do
+ putByte bh 7
+ put_ bh a
+ put_ bh (HCoercionTy) = putByte bh 8
+ get bh = do
+ (t :: Word8) <- get bh
+ case t of
+ 0 -> HTyVarTy <$> get bh
+ 1 -> HAppTy <$> get bh <*> get bh
+ 2 -> HTyConApp <$> get bh <*> get bh
+ 3 -> HForAllTy <$> get bh <*> get bh
+ 4 -> HFunTy <$> get bh <*> get bh
+ 5 -> HQualTy <$> get bh <*> get bh
+ 6 -> HLitTy <$> get bh
+ 7 -> HCastTy <$> get bh
+ 8 -> return HCoercionTy
+ _ -> panic "Binary (HieArgs Int): invalid tag"
+-- | A list of type arguments along with their respective visibilities (ie. is
+-- this an argument that would return 'True' for 'isVisibleArgFlag'?).
+newtype HieArgs a = HieArgs [(Bool,a)]
+ deriving (Functor, Foldable, Traversable, Eq)
+instance Binary (HieArgs TypeIndex) where
+ put_ bh (HieArgs xs) = put_ bh xs
+ get bh = HieArgs <$> get bh
+-- | Mapping from filepaths (represented using 'FastString') to the
+-- corresponding AST
+newtype HieASTs a = HieASTs { getAsts :: (M.Map FastString (HieAST a)) }
+ deriving (Functor, Foldable, Traversable)
+instance Binary (HieASTs TypeIndex) where
+ put_ bh asts = put_ bh $ M.toAscList $ getAsts asts
+ get bh = HieASTs <$> fmap M.fromDistinctAscList (get bh)
+data HieAST a =
+ Node
+ { nodeInfo :: NodeInfo a
+ , nodeSpan :: Span
+ , nodeChildren :: [HieAST a]
+ } deriving (Functor, Foldable, Traversable)
+instance Binary (HieAST TypeIndex) where
+ put_ bh ast = do
+ put_ bh $ nodeInfo ast
+ put_ bh $ nodeSpan ast
+ put_ bh $ nodeChildren ast
+ get bh = Node
+ <$> get bh
+ <*> get bh
+ <*> get bh
+-- | The information stored in one AST node.
+-- The type parameter exists to provide flexibility in representation of types
+-- (see Note [Efficient serialization of redundant type info]).
+data NodeInfo a = NodeInfo
+ { nodeAnnotations :: S.Set (FastString,FastString)
+ -- ^ (name of the AST node constructor, name of the AST node Type)
+ , nodeType :: [a]
+ -- ^ The Haskell types of this node, if any.
+ , nodeIdentifiers :: NodeIdentifiers a
+ -- ^ All the identifiers and their details
+ } deriving (Functor, Foldable, Traversable)
+instance Binary (NodeInfo TypeIndex) where
+ put_ bh ni = do
+ put_ bh $ S.toAscList $ nodeAnnotations ni
+ put_ bh $ nodeType ni
+ put_ bh $ M.toList $ nodeIdentifiers ni
+ get bh = NodeInfo
+ <$> fmap (S.fromDistinctAscList) (get bh)
+ <*> get bh
+ <*> fmap (M.fromList) (get bh)
+type Identifier = Either ModuleName Name
+type NodeIdentifiers a = M.Map Identifier (IdentifierDetails a)
+-- | Information associated with every identifier
+-- We need to include types with identifiers because sometimes multiple
+-- identifiers occur in the same span(Overloaded Record Fields and so on)
+data IdentifierDetails a = IdentifierDetails
+ { identType :: Maybe a
+ , identInfo :: S.Set ContextInfo
+ } deriving (Eq, Functor, Foldable, Traversable)
+instance Outputable a => Outputable (IdentifierDetails a) where
+ ppr x = text "IdentifierDetails" <+> ppr (identType x) <+> ppr (identInfo x)
+instance Semigroup (IdentifierDetails a) where
+ d1 <> d2 = IdentifierDetails (identType d1 <|> identType d2)
+ (S.union (identInfo d1) (identInfo d2))
+instance Monoid (IdentifierDetails a) where
+ mempty = IdentifierDetails Nothing S.empty
+instance Binary (IdentifierDetails TypeIndex) where
+ put_ bh dets = do
+ put_ bh $ identType dets
+ put_ bh $ S.toAscList $ identInfo dets
+ get bh = IdentifierDetails
+ <$> get bh
+ <*> fmap (S.fromDistinctAscList) (get bh)
+-- | Different contexts under which identifiers exist
+data ContextInfo
+ = Use -- ^ regular variable
+ | MatchBind
+ | IEThing IEType -- ^ import/export
+ | TyDecl
+ -- | Value binding
+ | ValBind
+ BindType -- ^ whether or not the binding is in an instance
+ Scope -- ^ scope over which the value is bound
+ (Maybe Span) -- ^ span of entire binding
+ -- | Pattern binding
+ --
+ -- This case is tricky because the bound identifier can be used in two
+ -- distinct scopes. Consider the following example (with @-XViewPatterns@)
+ --
+ -- @
+ -- do (b, a, (a -> True)) <- bar
+ -- foo a
+ -- @
+ --
+ -- The identifier @a@ has two scopes: in the view pattern @(a -> True)@ and
+ -- in the rest of the @do@-block in @foo a@.
+ | PatternBind
+ Scope -- ^ scope /in the pattern/ (the variable bound can be used
+ -- further in the pattern)
+ Scope -- ^ rest of the scope outside the pattern
+ (Maybe Span) -- ^ span of entire binding
+ | ClassTyDecl (Maybe Span)
+ -- | Declaration
+ | Decl
+ DeclType -- ^ type of declaration
+ (Maybe Span) -- ^ span of entire binding
+ -- | Type variable
+ | TyVarBind Scope TyVarScope
+ -- | Record field
+ | RecField RecFieldContext (Maybe Span)
+ deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
+instance Outputable ContextInfo where
+ ppr = text . show
+instance Binary ContextInfo where
+ put_ bh Use = putByte bh 0
+ put_ bh (IEThing t) = do
+ putByte bh 1
+ put_ bh t
+ put_ bh TyDecl = putByte bh 2
+ put_ bh (ValBind bt sc msp) = do
+ putByte bh 3
+ put_ bh bt
+ put_ bh sc
+ put_ bh msp
+ put_ bh (PatternBind a b c) = do
+ putByte bh 4
+ put_ bh a
+ put_ bh b
+ put_ bh c
+ put_ bh (ClassTyDecl sp) = do
+ putByte bh 5
+ put_ bh sp
+ put_ bh (Decl a b) = do
+ putByte bh 6
+ put_ bh a
+ put_ bh b
+ put_ bh (TyVarBind a b) = do
+ putByte bh 7
+ put_ bh a
+ put_ bh b
+ put_ bh (RecField a b) = do
+ putByte bh 8
+ put_ bh a
+ put_ bh b
+ put_ bh MatchBind = putByte bh 9
+ get bh = do
+ (t :: Word8) <- get bh
+ case t of
+ 0 -> return Use
+ 1 -> IEThing <$> get bh
+ 2 -> return TyDecl
+ 3 -> ValBind <$> get bh <*> get bh <*> get bh
+ 4 -> PatternBind <$> get bh <*> get bh <*> get bh
+ 5 -> ClassTyDecl <$> get bh
+ 6 -> Decl <$> get bh <*> get bh
+ 7 -> TyVarBind <$> get bh <*> get bh
+ 8 -> RecField <$> get bh <*> get bh
