path: root/compiler
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authorManuel M T Chakravarty <>2011-11-09 10:29:47 +1100
committerManuel M T Chakravarty <>2011-11-09 12:00:48 +1100
commit9097e67beb64e29bb72e18a85b1cfca2a045ea76 (patch)
treefab18ec3ad363cbd71e3e890e72e9a28768bc1a7 /compiler
parent44d999bb54ea1c1ab590bd1f18c47a40411b79bd (diff)
First cut at scalar vectorisation of class instances
Diffstat (limited to 'compiler')
7 files changed, 228 insertions, 81 deletions
diff --git a/compiler/vectorise/Vectorise.hs b/compiler/vectorise/Vectorise.hs
index 3ba247dfbe..7d2415caf2 100644
--- a/compiler/vectorise/Vectorise.hs
+++ b/compiler/vectorise/Vectorise.hs
@@ -81,25 +81,15 @@ vectModule guts@(ModGuts { mg_tcs = tycons
-- array types.
; (new_tycons, new_fam_insts, tc_binds) <- vectTypeEnv tycons ty_vect_decls cls_vect_decls
-{- TODO:
-instance Num Int where
- (+) = primAdd
-{-# VECTORISE SCALAR instance Num Int #-}
-==> $dNumInt :: Num Int; $dNumInt = Num primAdd
-=>> $v$dNumInt :: $vNum Int
- $v$dNumInt = $vNum (closure1 (scalar_zipWith primAdd) (scalar_zipWith primAdd))
- $dNumInt -v> $v$dNumInt
-- Family instance environment for /all/ home-package modules including those instances
-- generated by 'vectTypeEnv'.
; (_, fam_inst_env) <- readGEnv global_fam_inst_env
-- Vectorise all the top level bindings and VECTORISE declarations on imported identifiers
+ ; let impBinds = [imp_id | Vect imp_id _ <- vect_decls, isGlobalId imp_id] ++
+ [imp_id | VectInst True imp_id <- vect_decls, isGlobalId imp_id]
; binds_top <- mapM vectTopBind binds
- ; binds_imp <- mapM vectImpBind [imp_id | Vect imp_id _ <- vect_decls, isGlobalId imp_id]
+ ; binds_imp <- mapM vectImpBind impBinds
; return $ guts { mg_tcs = tycons ++ new_tycons
-- we produce no new classes or instances, only new class type constructors
@@ -283,21 +273,63 @@ vectTopBinder var inline expr
unfolding = case inline of
Inline arity -> mkInlineUnfolding (Just arity) expr
DontInline -> noUnfolding
+!!!TODO: dfuns and unfoldings:
+ -- Do not inline the dfun; instead give it a magic DFunFunfolding
+ -- See Note [ClassOp/DFun selection]
+ -- See also note [Single-method classes]
+ dfun_id_w_fun
+ | isNewTyCon class_tc
+ = dfun_id `setInlinePragma` alwaysInlinePragma { inl_sat = Just 0 }
+ | otherwise
+ = dfun_id `setIdUnfolding` mkDFunUnfolding dfun_ty dfun_args
+ `setInlinePragma` dfunInlinePragma
+ -}
-- | Vectorise the RHS of a top-level binding, in an empty local environment.
--- We need to distinguish three cases:
+-- We need to distinguish four cases:
-- (1) We have a (non-scalar) vectorisation declaration for the variable (which explicitly provides
-- vectorised code implemented by the user)
-- => no automatic vectorisation & instead use the user-supplied code
--- (2) We have a scalar vectorisation declaration for the variable
+-- (2) We have a scalar vectorisation declaration for a variable that is no dfun
-- => generate vectorised code that uses a scalar 'map'/'zipWith' to lift the computation
--- (3) There is no vectorisation declaration for the variable
+-- (3) We have a scalar vectorisation declaration for a variable that *is* a dfun
+-- => generate vectorised code according to the the "Note [Scalar dfuns]" below
+-- (4) There is no vectorisation declaration for the variable
-- => perform automatic vectorisation of the RHS
+-- Note [Scalar dfuns]
+-- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+-- Here is the translation scheme for scalar dfuns — assume the instance declaration:
+-- instance Num Int where
+-- (+) = primAdd
+-- {-# VECTORISE SCALAR instance Num Int #-}
+-- It desugars to
+-- $dNumInt :: Num Int
+-- $dNumInt = D:Num primAdd
+-- We vectorise it to
+-- $v$dNumInt :: V:Num Int
+-- $v$dNumInt = D:V:Num (closure2 ((+) $dNumInt) (scalar_zipWith ((+) $dNumInt))))
+-- while adding the following entry to the vectorisation map: '$dNumInt' --> '$v$dNumInt'.
