path: root/compiler
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authorSimon Peyton Jones <>2012-05-09 17:52:24 +0100
committerSimon Peyton Jones <>2012-05-09 17:52:24 +0100
commit1cec00dbb87051b4df159ee06c11516bf49ff109 (patch)
treed2208462c73dc9a88b7d01e56755dd907c332347 /compiler
parent980372f357667c1ba63b28acbf5798826890b7a5 (diff)
parent4c550307d96257b6d128183b329ef99a07873dbc (diff)
Merge branch 'master' of
Diffstat (limited to 'compiler')
53 files changed, 1836 insertions, 1693 deletions
diff --git a/compiler/cmm/PprC.hs b/compiler/cmm/PprC.hs
index 9515612405..39d5a845b8 100644
--- a/compiler/cmm/PprC.hs
+++ b/compiler/cmm/PprC.hs
@@ -203,9 +203,6 @@ pprStmt platform stmt = case stmt of
pprCFunType (pprCLabel platform lbl) cconv results args <>
noreturn_attr <> semi
- fun_proto lbl = ptext (sLit ";EF_(") <>
- pprCLabel platform lbl <> char ')' <> semi
noreturn_attr = case ret of
CmmNeverReturns -> text "__attribute__ ((noreturn))"
CmmMayReturn -> empty
@@ -226,12 +223,7 @@ pprStmt platform stmt = case stmt of
let myCall = pprCall platform (pprCLabel platform lbl) cconv results args
in (real_fun_proto lbl, myCall)
| not (isMathFun lbl) ->
- let myCall = braces (
- pprCFunType (char '*' <> text "ghcFunPtr") cconv results args <> semi
- $$ text "ghcFunPtr" <+> equals <+> cast_fn <> semi
- $$ pprCall platform (text "ghcFunPtr") cconv results args <> semi
- )
- in (fun_proto lbl, myCall)
+ pprForeignCall platform (pprCLabel platform lbl) cconv results args
_ ->
(empty {- no proto -},
pprCall platform cast_fn cconv results args <> semi)
@@ -241,19 +233,36 @@ pprStmt platform stmt = case stmt of
vcat $ map (pprStmt platform) stmts
CmmCall (CmmPrim op _) results args _ret ->
- pprCall platform ppr_fn CCallConv results args'
- where
- ppr_fn = pprCallishMachOp_for_C op
- -- The mem primops carry an extra alignment arg, must drop it.
- -- We could maybe emit an alignment directive using this info.
- args' | op == MO_Memcpy || op == MO_Memset || op == MO_Memmove = init args
- | otherwise = args
+ proto $$ fn_call
+ where
+ cconv = CCallConv
+ fn = pprCallishMachOp_for_C op
+ (proto, fn_call)
+ -- The mem primops carry an extra alignment arg, must drop it.
+ -- We could maybe emit an alignment directive using this info.
+ -- We also need to cast mem primops to prevent conflicts with GCC
+ -- builtins (see bug #5967).
+ | op `elem` [MO_Memcpy, MO_Memset, MO_Memmove]
+ = pprForeignCall platform fn cconv results (init args)
+ | otherwise
+ = (empty, pprCall platform fn cconv results args)
CmmBranch ident -> pprBranch ident
CmmCondBranch expr ident -> pprCondBranch platform expr ident
CmmJump lbl _ -> mkJMP_(pprExpr platform lbl) <> semi
CmmSwitch arg ids -> pprSwitch platform arg ids
+pprForeignCall :: Platform -> SDoc -> CCallConv -> [HintedCmmFormal] -> [HintedCmmActual] -> (SDoc, SDoc)
+pprForeignCall platform fn cconv results args = (proto, fn_call)
+ where
+ fn_call = braces (
+ pprCFunType (char '*' <> text "ghcFunPtr") cconv results args <> semi
+ $$ text "ghcFunPtr" <+> equals <+> cast_fn <> semi
+ $$ pprCall platform (text "ghcFunPtr") cconv results args <> semi
+ )
+ cast_fn = parens (parens (pprCFunType (char '*') cconv results args) <> fn)
+ proto = ptext (sLit ";EF_(") <> fn <> char ')' <> semi
pprCFunType :: SDoc -> CCallConv -> [HintedCmmFormal] -> [HintedCmmActual] -> SDoc
pprCFunType ppr_fn cconv ress args
= res_type ress <+>
diff --git a/compiler/coreSyn/CoreArity.lhs b/compiler/coreSyn/CoreArity.lhs
index 249861a4e4..7c392c48f2 100644
--- a/compiler/coreSyn/CoreArity.lhs
+++ b/compiler/coreSyn/CoreArity.lhs
@@ -663,7 +663,7 @@ arityType env (App fun arg )
-- The difference is observable using 'seq'
arityType env (Case scrut _ _ alts)
- | exprIsBottom scrut
+ | exprIsBottom scrut || null alts
= ABot 0 -- Do not eta expand
-- See Note [Dealing with bottom (1)]
| otherwise
@@ -829,14 +829,18 @@ etaInfoApp subst (Cast e co1) eis
co' = CoreSubst.substCo subst co1
-etaInfoApp subst (Case e b _ alts) eis
- = Case (subst_expr subst e) b1 (coreAltsType alts') alts'
+etaInfoApp subst (Case e b ty alts) eis
+ = Case (subst_expr subst e) b1 (mk_alts_ty (CoreSubst.substTy subst ty) eis) alts'
(subst1, b1) = substBndr subst b
alts' = map subst_alt alts
subst_alt (con, bs, rhs) = (con, bs', etaInfoApp subst2 rhs eis)
(subst2,bs') = substBndrs subst1 bs
+ mk_alts_ty ty [] = ty
+ mk_alts_ty ty (EtaVar v : eis) = mk_alts_ty (applyTypeToArg ty (varToCoreExpr v)) eis
+ mk_alts_ty _ (EtaCo co : eis) = mk_alts_ty (pSnd (coercionKind co)) eis
etaInfoApp subst (Let b e) eis
= Let b' (etaInfoApp subst' e eis)
diff --git a/compiler/coreSyn/CoreFVs.lhs b/compiler/coreSyn/CoreFVs.lhs
index 369f1a308e..eb3cd5e948 100644
--- a/compiler/coreSyn/CoreFVs.lhs
+++ b/compiler/coreSyn/CoreFVs.lhs
@@ -486,7 +486,7 @@ freeVars (Case scrut bndr ty alts)
scrut2 = freeVars scrut
(alts_fvs_s, alts2) = mapAndUnzip fv_alt alts
- alts_fvs = foldr1 unionFVs alts_fvs_s
+ alts_fvs = foldr unionFVs noFVs alts_fvs_s
fv_alt (con,args,rhs) = (delBindersFV args (freeVarsOf rhs2),
(con, args, rhs2))
diff --git a/compiler/coreSyn/CoreLint.lhs b/compiler/coreSyn/CoreLint.lhs
index 4af5b1c143..41b0f3bd2f 100644
--- a/compiler/coreSyn/CoreLint.lhs
+++ b/compiler/coreSyn/CoreLint.lhs
@@ -498,9 +498,6 @@ checkCaseAlts :: CoreExpr -> OutType -> [CoreAlt] -> LintM ()
-- the simplifer correctly eliminates case that can't
-- possibly match.
-checkCaseAlts e _ []
- = addErrL (mkNullAltsMsg e)
checkCaseAlts e ty alts =
do { checkL (all non_deflt con_alts) (mkNonDefltMsg e)
; checkL (increasing_tag con_alts) (mkNonIncreasingAltsMsg e)
@@ -1116,11 +1113,6 @@ pp_binder b | isId b = hsep [ppr b, dcolon, ppr (idType b)]
-- Messages for case expressions
-mkNullAltsMsg :: CoreExpr -> MsgDoc
-mkNullAltsMsg e
- = hang (text "Case expression with no alternatives:")
- 4 (ppr e)
mkDefaultArgsMsg :: [Var] -> MsgDoc
mkDefaultArgsMsg args
= hang (text "DEFAULT case with binders")
diff --git a/compiler/coreSyn/CoreSyn.lhs b/compiler/coreSyn/CoreSyn.lhs
index 29810755c7..bfe6dec72e 100644
--- a/compiler/coreSyn/CoreSyn.lhs
+++ b/compiler/coreSyn/CoreSyn.lhs
@@ -221,7 +221,8 @@ These data types are the heart of the compiler
-- This is one of the more complicated elements of the Core language,
-- and comes with a number of restrictions:
--- 1. The list of alternatives is non-empty
+-- 1. The list of alternatives may be empty;
+-- See Note [Empty case alternatives]
-- 2. The 'DEFAULT' case alternative must be first in the list,
-- if it occurs at all.
@@ -338,11 +339,59 @@ Note [CoreSyn let goal]
application, its arguments are trivial, so that the constructor can be
inlined vigorously.
Note [Type let]
See #type_let#
+Note [Empty case alternatives]
+The alternatives of a case expression should be exhaustive. A case expression
+can have empty alternatives if (and only if) the scrutinee is bound to raise
+an exception or diverge. So:
+ Case (error Int "Hello") b Bool []
+is fine, and has type Bool. This is one reason we need a type on
+the case expression: if the alternatives are empty we can't get the type
+from the alternatives! I'll write this
+ case (error Int "Hello") of Bool {}
+with the return type just before the alterantives.
+Here's another example:
+ data T
+ f :: T -> Bool
+ f = \(x:t). case x of Bool {}
+Since T has no data constructors, the case alterantives are of course
+empty. However note that 'x' is not bound to a visbily-bottom value;
+it's the *type* that tells us it's going to diverge. Its a bit of a
+degnerate situation but we do NOT want to replace
+ case x of Bool {} --> error Bool "Inaccessible case"
+because x might raise an exception, and *that*'s what we want to see!
+(Trac #6067 is an example.) To preserve semantics we'd have to say
+ x `seq` error Bool "Inaccessible case"
+ but the 'seq' is just a case, so we are back to square 1. Or I suppose
+we could say
+ x |> UnsafeCoerce T Bool
+but that loses all trace of the fact that this originated with an empty
+set of alternatives.
+We can use the empty-alternative construct to coerce error values from
+one type to another. For example
+ f :: Int -> Int
+ f n = error "urk"
+ g :: Int -> (# Char, Bool #)
+ g x = case f x of { 0 -> ..., n -> ... }
+Then if we inline f in g's RHS we get
+ case (error Int "urk") of (# Char, Bool #) { ... }
+and we can discard the alternatives since the scrutinee is bottom to give
+ case (error Int "urk") of (# Char, Bool #) {}
+This is nicer than using an unsafe coerce between Int ~ (# Char,Bool #),
+if for no other reason that we don't need to instantiate the (~) at an
+unboxed type.
%* *
diff --git a/compiler/coreSyn/CoreUnfold.lhs b/compiler/coreSyn/CoreUnfold.lhs
index 4ab1bec131..5817669fe7 100644
--- a/compiler/coreSyn/CoreUnfold.lhs
+++ b/compiler/coreSyn/CoreUnfold.lhs
@@ -392,8 +392,8 @@ sizeExpr bOMB_OUT_SIZE top_args expr
size_up (Case (Var v) _ _ alts)
| v `elem` top_args -- We are scrutinising an argument variable
- = alts_size (foldr1 addAltSize alt_sizes)
- (foldr1 maxSize alt_sizes)
+ = alts_size (foldr addAltSize sizeZero alt_sizes)
+ (foldr maxSize sizeZero alt_sizes)
-- Good to inline if an arg is scrutinised, because
-- that may eliminate allocation in the caller
-- And it eliminates the case itself
diff --git a/compiler/coreSyn/CoreUtils.lhs b/compiler/coreSyn/CoreUtils.lhs
index 35063350ef..34046e8159 100644
--- a/compiler/coreSyn/CoreUtils.lhs
+++ b/compiler/coreSyn/CoreUtils.lhs
@@ -187,15 +187,7 @@ mkCast (Coercion e_co) co
-- The guard here checks that g has a (~#) on both sides,
-- otherwise decomposeCo fails. Can in principle happen
-- with unsafeCoerce
- = Coercion new_co
- where
- -- g :: (s1 ~# s2) ~# (t1 ~# t2)
- -- g1 :: s1 ~# t1
- -- g2 :: s2 ~# t2
- new_co = mkSymCo g1 `mkTransCo` e_co `mkTransCo` g2
- [_reflk, g1, g2] = decomposeCo 3 co
- -- Remember, (~#) :: forall k. k -> k -> *
- -- so it takes *three* arguments, not two
+ = Coercion (mkCoCast e_co co)
mkCast (Cast expr co2) co
= ASSERT(let { Pair from_ty _to_ty = coercionKind co;
diff --git a/compiler/coreSyn/MkCore.lhs b/compiler/coreSyn/MkCore.lhs
index 9e42290f7e..53386fec02 100644
--- a/compiler/coreSyn/MkCore.lhs
+++ b/compiler/coreSyn/MkCore.lhs
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ module MkCore (
mkCoreApp, mkCoreApps, mkCoreConApps,
mkCoreLams, mkWildCase, mkIfThenElse,
mkWildValBinder, mkWildEvBinder,
- sortQuantVars,
+ sortQuantVars, castBottomExpr,
-- * Constructing boxed literals
mkWordExpr, mkWordExprWord,
@@ -209,6 +209,16 @@ mkIfThenElse guard then_expr else_expr
= mkWildCase guard boolTy (exprType then_expr)
[ (DataAlt falseDataCon, [], else_expr), -- Increasing order of tag!
(DataAlt trueDataCon, [], then_expr) ]
+castBottomExpr :: CoreExpr -> Type -> CoreExpr
+-- (castBottomExpr e ty), assuming that 'e' diverges,
+-- return an expression of type 'ty'
+-- See Note [Empty case alternatives] in CoreSyn
+castBottomExpr e res_ty
+ | e_ty `eqType` res_ty = e
+ | otherwise = Case e (mkWildValBinder e_ty) res_ty []
+ where
+ e_ty = exprType e
The functions from this point don't really do anything cleverer than
diff --git a/compiler/deSugar/Coverage.lhs b/compiler/deSugar/Coverage.lhs
index 2d0ad237fc..ec7adf543f 100644
--- a/compiler/deSugar/Coverage.lhs
+++ b/compiler/deSugar/Coverage.lhs
@@ -620,12 +620,11 @@ addTickStmt isGuard (ExprStmt e bind' guard' ty) = do
addTickStmt _isGuard (LetStmt binds) = do
liftM LetStmt
(addTickHsLocalBinds binds)
-addTickStmt isGuard (ParStmt pairs mzipExpr bindExpr returnExpr) = do
- liftM4 ParStmt
+addTickStmt isGuard (ParStmt pairs mzipExpr bindExpr) = do
+ liftM3 ParStmt
(mapM (addTickStmtAndBinders isGuard) pairs)
(addTickSyntaxExpr hpcSrcSpan mzipExpr)
(addTickSyntaxExpr hpcSrcSpan bindExpr)
- (addTickSyntaxExpr hpcSrcSpan returnExpr)
addTickStmt isGuard stmt@(TransStmt { trS_stmts = stmts
, trS_by = by, trS_using = using
@@ -652,12 +651,13 @@ addTick :: Maybe (Bool -> BoxLabel) -> LHsExpr Id -> TM (LHsExpr Id)
addTick isGuard e | Just fn <- isGuard = addBinTickLHsExpr fn e
| otherwise = addTickLHsExprRHS e
-addTickStmtAndBinders :: Maybe (Bool -> BoxLabel) -> ([LStmt Id], a)
- -> TM ([LStmt Id], a)
-addTickStmtAndBinders isGuard (stmts, ids) =
- liftM2 (,)
+addTickStmtAndBinders :: Maybe (Bool -> BoxLabel) -> ParStmtBlock Id Id
+ -> TM (ParStmtBlock Id Id)
+addTickStmtAndBinders isGuard (ParStmtBlock stmts ids returnExpr) =
+ liftM3 ParStmtBlock
(addTickLStmts isGuard stmts)
(return ids)
+ (addTickSyntaxExpr hpcSrcSpan returnExpr)
addTickHsLocalBinds :: HsLocalBinds Id -> TM (HsLocalBinds Id)
addTickHsLocalBinds (HsValBinds binds) =
diff --git a/compiler/deSugar/DsArrows.lhs b/compiler/deSugar/DsArrows.lhs
index 663c289d3c..1da6a77976 100644
--- a/compiler/deSugar/DsArrows.lhs
+++ b/compiler/deSugar/DsArrows.lhs
@@ -1124,8 +1124,8 @@ collectStmtBinders (BindStmt pat _ _ _) = collectPatBinders pat
collectStmtBinders (LetStmt binds) = collectLocalBinders binds
collectStmtBinders (ExprStmt {}) = []
collectStmtBinders (LastStmt {}) = []
-collectStmtBinders (ParStmt xs _ _ _) = collectLStmtsBinders
- $ concatMap fst xs
+collectStmtBinders (ParStmt xs _ _) = collectLStmtsBinders
+ $ [ s | ParStmtBlock ss _ _ <- xs, s <- ss]
collectStmtBinders (TransStmt { trS_stmts = stmts }) = collectLStmtsBinders stmts
collectStmtBinders (RecStmt { recS_later_ids = later_ids }) = later_ids
diff --git a/compiler/deSugar/DsBinds.lhs b/compiler/deSugar/DsBinds.lhs
index 8fc6bd91f3..eae9530b0e 100644
--- a/compiler/deSugar/DsBinds.lhs
+++ b/compiler/deSugar/DsBinds.lhs
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ lower levels it is preserved with @let@/@letrec@s).
-- for details
module DsBinds ( dsTopLHsBinds, dsLHsBinds, decomposeRuleLhs, dsSpec,
- dsHsWrapper, dsTcEvBinds, dsEvBinds, dsTcCoercion
+ dsHsWrapper, dsTcEvBinds, dsEvBinds
) where
#include "HsVersions.h"
@@ -32,7 +32,6 @@ import DsUtils
import HsSyn -- lots of things
import CoreSyn -- lots of things
-import HscTypes ( MonadThings )
import Literal ( Literal(MachStr) )
import CoreSubst
import MkCore
@@ -40,6 +39,8 @@ import CoreUtils
import CoreArity ( etaExpand )
import CoreUnfold
import CoreFVs
+import UniqSupply
+import Unique( Unique )
import Digraph
@@ -52,7 +53,7 @@ import TysWiredIn ( eqBoxDataCon, tupleCon )
import Id
import Class
import DataCon ( dataConWorkId )
-import Name ( Name, localiseName )
+import Name
import MkId ( seqId )
import Var
import VarSet
@@ -662,7 +663,7 @@ but it seems better to reject the program because it's almost certainly
a mistake. That's what the isDeadBinder call detects.
Note [Constant rule dicts]
When the LHS of a specialisation rule, (/\as\ds. f es) has a free dict,
which is presumably in scope at the function definition site, we can quantify
over it too. *Any* dict with that type will do.
@@ -695,23 +696,23 @@ as the old one, but with an Internal name and no IdInfo.
-dsHsWrapper :: MonadThings m => HsWrapper -> CoreExpr -> m CoreExpr
+dsHsWrapper :: HsWrapper -> CoreExpr -> DsM CoreExpr
dsHsWrapper WpHole e = return e
dsHsWrapper (WpTyApp ty) e = return $ App e (Type ty)
dsHsWrapper (WpLet ev_binds) e = do bs <- dsTcEvBinds ev_binds
return (mkCoreLets bs e)
dsHsWrapper (WpCompose c1 c2) e = dsHsWrapper c1 =<< dsHsWrapper c2 e
-dsHsWrapper (WpCast co) e = return $ dsTcCoercion co (mkCast e)
+dsHsWrapper (WpCast co) e = dsTcCoercion co (mkCast e)
dsHsWrapper (WpEvLam ev) e = return $ Lam ev e
dsHsWrapper (WpTyLam tv) e = return $ Lam tv e
dsHsWrapper (WpEvApp evtrm) e = liftM (App e) (dsEvTerm evtrm)
-dsTcEvBinds :: MonadThings m => TcEvBinds -> m [CoreBind]
+dsTcEvBinds :: TcEvBinds -> DsM [CoreBind]
dsTcEvBinds (TcEvBinds {}) = panic "dsEvBinds" -- Zonker has got rid of this
dsTcEvBinds (EvBinds bs) = dsEvBinds bs
-dsEvBinds :: MonadThings m => Bag EvBind -> m [CoreBind]
+dsEvBinds :: Bag EvBind -> DsM [CoreBind]
dsEvBinds bs = mapM ds_scc (sccEvBinds bs)
ds_scc (AcyclicSCC (EvBind v r)) = liftM (NonRec v) (dsEvTerm r)
@@ -726,39 +727,51 @@ sccEvBinds bs = stronglyConnCompFromEdgedVertices edges
edges = foldrBag ((:) . mk_node) [] bs
mk_node :: EvBind -> (EvBind, EvVar, [EvVar])
- mk_node b@(EvBind var term) = (b, var, evVarsOfTerm term)
+ mk_node b@(EvBind var term) = (b, var, varSetElems (evVarsOfTerm term))
-dsEvTerm :: MonadThings m => EvTerm -> m CoreExpr
+dsEvTerm :: EvTerm -> DsM CoreExpr
dsEvTerm (EvId v) = return (Var v)
-dsEvTerm (EvCast v co)
- = return $ dsTcCoercion co $ mkCast (Var v) -- 'v' is always a lifted evidence variable so it is
- -- unnecessary to call varToCoreExpr v here.
+dsEvTerm (EvCast tm co)
+ = do { tm' <- dsEvTerm tm
+ ; dsTcCoercion co $ mkCast tm' }
+ -- 'v' is always a lifted evidence variable so it is
+ -- unnecessary to call varToCoreExpr v here.
dsEvTerm (EvKindCast v co)
- = return $ dsTcCoercion co $ (\_ -> Var v)
+ = do { v' <- dsEvTerm v
+ ; dsTcCoercion co $ (\_ -> v') }
-dsEvTerm (EvDFunApp df tys vars) = return (Var df `mkTyApps` tys `mkVarApps` vars)
-dsEvTerm (EvCoercion co) = return $ dsTcCoercion co mkEqBox
+dsEvTerm (EvDFunApp df tys tms) = do { tms' <- mapM dsEvTerm tms
+ ; return (Var df `mkTyApps` tys `mkApps` tms') }
+dsEvTerm (EvCoercion co) = dsTcCoercion co mkEqBox
dsEvTerm (EvTupleSel v n)
- = ASSERT( isTupleTyCon tc )
- return $
- Case (Var v) (mkWildValBinder (varType v)) (tys !! n) [(DataAlt dc, xs, Var v')]
- where
- (tc, tys) = splitTyConApp (evVarPred v)
- Just [dc] = tyConDataCons_maybe tc
- v' = v `setVarType` ty_want
- xs = map mkWildValBinder tys_before ++ v' : map mkWildValBinder tys_after
- (tys_before, ty_want:tys_after) = splitAt n tys
-dsEvTerm (EvTupleMk vs) = return $ Var (dataConWorkId dc) `mkTyApps` tys `mkVarApps` vs
- where dc = tupleCon ConstraintTuple (length vs)
- tys = map varType vs
+ = do { tm' <- dsEvTerm v
+ ; let scrut_ty = exprType tm'
+ (tc, tys) = splitTyConApp scrut_ty
+ Just [dc] = tyConDataCons_maybe tc
+ xs = mkTemplateLocals tys
+ the_x = xs !! n
+ ; ASSERT( isTupleTyCon tc )
+ return $
+ Case tm' (mkWildValBinder scrut_ty) (idType the_x) [(DataAlt dc, xs, Var the_x)] }
+dsEvTerm (EvTupleMk tms)
+ = do { tms' <- mapM dsEvTerm tms
+ ; let tys = map exprType tms'
+ ; return $ Var (dataConWorkId dc) `mkTyApps` tys `mkApps` tms' }
+ where
+ dc = tupleCon ConstraintTuple (length tms)
dsEvTerm (EvSuperClass d n)
- = return $ Var sc_sel_id `mkTyApps` tys `App` Var d
+ = do { d' <- dsEvTerm d
+ ; let (cls, tys) = getClassPredTys (exprType d')
+ sc_sel_id = classSCSelId cls n -- Zero-indexed
+ ; return $ Var sc_sel_id `mkTyApps` tys `App` d' }
- sc_sel_id = classSCSelId cls n -- Zero-indexed
- (cls, tys) = getClassPredTys (evVarPred d)
dsEvTerm (EvDelayedError ty msg) = return $ Var errorId `mkTyApps` [ty] `mkApps` [litMsg]
@@ -770,7 +783,7 @@ dsEvTerm (EvLit l) =
EvStr s -> mkStringExprFS s
-dsTcCoercion :: TcCoercion -> (Coercion -> CoreExpr) -> CoreExpr
+dsTcCoercion :: TcCoercion -> (Coercion -> CoreExpr) -> DsM CoreExpr
-- This is the crucial function that moves
-- from TcCoercions to Coercions; see Note [TcCoercions] in Coercion
-- e.g. dsTcCoercion (trans g1 g2) k
@@ -778,22 +791,28 @@ dsTcCoercion :: TcCoercion -> (Coercion -> CoreExpr) -> CoreExpr
-- case g2 of EqBox g2# ->
-- k (trans g1# g2#)
dsTcCoercion co thing_inside
- = foldr wrap_in_case result_expr eqvs_covs
- where
- result_expr = thing_inside (ds_tc_coercion subst co)
- result_ty = exprType result_expr
+ = do { us <- newUniqueSupply
+ ; let eqvs_covs :: [(EqVar,CoVar)]
+ eqvs_covs = zipWith mk_co_var (varSetElems (coVarsOfTcCo co))
+ (uniqsFromSupply us)
- -- We use the same uniques for the EqVars and the CoVars, and just change
- -- the type. So the CoVars shadow the EqVars
+ subst = mkCvSubst emptyInScopeSet [(eqv, mkCoVarCo cov) | (eqv, cov) <- eqvs_covs]
+ result_expr = thing_inside (ds_tc_coercion subst co)
+ result_ty = exprType result_expr
- eqvs_covs :: [(EqVar,CoVar)]
- eqvs_covs = [(eqv, eqv `setIdType` mkCoercionType ty1 ty2)
- | eqv <- varSetElems (coVarsOfTcCo co)
- , let (ty1, ty2) = getEqPredTys (evVarPred eqv)]
- subst = mkCvSubst emptyInScopeSet [(eqv, mkCoVarCo cov) | (eqv, cov) <- eqvs_covs]
- wrap_in_case (eqv, cov) body
+ ; return (foldr (wrap_in_case result_ty) result_expr eqvs_covs) }
+ where
+ mk_co_var :: Id -> Unique -> (Id, Id)
+ mk_co_var eqv uniq = (eqv, mkUserLocal occ uniq ty loc)
+ where
+ eq_nm = idName eqv
+ occ = nameOccName eq_nm
+ loc = nameSrcSpan eq_nm
+ ty = mkCoercionType ty1 ty2
+ (ty1, ty2) = getEqPredTys (evVarPred eqv)
+ wrap_in_case result_ty (eqv, cov) body
= Case (Var eqv) eqv result_ty [(DataAlt eqBoxDataCon, [cov], body)]
ds_tc_coercion :: CvSubst -> TcCoercion -> Coercion
@@ -816,6 +835,7 @@ ds_tc_coercion subst tc_co
go (TcNthCo n co) = mkNthCo n (go co)
go (TcInstCo co ty) = mkInstCo (go co) ty
go (TcLetCo bs co) = ds_tc_coercion (ds_co_binds bs) co
+ go (TcCastCo co1 co2) = mkCoCast (go co1) (go co2)
go (TcCoVarCo v) = ds_ev_id subst v
ds_co_binds :: TcEvBinds -> CvSubst
diff --git a/compiler/deSugar/DsListComp.lhs b/compiler/deSugar/DsListComp.lhs
index 917e8b19ed..c3c52188fe 100644
--- a/compiler/deSugar/DsListComp.lhs
+++ b/compiler/deSugar/DsListComp.lhs
@@ -19,7 +19,6 @@ import TcHsSyn
import CoreSyn
import MkCore
-import TcEvidence
import DsMonad -- the monadery used in the desugarer
import DsUtils
@@ -71,15 +70,15 @@ dsListComp lquals res_ty = do
-- mix of possibly a single element in length, so we do this to leave the possibility open
isParallelComp = any isParallelStmt
- isParallelStmt (ParStmt _ _ _ _) = True
- isParallelStmt _ = False
+ isParallelStmt (ParStmt {}) = True
+ isParallelStmt _ = False
-- This function lets you desugar a inner list comprehension and a list of the binders
-- of that comprehension that we need in the outer comprehension into such an expression
-- and the type of the elements that it outputs (tuples of binders)
-dsInnerListComp :: ([LStmt Id], [Id]) -> DsM (CoreExpr, Type)
-dsInnerListComp (stmts, bndrs)
+dsInnerListComp :: (ParStmtBlock Id Id) -> DsM (CoreExpr, Type)
+dsInnerListComp (ParStmtBlock stmts bndrs _)
= do { expr <- dsListComp (stmts ++ [noLoc $ mkLastStmt (mkBigLHsVarTup bndrs)])
(mkListTy bndrs_tuple_type)
; return (expr, bndrs_tuple_type) }
@@ -98,7 +97,7 @@ dsTransStmt (TransStmt { trS_form = form, trS_stmts = stmts, trS_bndrs = binderM
to_bndrs_tup_ty = mkBigCoreTupTy to_bndrs_tys
-- Desugar an inner comprehension which outputs a list of tuples of the "from" binders
- (expr, from_tup_ty) <- dsInnerListComp (stmts, from_bndrs)
+ (expr, from_tup_ty) <- dsInnerListComp (ParStmtBlock stmts from_bndrs noSyntaxExpr)
-- Work out what arguments should be supplied to that expression: i.e. is an extraction
-- function required? If so, create that desugared function and add to arguments
@@ -233,7 +232,7 @@ deListComp (BindStmt pat list1 _ _ : quals) core_list2 = do -- rule A' above
core_list1 <- dsLExpr list1
deBindComp pat core_list1 quals core_list2
-deListComp (ParStmt stmtss_w_bndrs _ _ _ : quals) list
+deListComp (ParStmt stmtss_w_bndrs _ _ : quals) list
= do { exps_and_qual_tys <- mapM dsInnerListComp stmtss_w_bndrs
; let (exps, qual_tys) = unzip exps_and_qual_tys
@@ -243,7 +242,7 @@ deListComp (ParStmt stmtss_w_bndrs _ _ _ : quals) list
; deBindComp pat (Let (Rec [(zip_fn, zip_rhs)]) (mkApps (Var zip_fn) exps))
quals list }
- bndrs_s = map snd stmtss_w_bndrs
+ bndrs_s = [bs | ParStmtBlock _ bs _ <- stmtss_w_bndrs]
-- pat is the pattern ((x1,..,xn), (y1,..,ym)) in the example above
pat = mkBigLHsPatTup pats
@@ -473,7 +472,7 @@ dsPArrComp :: [Stmt Id]
-> DsM CoreExpr
-- Special case for parallel comprehension
-dsPArrComp (ParStmt qss _ _ _ : quals) = dePArrParComp qss quals
+dsPArrComp (ParStmt qss _ _ : quals) = dePArrParComp qss quals
-- Special case for simple generators:
@@ -590,7 +589,7 @@ dePArrComp (LetStmt ds : qs) pa cea = do
-- singeltons qualifier lists, which we already special case in the caller.