+ 9 -> return MatchBind
+ _ -> panic "Binary ContextInfo: invalid tag"
+-- | Types of imports and exports
+data IEType
+ = Import
+ | ImportAs
+ | ImportHiding
+ | Export
+ deriving (Eq, Enum, Ord, Show)
+instance Binary IEType where
+ put_ bh b = putByte bh (fromIntegral (fromEnum b))
+ get bh = do x <- getByte bh; pure $! (toEnum (fromIntegral x))
+data RecFieldContext
+ = RecFieldDecl
+ | RecFieldAssign
+ | RecFieldMatch
+ | RecFieldOcc
+ deriving (Eq, Enum, Ord, Show)
+instance Binary RecFieldContext where
+ put_ bh b = putByte bh (fromIntegral (fromEnum b))
+ get bh = do x <- getByte bh; pure $! (toEnum (fromIntegral x))
+data BindType
+ = RegularBind
+ | InstanceBind
+ deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Enum)
+instance Binary BindType where
+ put_ bh b = putByte bh (fromIntegral (fromEnum b))
+ get bh = do x <- getByte bh; pure $! (toEnum (fromIntegral x))
+data DeclType
+ = FamDec -- ^ type or data family
+ | SynDec -- ^ type synonym
+ | DataDec -- ^ data declaration
+ | ConDec -- ^ constructor declaration
+ | PatSynDec -- ^ pattern synonym
+ | ClassDec -- ^ class declaration
+ | InstDec -- ^ instance declaration
+ deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Enum)
+instance Binary DeclType where
+ put_ bh b = putByte bh (fromIntegral (fromEnum b))
+ get bh = do x <- getByte bh; pure $! (toEnum (fromIntegral x))
+data Scope
+ = NoScope
+ | LocalScope Span
+ | ModuleScope
+ deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Typeable, Data)
+instance Outputable Scope where
+ ppr NoScope = text "NoScope"
+ ppr (LocalScope sp) = text "LocalScope" <+> ppr sp
+ ppr ModuleScope = text "ModuleScope"
+instance Binary Scope where
+ put_ bh NoScope = putByte bh 0
+ put_ bh (LocalScope span) = do
+ putByte bh 1
+ put_ bh span
+ put_ bh ModuleScope = putByte bh 2
+ get bh = do
+ (t :: Word8) <- get bh
+ case t of
+ 0 -> return NoScope
+ 1 -> LocalScope <$> get bh
+ 2 -> return ModuleScope
+ _ -> panic "Binary Scope: invalid tag"
+-- | Scope of a type variable.
+-- This warrants a data type apart from 'Scope' because of complexities
+-- introduced by features like @-XScopedTypeVariables@ and @-XInstanceSigs@. For
+-- example, consider:
+-- @
+-- foo, bar, baz :: forall a. a -> a
+-- @
+-- Here @a@ is in scope in all the definitions of @foo@, @bar@, and @baz@, so we
+-- need a list of scopes to keep track of this. Furthermore, this list cannot be
+-- computed until we resolve the binding sites of @foo@, @bar@, and @baz@.
+-- Consequently, @a@ starts with an @'UnresolvedScope' [foo, bar, baz] Nothing@
+-- which later gets resolved into a 'ResolvedScopes'.
+data TyVarScope
+ = ResolvedScopes [Scope]
+ -- | Unresolved scopes should never show up in the final @.hie@ file
+ | UnresolvedScope
+ [Name] -- ^ names of the definitions over which the scope spans
+ (Maybe Span) -- ^ the location of the instance/class declaration for
+ -- the case where the type variable is declared in a
+ -- method type signature
+ deriving (Eq, Ord)
+instance Show TyVarScope where
+ show (ResolvedScopes sc) = show sc
+ show _ = error "UnresolvedScope"
+instance Binary TyVarScope where
+ put_ bh (ResolvedScopes xs) = do
+ putByte bh 0
+ put_ bh xs
+ put_ bh (UnresolvedScope ns span) = do
+ putByte bh 1
+ put_ bh ns
+ put_ bh span
+ get bh = do
+ (t :: Word8) <- get bh
+ case t of
+ 0 -> ResolvedScopes <$> get bh
+ 1 -> UnresolvedScope <$> get bh <*> get bh
+ _ -> panic "Binary TyVarScope: invalid tag"
diff --git a/compiler/hieFile/HieUtils.hs b/compiler/hieFile/HieUtils.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..5259ea1280
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compiler/hieFile/HieUtils.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,455 @@
+{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE TupleSections #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
+module HieUtils where
+import GhcPrelude
+import CoreMap
+import DynFlags ( DynFlags )
+import FastString ( FastString, mkFastString )
+import IfaceType
+import Name hiding (varName)
+import Outputable ( renderWithStyle, ppr, defaultUserStyle )
+import SrcLoc
+import ToIface
+import TyCon
+import TyCoRep
+import Type
+import Var
+import VarEnv
+import HieTypes
+import qualified Data.Map as M
+import qualified Data.Set as S
+import qualified Data.IntMap.Strict as IM
+import qualified Data.Array as A
+import Data.Data ( typeOf, typeRepTyCon, Data(toConstr) )
+import Data.Maybe ( maybeToList )
+import Data.Monoid
+import Data.Traversable ( for )
+import Control.Monad.Trans.State.Strict hiding (get)
+ :: Foldable f
+ => f (HieAST a)
+ -> M.Map Identifier [(Span, IdentifierDetails a)]
+generateReferencesMap = foldr (\ast m -> M.unionWith (++) (go ast) m) M.empty
+ where
+ go ast = M.unionsWith (++) (this : map go (nodeChildren ast))
+ where
+ this = fmap (pure . (nodeSpan ast,)) $ nodeIdentifiers $ nodeInfo ast
+renderHieType :: DynFlags -> HieTypeFix -> String
+renderHieType df ht = renderWithStyle df (ppr $ hieTypeToIface ht) sty
+ where sty = defaultUserStyle df
+resolveVisibility :: Type -> [Type] -> [(Bool,Type)]
+resolveVisibility kind ty_args
+ = go (mkEmptyTCvSubst in_scope) kind ty_args
+ where
+ in_scope = mkInScopeSet (tyCoVarsOfTypes ty_args)
+ go _ _ [] = []
+ go env ty ts
+ | Just ty' <- coreView ty
+ = go env ty' ts
+ go env (ForAllTy (Bndr tv vis) res) (t:ts)
+ | isVisibleArgFlag vis = (True , t) : ts'
+ | otherwise = (False, t) : ts'
+ where
+ ts' = go (extendTvSubst env tv t) res ts
+ go env (FunTy _ res) (t:ts) -- No type-class args in tycon apps
+ = (True,t) : (go env res ts)
+ go env (TyVarTy tv) ts
+ | Just ki <- lookupTyVar env tv = go env ki ts
+ go env kind (t:ts) = (True, t) : (go env kind ts) -- Ill-kinded