+-- See "Note [Vectorising classes]" in 'Vectorise.Type.Env' for the definition of 'V:Num'.
+-- NB: The outlined vectorisation scheme does not require the right-hand side of the original dfun.
+-- In fact, we definitely want to refer to the dfn variable instead of the right-hand side to
+-- ensure that the dictionary selection rules fire.
vectTopRhs :: [Var] -- ^ Names of all functions in the rec block
-> Var -- ^ Name of the binding.
-> CoreExpr -- ^ Body of the binding.
@@ -308,19 +340,24 @@ vectTopRhs recFs var expr
= closedV
$ do { globalScalar <- isGlobalScalar var
; vectDecl <- lookupVectDecl var
+ ; let isDFun = isDFunId var
- ; traceVt ("vectTopRhs of " ++ show var ++ info globalScalar vectDecl) $ ppr expr
+ ; traceVt ("vectTopRhs of " ++ show var ++ info globalScalar isDFun vectDecl) $ ppr expr
- ; rhs globalScalar vectDecl
+ ; rhs globalScalar isDFun vectDecl
- rhs _globalScalar (Just (_, expr')) -- Case (1)
+ rhs _globalScalar _isDFun (Just (_, expr')) -- Case (1)
= return (inlineMe, False, expr')
- rhs True Nothing -- Case (2)
+ rhs True False Nothing -- Case (2)
= do { expr' <- vectScalarFun True recFs expr
; return (inlineMe, True, vectorised expr')
- rhs False Nothing -- Case (3)
+ rhs True True Nothing -- Case (3)
+ = do { expr' <- vectScalarDFun var recFs
+ ; return (DontInline, True, expr')
+ }
+ rhs False _isDFun Nothing -- Case (4)
= do { let fvs = freeVars expr
; (inline, isScalar, vexpr)
<- inBind var $
@@ -328,9 +365,10 @@ vectTopRhs recFs var expr
; return (inline, isScalar, vectorised vexpr)
- info True _ = " [VECTORISE SCALAR]"
- info False vectDecl | isJust vectDecl = " [VECTORISE]"
- | otherwise = " (no pragma)"
+ info True False _ = " [VECTORISE SCALAR]"
+ info True True _ = " [VECTORISE SCALAR instance]"
+ info False _ vectDecl | isJust vectDecl = " [VECTORISE]"
+ | otherwise = " (no pragma)"
-- |Project out the vectorised version of a binding from some closure,
-- or return the original body if that doesn't work or the binding is scalar.
diff --git a/compiler/vectorise/Vectorise/Env.hs b/compiler/vectorise/Vectorise/Env.hs
index 2f20bb4067..2de71a5e3f 100644
--- a/compiler/vectorise/Vectorise/Env.hs
+++ b/compiler/vectorise/Vectorise/Env.hs
@@ -145,7 +145,8 @@ initGlobalEnv info vectDecls instEnvs famInstEnvs
-- FIXME: we currently only allow RHSes consisting of a
-- single variable to be able to obtain the type without
-- inference — see also 'TcBinds.tcVect'
- scalar_vars = [var | Vect var Nothing <- vectDecls]
+ scalar_vars = [var | Vect var Nothing <- vectDecls] ++
+ [var | VectInst True var <- vectDecls]
novects = [var | NoVect var <- vectDecls]
scalar_tycons = [tyConName tycon | VectType True tycon _ <- vectDecls]
diff --git a/compiler/vectorise/Vectorise/Exp.hs b/compiler/vectorise/Vectorise/Exp.hs
index 3959a947bd..1a5701cc0f 100644
--- a/compiler/vectorise/Vectorise/Exp.hs
+++ b/compiler/vectorise/Vectorise/Exp.hs
@@ -1,30 +1,33 @@
+-- |Vectorisation of expressions.