-- So, encountering one here is a bug.
-dePArrComp (ParStmt _ _ _ _ : _) _ _ =
+dePArrComp (ParStmt {} : _) _ _ =
panic "DsListComp.dePArrComp: malformed comprehension AST: ParStmt"
dePArrComp (TransStmt {} : _) _ _ = panic "DsListComp.dePArrComp: TransStmt"
dePArrComp (RecStmt {} : _) _ _ = panic "DsListComp.dePArrComp: RecStmt"
@@ -601,7 +600,7 @@ dePArrComp (RecStmt {} : _) _ _ = panic "DsListComp.dePArrComp: RecStmt"
-- where
-- {x_1, ..., x_n} = DV (qs)
-dePArrParComp :: [([LStmt Id], [Id])] -> [Stmt Id] -> DsM CoreExpr
+dePArrParComp :: [ParStmtBlock Id Id] -> [Stmt Id] -> DsM CoreExpr
dePArrParComp qss quals = do
(pQss, ceQss) <- deParStmt qss
dePArrComp quals pQss ceQss
@@ -609,13 +608,13 @@ dePArrParComp qss quals = do
deParStmt [] =
-- empty parallel statement lists have no source representation
panic "DsListComp.dePArrComp: Empty parallel list comprehension"
- deParStmt ((qs, xs):qss) = do -- first statement
+ deParStmt (ParStmtBlock qs xs _:qss) = do -- first statement
let res_expr = mkLHsVarTuple xs
cqs <- dsPArrComp (map unLoc qs ++ [mkLastStmt res_expr])
parStmts qss (mkLHsVarPatTup xs) cqs
parStmts [] pa cea = return (pa, cea)
- parStmts ((qs, xs):qss) pa cea = do -- subsequent statements (zip'ed)
+ parStmts (ParStmtBlock qs xs _:qss) pa cea = do -- subsequent statements (zip'ed)
zipP <- dsDPHBuiltin zipPVar
let pa' = mkLHsPatTup [pa, mkLHsVarPatTup xs]
ty'cea = parrElemType cea
@@ -763,12 +762,12 @@ dsMcStmt (TransStmt { trS_stmts = stmts, trS_bndrs = bndrs
-- mzip :: forall a b. m a -> m b -> m (a,b)
-- NB: we need a polymorphic mzip because we call it several times
-dsMcStmt (ParStmt pairs mzip_op bind_op return_op) stmts_rest
- = do { exps_w_tys <- mapM ds_inner pairs -- Pairs (exp :: m ty, ty)
+dsMcStmt (ParStmt blocks mzip_op bind_op) stmts_rest
+ = do { exps_w_tys <- mapM ds_inner blocks -- Pairs (exp :: m ty, ty)
; mzip_op' <- dsExpr mzip_op
; let -- The pattern variables
- pats = map (mkBigLHsVarPatTup . snd) pairs
+ pats = [ mkBigLHsVarPatTup bs | ParStmtBlock _ bs _ <- blocks]
-- Pattern with tuples of variables
-- [v1,v2,v3] => (v1, (v2, v3))
pat = foldr1 (\p1 p2 -> mkLHsPatTup [p1, p2]) pats
@@ -779,11 +778,9 @@ dsMcStmt (ParStmt pairs mzip_op bind_op return_op) stmts_rest
; dsMcBindStmt pat rhs bind_op noSyntaxExpr stmts_rest }
- ds_inner (stmts, bndrs) = do { exp <- dsInnerMonadComp stmts bndrs mono_ret_op
- ; return (exp, tup_ty) }
- where
- mono_ret_op = HsWrap (WpTyApp tup_ty) return_op
- tup_ty = mkBigCoreVarTupTy bndrs
+ ds_inner (ParStmtBlock stmts bndrs return_op)
+ = do { exp <- dsInnerMonadComp stmts bndrs return_op
+ ; return (exp, mkBigCoreVarTupTy bndrs) }
dsMcStmt stmt _ = pprPanic "dsMcStmt: unexpected stmt" (ppr stmt)
diff --git a/compiler/ b/compiler/
index 505c985bbe..a3005db41b 100644
--- a/compiler/
+++ b/compiler/
@@ -493,11 +493,11 @@ compiler/main/Constants_HC_OPTS += -fforce-recomp
# LibFFI.hs #includes ffi.h
compiler/stage2/build/LibFFI.hs : $(libffi_HEADERS)
# On Windows it seems we also need to link directly to libffi
-ifeq "$(HOSTPLATFORM)" "i386-unknown-mingw32"
+ifeq "$(HostOS_CPP)" "mingw32"
define windowsDynLinkToFfi
# $1 = way
ifneq "$$(findstring dyn, $1)" ""
-compiler_stage2_$1_ALL_HC_OPTS += -lffi-5
+compiler_stage2_$1_ALL_HC_OPTS += -l$$(LIBFFI_WINDOWS_LIB)
$(foreach way,$(GhcLibWays),$(eval $(call windowsDynLinkToFfi,$(way))))
diff --git a/compiler/ghci/LibFFI.hsc b/compiler/ghci/LibFFI.hsc
index d54307973e..9bdabda0c2 100644
--- a/compiler/ghci/LibFFI.hsc
+++ b/compiler/ghci/LibFFI.hsc
@@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ prepForeignCall cconv arg_types result_type
convToABI :: CCallConv -> C_ffi_abi
-#ifdef mingw32_HOST_OS
+#if defined(mingw32_HOST_OS) && defined(i386_HOST_ARCH)
convToABI StdCallConv = fFI_STDCALL
-- unknown conventions are mapped to the default, (#3336)
@@ -111,7 +111,7 @@ fFI_OK = (#const FFI_OK)
fFI_DEFAULT_ABI :: C_ffi_abi
-#ifdef mingw32_HOST_OS
+#if defined(mingw32_HOST_OS) && defined(i386_HOST_ARCH)
fFI_STDCALL :: C_ffi_abi
diff --git a/compiler/hsSyn/Convert.lhs b/compiler/hsSyn/Convert.lhs
index 2ee7692052..7e8ceb6695 100644
--- a/compiler/hsSyn/Convert.lhs
+++ b/compiler/hsSyn/Convert.lhs
@@ -652,9 +652,9 @@ cvtStmt (NoBindS e) = do { e' <- cvtl e; returnL $ mkExprStmt e' }
cvtStmt (TH.BindS p e) = do { p' <- cvtPat p; e' <- cvtl e; returnL $ mkBindStmt p' e' }
cvtStmt (TH.LetS ds) = do { ds' <- cvtLocalDecs (ptext (sLit "a let binding")) ds
; returnL $ LetStmt ds' }
-cvtStmt (TH.ParS dss) = do { dss' <- mapM cvt_one dss; returnL $ ParStmt dss' noSyntaxExpr noSyntaxExpr noSyntaxExpr }
+cvtStmt (TH.ParS dss) = do { dss' <- mapM cvt_one dss; returnL $ ParStmt dss' noSyntaxExpr noSyntaxExpr }
- cvt_one ds = do { ds' <- cvtStmts ds; return (ds', undefined) }
+ cvt_one ds = do { ds' <- cvtStmts ds; return (ParStmtBlock ds' undefined noSyntaxExpr) }
cvtMatch :: TH.Match -> CvtM (Hs.LMatch RdrName)
cvtMatch (TH.Match p body decs)
diff --git a/compiler/hsSyn/HsExpr.lhs b/compiler/hsSyn/HsExpr.lhs
index 08d1281f13..349c001cc8 100644
--- a/compiler/hsSyn/HsExpr.lhs
+++ b/compiler/hsSyn/HsExpr.lhs
@@ -875,11 +875,9 @@ data StmtLR idL idR
| LetStmt (HsLocalBindsLR idL idR)
-- ParStmts only occur in a list/monad comprehension
- | ParStmt [([LStmt idL], [idR])]
+ | ParStmt [ParStmtBlock idL idR]
(SyntaxExpr idR) -- Polymorphic `mzip` for monad comprehensions
(SyntaxExpr idR) -- The `>>=` operator
- (SyntaxExpr idR) -- Polymorphic `return` operator
- -- with type (forall a. a -> m a)
-- See notes [Monad Comprehensions]
-- After renaming, the ids are the binders
-- bound by the stmts and used after themp
@@ -943,6 +941,13 @@ data TransForm -- The 'f' below is the 'using' function, 'e' is the by function
= ThenForm -- then f or then f by e (depending on trS_by)
| GroupForm -- then group using f or then group by e using f (depending on trS_by)
deriving (Data, Typeable)
+data ParStmtBlock idL idR
+ = ParStmtBlock
+ [LStmt idL]
+ [idR] -- The variables to be returned
+ (SyntaxExpr idR) -- The return operator
+ deriving( Data, Typeable )
Note [The type of bind in Stmts]
@@ -1082,6 +1087,10 @@ In any other context than 'MonadComp', the fields for most of these
+instance (OutputableBndr idL, OutputableBndr idR)
+ => Outputable (ParStmtBlock idL idR) where
+ ppr (ParStmtBlock stmts _ _) = interpp'SP stmts
instance (OutputableBndr idL, OutputableBndr idR) => Outputable (StmtLR idL idR) where
ppr stmt = pprStmt stmt
@@ -1090,11 +1099,10 @@ pprStmt (LastStmt expr _) = ifPprDebug (ptext (sLit "[last]")) <+> ppr e
pprStmt (BindStmt pat expr _ _) = hsep [ppr pat, ptext (sLit "<-"), ppr expr]
pprStmt (LetStmt binds) = hsep [ptext (sLit "let"), pprBinds binds]
pprStmt (ExprStmt expr _ _ _) = ppr expr
-pprStmt (ParStmt stmtss _ _ _) = hsep (map doStmts stmtss)
- where doStmts stmts = ptext (sLit "| ") <> ppr stmts
+pprStmt (ParStmt stmtss _ _) = sep (punctuate (ptext (sLit " | ")) (map ppr stmtss))
pprStmt (TransStmt { trS_stmts = stmts, trS_by = by, trS_using = using, trS_form = form })
- = sep (ppr_lc_stmts stmts ++ [pprTransStmt by using form])
+ = sep $ punctuate comma (map ppr stmts ++ [pprTransStmt by using form])
pprStmt (RecStmt { recS_stmts = segment, recS_rec_ids = rec_ids
, recS_later_ids = later_ids })
@@ -1138,16 +1146,17 @@ ppr_do_stmts stmts
= lbrace <+> pprDeeperList vcat (punctuate semi (map ppr stmts))
<+> rbrace
-ppr_lc_stmts :: OutputableBndr id => [LStmt id] -> [SDoc]
-ppr_lc_stmts stmts = [ppr s <> comma | s <- stmts]
pprComp :: OutputableBndr id => [LStmt id] -> SDoc
pprComp quals -- Prints: body | qual1, ..., qualn
| not (null quals)
, L _ (LastStmt body _) <- last quals
- = hang (ppr body <+> char '|') 2 (interpp'SP (dropTail 1 quals))
+ = hang (ppr body <+> char '|') 2 (pprQuals (dropTail 1 quals))
| otherwise
- = pprPanic "pprComp" (interpp'SP quals)
+ = pprPanic "pprComp" (pprQuals quals)
+pprQuals :: OutputableBndr id => [LStmt id] -> SDoc
+-- Show list comprehension qualifiers separated by commas
+pprQuals quals = interpp'SP quals
diff --git a/compiler/hsSyn/HsUtils.lhs b/compiler/hsSyn/HsUtils.lhs
index cf54de467d..8ac04761fe 100644
--- a/compiler/hsSyn/HsUtils.lhs
+++ b/compiler/hsSyn/HsUtils.lhs
@@ -93,7 +93,7 @@ import SrcLoc
import FastString
import Util
import Bag
+import Outputable
import Data.Either
@@ -216,7 +216,8 @@ mkGroupUsingStmt :: [LStmt idL] -> LHsExpr idR -> StmtLR idL id
mkGroupByUsingStmt :: [LStmt idL] -> LHsExpr idR -> LHsExpr idR -> StmtLR idL idR
emptyTransStmt :: StmtLR idL idR
-emptyTransStmt = TransStmt { trS_form = undefined, trS_stmts = [], trS_bndrs = []
+emptyTransStmt = TransStmt { trS_form = panic "emptyTransStmt: form"
+ , trS_stmts = [], trS_bndrs = []
, trS_by = Nothing, trS_using = noLoc noSyntaxExpr
, trS_ret = noSyntaxExpr, trS_bind = noSyntaxExpr
, trS_fmap = noSyntaxExpr }
@@ -538,8 +539,8 @@ collectStmtBinders (BindStmt pat _ _ _) = collectPatBinders pat
collectStmtBinders (LetStmt binds) = collectLocalBinders binds
collectStmtBinders (ExprStmt {}) = []
collectStmtBinders (LastStmt {}) = []
-collectStmtBinders (ParStmt xs _ _ _) = collectLStmtsBinders
- $ concatMap fst xs
+collectStmtBinders (ParStmt xs _ _) = collectLStmtsBinders
+ $ [s | ParStmtBlock ss _ _ <- xs, s <- ss]
collectStmtBinders (TransStmt { trS_stmts = stmts }) = collectLStmtsBinders stmts
collectStmtBinders (RecStmt { recS_stmts = ss }) = collectLStmtsBinders ss
@@ -714,8 +715,7 @@ lStmtsImplicits = hs_lstmts
hs_stmt (LetStmt binds) = hs_local_binds binds
hs_stmt (ExprStmt {}) = emptyNameSet
hs_stmt (LastStmt {}) = emptyNameSet
- hs_stmt (ParStmt xs _ _ _) = hs_lstmts $ concatMap fst xs
+ hs_stmt (ParStmt xs _ _) = hs_lstmts [s | ParStmtBlock ss _ _ <- xs, s <- ss]
hs_stmt (TransStmt { trS_stmts = stmts }) = hs_lstmts stmts
hs_stmt (RecStmt { recS_stmts = ss }) = hs_lstmts ss
diff --git a/compiler/iface/BinIface.hs b/compiler/iface/BinIface.hs
index eff699fd6b..3ef6d0998a 100644
--- a/compiler/iface/BinIface.hs
+++ b/compiler/iface/BinIface.hs
@@ -1124,6 +1124,10 @@ instance Binary IfaceExpr where
putByte bh 12
put_ bh ie
put_ bh ico
+ put_ bh (IfaceECase a b) = do
+ putByte bh 13
+ put_ bh a
+ put_ bh b
get bh = do
h <- getByte bh
case h of
@@ -1162,6 +1166,9 @@ instance Binary IfaceExpr where
12 -> do ie <- get bh
ico <- get bh
return (IfaceCast ie ico)
+ 13 -> do a <- get bh
+ b <- get bh
+ return (IfaceECase a b)
_ -> panic ("get IfaceExpr " ++ show h)
instance Binary IfaceConAlt where
diff --git a/compiler/iface/IfaceSyn.lhs b/compiler/iface/IfaceSyn.lhs
index d3e44fe54f..b53398da7d 100644
--- a/compiler/iface/IfaceSyn.lhs
+++ b/compiler/iface/IfaceSyn.lhs
@@ -249,6 +249,7 @@ data IfaceExpr
| IfaceLam IfaceBndr IfaceExpr
| IfaceApp IfaceExpr IfaceExpr
| IfaceCase IfaceExpr IfLclName [IfaceAlt]
+ | IfaceECase IfaceExpr IfaceType -- See Note [Empty case alternatives]
| IfaceLet IfaceBinding IfaceExpr
| IfaceCast IfaceExpr IfaceCoercion
| IfaceLit Literal
@@ -279,6 +280,12 @@ data IfaceBinding
data IfaceLetBndr = IfLetBndr IfLclName IfaceType IfaceIdInfo
+Note [Empty case alternatives]
+In IfaceSyn an IfaceCase does not record the types of the alternatives,
+unlike CorSyn Case. But we need this type if the alternatives are empty.
+Hence IfaceECase. See Note [Empty case alternatives] in CoreSyn.
Note [Expose recursive functions]
For supercompilation we want to put *all* unfoldings in the interface
@@ -621,6 +628,11 @@ pprIfaceExpr add_par i@(IfaceLam _ _)
collect bs (IfaceLam b e) = collect (b:bs) e
collect bs e = (reverse bs, e)
+pprIfaceExpr add_par (IfaceECase scrut ty)
+ = add_par (sep [ ptext (sLit "case") <+> pprIfaceExpr noParens scrut
+ , ptext (sLit "ret_ty") <+> pprParendIfaceType ty
+ , ptext (sLit "of {}") ])
pprIfaceExpr add_par (IfaceCase scrut bndr [(con, bs, rhs)])
= add_par (sep [ptext (sLit "case")
<+> pprIfaceExpr noParens scrut <+> ptext (sLit "of")
@@ -856,7 +868,7 @@ freeNamesIfExpr (IfaceLam b body) = freeNamesIfBndr b &&& freeNamesIfExpr body
freeNamesIfExpr (IfaceApp f a) = freeNamesIfExpr f &&& freeNamesIfExpr a
freeNamesIfExpr (IfaceCast e co) = freeNamesIfExpr e &&& freeNamesIfType co
freeNamesIfExpr (IfaceTick _ e) = freeNamesIfExpr e
+freeNamesIfExpr (IfaceECase e ty) = freeNamesIfExpr e &&& freeNamesIfType ty
freeNamesIfExpr (IfaceCase s _ alts)
= freeNamesIfExpr s
&&& fnList fn_alt alts &&& fn_cons alts
diff --git a/compiler/iface/MkIface.lhs b/compiler/iface/MkIface.lhs
index 3c8050cff2..0ccab30ae5 100644
--- a/compiler/iface/MkIface.lhs
+++ b/compiler/iface/MkIface.lhs
@@ -1767,7 +1767,9 @@ toIfaceExpr (Type ty) = IfaceType (toIfaceType ty)
toIfaceExpr (Coercion co) = IfaceCo (coToIfaceType co)
toIfaceExpr (Lam x b) = IfaceLam (toIfaceBndr x) (toIfaceExpr b)
toIfaceExpr (App f a) = toIfaceApp f [a]
-toIfaceExpr (Case s x _ as) = IfaceCase (toIfaceExpr s) (getFS x) (map toIfaceAlt as)
+toIfaceExpr (Case s x ty as)
+ | null as = IfaceECase (toIfaceExpr s) (toIfaceType ty)
+ | otherwise = IfaceCase (toIfaceExpr s) (getFS x) (map toIfaceAlt as)
toIfaceExpr (Let b e) = IfaceLet (toIfaceBind b) (toIfaceExpr e)
toIfaceExpr (Cast e co) = IfaceCast (toIfaceExpr e) (coToIfaceType co)
toIfaceExpr (Tick t e) = IfaceTick (toIfaceTickish t) (toIfaceExpr e)
diff --git a/compiler/iface/TcIface.lhs b/compiler/iface/TcIface.lhs
index badb3c70aa..e7360dc935 100644
--- a/compiler/iface/TcIface.lhs
+++ b/compiler/iface/TcIface.lhs
@@ -32,6 +32,7 @@ import CoreUtils
import CoreUnfold
import CoreLint
import WorkWrap
+import MkCore( castBottomExpr )
import Id
import MkId
import IdInfo
@@ -467,7 +468,7 @@ tc_iface_decl parent _ (IfaceSyn {ifName = occ_name, ifTyVars = tv_bndrs,
ifSynKind = kind })
= bindIfaceTyVars_AT tv_bndrs $ \ tyvars -> do
{ tc_name <- lookupIfaceTop occ_name
- ; rhs_kind <- tcIfaceType kind -- Note [Synonym kind loop]
+ ; rhs_kind <- tcIfaceKind kind -- Note [Synonym kind loop]
; rhs <- forkM (mk_doc tc_name) $
tc_syn_rhs mb_rhs_ty
; tycon <- buildSynTyCon tc_name tyvars rhs rhs_kind parent
@@ -868,17 +869,29 @@ tcIfaceVectInfo mod typeEnv (IfaceVectInfo
tcIfaceType :: IfaceType -> IfL Type
-tcIfaceType (IfaceTyVar n) = do { tv <- tcIfaceTyVar n; return (TyVarTy tv) }
-tcIfaceType (IfaceAppTy t1 t2) = do { t1' <- tcIfaceType t1; t2' <- tcIfaceType t2; return (AppTy t1' t2') }
-tcIfaceType (IfaceLitTy l) = do { l1 <- tcIfaceTyLit l; return (LitTy l1) }
-tcIfaceType (IfaceFunTy t1 t2) = do { t1' <- tcIfaceType t1; t2' <- tcIfaceType t2; return (FunTy t1' t2') }
-tcIfaceType (IfaceTyConApp tc ts) = do { tc' <- tcIfaceTyCon tc; ts' <- tcIfaceTypes ts; return (mkTyConApp tc' ts') }
+tcIfaceType (IfaceTyVar n) = do { tv <- tcIfaceTyVar n; return (TyVarTy tv) }
+tcIfaceType (IfaceAppTy t1 t2) = do { t1' <- tcIfaceType t1; t2' <- tcIfaceType t2; return (AppTy t1' t2') }
+tcIfaceType (IfaceLitTy l) = do { l1 <- tcIfaceTyLit l; return (LitTy l1) }
+tcIfaceType (IfaceFunTy t1 t2) = do { t1' <- tcIfaceType t1; t2' <- tcIfaceType t2; return (FunTy t1' t2') }
+tcIfaceType (IfaceTyConApp tc tks) = do { tc' <- tcIfaceTyCon tc
+ ; tks' <- tcIfaceTcArgs (tyConKind tc') tks
+ ; return (mkTyConApp tc' tks') }
tcIfaceType (IfaceForAllTy tv t) = bindIfaceTyVar tv $ \ tv' -> do { t' <- tcIfaceType t; return (ForAllTy tv' t') }
tcIfaceType t@(IfaceCoConApp {}) = pprPanic "tcIfaceType" (ppr t)
tcIfaceTypes :: [IfaceType] -> IfL [Type]
tcIfaceTypes tys = mapM tcIfaceType tys
+tcIfaceTcArgs :: Kind -> [IfaceType] -> IfL [Type]
+tcIfaceTcArgs _ []
+ = return []
+tcIfaceTcArgs kind (tk:tks)
+ = case splitForAllTy_maybe kind of
+ Nothing -> tcIfaceTypes (tk:tks)
+ Just (_, kind') -> do { k' <- tcIfaceKind tk
+ ; tks' <- tcIfaceTcArgs kind' tks
+ ; return (k':tks') }
tcIfaceCtxt :: IfaceContext -> IfL ThetaType
tcIfaceCtxt sts = mapM tcIfaceType sts
@@ -887,8 +900,44 @@ tcIfaceCtxt sts = mapM tcIfaceType sts
tcIfaceTyLit :: IfaceTyLit -> IfL TyLit
tcIfaceTyLit (IfaceNumTyLit n) = return (NumTyLit n)
tcIfaceTyLit (IfaceStrTyLit n) = return (StrTyLit n)
+tcIfaceKind :: IfaceKind -> IfL Kind -- See Note [Checking IfaceTypes vs IfaceKinds]
+tcIfaceKind (IfaceTyVar n) = do { tv <- tcIfaceTyVar n; return (TyVarTy tv) }
+tcIfaceKind (IfaceAppTy t1 t2) = do { t1' <- tcIfaceKind t1; t2' <- tcIfaceKind t2; return (AppTy t1' t2') }
+tcIfaceKind (IfaceFunTy t1 t2) = do { t1' <- tcIfaceKind t1; t2' <- tcIfaceKind t2; return (FunTy t1' t2') }
+tcIfaceKind (IfaceTyConApp tc ts) = do { tc' <- tcIfaceKindCon tc; ts' <- tcIfaceKinds ts; return (mkTyConApp tc' ts') }
+tcIfaceKind (IfaceForAllTy tv t) = bindIfaceTyVar tv $ \ tv' -> do { t' <- tcIfaceKind t; return (ForAllTy tv' t') }
+tcIfaceKind t = pprPanic "tcIfaceKind" (ppr t) -- IfaceCoApp, IfaceLitTy
+tcIfaceKinds :: [IfaceKind] -> IfL [Kind]
+tcIfaceKinds tys = mapM tcIfaceKind tys
+Note [Checking IfaceTypes vs IfaceKinds]
+We need to know whether we are checking a *type* or a *kind*.
+Consider module M where
+ Proxy :: forall k. k -> *
+ data T = T
+and consider the two IfaceTypes
+ M.Proxy * M.T{tc}
+ M.Proxy 'M.T{tc} 'M.T(d}
+The first is conventional, but in the latter we use the promoted
+type constructor (as a kind) and data constructor (as a type). However,
+the Name of the promoted type constructor is just M.T; it's the *same name*
+as the ordinary type constructor.
+We could add a "promoted" flag to an IfaceTyCon, but that's a bit heavy.
+Instead we use context to distinguish, as in the source language.
+ - When checking a kind, we look up M.T{tc} and promote it
+ - When checking a type, we look up M.T{tc} and don't promote it
+ and M.T{d} and promote it
+ See tcIfaceKindCon and tcIfaceKTyCon respectively
+This context business is why we need tcIfaceTcArgs.