+foldType :: (HieType a -> a) -> HieTypeFix -> a
+foldType f (Roll t) = f $ fmap (foldType f) t
+hieTypeToIface :: HieTypeFix -> IfaceType
+hieTypeToIface = foldType go
+ where
+ go (HTyVarTy n) = IfaceTyVar $ occNameFS $ getOccName n
+ go (HAppTy a b) = IfaceAppTy a (hieToIfaceArgs b)
+ go (HLitTy l) = IfaceLitTy l
+ go (HForAllTy ((n,k),af) t) = let b = (occNameFS $ getOccName n, k)
+ in IfaceForAllTy (Bndr (IfaceTvBndr b) af) t
+ go (HFunTy a b) = IfaceFunTy a b
+ go (HQualTy pred b) = IfaceDFunTy pred b
+ go (HCastTy a) = a
+ go HCoercionTy = IfaceTyVar "<coercion type>"
+ go (HTyConApp a xs) = IfaceTyConApp a (hieToIfaceArgs xs)
+ -- This isn't fully faithful - we can't produce the 'Inferred' case
+ hieToIfaceArgs :: HieArgs IfaceType -> IfaceAppArgs
+ hieToIfaceArgs (HieArgs xs) = go' xs
+ where
+ go' [] = IA_Nil
+ go' ((True ,x):xs) = IA_Arg x Required $ go' xs
+ go' ((False,x):xs) = IA_Arg x Specified $ go' xs
+data HieTypeState
+ = HTS
+ { tyMap :: !(TypeMap TypeIndex)
+ , htyTable :: !(IM.IntMap HieTypeFlat)
+ , freshIndex :: !TypeIndex
+ }
+initialHTS :: HieTypeState
+initialHTS = HTS emptyTypeMap IM.empty 0
+freshTypeIndex :: State HieTypeState TypeIndex
+freshTypeIndex = do
+ index <- gets freshIndex
+ modify' $ \hts -> hts { freshIndex = index+1 }
+ return index
+ :: HieASTs Type
+ -> (HieASTs TypeIndex, A.Array TypeIndex HieTypeFlat)
+compressTypes asts = (a, arr)
+ where
+ (a, (HTS _ m i)) = flip runState initialHTS $
+ for asts $ \typ -> do
+ i <- getTypeIndex typ
+ return i
+ arr = A.array (0,i-1) (IM.toList m)
+recoverFullType :: TypeIndex -> A.Array TypeIndex HieTypeFlat -> HieTypeFix
+recoverFullType i m = go i
+ where
+ go i = Roll $ fmap go (m A.! i)
+getTypeIndex :: Type -> State HieTypeState TypeIndex
+getTypeIndex t
+ | otherwise = do
+ tm <- gets tyMap
+ case lookupTypeMap tm t of
+ Just i -> return i
+ Nothing -> do
+ ht <- go t
+ extendHTS t ht
+ where
+ extendHTS t ht = do
+ i <- freshTypeIndex
+ modify' $ \(HTS tm tt fi) ->
+ HTS (extendTypeMap tm t i) (IM.insert i ht tt) fi
+ return i
+ go (TyVarTy v) = return $ HTyVarTy $ varName v
+ go ty@(AppTy _ _) = do
+ let (head,args) = splitAppTys ty
+ visArgs = HieArgs $ resolveVisibility (typeKind head) args
+ ai <- getTypeIndex head
+ argsi <- mapM getTypeIndex visArgs
+ return $ HAppTy ai argsi
+ go (TyConApp f xs) = do
+ let visArgs = HieArgs $ resolveVisibility (tyConKind f) xs
+ is <- mapM getTypeIndex visArgs
+ return $ HTyConApp (toIfaceTyCon f) is
+ go (ForAllTy (Bndr v a) t) = do
+ k <- getTypeIndex (varType v)
+ i <- getTypeIndex t
+ return $ HForAllTy ((varName v,k),a) i
+ go (FunTy a b) = do
+ ai <- getTypeIndex a
+ bi <- getTypeIndex b
+ return $ if isPredTy a
+ then HQualTy ai bi
+ else HFunTy ai bi
+ go (LitTy a) = return $ HLitTy $ toIfaceTyLit a
+ go (CastTy t _) = do
+ i <- getTypeIndex t
+ return $ HCastTy i
+ go (CoercionTy _) = return HCoercionTy
+resolveTyVarScopes :: M.Map FastString (HieAST a) -> M.Map FastString (HieAST a)
+resolveTyVarScopes asts = go asts
+ where
+ go ast = resolveTyVarScopeLocal ast asts
+resolveTyVarScopeLocal :: HieAST a -> M.Map FastString (HieAST a) -> HieAST a
+resolveTyVarScopeLocal ast asts = go ast
+ where
+ resolveNameScope dets = dets{identInfo =
+ resolveScope (identInfo dets)}
+ resolveScope (TyVarBind sc (UnresolvedScope names Nothing)) =
+ TyVarBind sc $ ResolvedScopes
+ [ LocalScope binding
+ | name <- names
+ , Just binding <- [getNameBinding name asts]
+ ]
+ resolveScope (TyVarBind sc (UnresolvedScope names (Just sp))) =
+ TyVarBind sc $ ResolvedScopes
+ [ LocalScope binding
+ | name <- names
+ , Just binding <- [getNameBindingInClass name sp asts]
+ ]
+ resolveScope scope = scope
+ go (Node info span children) = Node info' span $ map go children
+ where
+ info' = info { nodeIdentifiers = idents }
+ idents = resolveNameScope $ nodeIdentifiers info
+getNameBinding :: Name -> M.Map FastString (HieAST a) -> Maybe Span
+getNameBinding n asts = do
+ (_,msp) <- getNameScopeAndBinding n asts
+ msp
+getNameScope :: Name -> M.Map FastString (HieAST a) -> Maybe [Scope]
+getNameScope n asts = do
+ (scopes,_) <- getNameScopeAndBinding n asts
+ return scopes
+ :: Name
+ -> Span
+ -> M.Map FastString (HieAST a)
+ -> Maybe Span
+getNameBindingInClass n sp asts = do
+ ast <- M.lookup (srcSpanFile sp) asts
+ getFirst $ foldMap First $ do
+ child <- flattenAst ast
+ dets <- maybeToList
+ $ M.lookup (Right n) $ nodeIdentifiers $ nodeInfo child
+ let binding = foldMap (First . getBindSiteFromContext) (identInfo dets)
+ return (getFirst binding)
+ :: Name
+ -> M.Map FastString (HieAST a)
+ -> Maybe ([Scope], Maybe Span)
+getNameScopeAndBinding n asts = case nameSrcSpan n of
+ RealSrcSpan sp -> do -- @Maybe
+ ast <- M.lookup (srcSpanFile sp) asts
+ defNode <- selectLargestContainedBy sp ast
+ getFirst $ foldMap First $ do -- @[]
+ node <- flattenAst defNode
+ dets <- maybeToList
+ $ M.lookup (Right n) $ nodeIdentifiers $ nodeInfo node
+ scopes <- maybeToList $ foldMap getScopeFromContext (identInfo dets)
+ let binding = foldMap (First . getBindSiteFromContext) (identInfo dets)
+ return $ Just (scopes, getFirst binding)
+ _ -> Nothing
+getScopeFromContext :: ContextInfo -> Maybe [Scope]
+getScopeFromContext (ValBind _ sc _) = Just [sc]
+getScopeFromContext (PatternBind a b _) = Just [a, b]
+getScopeFromContext (ClassTyDecl _) = Just [ModuleScope]
+getScopeFromContext (Decl _ _) = Just [ModuleScope]
+getScopeFromContext (TyVarBind a (ResolvedScopes xs)) = Just $ a:xs
+getScopeFromContext (TyVarBind a _) = Just [a]
+getScopeFromContext _ = Nothing
+getBindSiteFromContext :: ContextInfo -> Maybe Span
+getBindSiteFromContext (ValBind _ _ sp) = sp
+getBindSiteFromContext (PatternBind _ _ sp) = sp
