path: root/compiler
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authorAmos Robinson <>2013-05-15 22:15:56 +1000
committerAmos Robinson <>2013-05-15 22:15:56 +1000
commit8a58851150af11020140256bbd7c6d5359e020ee (patch)
treeda7f209e15c4d944840b104dc3f2ff5490978892 /compiler
parentbb2795db36b36966697c228315ae20767c4a8753 (diff)
SpecConstr: seed specialisation of top-level bindings, as with letrecs.
When specialising a top-level recursive group, if none of the binders are exported then we can start specialising based on the later calls to the functions. This is instead of creating specialisations based on the RHS of the bindings. The main benefit of this is that only specialisations that will actually be used are created. This saves quite a bit of memory when compiling stream-fusion and ForceSpecConstr sort of code. Nofib has an average allocation and runtime of -0.7%, maximum 2%. There are a few with significant decreases in allocation (10 - 20%) but, interestingly, those ones seem to have similar runtimes. One of these does have a significantly reduced total elapsed time though: -38%. On average the nofib compilation times are the same, but they do vary with s.d. of -4 to 4%. I think this is acceptable because of the fairly major code blowup fixes this has for fusion-style code. (In one example, a SpecConstr was previously producing 122,000 term size, now only produces 28,000 with the same object code)
Diffstat (limited to 'compiler')
1 files changed, 113 insertions, 29 deletions
diff --git a/compiler/specialise/SpecConstr.lhs b/compiler/specialise/SpecConstr.lhs
index f8eeab7936..c1486d30c7 100644
--- a/compiler/specialise/SpecConstr.lhs
+++ b/compiler/specialise/SpecConstr.lhs
@@ -132,7 +132,7 @@ because now t is allocated by the caller, then r and s are passed to the
recursive call, which allocates the (r,s) pair again.
This happens if
- (a) the argument p is used in other than a case-scrutinsation way.
+ (a) the argument p is used in other than a case-scrutinisation way.
(b) the argument to the call is not a 'fresh' tuple; you have to
look into its unfolding to see that it's a tuple
@@ -394,6 +394,22 @@ use the calls in the un-specialised RHS as seeds. We call these
"boring call patterns", and callsToPats reports if it finds any of these.
+Note [Top-level recursive groups]
+If all the bindings in a top-level recursive group are not exported,
+all the calls are in the rest of the top-level bindings.
+This means we can specialise with those call patterns instead of with the RHSs
+of the recursive group.
+To get the call usage information, we work backwards through the top-level bindings
+so we see the usage before we get to the binding of the function.
+Before we can collect the usage though, we go through all the bindings and add them
+to the environment. This is necessary because usage is only tracked for functions
+in the environment.
+The actual seeding of the specialisation is very similar to Note [Local recursive group].
Note [Do not specialise diverging functions]
Specialising a function that just diverges is a waste of code.
@@ -402,7 +418,7 @@ Furthermore, it broke GHC (simpl014) thus:
f = \x. case x of (a,b) -> f x
If we specialise f we get
f = \x. case x of (a,b) -> fspec a b
-But fspec doesn't have decent strictnes info. As it happened,
+But fspec doesn't have decent strictness info. As it happened,
(f x) :: IO t, so the state hack applied and we eta expanded fspec,
and hence f. But now f's strictness is less than its arity, which
breaks an invariant.
@@ -451,7 +467,7 @@ foldl_loop. Note that
This is all quite ugly; we ought to come up with a better design.
ForceSpecConstr arguments are spotted in scExpr' and scTopBinds which then set
-sc_force to True when calling specLoop. This flag does three things:
+sc_force to True when calling specLoop. This flag does four things:
* Ignore specConstrThreshold, to specialise functions of arbitrary size
(see scTopBind)
* Ignore specConstrCount, to make arbitrary numbers of specialisations
@@ -459,7 +475,7 @@ sc_force to True when calling specLoop. This flag does three things:
* Specialise even for arguments that are not scrutinised in the loop
(see argToPat; Trac #4488)
* Only specialise on recursive types a finite number of times
- (see is_too_recursive; Trac #5550)
+ (see is_too_recursive; Trac #5550; Note [Limit recursive specialisation])
This flag is inherited for nested non-recursive bindings (which are likely to
be join points and hence should be fully specialised) but reset for nested
@@ -507,6 +523,39 @@ Without the SPEC, if 'loop' were strict, the case would move out
and we'd see loop applied to a pair. But if 'loop' isn't strict
this doesn't look like a specialisable call.