%* *
@@ -971,6 +1020,11 @@ tcIfaceExpr (IfaceLam bndr body)
tcIfaceExpr (IfaceApp fun arg)
= App <$> tcIfaceExpr fun <*> tcIfaceExpr arg
+tcIfaceExpr (IfaceECase scrut ty)
+ = do { scrut' <- tcIfaceExpr scrut
+ ; ty' <- tcIfaceType ty
+ ; return (castBottomExpr scrut' ty') }
tcIfaceExpr (IfaceCase scrut case_bndr alts) = do
scrut' <- tcIfaceExpr scrut
case_bndr_name <- newIfaceName (mkVarOccFS case_bndr)
@@ -1312,6 +1366,17 @@ tcIfaceTyCon (IfaceTc name)
ADataCon dc -> return (buildPromotedDataCon dc)
_ -> pprPanic "tcIfaceTyCon" (ppr name $$ ppr thing) }
+tcIfaceKindCon :: IfaceTyCon -> IfL TyCon
+tcIfaceKindCon (IfaceTc name)
+ = do { thing <- tcIfaceGlobal name
+ ; case thing of -- A "type constructor" here is a promoted type constructor
+ -- c.f. Trac #5881
+ ATyCon tc
+ | isSuperKind (tyConKind tc) -> return tc -- Mainly just '*' or 'AnyK'
+ | otherwise -> return (buildPromotedTyCon tc)
+ _ -> pprPanic "tcIfaceKindCon" (ppr name $$ ppr thing) }
tcIfaceCoAxiom :: Name -> IfL CoAxiom
tcIfaceCoAxiom name = do { thing <- tcIfaceGlobal name
; return (tyThingCoAxiom thing) }
@@ -1387,7 +1452,7 @@ isSuperIfaceKind _ = False
mk_iface_tyvar :: Name -> IfaceKind -> IfL TyVar
mk_iface_tyvar name ifKind
- = do { kind <- tcIfaceType ifKind
+ = do { kind <- tcIfaceKind ifKind
; return (Var.mkTyVar name kind) }
bindIfaceTyVars_AT :: [IfaceTvBndr] -> ([TyVar] -> IfL a) -> IfL a
diff --git a/compiler/main/HscMain.hs b/compiler/main/HscMain.hs
index b3f79605a1..b975a20fd1 100644
--- a/compiler/main/HscMain.hs
+++ b/compiler/main/HscMain.hs
@@ -1477,8 +1477,8 @@ hscDeclsWithLocation hsc_env0 str source linenumber =
{- Desugar it -}
-- We use a basically null location for iNTERACTIVE
let iNTERACTIVELoc = ModLocation{ ml_hs_file = Nothing,
- ml_hi_file = undefined,
- ml_obj_file = undefined}
+ ml_hi_file = panic "hsDeclsWithLocation:ml_hi_file",
+ ml_obj_file = panic "hsDeclsWithLocation:ml_hi_file"}
ds_result <- hscDesugar' iNTERACTIVELoc tc_gblenv
{- Simplify -}
diff --git a/compiler/parser/Parser.y.pp b/compiler/parser/Parser.y.pp
index 04c858a31c..a9cb1d34b7 100644
--- a/compiler/parser/Parser.y.pp
+++ b/compiler/parser/Parser.y.pp
@@ -1582,7 +1582,8 @@ flattenedpquals :: { Located [LStmt RdrName] }
-- We just had one thing in our "parallel" list so
-- we simply return that thing directly
- qss -> L1 [L1 $ ParStmt [(qs, undefined) | qs <- qss] noSyntaxExpr noSyntaxExpr noSyntaxExpr]
+ qss -> L1 [L1 $ ParStmt [ParStmtBlock qs undefined noSyntaxExpr | qs <- qss]
+ noSyntaxExpr noSyntaxExpr]
-- We actually found some actual parallel lists so
-- we wrap them into as a ParStmt
diff --git a/compiler/rename/RnExpr.lhs b/compiler/rename/RnExpr.lhs
index b884d4abde..78566de179 100644
--- a/compiler/rename/RnExpr.lhs
+++ b/compiler/rename/RnExpr.lhs
@@ -544,8 +544,8 @@ methodNamesStmt (LastStmt cmd _) = methodNamesLCmd cmd
methodNamesStmt (ExprStmt cmd _ _ _) = methodNamesLCmd cmd
methodNamesStmt (BindStmt _ cmd _ _) = methodNamesLCmd cmd
methodNamesStmt (RecStmt { recS_stmts = stmts }) = methodNamesStmts stmts `addOneFV` loopAName
-methodNamesStmt (LetStmt _) = emptyFVs
-methodNamesStmt (ParStmt _ _ _ _) = emptyFVs
+methodNamesStmt (LetStmt {}) = emptyFVs
+methodNamesStmt (ParStmt {}) = emptyFVs
methodNamesStmt (TransStmt {}) = emptyFVs
-- ParStmt and TransStmt can't occur in commands, but it's not convenient to error
-- here so we just do what's convenient
@@ -767,12 +767,12 @@ rnStmt ctxt (L _ (RecStmt { recS_stmts = rec_stmts })) thing_inside
; return ((rec_stmts', thing), fvs `plusFV` fvs1 `plusFV` fvs2 `plusFV` fvs3) } }
-rnStmt ctxt (L loc (ParStmt segs _ _ _)) thing_inside
+rnStmt ctxt (L loc (ParStmt segs _ _)) thing_inside
= do { (mzip_op, fvs1) <- lookupStmtName ctxt mzipName
; (bind_op, fvs2) <- lookupStmtName ctxt bindMName
; (return_op, fvs3) <- lookupStmtName ctxt returnMName
- ; ((segs', thing), fvs4) <- rnParallelStmts (ParStmtCtxt ctxt) segs thing_inside
- ; return ( ([L loc (ParStmt segs' mzip_op bind_op return_op)], thing)
+ ; ((segs', thing), fvs4) <- rnParallelStmts (ParStmtCtxt ctxt) return_op segs thing_inside
+ ; return ( ([L loc (ParStmt segs' mzip_op bind_op)], thing)
, fvs1 `plusFV` fvs2 `plusFV` fvs3 `plusFV` fvs4) }
rnStmt ctxt (L loc (TransStmt { trS_stmts = stmts, trS_by = by, trS_form = form
@@ -810,27 +810,26 @@ rnStmt ctxt (L loc (TransStmt { trS_stmts = stmts, trS_by = by, trS_form = form
, trS_ret = return_op, trS_bind = bind_op
, trS_fmap = fmap_op })], thing), all_fvs) }
-type ParSeg id = ([LStmt id], [id]) -- The Names are bound by the Stmts
rnParallelStmts :: forall thing. HsStmtContext Name
- -> [ParSeg RdrName]
+ -> SyntaxExpr Name
+ -> [ParStmtBlock RdrName RdrName]
-> ([Name] -> RnM (thing, FreeVars))
- -> RnM (([ParSeg Name], thing), FreeVars)
+ -> RnM (([ParStmtBlock Name Name], thing), FreeVars)
-- Note [Renaming parallel Stmts]
-rnParallelStmts ctxt segs thing_inside
+rnParallelStmts ctxt return_op segs thing_inside
= do { orig_lcl_env <- getLocalRdrEnv
; rn_segs orig_lcl_env [] segs }
rn_segs :: LocalRdrEnv
- -> [Name] -> [ParSeg RdrName]
- -> RnM (([ParSeg Name], thing), FreeVars)
+ -> [Name] -> [ParStmtBlock RdrName RdrName]
+ -> RnM (([ParStmtBlock Name Name], thing), FreeVars)
rn_segs _ bndrs_so_far []
= do { let (bndrs', dups) = removeDups cmpByOcc bndrs_so_far
; mapM_ dupErr dups
; (thing, fvs) <- bindLocalNames bndrs' (thing_inside bndrs')
; return (([], thing), fvs) }
- rn_segs env bndrs_so_far ((stmts,_) : segs)
+ rn_segs env bndrs_so_far (ParStmtBlock stmts _ _ : segs)
= do { ((stmts', (used_bndrs, segs', thing)), fvs)
<- rnStmts ctxt stmts $ \ bndrs ->
setLocalRdrEnv env $ do
@@ -838,7 +837,7 @@ rnParallelStmts ctxt segs thing_inside
; let used_bndrs = filter (`elemNameSet` fvs) bndrs
; return ((used_bndrs, segs', thing), fvs) }
- ; let seg' = (stmts', used_bndrs)
+ ; let seg' = ParStmtBlock stmts' used_bndrs return_op
; return ((seg':segs', thing), fvs) }
cmpByOcc n1 n2 = nameOccName n1 `compare` nameOccName n2
@@ -973,7 +972,7 @@ rn_rec_stmt_lhs fix_env (L loc (LetStmt (HsValBinds binds)))
rn_rec_stmt_lhs fix_env (L _ (RecStmt { recS_stmts = stmts })) -- Flatten Rec inside Rec
= rn_rec_stmts_lhs fix_env stmts
-rn_rec_stmt_lhs _ stmt@(L _ (ParStmt _ _ _ _)) -- Syntactically illegal in mdo
+rn_rec_stmt_lhs _ stmt@(L _ (ParStmt {})) -- Syntactically illegal in mdo
= pprPanic "rn_rec_stmt" (ppr stmt)
rn_rec_stmt_lhs _ stmt@(L _ (TransStmt {})) -- Syntactically illegal in mdo
diff --git a/compiler/rename/RnTypes.lhs b/compiler/rename/RnTypes.lhs
index 776e0ccb34..99401faefc 100644
--- a/compiler/rename/RnTypes.lhs
+++ b/compiler/rename/RnTypes.lhs
@@ -432,7 +432,7 @@ badSigErr is_type doc (L loc ty)
what | is_type = ptext (sLit "type")
| otherwise = ptext (sLit "kind")
- flag | is_type = ptext (sLit "-XScopedTypeVariable")
+ flag | is_type = ptext (sLit "-XScopedTypeVariables")
| otherwise = ptext (sLit "-XKindSignatures")
diff --git a/compiler/simplCore/OccurAnal.lhs b/compiler/simplCore/OccurAnal.lhs
index 95a473e2ae..e9ec0bea55 100644
--- a/compiler/simplCore/OccurAnal.lhs
+++ b/compiler/simplCore/OccurAnal.lhs
@@ -1252,7 +1252,7 @@ occAnal env (Case scrut bndr ty alts)
= case occ_anal_scrut scrut alts of { (scrut_usage, scrut') ->
case mapAndUnzip occ_anal_alt alts of { (alts_usage_s, alts') ->
- alts_usage = foldr1 combineAltsUsageDetails alts_usage_s
+ alts_usage = foldr combineAltsUsageDetails emptyDetails alts_usage_s
(alts_usage1, tagged_bndr) = tag_case_bndr alts_usage bndr
total_usage = scrut_usage +++ alts_usage1
diff --git a/compiler/simplCore/SimplCore.lhs b/compiler/simplCore/SimplCore.lhs
index daadcb7988..0ebde64d6f 100644
--- a/compiler/simplCore/SimplCore.lhs
+++ b/compiler/simplCore/SimplCore.lhs
@@ -581,11 +581,11 @@ simplifyPgmIO pass@(CoreDoSimplify max_iterations mode)
-- about to begin, with '1' for the first
| iteration_no > max_iterations -- Stop if we've run out of iterations
= WARN( debugIsOn && (max_iterations > 2)
- , ptext (sLit "Simplifier baling out after") <+> int max_iterations
- <+> ptext (sLit "iterations")
- <+> (brackets $ hsep $ punctuate comma $
- map (int . simplCountN) (reverse counts_so_far))
- <+> ptext (sLit "Size =") <+> ppr (coreBindsStats binds) )
+ , hang (ptext (sLit "Simplifier baling out after") <+> int max_iterations
+ <+> ptext (sLit "iterations")
+ <+> (brackets $ hsep $ punctuate comma $
+ map (int . simplCountN) (reverse counts_so_far)))
+ 2 (ptext (sLit "Size =") <+> ppr (coreBindsStats binds)))
-- Subtract 1 from iteration_no to get the
-- number of iterations we actually completed
diff --git a/compiler/simplCore/SimplUtils.lhs b/compiler/simplCore/SimplUtils.lhs
index 7bb4289cd3..87aefbab89 100644
--- a/compiler/simplCore/SimplUtils.lhs
+++ b/compiler/simplCore/SimplUtils.lhs
@@ -24,7 +24,8 @@ module SimplUtils (
-- The continuation type
SimplCont(..), DupFlag(..), ArgInfo(..),
- contIsDupable, contResultType, contIsTrivial, contArgs, dropArgs,
+ contIsDupable, contResultType, contInputType,
+ contIsTrivial, contArgs, dropArgs,
pushSimplifiedArgs, countValArgs, countArgs, addArgTo,
mkBoringStop, mkRhsStop, mkLazyArgStop, contIsRhsOrArg,
@@ -54,7 +55,7 @@ import Var
import Demand
import SimplMonad
import Type hiding( substTy )
-import Coercion hiding( substCo )
+import Coercion hiding( substCo, substTy )
import DataCon ( dataConWorkId )
import VarSet
import BasicTypes
@@ -96,7 +97,8 @@ Key points:
data SimplCont
- = Stop -- An empty context, or hole, []
+ = Stop -- An empty context, or <hole>
+ OutType -- Type of the <hole>
CallCtxt -- True <=> There is something interesting about
-- the context, and hence the inliner
-- should be a bit keener (see interestingCallContext)
@@ -104,41 +106,43 @@ data SimplCont
-- This is an argument of a function that has RULES
-- Inlining the call might allow the rule to fire
- | CoerceIt -- C `cast` co
+ | CoerceIt -- <hole> `cast` co
OutCoercion -- The coercion simplified
-- Invariant: never an identity coercion
- | ApplyTo -- C arg
+ | ApplyTo -- <hole> arg
DupFlag -- See Note [DupFlag invariants]
InExpr StaticEnv -- The argument and its static env
- | Select -- case C of alts
+ | Select -- case <hole> of alts
DupFlag -- See Note [DupFlag invariants]
- InId [InAlt] StaticEnv -- The case binder, alts, and subst-env
+ InId [InAlt] StaticEnv -- The case binder, alts type, alts, and subst-env
-- The two strict forms have no DupFlag, because we never duplicate them
- | StrictBind -- (\x* \xs. e) C
- InId [InBndr] -- let x* = [] in e
+ | StrictBind -- (\x* \xs. e) <hole>
+ InId [InBndr] -- let x* = <hole> in e
InExpr StaticEnv -- is a special case
- | StrictArg -- f e1 ..en C
+ | StrictArg -- f e1 ..en <hole>
ArgInfo -- Specifies f, e1..en, Whether f has rules, etc
-- plus strictness flags for *further* args
CallCtxt -- Whether *this* argument position is interesting
| TickIt
- (Tickish Id) -- Tick tickish []
+ (Tickish Id) -- Tick tickish <hole>
data ArgInfo
= ArgInfo {
- ai_fun :: Id, -- The function
+ ai_fun :: OutId, -- The function
ai_args :: [OutExpr], -- ...applied to these args (which are in *reverse* order)
+ ai_type :: OutType, -- Type of (f a1 ... an)
ai_rules :: [CoreRule], -- Rules for this function
ai_encl :: Bool, -- Flag saying whether this function
@@ -154,16 +158,17 @@ data ArgInfo
addArgTo :: ArgInfo -> OutExpr -> ArgInfo
-addArgTo ai arg = ai { ai_args = arg : ai_args ai }
+addArgTo ai arg = ai { ai_args = arg : ai_args ai
+ , ai_type = applyTypeToArg (ai_type ai) arg }
instance Outputable SimplCont where
- ppr (Stop interesting) = ptext (sLit "Stop") <> brackets (ppr interesting)
+ ppr (Stop ty interesting) = ptext (sLit "Stop") <> brackets (ppr interesting) <+> ppr ty
ppr (ApplyTo dup arg _ cont) = ((ptext (sLit "ApplyTo") <+> ppr dup <+> pprParendExpr arg)
- {- $$ nest 2 (pprSimplEnv se) -}) $$ ppr cont
+ {- $$ nest 2 (pprSimplEnv se) -}) $$ ppr cont
ppr (StrictBind b _ _ _ cont) = (ptext (sLit "StrictBind") <+> ppr b) $$ ppr cont
ppr (StrictArg ai _ cont) = (ptext (sLit "StrictArg") <+> ppr (ai_fun ai)) $$ ppr cont
ppr (Select dup bndr alts se cont) = (ptext (sLit "Select") <+> ppr dup <+> ppr bndr) $$
- (nest 2 $ vcat [ppr (seTvSubst se), ppr alts]) $$ ppr cont
+ (nest 2 $ vcat [ppr (seTvSubst se), ppr alts]) $$ ppr cont
ppr (CoerceIt co cont) = (ptext (sLit "CoerceIt") <+> ppr co) $$ ppr cont
ppr (TickIt t cont) = (ptext (sLit "TickIt") <+> ppr t) $$ ppr cont
@@ -193,14 +198,14 @@ the following invariants hold
-mkBoringStop :: SimplCont
-mkBoringStop = Stop BoringCtxt
+mkBoringStop :: OutType -> SimplCont
+mkBoringStop ty = Stop ty BoringCtxt
-mkRhsStop :: SimplCont -- See Note [RHS of lets] in CoreUnfold
-mkRhsStop = Stop (ArgCtxt False)
+mkRhsStop :: OutType -> SimplCont -- See Note [RHS of lets] in CoreUnfold
+mkRhsStop ty = Stop ty (ArgCtxt False)
-mkLazyArgStop :: CallCtxt -> SimplCont
-mkLazyArgStop cci = Stop cci
+mkLazyArgStop :: OutType -> CallCtxt -> SimplCont
+mkLazyArgStop ty cci = Stop ty cci
contIsRhsOrArg :: SimplCont -> Bool
@@ -226,28 +231,28 @@ contIsTrivial (CoerceIt _ cont) = contIsTrivial cont
contIsTrivial _ = False
-contResultType :: SimplEnv -> OutType -> SimplCont -> OutType
-contResultType env ty cont
- = go cont ty
- where
- subst_ty se ty = SimplEnv.substTy (se `setInScope` env) ty
- subst_co se co = SimplEnv.substCo (se `setInScope` env) co
- go (Stop {}) ty = ty
- go (CoerceIt co cont) _ = go cont (pSnd (coercionKind co))
- go (StrictBind _ bs body se cont) _ = go cont (subst_ty se (exprType (mkLams bs body)))
- go (StrictArg ai _ cont) _ = go cont (funResultTy (argInfoResultTy ai))
- go (Select _ _ alts se cont) _ = go cont (subst_ty se (coreAltsType alts))
- go (ApplyTo _ arg se cont) ty = go cont (apply_to_arg ty arg se)
- go (TickIt _ cont) ty = go cont ty
- apply_to_arg ty (Type ty_arg) se = applyTy ty (subst_ty se ty_arg)
- apply_to_arg ty (Coercion co_arg) se = applyCo ty (subst_co se co_arg)
- apply_to_arg ty _ _ = funResultTy ty
-argInfoResultTy :: ArgInfo -> OutType
-argInfoResultTy (ArgInfo { ai_fun = fun, ai_args = args })
- = foldr (\arg fn_ty -> applyTypeToArg fn_ty arg) (idType fun) args
+contResultType :: SimplCont -> OutType
+contResultType (Stop ty _) = ty
+contResultType (CoerceIt _ k) = contResultType k
+contResultType (StrictBind _ _ _ _ k) = contResultType k
+contResultType (StrictArg _ _ k) = contResultType k
+contResultType (Select _ _ _ _ k) = contResultType k
+contResultType (ApplyTo _ _ _ k) = contResultType k
+contResultType (TickIt _ k) = contResultType k
+contInputType :: SimplCont -> OutType
+contInputType (Stop ty _) = ty
+contInputType (CoerceIt co _) = pFst (coercionKind co)
+contInputType (Select d b _ se _) = perhapsSubstTy d se (idType b)
+contInputType (StrictBind b _ _ se _) = substTy se (idType b)
+contInputType (StrictArg ai _ _) = funArgTy (ai_type ai)
+contInputType (ApplyTo d e se k) = mkFunTy (perhapsSubstTy d se (exprType e)) (contInputType k)
+contInputType (TickIt _ k) = contInputType k
+perhapsSubstTy :: DupFlag -> SimplEnv -> InType -> OutType
+perhapsSubstTy dup_flag se ty
+ | isSimplified dup_flag = ty
+ | otherwise = substTy se ty
countValArgs :: SimplCont -> Int
@@ -343,7 +348,7 @@ interestingCallContext cont
interesting (StrictArg _ cci _) = cci
interesting (StrictBind {}) = BoringCtxt
- interesting (Stop cci) = cci
+ interesting (Stop _ cci) = cci
interesting (TickIt _ cci) = interesting cci
interesting (CoerceIt _ cont) = interesting cont
-- If this call is the arg of a strict function, the context
@@ -371,16 +376,19 @@ mkArgInfo :: Id
mkArgInfo fun rules n_val_args call_cont
| n_val_args < idArity fun -- Note [Unsaturated functions]
- = ArgInfo { ai_fun = fun, ai_args = [], ai_rules = rules
- , ai_encl = False
+ = ArgInfo { ai_fun = fun, ai_args = [], ai_type = fun_ty
+ , ai_rules = rules, ai_encl = False
, ai_strs = vanilla_stricts
, ai_discs = vanilla_discounts }
| otherwise
- = ArgInfo { ai_fun = fun, ai_args = [], ai_rules = rules
+ = ArgInfo { ai_fun = fun, ai_args = [], ai_type = fun_ty
+ , ai_rules = rules
, ai_encl = interestingArgContext rules call_cont
- , ai_strs = add_type_str (idType fun) arg_stricts
+ , ai_strs = add_type_str fun_ty arg_stricts
, ai_discs = arg_discounts }
+ fun_ty = idType fun
vanilla_discounts, arg_discounts :: [Int]
vanilla_discounts = repeat 0
arg_discounts = case idUnfolding fun of
@@ -466,7 +474,7 @@ interestingArgContext rules call_cont
go (StrictArg _ cci _) = interesting cci
go (StrictBind {}) = False -- ??
go (CoerceIt _ c) = go c
- go (Stop cci) = interesting cci
+ go (Stop _ cci) = interesting cci
go (TickIt _ c) = go c
interesting (ArgCtxt rules) = rules
@@ -1589,14 +1597,14 @@ and similarly in cascade for all the join points!
mkCase, mkCase1, mkCase2
:: DynFlags
-> OutExpr -> OutId
- -> [OutAlt] -- Alternatives in standard (increasing) order
+ -> OutType -> [OutAlt] -- Alternatives in standard (increasing) order
-> SimplM OutExpr
-- 1. Merge Nested Cases
-mkCase dflags scrut outer_bndr ((DEFAULT, _, deflt_rhs) : outer_alts)
+mkCase dflags scrut outer_bndr alts_ty ((DEFAULT, _, deflt_rhs) : outer_alts)
| dopt Opt_CaseMerge dflags
, Case (Var inner_scrut_var) inner_bndr _ inner_alts <- deflt_rhs
, inner_scrut_var == outer_bndr
@@ -1622,7 +1630,7 @@ mkCase dflags scrut outer_bndr ((DEFAULT, _, deflt_rhs) : outer_alts)
-- When we merge, we must ensure that e1 takes
-- precedence over e2 as the value for A!
- ; mkCase1 dflags scrut outer_bndr merged_alts
+ ; mkCase1 dflags scrut outer_bndr alts_ty merged_alts
-- Warning: don't call mkCase recursively!
-- Firstly, there's no point, because inner alts have already had
@@ -1630,13 +1638,13 @@ mkCase dflags scrut outer_bndr ((DEFAULT, _, deflt_rhs) : outer_alts)
-- Secondly, if you do, you get an infinite loop, because the bindCaseBndr
-- in munge_rhs may put a case into the DEFAULT branch!
-mkCase dflags scrut bndr alts = mkCase1 dflags scrut bndr alts
+mkCase dflags scrut bndr alts_ty alts = mkCase1 dflags scrut bndr alts_ty alts
-- 2. Eliminate Identity Case
-mkCase1 _dflags scrut case_bndr alts -- Identity case
+mkCase1 _dflags scrut case_bndr _ alts@((_,_,rhs1) : _) -- Identity case
| all identity_alt alts
= do { tick (CaseIdentity case_bndr)
; return (re_cast scrut rhs1) }
@@ -1665,32 +1673,30 @@ mkCase1 _dflags scrut case_bndr alts -- Identity case
-- Don't worry about nested casts, because the simplifier combines them
- ((_,_,rhs1):_) = alts
re_cast scrut (Cast rhs co) = Cast (re_cast scrut rhs) co
re_cast scrut _ = scrut
-- 3. Merge Identical Alternatives
-mkCase1 dflags scrut case_bndr ((_con1,bndrs1,rhs1) : con_alts)
+mkCase1 dflags scrut case_bndr alts_ty ((_con1,bndrs1,rhs1) : con_alts)
| all isDeadBinder bndrs1 -- Remember the default
, length filtered_alts < length con_alts -- alternative comes first
-- Also Note [Dead binders]
= do { tick (AltMerge case_bndr)
- ; mkCase2 dflags scrut case_bndr alts' }
+ ; mkCase2 dflags scrut case_bndr alts_ty alts' }
alts' = (DEFAULT, [], rhs1) : filtered_alts
filtered_alts = filter keep con_alts
keep (_con,bndrs,rhs) = not (all isDeadBinder bndrs && rhs `cheapEqExpr` rhs1)
-mkCase1 dflags scrut bndr alts = mkCase2 dflags scrut bndr alts
+mkCase1 dflags scrut bndr alts_ty alts = mkCase2 dflags scrut bndr alts_ty alts
-- Catch-all
-mkCase2 _dflags scrut bndr alts
- = return (Case scrut bndr (coreAltsType alts) alts)
+mkCase2 _dflags scrut bndr alts_ty alts
+ = return (Case scrut bndr alts_ty alts)
Note [Dead binders]
diff --git a/compiler/simplCore/Simplify.lhs b/compiler/simplCore/Simplify.lhs
index 335f86a549..56e0bededd 100644
--- a/compiler/simplCore/Simplify.lhs
+++ b/compiler/simplCore/Simplify.lhs
@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ import FamInstEnv ( FamInstEnv )
import Literal ( litIsLifted )
import Id
import MkId ( seqId, realWorldPrimId )
-import MkCore ( mkImpossibleExpr )
+import MkCore ( mkImpossibleExpr, castBottomExpr )
import IdInfo
import Name ( mkSystemVarName, isExternalName )
import Coercion hiding ( substCo, substTy, substCoVar, extendTvSubst )
@@ -339,11 +339,14 @@ simplLazyBind env top_lvl is_rec bndr bndr1 rhs rhs_se
-- f = /\a. \x. g a x
-- should eta-reduce
; (body_env, tvs') <- simplBinders rhs_env tvs
-- See Note [Floating and type abstraction] in SimplUtils
-- Simplify the RHS
- ; (body_env1, body1) <- simplExprF body_env body mkRhsStop
+ ; let body_out_ty :: OutType
+ body_out_ty = substTy body_env (exprType body)
+ ; (body_env1, body1) <- simplExprF body_env body (mkRhsStop body_out_ty)
-- ANF-ise a constructor or PAP rhs
; (body_env2, body2) <- prepareRhs top_lvl body_env1 bndr1 body1
@@ -879,7 +882,10 @@ might do the same again.
simplExpr :: SimplEnv -> CoreExpr -> SimplM CoreExpr
-simplExpr env expr = simplExprC env expr mkBoringStop
+simplExpr env expr = simplExprC env expr (mkBoringStop expr_out_ty)
+ where
+ expr_out_ty :: OutType
+ expr_out_ty = substTy env (exprType expr)
simplExprC :: SimplEnv -> CoreExpr -> SimplCont -> SimplM CoreExpr
-- Simplify an expression, given a continuation
@@ -941,7 +947,7 @@ simplExprF1 env expr@(Lam {}) cont
zap b | isTyVar b = b
| otherwise = zapLamIdInfo b
-simplExprF1 env (Case scrut bndr _ alts) cont
+simplExprF1 env (Case scrut bndr alts_ty alts) cont
| sm_case_case (getMode env)
= -- Simplify the scrutinee with a Select continuation
simplExprF env scrut (Select NoDup bndr alts env cont)
@@ -949,9 +955,11 @@ simplExprF1 env (Case scrut bndr _ alts) cont
| otherwise
= -- If case-of-case is off, simply simplify the case expression
-- in a vanilla Stop context, and rebuild the result around it
- do { case_expr' <- simplExprC env scrut
- (Select NoDup bndr alts env mkBoringStop)
+ do { case_expr' <- simplExprC env scrut
+ (Select NoDup bndr alts env (mkBoringStop alts_out_ty))
; rebuild env case_expr' cont }
+ where
+ alts_out_ty = substTy env alts_ty
simplExprF1 env (Let (Rec pairs) body) cont
= do { env' <- simplRecBndrs env (map fst pairs)
@@ -1035,7 +1043,7 @@ simplTick env tickish expr cont
interesting_cont = case cont of
- Select _ _ _ _ _ -> True
+ Select {} -> True
_ -> False
push_tick_inside t expr0
@@ -1105,7 +1113,7 @@ simplTick env tickish expr cont
where (inc,outc) = splitCont c
splitCont (CoerceIt co c) = (CoerceIt co inc, outc)
where (inc,outc) = splitCont c
- splitCont other = (mkBoringStop, other)
+ splitCont other = (mkBoringStop (contInputType other), other)
getDoneId (DoneId id) = id
getDoneId (DoneEx e) = getIdFromTrivialExpr e -- Note [substTickish] in CoreSubst
@@ -1157,18 +1165,18 @@ rebuild :: SimplEnv -> OutExpr -> SimplCont -> SimplM (SimplEnv, OutExpr)
-- only the in-scope set and floats should matter
rebuild env expr cont
= case cont of
- Stop {} -> return (env, expr)
- CoerceIt co cont -> rebuild env (mkCast expr co) cont
- -- NB: mkCast implements the (Coercion co |> g) optimisation
- Select _ bndr alts se cont -> rebuildCase (se `setFloats` env) expr bndr alts cont
- StrictArg info _ cont -> rebuildCall env (info `addArgTo` expr) cont
- StrictBind b bs body se cont -> do { env' <- simplNonRecX (se `setFloats` env) b expr
- ; simplLam env' bs body cont }
- ApplyTo dup_flag arg se cont -- See Note [Avoid redundant simplification]
- | isSimplified dup_flag -> rebuild env (App expr arg) cont
- | otherwise -> do { arg' <- simplExpr (se `setInScope` env) arg
- ; rebuild env (App expr arg') cont }
- TickIt t cont -> rebuild env (mkTick t expr) cont
+ Stop {} -> return (env, expr)
+ CoerceIt co cont -> rebuild env (mkCast expr co) cont
+ -- NB: mkCast implements the (Coercion co |> g) optimisation
+ Select _ bndr alts se cont -> rebuildCase (se `setFloats` env) expr bndr alts cont
+ StrictArg info _ cont -> rebuildCall env (info `addArgTo` expr) cont
+ StrictBind b bs body se cont -> do { env' <- simplNonRecX (se `setFloats` env) b expr
+ ; simplLam env' bs body cont }
+ ApplyTo dup_flag arg se cont -- See Note [Avoid redundant simplification]
+ | isSimplified dup_flag -> rebuild env (App expr arg) cont
+ | otherwise -> do { arg' <- simplExpr (se `setInScope` env) arg
+ ; rebuild env (App expr arg') cont }
+ TickIt t cont -> rebuild env (mkTick t expr) cont
@@ -1380,7 +1388,7 @@ simplIdF env var cont
-- Dealing with a call site
-completeCall :: SimplEnv -> Id -> SimplCont -> SimplM (SimplEnv, OutExpr)
+completeCall :: SimplEnv -> OutId -> SimplCont -> SimplM (SimplEnv, OutExpr)
completeCall env var cont
= do { ------------- Try inlining ----------------
dflags <- getDynFlags
@@ -1437,21 +1445,17 @@ rebuildCall env (ArgInfo { ai_fun = fun, ai_args = rev_args, ai_strs = [] }) con
-- the continuation, leaving just the bottoming expression. But the
-- type might not be right, so we may have to add a coerce.
| not (contIsTrivial cont) -- Only do this if there is a non-trivial
- = return (env, mk_coerce res) -- contination to discard, else we do it
- where -- again and again!