--- | Vectorisation of expressions.
-module Vectorise.Exp (
- -- Vectorise a polymorphic expression
- vectPolyExpr,
- -- Vectorise a scalar expression of functional type
- vectScalarFun
-) where
+module Vectorise.Exp
+ ( -- * Vectorise polymorphic expressions with special cases for right-hand sides of particular
+ -- variable bindings
+ vectPolyExpr
+ , vectScalarFun
+ , vectScalarDFun
+ )
#include "HsVersions.h"
import Vectorise.Type.Type
import Vectorise.Var
+import Vectorise.Convert
import Vectorise.Vect
import Vectorise.Env
import Vectorise.Monad
import Vectorise.Builtins
import Vectorise.Utils
-import CoreSyn
import CoreUtils
import MkCore
+import CoreSyn
import CoreFVs
+import Class
import DataCon
import TyCon
+import TcType
import Type
import NameSet
import Var
@@ -38,6 +41,7 @@ import TysPrim
import Outputable
import FastString
import Control.Monad
+import Control.Applicative
import Data.List
@@ -82,6 +86,7 @@ vectExpr (_, AnnTick tickish expr)
-- SPECIAL CASE: Vectorise/lift 'patError @ ty err' by only vectorising/lifting the type 'ty';
-- its only purpose is to abort the program, but we need to adjust the type to keep CoreLint
-- happy.
+-- FIXME: can't be do this with a VECTORISE pragma on 'pAT_ERROR_ID' now?
vectExpr (_, AnnApp (_, AnnApp (_, AnnVar v) (_, AnnType ty)) err)
| v == pAT_ERROR_ID
= do { (vty, lty) <- vectAndLiftType ty
@@ -168,7 +173,7 @@ onlyIfV (isEmptyVarSet fvs) (vectScalarLam bs $ deAnnotate body)
vectExpr e = cantVectorise "Can't vectorise expression (vectExpr)" (ppr $ deAnnotate e)
--- | Vectorise an expression with an outer lambda abstraction.
+-- |Vectorise an expression with an outer lambda abstraction.
vectFnExpr :: Bool -- ^ If we process the RHS of a binding, whether that binding should
-- be inlined
@@ -201,7 +206,7 @@ vectScalarFun forceScalar recFns expr
; let scalarVars = gscalarVars `extendVarSetList` recFns
(arg_tys, res_ty) = splitFunTys (exprType expr)
; MASSERT( not $ null arg_tys )
- ; onlyIfV empty
+ ; onlyIfV (ptext (sLit "not a scalar function"))
(forceScalar -- user asserts the functions is scalar
all (is_scalar_ty scalarTyCons) arg_tys -- check whether the function is scalar
@@ -300,6 +305,109 @@ mkScalarFun arg_tys res_ty expr
; return (Var clo_var, lclo)
+-- |Vectorise a dictionary function that has a 'VECTORISE SCALAR instance' pragma.
+-- In other words, all methods in that dictionary are scalar functions — to be vectorised with
+-- 'vectScalarFun'. The dictionary "function" itself may be a constant, though.
+-- NB: You may think that we could implement this function guided by the struture of the Core
+-- expression of the right-hand side of the dictionary function. We cannot proceed like this as
+-- 'vectScalarDFun' must also work for *imported* dfuns, where we don't necessarily have access
+-- to the Core code of the unvectorised dfun.
+-- Here an example — assume,
+-- > class Eq a where { (==) :: a -> a -> Bool }
+-- > instance (Eq a, Eq b) => Eq (a, b) where { (==) = ... }
+-- > {-# VECTORISE SCALAR instance Eq (a, b) }
+-- The unvectorised dfun for the above instance has the following signature:
+-- > $dEqPair :: forall a b. Eq a -> Eq b -> Eq (a, b)
+-- We generate the following (scalar) vectorised dfun (liberally using TH notation):
+-- > $v$dEqPair :: forall a b. V:Eq a -> V:Eq b -> V:Eq (a, b)
+-- > $v$dEqPair = /\a b -> \dEqa :: V:Eq a -> \dEqb :: V:Eq b ->
+-- > D:V:Eq $(vectScalarFun True recFns
+-- > [| (==) @(a, b) ($dEqPair @a @b $(unVect dEqa) $(unVect dEqb)) |])
+-- NB:
+-- * '(,)' vectorises to '(,)' — hence, the type constructor in the result type remains the same.