+Note [Limit recursive specialisation]
+It is possible for ForceSpecConstr to cause an infinite loop of specialisation.
+Because there is no limit on the number of specialisations, a recursive call with
+a recursive constructor as an argument (for example, list cons) will generate
+a specialisation for that constructor. If the resulting specialisation also
+contains a recursive call with the constructor, this could proceed indefinitely.
+For example, if ForceSpecConstr is on:
+ loop :: [Int] -> [Int] -> [Int]
+ loop z [] = z
+ loop z (x:xs) = loop (x:z) xs
+this example will create a specialisation for the pattern
+ loop (a:b) c = loop' a b c
+ loop' a b [] = (a:b)
+ loop' a b (x:xs) = loop (x:(a:b)) xs
+and a new pattern is found:
+ loop (a:(b:c)) d = loop'' a b c d
+which can continue indefinitely.
+Roman's suggestion to fix this was to stop after a couple of times on recursive types,
+but still specialising on non-recursive types as much as possible.
+To implement this, we count the number of recursive constructors in each
+function argument. If the maximum is greater than the specConstrRecursive limit,
+do not specialise on that pattern.
+This is only necessary when ForceSpecConstr is on: otherwise the specConstrCount
+will force termination anyway.
+See Trac #5550.
Note [NoSpecConstr]
The ignoreDataCon stuff allows you to say
@@ -605,13 +654,22 @@ specConstrProgram guts
dflags <- getDynFlags
us <- getUniqueSupplyM
annos <- getFirstAnnotations deserializeWithData guts
- let binds' = fst $ initUs us (go (initScEnv dflags annos) (mg_binds guts))
+ let binds' = reverse $ fst $ initUs us $ do
+ -- Note [Top-level recursive groups]
+ (env, binds) <- goEnv (initScEnv dflags annos) (mg_binds guts)
+ go env nullUsage (reverse binds)
return (guts { mg_binds = binds' })
- go _ [] = return []
- go env (bind:binds) = do (env', bind') <- scTopBind env bind
- binds' <- go env' binds
- return (bind' : binds')
+ goEnv env [] = return (env, [])
+ goEnv env (bind:binds) = do (env', bind') <- scTopBindEnv env bind
+ (env'', binds') <- goEnv env' binds
+ return (env'', bind' : binds')
+ go _ _ [] = return []
+ go env usg (bind:binds) = do (usg', bind') <- scTopBind env usg bind
+ binds' <- go env usg' binds
+ return (bind' : binds')
@@ -912,7 +970,7 @@ Note [Avoiding exponential blowup]
The sc_count field of the ScEnv says how many times we are prepared to
duplicate a single function. But we must take care with recursive
-specialiations. Consider
+specialisations. Consider
let $j1 = let $j2 = let $j3 = ...
@@ -1225,38 +1283,62 @@ mkVarUsage env fn args
| otherwise = evalScrutOcc
-scTopBind :: ScEnv -> CoreBind -> UniqSM (ScEnv, CoreBind)
-scTopBind env (Rec prs)
+scTopBindEnv :: ScEnv -> CoreBind -> UniqSM (ScEnv, CoreBind)
+scTopBindEnv env (Rec prs)
+ = do { let (rhs_env1,bndrs') = extendRecBndrs env bndrs
+ rhs_env2 = extendHowBound rhs_env1 bndrs RecFun
+ prs' = zip bndrs' rhss
+ ; return (rhs_env2, Rec prs') }
+ where
+ (bndrs,rhss) = unzip prs
+scTopBindEnv env (NonRec bndr rhs)
+ = do { let (env1, bndr') = extendBndr env bndr
+ env2 = extendValEnv env1 bndr' (isValue (sc_vals env) rhs)
+ ; return (env2, NonRec bndr' rhs) }
+scTopBind :: ScEnv -> ScUsage -> CoreBind -> UniqSM (ScUsage, CoreBind)