+ = return (env, castBottomExpr res cont_ty) -- contination to discard, else we do it
+ where -- again and again!
res = mkApps (Var fun) (reverse rev_args)
- res_ty = exprType res
- cont_ty = contResultType env res_ty cont
- co = mkUnsafeCo res_ty cont_ty
- mk_coerce expr | cont_ty `eqType` res_ty = expr
- | otherwise = mkCast expr co
+ cont_ty = contResultType cont
rebuildCall env info (ApplyTo dup_flag (Type arg_ty) se cont)
= do { arg_ty' <- if isSimplified dup_flag then return arg_ty
else simplType (se `setInScope` env) arg_ty
; rebuildCall env (info `addArgTo` Type arg_ty') cont }
-rebuildCall env info@(ArgInfo { ai_encl = encl_rules
+rebuildCall env info@(ArgInfo { ai_encl = encl_rules, ai_type = fun_ty
, ai_strs = str:strs, ai_discs = disc:discs })
(ApplyTo dup_flag arg arg_se cont)
| isSimplified dup_flag -- See Note [Avoid redundant simplification]
@@ -1469,7 +1473,7 @@ rebuildCall env info@(ArgInfo { ai_encl = encl_rules
-- have to be very careful about bogus strictness through
-- floating a demanded let.
= do { arg' <- simplExprC (arg_se `setInScope` env) arg
- (mkLazyArgStop cci)
+ (mkLazyArgStop (funArgTy fun_ty) cci)
; rebuildCall env (addArgTo info' arg') cont }
info' = info { ai_strs = strs, ai_discs = discs }
@@ -1849,16 +1853,14 @@ reallyRebuildCase env scrut case_bndr alts cont
-- Simplify the alternatives
; (scrut', case_bndr', alts') <- simplAlts env' scrut case_bndr alts dup_cont
- -- Check for empty alternatives
- ; if null alts' then missingAlt env case_bndr alts cont
- else do
- { dflags <- getDynFlags
- ; case_expr <- mkCase dflags scrut' case_bndr' alts'
+ ; dflags <- getDynFlags
+ ; let alts_ty' = contResultType dup_cont
+ ; case_expr <- mkCase dflags scrut' case_bndr' alts_ty' alts'
-- Notice that rebuild gets the in-scope set from env', not alt_env
-- (which in any case is only build in simplAlts)
-- The case binder *not* scope over the whole returned case-expression
- ; rebuild env' case_expr nodup_cont } }
+ ; rebuild env' case_expr nodup_cont }
simplCaseBinder checks whether the scrutinee is a variable, v. If so,
@@ -1949,8 +1951,7 @@ simplAlts :: SimplEnv
-- The returned alternatives can be empty, none are possible
simplAlts env scrut case_bndr alts cont'
- = -- pprTrace "simplAlts" (ppr alts $$ ppr (seTvSubst env)) $
- do { let env0 = zapFloats env
+ = do { let env0 = zapFloats env
; (env1, case_bndr1) <- simplBinder env0 case_bndr
@@ -1965,7 +1966,8 @@ simplAlts env scrut case_bndr alts cont'
; let mb_var_scrut = case scrut' of { Var v -> Just v; _ -> Nothing }
; alts' <- mapM (simplAlt alt_env' mb_var_scrut
imposs_deflt_cons case_bndr' cont') in_alts
- ; return (scrut', case_bndr', alts') }
+ ; -- pprTrace "simplAlts" (ppr case_bndr $$ ppr alts_ty $$ ppr alts_ty' $$ ppr alts $$ ppr cont') $
+ return (scrut', case_bndr', alts') }
@@ -2182,11 +2184,9 @@ missingAlt :: SimplEnv -> Id -> [InAlt] -> SimplCont -> SimplM (SimplEnv, OutExp
-- an inner case has no accessible alternatives before
-- it "sees" that the entire branch of an outer case is
-- inaccessible. So we simply put an error case here instead.
-missingAlt env case_bndr alts cont
+missingAlt env case_bndr _ cont
= WARN( True, ptext (sLit "missingAlt") <+> ppr case_bndr )
- return (env, mkImpossibleExpr res_ty)
- where
- res_ty = contResultType env (substTy env (coreAltsType alts)) cont
+ return (env, mkImpossibleExpr (contResultType cont))
@@ -2214,7 +2214,7 @@ prepareCaseCont :: SimplEnv
prepareCaseCont env alts cont
| many_alts alts = mkDupableCont env cont
- | otherwise = return (env, cont, mkBoringStop)
+ | otherwise = return (env, cont, mkBoringStop (contResultType cont))
many_alts :: [InAlt] -> Bool -- True iff strictly > 1 non-bottom alternative
many_alts [] = False -- See Note [Bottom alternatives]
@@ -2243,7 +2243,7 @@ mkDupableCont :: SimplEnv -> SimplCont
mkDupableCont env cont
| contIsDupable cont
- = return (env, cont, mkBoringStop)
+ = return (env, cont, mkBoringStop (contResultType cont))
mkDupableCont _ (Stop {}) = panic "mkDupableCont" -- Handled by previous eqn
@@ -2253,10 +2253,10 @@ mkDupableCont env (CoerceIt ty cont)
-- Duplicating ticks for now, not sure if this is good or not
mkDupableCont env cont@(TickIt{})
- = return (env, mkBoringStop, cont)
+ = return (env, mkBoringStop (contInputType cont), cont)
mkDupableCont env cont@(StrictBind {})
- = return (env, mkBoringStop, cont)
+ = return (env, mkBoringStop (contInputType cont), cont)
-- See Note [Duplicating StrictBind]
mkDupableCont env (StrictArg info cci cont)
@@ -2283,7 +2283,7 @@ mkDupableCont env cont@(Select _ case_bndr [(_, bs, _rhs)] _ _)
| all isDeadBinder bs -- InIds
&& not (isUnLiftedType (idType case_bndr))
-- Note [Single-alternative-unlifted]
- = return (env, mkBoringStop, cont)
+ = return (env, mkBoringStop (contInputType cont), cont)
mkDupableCont env (Select _ case_bndr alts se cont)
= -- e.g. (case [...hole...] of { pi -> ei })
@@ -2300,6 +2300,7 @@ mkDupableCont env (Select _ case_bndr alts se cont)
-- And this is important: see Note [Fusing case continuations]
; let alt_env = se `setInScope` env'
; (alt_env', case_bndr') <- simplBinder alt_env case_bndr
; alts' <- mapM (simplAlt alt_env' Nothing [] case_bndr' dup_cont) alts
-- Safe to say that there are no handled-cons for the DEFAULT case
@@ -2316,7 +2317,8 @@ mkDupableCont env (Select _ case_bndr alts se cont)
; (env'', alts'') <- mkDupableAlts env' case_bndr' alts'
; return (env'', -- Note [Duplicated env]
- Select OkToDup case_bndr' alts'' (zapSubstEnv env'') mkBoringStop,
+ Select OkToDup case_bndr' alts'' (zapSubstEnv env'')
+ (mkBoringStop (contInputType nodup_cont)),
nodup_cont) }
diff --git a/compiler/specialise/SpecConstr.lhs b/compiler/specialise/SpecConstr.lhs
index d2c07bcc1b..a65d46e339 100644
--- a/compiler/specialise/SpecConstr.lhs
+++ b/compiler/specialise/SpecConstr.lhs
@@ -1023,7 +1023,7 @@ scExpr' env (Case scrut b ty alts)
sc_con_app con args scrut' -- Known constructor; simplify
= do { let (_, bs, rhs) = findAlt con alts
- `orElse` (DEFAULT, [], mkImpossibleExpr (coreAltsType alts))
+ `orElse` (DEFAULT, [], mkImpossibleExpr ty)
alt_env' = extendScSubstList env ((b,scrut') : bs `zip` trimConArgs con args)
; scExpr alt_env' rhs }
@@ -1034,7 +1034,7 @@ scExpr' env (Case scrut b ty alts)
; (alt_usgs, alt_occs, alts')
<- mapAndUnzip3M (sc_alt alt_env scrut' b') alts
- ; let scrut_occ = foldr1 combineOcc alt_occs -- Never empty
+ ; let scrut_occ = foldr combineOcc NoOcc alt_occs
scrut_usg' = setScrutOcc env scrut_usg scrut' scrut_occ
-- The combined usage of the scrutinee is given
-- by scrut_occ, which is passed to scScrut, which
diff --git a/compiler/specialise/Specialise.lhs b/compiler/specialise/Specialise.lhs
index 321deb866a..6c80f8fbde 100644
--- a/compiler/specialise/Specialise.lhs
+++ b/compiler/specialise/Specialise.lhs
@@ -1037,12 +1037,12 @@ specCalls subst rules_for_me calls_for_me fn rhs
= WARN( notNull calls_for_me, ptext (sLit "Missed specialisation opportunity for")
<+> ppr fn $$ _trace_doc )
-- Note [Specialisation shape]
- -- pprTrace "specDefn: none" (ppr fn $$ ppr calls_for_me) $
+ -- pprTrace "specDefn: none" (ppr fn <+> ppr calls_for_me) $
return ([], [], emptyUDs)
- _trace_doc = vcat [ ppr rhs_tyvars, ppr n_tyvars
- , ppr rhs_ids, ppr n_dicts
- , ppr (idInlineActivation fn) ]
+ _trace_doc = sep [ ppr rhs_tyvars, ppr n_tyvars
+ , ppr rhs_ids, ppr n_dicts
+ , ppr (idInlineActivation fn) ]
fn_type = idType fn
fn_arity = idArity fn
diff --git a/compiler/stgSyn/CoreToStg.lhs b/compiler/stgSyn/CoreToStg.lhs
index 71bdfe97c9..c4f289c68e 100644
--- a/compiler/stgSyn/CoreToStg.lhs
+++ b/compiler/stgSyn/CoreToStg.lhs
@@ -363,6 +363,18 @@ coreToStgExpr (Cast expr _)
-- Cases require a little more real work.
+coreToStgExpr (Case scrut _ _ [])
+ = coreToStgExpr scrut
+ -- See Note [Empty case alternatives] in CoreSyn If the case
+ -- alternatives are empty, the scrutinee must diverge or raise an
+ -- exception, so we can just dive into it.
+ --
+ -- Of course this may seg-fault if the scrutinee *does* return. A
+ -- belt-and-braces approach would be to move this case into the
+ -- code generator, and put a return point anyway that calls a
+ -- runtime system error function.
coreToStgExpr (Case scrut bndr _ alts) = do
(alts2, alts_fvs, alts_escs)
<- extendVarEnvLne [(bndr, LambdaBound)] $ do
diff --git a/compiler/stranal/DmdAnal.lhs b/compiler/stranal/DmdAnal.lhs
index 167debfb55..b85c107bea 100644
--- a/compiler/stranal/DmdAnal.lhs
+++ b/compiler/stranal/DmdAnal.lhs
@@ -277,7 +277,7 @@ dmdAnal env dmd (Case scrut case_bndr ty alts)
= let
(alt_tys, alts') = mapAndUnzip (dmdAnalAlt env dmd) alts
(scrut_ty, scrut') = dmdAnal env evalDmd scrut
- (alt_ty, case_bndr') = annotateBndr (foldr1 lubType alt_tys) case_bndr
+ (alt_ty, case_bndr') = annotateBndr (foldr lubType botDmdType alt_tys) case_bndr
res_ty = alt_ty `bothType` scrut_ty
-- pprTrace "dmdAnal:Case2" (vcat [ text "scrut" <+> ppr scrut
diff --git a/compiler/typecheck/Inst.lhs b/compiler/typecheck/Inst.lhs
index d8ba828d9a..0b4364b7ee 100644
--- a/compiler/typecheck/Inst.lhs
+++ b/compiler/typecheck/Inst.lhs
@@ -83,10 +83,11 @@ emitWanteds :: CtOrigin -> TcThetaType -> TcM [EvVar]
emitWanteds origin theta = mapM (emitWanted origin) theta
emitWanted :: CtOrigin -> TcPredType -> TcM EvVar
-emitWanted origin pred = do { loc <- getCtLoc origin
- ; ev <- newWantedEvVar pred
- ; emitFlat (mkNonCanonical (Wanted loc ev))
- ; return ev }
+emitWanted origin pred
+ = do { loc <- getCtLoc origin
+ ; ev <- newWantedEvVar pred
+ ; emitFlat (mkNonCanonical (Wanted { ctev_wloc = loc, ctev_pred = pred, ctev_evar = ev }))
+ ; return ev }
newMethodFromName :: CtOrigin -> Name -> TcRhoType -> TcM (HsExpr TcId)
-- Used when Name is the wired-in name for a wired-in class method,
@@ -530,7 +531,7 @@ tyVarsOfCt (CFunEqCan { cc_tyargs = tys, cc_rhs = xi }) = tyVarsOfTypes (xi:tys)
tyVarsOfCt (CDictCan { cc_tyargs = tys }) = tyVarsOfTypes tys
tyVarsOfCt (CIPCan { cc_ip_ty = ty }) = tyVarsOfType ty
tyVarsOfCt (CIrredEvCan { cc_ty = ty }) = tyVarsOfType ty
-tyVarsOfCt (CNonCanonical { cc_flavor = fl }) = tyVarsOfType (ctFlavPred fl)
+tyVarsOfCt (CNonCanonical { cc_ev = fl }) = tyVarsOfType (ctEvPred fl)
tyVarsOfCDict :: Ct -> TcTyVarSet
tyVarsOfCDict (CDictCan { cc_tyargs = tys }) = tyVarsOfTypes tys
@@ -564,24 +565,22 @@ tyVarsOfBag tvs_of = foldrBag (unionVarSet . tvs_of) emptyVarSet
---------------- Tidying -------------------------
tidyCt :: TidyEnv -> Ct -> Ct
+-- Used only in error reporting
-- Also converts it to non-canonical
tidyCt env ct
- = CNonCanonical { cc_flavor = tidy_flavor env (cc_flavor ct)
+ = CNonCanonical { cc_ev = tidy_flavor env (cc_ev ct)
, cc_depth = cc_depth ct }
- where tidy_flavor :: TidyEnv -> CtFlavor -> CtFlavor
- tidy_flavor env (Given { flav_gloc = gloc, flav_evar = evar })
- = Given { flav_gloc = tidyGivenLoc env gloc
- , flav_evar = tidyEvVar env evar }
- tidy_flavor env (Solved { flav_gloc = gloc
- , flav_evar = evar })
- = Solved { flav_gloc = tidyGivenLoc env gloc
- , flav_evar = tidyEvVar env evar }
- tidy_flavor env (Wanted { flav_wloc = wloc
- , flav_evar = evar })
- = Wanted { flav_wloc = wloc -- Interesting: no tidying needed?
- , flav_evar = tidyEvVar env evar }
- tidy_flavor env (Derived { flav_wloc = wloc, flav_der_pty = pty })
- = Derived { flav_wloc = wloc, flav_der_pty = tidyType env pty }
+ where
+ tidy_flavor :: TidyEnv -> CtEvidence -> CtEvidence
+ -- NB: we do not tidy the ctev_evtm/var field because we don't
+ -- show it in error messages
+ tidy_flavor env ctev@(Given { ctev_gloc = gloc, ctev_pred = pred })
+ = ctev { ctev_gloc = tidyGivenLoc env gloc
+ , ctev_pred = tidyType env pred }
+ tidy_flavor env ctev@(Wanted { ctev_pred = pred })
+ = ctev { ctev_pred = tidyType env pred }
+ tidy_flavor env ctev@(Derived { ctev_pred = pred })
+ = ctev { ctev_pred = tidyType env pred }
tidyEvVar :: TidyEnv -> EvVar -> EvVar
tidyEvVar env var = setVarType var (tidyType env (varType var))
@@ -604,6 +603,10 @@ tidySkolemInfo env (UnifyForAllSkol skol_tvs ty)
tidySkolemInfo _ info = info
---------------- Substitution -------------------------
+-- This is used only in TcSimpify, for substituations that are *also*
+-- reflected in the unification variables. So we don't substitute
+-- in the evidence.
substCt :: TvSubst -> Ct -> Ct
-- Conservatively converts it to non-canonical:
-- Postcondition: if the constraint does not get rewritten
@@ -611,9 +614,9 @@ substCt subst ct
| pty <- ctPred ct
, sty <- substTy subst pty
= if sty `eqType` pty then
- ct { cc_flavor = substFlavor subst (cc_flavor ct) }
+ ct { cc_ev = substFlavor subst (cc_ev ct) }
- CNonCanonical { cc_flavor = substFlavor subst (cc_flavor ct)
+ CNonCanonical { cc_ev = substFlavor subst (cc_ev ct)
, cc_depth = cc_depth ct }
substWC :: TvSubst -> WantedConstraints -> WantedConstraints
@@ -637,21 +640,16 @@ substImplication subst implic@(Implic { ic_skols = tvs
substEvVar :: TvSubst -> EvVar -> EvVar
substEvVar subst var = setVarType var (substTy subst (varType var))
-substFlavor :: TvSubst -> CtFlavor -> CtFlavor
-substFlavor subst (Given { flav_gloc = gloc, flav_evar = evar })
- = Given { flav_gloc = substGivenLoc subst gloc
- , flav_evar = substEvVar subst evar }
-substFlavor subst (Solved { flav_gloc = gloc, flav_evar = evar })
- = Solved { flav_gloc = substGivenLoc subst gloc
- , flav_evar = substEvVar subst evar }
-substFlavor subst (Wanted { flav_wloc = wloc, flav_evar = evar })
- = Wanted { flav_wloc = wloc
- , flav_evar = substEvVar subst evar }
-substFlavor subst (Derived { flav_wloc = wloc, flav_der_pty = pty })
- = Derived { flav_wloc = wloc
- , flav_der_pty = substTy subst pty }
+substFlavor :: TvSubst -> CtEvidence -> CtEvidence
+substFlavor subst ctev@(Given { ctev_gloc = gloc, ctev_pred = pred })
+ = ctev { ctev_gloc = substGivenLoc subst gloc
+ , ctev_pred = substTy subst pred }
+substFlavor subst ctev@(Wanted { ctev_pred = pred })
+ = ctev { ctev_pred = substTy subst pred }
+substFlavor subst ctev@(Derived { ctev_pred = pty })
+ = ctev { ctev_pred = substTy subst pty }
substGivenLoc :: TvSubst -> GivenLoc -> GivenLoc
substGivenLoc subst (CtLoc skol span ctxt)
diff --git a/compiler/typecheck/TcBinds.lhs b/compiler/typecheck/TcBinds.lhs
index 1cc97de8d3..e6e07576d2 100644
--- a/compiler/typecheck/TcBinds.lhs
+++ b/compiler/typecheck/TcBinds.lhs
@@ -379,7 +379,7 @@ tcPolyBinds top_lvl sig_fn prag_fn rec_group rec_tc bind_list
-- Set up main recover; take advantage of any type sigs
{ traceTc "------------------------------------------------" empty
- ; traceTc "Bindings for" (ppr binder_names)
+ ; traceTc "Bindings for {" (ppr binder_names)
-- -- Instantiate the polytypes of any binders that have signatures
-- -- (as determined by sig_fn), returning a TcSigInfo for each
@@ -390,7 +390,7 @@ tcPolyBinds top_lvl sig_fn prag_fn rec_group rec_tc bind_list
; let plan = decideGeneralisationPlan dflags type_env
binder_names bind_list sig_fn
; traceTc "Generalisation plan" (ppr plan)
- ; result@(_, poly_ids, _) <- case plan of
+ ; result@(tc_binds, poly_ids, _) <- case plan of
NoGen -> tcPolyNoGen sig_fn prag_fn rec_tc bind_list
InferGen mn cl -> tcPolyInfer mn cl sig_fn prag_fn rec_tc bind_list
CheckGen sig -> tcPolyCheck sig prag_fn rec_tc bind_list
@@ -398,7 +398,10 @@ tcPolyBinds top_lvl sig_fn prag_fn rec_group rec_tc bind_list
-- Check whether strict bindings are ok
-- These must be non-recursive etc, and are not generalised
-- They desugar to a case expression in the end
- ; checkStrictBinds top_lvl rec_group bind_list poly_ids
+ ; checkStrictBinds top_lvl rec_group bind_list tc_binds poly_ids
+ ; traceTc "} End of bindings for" (vcat [ ppr binder_names, ppr rec_group
+ , vcat [ppr id <+> ppr (idType id) | id <- poly_ids]
+ ])
; return result }
@@ -1242,21 +1245,32 @@ decideGeneralisationPlan dflags type_env bndr_names lbinds sig_fn
checkStrictBinds :: TopLevelFlag -> RecFlag
- -> [LHsBind Name] -> [Id]
+ -> [LHsBind Name]
+ -> LHsBinds TcId -> [Id]
-> TcM ()
-- Check that non-overloaded unlifted bindings are
-- a) non-recursive,
-- b) not top level,
-- c) not a multiple-binding group (more or less implied by (a))
-checkStrictBinds top_lvl rec_group binds poly_ids
+checkStrictBinds top_lvl rec_group orig_binds tc_binds poly_ids
| unlifted || bang_pat
= do { checkTc (isNotTopLevel top_lvl)
- (strictBindErr "Top-level" unlifted binds)
+ (strictBindErr "Top-level" unlifted orig_binds)
; checkTc (isNonRec rec_group)
- (strictBindErr "Recursive" unlifted binds)
- ; checkTc (isSingleton binds)
- (strictBindErr "Multiple" unlifted binds)
+ (strictBindErr "Recursive" unlifted orig_binds)
+ ; checkTc (all is_monomorphic (bagToList tc_binds))
+ (polyBindErr orig_binds)
+ -- data Ptr a = Ptr Addr#
+ -- f x = let p@(Ptr y) = ... in ...
+ -- Here the binding for 'p' is polymorphic, but does
+ -- not mix with an unlifted binding for 'y'. You should
+ -- use a bang pattern. Trac #6078.
+ ; checkTc (isSingleton orig_binds)
+ (strictBindErr "Multiple" unlifted orig_binds)
-- This should be a checkTc, not a warnTc, but as of GHC 6.11
-- the versions of alex and happy available have non-conforming
-- templates, so the GHC build fails if it's an error:
@@ -1267,31 +1281,40 @@ checkStrictBinds top_lvl rec_group binds poly_ids
-- Warn about this, but not about
-- x# = 4# +# 1#
-- (# a, b #) = ...
- (unliftedMustBeBang binds) }
+ (unliftedMustBeBang orig_binds) }
| otherwise
- = return ()
+ = traceTc "csb2" (ppr poly_ids) >>
+ return ()
unlifted = any is_unlifted poly_ids
- bang_pat = any (isBangHsBind . unLoc) binds
- lifted_pat = any (isLiftedPatBind . unLoc) binds
+ bang_pat = any (isBangHsBind . unLoc) orig_binds
+ lifted_pat = any (isLiftedPatBind . unLoc) orig_binds
is_unlifted id = case tcSplitForAllTys (idType id) of
(_, rho) -> isUnLiftedType rho
+ is_monomorphic (L _ (AbsBinds { abs_tvs = tvs, abs_ev_vars = evs }))
+ = null tvs && null evs
+ is_monomorphic _ = True
unliftedMustBeBang :: [LHsBind Name] -> SDoc
unliftedMustBeBang binds
= hang (text "Pattern bindings containing unlifted types should use an outermost bang pattern:")
- 2 (pprBindList binds)
+ 2 (vcat (map ppr binds))
+polyBindErr :: [LHsBind Name] -> SDoc
+polyBindErr binds
+ = hang (ptext (sLit "You can't mix polymorphic and unlifted bindings"))
+ 2 (vcat [vcat (map ppr binds),
+ ptext (sLit "Probable fix: use a bang pattern")])
strictBindErr :: String -> Bool -> [LHsBind Name] -> SDoc
strictBindErr flavour unlifted binds
= hang (text flavour <+> msg <+> ptext (sLit "aren't allowed:"))
- 2 (pprBindList binds)
+ 2 (vcat (map ppr binds))
msg | unlifted = ptext (sLit "bindings for unlifted types")
| otherwise = ptext (sLit "bang-pattern bindings")
-pprBindList :: [LHsBind Name] -> SDoc
-pprBindList binds = vcat (map ppr binds)
diff --git a/compiler/typecheck/TcCanonical.lhs b/compiler/typecheck/TcCanonical.lhs
index d293f0ea3b..2e87c9e2f2 100644
--- a/compiler/typecheck/TcCanonical.lhs
+++ b/compiler/typecheck/TcCanonical.lhs
@@ -173,26 +173,26 @@ EvBinds, so we are again good.
-- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
canonicalize :: Ct -> TcS StopOrContinue
-canonicalize ct@(CNonCanonical { cc_flavor = fl, cc_depth = d })
+canonicalize ct@(CNonCanonical { cc_ev = fl, cc_depth = d })
= do { traceTcS "canonicalize (non-canonical)" (ppr ct)
; {-# SCC "canEvVar" #-}
canEvVar d fl (classifyPredType (ctPred ct)) }
canonicalize (CDictCan { cc_depth = d
- , cc_flavor = fl
+ , cc_ev = fl
, cc_class = cls
, cc_tyargs = xis })
= {-# SCC "canClass" #-}
canClass d fl cls xis -- Do not add any superclasses
canonicalize (CTyEqCan { cc_depth = d
- , cc_flavor = fl
+ , cc_ev = fl
, cc_tyvar = tv
, cc_rhs = xi })
= {-# SCC "canEqLeafTyVarLeftRec" #-}
canEqLeafTyVarLeftRec d fl tv xi
canonicalize (CFunEqCan { cc_depth = d
- , cc_flavor = fl
+ , cc_ev = fl
, cc_fun = fn
, cc_tyargs = xis1
, cc_rhs = xi2 })
@@ -200,18 +200,18 @@ canonicalize (CFunEqCan { cc_depth = d
canEqLeafFunEqLeftRec d fl (fn,xis1) xi2
canonicalize (CIPCan { cc_depth = d
- , cc_flavor = fl
+ , cc_ev = fl
, cc_ip_nm = nm
, cc_ip_ty = xi })
= canIP d fl nm xi
-canonicalize (CIrredEvCan { cc_flavor = fl
+canonicalize (CIrredEvCan { cc_ev = fl
, cc_depth = d
, cc_ty = xi })
= canIrred d fl xi
canEvVar :: SubGoalDepth
- -> CtFlavor
+ -> CtEvidence
-> PredTree
-> TcS StopOrContinue
-- Called only for non-canonical EvVars
@@ -233,15 +233,16 @@ canEvVar d fl pred_classifier
canTuple :: SubGoalDepth -- Depth
- -> CtFlavor -> [PredType] -> TcS StopOrContinue
+ -> CtEvidence -> [PredType] -> TcS StopOrContinue
canTuple d fl tys
= do { traceTcS "can_pred" (text "TuplePred!")
; let xcomp = EvTupleMk
xdecomp x = zipWith (\_ i -> EvTupleSel x i) tys [0..]
- ; xCtFlavor fl tys (XEvTerm xcomp xdecomp) what_next }
- where what_next fls = mapM_ add_to_work fls >> return Stop
- add_to_work fl = addToWork $ canEvVar d fl (classifyPredType (ctFlavPred fl))
+ ; ctevs <- xCtFlavor fl tys (XEvTerm xcomp xdecomp)
+ ; mapM_ add_to_work ctevs
+ ; return Stop }
+ where
+ add_to_work fl = addToWork $ canEvVar d fl (classifyPredType (ctEvPred fl))
@@ -253,7 +254,7 @@ canTuple d fl tys
canIP :: SubGoalDepth -- Depth
- -> CtFlavor
+ -> CtEvidence
-> IPName Name -> Type -> TcS StopOrContinue
-- Precondition: EvVar is implicit parameter evidence
canIP d fl nm ty
@@ -264,7 +265,7 @@ canIP d fl nm ty
; mb <- rewriteCtFlavor fl xi co
; case mb of
Just new_fl -> let IPPred _ xi_in = classifyPredType xi
- in continueWith $ CIPCan { cc_flavor = new_fl
+ in continueWith $ CIPCan { cc_ev = new_fl
, cc_ip_nm = nm, cc_ip_ty = xi_in
, cc_depth = d }
Nothing -> return Stop }
@@ -291,7 +292,7 @@ flattened in the first place to facilitate comparing them.)
canClass, canClassNC
:: SubGoalDepth -- Depth
- -> CtFlavor
+ -> CtEvidence
-> Class -> [Type] -> TcS StopOrContinue
-- Precondition: EvVar is class evidence
@@ -314,14 +315,14 @@ canClass d fl cls tys
; case mb of
Just new_fl ->
- let (ClassPred cls xis_for_dict) = classifyPredType (ctFlavPred new_fl)
+ let (ClassPred cls xis_for_dict) = classifyPredType (ctEvPred new_fl)
in continueWith $
- CDictCan { cc_flavor = new_fl
+ CDictCan { cc_ev = new_fl
, cc_tyargs = xis_for_dict, cc_class = cls, cc_depth = d }
Nothing -> return Stop }
emitSuperclasses :: Ct -> TcS StopOrContinue
-emitSuperclasses ct@(CDictCan { cc_depth = d, cc_flavor = fl
+emitSuperclasses ct@(CDictCan { cc_depth = d, cc_ev = fl
, cc_tyargs = xis_new, cc_class = cls })
-- Add superclasses of this one here, See Note [Adding superclasses].
