path: root/compiler
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authorSebastian Graf <>2019-09-27 11:22:33 +0000
committerMarge Bot <>2019-10-08 13:27:49 -0400
commitf691f0c21dcc576e02313123e8b091e241d23b51 (patch)
tree7e0711dea642c407ef9884b788efec9ed28e28b5 /compiler
parentc2d4011c403d6746968df8be0633d0a9ac475d09 (diff)
PmCheck: Look up parent data family TyCon when populating `PossibleMatches`
The vanilla COMPLETE set is attached to the representation TyCon of a data family instance, whereas the user-defined COMPLETE sets are attached to the parent data family TyCon itself. Previously, we weren't trying particularly hard to get back to the representation TyCon to the parent data family TyCon, resulting in bugs like #17207. Now we should do much better. Fixes the original issue in #17207, but I found another related bug that isn't so easy to fix.
Diffstat (limited to 'compiler')
1 files changed, 70 insertions, 23 deletions
diff --git a/compiler/GHC/HsToCore/PmCheck/Oracle.hs b/compiler/GHC/HsToCore/PmCheck/Oracle.hs
index 0edb815070..96bddac887 100644
--- a/compiler/GHC/HsToCore/PmCheck/Oracle.hs
+++ b/compiler/GHC/HsToCore/PmCheck/Oracle.hs
@@ -100,22 +100,6 @@ mkPmId ty = getUniqueM >>= \unique ->
-- * Caching possible matches of a COMPLETE set
-initIM :: Type -> DsM (Maybe PossibleMatches)
-initIM ty = case splitTyConApp_maybe ty of
- Nothing -> pure Nothing
- Just (tc, tc_args) -> do
- -- Look into the representation type of a data family instance, too.
- env <- dsGetFamInstEnvs
- let (tc', _tc_args', _co) = tcLookupDataFamInst env tc tc_args
- let mb_rdcs = map RealDataCon <$> tyConDataCons_maybe tc'
- let rdcs = maybeToList mb_rdcs
- -- NB: tc, because COMPLETE sets are associated with the parent data family
- -- TyCon
- pragmas <- dsGetCompleteMatches tc
- let fams = mapM dsLookupConLike . completeMatchConLikes
- pscs <- mapM fams pragmas
- pure (PM tc . fmap mkUniqDSet <$> NonEmpty.nonEmpty (rdcs ++ pscs))
markMatched :: ConLike -> PossibleMatches -> PossibleMatches
markMatched con (PM tc ms) = PM tc (fmap (`delOneFromUniqDSet` con) ms)
markMatched _ NoPM = NoPM
@@ -632,7 +616,7 @@ Maintaining these invariants in 'addVarVarCt' (the core of the term oracle) and
'addRefutableAltCon' is subtle.
* Merging VarInfos. Example: Add the fact @x ~ y@ (see 'equate').
- (COMPLETE) If we had @x /~ True@ and @y /~ False@, then we get
- @x /~ [True,False]@. This is vacuous by matter of comparing to the vanilla
+ @x /~ [True,False]@. This is vacuous by matter of comparing to the built-in
COMPLETE set, so should refute.
- (Pos/Neg) If we had @x /~ True@ and @y ~ True@, we have to refute.
* Adding positive information. Example: Add the fact @x ~ K ys@ (see 'addVarConCt')
@@ -646,7 +630,7 @@ Maintaining these invariants in 'addVarVarCt' (the core of the term oracle) and
(ex. Just and Nothing), the info is redundant and can be
- (COMPLETE) If K=Nothing and we had @x /~ Just@, then we get
- @x /~ [Just,Nothing]@. This is vacuous by matter of comparing to the vanilla
+ @x /~ [Just,Nothing]@. This is vacuous by matter of comparing to the built-in
COMPLETE set, so should refute.
Note that merging VarInfo in equate can be done by calling out to 'addVarConCt' and
@@ -698,11 +682,28 @@ initPossibleMatches ty_st vi@VI{ vi_ty = ty, vi_cache = NoPM } = do
-- of a COMPLETE set.
