path: root/compiler
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authorSimon Peyton Jones <>2017-08-30 09:21:40 +0100
committerSimon Peyton Jones <>2017-08-30 16:23:08 +0100
commit628b666972b1b1fcb459977977a5ff578c292e91 (patch)
tree2217222f0b27521e4b6cb94c03b8b657fababd29 /compiler
parent567dca6ee1e32afdc5409e2e9d91d9e5c14a65c5 (diff)
Add comments to RnTypes
These comments clarify the details of: commit 0257dacf228024d0cc6ba247c707130637a25580 Author: Simon Peyton Jones <> Date: Mon Aug 28 14:20:02 2017 +0100 Refactor bindHsQTyVars and friends
Diffstat (limited to 'compiler')
1 files changed, 119 insertions, 34 deletions
diff --git a/compiler/rename/RnTypes.hs b/compiler/rename/RnTypes.hs
index 2561313110..334939c6c0 100644
--- a/compiler/rename/RnTypes.hs
+++ b/compiler/rename/RnTypes.hs
@@ -113,7 +113,7 @@ rn_hs_sig_wc_type no_implicit_if_forall ctxt
= do { free_vars <- extractFilteredRdrTyVars hs_ty
; (tv_rdrs, nwc_rdrs) <- partition_nwcs free_vars
- ; rnImplicitBndrs no_implicit_if_forall ctxt tv_rdrs hs_ty $ \ vars ->
+ ; rnImplicitBndrs no_implicit_if_forall ctxt hs_ty tv_rdrs $ \ vars ->
do { (wcs, hs_ty', fvs1) <- rnWcBody ctxt nwc_rdrs hs_ty
; let sig_ty' = HsWC { hswc_wcs = wcs, hswc_body = ib_ty' }
ib_ty' = mk_implicit_bndrs vars hs_ty' fvs1
@@ -250,7 +250,7 @@ rnHsSigType :: HsDocContext -> LHsSigType GhcPs
rnHsSigType ctx (HsIB { hsib_body = hs_ty })
= do { traceRn "rnHsSigType" (ppr hs_ty)
; vars <- extractFilteredRdrTyVars hs_ty
- ; rnImplicitBndrs True ctx vars hs_ty $ \ vars ->
+ ; rnImplicitBndrs True ctx hs_ty vars $ \ vars ->
do { (body', fvs) <- rnLHsType ctx hs_ty
; return ( mk_implicit_bndrs vars body' fvs, fvs ) } }
@@ -259,18 +259,27 @@ rnImplicitBndrs :: Bool -- True <=> no implicit quantification
-- E.g. f :: forall a. a->b
-- Do not quantify over 'b' too.
-> HsDocContext
- -> FreeKiTyVars
- -> LHsType GhcPs
+ -> LHsType GhcPs -- hs_ty: the type over which the
+ -- implicit binders will scope
+ -> FreeKiTyVars -- Free vars of hs_ty (excluding wildcards)
-> ([Name] -> RnM (a, FreeVars))
-> RnM (a, FreeVars)
-rnImplicitBndrs no_implicit_if_forall doc
+rnImplicitBndrs no_implicit_if_forall doc (L loc hs_ty)
(FKTV { fktv_kis = kvs, fktv_tys = tvs })
- hs_ty@(L loc _) thing_inside
- = do { let real_tvs -- Implicit quantification only if
- -- there is no explicit forall
- | no_implicit_if_forall
- , L _ (HsForAllTy {}) <- hs_ty = []
- | otherwise = tvs
+ thing_inside
+ = do { let real_tvs | no_implicit_if_forall
+ , HsForAllTy {} <- hs_ty = []
+ | otherwise = tvs
+ -- Quantify over type variables only if there is no
+ -- explicit forall. E.g.
+ -- f :: Proxy (a :: k) -> b
+ -- Quantify over {k} and {a,b}
+ -- g :: forall a. Proxy (a :: k) -> b
+ -- Quantify over {k} and {}
+ -- Note that we always do the implicit kind-quantification
+ -- but, rather arbitrarily, we switch off the type-quantification
+ -- if there is an explicit forall
; traceRn "rnImplicitBndrs" (vcat [ ppr hs_ty, ppr kvs, ppr tvs, ppr real_tvs ])
; vars <- mapM (newLocalBndrRn . L loc . unLoc) (kvs ++ real_tvs)
@@ -278,7 +287,8 @@ rnImplicitBndrs no_implicit_if_forall doc
; checkBadKindBndrs doc kvs
; traceRn "checkMixedVars2" (ppr tvs)
- ; checkMixedVars kvs tvs
+ ; checkMixedVars kvs tvs -- E.g. Either (Proxy (a :: k)) k
+ -- Here 'k' is used at kind level and type level
; bindLocalNamesFV vars $
thing_inside vars }
@@ -846,21 +856,26 @@ bindHsQTyVars :: forall a b.