-- But only if we are not simplifying the LHS of a rule.
@@ -399,20 +400,19 @@ happen.
newSCWorkFromFlavored :: SubGoalDepth -- Depth
- -> CtFlavor -> Class -> [Xi] -> TcS ()
+ -> CtEvidence -> Class -> [Xi] -> TcS ()
-- Returns superclasses, see Note [Adding superclasses]
newSCWorkFromFlavored d flavor cls xis
| isDerived flavor
= return () -- Deriveds don't yield more superclasses because we will
-- add them transitively in the case of wanteds.
- | isSolved flavor
- = return ()
| isGiven flavor
= do { let sc_theta = immSuperClasses cls xis
xev = XEvTerm { ev_comp = panic "Can't compose for given!"
- , ev_decomp = \x->zipWith (\_ i->EvSuperClass x i) sc_theta [0..] }
- ; xCtFlavor flavor sc_theta xev (emit_sc_flavs d) }
+ , ev_decomp = \x -> zipWith (\_ i -> EvSuperClass x i) sc_theta [0..] }
+ ; ctevs <- xCtFlavor flavor sc_theta xev
+ ; emit_sc_flavs d ctevs }
| isEmptyVarSet (tyVarsOfTypes xis)
= return () -- Wanteds/Derived with no variables yield no deriveds.
@@ -422,15 +422,17 @@ newSCWorkFromFlavored d flavor cls xis
= do { let sc_rec_theta = transSuperClasses cls xis
impr_theta = filter is_improvement_pty sc_rec_theta
xev = panic "Derived's are not supposed to transform evidence!"
- ; xCtFlavor (Derived (flav_wloc flavor) (ctFlavPred flavor)) impr_theta xev $
- emit_sc_flavs d }
+ der_ev = Derived { ctev_wloc = ctev_wloc flavor, ctev_pred = ctev_pred flavor }
+ ; ctevs <- xCtFlavor der_ev impr_theta xev
+ ; emit_sc_flavs d ctevs }
-emit_sc_flavs :: SubGoalDepth -> [CtFlavor] -> TcS ()
+emit_sc_flavs :: SubGoalDepth -> [CtEvidence] -> TcS ()
emit_sc_flavs d fls
= do { traceTcS "newSCWorkFromFlavored" $
text "Emitting superclass work:" <+> ppr sc_cts
; updWorkListTcS $ appendWorkListCt sc_cts }
- where sc_cts = map (\fl -> CNonCanonical { cc_flavor = fl, cc_depth = d }) fls
+ where
+ sc_cts = map (\fl -> CNonCanonical { cc_ev = fl, cc_depth = d }) fls
is_improvement_pty :: PredType -> Bool
-- Either it's an equality, or has some functional dependency
@@ -454,7 +456,7 @@ is_improvement_pty ty = go (classifyPredType ty)
canIrred :: SubGoalDepth -- Depth
- -> CtFlavor -> TcType -> TcS StopOrContinue
+ -> CtEvidence -> TcType -> TcS StopOrContinue
-- Precondition: ty not a tuple and no other evidence form
canIrred d fl ty
= do { traceTcS "can_pred" (text "IrredPred = " <+> ppr ty)
@@ -468,9 +470,9 @@ canIrred d fl ty
Just new_fl
| no_flattening
-> continueWith $
- CIrredEvCan { cc_flavor = new_fl, cc_ty = xi, cc_depth = d }
+ CIrredEvCan { cc_ev = new_fl, cc_ty = xi, cc_depth = d }
| otherwise
- -> canEvVar d new_fl (classifyPredType (ctFlavPred new_fl))
+ -> canEvVar d new_fl (classifyPredType (ctEvPred new_fl))
Nothing -> return Stop }
@@ -529,7 +531,7 @@ data FlattenMode = FMSubstOnly
-- Flatten a bunch of types all at once.
flattenMany :: SubGoalDepth -- Depth
-> FlattenMode
- -> CtFlavor -> [Type] -> TcS ([Xi], [TcCoercion])
+ -> CtEvidence -> [Type] -> TcS ([Xi], [TcCoercion])
-- Coercions :: Xi ~ Type
-- Returns True iff (no flattening happened)
-- NB: The EvVar inside the flavor is unused, we merely want Given/Solved/Derived/Wanted info
@@ -546,7 +548,7 @@ flattenMany d f ctxt tys
-- constraints. See Note [Flattening] for more detail.
flatten :: SubGoalDepth -- Depth
-> FlattenMode
- -> CtFlavor -> TcType -> TcS (Xi, TcCoercion)
+ -> CtEvidence -> TcType -> TcS (Xi, TcCoercion)
-- Postcondition: Coercion :: Xi ~ TcType
flatten d f ctxt ty
| Just ty' <- tcView ty
@@ -595,7 +597,8 @@ flatten d f fl (TyConApp tc tys)
do { flat_cache <- getFlatCache
; case lookupTM fam_ty flat_cache of
Just ct
- | cc_flavor ct `canRewrite` fl
+ | let ctev = cc_ev ct
+ , ctev `canRewrite` fl
-> -- You may think that we can just return (cc_rhs ct) but not so.
-- return (mkTcCoVarCo (ctId ct), cc_rhs ct, [])
-- The cached constraint resides in the cache so we have to flatten
@@ -606,42 +609,42 @@ flatten d f fl (TyConApp tc tys)
-- For now I say we don't keep it fully rewritten.
do { traceTcS "flatten/flat-cache hit" $ ppr ct
; let rhs_xi = cc_rhs ct
- ; (flat_rhs_xi,co) <- flatten (cc_depth ct) f (cc_flavor ct) rhs_xi
- ; let final_co = mkTcCoVarCo (ctId ct) `mkTcTransCo` (mkTcSymCo co)
+ ; (flat_rhs_xi,co) <- flatten (cc_depth ct) f ctev rhs_xi
+ ; let final_co = evTermCoercion (ctEvTerm ctev)
+ `mkTcTransCo` mkTcSymCo co
; return (final_co, flat_rhs_xi,[]) }
- _ | isGivenOrSolved fl -- Given or Solved: make new flatten skolem
+ _ | isGiven fl -- Given: make new flatten skolem
-> do { traceTcS "flatten/flat-cache miss" $ empty
; rhs_xi_var <- newFlattenSkolemTy fam_ty
- ; mg <- newGivenEvVar (mkTcEqPred fam_ty rhs_xi_var)
- (EvCoercion (mkTcReflCo fam_ty))
- ; case mg of
- Fresh eqv ->
- do { let new_fl = Given (flav_gloc fl) eqv
- ct = CFunEqCan { cc_flavor = new_fl
- , cc_fun = tc
- , cc_tyargs = xi_args
- , cc_rhs = rhs_xi_var
- , cc_depth = d }
- -- Update the flat cache
- ; updFlatCache ct
- ; return (mkTcCoVarCo eqv, rhs_xi_var, [ct]) }
- Cached {} -> panic "flatten TyConApp, var must be fresh!" }
+ ; let co = mkTcReflCo fam_ty
+ new_fl = Given { ctev_gloc = ctev_gloc fl
+ , ctev_pred = mkTcEqPred fam_ty rhs_xi_var
+ , ctev_evtm = EvCoercion co }
+ ct = CFunEqCan { cc_ev = new_fl
+ , cc_fun = tc
+ , cc_tyargs = xi_args
+ , cc_rhs = rhs_xi_var
+ , cc_depth = d }
+ -- Update the flat cache
+ ; updFlatCache ct
+ ; return (co, rhs_xi_var, [ct]) }
| otherwise -- Wanted or Derived: make new unification variable
-> do { traceTcS "flatten/flat-cache miss" $ empty
; rhs_xi_var <- newFlexiTcSTy (typeKind fam_ty)
- ; mw <- newWantedEvVar (mkTcEqPred fam_ty rhs_xi_var)
+ ; let pred = mkTcEqPred fam_ty rhs_xi_var
+ wloc = ctev_wloc fl
+ ; mw <- newWantedEvVar wloc pred
; case mw of
- Fresh eqv ->
- do { let new_fl = Wanted (flav_wloc fl) eqv
- ct = CFunEqCan { cc_flavor = new_fl
+ Fresh ctev ->
+ do { let ct = CFunEqCan { cc_ev = ctev
, cc_fun = tc
, cc_tyargs = xi_args
, cc_rhs = rhs_xi_var
, cc_depth = d }
-- Update the flat cache: just an optimisation!
; updFlatCache ct
- ; return (mkTcCoVarCo eqv, rhs_xi_var, [ct]) }
+ ; return (evTermCoercion (ctEvTerm ctev), rhs_xi_var, [ct]) }
Cached {} -> panic "flatten TyConApp, var must be fresh!" }
-- Emit the flat constraints
@@ -691,7 +694,7 @@ flatten d _f ctxt ty@(ForAllTy {})
flattenTyVar :: SubGoalDepth
-> FlattenMode
- -> CtFlavor -> TcTyVar -> TcS (Xi, TcCoercion)
+ -> CtEvidence -> TcTyVar -> TcS (Xi, TcCoercion)
-- "Flattening" a type variable means to apply the substitution to it
flattenTyVar d f ctxt tv
= do { ieqs <- getInertEqs
@@ -709,13 +712,15 @@ flattenTyVar d f ctxt tv
Just (co,ty) ->
do { (ty_final,co') <- flatten d f ctxt ty
; return (ty_final, co' `mkTcTransCo` mkTcSymCo co) } }
- where tv_eq_subst subst tv
- | Just ct <- lookupVarEnv subst tv
- , cc_flavor ct `canRewrite` ctxt
- = Just (mkTcCoVarCo (ctId ct),cc_rhs ct)
- -- NB: even if ct is Derived we are not going to
- -- touch the actual coercion so we are fine.
- | otherwise = Nothing
+ where
+ tv_eq_subst subst tv
+ | Just ct <- lookupVarEnv subst tv
+ , let ctev = cc_ev ct
+ , ctev `canRewrite` ctxt
+ = Just (evTermCoercion (ctEvTerm ctev), cc_rhs ct)
+ -- NB: even if ct is Derived we are not going to
+ -- touch the actual coercion so we are fine.
+ | otherwise = Nothing
Note [Non-idempotent inert substitution]
@@ -765,13 +770,13 @@ addToWork tcs_action = tcs_action >>= stop_or_emit
canEqEvVarsCreated :: SubGoalDepth
- -> [CtFlavor] -> TcS StopOrContinue
+ -> [CtEvidence] -> TcS StopOrContinue
canEqEvVarsCreated _d [] = return Stop
canEqEvVarsCreated d (quad:quads)
= mapM_ (addToWork . do_quad) quads >> do_quad quad
-- Add all but one to the work list
-- and return the first (if any) for futher processing
- where do_quad fl = let EqPred ty1 ty2 = classifyPredType $ ctFlavPred fl
+ where do_quad fl = let EqPred ty1 ty2 = classifyPredType $ ctEvPred fl
in canEqNC d fl ty1 ty2
-- Note the "NC": these are fresh equalities so we must be
-- careful to add their kind constraints
@@ -779,7 +784,7 @@ canEqEvVarsCreated d (quad:quads)
canEqNC, canEq
:: SubGoalDepth
- -> CtFlavor
+ -> CtEvidence
-> Type -> Type -> TcS StopOrContinue
canEqNC d fl ty1 ty2
@@ -790,7 +795,7 @@ canEq _d fl ty1 ty2
| eqType ty1 ty2 -- Dealing with equality here avoids
-- later spurious occurs checks for a~a
= if isWanted fl then
- setEvBind (flav_evar fl) (EvCoercion (mkTcReflCo ty1)) >> return Stop
+ setEvBind (ctev_evar fl) (EvCoercion (mkTcReflCo ty1)) >> return Stop
return Stop
@@ -823,11 +828,11 @@ canEq d fl ty1 ty2
-- Fail straight away for better error messages
then canEqFailure d fl
- let xcomp xs = EvCoercion (mkTcTyConAppCo tc1 (map mkTcCoVarCo xs))
- xdecomp x = zipWith (\_ i -> EvCoercion $ mkTcNthCo i (mkTcCoVarCo x)) tys1 [0..]
- xev = XEvTerm xcomp xdecomp
- in xCtFlavor fl (zipWith mkTcEqPred tys1 tys2) xev (canEqEvVarsCreated d)
+ do { let xcomp xs = EvCoercion (mkTcTyConAppCo tc1 (map evTermCoercion xs))
+ xdecomp x = zipWith (\_ i -> EvCoercion $ mkTcNthCo i (evTermCoercion x)) tys1 [0..]
+ xev = XEvTerm xcomp xdecomp
+ ; ctevs <- xCtFlavor fl (zipWith mkTcEqPred tys1 tys2) xev
+ ; canEqEvVarsCreated d ctevs }
-- See Note [Equality between type applications]
-- Note [Care with type applications] in TcUnify
@@ -839,7 +844,7 @@ canEq d fl ty1 ty2 -- e.g. F a b ~ Maybe c
canEq d fl s1@(ForAllTy {}) s2@(ForAllTy {})
| tcIsForAllTy s1, tcIsForAllTy s2
- , Wanted loc orig_ev <- fl
+ , Wanted { ctev_wloc = loc, ctev_evar = orig_ev } <- fl
= do { let (tvs1,body1) = tcSplitForAllTys s1
(tvs2,body2) = tcSplitForAllTys s2
; if not (equalLength tvs1 tvs2) then
@@ -857,12 +862,12 @@ canEq d fl _ _ = canEqFailure d fl
-- Type application
canEqAppTy :: SubGoalDepth
- -> CtFlavor
+ -> CtEvidence
-> Type -> Type -> Type -> Type
-> TcS StopOrContinue
canEqAppTy d fl s1 t1 s2 t2
= ASSERT( not (isKind t1) && not (isKind t2) )
- if isGivenOrSolved fl then
+ if isGiven fl then
do { traceTcS "canEq (app case)" $
text "Ommitting decomposition of given equality between: "
<+> ppr (AppTy s1 t1) <+> text "and" <+> ppr (AppTy s2 t2)
@@ -870,14 +875,14 @@ canEqAppTy d fl s1 t1 s2 t2
-- because we no longer have 'left' and 'right'
; return Stop }
- let xevcomp [x,y] = EvCoercion (mkTcAppCo (mkTcCoVarCo x) (mkTcCoVarCo y))
- xevcomp _ = error "canEqAppTy: can't happen" -- Can't happen
- xev = XEvTerm { ev_comp = xevcomp
- , ev_decomp = error "canEqAppTy: can't happen" }
- in xCtFlavor fl [mkTcEqPred s1 s2, mkTcEqPred t1 t2] xev $
- canEqEvVarsCreated d
-canEqFailure :: SubGoalDepth -> CtFlavor -> TcS StopOrContinue
+ do { let xevcomp [x,y] = EvCoercion (mkTcAppCo (evTermCoercion x) (evTermCoercion y))
+ xevcomp _ = error "canEqAppTy: can't happen" -- Can't happen
+ xev = XEvTerm { ev_comp = xevcomp
+ , ev_decomp = error "canEqAppTy: can't happen" }
+ ; ctevs <- xCtFlavor fl [mkTcEqPred s1 s2, mkTcEqPred t1 t2] xev
+ ; canEqEvVarsCreated d ctevs }
+canEqFailure :: SubGoalDepth -> CtEvidence -> TcS StopOrContinue
canEqFailure d fl = emitFrozenError fl d >> return Stop
@@ -885,12 +890,12 @@ emitKindConstraint :: Ct -> TcS StopOrContinue
emitKindConstraint ct
= case ct of
CTyEqCan { cc_depth = d
- , cc_flavor = fl, cc_tyvar = tv
+ , cc_ev = fl, cc_tyvar = tv
, cc_rhs = ty }
-> emit_kind_constraint d fl (mkTyVarTy tv) ty
CFunEqCan { cc_depth = d
- , cc_flavor = fl
+ , cc_ev = fl
, cc_fun = fn, cc_tyargs = xis1
, cc_rhs = xi2 }
-> emit_kind_constraint d fl (mkTyConApp fn xis1) xi2
@@ -904,41 +909,43 @@ emitKindConstraint ct
| otherwise
= ASSERT( isKind k1 && isKind k2 )
do { kev <-
- do { mw <- newWantedEvVar (mkEqPred k1 k2)
+ do { mw <- newWantedEvVar kind_co_wloc (mkEqPred k1 k2)
; case mw of
- Cached x -> return x
- Fresh x -> addToWork (canEq d (kind_co_fl x) k1 k2) >> return x }
- ; let xcomp [x] = mkEvKindCast x (mkTcCoVarCo kev)
+ Cached ev_tm -> return ev_tm
+ Fresh ctev -> do { addToWork (canEq d ctev k1 k2)
+ ; return (ctEvTerm ctev) } }
+ ; let xcomp [x] = mkEvKindCast x (evTermCoercion kev)
xcomp _ = panic "emit_kind_constraint:can't happen"
- xdecomp x = [mkEvKindCast x (mkTcCoVarCo kev)]
+ xdecomp x = [mkEvKindCast x (evTermCoercion kev)]
xev = XEvTerm xcomp xdecomp
- in xCtFlavor_cache False fl [mkTcEqPred ty1 ty2] xev what_next }
+ ; ctevs <- xCtFlavor_cache False fl [mkTcEqPred ty1 ty2] xev
-- Important: Do not cache original as Solved since we are supposed to
-- solve /exactly/ the same constraint later! Example:
-- (alpha :: kappa0)
-- (T :: *)
-- Equality is: (alpha ~ T), so we will emitConstraint (kappa0 ~ *) but
-- we don't want to say that (alpha ~ T) is now Solved!
- where
- what_next [new_fl] = continueWith (ct { cc_flavor = new_fl })
- what_next _ = return Stop
+ ; case ctevs of
+ [] -> return Stop
+ [new_ctev] -> continueWith (ct { cc_ev = new_ctev })
+ _ -> panic "emitKindConstraint" }
+ where
k1 = typeKind ty1
k2 = typeKind ty2
ctxt = mkKindErrorCtxtTcS ty1 k1 ty2 k2
-- Always create a Wanted kind equality even if
-- you are decomposing a given constraint.
-- NB: DV finds this reasonable for now. Maybe we have to revisit.
- kind_co_fl x
- | isGivenOrSolved fl
- = let (CtLoc _sk_info src_span err_ctxt) = flav_gloc fl
- orig = TypeEqOrigin (UnifyOrigin ty1 ty2)
- ctloc = pushErrCtxtSameOrigin ctxt $
- CtLoc orig src_span err_ctxt
- in Wanted ctloc x
- | otherwise
- = Wanted (pushErrCtxtSameOrigin ctxt (flav_wloc fl)) x
+ kind_co_wloc = pushErrCtxtSameOrigin ctxt wanted_loc
+ wanted_loc = case fl of
+ Wanted { ctev_wloc = wloc } -> wloc
+ Derived { ctev_wloc = wloc } -> wloc
+ Given { ctev_gloc = gloc } -> setCtLocOrigin gloc orig
+ orig = TypeEqOrigin (UnifyOrigin ty1 ty2)
Note [Combining insoluble constraints]
@@ -1106,7 +1113,7 @@ classify ty | Just ty' <- tcView ty
= OtherCls ty
-- See note [Canonical ordering for equality constraints].
-reOrient :: CtFlavor -> TypeClassifier -> TypeClassifier -> Bool
+reOrient :: CtEvidence -> TypeClassifier -> TypeClassifier -> Bool
-- (t1 `reOrient` t2) responds True
-- iff we should flip to (t2~t1)
-- We try to say False if possible, to minimise evidence generation
@@ -1143,7 +1150,7 @@ reOrient _fl (FskCls {}) (OtherCls {}) = False
canEqLeaf :: SubGoalDepth -- Depth
- -> CtFlavor
+ -> CtEvidence
-> Type -> Type
-> TcS StopOrContinue
-- Canonicalizing "leaf" equality constraints which cannot be
@@ -1156,13 +1163,16 @@ canEqLeaf :: SubGoalDepth -- Depth
canEqLeaf d fl s1 s2
| cls1 `re_orient` cls2
= do { traceTcS "canEqLeaf (reorienting)" $ ppr fl <+> dcolon <+> pprEq s1 s2
- ; let xcomp [x] = EvCoercion (mkTcSymCo (mkTcCoVarCo x))
+ ; let xcomp [x] = EvCoercion (mkTcSymCo (evTermCoercion x))
xcomp _ = panic "canEqLeaf: can't happen"
- xdecomp x = [EvCoercion (mkTcSymCo (mkTcCoVarCo x))]
+ xdecomp x = [EvCoercion (mkTcSymCo (evTermCoercion x))]
xev = XEvTerm xcomp xdecomp
- what_next [fl] = canEqLeafOriented d fl s2 s1
- what_next _ = return Stop
- ; xCtFlavor fl [mkTcEqPred s2 s1] xev what_next }
+ ; ctevs <- xCtFlavor fl [mkTcEqPred s2 s1] xev
+ ; case ctevs of
+ [] -> return Stop
+ [ctev] -> canEqLeafOriented d ctev s2 s1
+ _ -> panic "canEqLeaf" }
| otherwise
= do { traceTcS "canEqLeaf" $ ppr (mkTcEqPred s1 s2)
; canEqLeafOriented d fl s1 s2 }
@@ -1172,7 +1182,7 @@ canEqLeaf d fl s1 s2
cls2 = classify s2
canEqLeafOriented :: SubGoalDepth -- Depth
- -> CtFlavor
+ -> CtEvidence
-> TcType -> TcType -> TcS StopOrContinue
-- By now s1 will either be a variable or a type family application
canEqLeafOriented d fl s1 s2
@@ -1184,10 +1194,10 @@ canEqLeafOriented d fl s1 s2
= canEqLeafTyVarLeftRec d fl tv s2
| otherwise
= pprPanic "canEqLeafOriented" $
- text "Non-variable or non-family equality LHS" <+> ppr (ctFlavPred fl)
+ text "Non-variable or non-family equality LHS" <+> ppr (ctEvPred fl)
canEqLeafFunEqLeftRec :: SubGoalDepth
- -> CtFlavor
+ -> CtEvidence
-> (TyCon,[TcType]) -> TcType -> TcS StopOrContinue
canEqLeafFunEqLeftRec d fl (fn,tys1) ty2 -- fl :: F tys1 ~ ty2
= do { traceTcS "canEqLeafFunEqLeftRec" $ pprEq (mkTyConApp fn tys1) ty2
@@ -1210,7 +1220,7 @@ canEqLeafFunEqLeftRec d fl (fn,tys1) ty2 -- fl :: F tys1 ~ ty2
canEqLeafFunEqLeft :: SubGoalDepth -- Depth
- -> CtFlavor
+ -> CtEvidence
-> (TyCon,[Xi])
-> TcType -> TcS StopOrContinue
-- Precondition: No more flattening is needed for the LHS
@@ -1232,12 +1242,12 @@ canEqLeafFunEqLeft d fl (fn,xis1) s2
; case mb of
Nothing -> return Stop
Just new_fl -> continueWith $
- CFunEqCan { cc_flavor = new_fl, cc_depth = d
+ CFunEqCan { cc_ev = new_fl, cc_depth = d
, cc_fun = fn, cc_tyargs = xis1, cc_rhs = xi2 } }
canEqLeafTyVarLeftRec :: SubGoalDepth
- -> CtFlavor
+ -> CtEvidence
-> TcTyVar -> TcType -> TcS StopOrContinue
canEqLeafTyVarLeftRec d fl tv s2 -- fl :: tv ~ s2
= do { traceTcS "canEqLeafTyVarLeftRec" $ pprEq (mkTyVarTy tv) s2
@@ -1262,7 +1272,7 @@ canEqLeafTyVarLeftRec d fl tv s2 -- fl :: tv ~ s2
Nothing -> canEq d new_fl xi1 s2 }
canEqLeafTyVarLeft :: SubGoalDepth -- Depth
- -> CtFlavor
+ -> CtEvidence
-> TcTyVar -> TcType -> TcS StopOrContinue
-- Precondition LHS is fully rewritten from inerts (but not RHS)
canEqLeafTyVarLeft d fl tv s2 -- eqv : tv ~ s2
@@ -1276,7 +1286,7 @@ canEqLeafTyVarLeft d fl tv s2 -- eqv : tv ~ s2
-- Reflexivity exposed through flattening
; if tv_ty `eqType` xi2 then
- when (isWanted fl) (setEvBind (flav_evar fl) (EvCoercion co2)) >>
+ when (isWanted fl) (setEvBind (ctev_evar fl) (EvCoercion co2)) >>
return Stop
else do
-- Not reflexivity but maybe an occurs error
@@ -1291,7 +1301,7 @@ canEqLeafTyVarLeft d fl tv s2 -- eqv : tv ~ s2
; case mb of
Just new_fl -> if not_occ_err then
continueWith $
- CTyEqCan { cc_flavor = new_fl, cc_depth = d
+ CTyEqCan { cc_ev = new_fl, cc_depth = d
, cc_tyvar = tv, cc_rhs = xi2' }
canEqFailure d new_fl
@@ -1307,7 +1317,7 @@ canEqLeafTyVarLeft d fl tv s2 -- eqv : tv ~ s2
-- variable, then the same type is returned.
-- Precondition: the two types are not equal (looking though synonyms)
-canOccursCheck :: CtFlavor -> TcTyVar -> Xi -> TcS (Maybe Xi)
+canOccursCheck :: CtEvidence -> TcTyVar -> Xi -> TcS (Maybe Xi)
canOccursCheck _gw tv xi = return (expandAway tv xi)
diff --git a/compiler/typecheck/TcErrors.lhs b/compiler/typecheck/TcErrors.lhs
index 63a5beeb24..483de071d4 100644
--- a/compiler/typecheck/TcErrors.lhs
+++ b/compiler/typecheck/TcErrors.lhs
@@ -10,8 +10,6 @@
module TcErrors(
reportUnsolved, ErrEnv,
- unifyCtxt,
- misMatchMsg,
@@ -160,17 +158,15 @@ reportTidyWanteds ctxt insols flats implics
deferToRuntime :: EvBindsVar -> ReportErrCtxt -> (ReportErrCtxt -> Ct -> TcM ErrMsg)
-> Ct -> TcM ()
deferToRuntime ev_binds_var ctxt mk_err_msg ct
- | fl <- cc_flavor ct
- , Wanted loc _ <- fl
+ | Wanted { ctev_wloc = loc, ctev_pred = pred, ctev_evar = ev_id } <- cc_ev ct
= do { err <- setCtLoc loc $
mk_err_msg ctxt ct
- ; let ev_id = ctId ct -- Prec satisfied: Wanted
- err_msg = pprLocErrMsg err
+ ; let err_msg = pprLocErrMsg err
err_fs = mkFastString $ showSDoc $
err_msg $$ text "(deferred type error)"
-- Create the binding
- ; addTcEvBind ev_binds_var ev_id (EvDelayedError (idType ev_id) err_fs)
+ ; addTcEvBind ev_binds_var ev_id (EvDelayedError pred err_fs)
-- And emit a warning
; reportWarning (makeIntoWarning err) }
@@ -233,7 +229,7 @@ type Reporter = [Ct] -> TcM ()
mkReporter :: (Ct -> TcM ErrMsg) -> [Ct] -> TcM ()
-- Reports errors one at a time
-mkReporter mk_err = mapM_ (\ct -> do { err <- setCtFlavorLoc (cc_flavor ct) $
+mkReporter mk_err = mapM_ (\ct -> do { err <- setCtFlavorLoc (cc_ev ct) $
mk_err ct;
; reportError err })
@@ -318,15 +314,15 @@ groupErrs mk_err (ct1 : rest)
; reportError err
; groupErrs mk_err others }
- flavor = cc_flavor ct1
+ flavor = cc_ev ct1
cts = ct1 : friends
(friends, others) = partition is_friend rest
- is_friend friend = cc_flavor friend `same_group` flavor
+ is_friend friend = cc_ev friend `same_group` flavor
- same_group :: CtFlavor -> CtFlavor -> Bool
- same_group (Given l1 _) (Given l2 _) = same_loc l1 l2
- same_group (Derived l1 _) (Derived l2 _) = same_loc l1 l2
- same_group (Wanted l1 _) (Wanted l2 _) = same_loc l1 l2
+ same_group :: CtEvidence -> CtEvidence -> Bool
+ same_group (Given {ctev_gloc = l1}) (Given {ctev_gloc = l2}) = same_loc l1 l2
+ same_group (Wanted {ctev_wloc = l1}) (Wanted {ctev_wloc = l2}) = same_loc l1 l2
+ same_group (Derived {ctev_wloc = l1}) (Derived {ctev_wloc = l2}) = same_loc l1 l2
same_group _ _ = False
same_loc :: CtLoc o -> CtLoc o -> Bool
@@ -427,7 +423,7 @@ mkEqErr _ [] = panic "mkEqErr"
mkEqErr1 :: ReportErrCtxt -> Ct -> TcM ErrMsg
-- Wanted constraints only!
mkEqErr1 ctxt ct
- = if isGivenOrSolved flav then
+ = if isGiven flav then
let ctx2 = ctxt { cec_extra = cec_extra ctxt $$ inaccessible_msg flav }
in mkEqErr_help ctx2 ct False ty1 ty2
@@ -436,10 +432,11 @@ mkEqErr1 ctxt ct
; mk_err ctxt1 orig' }
- flav = cc_flavor ct
+ flav = cc_ev ct
- inaccessible_msg (Given loc _) = hang (ptext (sLit "Inaccessible code in"))
- 2 (ppr (ctLocOrigin loc))
+ inaccessible_msg (Given { ctev_gloc = loc })
+ = hang (ptext (sLit "Inaccessible code in"))
+ 2 (ppr (ctLocOrigin loc))
-- If a Solved then we should not report inaccessible code
inaccessible_msg _ = empty
@@ -573,7 +570,7 @@ misMatchOrCND :: ReportErrCtxt -> Ct -> Bool -> TcType -> TcType -> SDoc
misMatchOrCND ctxt ct oriented ty1 ty2
| null givens ||
(isRigid ty1 && isRigid ty2) ||
- isGivenOrSolved (cc_flavor ct)
+ isGiven (cc_ev ct)
-- If the equality is unconditionally insoluble
-- or there is no context, don't report the context
= misMatchMsg oriented ty1 ty2
@@ -641,12 +638,6 @@ kindErrorMsg ty1 ty2
k2 = typeKind ty2
-unifyCtxt :: EqOrigin -> TidyEnv -> TcM (TidyEnv, SDoc)
-unifyCtxt (UnifyOrigin { uo_actual = act_ty, uo_expected = exp_ty }) tidy_env
- = do { (env1, act_ty') <- zonkTidyTcType tidy_env act_ty
- ; (env2, exp_ty') <- zonkTidyTcType env1 exp_ty
- ; return (env2, mkExpectedActualMsg exp_ty' act_ty') }
misMatchMsg :: Bool -> TcType -> TcType -> SDoc -- Types are already tidy
-- If oriented then ty1 is expected, ty2 is actual
misMatchMsg oriented ty1 ty2
@@ -1074,7 +1065,7 @@ solverDepthErrorTcS depth stack
| null stack -- Shouldn't happen unless you say -fcontext-stack=0
= failWith msg
| otherwise
- = setCtFlavorLoc (cc_flavor top_item) $
+ = setCtFlavorLoc (cc_ev top_item) $
do { zstack <- mapM zonkCt stack
; env0 <- tcInitTidyEnv
; let zstack_tvs = foldr (unionVarSet . tyVarsOfCt) emptyVarSet zstack
@@ -1087,7 +1078,7 @@ solverDepthErrorTcS depth stack
, ptext (sLit "Use -fcontext-stack=N to increase stack size to N") ]
{- DV: Changing this because Derived's no longer have ids ... Kind of a corner case ...