+getBindSiteFromContext _ = Nothing
+flattenAst :: HieAST a -> [HieAST a]
+flattenAst n =
+ n : concatMap flattenAst (nodeChildren n)
+ :: Span
+ -> (HieAST a -> Bool)
+ -> HieAST a
+ -> Maybe (HieAST a)
+smallestContainingSatisfying sp cond node
+ | nodeSpan node `containsSpan` sp = getFirst $ mconcat
+ [ foldMap (First . smallestContainingSatisfying sp cond) $
+ nodeChildren node
+ , First $ if cond node then Just node else Nothing
+ ]
+ | sp `containsSpan` nodeSpan node = Nothing
+ | otherwise = Nothing
+selectLargestContainedBy :: Span -> HieAST a -> Maybe (HieAST a)
+selectLargestContainedBy sp node
+ | sp `containsSpan` nodeSpan node = Just node
+ | nodeSpan node `containsSpan` sp =
+ getFirst $ foldMap (First . selectLargestContainedBy sp) $
+ nodeChildren node
+ | otherwise = Nothing
+selectSmallestContaining :: Span -> HieAST a -> Maybe (HieAST a)
+selectSmallestContaining sp node
+ | nodeSpan node `containsSpan` sp = getFirst $ mconcat
+ [ foldMap (First . selectSmallestContaining sp) $ nodeChildren node
+ , First (Just node)
+ ]
+ | sp `containsSpan` nodeSpan node = Nothing
+ | otherwise = Nothing
+definedInAsts :: M.Map FastString (HieAST a) -> Name -> Bool
+definedInAsts asts n = case nameSrcSpan n of
+ RealSrcSpan sp -> srcSpanFile sp `elem` M.keys asts
+ _ -> False
+isOccurrence :: ContextInfo -> Bool
+isOccurrence Use = True
+isOccurrence _ = False
+scopeContainsSpan :: Scope -> Span -> Bool
+scopeContainsSpan NoScope _ = False
+scopeContainsSpan ModuleScope _ = True
+scopeContainsSpan (LocalScope a) b = a `containsSpan` b
+-- | One must contain the other. Leaf nodes cannot contain anything
+combineAst :: HieAST Type -> HieAST Type -> HieAST Type
+combineAst a@(Node aInf aSpn xs) b@(Node bInf bSpn ys)
+ | aSpn == bSpn = Node (aInf `combineNodeInfo` bInf) aSpn (mergeAsts xs ys)
+ | aSpn `containsSpan` bSpn = combineAst b a
+combineAst a (Node xs span children) = Node xs span (insertAst a children)
+-- | Insert an AST in a sorted list of disjoint Asts
+insertAst :: HieAST Type -> [HieAST Type] -> [HieAST Type]
+insertAst x = mergeAsts [x]
+-- | Merge two nodes together.
+-- Precondition and postcondition: elements in 'nodeType' are ordered.
+combineNodeInfo :: NodeInfo Type -> NodeInfo Type -> NodeInfo Type
+(NodeInfo as ai ad) `combineNodeInfo` (NodeInfo bs bi bd) =
+ NodeInfo (S.union as bs) (mergeSorted ai bi) (M.unionWith (<>) ad bd)
+ where
+ mergeSorted :: [Type] -> [Type] -> [Type]
+ mergeSorted la@(a:as) lb@(b:bs) = case nonDetCmpType a b of
+ LT -> a : mergeSorted as lb
+ EQ -> a : mergeSorted as bs
+ GT -> b : mergeSorted la bs
+ mergeSorted as [] = as
+ mergeSorted [] bs = bs
+{- | Merge two sorted, disjoint lists of ASTs, combining when necessary.
+In the absence of position-altering pragmas (ex: @# line "file.hs" 3@),
+different nodes in an AST tree should either have disjoint spans (in
+which case you can say for sure which one comes first) or one span
+should be completely contained in the other (in which case the contained
+span corresponds to some child node).
+However, since Haskell does have position-altering pragmas it /is/
+possible for spans to be overlapping. Here is an example of a source file
+in which @foozball@ and @quuuuuux@ have overlapping spans:
+module Baz where
+# line 3 "Baz.hs"
+foozball :: Int
+foozball = 0
+# line 3 "Baz.hs"
+bar, quuuuuux :: Int
+bar = 1
+quuuuuux = 2
+In these cases, we just do our best to produce sensible `HieAST`'s. The blame
+should be laid at the feet of whoever wrote the line pragmas in the first place
+(usually the C preprocessor...).
+mergeAsts :: [HieAST Type] -> [HieAST Type] -> [HieAST Type]
+mergeAsts xs [] = xs
+mergeAsts [] ys = ys
+mergeAsts xs@(a:as) ys@(b:bs)
+ | span_a `containsSpan` span_b = mergeAsts (combineAst a b : as) bs
+ | span_b `containsSpan` span_a = mergeAsts as (combineAst a b : bs)
+ | span_a `rightOf` span_b = b : mergeAsts xs bs
+ | span_a `leftOf` span_b = a : mergeAsts as ys
+ -- These cases are to work around ASTs that are not fully disjoint
+ | span_a `startsRightOf` span_b = b : mergeAsts as ys
+ | otherwise = a : mergeAsts as ys
+ where
+ span_a = nodeSpan a
+ span_b = nodeSpan b
+rightOf :: Span -> Span -> Bool
+rightOf s1 s2
+ = (srcSpanStartLine s1, srcSpanStartCol s1)
+ >= (srcSpanEndLine s2, srcSpanEndCol s2)
+ && (srcSpanFile s1 == srcSpanFile s2)
+leftOf :: Span -> Span -> Bool
+leftOf s1 s2
+ = (srcSpanEndLine s1, srcSpanEndCol s1)
+ <= (srcSpanStartLine s2, srcSpanStartCol s2)
+ && (srcSpanFile s1 == srcSpanFile s2)
+startsRightOf :: Span -> Span -> Bool
+startsRightOf s1 s2
+ = (srcSpanStartLine s1, srcSpanStartCol s1)
+ >= (srcSpanStartLine s2, srcSpanStartCol s2)
+-- | combines and sorts ASTs using a merge sort
+mergeSortAsts :: [HieAST Type] -> [HieAST Type]
+mergeSortAsts = go . map pure
+ where
+ go [] = []
+ go [xs] = xs
+ go xss = go (mergePairs xss)
+ mergePairs [] = []
+ mergePairs [xs] = [xs]
+ mergePairs (xs:ys:xss) = mergeAsts xs ys : mergePairs xss
+simpleNodeInfo :: FastString -> FastString -> NodeInfo a
+simpleNodeInfo cons typ = NodeInfo (S.singleton (cons, typ)) [] M.empty
+locOnly :: SrcSpan -> [HieAST a]
+locOnly (RealSrcSpan span) =
+ [Node e span []]
+ where e = NodeInfo S.empty [] M.empty
+locOnly _ = []
+mkScope :: SrcSpan -> Scope
+mkScope (RealSrcSpan sp) = LocalScope sp
+mkScope _ = NoScope
+mkLScope :: Located a -> Scope
+mkLScope = mkScope . getLoc
+combineScopes :: Scope -> Scope -> Scope
+combineScopes ModuleScope _ = ModuleScope
+combineScopes _ ModuleScope = ModuleScope
+combineScopes NoScope x = x
+combineScopes x NoScope = x
+combineScopes (LocalScope a) (LocalScope b) =
+ mkScope $ combineSrcSpans (RealSrcSpan a) (RealSrcSpan b)
