path: root/compiler
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authorManuel M T Chakravarty <>2008-09-25 08:41:39 +0000
committerManuel M T Chakravarty <>2008-09-25 08:41:39 +0000
commit654d07dd0fb679d014ac363e13c004b0086d0d6e (patch)
tree6087496d6851792841d0113ed0fa33c5c71a6e6e /compiler
parent9c9e716300335d9877227e06b24235bba68787a1 (diff)
Type families: fix decomposition problem
* Fixes the problem reported in <>
Diffstat (limited to 'compiler')
3 files changed, 52 insertions, 45 deletions
diff --git a/compiler/typecheck/TcTyFuns.lhs b/compiler/typecheck/TcTyFuns.lhs
index 113ea43bd5..bed053d2d6 100644
--- a/compiler/typecheck/TcTyFuns.lhs
+++ b/compiler/typecheck/TcTyFuns.lhs
@@ -470,22 +470,29 @@ normEqInst :: Inst -> TcM ([RewriteInst], TyVarSet)
-- Normalise one equality.
normEqInst inst
= ASSERT( isEqInst inst )
- go ty1 ty2 (eqInstCoercion inst)
+ do { traceTc $ ptext (sLit "normEqInst of ") <+>
+ pprEqInstCo co <+> text "::" <+>
+ ppr ty1 <+> text "~" <+> ppr ty2
+ ; res <- go ty1 ty2 co
+ ; traceTc $ ptext (sLit "normEqInst returns") <+> ppr res
+ ; return res
+ }
(ty1, ty2) = eqInstTys inst
+ co = eqInstCoercion inst
-- look through synonyms
go ty1 ty2 co | Just ty1' <- tcView ty1 = go ty1' ty2 co
go ty1 ty2 co | Just ty2' <- tcView ty2 = go ty1 ty2' co
-- left-to-right rule with type family head
- go (TyConApp con args) ty2 co
- | isOpenSynTyCon con
+ go ty1@(TyConApp con args) ty2 co
+ | isOpenSynTyConApp ty1 -- only if not oversaturated
= mkRewriteFam False con args ty2 co
-- right-to-left rule with type family head
go ty1 ty2@(TyConApp con args) co
- | isOpenSynTyCon con
+ | isOpenSynTyConApp ty2 -- only if not oversaturated
= do { co' <- mkSymEqInstCo co (ty2, ty1)
; mkRewriteFam True con args ty1 co'
@@ -573,13 +580,7 @@ checkOrientation :: Type -> Type -> EqInstCo -> Inst -> TcM [RewriteInst]
-- NB: We cannot assume that the two types already have outermost type
-- synonyms expanded due to the recursion in the case of type applications.
checkOrientation ty1 ty2 co inst
- = do { traceTc $ ptext (sLit "checkOrientation of ") <+>
- pprEqInstCo co <+> text "::" <+>
- ppr ty1 <+> text "~" <+> ppr ty2
- ; eqs <- go ty1 ty2
- ; traceTc $ ptext (sLit "checkOrientation returns") <+> ppr eqs
- ; return eqs
- }
+ = go ty1 ty2
-- look through synonyms
go ty1 ty2 | Just ty1' <- tcView ty1 = go ty1' ty2
@@ -669,10 +670,10 @@ flattenType inst ty
go ty@(TyVarTy _)
= return (ty, ty, [] , emptyVarSet)
- -- type family application
+ -- type family application & family arity matches number of args
-- => flatten to "gamma :: F t1'' ~ alpha" (alpha & gamma fresh)
go ty@(TyConApp con args)
- | isOpenSynTyCon con
+ | isOpenSynTyConApp ty -- only if not oversaturated
= do { (args', cargs, args_eqss, args_skolemss) <- mapAndUnzip4M go args
; alpha <- newFlexiTyVar (typeKind ty)
; let alphaTy = mkTyVarTy alpha
@@ -695,6 +696,7 @@ flattenType inst ty
-- data constructor application => flatten subtypes
-- NB: Special cased for efficiency - could be handled as type application
go ty@(TyConApp con args)
+ | not (isOpenSynTyCon con) -- don't match oversaturated family apps
= do { (args', cargs, args_eqss, args_skolemss) <- mapAndUnzip4M go args
; if null args_eqss
then -- unchanged, keep the old type with folded synonyms
@@ -722,7 +724,10 @@ flattenType inst ty
-- type application => flatten subtypes
- go ty@(AppTy ty_l ty_r)
+ go ty
+ | Just (ty_l, ty_r) <- repSplitAppTy_maybe ty
+ -- need to use the smart split as ty may be an
+ -- oversaturated family application
= do { (ty_l', co_l, eqs_l, skolems_l) <- go ty_l
; (ty_r', co_r, eqs_r, skolems_r) <- go ty_r
; if null eqs_l && null eqs_r
@@ -749,6 +754,8 @@ flattenType inst ty
go (PredTy _)
= panic "TcTyFuns.flattenType: unexpected PredType"
+ go _ = panic "TcTyFuns: suppress bogus warning"
adjustCoercions :: EqInstCo -- coercion of original equality
-> Coercion -- coercion witnessing the left rewrite
-> Coercion -- coercion witnessing the right rewrite
diff --git a/compiler/typecheck/TcType.lhs b/compiler/typecheck/TcType.lhs
index 1a3fad7360..fe5ea39692 100644
--- a/compiler/typecheck/TcType.lhs
+++ b/compiler/typecheck/TcType.lhs
@@ -1007,8 +1007,9 @@ is_tc uniq ty = case tcSplitTyConApp_maybe ty of
-- hence no 'coreView'. This could, however, be changed without breaking
-- any code.