- = setCtFlavorLoc (cc_flavor top_item) $
+ = setCtFlavorLoc (cc_ev top_item) $
do { ev_vars <- mapM (zonkEvVar . cc_id) stack
; env0 <- tcInitTidyEnv
; let tidy_env = tidyFreeTyVars env0 (tyVarsOfEvVars ev_vars)
@@ -1100,7 +1091,7 @@ solverDepthErrorTcS depth stack
-flattenForAllErrorTcS :: CtFlavor -> TcType -> TcM a
+flattenForAllErrorTcS :: CtEvidence -> TcType -> TcM a
flattenForAllErrorTcS fl ty
= setCtFlavorLoc fl $
do { env0 <- tcInitTidyEnv
@@ -1117,11 +1108,10 @@ flattenForAllErrorTcS fl ty
-setCtFlavorLoc :: CtFlavor -> TcM a -> TcM a
-setCtFlavorLoc (Wanted loc _) thing = setCtLoc loc thing
-setCtFlavorLoc (Derived loc _) thing = setCtLoc loc thing
-setCtFlavorLoc (Given loc _) thing = setCtLoc loc thing
-setCtFlavorLoc (Solved loc _) thing = setCtLoc loc thing
+setCtFlavorLoc :: CtEvidence -> TcM a -> TcM a
+setCtFlavorLoc (Wanted { ctev_wloc = loc }) thing = setCtLoc loc thing
+setCtFlavorLoc (Derived { ctev_wloc = loc }) thing = setCtLoc loc thing
+setCtFlavorLoc (Given { ctev_gloc = loc }) thing = setCtLoc loc thing
diff --git a/compiler/typecheck/TcEvidence.lhs b/compiler/typecheck/TcEvidence.lhs
index 8ec0a5766b..82298a470b 100644
--- a/compiler/typecheck/TcEvidence.lhs
+++ b/compiler/typecheck/TcEvidence.lhs
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ module TcEvidence (
EvBind(..), emptyTcEvBinds, isEmptyTcEvBinds,
EvTerm(..), mkEvCast, evVarsOfTerm, mkEvKindCast,
- EvLit(..),
+ EvLit(..), evTermCoercion,
-- TcCoercion
@@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ import Var
import PprCore () -- Instance OutputableBndr TyVar
import TypeRep -- Knows type representation
import TcType
-import Type( tyConAppArgN, getEqPredTys_maybe, tyConAppTyCon_maybe )
+import Type( tyConAppArgN, getEqPredTys_maybe, tyConAppTyCon_maybe, getEqPredTys )
import TysPrim( funTyCon )
import TyCon
import PrelNames
@@ -102,6 +102,7 @@ data TcCoercion
| TcSymCo TcCoercion
| TcTransCo TcCoercion TcCoercion
| TcNthCo Int TcCoercion
+ | TcCastCo TcCoercion TcCoercion -- co1 |> co2
| TcLetCo TcEvBinds TcCoercion
deriving (Data.Data, Data.Typeable)
@@ -199,6 +200,8 @@ tcCoercionKind co = go co
go (TcRefl ty) = Pair ty ty
go (TcLetCo _ co) = go co
+ go (TcCastCo _ co) = case getEqPredTys (pSnd (go co)) of
+ (ty1,ty2) -> Pair ty1 ty2
go (TcTyConAppCo tc cos) = mkTyConApp tc <$> (sequenceA $ map go cos)
go (TcAppCo co1 co2) = mkAppTy <$> go co1 <*> go co2
go (TcForAllCo tv co) = mkForAllTy tv <$> go co
@@ -206,8 +209,8 @@ tcCoercionKind co = go co
go (TcCoVarCo cv) = eqVarKind cv
go (TcAxiomInstCo ax tys) = Pair (substTyWith (co_ax_tvs ax) tys (co_ax_lhs ax))
(substTyWith (co_ax_tvs ax) tys (co_ax_rhs ax))
- go (TcSymCo co) = swap $ go co
- go (TcTransCo co1 co2) = Pair (pFst $ go co1) (pSnd $ go co2)
+ go (TcSymCo co) = swap (go co)
+ go (TcTransCo co1 co2) = Pair (pFst (go co1)) (pSnd (go co2))
go (TcNthCo d co) = tyConAppArgN d <$> go co
-- c.f. Coercion.coercionKind
@@ -219,7 +222,7 @@ eqVarKind cv
| Just (tc, [_kind,ty1,ty2]) <- tcSplitTyConApp_maybe (varType cv)
= ASSERT (tc `hasKey` eqTyConKey)
Pair ty1 ty2
- | otherwise = panic "eqVarKind, non coercion variable"
+ | otherwise = pprPanic "eqVarKind, non coercion variable" (ppr cv <+> dcolon <+> ppr (varType cv))
coVarsOfTcCo :: TcCoercion -> VarSet
-- Only works on *zonked* coercions, because of TcLetCo
@@ -229,6 +232,7 @@ coVarsOfTcCo tc_co
go (TcRefl _) = emptyVarSet
go (TcTyConAppCo _ cos) = foldr (unionVarSet . go) emptyVarSet cos
go (TcAppCo co1 co2) = go co1 `unionVarSet` go co2
+ go (TcCastCo co1 co2) = go co1 `unionVarSet` go co2
go (TcForAllCo _ co) = go co
go (TcInstCo co _) = go co
go (TcCoVarCo v) = unitVarSet v
@@ -263,7 +267,7 @@ liftTcCoSubstWith tvs cos ty
Nothing -> mkTcReflCo ty
go (AppTy t1 t2) = mkTcAppCo (go t1) (go t2)
go (TyConApp tc tys) = mkTcTyConAppCo tc (map go tys)
- go ty@(LitTy {}) = mkTcReflCo ty
+ go ty@(LitTy {}) = mkTcReflCo ty
go (ForAllTy tv ty) = mkTcForAllCo tv (go ty)
go (FunTy t1 t2) = mkTcFunCo (go t1) (go t2)
@@ -289,6 +293,8 @@ ppr_co p (TcLetCo bs co) = maybeParen p TopPrec $
sep [ptext (sLit "let") <+> braces (ppr bs), ppr co]
ppr_co p (TcAppCo co1 co2) = maybeParen p TyConPrec $
pprTcCo co1 <+> ppr_co TyConPrec co2
+ppr_co p (TcCastCo co1 co2) = maybeParen p FunPrec $
+ ppr_co FunPrec co1 <+> ptext (sLit "|>") <+> ppr_co FunPrec co2
ppr_co p co@(TcForAllCo {}) = ppr_forall_co p co
ppr_co p (TcInstCo co ty) = maybeParen p TyConPrec $
pprParendTcCo co <> ptext (sLit "@") <> pprType ty
@@ -454,24 +460,24 @@ data EvTerm
| EvCoercion TcCoercion -- (Boxed) coercion bindings
- | EvCast EvVar TcCoercion -- d |> co
+ | EvCast EvTerm TcCoercion -- d |> co
| EvDFunApp DFunId -- Dictionary instance application
- [Type] [EvVar]
+ [Type] [EvTerm]
- | EvTupleSel EvId Int -- n'th component of the tuple
+ | EvTupleSel EvTerm Int -- n'th component of the tuple, 0-indexed
- | EvTupleMk [EvId] -- tuple built from this stuff
+ | EvTupleMk [EvTerm] -- tuple built from this stuff
| EvDelayedError Type FastString -- Used with Opt_DeferTypeErrors
-- See Note [Deferring coercion errors to runtime]
-- in TcSimplify
- | EvSuperClass DictId Int -- n'th superclass. Used for both equalities and
+ | EvSuperClass EvTerm Int -- n'th superclass. Used for both equalities and
-- dictionaries, even though the former have no
-- selector Id. We count up from _0_
- | EvKindCast EvVar TcCoercion -- See Note [EvKindCast]
+ | EvKindCast EvTerm TcCoercion -- See Note [EvKindCast]
| EvLit EvLit -- Dictionary for class "SingI" for type lits.
-- Note [EvLit]
@@ -555,14 +561,14 @@ and another to make it into "SingI" evidence.
-mkEvCast :: EvVar -> TcCoercion -> EvTerm
+mkEvCast :: EvTerm -> TcCoercion -> EvTerm
mkEvCast ev lco
- | isTcReflCo lco = EvId ev
+ | isTcReflCo lco = ev
| otherwise = EvCast ev lco
-mkEvKindCast :: EvVar -> TcCoercion -> EvTerm
+mkEvKindCast :: EvTerm -> TcCoercion -> EvTerm
mkEvKindCast ev lco
- | isTcReflCo lco = EvId ev
+ | isTcReflCo lco = ev
| otherwise = EvKindCast ev lco
emptyTcEvBinds :: TcEvBinds
@@ -573,17 +579,27 @@ isEmptyTcEvBinds (EvBinds b) = isEmptyBag b
isEmptyTcEvBinds (TcEvBinds {}) = panic "isEmptyTcEvBinds"
-evVarsOfTerm :: EvTerm -> [EvVar]
-evVarsOfTerm (EvId v) = [v]
-evVarsOfTerm (EvCoercion co) = varSetElems (coVarsOfTcCo co)
-evVarsOfTerm (EvDFunApp _ _ evs) = evs
-evVarsOfTerm (EvTupleSel v _) = [v]
-evVarsOfTerm (EvSuperClass v _) = [v]
-evVarsOfTerm (EvCast v co) = v : varSetElems (coVarsOfTcCo co)
-evVarsOfTerm (EvTupleMk evs) = evs
-evVarsOfTerm (EvDelayedError _ _) = []
-evVarsOfTerm (EvKindCast v co) = v : varSetElems (coVarsOfTcCo co)
-evVarsOfTerm (EvLit _) = []
+evTermCoercion :: EvTerm -> TcCoercion
+-- Applied only to EvTerms of type (s~t)
+evTermCoercion (EvId v) = mkTcCoVarCo v
+evTermCoercion (EvCoercion co) = co
+evTermCoercion (EvCast tm co) = TcCastCo (evTermCoercion tm) co
+evTermCoercion tm = pprPanic "evTermCoercion" (ppr tm)
+evVarsOfTerm :: EvTerm -> VarSet
+evVarsOfTerm (EvId v) = unitVarSet v
+evVarsOfTerm (EvCoercion co) = coVarsOfTcCo co
+evVarsOfTerm (EvDFunApp _ _ evs) = evVarsOfTerms evs
+evVarsOfTerm (EvTupleSel v _) = evVarsOfTerm v
+evVarsOfTerm (EvSuperClass v _) = evVarsOfTerm v
+evVarsOfTerm (EvCast tm co) = evVarsOfTerm tm `unionVarSet` coVarsOfTcCo co
+evVarsOfTerm (EvTupleMk evs) = evVarsOfTerms evs
+evVarsOfTerm (EvDelayedError _ _) = emptyVarSet
+evVarsOfTerm (EvKindCast v co) = coVarsOfTcCo co `unionVarSet` evVarsOfTerm v
+evVarsOfTerm (EvLit _) = emptyVarSet
+evVarsOfTerms :: [EvTerm] -> VarSet
+evVarsOfTerms = foldr (unionVarSet . evVarsOfTerm) emptyVarSet
diff --git a/compiler/typecheck/TcForeign.lhs b/compiler/typecheck/TcForeign.lhs
index 34632a5a77..e6586d8ff5 100644
--- a/compiler/typecheck/TcForeign.lhs
+++ b/compiler/typecheck/TcForeign.lhs
@@ -203,12 +203,14 @@ tcFImport d = pprPanic "tcFImport" (ppr d)
tcCheckFIType :: Type -> [Type] -> Type -> ForeignImport -> TcM ForeignImport
-tcCheckFIType sig_ty arg_tys res_ty idecl@(CImport _ _ _ (CLabel _))
+tcCheckFIType sig_ty arg_tys res_ty (CImport cconv safety mh l@(CLabel _))
= ASSERT( null arg_tys )
- do { checkCg checkCOrAsmOrLlvmOrInterp
- ; check (isFFILabelTy res_ty) (illegalForeignTyErr empty sig_ty)
- ; return idecl } -- NB check res_ty not sig_ty!
- -- In case sig_ty is (forall a. ForeignPtr a)
+ do checkCg checkCOrAsmOrLlvmOrInterp
+ -- NB check res_ty not sig_ty!
+ -- In case sig_ty is (forall a. ForeignPtr a)
+ check (isFFILabelTy res_ty) (illegalForeignTyErr empty sig_ty)
+ cconv' <- checkCConv cconv
+ return (CImport cconv' safety mh l)
tcCheckFIType sig_ty arg_tys res_ty (CImport cconv safety mh CWrapper) = do
-- Foreign wrapper (former f.e.d.)
diff --git a/compiler/typecheck/TcHsSyn.lhs b/compiler/typecheck/TcHsSyn.lhs
index a4af0ce7f3..9104016938 100644
--- a/compiler/typecheck/TcHsSyn.lhs
+++ b/compiler/typecheck/TcHsSyn.lhs
@@ -770,19 +770,18 @@ zonkStmts env (s:ss) = do { (env1, s') <- wrapLocSndM (zonkStmt env) s
; return (env2, s' : ss') }
zonkStmt :: ZonkEnv -> Stmt TcId -> TcM (ZonkEnv, Stmt Id)
-zonkStmt env (ParStmt stmts_w_bndrs mzip_op bind_op return_op)
- = mappM zonk_branch stmts_w_bndrs `thenM` \ new_stmts_w_bndrs ->
- let
- new_binders = concat (map snd new_stmts_w_bndrs)
- env1 = extendIdZonkEnv env new_binders
- in
- zonkExpr env1 mzip_op `thenM` \ new_mzip ->
- zonkExpr env1 bind_op `thenM` \ new_bind ->
- zonkExpr env1 return_op `thenM` \ new_return ->
- return (env1, ParStmt new_stmts_w_bndrs new_mzip new_bind new_return)
+zonkStmt env (ParStmt stmts_w_bndrs mzip_op bind_op)
+ = do { new_stmts_w_bndrs <- mapM zonk_branch stmts_w_bndrs
+ ; let new_binders = [b | ParStmtBlock _ bs _ <- new_stmts_w_bndrs, b <- bs]
+ env1 = extendIdZonkEnv env new_binders
+ ; new_mzip <- zonkExpr env1 mzip_op
+ ; new_bind <- zonkExpr env1 bind_op
+ ; return (env1, ParStmt new_stmts_w_bndrs new_mzip new_bind) }
- zonk_branch (stmts, bndrs) = zonkStmts env stmts `thenM` \ (env1, new_stmts) ->
- returnM (new_stmts, zonkIdOccs env1 bndrs)
+ zonk_branch (ParStmtBlock stmts bndrs return_op)
+ = do { (env1, new_stmts) <- zonkStmts env stmts
+ ; new_return <- zonkExpr env1 return_op
+ ; return (ParStmtBlock new_stmts (zonkIdOccs env1 bndrs) new_return) }
zonkStmt env (RecStmt { recS_stmts = segStmts, recS_later_ids = lvs, recS_rec_ids = rvs
, recS_ret_fn = ret_id, recS_mfix_fn = mfix_id, recS_bind_fn = bind_id
@@ -1096,21 +1095,24 @@ zonkEvTerm env (EvId v) = ASSERT2( isId v, ppr v )
return (EvId (zonkIdOcc env v))
zonkEvTerm env (EvCoercion co) = do { co' <- zonkTcLCoToLCo env co
; return (EvCoercion co') }
-zonkEvTerm env (EvCast v co) = ASSERT( isId v)
- do { co' <- zonkTcLCoToLCo env co
- ; return (mkEvCast (zonkIdOcc env v) co') }
-zonkEvTerm env (EvKindCast v co) = ASSERT( isId v)
- do { co' <- zonkTcLCoToLCo env co
- ; return (mkEvKindCast (zonkIdOcc env v) co') }
-zonkEvTerm env (EvTupleSel v n) = return (EvTupleSel (zonkIdOcc env v) n)
-zonkEvTerm env (EvTupleMk vs) = return (EvTupleMk (map (zonkIdOcc env) vs))
+zonkEvTerm env (EvCast tm co) = do { tm' <- zonkEvTerm env tm
+ ; co' <- zonkTcLCoToLCo env co
+ ; return (mkEvCast tm' co') }
+zonkEvTerm env (EvKindCast v co) = do { v' <- zonkEvTerm env v
+ ; co' <- zonkTcLCoToLCo env co
+ ; return (mkEvKindCast v' co') }
+zonkEvTerm env (EvTupleSel tm n) = do { tm' <- zonkEvTerm env tm
+ ; return (EvTupleSel tm' n) }
+zonkEvTerm env (EvTupleMk tms) = do { tms' <- mapM (zonkEvTerm env) tms
+ ; return (EvTupleMk tms') }
zonkEvTerm _ (EvLit l) = return (EvLit l)
-zonkEvTerm env (EvSuperClass d n) = return (EvSuperClass (zonkIdOcc env d) n)
+zonkEvTerm env (EvSuperClass d n) = do { d' <- zonkEvTerm env d
+ ; return (EvSuperClass d' n) }
zonkEvTerm env (EvDFunApp df tys tms)
= do { tys' <- zonkTcTypeToTypes env tys
- ; let tms' = map (zonkEvVarOcc env) tms
+ ; tms' <- mapM (zonkEvTerm env) tms
; return (EvDFunApp (zonkIdOcc env df) tys' tms') }
zonkEvTerm env (EvDelayedError ty msg)
= do { ty' <- zonkTcTypeToType env ty
@@ -1345,6 +1347,8 @@ zonkTcLCoToLCo env co
go (TcAxiomInstCo ax tys) = do { tys' <- zonkTcTypeToTypes env tys; return (TcAxiomInstCo ax tys') }
go (TcAppCo co1 co2) = do { co1' <- go co1; co2' <- go co2
; return (mkTcAppCo co1' co2') }
+ go (TcCastCo co1 co2) = do { co1' <- go co1; co2' <- go co2
+ ; return (TcCastCo co1' co2') }
go (TcSymCo co) = do { co' <- go co; return (mkTcSymCo co') }
go (TcNthCo n co) = do { co' <- go co; return (mkTcNthCo n co') }
go (TcTransCo co1 co2) = do { co1' <- go co1; co2' <- go co2
diff --git a/compiler/typecheck/TcInstDcls.lhs b/compiler/typecheck/TcInstDcls.lhs
index 776689084f..bc217bb041 100644
--- a/compiler/typecheck/TcInstDcls.lhs
+++ b/compiler/typecheck/TcInstDcls.lhs
@@ -840,7 +840,7 @@ tcInstDecl2 (InstInfo { iSpec = ispec, iBinds = ibinds })
mk_sc_ev_term sc
| null inst_tv_tys
, null dfun_ev_vars = EvId sc
- | otherwise = EvDFunApp sc inst_tv_tys dfun_ev_vars
+ | otherwise = EvDFunApp sc inst_tv_tys (map EvId dfun_ev_vars)
inst_tv_tys = mkTyVarTys inst_tyvars
arg_wrapper = mkWpEvVarApps dfun_ev_vars <.> mkWpTyApps inst_tv_tys
@@ -1141,7 +1141,7 @@ tcInstanceMethods dfun_id clas tyvars dfun_ev_vars inst_tys
; self_dict <- newDict clas inst_tys
; let self_ev_bind = EvBind self_dict
- (EvDFunApp dfun_id (mkTyVarTys tyvars) dfun_ev_vars)
+ (EvDFunApp dfun_id (mkTyVarTys tyvars) (map EvId dfun_ev_vars))
; (meth_id, local_meth_sig) <- mkMethIds sig_fn clas tyvars dfun_ev_vars
inst_tys sel_id
diff --git a/compiler/typecheck/TcInteract.lhs b/compiler/typecheck/TcInteract.lhs
index c62c778736..44d6a8d01f 100644
--- a/compiler/typecheck/TcInteract.lhs
+++ b/compiler/typecheck/TcInteract.lhs
@@ -31,7 +31,6 @@ import TyCon
import Name
import IParam
-import TysWiredIn ( eqTyCon )
import FunDeps
import TcEvidence
@@ -46,7 +45,6 @@ import Maybes( orElse )
import Bag
import Control.Monad ( foldM )
-import TrieMap
import VarEnv
import qualified Data.Traversable as Traversable
@@ -106,8 +104,11 @@ solveInteractGiven :: GivenLoc -> [EvVar] -> TcS (Bag Implication)
-- if this can happen in practice though.
solveInteractGiven gloc evs
= solveInteractCts (map mk_noncan evs)
- where mk_noncan ev = CNonCanonical { cc_flavor = Given gloc ev
- , cc_depth = 0 }
+ where
+ mk_noncan ev = CNonCanonical { cc_ev = Given { ctev_gloc = gloc
+ , ctev_evtm = EvId ev
+ , ctev_pred = evVarPred ev }
+ , cc_depth = 0 }
-- The main solver loop implements Note [Basic Simplifier Plan]
@@ -229,13 +230,13 @@ thePipeline = [ ("lookup-in-inerts", lookupInInertsStage)
lookupInInertsStage :: SimplifierStage
lookupInInertsStage ct
- | isWantedCt ct
+ | Wanted { ctev_evar = ev_id, ctev_pred = pred } <- cc_ev ct
= do { is <- getTcSInerts
- ; case lookupInInerts is (ctPred ct) of
- Just ct_cached
- | not (isDerivedCt ct)
- -> setEvBind (ctId ct) (EvId (ctId ct_cached)) >>
- return Stop
+ ; case lookupInInerts is pred of
+ Just ctev
+ | not (isDerived ctev)
+ -> do { setEvBind ev_id (ctEvTerm ctev)
+ ; return Stop }
_ -> continueWith ct }
| otherwise -- I could do something like that for givens
-- as well I suppose but it is not a big deal
@@ -246,7 +247,6 @@ lookupInInertsStage ct
canonicalizationStage :: SimplifierStage
canonicalizationStage = TcCanonical.canonicalize
@@ -321,7 +321,7 @@ kickOutRewritableInerts ct
; new_ieqs <- {-# SCC "rewriteInertEqsFromInertEq" #-}
rewriteInertEqsFromInertEq (cc_tyvar ct,
- ct_coercion,cc_flavor ct) ieqs
+ ct_coercion,cc_ev ct) ieqs
; let upd_eqs is = is { inert_cans = new_ics }
where ics = inert_cans is
new_ics = ics { inert_eqs = new_ieqs }
@@ -336,7 +336,7 @@ kickOutRewritableInerts ct
; traceTcS "Kick out" (ppr ct $$ ppr wl)
; updWorkListTcS (unionWorkList wl) }
-rewriteInertEqsFromInertEq :: (TcTyVar, TcCoercion, CtFlavor) -- A new substitution
+rewriteInertEqsFromInertEq :: (TcTyVar, TcCoercion, CtEvidence) -- A new substitution
-> TyVarEnv Ct -- All the inert equalities
-> TcS (TyVarEnv Ct) -- The new inert equalities
rewriteInertEqsFromInertEq (subst_tv, _subst_co, subst_fl) ieqs
@@ -366,7 +366,7 @@ rewriteInertEqsFromInertEq (subst_tv, _subst_co, subst_fl) ieqs
| otherwise -- Just keep it there
= return (Just ct)
- fl = cc_flavor ct
+ fl = cc_ev ct
kick_out_rewritable :: Ct
-> InertSet
@@ -401,7 +401,7 @@ kick_out_rewritable ct is@(IS { inert_cans =
-- inert_solved, inert_flat_cache and inert_solved_funeqs
-- optimistically. But when we lookup we have to take the
-- subsitution into account
- fl = cc_flavor ct
+ fl = cc_ev ct
tv = cc_tyvar ct
(ips_out, ips_in) = partitionCCanMap rewritable ipmap
@@ -412,7 +412,7 @@ kick_out_rewritable ct is@(IS { inert_cans =
(irs_out, irs_in) = partitionBag rewritable irreds
(fro_out, fro_in) = partitionBag rewritable frozen
- rewritable ct = (fl `canRewrite` cc_flavor ct) &&
+ rewritable ct = (fl `canRewrite` cc_ev ct) &&
(tv `elemVarSet` tyVarsOfCt ct)
-- NB: tyVarsOfCt will return the type
-- variables /and the kind variables/ that are
@@ -461,9 +461,9 @@ data SPSolveResult = SPCantSolve
-- touchable unification variable.
-- See Note [Touchables and givens]
trySpontaneousSolve :: WorkItem -> TcS SPSolveResult
-trySpontaneousSolve workItem@(CTyEqCan { cc_flavor = gw
+trySpontaneousSolve workItem@(CTyEqCan { cc_ev = gw
, cc_tyvar = tv1, cc_rhs = xi, cc_depth = d })
- | isGivenOrSolved gw
+ | isGiven gw
= return SPCantSolve
| Just tv2 <- tcGetTyVar_maybe xi
= do { tch1 <- isTouchableMetaTyVar tv1
@@ -488,7 +488,7 @@ trySpontaneousSolve _ = return SPCantSolve
trySpontaneousEqOneWay :: SubGoalDepth
- -> CtFlavor -> TcTyVar -> Xi -> TcS SPSolveResult
+ -> CtEvidence -> TcTyVar -> Xi -> TcS SPSolveResult
-- tv is a MetaTyVar, not untouchable
trySpontaneousEqOneWay d gw tv xi
| not (isSigTyVar tv) || isTyVarTy xi
@@ -498,7 +498,7 @@ trySpontaneousEqOneWay d gw tv xi
trySpontaneousEqTwoWay :: SubGoalDepth
- -> CtFlavor -> TcTyVar -> TcTyVar -> TcS SPSolveResult
+ -> CtEvidence -> TcTyVar -> TcTyVar -> TcS SPSolveResult
-- Both tyvars are *touchable* MetaTyvars so there is only a chance for kind error here
trySpontaneousEqTwoWay d gw tv1 tv2
@@ -585,10 +585,10 @@ unification variables as RHS of type family equations: F xis ~ alpha.
solveWithIdentity :: SubGoalDepth
- -> CtFlavor -> TcTyVar -> Xi -> TcS SPSolveResult
+ -> CtEvidence -> TcTyVar -> Xi -> TcS SPSolveResult
-- Solve with the identity coercion
-- Precondition: kind(xi) is a sub-kind of kind(tv)
--- Precondition: CtFlavor is Wanted or Derived
+-- Precondition: CtEvidence is Wanted or Derived
-- See [New Wanted Superclass Work] to see why solveWithIdentity
-- must work for Derived as well as Wanted
-- Returns: workItem where
@@ -607,17 +607,18 @@ solveWithIdentity d wd tv xi
-- cf TcUnify.uUnboundKVar
; setWantedTyBind tv xi'
- ; let refl_xi = mkTcReflCo xi'
+ ; let refl_evtm = EvCoercion (mkTcReflCo xi')
+ refl_pred = mkTcEqPred tv_ty xi'
; when (isWanted wd) $
- setEvBind (flav_evar wd) (EvCoercion refl_xi)
+ setEvBind (ctev_evar wd) refl_evtm
- ; ev_given <- newGivenEvVar (mkTcEqPred tv_ty xi')
- (EvCoercion refl_xi) >>= (return . mn_thing)
- ; let given_fl = Given (mkGivenLoc (flav_wloc wd) UnkSkol) ev_given
+ ; let given_fl = Given { ctev_gloc = mkGivenLoc (ctev_wloc wd) UnkSkol
+ , ctev_pred = refl_pred
+ , ctev_evtm = refl_evtm }
; return $
- SPSolved (CTyEqCan { cc_flavor = given_fl
+ SPSolved (CTyEqCan { cc_ev = given_fl
, cc_tyvar = tv, cc_rhs = xi', cc_depth = d }) }
@@ -654,7 +655,7 @@ or, equivalently,
then there is no reaction
--- Interaction result of WorkItem <~> AtomicInert
+-- Interaction result of WorkItem <~> Ct
data InteractResult
= IRWorkItemConsumed { ir_fire :: String }
@@ -715,8 +716,8 @@ interactWithInertsStage wi
doInteractWithInert :: Ct -> Ct -> TcS InteractResult
-- Identical class constraints.