+{-# INLINEABLE makeNode #-}
+ :: (Applicative m, Data a)
+ => a -- ^ helps fill in 'nodeAnnotations' (with 'Data')
+ -> SrcSpan -- ^ return an empty list if this is unhelpful
+ -> m [HieAST b]
+makeNode x spn = pure $ case spn of
+ RealSrcSpan span -> [Node (simpleNodeInfo cons typ) span []]
+ _ -> []
+ where
+ cons = mkFastString . show . toConstr $ x
+ typ = mkFastString . show . typeRepTyCon . typeOf $ x
+{-# INLINEABLE makeTypeNode #-}
+ :: (Applicative m, Data a)
+ => a -- ^ helps fill in 'nodeAnnotations' (with 'Data')
+ -> SrcSpan -- ^ return an empty list if this is unhelpful
+ -> Type -- ^ type to associate with the node
+ -> m [HieAST Type]
+makeTypeNode x spn etyp = pure $ case spn of
+ RealSrcSpan span ->
+ [Node (NodeInfo (S.singleton (cons,typ)) [etyp] M.empty) span []]
+ _ -> []
+ where
+ cons = mkFastString . show . toConstr $ x
+ typ = mkFastString . show . typeRepTyCon . typeOf $ x
diff --git a/compiler/iface/MkIface.hs b/compiler/iface/MkIface.hs
index 7b66472d7a..c23f577bba 100644
--- a/compiler/iface/MkIface.hs
+++ b/compiler/iface/MkIface.hs
@@ -1291,6 +1291,8 @@ checkVersions hsc_env mod_summary iface
; if recompileRequired recomp then return (recomp, Nothing) else do {
; recomp <- checkHsig mod_summary iface
; if recompileRequired recomp then return (recomp, Nothing) else do {
+ ; recomp <- checkHie mod_summary
+ ; if recompileRequired recomp then return (recomp, Nothing) else do {
; recomp <- checkDependencies hsc_env mod_summary iface
; if recompileRequired recomp then return (recomp, Just iface) else do {
; recomp <- checkPlugins hsc_env iface
@@ -1313,7 +1315,7 @@ checkVersions hsc_env mod_summary iface
; updateEps_ $ \eps -> eps { eps_is_boot = mod_deps }
; recomp <- checkList [checkModUsage this_pkg u | u <- mi_usages iface]
; return (recomp, Just iface)
- }}}}}}}}}
+ }}}}}}}}}}
this_pkg = thisPackage (hsc_dflags hsc_env)
-- This is a bit of a hack really
@@ -1365,6 +1367,22 @@ checkHsig mod_summary iface = do
True -> up_to_date (text "implementing module unchanged")
False -> return (RecompBecause "implementing module changed")
+-- | Check if @.hie@ file is out of date or missing.
+checkHie :: ModSummary -> IfG RecompileRequired
+checkHie mod_summary = do
+ dflags <- getDynFlags
+ let hie_date_opt = ms_hie_date mod_summary
+ hs_date = ms_hs_date mod_summary
+ pure $ case gopt Opt_WriteHie dflags of
+ False -> UpToDate
+ True -> case hie_date_opt of
+ Nothing -> RecompBecause "HIE file is missing"
+ Just hie_date
+ | hie_date < hs_date
+ -> RecompBecause "HIE file is out of date"
+ | otherwise
+ -> UpToDate
-- | Check the flags haven't changed
checkFlagHash :: HscEnv -> ModIface -> IfG RecompileRequired
checkFlagHash hsc_env iface = do
diff --git a/compiler/main/DriverPipeline.hs b/compiler/main/DriverPipeline.hs
index 295d36284f..f1a5cb46e0 100644
--- a/compiler/main/DriverPipeline.hs
+++ b/compiler/main/DriverPipeline.hs
@@ -75,6 +75,8 @@ import Data.Maybe
import Data.Version
import Data.Either ( partitionEithers )
+import Data.Time ( UTCTime )
-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Pre-process
@@ -1016,6 +1018,7 @@ runPhase (RealPhase (Hsc src_flavour)) input_fn dflags0
let o_file = ml_obj_file location -- The real object file
hi_file = ml_hi_file location
+ hie_file = ml_hie_file location
dest_file | writeInterfaceOnlyMode dflags
= hi_file
| otherwise
@@ -1023,7 +1026,7 @@ runPhase (RealPhase (Hsc src_flavour)) input_fn dflags0
-- Figure out if the source has changed, for recompilation avoidance.
- -- Setting source_unchanged to True means that M.o seems
+ -- Setting source_unchanged to True means that M.o (or M.hie) seems
-- to be up to date wrt M.hs; so no need to recompile unless imports have
-- changed (which the compiler itself figures out).
-- Setting source_unchanged to False tells the compiler that M.o is out of
@@ -1037,13 +1040,14 @@ runPhase (RealPhase (Hsc src_flavour)) input_fn dflags0
-- (b) we aren't going all the way to .o file (e.g. ghc -S)
then return SourceModified
-- Otherwise look at file modification dates
- else do dest_file_exists <- doesFileExist dest_file
- if not dest_file_exists
- then return SourceModified -- Need to recompile
- else do t2 <- getModificationUTCTime dest_file
- if t2 > src_timestamp
- then return SourceUnmodified
- else return SourceModified
+ else do dest_file_mod <- sourceModified dest_file src_timestamp
+ hie_file_mod <- if gopt Opt_WriteHie dflags
+ then sourceModified hie_file
+ src_timestamp
+ else pure False
+ if dest_file_mod || hie_file_mod
+ then return SourceModified
+ else return SourceUnmodified
PipeState{hsc_env=hsc_env'} <- getPipeState
@@ -1062,6 +1066,7 @@ runPhase (RealPhase (Hsc src_flavour)) input_fn dflags0
ms_obj_date = Nothing,
ms_parsed_mod = Nothing,
ms_iface_date = Nothing,
+ ms_hie_date = Nothing,
ms_textual_imps = imps,
ms_srcimps = src_imps }
@@ -1634,8 +1639,9 @@ getLocation src_flavour mod_name = do
location1 <- liftIO $ mkHomeModLocation2 dflags mod_name basename suff
-- Boot-ify it if necessary
- let location2 | HsBootFile <- src_flavour = addBootSuffixLocn location1
- | otherwise = location1
+ let location2
+ | HsBootFile <- src_flavour = addBootSuffixLocnOut location1
+ | otherwise = location1
-- Take -ohi into account if present
@@ -2251,6 +2257,18 @@ writeInterfaceOnlyMode dflags =
gopt Opt_WriteInterface dflags &&
HscNothing == hscTarget dflags
+-- | Figure out if a source file was modified after an output file (or if we
+-- anyways need to consider the source file modified since the output is gone).
+sourceModified :: FilePath -- ^ destination file we are looking for
+ -> UTCTime -- ^ last time of modification of source file
+ -> IO Bool -- ^ do we need to regenerate the output?
