path: root/compiler
diff options
authorSimon Peyton Jones <>2017-10-05 15:02:45 +0100
committerSimon Peyton Jones <>2017-10-11 11:05:56 +0100
commit461c83162d70eaf1ab6cb2c45bc590ddee2a9147 (patch)
treecdf816ddc65e95e2e5f3c2250bac26c26f4df129 /compiler
parentab1a7583635fe2da3a91b70278366ed8f28aa676 (diff)
Minor refactoring
I'm trying to understand Check.hs. This patch is a very minor refactoring. No change in behaviour.
Diffstat (limited to 'compiler')
1 files changed, 16 insertions, 16 deletions
diff --git a/compiler/deSugar/Check.hs b/compiler/deSugar/Check.hs
index 23e4f0ea74..8fb9553ad2 100644
--- a/compiler/deSugar/Check.hs
+++ b/compiler/deSugar/Check.hs
@@ -109,20 +109,20 @@ liftD m = ListT $ \sk fk -> m >>= \a -> sk a fk
-- users' guide. If you update the implementation of this function, make sure
-- to update that section of the users' guide as well.
getResult :: PmM PmResult -> DsM PmResult
-getResult ls = do
- res <- fold ls goM (pure Nothing)
- case res of
- Nothing -> panic "getResult is empty"
- Just a -> return a
+getResult ls
+ = do { res <- fold ls goM (pure Nothing)
+ ; case res of
+ Nothing -> panic "getResult is empty"
+ Just a -> return a }
goM :: PmResult -> DsM (Maybe PmResult) -> DsM (Maybe PmResult)
- goM mpm dpm = do
- pmr <- dpm
- return $ go pmr mpm
+ goM mpm dpm = do { pmr <- dpm
+ ; return $ Just $ go pmr mpm }
-- Careful not to force unecessary results
- go :: Maybe PmResult -> PmResult -> Maybe PmResult
- go Nothing rs = Just rs
- go old@(Just (PmResult prov rs (UncoveredPatterns us) is)) new
+ go :: Maybe PmResult -> PmResult -> PmResult
+ go Nothing rs = rs
+ go (Just old@(PmResult prov rs (UncoveredPatterns us) is)) new
| null us && null rs && null is = old
| otherwise =
let PmResult prov' rs' (UncoveredPatterns us') is' = new
@@ -130,8 +130,8 @@ getResult ls = do
`mappend` (compareLength is is')
`mappend` (compareLength rs rs')
`mappend` (compare prov prov') of
- GT -> Just new
- EQ -> Just new
+ GT -> new
+ EQ -> new
LT -> old
go (Just (PmResult _ _ (TypeOfUncovered _) _)) _new
= panic "getResult: No inhabitation candidates"
@@ -281,9 +281,9 @@ instance Monoid PartialResult where
data PmResult =
PmResult {
- pmresultProvenance :: Provenance
- , pmresultRedundant :: [Located [LPat GhcTc]]
- , pmresultUncovered :: UncoveredCandidates
+ pmresultProvenance :: Provenance
+ , pmresultRedundant :: [Located [LPat GhcTc]]
+ , pmresultUncovered :: UncoveredCandidates
, pmresultInaccessible :: [Located [LPat GhcTc]] }
-- | Either a list of patterns that are not covered, or their type, in case we