- inertItem@(CDictCan { cc_flavor = fl1, cc_class = cls1, cc_tyargs = tys1 })
- workItem@(CDictCan { cc_flavor = fl2, cc_class = cls2, cc_tyargs = tys2 })
+ inertItem@(CDictCan { cc_ev = fl1, cc_class = cls1, cc_tyargs = tys1 })
+ workItem@(CDictCan { cc_ev = fl2, cc_class = cls2, cc_tyargs = tys2 })
| cls1 == cls2
= do { let pty1 = mkClassPred cls1 tys1
@@ -728,13 +729,13 @@ doInteractWithInert
, text "workItem = " <+> ppr workItem ])
; any_fundeps
- <- if isGivenOrSolved fl1 && isGivenOrSolved fl2 then return Nothing
+ <- if isGiven fl1 && isGiven fl2 then return Nothing
-- NB: We don't create fds for given (and even solved), have not seen a useful
-- situation for these and even if we did we'd have to be very careful to only
-- create Derived's and not Wanteds.
else do { let fd_eqns = improveFromAnother inert_pred_loc work_item_pred_loc
- ; wloc <- get_workitem_wloc fl2
+ wloc = getWantedLoc fl2
; rewriteWithFunDeps fd_eqns tys2 wloc }
-- See Note [Efficient Orientation], [When improvement happens]
@@ -745,23 +746,18 @@ doInteractWithInert
| otherwise -> irKeepGoing "NOP"
-- Actual Functional Dependencies
- Just (_rewritten_tys2,_cos2,fd_work)
+ Just (_rewritten_tys2, fd_work)
-- Standard thing: create derived fds and keep on going. Importantly we don't
-- throw workitem back in the worklist because this can cause loops. See #5236.
-> do { emitFDWorkAsDerived fd_work (cc_depth workItem)
; irKeepGoing "Cls/Cls (new fundeps)" } -- Just keep going without droping the inert
- where get_workitem_wloc (Wanted wl _) = return wl
- get_workitem_wloc (Derived wl _) = return wl
- get_workitem_wloc _ = pprPanic "Unexpected given workitem!" $
- vcat [ text "Work item =" <+> ppr workItem
- , text "Inert item=" <+> ppr inertItem]
-- Two pieces of irreducible evidence: if their types are *exactly identical*
-- we can rewrite them. We can never improve using this:
-- if we want ty1 :: Constraint and have ty2 :: Constraint it clearly does not
-- mean that (ty1 ~ ty2)
-doInteractWithInert (CIrredEvCan { cc_flavor = ifl, cc_ty = ty1 })
+doInteractWithInert (CIrredEvCan { cc_ev = ifl, cc_ty = ty1 })
workItem@(CIrredEvCan { cc_ty = ty2 })
| ty1 `eqType` ty2
= solveOneFromTheOther "Irred/Irred" ifl workItem
@@ -771,9 +767,9 @@ doInteractWithInert (CIrredEvCan { cc_flavor = ifl, cc_ty = ty1 })
-- that equates the type (this is "improvement").
-- However, we don't actually need the coercion evidence,
-- so we just generate a fresh coercion variable that isn't used anywhere.
-doInteractWithInert (CIPCan { cc_flavor = ifl, cc_ip_nm = nm1, cc_ip_ty = ty1 })
- workItem@(CIPCan { cc_flavor = wfl, cc_ip_nm = nm2, cc_ip_ty = ty2 })
- | nm1 == nm2 && isGivenOrSolved wfl && isGivenOrSolved ifl
+doInteractWithInert (CIPCan { cc_ev = ifl, cc_ip_nm = nm1, cc_ip_ty = ty1 })
+ workItem@(CIPCan { cc_ev = wfl, cc_ip_nm = nm2, cc_ip_ty = ty2 })
+ | nm1 == nm2 && isGiven wfl && isGiven ifl
= -- See Note [Overriding implicit parameters]
-- Dump the inert item, override totally with the new one
-- Do not require type equality
@@ -786,44 +782,43 @@ doInteractWithInert (CIPCan { cc_flavor = ifl, cc_ip_nm = nm1, cc_ip_ty = ty1 })
| nm1 == nm2
= -- See Note [When improvement happens]
- do { mb_eqv <- newWantedEvVar (mkEqPred ty2 ty1)
+ do { mb_eqv <- newWantedEvVar new_wloc (mkEqPred ty2 ty1)
-- co :: ty2 ~ ty1, see Note [Efficient orientation]
; cv <- case mb_eqv of
Fresh eqv ->
do { updWorkListTcS $ extendWorkListEq $
- CNonCanonical { cc_flavor = Wanted new_wloc eqv
+ CNonCanonical { cc_ev = eqv
, cc_depth = cc_depth workItem }
- ; return eqv }
+ ; return (ctEvTerm eqv) }
Cached eqv -> return eqv
; case wfl of
- Wanted {} ->
- let ip_co = mkTcTyConAppCo (ipTyCon nm1) [mkTcCoVarCo cv]
- in do { setEvBind (ctId workItem) $
- mkEvCast (flav_evar ifl) (mkTcSymCo ip_co)
+ Wanted { ctev_evar = ev_id } ->
+ let ip_co = mkTcTyConAppCo (ipTyCon nm1) [evTermCoercion cv]
+ in do { setEvBind ev_id $
+ mkEvCast (ctEvTerm ifl) (mkTcSymCo ip_co)
; irWorkItemConsumed "IP/IP (solved by rewriting)" }
_ -> pprPanic "Unexpected IP constraint" (ppr workItem) }
- where new_wloc
- | Wanted wl _ <- wfl = wl
- | Derived wl _ <- wfl = wl
- | Wanted wl _ <- ifl = wl
- | Derived wl _ <- ifl = wl
- | otherwise = panic "Solve IP: no WantedLoc!"
+ where
+ new_wloc | isGiven wfl = getWantedLoc ifl
+ | otherwise = getWantedLoc wfl
-doInteractWithInert ii@(CFunEqCan { cc_flavor = fl1, cc_fun = tc1
+doInteractWithInert ii@(CFunEqCan { cc_ev = fl1, cc_fun = tc1
, cc_tyargs = args1, cc_rhs = xi1, cc_depth = d1 })
- wi@(CFunEqCan { cc_flavor = fl2, cc_fun = tc2
+ wi@(CFunEqCan { cc_ev = fl2, cc_fun = tc2
, cc_tyargs = args2, cc_rhs = xi2, cc_depth = d2 })
+{- ToDo: Check with Dimitrios
| lhss_match
, isSolved fl1 -- Inert is solved and we can simply ignore it
-- when workitem is given/solved
- , isGivenOrSolved fl2
+ , isGiven fl2
= irInertConsumed "FunEq/FunEq"
| lhss_match
, isSolved fl2 -- Workitem is solved and we can ignore it when
-- the inert is given/solved
- , isGivenOrSolved fl1
+ , isGiven fl1
= irWorkItemConsumed "FunEq/FunEq"
| fl1 `canSolve` fl2 && lhss_match
= do { traceTcS "interact with inerts: FunEq/FunEq" $
vcat [ text "workItem =" <+> ppr wi
@@ -836,10 +831,12 @@ doInteractWithInert ii@(CFunEqCan { cc_flavor = fl1, cc_fun = tc1
-- xdecomp : (F args ~ xi2) -> [(xi2 ~ xi1)]
xdecomp x = [EvCoercion (mk_sym_co x `mkTcTransCo` co1)]
- ; xCtFlavor_cache False fl2 [mkTcEqPred xi2 xi1] xev $ what_next d2
+ ; ctevs <- xCtFlavor_cache False fl2 [mkTcEqPred xi2 xi1] xev
-- Why not simply xCtFlavor? See Note [Cache-caused loops]
-- Why not (mkTcEqPred xi1 xi2)? See Note [Efficient orientation]
+ ; add_to_work d2 ctevs
; irWorkItemConsumed "FunEq/FunEq" }
| fl2 `canSolve` fl1 && lhss_match
= do { traceTcS "interact with inerts: FunEq/FunEq" $
vcat [ text "workItem =" <+> ppr wi
@@ -847,25 +844,26 @@ doInteractWithInert ii@(CFunEqCan { cc_flavor = fl1, cc_fun = tc1
; let xev = XEvTerm xcomp xdecomp
-- xcomp : [(xi2 ~ xi1)] -> [(F args ~ xi1)]
- xcomp [x] = EvCoercion (co2 `mkTcTransCo` mkTcCoVarCo x)
+ xcomp [x] = EvCoercion (co2 `mkTcTransCo` evTermCoercion x)
xcomp _ = panic "No more goals!"
-- xdecomp : (F args ~ xi1) -> [(xi2 ~ xi1)]
- xdecomp x = [EvCoercion (mkTcSymCo co2 `mkTcTransCo` mkTcCoVarCo x)]
+ xdecomp x = [EvCoercion (mkTcSymCo co2 `mkTcTransCo` evTermCoercion x)]
- ; xCtFlavor_cache False fl1 [mkTcEqPred xi2 xi1] xev $ what_next d1
+ ; ctevs <- xCtFlavor_cache False fl1 [mkTcEqPred xi2 xi1] xev
-- Why not simply xCtFlavor? See Note [Cache-caused loops]
-- Why not (mkTcEqPred xi1 xi2)? See Note [Efficient orientation]
+ ; add_to_work d1 ctevs
; irInertConsumed "FunEq/FunEq"}
+ add_to_work d [ctev] = updWorkListTcS $ extendWorkListEq $
+ CNonCanonical {cc_ev = ctev, cc_depth = d}
+ add_to_work _ _ = return ()
lhss_match = tc1 == tc2 && eqTypes args1 args2
- what_next d [new_fl]
- = updWorkListTcS $
- extendWorkListEq (CNonCanonical {cc_flavor=new_fl,cc_depth = d})
- what_next _ _ = return ()
- co1 = mkTcCoVarCo $ flav_evar fl1
- co2 = mkTcCoVarCo $ flav_evar fl2
- mk_sym_co x = mkTcSymCo (mkTcCoVarCo x)
+ co1 = evTermCoercion $ ctEvTerm fl1
+ co2 = evTermCoercion $ ctEvTerm fl2
+ mk_sym_co x = mkTcSymCo (evTermCoercion x)
doInteractWithInert _ _ = irKeepGoing "NOP"
@@ -905,7 +903,7 @@ solving.
solveOneFromTheOther :: String -- Info
- -> CtFlavor -- Inert
+ -> CtEvidence -- Inert
-> Ct -- WorkItem
-> TcS InteractResult
-- Preconditions:
@@ -920,22 +918,23 @@ solveOneFromTheOther info ifl workItem
-- so it's safe to continue on from this point
= irInertConsumed ("Solved[DI] " ++ info)
- | isSolved ifl, isGivenOrSolved wfl
+{- ToDo: Check with Dimitrios
+ | isSolved ifl, isGiven wfl
-- Same if the inert is a GivenSolved -- just get rid of it
= irInertConsumed ("Solved[SI] " ++ info)
| otherwise
= ASSERT( ifl `canSolve` wfl )
-- Because of Note [The Solver Invariant], plus Derived dealt with
- do { when (isWanted wfl) $ setEvBind wid (EvId iid)
+ do { case wfl of
+ Wanted { ctev_evar = ev_id } -> setEvBind ev_id (ctEvTerm ifl)
+ _ -> return ()
-- Overwrite the binding, if one exists
-- If both are Given, we already have evidence; no need to duplicate
; irWorkItemConsumed ("Solved " ++ info) }
- wfl = cc_flavor workItem
- wid = ctId workItem
- iid = flav_evar ifl
+ wfl = cc_ev workItem
Note [Superclasses and recursive dictionaries]
@@ -1305,7 +1304,7 @@ now!).
rewriteWithFunDeps :: [Equation]
-> [Xi]
-> WantedLoc
- -> TcS (Maybe ([Xi], [TcCoercion], [(EvVar,WantedLoc)]))
+ -> TcS (Maybe ([Xi], [CtEvidence]))
-- Not quite a WantedEvVar unfortunately
-- Because our intention could be to make
-- it derived at the end of the day
@@ -1313,13 +1312,13 @@ rewriteWithFunDeps :: [Equation]
-- Post: returns no trivial equalities (identities) and all EvVars returned are fresh
rewriteWithFunDeps eqn_pred_locs xis wloc
= do { fd_ev_poss <- mapM (instFunDepEqn wloc) eqn_pred_locs
- ; let fd_ev_pos :: [(Int,(EqVar,WantedLoc))]
+ ; let fd_ev_pos :: [(Int,CtEvidence)]
fd_ev_pos = concat fd_ev_poss
- (rewritten_xis, cos) = unzip (rewriteDictParams fd_ev_pos xis)
+ rewritten_xis = rewriteDictParams fd_ev_pos xis
; if null fd_ev_pos then return Nothing
- else return (Just (rewritten_xis, cos, map snd fd_ev_pos)) }
+ else return (Just (rewritten_xis, map snd fd_ev_pos)) }
-instFunDepEqn :: WantedLoc -> Equation -> TcS [(Int,(EvVar,WantedLoc))]
+instFunDepEqn :: WantedLoc -> Equation -> TcS [(Int,CtEvidence)]
-- Post: Returns the position index as well as the corresponding FunDep equality
instFunDepEqn wl (FDEqn { fd_qtvs = qtvs, fd_eqs = eqs
, fd_pred1 = d1, fd_pred2 = d2 })
@@ -1332,10 +1331,10 @@ instFunDepEqn wl (FDEqn { fd_qtvs = qtvs, fd_eqs = eqs
= let sty1 = Type.substTy subst ty1
sty2 = Type.substTy subst ty2
in if eqType sty1 sty2 then return ievs -- Return no trivial equalities
- else do { mb_eqv <- newWantedEvVar (mkTcEqPred sty1 sty2)
+ else do { mb_eqv <- newDerived (push_ctx wl) (mkTcEqPred sty1 sty2)
; case mb_eqv of
- Fresh eqv -> return $ (i,(eqv, push_ctx wl)):ievs
- Cached {} -> return ievs }
+ Just ctev -> return $ (i,ctev):ievs
+ Nothing -> return ievs }
-- We are eventually going to emit FD work back in the work list so
-- it is important that we only return the /freshly created/ and not
-- some existing equality!
@@ -1355,34 +1354,30 @@ mkEqnMsg (pred1,from1) (pred2,from2) tidy_env
nest 2 (sep [ppr tpred2 <> comma, nest 2 from2])]
; return (tidy_env, msg) }
-rewriteDictParams :: [(Int,(EqVar,WantedLoc))] -- A set of coercions : (pos, ty' ~ ty)
- -> [Type] -- A sequence of types: tys
- -> [(Type, TcCoercion)] -- Returns: [(ty', co : ty' ~ ty)]
+rewriteDictParams :: [(Int,CtEvidence)] -- A set of coercions : (pos, ty' ~ ty)
+ -> [Type] -- A sequence of types: tys
+ -> [Type]
rewriteDictParams param_eqs tys
= zipWith do_one tys [0..]
- do_one :: Type -> Int -> (Type, TcCoercion)
+ do_one :: Type -> Int -> Type
do_one ty n = case lookup n param_eqs of
- Just wev -> (get_fst_ty wev, mkTcCoVarCo (fst wev))
- Nothing -> (ty, mkTcReflCo ty) -- Identity
+ Just wev -> get_fst_ty wev
+ Nothing -> ty
- get_fst_ty (wev,_wloc)
- | Just (ty1, _) <- getEqPredTys_maybe (evVarPred wev )
+ get_fst_ty ctev
+ | Just (ty1, _) <- getEqPredTys_maybe (ctEvPred ctev)
= ty1
| otherwise
= panic "rewriteDictParams: non equality fundep!?"
-emitFDWorkAsDerived :: [(EvVar,WantedLoc)]
+emitFDWorkAsDerived :: [CtEvidence] -- All Derived
-> SubGoalDepth -> TcS ()
emitFDWorkAsDerived evlocs d
- = updWorkListTcS $ appendWorkListEqs fd_cts
- where fd_cts = map mk_fd_ct evlocs
- mk_fd_ct (v,wl)
- = CNonCanonical { cc_flavor = Derived wl (evVarPred v)
- , cc_depth = d }
+ = updWorkListTcS $ appendWorkListEqs (map mk_fd_ct evlocs)
+ where
+ mk_fd_ct der_ev = CNonCanonical { cc_ev = der_ev, cc_depth = d }
@@ -1432,11 +1427,11 @@ doTopReact :: InertSet -> WorkItem -> TcS TopInteractResult
-- Given dictionary
-- See Note [Given constraint that matches an instance declaration]
-doTopReact _inerts (CDictCan { cc_flavor = Given {} })
+doTopReact _inerts (CDictCan { cc_ev = Given {} })
= return NoTopInt -- NB: Superclasses already added since it's canonical
-- Derived dictionary: just look for functional dependencies
-doTopReact _inerts workItem@(CDictCan { cc_flavor = Derived loc _pty
+doTopReact _inerts workItem@(CDictCan { cc_ev = Derived loc _pty
, cc_class = cls, cc_tyargs = xis })
= do { instEnvs <- getInstEnvs
; let fd_eqns = improveFromInstEnv instEnvs
@@ -1444,7 +1439,7 @@ doTopReact _inerts workItem@(CDictCan { cc_flavor = Derived loc _pty
; m <- rewriteWithFunDeps fd_eqns xis loc
; case m of
Nothing -> return NoTopInt
- Just (xis',_,fd_work) ->
+ Just (xis', fd_work) ->
let workItem' = workItem { cc_tyargs = xis' }
-- Deriveds are not supposed to have identity
in do { emitFDWorkAsDerived fd_work (cc_depth workItem)
@@ -1454,7 +1449,7 @@ doTopReact _inerts workItem@(CDictCan { cc_flavor = Derived loc _pty
-- Wanted dictionary
-doTopReact inerts workItem@(CDictCan { cc_flavor = fl@(Wanted loc dict_id)
+doTopReact inerts workItem@(CDictCan { cc_ev = fl@(Wanted { ctev_wloc = loc, ctev_evar = dict_id })
, cc_class = cls, cc_tyargs = xis
, cc_depth = depth })
@@ -1470,108 +1465,103 @@ doTopReact inerts workItem@(CDictCan { cc_flavor = fl@(Wanted loc dict_id)
Nothing ->
do { lkup_inst_res <- matchClassInst inerts cls xis loc
; case lkup_inst_res of
- GenInst wtvs ev_term
- -> let sfl = Solved (mkSolvedLoc loc UnkSkol) dict_id
- in addToSolved (workItem { cc_flavor = sfl }) >>
- doSolveFromInstance wtvs ev_term
- NoInstance
- -> return NoTopInt
+ GenInst wtvs ev_term -> do { addToSolved fl
+ ; doSolveFromInstance wtvs ev_term }
+ NoInstance -> return NoTopInt
-- Actual Functional Dependencies
- Just (_xis',_cos,fd_work) ->
+ Just (_xis', fd_work) ->
do { emitFDWorkAsDerived fd_work (cc_depth workItem)
; return SomeTopInt { tir_rule = "Dict/Top (fundeps)"
, tir_new_item = ContinueWith workItem } } }
- where doSolveFromInstance :: [EvVar] -> EvTerm -> TcS TopInteractResult
- -- Precondition: evidence term matches the predicate workItem
- doSolveFromInstance evs ev_term
- | null evs
- = do { traceTcS "doTopReact/found nullary instance for" $
- ppr dict_id
- ; setEvBind dict_id ev_term
- ; return $
- SomeTopInt { tir_rule = "Dict/Top (solved, no new work)"
- , tir_new_item = Stop } }
- | otherwise
- = do { traceTcS "doTopReact/found non-nullary instance for" $
- ppr dict_id
- ; setEvBind dict_id ev_term
- ; let mk_new_wanted ev
- = CNonCanonical { cc_flavor = fl { flav_evar = ev }
- , cc_depth = depth + 1 }
- ; updWorkListTcS (appendWorkListCt (map mk_new_wanted evs))
- ; return $
- SomeTopInt { tir_rule = "Dict/Top (solved, more work)"
- , tir_new_item = Stop }
- }
+ where
+ doSolveFromInstance :: [CtEvidence] -> EvTerm -> TcS TopInteractResult
+ -- Precondition: evidence term matches the predicate workItem
+ doSolveFromInstance evs ev_term
+ | null evs
+ = do { traceTcS "doTopReact/found nullary instance for" $
+ ppr dict_id
+ ; setEvBind dict_id ev_term
+ ; return $
+ SomeTopInt { tir_rule = "Dict/Top (solved, no new work)"
+ , tir_new_item = Stop } }
+ | otherwise
+ = do { traceTcS "doTopReact/found non-nullary instance for" $
+ ppr dict_id
+ ; setEvBind dict_id ev_term
+ ; let mk_new_wanted ev
+ = CNonCanonical { cc_ev = ev
+ , cc_depth = depth + 1 }
+ ; updWorkListTcS (appendWorkListCt (map mk_new_wanted evs))
+ ; return $
+ SomeTopInt { tir_rule = "Dict/Top (solved, more work)"
+ , tir_new_item = Stop }
+ }
-- Type functions
-doTopReact _inerts (CFunEqCan { cc_flavor = fl })
+{- ToDo: Check with Dimitrios
+doTopReact _inerts (CFunEqCan { cc_ev = fl })
| isSolved fl
= return NoTopInt -- If Solved, no more interactions should happen
-- Otherwise, it's a Given, Derived, or Wanted
-doTopReact _inerts workItem@(CFunEqCan { cc_flavor = fl, cc_depth = d
+doTopReact _inerts workItem@(CFunEqCan { cc_ev = fl, cc_depth = d
, cc_fun = tc, cc_tyargs = args, cc_rhs = xi })
= ASSERT (isSynFamilyTyCon tc) -- No associated data families have reached that far
do { match_res <- matchFam tc args -- See Note [MATCHING-SYNONYMS]
; case match_res of
Nothing -> return NoTopInt
Just (famInst, rep_tys)
- -> do { mb_already_solved <- lkpFunEqCache (mkTyConApp tc args)
+ -> do { mb_already_solved <- lkpSolvedFunEqCache (mkTyConApp tc args)
; traceTcS "doTopReact: Family instance matches" $
vcat [ text "solved-fun-cache" <+> if isJust mb_already_solved then text "hit" else text "miss"
, text "workItem =" <+> ppr workItem ]
; let (coe,rhs_ty)
- | Just cached_ct <- mb_already_solved
- = (mkTcCoVarCo (ctId cached_ct),
- cc_rhs cached_ct)
+ | Just ctev <- mb_already_solved
+ , not (isDerived ctev)
+ = ASSERT( isEqPred (ctEvPred ctev) )
+ (evTermCoercion (ctEvTerm ctev), snd (getEqPredTys (ctEvPred ctev)))
| otherwise
= let coe_ax = famInstAxiom famInst
in (mkTcAxInstCo coe_ax rep_tys,
mkAxInstRHS coe_ax rep_tys)
- xdecomp x = [EvCoercion (mkTcSymCo coe `mkTcTransCo` mkTcCoVarCo x)]
- xcomp [x] = EvCoercion (coe `mkTcTransCo` mkTcCoVarCo x)
+ xdecomp x = [EvCoercion (mkTcSymCo coe `mkTcTransCo` evTermCoercion x)]
+ xcomp [x] = EvCoercion (coe `mkTcTransCo` evTermCoercion x)
xcomp _ = panic "No more goals!"
xev = XEvTerm xcomp xdecomp
- ; xCtFlavor fl [mkTcEqPred rhs_ty xi] xev what_next } }
- where what_next [ct_flav]
- = do { updWorkListTcS $
- extendWorkListEq (CNonCanonical { cc_flavor = ct_flav
- , cc_depth = d+1 })
- ; cache_in_solved fl
- ; return $ SomeTopInt { tir_rule = "Fun/Top"
- , tir_new_item = Stop } }
- what_next _ -- No subgoal (because it's cached)
- = do { cache_in_solved fl
- ; return $ SomeTopInt { tir_rule = "Fun/Top"
- , tir_new_item = Stop } }
- cache_in_solved (Derived {}) = return ()
- cache_in_solved (Wanted wl ev) =
- let sfl = Solved (mkSolvedLoc wl UnkSkol) ev
- solved = workItem { cc_flavor = sfl }
- in updFunEqCache solved >> addToSolved solved
- cache_in_solved fl =
- let sfl = Solved (flav_gloc fl) (flav_evar fl)
- solved = workItem { cc_flavor = sfl }
- in updFunEqCache solved >> addToSolved solved
+ ; ctevs <- xCtFlavor fl [mkTcEqPred rhs_ty xi] xev
+ ; case ctevs of
+ [ctev] -> updWorkListTcS $ extendWorkListEq $
+ CNonCanonical { cc_ev = ctev
+ , cc_depth = d+1 }
+ ctevs -> -- No subgoal (because it's cached)
+ ASSERT( null ctevs) return ()
+ ; unless (isDerived fl) $
+ do { addSolvedFunEq fl
+ ; addToSolved fl }
+ ; return $ SomeTopInt { tir_rule = "Fun/Top"
+ , tir_new_item = Stop } } }
-- Any other work item does not react with any top-level equations
doTopReact _inerts _workItem = return NoTopInt
-lkpFunEqCache :: TcType -> TcS (Maybe Ct)
-lkpFunEqCache fam_head
+lkpSolvedFunEqCache :: TcType -> TcS (Maybe CtEvidence)
+lkpSolvedFunEqCache fam_head
= do { (_subst,_inscope) <- getInertEqs
; fun_cache <- getTcSInerts >>= (return . inert_solved_funeqs)
; traceTcS "lkpFunEqCache" $ vcat [ text "fam_head =" <+> ppr fam_head
- , text "funeq cache =" <+> pprCtTypeMap (unCtFamHeadMap fun_cache) ]
- ; rewrite_cached $
- lookupTM fam_head (unCtFamHeadMap fun_cache) }
+ , text "funeq cache =" <+> ppr fun_cache ]
+ ; return (lookupFamHead fun_cache fam_head) }
+{- ToDo; talk to Dimitrios. I have no idea what is happening here
+ ; rewrite_cached (lookupFamHead fun_cache fam_head) }
-- The two different calls do not seem to make a significant difference in
-- terms of hit/miss rate for many memory-critical/performance tests but the
-- latter blows up the space on the heap somehow ... It maybe the niFixTvSubst.
@@ -1579,11 +1569,10 @@ lkpFunEqCache fam_head
-- lookupTypeMap_mod subst cc_rhs fam_head (unCtFamHeadMap fun_cache) }
where rewrite_cached Nothing = return Nothing
- rewrite_cached (Just ct@(CFunEqCan { cc_flavor = fl, cc_depth = d
+ rewrite_cached (Just ct@(CFunEqCan { cc_ev = fl, cc_depth = d
, cc_fun = tc, cc_tyargs = xis
, cc_rhs = xi}))
- = ASSERT (isSolved fl)
- do { (xis_subst,cos) <- flattenMany d FMFullFlatten fl xis
+ = do { (xis_subst,cos) <- flattenMany d FMFullFlatten fl xis
-- cos :: xis_subst ~ xis
; (xi_subst,co) <- flatten d FMFullFlatten fl xi
-- co :: xi_subst ~ xi
@@ -1607,27 +1596,14 @@ lkpFunEqCache fam_head
-> return Nothing -- Strange: cached?