+sourceModified dest_file src_timestamp = do
+ dest_file_exists <- doesFileExist dest_file
+ if not dest_file_exists
+ then return True -- Need to recompile
+ else do t2 <- getModificationUTCTime dest_file
+ return (t2 <= src_timestamp)
-- | What phase to run after one of the backend code generators has run
hscPostBackendPhase :: DynFlags -> HscSource -> HscTarget -> Phase
hscPostBackendPhase _ HsBootFile _ = StopLn
diff --git a/compiler/main/DynFlags.hs b/compiler/main/DynFlags.hs
index 9e93e47eeb..6c4ee86084 100644
--- a/compiler/main/DynFlags.hs
+++ b/compiler/main/DynFlags.hs
@@ -511,6 +511,7 @@ data GeneralFlag
| Opt_OmitInterfacePragmas
| Opt_ExposeAllUnfoldings
| Opt_WriteInterface -- forces .hi files to be written even with -fno-code
+ | Opt_WriteHie -- generate .hie files
-- profiling opts
| Opt_AutoSccsOnIndividualCafs
@@ -544,6 +545,7 @@ data GeneralFlag
| Opt_GhciSandbox
| Opt_GhciHistory
| Opt_GhciLeakCheck
+ | Opt_ValidateHie
| Opt_LocalGhciHistory
| Opt_NoIt
| Opt_HelpfulErrors
@@ -942,12 +944,14 @@ data DynFlags = DynFlags {
objectDir :: Maybe String,
dylibInstallName :: Maybe String,
hiDir :: Maybe String,
+ hieDir :: Maybe String,
stubDir :: Maybe String,
dumpDir :: Maybe String,
objectSuf :: String,
hcSuf :: String,
hiSuf :: String,
+ hieSuf :: String,
canGenerateDynamicToo :: IORef Bool,
dynObjectSuf :: String,
@@ -1910,12 +1914,14 @@ defaultDynFlags mySettings (myLlvmTargets, myLlvmPasses) =
objectDir = Nothing,
dylibInstallName = Nothing,
hiDir = Nothing,
+ hieDir = Nothing,
stubDir = Nothing,
dumpDir = Nothing,
objectSuf = phaseInputExt StopLn,
hcSuf = phaseInputExt HCc,
hiSuf = "hi",
+ hieSuf = "hie",
canGenerateDynamicToo = panic "defaultDynFlags: No canGenerateDynamicToo",
dynObjectSuf = "dyn_" ++ phaseInputExt StopLn,
@@ -2493,10 +2499,10 @@ getVerbFlags dflags
| verbosity dflags >= 4 = ["-v"]
| otherwise = []
-setObjectDir, setHiDir, setStubDir, setDumpDir, setOutputDir,
+setObjectDir, setHiDir, setHieDir, setStubDir, setDumpDir, setOutputDir,
setDynObjectSuf, setDynHiSuf,
- setObjectSuf, setHiSuf, setHcSuf, parseDynLibLoaderMode,
+ setObjectSuf, setHiSuf, setHieSuf, setHcSuf, parseDynLibLoaderMode,
setPgmP, addOptl, addOptc, addOptP,
addCmdlineFramework, addHaddockOpts, addGhciScript,
@@ -2506,18 +2512,24 @@ setOutputFile, setDynOutputFile, setOutputHi, setDumpPrefixForce
setObjectDir f d = d { objectDir = Just f}
setHiDir f d = d { hiDir = Just f}
+setHieDir f d = d { hieDir = Just f}
setStubDir f d = d { stubDir = Just f
, includePaths = addGlobalInclude (includePaths d) [f] }
-- -stubdir D adds an implicit -I D, so that gcc can find the _stub.h file
-- \#included from the .hc file when compiling via C (i.e. unregisterised
-- builds).
setDumpDir f d = d { dumpDir = Just f}
-setOutputDir f = setObjectDir f . setHiDir f . setStubDir f . setDumpDir f
+setOutputDir f = setObjectDir f
+ . setHieDir f
+ . setHiDir f
+ . setStubDir f
+ . setDumpDir f
setDylibInstallName f d = d { dylibInstallName = Just f}
setObjectSuf f d = d { objectSuf = f}
setDynObjectSuf f d = d { dynObjectSuf = f}
setHiSuf f d = d { hiSuf = f}
+setHieSuf f d = d { hieSuf = f}
setDynHiSuf f d = d { dynHiSuf = f}
setHcSuf f d = d { hcSuf = f}
@@ -3062,8 +3074,10 @@ dynamic_flags_deps = [
, make_ord_flag defGhcFlag "dynosuf" (hasArg setDynObjectSuf)
, make_ord_flag defGhcFlag "hcsuf" (hasArg setHcSuf)
, make_ord_flag defGhcFlag "hisuf" (hasArg setHiSuf)
+ , make_ord_flag defGhcFlag "hiesuf" (hasArg setHieSuf)
, make_ord_flag defGhcFlag "dynhisuf" (hasArg setDynHiSuf)
, make_ord_flag defGhcFlag "hidir" (hasArg setHiDir)
+ , make_ord_flag defGhcFlag "hiedir" (hasArg setHieDir)
, make_ord_flag defGhcFlag "tmpdir" (hasArg setTmpDir)
, make_ord_flag defGhcFlag "stubdir" (hasArg setStubDir)
, make_ord_flag defGhcFlag "dumpdir" (hasArg setDumpDir)
@@ -4088,6 +4102,7 @@ fFlagsDeps = [
flagSpec "gen-manifest" Opt_GenManifest,
flagSpec "ghci-history" Opt_GhciHistory,
flagSpec "ghci-leak-check" Opt_GhciLeakCheck,
+ flagSpec "validate-ide-info" Opt_ValidateHie,
flagGhciSpec "local-ghci-history" Opt_LocalGhciHistory,
flagGhciSpec "no-it" Opt_NoIt,
flagSpec "ghci-sandbox" Opt_GhciSandbox,
@@ -4143,6 +4158,7 @@ fFlagsDeps = [
flagSpec "strictness" Opt_Strictness,
flagSpec "use-rpaths" Opt_RPath,
flagSpec "write-interface" Opt_WriteInterface,
+ flagSpec "write-ide-info" Opt_WriteHie,
flagSpec "unbox-small-strict-fields" Opt_UnboxSmallStrictFields,
flagSpec "unbox-strict-fields" Opt_UnboxStrictFields,
flagSpec "version-macros" Opt_VersionMacros,
diff --git a/compiler/main/Finder.hs b/compiler/main/Finder.hs
index 57d608bbf7..2db0a5e0b4 100644
--- a/compiler/main/Finder.hs
+++ b/compiler/main/Finder.hs
@@ -482,23 +482,27 @@ mkHomeModLocation2 dflags mod src_basename ext = do
obj_fn = mkObjPath dflags src_basename mod_basename
hi_fn = mkHiPath dflags src_basename mod_basename
+ hie_fn = mkHiePath dflags src_basename mod_basename
return (ModLocation{ ml_hs_file = Just (src_basename <.> ext),
ml_hi_file = hi_fn,
- ml_obj_file = obj_fn })
+ ml_obj_file = obj_fn,
+ ml_hie_file = hie_fn })
mkHiOnlyModLocation :: DynFlags -> Suffix -> FilePath -> String
-> IO ModLocation
mkHiOnlyModLocation dflags hisuf path basename
= do let full_basename = path </> basename
obj_fn = mkObjPath dflags full_basename basename
+ hie_fn = mkHiePath dflags full_basename basename
return ModLocation{ ml_hs_file = Nothing,
ml_hi_file = full_basename <.> hisuf,
-- Remove the .hi-boot suffix from
-- hi_file, if it had one. We always
-- want the name of the real .hi file
-- in the ml_hi_file field.
- ml_obj_file = obj_fn
+ ml_obj_file = obj_fn,
+ ml_hie_file = hie_fn
-- | Constructs the filename of a .o file for a given source file.
@@ -532,6 +536,21 @@ mkHiPath dflags basename mod_basename = hi_basename <.> hisuf
hi_basename | Just dir <- hidir = dir </> mod_basename
| otherwise = basename
+-- | Constructs the filename of a .hie file for a given source file.