res <- pmTopNormaliseType ty_st ty
let ty' = normalisedSourceType res
- mb_pm <- initIM ty'
- -- tracePm "initPossibleMatches" (ppr vi $$ ppr ty' $$ ppr res $$ ppr mb_pm)
- case mb_pm of
- Nothing -> pure vi
- Just pm -> pure vi{ vi_ty = ty', vi_cache = pm }
+ case splitTyConApp_maybe ty' of
+ Nothing -> pure vi{ vi_ty = ty' }
+ Just (tc, tc_args) -> do
+ -- See Note [COMPLETE sets on data families]
+ (tc_rep, tc_fam) <- case tyConFamInst_maybe tc of
+ Just (tc_fam, _) -> pure (tc, tc_fam)
+ Nothing -> do
+ env <- dsGetFamInstEnvs
+ let (tc_rep, _tc_rep_args, _co) = tcLookupDataFamInst env tc tc_args
+ pure (tc_rep, tc)
+ -- Note that the common case here is tc_rep == tc_fam
+ let mb_rdcs = map RealDataCon <$> tyConDataCons_maybe tc_rep
+ let rdcs = maybeToList mb_rdcs
+ -- NB: tc_fam, because COMPLETE sets are associated with the parent data
+ -- family TyCon
+ pragmas <- dsGetCompleteMatches tc_fam
+ let fams = mapM dsLookupConLike . completeMatchConLikes
+ pscs <- mapM fams pragmas
+ -- pprTrace "initPossibleMatches" (ppr ty $$ ppr ty' $$ ppr tc_rep <+> ppr tc_fam <+> ppr tc_args $$ ppr (rdcs ++ pscs)) (return ())
+ case NonEmpty.nonEmpty (rdcs ++ pscs) of
+ Nothing -> pure vi{ vi_ty = ty' } -- Didn't find any COMPLETE sets
+ Just cs -> pure vi{ vi_ty = ty', vi_cache = PM tc_rep (mkUniqDSet <$> cs) }
initPossibleMatches _ vi = pure vi
-- | @initLookupVarInfo ts x@ looks up the 'VarInfo' for @x@ in @ts@ and tries
@@ -712,6 +713,49 @@ initLookupVarInfo :: Delta -> Id -> DsM VarInfo
initLookupVarInfo MkDelta{ delta_tm_st = ts, delta_ty_st = ty_st } x
= initPossibleMatches ty_st (lookupVarInfo ts x)
+{- Note [COMPLETE sets on data families]
+User-defined COMPLETE sets involving data families are attached to the family
+TyCon, whereas the built-in COMPLETE set is attached to a data family instance's
+representation TyCon. This matters for COMPLETE sets involving both DataCons
+and PatSyns (from #17207):
+ data family T a
+ data family instance T () = A | B
+ pattern C = B
+ {-# COMPLETE A, C #-}
+ f :: T () -> ()
+ f A = ()
+ f C = ()
+The match on A is actually wrapped in a CoPat, matching impedance between T ()
+and its representation TyCon, which we translate as
+@x | let y = x |> co, A <- y@ in PmCheck.
+Which TyCon should we use for looking up the COMPLETE set? The representation
+TyCon from the match on A would only reveal the built-in COMPLETE set, while the
+data family TyCon would only give the user-defined one. But when initialising
+the PossibleMatches for a given Type, we want to do so only once, because
+merging different COMPLETE sets after the fact is very complicated and possibly
+So in fact, we just *drop* the coercion arising from the CoPat when handling
+handling the constraint @y ~ x |> co@ in addVarCoreCt, just equating @y ~ x@.
+We then handle the fallout in initPossibleMatches, which has to get a hand at
+both the representation TyCon tc_rep and the parent data family TyCon tc_fam.
+It considers three cases after having established that the Type is a TyConApp:
+1. The TyCon is a vanilla data type constructor
+2. The TyCon is tc_rep
+3. The TyCon is tc_fam
+1. is simple and subsumed by the handling of the other two.
+We check for case 2. by 'tyConFamInst_maybe' and get the tc_fam out.
+Otherwise (3.), we try to lookup the data family instance at that particular
+type to get out the tc_rep. In case 1., this will just return the original
+TyCon, so tc_rep = tc_fam afterwards.
-- * Exported utility functions querying 'Delta'
@@ -1511,6 +1555,9 @@ addVarCoreCt delta x e = runMaybeT (execStateT (core_expr x e) delta)
-- literals and constructor applications as possible.
core_expr :: Id -> CoreExpr -> StateT Delta (MaybeT DsM) ()
-- TODO: Handle newtypes properly, by wrapping the expression in a DataCon
+ -- This is the right thing for casts involving data family instances and
+ -- their representation TyCon, though (which are not visible in source
+ -- syntax). See Note [COMPLETE sets on data families]
core_expr x (Cast e _co) = core_expr x e
core_expr x (Tick _t e) = core_expr x e
core_expr x e