-> [Located RdrName] -- Kind variables from scope, no dups
-> (LHsQTyVars GhcPs)
-> (LHsQTyVars GhcRn -> Bool -> RnM (b, FreeVars))
- -- The Bool is True <=> all kind variabless used in the
+ -- The Bool is True <=> all kind variables used in the
-- kind signature are bound on the left. Reason:
- -- tye TypeInType clause of Note [Complete user-supplied
+ -- the TypeInType clause of Note [Complete user-supplied
-- kind signatures] in HsDecls
-> RnM (b, FreeVars)
+-- See Note [bindHsQTyVars examples]
-- (a) Bring kind variables into scope
-- both (i) passed in body_kv_occs
-- and (ii) mentioned in the kinds of hsq_bndrs
-- (b) Bring type variables into scope
bindHsQTyVars doc mb_in_doc mb_assoc body_kv_occs hsq_bndrs thing_inside
= do { let hs_tv_bndrs = hsQTvExplicit hsq_bndrs
; bndr_kv_occs <- extractHsTyVarBndrsKVs hs_tv_bndrs
; rdr_env <- getLocalRdrEnv
- ; let bndrs, kv_occs, implicit_bndr_kvs,
+ ; let -- See Note [bindHsQTyVars examples] for what
+ -- all these various things are doing
+ bndrs, kv_occs, implicit_bndr_kvs,
implicit_body_kvs, implicit_kvs :: [Located RdrName]
bndrs = map hsLTyVarLocName hs_tv_bndrs
kv_occs = body_kv_occs ++ bndr_kv_occs
@@ -871,7 +886,7 @@ bindHsQTyVars doc mb_in_doc mb_assoc body_kv_occs hsq_bndrs thing_inside
-- dep_bndrs is the subset of bndrs that are dependent
-- i.e. appear in bndr/body_kv_occs
- -- Can't use implicit_kvs because we've deleted bnrs from that!
+ -- Can't use implicit_kvs because we've deleted bndrs from that!
dep_bndrs = filter (`elemRdr` kv_occs) bndrs
; traceRn "checkMixedVars3" (ppr bndrs)
@@ -893,7 +908,7 @@ bindHsQTyVars doc mb_in_doc mb_assoc body_kv_occs hsq_bndrs thing_inside
filter_occs :: LocalRdrEnv -- In scope
-> [Located RdrName] -- Bound here
-> [Located RdrName] -- Potential implicit binders
- -> [Located RdrName] -- Final implict binders
+ -> [Located RdrName] -- Final implicit binders
-- Filter out any potential implicit binders that are either
-- already in scope, or are explicitly bound here
filter_occs rdr_env bndrs occs
@@ -902,12 +917,96 @@ bindHsQTyVars doc mb_in_doc mb_assoc body_kv_occs hsq_bndrs thing_inside
is_in_scope locc@(L _ occ) = isJust (lookupLocalRdrEnv rdr_env occ)
|| locc `elemRdr` bndrs
+{- Note [bindHsQTyVars examples]
+Suppose we have
+ data T k (a::k1) (b::k) :: k2 -> k1 -> *
+ hs_tv_bndrs = [k, a::k1, b::k], the explicitly-bound variables
+ bndrs = [k,a,b]
+ bndr_kv_occs = [k,k1], kind variables free in kind signatures
+ of hs_tv_bndrs
+ body_kv_occs = [k2,k1], kind variables free in the
+ result kind signature
+ implicit_bndr_kvs = [k1], kind variables free in kind signatures
+ of hs_tv_bndrs, and not bound by bndrs
+ implicit_body_kvs = [k2], kind variables free in the result kind
+ signature, and not bound either by
+ bndrs or by implicit_bndr_kvs
+* We want to quantify add implicit bindings for
+ implicit_bndr_kvs and implicit_body_kvs
+* The "dependent" bndrs (hsq_dependent) are the subset of
+ bndrs that are free in bndr_kv_occs or body_kv_occs
+* If implicit_body_kvs is non-empty, then there is a kind variable
+ mentioned in the kind signature that is not bound "on the left".