+scTopBind _ usage _
+ | pprTrace "scTopBind_usage" (ppr (scu_calls usage)) False
+ = error "false"
+scTopBind env usage (Rec prs)
| Just threshold <- sc_size env
, not force_spec
, not (all (couldBeSmallEnoughToInline (sc_dflags env) threshold) rhss)
-- No specialisation
- = do { let (rhs_env,bndrs') = extendRecBndrs env bndrs
- ; (_, rhss') <- mapAndUnzipM (scExpr rhs_env) rhss
- ; return (rhs_env, Rec (bndrs' `zip` rhss')) }
+ = do { (rhs_usgs, rhss') <- mapAndUnzipM (scExpr env) rhss
+ ; return (usage `combineUsage` (combineUsages rhs_usgs), Rec (bndrs `zip` rhss')) }
| otherwise -- Do specialisation
- = do { let (rhs_env1,bndrs') = extendRecBndrs env bndrs
- rhs_env2 = extendHowBound rhs_env1 bndrs' RecFun
+ = do { (rhs_usgs, rhs_infos) <- mapAndUnzipM (scRecRhs env) (bndrs `zip` rhss)
+ -- ; pprTrace "scTopBind" (ppr bndrs $$ ppr (map (lookupVarEnv (scu_calls usage)) bndrs)) (return ())
- ; (rhs_usgs, rhs_infos) <- mapAndUnzipM (scRecRhs rhs_env2) (bndrs' `zip` rhss)
- ; let rhs_usg = combineUsages rhs_usgs
+ -- Note [Top-level recursive groups]
+ ; let (usg,rest) = if all (not . isExportedId) bndrs
+ then -- pprTrace "scTopBind-T" (ppr bndrs $$ ppr (map (fmap (map snd) . lookupVarEnv (scu_calls usage)) bndrs))
+ ( usage
+ , [SI [] 0 (Just us) | us <- rhs_usgs] )
+ else ( combineUsages rhs_usgs
+ , [SI [] 0 Nothing | _ <- rhs_usgs] )
- ; (_, specs) <- specLoop (scForce rhs_env2 force_spec)
- (scu_calls rhs_usg) rhs_infos nullUsage
- [SI [] 0 Nothing | _ <- bndrs]
+ ; (usage', specs) <- specLoop (scForce env force_spec)
+ (scu_calls usg) rhs_infos nullUsage rest
- ; return (rhs_env1, -- For the body of the letrec, delete the RecFun business
+ ; return (usage `combineUsage` usage',
Rec (concat (zipWith specInfoBinds rhs_infos specs))) }
(bndrs,rhss) = unzip prs
force_spec = any (forceSpecBndr env) bndrs
-- Note [Forcing specialisation]
-scTopBind env (NonRec bndr rhs)
- = do { (_, rhs') <- scExpr env rhs
- ; let (env1, bndr') = extendBndr env bndr
- env2 = extendValEnv env1 bndr' (isValue (sc_vals env) rhs')
- ; return (env2, NonRec bndr' rhs') }
+scTopBind env usage (NonRec bndr rhs)
+ = do { (rhs_usg', rhs') <- scExpr env rhs
+ ; return (usage `combineUsage` rhs_usg', NonRec bndr rhs') }
scRecRhs :: ScEnv -> (OutId, InExpr) -> UniqSM (ScUsage, RhsInfo)
@@ -1282,6 +1364,7 @@ specInfoBinds (RI fn new_rhs _ _ _) (SI specs _ _)
-- And now the original binding
rules = [r | OS _ r _ _ <- specs]
@@ -1589,6 +1672,7 @@ is_too_recursive :: ScEnv -> (CallPat, ValueEnv) -> Bool
-- filter out if there are more than the maximum.
-- This is only necessary if ForceSpecConstr is in effect:
-- otherwise specConstrCount will cause specialisation to terminate.
+ -- See Note [Limit recursive specialisation]
is_too_recursive env ((_,exprs), val_env)
= sc_force env && maximum (map go exprs) > sc_recursive env
@@ -1617,7 +1701,7 @@ callToPats env bndr_occs (con_env, args)
; let pat_fvs = varSetElems (exprsFreeVars pats)
in_scope_vars = getInScopeVars in_scope
qvars = filterOut (`elemVarSet` in_scope_vars) pat_fvs
- -- Quantify over variables that are not in sccpe
+ -- Quantify over variables that are not in scope
-- at the call site
-- See Note [Free type variables of the qvar types]
-- See Note [Shadowing] at the top