path: root/compiler
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authorBen Gamari <>2021-01-12 20:56:02 -0500
committerMarge Bot <>2021-02-17 11:22:23 -0500
commita70bab97a0617bb9516b65d1d211b5e26ab51641 (patch)
treec689c34f54c7c4df5299254907e5654ee9ef91b4 /compiler
parentfb94d102b932ee4e4193199c926369c9cd09b9dc (diff)
UnVarGraph: Improve asymptotics
This is a redesign of the UnVarGraph data structure used by the call arity analysis to avoid the pathologically-poor performance observed in issue #18789. Specifically, deletions were previously O(n) in the case of graphs consisting of many complete (bipartite) sub-graphs. Together with the nature of call arity this would produce quadratic behavior. We now encode deletions specifically, taking care to do some light normalization of empty structures. In the case of the `Network.AWS.EC2.Types.Sum` module from #19203, this brings the runtime of the call-arity analysis from over 50 seconds down to less than 2 seconds. Metric Decrease: T15164 WWRec
Diffstat (limited to 'compiler')
1 files changed, 66 insertions, 30 deletions
diff --git a/compiler/GHC/Data/Graph/UnVar.hs b/compiler/GHC/Data/Graph/UnVar.hs
index 3d6c805a20..05bafe98bc 100644
--- a/compiler/GHC/Data/Graph/UnVar.hs
+++ b/compiler/GHC/Data/Graph/UnVar.hs
@@ -34,7 +34,6 @@ import GHC.Types.Id
import GHC.Types.Var.Env
import GHC.Types.Unique.FM
import GHC.Utils.Outputable
-import GHC.Data.Bag
import GHC.Types.Unique
import qualified Data.IntSet as S
@@ -64,12 +63,21 @@ isEmptyUnVarSet (UnVarSet s) = S.null s
delUnVarSet :: UnVarSet -> Var -> UnVarSet
delUnVarSet (UnVarSet s) v = UnVarSet $ k v `S.delete` s
+minusUnVarSet :: UnVarSet -> UnVarSet -> UnVarSet
+minusUnVarSet (UnVarSet s) (UnVarSet s') = UnVarSet $ s `S.difference` s'
+sizeUnVarSet :: UnVarSet -> Int
+sizeUnVarSet (UnVarSet s) = S.size s
mkUnVarSet :: [Var] -> UnVarSet
mkUnVarSet vs = UnVarSet $ S.fromList $ map k vs
varEnvDom :: VarEnv a -> UnVarSet
varEnvDom ae = UnVarSet $ ufmToSet_Directly ae
+extendUnVarSet :: Var -> UnVarSet -> UnVarSet
+extendUnVarSet v (UnVarSet s) = UnVarSet $ S.insert (k v) s
unionUnVarSet :: UnVarSet -> UnVarSet -> UnVarSet
unionUnVarSet (UnVarSet set1) (UnVarSet set2) = UnVarSet (set1 `S.union` set2)
@@ -80,14 +88,13 @@ instance Outputable UnVarSet where
ppr (UnVarSet s) = braces $
hcat $ punctuate comma [ ppr (getUnique i) | i <- S.toList s]
--- The graph type. A list of complete bipartite graphs
-data Gen = CBPG UnVarSet UnVarSet -- complete bipartite
- | CG UnVarSet -- complete
-newtype UnVarGraph = UnVarGraph (Bag Gen)
+data UnVarGraph = CBPG !UnVarSet !UnVarSet -- ^ complete bipartite graph
+ | CG !UnVarSet -- ^ complete graph
+ | Union UnVarGraph UnVarGraph
+ | Del !UnVarSet UnVarGraph
emptyUnVarGraph :: UnVarGraph
-emptyUnVarGraph = UnVarGraph emptyBag
+emptyUnVarGraph = CG emptyUnVarSet
unionUnVarGraph :: UnVarGraph -> UnVarGraph -> UnVarGraph
@@ -101,45 +108,74 @@ unionUnVarGraph (UnVarGraph [CBPG s1 s2]) (UnVarGraph [CG s3, CG s4])
= pprTrace "unionUnVarGraph fired2" empty $
completeGraph (s1 `unionUnVarSet` s2)
-unionUnVarGraph (UnVarGraph g1) (UnVarGraph g2)
- = -- pprTrace "unionUnVarGraph" (ppr (length g1, length g2)) $
- UnVarGraph (g1 `unionBags` g2)
+unionUnVarGraph a b
+ | is_null a = b
+ | is_null b = a
+ | otherwise = Union a b