+-- Does /not/ check whether the .hie file exists
+ :: DynFlags
+ -> FilePath -- the filename of the source file, minus the extension
+ -> String -- the module name with dots replaced by slashes
+ -> FilePath
+mkHiePath dflags basename mod_basename = hie_basename <.> hiesuf
+ where
+ hiedir = hieDir dflags
+ hiesuf = hieSuf dflags
+ hie_basename | Just dir <- hiedir = dir </> mod_basename
+ | otherwise = basename
-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
diff --git a/compiler/main/GhcMake.hs b/compiler/main/GhcMake.hs
index 39b6427173..8b2bc01ffe 100644
--- a/compiler/main/GhcMake.hs
+++ b/compiler/main/GhcMake.hs
@@ -2186,6 +2186,8 @@ summariseFile hsc_env old_summaries file mb_phase obj_allowed maybe_buf
then liftIO $ getObjTimestamp location NotBoot
else return Nothing
hi_timestamp <- maybeGetIfaceDate dflags location
+ let hie_location = ml_hie_file location
+ hie_timestamp <- modificationTimeIfExists hie_location
-- We have to repopulate the Finder's cache because it
-- was flushed before the downsweep.
@@ -2193,7 +2195,8 @@ summariseFile hsc_env old_summaries file mb_phase obj_allowed maybe_buf
(moduleName (ms_mod old_summary)) (ms_location old_summary)
return old_summary{ ms_obj_date = obj_timestamp
- , ms_iface_date = hi_timestamp }
+ , ms_iface_date = hi_timestamp
+ , ms_hie_date = hie_timestamp }
new_summary src_timestamp
@@ -2232,6 +2235,7 @@ summariseFile hsc_env old_summaries file mb_phase obj_allowed maybe_buf
else return Nothing
hi_timestamp <- maybeGetIfaceDate dflags location
+ hie_timestamp <- modificationTimeIfExists (ml_hie_file location)
extra_sig_imports <- findExtraSigImports hsc_env hsc_src mod_name
required_by_imports <- implicitRequirements hsc_env the_imps
@@ -2247,6 +2251,7 @@ summariseFile hsc_env old_summaries file mb_phase obj_allowed maybe_buf
ms_textual_imps = the_imps ++ extra_sig_imports ++ required_by_imports,
ms_hs_date = src_timestamp,
ms_iface_date = hi_timestamp,
+ ms_hie_date = hie_timestamp,
ms_obj_date = obj_timestamp })
findSummaryBySourceFile :: [ModSummary] -> FilePath -> Maybe ModSummary
@@ -2304,8 +2309,10 @@ summariseModule hsc_env old_summary_map is_boot (L loc wanted_mod)
then getObjTimestamp location is_boot
else return Nothing
hi_timestamp <- maybeGetIfaceDate dflags location
+ hie_timestamp <- modificationTimeIfExists (ml_hie_file location)
return (Just (Right old_summary{ ms_obj_date = obj_timestamp
- , ms_iface_date = hi_timestamp}))
+ , ms_iface_date = hi_timestamp
+ , ms_hie_date = hie_timestamp }))
| otherwise =
-- source changed: re-summarise.
new_summary location (ms_mod old_summary) src_fn src_timestamp
@@ -2389,6 +2396,7 @@ summariseModule hsc_env old_summary_map is_boot (L loc wanted_mod)
else return Nothing
hi_timestamp <- maybeGetIfaceDate dflags location
+ hie_timestamp <- modificationTimeIfExists (ml_hie_file location)
extra_sig_imports <- findExtraSigImports hsc_env hsc_src mod_name
required_by_imports <- implicitRequirements hsc_env the_imps
@@ -2404,6 +2412,7 @@ summariseModule hsc_env old_summary_map is_boot (L loc wanted_mod)
ms_textual_imps = the_imps ++ extra_sig_imports ++ required_by_imports,
ms_hs_date = src_timestamp,
ms_iface_date = hi_timestamp,
+ ms_hie_date = hie_timestamp,
ms_obj_date = obj_timestamp })))
diff --git a/compiler/main/HscMain.hs b/compiler/main/HscMain.hs
index 9b9edf7d21..c2c912451b 100644
--- a/compiler/main/HscMain.hs
+++ b/compiler/main/HscMain.hs
@@ -85,6 +85,7 @@ module HscMain
import GhcPrelude
import Data.Data hiding (Fixity, TyCon)
+import Data.Maybe ( fromJust )
import Id
import GHCi ( addSptEntry )
import GHCi.RemoteTypes ( ForeignHValue )
@@ -167,10 +168,15 @@ import Data.IORef
import System.FilePath as FilePath
import System.Directory
import System.IO (fixIO)
-import qualified Data.Map as Map
+import qualified Data.Map as M
import qualified Data.Set as S
import Data.Set (Set)
+import HieAst ( mkHieFile )
+import HieTypes ( getAsts, hie_asts )
+import HieBin ( readHieFile, writeHieFile )
+import HieDebug ( diffFile, validateScopes )
#include "HsVersions.h"
@@ -379,8 +385,8 @@ hscParse' mod_summary
hpm_module = rdr_module,
hpm_src_files = srcs2,
- = (Map.fromListWith (++) $ annotations pst,
- Map.fromList $ ((noSrcSpan,comment_q pst)
+ = (M.fromListWith (++) $ annotations pst,
+ M.fromList $ ((noSrcSpan,comment_q pst)
:(annotations_comments pst)))
@@ -392,15 +398,41 @@ hscParse' mod_summary
-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- | If the renamed source has been kept, extract it. Dump it if requested.
-extract_renamed_stuff :: TcGblEnv -> Hsc (TcGblEnv, RenamedStuff)
-extract_renamed_stuff tc_result = do
+extract_renamed_stuff :: ModSummary -> TcGblEnv -> Hsc RenamedStuff
+extract_renamed_stuff mod_summary tc_result = do
let rn_info = getRenamedStuff tc_result
dflags <- getDynFlags
liftIO $ dumpIfSet_dyn dflags Opt_D_dump_rn_ast "Renamer" $
showAstData NoBlankSrcSpan rn_info
- return (tc_result, rn_info)
+ -- Create HIE files
+ when (gopt Opt_WriteHie dflags) $ do
+ hieFile <- mkHieFile mod_summary (tcg_binds tc_result)
+ (fromJust rn_info)
+ let out_file = ml_hie_file $ ms_location mod_summary
+ liftIO $ writeHieFile out_file hieFile
+ -- Validate HIE files
+ when (gopt Opt_ValidateHie dflags) $ do
+ hs_env <- Hsc $ \e w -> return (e, w)
+ liftIO $ do
+ -- Validate Scopes
+ case validateScopes $ getAsts $ hie_asts hieFile of
+ [] -> putMsg dflags $ text "Got valid scopes"
+ xs -> do
+ putMsg dflags $ text "Got invalid scopes"
+ mapM_ (putMsg dflags) xs
+ -- Roundtrip testing
+ nc <- readIORef $ hsc_NC hs_env
+ (file', _) <- readHieFile nc out_file
+ case diffFile hieFile file' of
+ [] ->
+ putMsg dflags $ text "Got no roundtrip errors"
+ xs -> do
+ putMsg dflags $ text "Got roundtrip errors"
+ mapM_ (putMsg dflags) xs
+ return rn_info
-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
@@ -408,22 +440,23 @@ extract_renamed_stuff tc_result = do
hscTypecheckRename :: HscEnv -> ModSummary -> HsParsedModule
-> IO (TcGblEnv, RenamedStuff)
hscTypecheckRename hsc_env mod_summary rdr_module = runHsc hsc_env $ do
- tc_result <- hscTypecheck True mod_summary (Just rdr_module)
- extract_renamed_stuff tc_result
+ tc_result <- hsc_typecheck True mod_summary (Just rdr_module)
+ rn_info <- extract_renamed_stuff mod_summary tc_result
+ return (tc_result, rn_info)
+-- | Rename and typecheck a module, but don't return the renamed syntax
hscTypecheck :: Bool -- ^ Keep renamed source?