+-- * We share the '$(unVect di)' sub-expressions between the different selectors, but duplicate
+-- the application of the unvectorised dfun, to enable the dictionary selection rules to fire.
+vectScalarDFun :: Var -- ^ Original dfun
+ -> [Var] -- ^ Functions names in same recursive binding group
+ -> VM CoreExpr
+vectScalarDFun var recFns
+ = do { -- bring the type variables into scope
+ ; mapM_ defLocalTyVar tvs
+ -- vectorise dictionary argument types and generate variables for them
+ ; vTheta <- mapM vectType theta
+ ; vThetaBndr <- mapM (newLocalVar (fsLit "vd")) vTheta
+ ; let vThetaVars = varsToCoreExprs vThetaBndr
+ -- vectorise superclass dictionaries and methods as scalar expressions
+ ; thetaVars <- mapM (newLocalVar (fsLit "d")) theta
+ ; thetaExprs <- zipWithM unVectDict theta vThetaVars
+ ; let thetaDictBinds = zipWith NonRec thetaVars thetaExprs
+ dict = Var var `mkTyApps` (mkTyVarTys tvs) `mkVarApps` thetaVars
+ scsOps = map (\selId -> varToCoreExpr selId `mkTyApps` tys `mkApps` [dict])
+ selIds
+ ; vScsOps <- mapM (\e -> vectorised <$> vectScalarFun True recFns e) scsOps
+ -- vectorised applications of the class-dictionary data constructor
+ ; Just vDataCon <- lookupDataCon dataCon
+ ; vTys <- mapM vectType tys
+ ; let vBody = thetaDictBinds `mkLets` mkCoreConApps vDataCon (map Type vTys ++ vScsOps)
+ ; return $ mkLams (tvs ++ vThetaBndr) vBody
+ }
+ where
+ ty = varType var
+ (tvs, theta, pty) = tcSplitSigmaTy ty -- 'theta' is the instance context
+ (cls, tys) = tcSplitDFunHead pty -- 'pty' is the instance head
+ selIds = classAllSelIds cls
+ dataCon = classDataCon cls
+-- Build a value of the dictionary before vectorisation from original, unvectorised type and an
+-- expression computing the vectorised dictionary.
+-- Given the vectorised version of a dictionary 'vd :: V:C vt1..vtn', generate code that computes
+-- the unvectorised version, thus:
+-- > D:C op1 .. opm
+-- > where
+-- > opi = $(fromVect opTyi [| vSeli @vt1..vtk vd |])
+-- where 'opTyi' is the type of the i-th superclass or op of the unvectorised dictionary.
+unVectDict :: Type -> CoreExpr -> VM CoreExpr
+unVectDict ty e
+ = do { vTys <- mapM vectType tys
+ ; let meths = map (\sel -> Var sel `mkTyApps` vTys `mkApps` [e]) selIds
+ ; scOps <- zipWithM fromVect methTys meths
+ ; return $ mkCoreConApps dataCon (map Type tys ++ scOps)
+ }
+ where
+ (tycon, tys, dataCon, methTys) = splitProductType "unVectDict: original type" ty
+ cls = case tyConClass_maybe tycon of
+ Just cls -> cls
+ Nothing -> panic "Vectorise.Exp.unVectDict: no class"
+ selIds = classAllSelIds cls
+!!!How about 'isClassOpId_maybe'? Do we need to treat them specially to get the class ops for
+!!!the vectorised instances or do they just work out?? (We may want to make sure that the
+!!!vectorised Ids at least get the right IdDetails...)
+!!!NB: For *locally defined* instances, the selector functions are part of the vectorised bindings,
+!!! but not so for *imported* instances, where we need to generate the vectorised versions from
+!!! scratch.
+!!!Also need to take care of the builtin rules for selectors (see mkDictSelId).