unionUnVarGraphs :: [UnVarGraph] -> UnVarGraph
unionUnVarGraphs = foldl' unionUnVarGraph emptyUnVarGraph
-- completeBipartiteGraph A B = { {a,b} | a ∈ A, b ∈ B }
completeBipartiteGraph :: UnVarSet -> UnVarSet -> UnVarGraph
-completeBipartiteGraph s1 s2 = prune $ UnVarGraph $ unitBag $ CBPG s1 s2
+completeBipartiteGraph s1 s2 = prune $ CBPG s1 s2
completeGraph :: UnVarSet -> UnVarGraph
-completeGraph s = prune $ UnVarGraph $ unitBag $ CG s
+completeGraph s = prune $ CG s
+-- (v' ∈ neighbors G v) <=> v--v' ∈ G
neighbors :: UnVarGraph -> Var -> UnVarSet
-neighbors (UnVarGraph g) v = unionUnVarSets $ concatMap go $ bagToList g
- where go (CG s) = (if v `elemUnVarSet` s then [s] else [])
- go (CBPG s1 s2) = (if v `elemUnVarSet` s1 then [s2] else []) ++
- (if v `elemUnVarSet` s2 then [s1] else [])
+neighbors = go
+ where
+ go (Del d g) v
+ | v `elemUnVarSet` d = emptyUnVarSet
+ | otherwise = go g v `minusUnVarSet` d
+ go (Union g1 g2) v = go g1 v `unionUnVarSet` go g2 v
+ go (CG s) v = if v `elemUnVarSet` s then s else emptyUnVarSet
+ go (CBPG s1 s2) v = (if v `elemUnVarSet` s1 then s2 else emptyUnVarSet) `unionUnVarSet`
+ (if v `elemUnVarSet` s2 then s1 else emptyUnVarSet)
-- hasLoopAt G v <=> v--v ∈ G
hasLoopAt :: UnVarGraph -> Var -> Bool
-hasLoopAt (UnVarGraph g) v = any go $ bagToList g
- where go (CG s) = v `elemUnVarSet` s
- go (CBPG s1 s2) = v `elemUnVarSet` s1 && v `elemUnVarSet` s2
+hasLoopAt = go
+ where
+ go (Del d g) v
+ | v `elemUnVarSet` d = False
+ | otherwise = go g v
+ go (Union g1 g2) v = go g1 v || go g2 v
+ go (CG s) v = v `elemUnVarSet` s
+ go (CBPG s1 s2) v = v `elemUnVarSet` s1 && v `elemUnVarSet` s2
delNode :: UnVarGraph -> Var -> UnVarGraph
-delNode (UnVarGraph g) v = prune $ UnVarGraph $ mapBag go g
- where go (CG s) = CG (s `delUnVarSet` v)
- go (CBPG s1 s2) = CBPG (s1 `delUnVarSet` v) (s2 `delUnVarSet` v)
+delNode (Del d g) v = Del (extendUnVarSet v d) g
+delNode g v
+ | is_null g = emptyUnVarGraph
+ | otherwise = Del (mkUnVarSet [v]) g
+-- | Resolves all `Del`, by pushing them in, and simplifies `∅ ∪ … = …`
prune :: UnVarGraph -> UnVarGraph
-prune (UnVarGraph g) = UnVarGraph $ filterBag go g
- where go (CG s) = not (isEmptyUnVarSet s)
- go (CBPG s1 s2) = not (isEmptyUnVarSet s1) && not (isEmptyUnVarSet s2)
+prune = go emptyUnVarSet
+ where
+ go :: UnVarSet -> UnVarGraph -> UnVarGraph
+ go dels (Del dels' g) = go (dels `unionUnVarSet` dels') g
+ go dels (Union g1 g2)
+ | is_null g1' = g2'
+ | is_null g2' = g1'
+ | otherwise = Union g1' g2'
+ where
+ g1' = go dels g1
+ g2' = go dels g2
+ go dels (CG s) = CG (s `minusUnVarSet` dels)
+ go dels (CBPG s1 s2) = CBPG (s1 `minusUnVarSet` dels) (s2 `minusUnVarSet` dels)
+-- | Shallow empty check.
+is_null :: UnVarGraph -> Bool
+is_null (CBPG s1 s2) = isEmptyUnVarSet s1 || isEmptyUnVarSet s2
+is_null (CG s) = isEmptyUnVarSet s
+is_null _ = False
-instance Outputable Gen where
- ppr (CG s) = ppr s <> char '²'
- ppr (CBPG s1 s2) = ppr s1 <+> char 'x' <+> ppr s2
instance Outputable UnVarGraph where
- ppr (UnVarGraph g) = ppr g
+ ppr (Del d g) = text "Del" <+> ppr (sizeUnVarSet d) <+> parens (ppr g)
+ ppr (Union a b) = text "Union" <+> parens (ppr a) <+> parens (ppr b)
+ ppr (CG s) = text "CG" <+> ppr (sizeUnVarSet s)
+ ppr (CBPG a b) = text "CBPG" <+> ppr (sizeUnVarSet a) <+> ppr (sizeUnVarSet b)