-> ModSummary -> Maybe HsParsedModule
-> Hsc TcGblEnv
hscTypecheck keep_rn mod_summary mb_rdr_module = do
- tc_result <- hscTypecheck' keep_rn mod_summary mb_rdr_module
- _ <- extract_renamed_stuff tc_result
+ tc_result <- hsc_typecheck keep_rn mod_summary mb_rdr_module
+ _ <- extract_renamed_stuff mod_summary tc_result
return tc_result
-hscTypecheck' :: Bool -- ^ Keep renamed source?
+hsc_typecheck :: Bool -- ^ Keep renamed source?
-> ModSummary -> Maybe HsParsedModule
-> Hsc TcGblEnv
-hscTypecheck' keep_rn mod_summary mb_rdr_module = do
+hsc_typecheck keep_rn mod_summary mb_rdr_module = do
hsc_env <- getHscEnv
let hsc_src = ms_hsc_src mod_summary
dflags = hsc_dflags hsc_env
@@ -433,6 +466,7 @@ hscTypecheck' keep_rn mod_summary mb_rdr_module = do
inner_mod = canonicalizeHomeModule dflags mod_name
src_filename = ms_hspp_file mod_summary
real_loc = realSrcLocSpan $ mkRealSrcLoc (mkFastString src_filename) 1 1
+ keep_rn' = gopt Opt_WriteHie dflags || keep_rn
MASSERT( moduleUnitId outer_mod == thisPackage dflags )
if hsc_src == HsigFile && not (isHoleModule inner_mod)
then ioMsgMaybe $ tcRnInstantiateSignature hsc_env outer_mod' real_loc
@@ -440,7 +474,7 @@ hscTypecheck' keep_rn mod_summary mb_rdr_module = do
do hpm <- case mb_rdr_module of
Just hpm -> return hpm
Nothing -> hscParse' mod_summary
- tc_result0 <- tcRnModule' mod_summary keep_rn hpm
+ tc_result0 <- tcRnModule' mod_summary keep_rn' hpm
if hsc_src == HsigFile
then do (iface, _, _) <- liftIO $ hscSimpleIface hsc_env tc_result0 Nothing
ioMsgMaybe $
@@ -1411,7 +1445,8 @@ hscCompileCmmFile hsc_env filename output_filename = runHsc hsc_env $ do
no_loc = ModLocation{ ml_hs_file = Just filename,
ml_hi_file = panic "hscCompileCmmFile: no hi file",
- ml_obj_file = panic "hscCompileCmmFile: no obj file" }
+ ml_obj_file = panic "hscCompileCmmFile: no obj file",
+ ml_hie_file = panic "hscCompileCmmFile: no hie file"}
-------------------- Stuff for new code gen ---------------------
@@ -1591,7 +1626,8 @@ hscDeclsWithLocation hsc_env0 str source linenumber =
-- We use a basically null location for iNTERACTIVE
let iNTERACTIVELoc = ModLocation{ ml_hs_file = Nothing,
ml_hi_file = panic "hsDeclsWithLocation:ml_hi_file",
- ml_obj_file = panic "hsDeclsWithLocation:ml_hi_file"}
+ ml_obj_file = panic "hsDeclsWithLocation:ml_obj_file",
+ ml_hie_file = panic "hsDeclsWithLocation:ml_hie_file" }
ds_result <- hscDesugar' iNTERACTIVELoc tc_gblenv
{- Simplify -}
diff --git a/compiler/main/HscTypes.hs b/compiler/main/HscTypes.hs
index d0cf7e0dd8..456332daeb 100644
--- a/compiler/main/HscTypes.hs
+++ b/compiler/main/HscTypes.hs
@@ -2752,6 +2752,8 @@ data ModSummary
-- ^ Timestamp of hi file, if we *only* are typechecking (it is
-- 'Nothing' otherwise.
-- See Note [Recompilation checking in -fno-code mode] and #9243
+ ms_hie_date :: Maybe UTCTime,
+ -- ^ Timestamp of hie file, if we have one
ms_srcimps :: [(Maybe FastString, Located ModuleName)],
-- ^ Source imports of the module
ms_textual_imps :: [(Maybe FastString, Located ModuleName)],
@@ -2833,7 +2835,7 @@ showModMsg dflags target recomp mod_summary = showSDoc dflags $
* *
* *
diff --git a/compiler/typecheck/TcRnMonad.hs b/compiler/typecheck/TcRnMonad.hs
index 16b81015e1..77ea116042 100644
--- a/compiler/typecheck/TcRnMonad.hs
+++ b/compiler/typecheck/TcRnMonad.hs
@@ -238,6 +238,8 @@ initTc hsc_env hsc_src keep_rn_syntax mod loc do_this
maybe_rn_syntax empty_val
| dopt Opt_D_dump_rn_ast dflags = Just empty_val
+ | gopt Opt_WriteHie dflags = Just empty_val
-- We want to serialize the documentation in the .hi-files,
-- and need to extract it from the renamed syntax first.
-- See 'ExtractDocs.extractDocs'.
diff --git a/compiler/utils/Binary.hs b/compiler/utils/Binary.hs
index c8b4989bf3..4bd05da485 100644
--- a/compiler/utils/Binary.hs
+++ b/compiler/utils/Binary.hs
@@ -409,6 +409,15 @@ instance Binary a => Binary [a] where
loop n = do a <- get bh; as <- loop (n-1); return (a:as)
loop len
+instance (Ix a, Binary a, Binary b) => Binary (Array a b) where
+ put_ bh arr = do
+ put_ bh $ bounds arr
+ put_ bh $ elems arr
+ get bh = do
+ bounds <- get bh
+ xs <- get bh
+ return $ listArray bounds xs
instance (Binary a, Binary b) => Binary (a,b) where
put_ bh (a,b) = do put_ bh a; put_ bh b
get bh = do a <- get bh
@@ -1147,14 +1156,27 @@ instance Binary a => Binary (Located a) where
x <- get bh
return (L l x)
+instance Binary RealSrcSpan where
+ put_ bh ss = do
+ put_ bh (srcSpanFile ss)
+ put_ bh (srcSpanStartLine ss)
+ put_ bh (srcSpanStartCol ss)
+ put_ bh (srcSpanEndLine ss)
+ put_ bh (srcSpanEndCol ss)
+ get bh = do
+ f <- get bh
+ sl <- get bh
+ sc <- get bh
+ el <- get bh
+ ec <- get bh
+ return (mkRealSrcSpan (mkRealSrcLoc f sl sc)
+ (mkRealSrcLoc f el ec))
instance Binary SrcSpan where
put_ bh (RealSrcSpan ss) = do
putByte bh 0
- put_ bh (srcSpanFile ss)
- put_ bh (srcSpanStartLine ss)
- put_ bh (srcSpanStartCol ss)
- put_ bh (srcSpanEndLine ss)
- put_ bh (srcSpanEndCol ss)
+ put_ bh ss
put_ bh (UnhelpfulSpan s) = do
putByte bh 1
@@ -1163,13 +1185,8 @@ instance Binary SrcSpan where
get bh = do
h <- getByte bh
case h of
- 0 -> do f <- get bh
- sl <- get bh
- sc <- get bh
- el <- get bh
- ec <- get bh
- return (mkSrcSpan (mkSrcLoc f sl sc)
- (mkSrcLoc f el ec))
+ 0 -> do ss <- get bh
+ return (RealSrcSpan ss)
_ -> do s <- get bh
return (UnhelpfulSpan s)