+ -}
-- | Vectorise a lambda abstraction.
vectLam :: Bool -- ^ When the RHS of a binding, whether that binding should be inlined.
diff --git a/compiler/vectorise/Vectorise/Monad/Global.hs b/compiler/vectorise/Vectorise/Monad/Global.hs
index c0dc97e403..bc68a5012f 100644
--- a/compiler/vectorise/Vectorise/Monad/Global.hs
+++ b/compiler/vectorise/Vectorise/Monad/Global.hs
@@ -137,7 +137,6 @@ lookupDataCon :: DataCon -> VM (Maybe DataCon)
lookupDataCon dc
| isTupleTyCon (dataConTyCon dc)
= return (Just dc)
| otherwise
= readGEnv $ \env -> lookupNameEnv (global_datacons env) (dataConName dc)
diff --git a/compiler/vectorise/Vectorise/Monad/Naming.hs b/compiler/vectorise/Vectorise/Monad/Naming.hs
index 54e292d397..adc2d0ca01 100644
--- a/compiler/vectorise/Vectorise/Monad/Naming.hs
+++ b/compiler/vectorise/Vectorise/Monad/Naming.hs
@@ -9,15 +9,18 @@ module Vectorise.Monad.Naming
, newLocalVars
, newDummyVar
, newTyVar
- ) where
+ )
import Vectorise.Monad.Base
import DsMonad
+import TcType
import Type
import Var
import Name
import SrcLoc
+import MkId
import Id
import FastString
@@ -43,7 +46,8 @@ mkLocalisedName mk_occ name =
; return new_name
--- |Produce the vectorised variant of an `Id` with the given type.
+-- |Produce the vectorised variant of an `Id` with the given type, while taking care that vectorised
+-- dfun ids must be dfuns again.
-- Force the new name to be a system name and, if the original was an external name, disambiguate
-- the new name with the module name of the original.
@@ -51,10 +55,17 @@ mkLocalisedName mk_occ name =
mkVectId :: Id -> Type -> VM Id
mkVectId id ty
= do { name <- mkLocalisedName mkVectOcc (getName id)
- ; let id' | isExportedId id = Id.mkExportedLocalId name ty
+ ; let id' | isDFunId id = MkId.mkDictFunId name tvs theta cls tys
+ | isExportedId id = Id.mkExportedLocalId name ty
| otherwise = Id.mkLocalId name ty
; return id'
+ where
+ -- Decompose a dictionary function signature: \forall tvs. theta -> cls tys
+ -- NB: We do *not* use closures '(:->)' for vectorised predicate abstraction as dictionary
+ -- functions are always fully applied.
+ (tvs, theta, pty) = tcSplitSigmaTy ty
+ (cls, tys) = tcSplitDFunHead pty
-- |Make a fresh instance of this var, with a new unique.
diff --git a/compiler/vectorise/Vectorise/Type/Env.hs b/compiler/vectorise/Vectorise/Type/Env.hs
index 2373bcaf00..a6112c714c 100644
--- a/compiler/vectorise/Vectorise/Type/Env.hs
+++ b/compiler/vectorise/Vectorise/Type/Env.hs
@@ -108,16 +108,16 @@ import Data.List
-- It desugars to
--- data Num a = Num { (+) :: a -> a -> a }
+-- data Num a = D:Num { (+) :: a -> a -> a }
-- which we vectorise to
--- data $vNum a = $vNum { ($v+) :: PArray a :-> PArray a :-> PArray a }
+-- data V:Num a = D:V:Num { ($v+) :: PArray a :-> PArray a :-> PArray a }
-- while adding the following entries to the vectorisation map:
--- tycon : Num --> $vNum
--- datacon: Num --> $vNum
+-- tycon : Num --> V:Num
+-- datacon: D:Num --> D:V:Num
-- var : (+) --> ($v+)
-- |Vectorise type constructor including class type constructors.
diff --git a/compiler/vectorise/Vectorise/Utils/Closure.hs b/compiler/vectorise/Vectorise/Utils/Closure.hs
index f3fe742aef..1f99ee5013 100644
--- a/compiler/vectorise/Vectorise/Utils/Closure.hs
+++ b/compiler/vectorise/Vectorise/Utils/Closure.hs
@@ -6,8 +6,7 @@ module Vectorise.Utils.Closure (
+) where
import Vectorise.Builtins
import Vectorise.Vect
@@ -28,15 +27,14 @@ import BasicTypes( TupleSort(..) )
import FastString
--- | Make a closure.