+ That's one of the rules for a CUSK, so we pass that info on
+ as the second argument to thing_inside.
+* Order is not important in these lists. All we are doing is
+ bring Names into scope.
+Finally, you may wonder why filter_occs removes in-scope variables
+from bndr/body_kv_occs. How can anything be in scope? Answer:
+HsQTyVars is /also/ used (slightly oddly) for Haskell-98 syntax
+ data T a = forall (b::k). MkT a b
+The ConDecl has a LHsQTyVars in it; but 'a' scopes over the entire
+ConDecl. Hence the local RdrEnv may be non-empty and we must filter
+out 'a' from the free vars. (Mind you, in this situation all the
+implicit kind variables are bound at the data type level, so there
+are none to bind in the ConDecl, so there are no implicitly bound
+variables at all.
+Note [Kind variable scoping]
+If we have
+ data T (a :: k) k = ...
+we report "k is out of scope" for (a::k). Reason: k is not brought
+into scope until the explicit k-binding that follows. It would be
+terribly confusing to bring into scope an /implicit/ k for a's kind
+and a distinct, shadowing explicit k that follows, something like
+ data T {k1} (a :: k1) k = ...
+So the rule is:
+ the implicit binders never include any
+ of the explicit binders in the group
+Note that in the denerate case
+ data T (a :: a) = blah
+we get a complaint the the second 'a' is not in scope.
+That applies to foralls too: e.g.
+ forall (a :: k) k . blah
+But if the foralls are split, we treat the two groups separately:
+ forall (a :: k). forall k. blah
+Here we bring into scope an implicit k, which is later shadowed
+by the explicit k.
+In implementation terms
+* In bindHsQTyVars 'k' is free in bndr_kv_occs; then we delete
+ the binders {a,k}, and so end with no implicit binders. Then we
+ rename the binders left-to-right, and hence see that 'k' is out of
+ scope in the kind of 'a'.
+* Similarly in extract_hs_tv_bndrs
bindLHsTyVarBndrs :: HsDocContext
-> Maybe SDoc -- Just d => check for unused tvs
-- d is a phrase like "in the type ..."
-> Maybe a -- Just _ => an associated type decl
- -> [LHsTyVarBndr GhcPs] -- ... these user-written tyvars
+ -> [LHsTyVarBndr GhcPs] -- User-written tyvars
-> ([LHsTyVarBndr GhcRn] -> RnM (b, FreeVars))
-> RnM (b, FreeVars)
bindLHsTyVarBndrs doc mb_in_doc mb_assoc tv_bndrs thing_inside
@@ -956,20 +1055,6 @@ newTyVarNameRn mb_assoc (L loc rdr)
_ -> newLocalBndrRn (L loc rdr) }
-{- Note [Kind variable ordering]
-If we have
- data T (a :: k) k = ...
-we report "k is out of scope". We do /not/ say "oh there are two k's,
-an implicit one from the (a::k) and an explicit one that shadows it".
-No, we bring {a,k} into scope as a group.
-In impl terms 'k' is free in bndr_kv_occs; then we delete the binders {a,k},
-and so end with no implicit binders. Then we rename the binders left-to-right,
-and hence see that 'k' is out of scope in the kind of 'a'.
collectAnonWildCards :: LHsType GhcRn -> [Name]
-- | Extract all wild cards from a type.
@@ -1666,14 +1751,14 @@ extract_hs_tv_bndrs tv_bndrs
; return $
FKTV (filterOut (`elemRdr` tv_bndr_rdrs) (bndr_kvs ++ body_kvs)
-- NB: delete all tv_bndr_rdrs from bndr_kvs as well
- -- as body_kvs; see Note [Kind variable ordering]
+ -- as body_kvs; see Note [Kind variable scoping]
++ acc_kvs)
(filterOut (`elemRdr` tv_bndr_rdrs) body_tvs ++ acc_tvs) }
extract_hs_tv_bndrs_kvs :: [LHsTyVarBndr GhcPs] -> RnM [Located RdrName]
-- Returns the free kind variables of any explictly-kinded binders
-- NB: Does /not/ delete the binders themselves.
--- Duplicaes are /not/ removed
+-- Duplicates are /not/ removed
-- E.g. given [k1, a:k1, b:k2]
-- the function returns [k1,k2], even though k1 is bound here
extract_hs_tv_bndrs_kvs tv_bndrs