isOpenSynTyConApp :: TcTauType -> Bool
-isOpenSynTyConApp (TyConApp tc _) = isOpenSynTyCon tc
-isOpenSynTyConApp _other = False
+isOpenSynTyConApp (TyConApp tc tys) = isOpenSynTyCon tc &&
+ length tys == tyConArity tc
+isOpenSynTyConApp _other = False
diff --git a/compiler/typecheck/TcUnify.lhs b/compiler/typecheck/TcUnify.lhs
index 94af19c6ee..9f5daeb0bc 100644
--- a/compiler/typecheck/TcUnify.lhs
+++ b/compiler/typecheck/TcUnify.lhs
@@ -1192,13 +1192,13 @@ u_tys outer nb1 orig_ty1 ty1 nb2 orig_ty2 ty2
go outer _ (PredTy p1) _ (PredTy p2)
= uPred outer nb1 p1 nb2 p2
- -- Type constructors must match
+ -- Non-synonym type constructors must match
go _ _ (TyConApp con1 tys1) _ (TyConApp con2 tys2)
| con1 == con2 && not (isOpenSynTyCon con1)
= do { cois <- uTys_s nb1 tys1 nb2 tys2
; return $ mkTyConAppCoI con1 tys1 cois
- -- See Note [TyCon app]
+ -- Family synonyms See Note [TyCon app]
| con1 == con2 && identicalOpenSynTyConApp
= do { cois <- uTys_s nb1 tys1' nb2 tys2'
; return $ mkTyConAppCoI con1 tys1 (replicate n IdCo ++ cois)
@@ -1210,6 +1210,29 @@ u_tys outer nb1 orig_ty1 ty1 nb2 orig_ty2 ty2
identicalOpenSynTyConApp = idxTys1 `tcEqTypes` idxTys2
-- See Note [OpenSynTyCon app]
+ -- If we can reduce a family app => proceed with reduct
+ -- NB: We use isOpenSynTyCon, not isOpenSynTyConApp as we also must
+ -- defer oversaturated applications!
+ go outer sty1 ty1@(TyConApp con1 _) sty2 ty2
+ | isOpenSynTyCon con1
+ = do { (coi1, ty1') <- tcNormaliseFamInst ty1
+ ; case coi1 of
+ IdCo -> defer -- no reduction, see [Deferred Unification]
+ _ -> liftM (coi1 `mkTransCoI`) $ go outer sty1 ty1' sty2 ty2
+ }
+ -- If we can reduce a family app => proceed with reduct
+ -- NB: We use isOpenSynTyCon, not isOpenSynTyConApp as we also must
+ -- defer oversaturated applications!
+ go outer sty1 ty1 sty2 ty2@(TyConApp con2 _)
+ | isOpenSynTyCon con2
+ = do { (coi2, ty2') <- tcNormaliseFamInst ty2
+ ; case coi2 of
+ IdCo -> defer -- no reduction, see [Deferred Unification]
+ _ -> liftM (`mkTransCoI` mkSymCoI coi2) $
+ go outer sty1 ty1 sty2 ty2'
+ }
-- Functions; just check the two parts
go _ _ (FunTy fun1 arg1) _ (FunTy fun2 arg2)
= do { coi_l <- uTys nb1 fun1 nb2 fun2
@@ -1235,36 +1258,12 @@ u_tys outer nb1 orig_ty1 ty1 nb2 orig_ty2 ty2
; coi_t <- uTys nb1 t1 nb2 t2
; return $ mkAppTyCoI s1 coi_s t1 coi_t }
- -- One or both outermost constructors are type family applications.
- -- If we can normalise them away, proceed as usual; otherwise, we
- -- need to defer unification by generating a wanted equality constraint.
- go outer sty1 ty1 sty2 ty2
- | ty1_is_fun || ty2_is_fun
- = do { (coi1, ty1') <- if ty1_is_fun then tcNormaliseFamInst ty1
- else return (IdCo, ty1)
- ; (coi2, ty2') <- if ty2_is_fun then tcNormaliseFamInst ty2
- else return (IdCo, ty2)
- ; coi <- if isOpenSynTyConApp ty1' || isOpenSynTyConApp ty2'
- then do { -- One type family app can't be reduced yet
- -- => defer
- ; ty1'' <- zonkTcType ty1'
- ; ty2'' <- zonkTcType ty2'
- ; if tcEqType ty1'' ty2''
- then return IdCo
- else -- see [Deferred Unification]
- defer_unification outer False orig_ty1 orig_ty2
- }
- else -- unification can proceed
- go outer sty1 ty1' sty2 ty2'
- ; return $ coi1 `mkTransCoI` coi `mkTransCoI` (mkSymCoI coi2)
- }
- where
- ty1_is_fun = isOpenSynTyConApp ty1
- ty2_is_fun = isOpenSynTyConApp ty2
-- Anything else fails
go outer _ _ _ _ = bale_out outer
+ defer = defer_unification outer False orig_ty1 orig_ty2
uPred :: Outer -> InBox -> PredType -> InBox -> PredType -> TcM CoercionI
uPred _ nb1 (IParam n1 t1) nb2 (IParam n2 t2)