- :: Type -- ^ Type of the argument.
- -> Type -- ^ Type of the result.
- -> Type -- ^ Type of the environment.
- -> VExpr -- ^ The function to apply.
- -> VExpr -- ^ The environment to use.
- -> VM VExpr
+-- |Make a closure.
+mkClosure :: Type -- ^ Type of the argument.
+ -> Type -- ^ Type of the result.
+ -> Type -- ^ Type of the environment.
+ -> VExpr -- ^ The function to apply.
+ -> VExpr -- ^ The environment to use.
+ -> VM VExpr
mkClosure arg_ty res_ty env_ty (vfn,lfn) (venv,lenv)
= do dict <- paDictOfType env_ty
mkv <- builtin closureVar
@@ -44,15 +42,13 @@ mkClosure arg_ty res_ty env_ty (vfn,lfn) (venv,lenv)
return (Var mkv `mkTyApps` [arg_ty, res_ty, env_ty] `mkApps` [dict, vfn, lfn, venv],
Var mkl `mkTyApps` [arg_ty, res_ty, env_ty] `mkApps` [dict, vfn, lfn, lenv])
--- | Make a closure application.
- :: Type -- ^ Type of the argument.
- -> Type -- ^ Type of the result.
- -> VExpr -- ^ Closure to apply.
- -> VExpr -- ^ Argument to use.
- -> VM VExpr
+-- |Make a closure application.
+mkClosureApp :: Type -- ^ Type of the argument.
+ -> Type -- ^ Type of the result.
+ -> VExpr -- ^ Closure to apply.
+ -> VExpr -- ^ Argument to use.
+ -> VM VExpr
mkClosureApp arg_ty res_ty (vclo, lclo) (varg, larg)
= do vapply <- builtin applyVar
lapply <- builtin liftedApplyVar
@@ -60,21 +56,16 @@ mkClosureApp arg_ty res_ty (vclo, lclo) (varg, larg)
return (Var vapply `mkTyApps` [arg_ty, res_ty] `mkApps` [vclo, varg],
Var lapply `mkTyApps` [arg_ty, res_ty] `mkApps` [Var lc, lclo, larg])
- :: [TyVar]
- -> [VVar]
- -> [Type] -- ^ Type of the arguments.
- -> Type -- ^ Type of result.
- -> VM VExpr
- -> VM VExpr
+buildClosures :: [TyVar]
+ -> [VVar]
+ -> [Type] -- ^ Type of the arguments.
+ -> Type -- ^ Type of result.
+ -> VM VExpr
+ -> VM VExpr
buildClosures _ _ [] _ mk_body
= mk_body
buildClosures tvs vars [arg_ty] res_ty mk_body
= buildClosure tvs vars arg_ty res_ty mk_body
buildClosures tvs vars (arg_ty : arg_tys) res_ty mk_body
= do res_ty' <- mkClosureTypes arg_tys res_ty
arg <- newLocalVVar (fsLit "x") arg_ty
@@ -85,7 +76,6 @@ buildClosures tvs vars (arg_ty : arg_tys) res_ty mk_body
clo <- buildClosures tvs (vars ++ [arg]) arg_tys res_ty mk_body
return $ vLams lc (vars ++ [arg]) clo
-- (clo <x1,...,xn> <f,f^>, aclo (Arr lc xs1 ... xsn) <f,f^>)
-- where
-- f = \env v -> case env of <x1,...,xn> -> e x1 ... xn v
@@ -110,6 +100,7 @@ buildClosure tvs vars arg_ty res_ty mk_body
-- Environments ---------------------------------------------------------------
buildEnv :: [VVar] -> VM (Type, VExpr, VExpr -> VExpr -> VExpr)
buildEnv []
= do
@@ -117,10 +108,9 @@ buildEnv []
void <- builtin voidVar
pvoid <- builtin pvoidVar
return (ty, vVar (void, pvoid), \_ body -> body)
-buildEnv [v] = return (vVarType v, vVar v,
- \env body -> vLet (vNonRec v env) body)
+buildEnv [v]
+ = return (vVarType v, vVar v,
+ \env body -> vLet (vNonRec v env) body)
buildEnv vs
= do (lenv_tc, lenv_tyargs) <- pdataReprTyCon ty