Just fl'
-> return $
- Just (CFunEqCan { cc_flavor = fl'
+ Just (CFunEqCan { cc_ev = fl'
, cc_depth = d
, cc_fun = tc
, cc_tyargs = xis_subst
, cc_rhs = xi_subst }) }
rewrite_cached (Just other_ct)
= pprPanic "lkpFunEqCache:not family equation!" $ ppr other_ct
-updFunEqCache :: Ct -> TcS ()
-updFunEqCache fun_eq@(CFunEqCan { cc_fun = tc, cc_tyargs = xis })
- = modifyInertTcS $ \inert -> ((), upd_inert inert)
- where upd_inert inert
- = let slvd = unCtFamHeadMap (inert_solved_funeqs inert)
- in inert { inert_solved_funeqs =
- CtFamHeadMap (alterTM key upd_funeqs slvd) }
- upd_funeqs Nothing = Just fun_eq
- upd_funeqs (Just _ct) = Just fun_eq
- -- Or _ct? depends on which caches more steps of computation
- key = mkTyConApp tc xis
-updFunEqCache other = pprPanic "updFunEqCache:Non family equation" $ ppr other
@@ -1830,7 +1806,7 @@ NB: The desugarer needs be more clever to deal with equalities
data LookupInstResult
= NoInstance
- | GenInst [EvVar] EvTerm
+ | GenInst [CtEvidence] EvTerm
matchClassInst :: InertSet -> Class -> [Type] -> WantedLoc -> TcS LookupInstResult
@@ -1875,12 +1851,11 @@ matchClassInst inerts clas tys loc
; if null theta then
return (GenInst [] (EvDFunApp dfun_id tys []))
else do
- { evc_vars <- instDFunConstraints theta
- ; let ev_vars = map mn_thing evc_vars
- new_ev_vars = [mn_thing evc | evc <- evc_vars
- , isFresh evc ]
+ { evc_vars <- instDFunConstraints loc theta
+ ; let new_ev_vars = freshGoals evc_vars
-- new_ev_vars are only the real new variables that can be emitted
- ; return $ GenInst new_ev_vars (EvDFunApp dfun_id tys ev_vars) } }
+ dfun_app = EvDFunApp dfun_id tys (getEvTerms evc_vars)
+ ; return $ GenInst new_ev_vars dfun_app } }
givens_for_this_clas :: Cts
@@ -1892,7 +1867,7 @@ matchClassInst inerts clas tys loc
given_overlap untch = anyBag (matchable untch) givens_for_this_clas
matchable untch (CDictCan { cc_class = clas_g, cc_tyargs = sys
- , cc_flavor = fl })
+ , cc_ev = fl })
| isGiven fl
= ASSERT( clas_g == clas )
case tcUnifyTys (\tv -> if isTouchableMetaTyVar_InRange untch tv &&
diff --git a/compiler/typecheck/TcMType.lhs b/compiler/typecheck/TcMType.lhs
index 3ba80e3b0f..79b6b02950 100644
--- a/compiler/typecheck/TcMType.lhs
+++ b/compiler/typecheck/TcMType.lhs
@@ -627,29 +627,24 @@ zonkWC (WC { wc_flat = flat, wc_impl = implic, wc_insol = insol })
zonkCt :: Ct -> TcM Ct
-- Zonking a Ct conservatively gives back a CNonCanonical
zonkCt ct
- = do { fl' <- zonkFlavor (cc_flavor ct)
+ = do { fl' <- zonkCtEvidence (cc_ev ct)
; return $
- CNonCanonical { cc_flavor = fl'
+ CNonCanonical { cc_ev = fl'
, cc_depth = cc_depth ct } }
zonkCts :: Cts -> TcM Cts
zonkCts = mapBagM zonkCt
-zonkFlavor :: CtFlavor -> TcM CtFlavor
-zonkFlavor (Given loc evar)
+zonkCtEvidence :: CtEvidence -> TcM CtEvidence
+zonkCtEvidence ctev@(Given { ctev_gloc = loc, ctev_pred = pred })
= do { loc' <- zonkGivenLoc loc
- ; evar' <- zonkEvVar evar
- ; return (Given loc' evar') }
-zonkFlavor (Solved loc evar)
- = do { loc' <- zonkGivenLoc loc
- ; evar' <- zonkEvVar evar
- ; return (Solved loc' evar') }
-zonkFlavor (Wanted loc evar)
- = do { evar' <- zonkEvVar evar
- ; return (Wanted loc evar') }
-zonkFlavor (Derived loc pty)
- = do { pty' <- zonkTcType pty
- ; return (Derived loc pty') }
+ ; pred' <- zonkTcType pred
+ ; return (ctev { ctev_gloc = loc', ctev_pred = pred'}) }
+zonkCtEvidence ctev@(Wanted { ctev_pred = pred })
+ = do { pred' <- zonkTcType pred
+ ; return (ctev { ctev_pred = pred' }) }
+zonkCtEvidence ctev@(Derived { ctev_pred = pred })
+ = do { pred' <- zonkTcType pred
+ ; return (ctev { ctev_pred = pred' }) }
zonkGivenLoc :: GivenLoc -> TcM GivenLoc
-- GivenLocs may have unification variables inside them!
diff --git a/compiler/typecheck/TcMatches.lhs b/compiler/typecheck/TcMatches.lhs
index acdc8389be..2941a17092 100644
--- a/compiler/typecheck/TcMatches.lhs
+++ b/compiler/typecheck/TcMatches.lhs
@@ -31,7 +31,6 @@ import TcMType
import TcType
import TcBinds
import TcUnify
-import TcErrors ( misMatchMsg )
import Name
import TysWiredIn
import Id
@@ -398,21 +397,21 @@ tcLcStmt _ _ (ExprStmt rhs _ _ _) elt_ty thing_inside
; return (ExprStmt rhs' noSyntaxExpr noSyntaxExpr boolTy, thing) }
-- ParStmt: See notes with tcMcStmt
-tcLcStmt m_tc ctxt (ParStmt bndr_stmts_s _ _ _) elt_ty thing_inside
+tcLcStmt m_tc ctxt (ParStmt bndr_stmts_s _ _) elt_ty thing_inside
= do { (pairs', thing) <- loop bndr_stmts_s
- ; return (ParStmt pairs' noSyntaxExpr noSyntaxExpr noSyntaxExpr, thing) }
+ ; return (ParStmt pairs' noSyntaxExpr noSyntaxExpr, thing) }
-- loop :: [([LStmt Name], [Name])] -> TcM ([([LStmt TcId], [TcId])], thing)
loop [] = do { thing <- thing_inside elt_ty
; return ([], thing) } -- matching in the branches
- loop ((stmts, names) : pairs)
+ loop (ParStmtBlock stmts names _ : pairs)
= do { (stmts', (ids, pairs', thing))
<- tcStmtsAndThen ctxt (tcLcStmt m_tc) stmts elt_ty $ \ _elt_ty' ->
do { ids <- tcLookupLocalIds names
; (pairs', thing) <- loop pairs
; return (ids, pairs', thing) }
- ; return ( (stmts', ids) : pairs', thing ) }
+ ; return ( ParStmtBlock stmts' ids noSyntaxExpr : pairs', thing ) }
tcLcStmt m_tc ctxt (TransStmt { trS_form = form, trS_stmts = stmts
, trS_bndrs = bindersMap
@@ -675,7 +674,7 @@ tcMcStmt ctxt (TransStmt { trS_stmts = stmts, trS_bndrs = bindersMap
-- -> (m st2 -> m st3 -> m (st2, st3)) -- recursive call
-- -> m (st1, (st2, st3))
-tcMcStmt ctxt (ParStmt bndr_stmts_s mzip_op bind_op return_op) res_ty thing_inside
+tcMcStmt ctxt (ParStmt bndr_stmts_s mzip_op bind_op) res_ty thing_inside
= do { let star_star_kind = liftedTypeKind `mkArrowKind` liftedTypeKind
; m_ty <- newFlexiTyVarTy star_star_kind
@@ -687,14 +686,10 @@ tcMcStmt ctxt (ParStmt bndr_stmts_s mzip_op bind_op return_op) res_ty thing_insi
(m_ty `mkAppTy` mkBoxedTupleTy [alphaTy, betaTy])
; mzip_op' <- unLoc `fmap` tcPolyExpr (noLoc mzip_op) mzip_ty
- ; return_op' <- fmap unLoc . tcPolyExpr (noLoc return_op) $
- mkForAllTy alphaTyVar $
- alphaTy `mkFunTy` (m_ty `mkAppTy` alphaTy)
- ; (pairs', thing) <- loop m_ty bndr_stmts_s
+ ; (blocks', thing) <- loop m_ty bndr_stmts_s
-- Typecheck bind:
- ; let tys = map (mkBigCoreVarTupTy . snd) pairs'
+ ; let tys = [ mkBigCoreVarTupTy bs | ParStmtBlock _ bs _ <- blocks']
tuple_ty = mk_tuple_ty tys
; bind_op' <- tcSyntaxOp MCompOrigin bind_op $
@@ -702,7 +697,7 @@ tcMcStmt ctxt (ParStmt bndr_stmts_s mzip_op bind_op return_op) res_ty thing_insi
`mkFunTy` (tuple_ty `mkFunTy` res_ty)
`mkFunTy` res_ty
- ; return (ParStmt pairs' mzip_op' bind_op' return_op', thing) }
+ ; return (ParStmt blocks' mzip_op' bind_op', thing) }
mk_tuple_ty tys = foldr1 (\tn tm -> mkBoxedTupleTy [tn, tm]) tys
@@ -713,31 +708,19 @@ tcMcStmt ctxt (ParStmt bndr_stmts_s mzip_op bind_op return_op) res_ty thing_insi
loop _ [] = do { thing <- thing_inside res_ty
; return ([], thing) } -- matching in the branches
- loop m_ty ((stmts, names) : pairs)
+ loop m_ty (ParStmtBlock stmts names return_op : pairs)
= do { -- type dummy since we don't know all binder types yet
- ty_dummy <- newFlexiTyVarTy liftedTypeKind
- ; (stmts', (ids, pairs', thing))
- <- tcStmtsAndThen ctxt tcMcStmt stmts ty_dummy $ \res_ty' ->
+ id_tys <- mapM (const (newFlexiTyVarTy liftedTypeKind)) names
+ ; let m_tup_ty = m_ty `mkAppTy` mkBigCoreTupTy id_tys
+ ; (stmts', (ids, return_op', pairs', thing))
+ <- tcStmtsAndThen ctxt tcMcStmt stmts m_tup_ty $ \m_tup_ty' ->
do { ids <- tcLookupLocalIds names
- ; let m_tup_ty = m_ty `mkAppTy` mkBigCoreVarTupTy ids
- ; check_same m_tup_ty res_ty'
- ; check_same m_tup_ty ty_dummy
+ ; let tup_ty = mkBigCoreVarTupTy ids
+ ; return_op' <- tcSyntaxOp MCompOrigin return_op
+ (tup_ty `mkFunTy` m_tup_ty')
; (pairs', thing) <- loop m_ty pairs
- ; return (ids, pairs', thing) }
- ; return ( (stmts', ids) : pairs', thing ) }
- -- Check that the types match up.
- -- This is a grevious hack. They always *will* match
- -- If (>>=) and (>>) are polymorpic in the return type,
- -- but we don't have any good way to incorporate the coercion
- -- so for now we just check that it's the identity
- check_same actual expected
- = do { co <- unifyType actual expected
- ; unless (isTcReflCo co) $
- failWithMisMatch [UnifyOrigin { uo_expected = expected
- , uo_actual = actual }] }
+ ; return (ids, return_op', pairs', thing) }
+ ; return (ParStmtBlock stmts' ids return_op' : pairs', thing) }
tcMcStmt _ stmt _ _
= pprPanic "tcMcStmt: unexpected Stmt" (ppr stmt)
@@ -877,22 +860,5 @@ checkArgs fun (MatchGroup (match1:matches) _)
args_in_match :: LMatch Name -> Int
args_in_match (L _ (Match pats _ _)) = length pats
checkArgs fun _ = pprPanic "TcPat.checkArgs" (ppr fun) -- Matches always non-empty
-failWithMisMatch :: [EqOrigin] -> TcM a
--- Generate the message when two types fail to match,
--- going to some trouble to make it helpful.
--- We take the failing types from the top of the origin stack
--- rather than reporting the particular ones we are looking
--- at right now
-failWithMisMatch (item:origin)
- = wrapEqCtxt origin $
- do { ty_act <- zonkTcType (uo_actual item)
- ; ty_exp <- zonkTcType (uo_expected item)
- ; env0 <- tcInitTidyEnv
- ; let (env1, pp_exp) = tidyOpenType env0 ty_exp
- (env2, pp_act) = tidyOpenType env1 ty_act
- ; failWithTcM (env2, misMatchMsg True pp_exp pp_act) }
-failWithMisMatch []
- = panic "failWithMisMatch"
diff --git a/compiler/typecheck/TcRnTypes.lhs b/compiler/typecheck/TcRnTypes.lhs
index 6a79b738fd..d17d3e6a10 100644
--- a/compiler/typecheck/TcRnTypes.lhs
+++ b/compiler/typecheck/TcRnTypes.lhs
@@ -55,9 +55,9 @@ module TcRnTypes(
singleCt, extendCts, isEmptyCts, isCTyEqCan, isCFunEqCan,
isCDictCan_Maybe, isCIPCan_Maybe, isCFunEqCan_Maybe,
isCIrredEvCan, isCNonCanonical, isWantedCt, isDerivedCt,
- isGivenCt, isGivenOrSolvedCt,
- ctWantedLoc,
- SubGoalDepth, mkNonCanonical, ctPred, ctFlavPred, ctId, ctFlavId,
+ isGivenCt,
+ ctWantedLoc, ctEvidence,
+ SubGoalDepth, mkNonCanonical, ctPred, ctEvPred, ctEvTerm, ctEvId,
WantedConstraints(..), insolubleWC, emptyWC, isEmptyWC,
andWC, addFlats, addImplics, mkFlatWC,
@@ -70,9 +70,9 @@ module TcRnTypes(
- CtFlavor(..), pprFlavorArising,
- mkSolvedLoc, mkGivenLoc,
- isWanted, isGivenOrSolved, isGiven, isSolved,
+ CtEvidence(..), pprFlavorArising,
+ mkGivenLoc,
+ isWanted, isGiven,
isDerived, getWantedLoc, getGivenLoc, canSolve, canRewrite,
-- Pretty printing
@@ -89,7 +89,7 @@ module TcRnTypes(
import HsSyn
import HscTypes
-import TcEvidence( EvBind, EvBindsVar )
+import TcEvidence
import Type
import Class ( Class )
import TyCon ( TyCon )
@@ -850,7 +850,7 @@ type SubGoalDepth = Int -- An ever increasing number used to restrict
data Ct
-- Atomic canonical constraints
= CDictCan { -- e.g. Num xi
- cc_flavor :: CtFlavor,
+ cc_ev :: CtEvidence,
cc_class :: Class,
cc_tyargs :: [Xi],
@@ -860,14 +860,14 @@ data Ct
| CIPCan { -- ?x::tau
-- See note [Canonical implicit parameter constraints].
- cc_flavor :: CtFlavor,
+ cc_ev :: CtEvidence,
cc_ip_nm :: IPName Name,
- cc_ip_ty :: TcTauType, -- Not a Xi! See same not as above
+ cc_ip_ty :: TcTauType, -- Not a Xi! See same not as above
cc_depth :: SubGoalDepth -- See Note [WorkList]
| CIrredEvCan { -- These stand for yet-unknown predicates
- cc_flavor :: CtFlavor,
+ cc_ev :: CtEvidence,
cc_ty :: Xi, -- cc_ty is flat hence it may only be of the form (tv xi1 xi2 ... xin)
-- Since, if it were a type constructor application, that'd make the
-- whole constraint a CDictCan, CIPCan, or CTyEqCan. And it can't be
@@ -881,7 +881,7 @@ data Ct
-- * typeKind xi `compatKind` typeKind tv
-- See Note [Spontaneous solving and kind compatibility]
-- * We prefer unification variables on the left *JUST* for efficiency
- cc_flavor :: CtFlavor,
+ cc_ev :: CtEvidence,
cc_tyvar :: TcTyVar,
cc_rhs :: Xi,
@@ -891,7 +891,7 @@ data Ct
| CFunEqCan { -- F xis ~ xi
-- Invariant: * isSynFamilyTyCon cc_fun
-- * typeKind (F xis) `compatKind` typeKind xi
- cc_flavor :: CtFlavor,
+ cc_ev :: CtEvidence,
cc_fun :: TyCon, -- A type function
cc_tyargs :: [Xi], -- Either under-saturated or exactly saturated
cc_rhs :: Xi, -- *never* over-saturated (because if so
@@ -902,18 +902,24 @@ data Ct
| CNonCanonical { -- See Note [NonCanonical Semantics]
- cc_flavor :: CtFlavor,
+ cc_ev :: CtEvidence,
cc_depth :: SubGoalDepth
-mkNonCanonical :: CtFlavor -> Ct
-mkNonCanonical flav = CNonCanonical { cc_flavor = flav, cc_depth = 0}
+mkNonCanonical :: CtEvidence -> Ct
+mkNonCanonical flav = CNonCanonical { cc_ev = flav, cc_depth = 0}
+ctEvidence :: Ct -> CtEvidence
+ctEvidence = cc_ev
ctPred :: Ct -> PredType
-ctPred (CNonCanonical { cc_flavor = fl }) = ctFlavPred fl
+ctPred ct = ctEvPred (cc_ev ct)
+-- ToDo Check with Dimitrios
+ctPred (CNonCanonical { cc_ev = fl }) = ctEvPred fl
ctPred (CDictCan { cc_class = cls, cc_tyargs = xis })
= mkClassPred cls xis
ctPred (CTyEqCan { cc_tyvar = tv, cc_rhs = xi })
@@ -923,18 +929,13 @@ ctPred (CFunEqCan { cc_fun = fn, cc_tyargs = xis1, cc_rhs = xi2 })
ctPred (CIPCan { cc_ip_nm = nm, cc_ip_ty = xi })
= mkIPPred nm xi
ctPred (CIrredEvCan { cc_ty = xi }) = xi
-ctId :: Ct -> EvVar
--- Precondition: not a derived!
-ctId ct = ctFlavId (cc_flavor ct)
%* *
- CtFlavor
+ CtEvidence
The "flavor" of a canonical constraint
%* *
@@ -942,20 +943,17 @@ ctId ct = ctFlavId (cc_flavor ct)
ctWantedLoc :: Ct -> WantedLoc
-- Only works for Wanted/Derived
-ctWantedLoc ct = ASSERT2( not (isGivenOrSolved (cc_flavor ct)), ppr ct )
- getWantedLoc (cc_flavor ct)
+ctWantedLoc ct = ASSERT2( not (isGiven (cc_ev ct)), ppr ct )
+ getWantedLoc (cc_ev ct)
isWantedCt :: Ct -> Bool
-isWantedCt = isWanted . cc_flavor
+isWantedCt = isWanted . cc_ev
isGivenCt :: Ct -> Bool
-isGivenCt = isGiven . cc_flavor
+isGivenCt = isGiven . cc_ev
isDerivedCt :: Ct -> Bool
-isDerivedCt = isDerived . cc_flavor
-isGivenOrSolvedCt :: Ct -> Bool
-isGivenOrSolvedCt = isGivenOrSolved . cc_flavor
+isDerivedCt = isDerived . cc_ev
isCTyEqCan :: Ct -> Bool
isCTyEqCan (CTyEqCan {}) = True
@@ -989,7 +987,7 @@ isCNonCanonical _ = False
instance Outputable Ct where
- ppr ct = ppr (cc_flavor ct) <+>
+ ppr ct = ppr (cc_ev ct) <+>
braces (ppr (cc_depth ct)) <+> parens (text ct_sort)
where ct_sort = case ct of
CTyEqCan {} -> "CTyEqCan"
@@ -1229,86 +1227,80 @@ pprWantedsWithLocs wcs
%* *
+Note [Evidence field of CtEvidence]
+During constraint solving we never look at the type of ctev_evtm, or
+ctev_evar; instead we look at the cte_pred field. The evtm/evar field
+may be un-zonked.
-data CtFlavor
- = Given { flav_gloc :: GivenLoc, flav_evar :: EvVar }
- -- Trully given, not depending on subgoals
+data CtEvidence -- Rename to CtEvidence
+ = Given { ctev_gloc :: GivenLoc
+ , ctev_pred :: TcPredType
+ , ctev_evtm :: EvTerm } -- See Note [Evidence field of CtEvidence]
+ -- Truly given, not depending on subgoals
-- NB: Spontaneous unifications belong here
-- DV TODOs: (i) Consider caching actual evidence _term_
-- (ii) Revisit Note [Optimizing Spontaneously Solved Coercions]
- | Solved { flav_gloc :: GivenLoc, flav_evar :: EvVar }
- -- Originally wanted, but now we've produced and
- -- bound some partial evidence for this constraint.
- -- NB: Evidence may rely on yet-wanted constraints or other solved or given
- | Wanted { flav_wloc :: WantedLoc, flav_evar :: EvVar }
+ | Wanted { ctev_wloc :: WantedLoc
+ , ctev_pred :: TcPredType
+ , ctev_evar :: EvVar } -- See Note [Evidence field of CtEvidence]
-- Wanted goal
- | Derived { flav_wloc :: WantedLoc, flav_der_pty :: TcPredType }
+ | Derived { ctev_wloc :: WantedLoc
+ , ctev_pred :: TcPredType }
-- A goal that we don't really have to solve and can't immediately
- -- rewrite anything other than a derived (there's no evidence variable!)
+ -- rewrite anything other than a derived (there's no evidence!)
-- but if we do manage to solve it may help in solving other goals.
-ctFlavPred :: CtFlavor -> TcPredType
+ctEvPred :: CtEvidence -> TcPredType
-- The predicate of a flavor
-ctFlavPred (Given _ evar) = evVarPred evar
-ctFlavPred (Solved _ evar) = evVarPred evar
-ctFlavPred (Wanted _ evar) = evVarPred evar
-ctFlavPred (Derived { flav_der_pty = pty }) = pty
-ctFlavId :: CtFlavor -> EvVar
--- Precondition: can't be derived
-ctFlavId (Derived _ pty)
- = pprPanic "ctFlavId: derived constraint cannot have id" $
- text "pty =" <+> ppr pty
-ctFlavId fl = flav_evar fl
-instance Outputable CtFlavor where
+ctEvPred = ctev_pred
+ctEvTerm :: CtEvidence -> EvTerm
+ctEvTerm (Given { ctev_evtm = tm }) = tm
+ctEvTerm (Wanted { ctev_evar = ev }) = EvId ev
+ctEvTerm ctev@(Derived {}) = pprPanic "ctEvTerm: derived constraint cannot have id"
+ (ppr ctev)
+ctEvId :: CtEvidence -> TcId
+ctEvId (Wanted { ctev_evar = ev }) = ev
+ctEvId ctev = pprPanic "ctEvId:" (ppr ctev)
+instance Outputable CtEvidence where
ppr fl = case fl of
- (Given _ evar) -> ptext (sLit "[G]") <+> ppr evar <+> ppr_pty
- (Solved _ evar) -> ptext (sLit "[S]") <+> ppr evar <+> ppr_pty
- (Wanted _ evar) -> ptext (sLit "[W]") <+> ppr evar <+> ppr_pty
- (Derived {}) -> ptext (sLit "[D]") <+> text "_" <+> ppr_pty
- where ppr_pty = dcolon <+> ppr (ctFlavPred fl)
+ Given {} -> ptext (sLit "[G]") <+> ppr (ctev_evtm fl) <+> ppr_pty
+ Wanted {} -> ptext (sLit "[W]") <+> ppr (ctev_evar fl) <+> ppr_pty
+ Derived {} -> ptext (sLit "[D]") <+> text "_" <+> ppr_pty
+ where ppr_pty = dcolon <+> ppr (ctEvPred fl)
-getWantedLoc :: CtFlavor -> WantedLoc
+getWantedLoc :: CtEvidence -> WantedLoc
-- Precondition: Wanted or Derived
-getWantedLoc fl = flav_wloc fl
+getWantedLoc fl = ctev_wloc fl
-getGivenLoc :: CtFlavor -> GivenLoc
--- Precondition: Given or Solved
-getGivenLoc fl = flav_gloc fl
+getGivenLoc :: CtEvidence -> GivenLoc
+-- Precondition: Given
+getGivenLoc fl = ctev_gloc fl
-pprFlavorArising :: CtFlavor -> SDoc
-pprFlavorArising (Given gl _) = pprArisingAt gl
-pprFlavorArising (Solved gl _) = pprArisingAt gl
-pprFlavorArising (Wanted wl _) = pprArisingAt wl
-pprFlavorArising (Derived wl _) = pprArisingAt wl
+pprFlavorArising :: CtEvidence -> SDoc
+pprFlavorArising (Given { ctev_gloc = gl }) = pprArisingAt gl
+pprFlavorArising ctev = pprArisingAt (ctev_wloc ctev)
-isWanted :: CtFlavor -> Bool
+isWanted :: CtEvidence -> Bool
isWanted (Wanted {}) = True
isWanted _ = False
-isGivenOrSolved :: CtFlavor -> Bool
-isGivenOrSolved (Given {}) = True
-isGivenOrSolved (Solved {}) = True
-isGivenOrSolved _ = False
-isSolved :: CtFlavor -> Bool
-isSolved (Solved {}) = True
-isSolved _ = False
-isGiven :: CtFlavor -> Bool
-isGiven (Given {}) = True
+isGiven :: CtEvidence -> Bool
+isGiven (Given {}) = True
isGiven _ = False
-isDerived :: CtFlavor -> Bool
+isDerived :: CtEvidence -> Bool
isDerived (Derived {}) = True
isDerived _ = False
-canSolve :: CtFlavor -> CtFlavor -> Bool
+canSolve :: CtEvidence -> CtEvidence -> Bool
-- canSolve ctid1 ctid2
-- The constraint ctid1 can be used to solve ctid2
-- "to solve" means a reaction where the active parts of the two constraints match.
@@ -1325,18 +1317,13 @@ canSolve (Wanted {}) (Wanted {}) = True
canSolve (Derived {}) (Derived {}) = True -- Derived can't solve wanted/given
canSolve _ _ = False -- No evidence for a derived, anyway
-canRewrite :: CtFlavor -> CtFlavor -> Bool
+canRewrite :: CtEvidence -> CtEvidence -> Bool
-- canRewrite ct1 ct2
-- The equality constraint ct1 can be used to rewrite inside ct2
canRewrite = canSolve
mkGivenLoc :: WantedLoc -> SkolemInfo -> GivenLoc
mkGivenLoc wl sk = setCtLocOrigin wl sk
-mkSolvedLoc :: WantedLoc -> SkolemInfo -> GivenLoc
-mkSolvedLoc wl sk = setCtLocOrigin wl sk
diff --git a/compiler/typecheck/TcSMonad.lhs b/compiler/typecheck/TcSMonad.lhs
index ca7cf88fd1..7d86d157a0 100644
--- a/compiler/typecheck/TcSMonad.lhs
+++ b/compiler/typecheck/TcSMonad.lhs
@@ -24,15 +24,13 @@ module TcSMonad (
Ct(..), Xi, tyVarsOfCt, tyVarsOfCts, tyVarsOfCDicts,
- isWanted, isGivenOrSolved, isDerived,
- isGivenOrSolvedCt, isGivenCt,
- isWantedCt, isDerivedCt, pprFlavorArising,
+ isWanted, isDerived,
+ isGivenCt, isWantedCt, isDerivedCt, pprFlavorArising,
canRewrite, canSolve,
- mkSolvedLoc, mkGivenLoc,
- ctWantedLoc,
+ mkGivenLoc, ctWantedLoc,
TcS, runTcS, failTcS, panicTcS, traceTcS, -- Basic functionality
traceFireTcS, bumpStepCountTcS, doWithInert,
@@ -42,16 +40,17 @@ module TcSMonad (
SimplContext(..), isInteractive, performDefaulting,
-- Getting and setting the flattening cache
- getFlatCache, updFlatCache, addToSolved,
+ getFlatCache, updFlatCache, addToSolved, addSolvedFunEq,
- MaybeNew (..), isFresh,
- xCtFlavor, -- Transform a CtFlavor during a step
+ MaybeNew (..), isFresh, freshGoals, getEvTerms,
+ xCtFlavor, -- Transform a CtEvidence during a step
rewriteCtFlavor, -- Specialized version of xCtFlavor for coercions
- newWantedEvVar, newGivenEvVar, instDFunConstraints, newKindConstraint,
+ newWantedEvVar, instDFunConstraints, newKindConstraint,
xCtFlavor_cache, rewriteCtFlavor_cache,
@@ -68,12 +67,14 @@ module TcSMonad (
-- Inerts
InertSet(..), InertCans(..),
getInertEqs, getCtCoercion,
- emptyInert, getTcSInerts, lookupInInerts, updInertSet, extractUnsolved,
+ emptyInert, getTcSInerts, lookupInInerts,
+ extractUnsolved,
extractUnsolvedTcS, modifyInertTcS,
updInertSetTcS, partitionCCanMap, partitionEqMap,
getRelevantCts, extractRelevantInerts,
- CCanMap (..), CtTypeMap, CtFamHeadMap(..), CtPredMap(..),
- pprCtTypeMap, partCtFamHeadMap,
+ CCanMap(..), CtTypeMap, CtFamHeadMap, CtPredMap,
+ PredMap, FamHeadMap,
+ partCtFamHeadMap, lookupFamHead,
instDFunType, -- Instantiation
@@ -136,14 +137,12 @@ import TcRnTypes
import Unique
import UniqFM
-import Maybes ( orElse )
+import Maybes ( orElse, catMaybes )
-import Control.Monad( when )
+import Control.Monad( when, zipWithM )
import StaticFlags( opt_PprStyle_Debug )
import Data.IORef
-import Data.List ( find )
-import Control.Monad ( zipWithM )
import TrieMap
@@ -298,11 +297,10 @@ emptyCCanMap = CCanMap { cts_given = emptyUFM, cts_derived = emptyUFM, cts_wante
updCCanMap:: Uniquable a => (a,Ct) -> CCanMap a -> CCanMap a
updCCanMap (a,ct) cmap
- = case cc_flavor ct of
+ = case cc_ev ct of
Wanted {} -> cmap { cts_wanted = insert_into (cts_wanted cmap) }
Given {} -> cmap { cts_given = insert_into (cts_given cmap) }
Derived {} -> cmap { cts_derived = insert_into (cts_derived cmap) }
- Solved {} -> panic "updCCanMap update with solved!"
insert_into m = addToUFM_C unionBags m a (singleCt ct)
@@ -319,13 +317,24 @@ getRelevantCts a cmap
lookup map = lookupUFM map a `orElse` emptyCts
-lookupCCanMap :: Uniquable a => a -> (Ct -> Bool) -> CCanMap a -> Maybe Ct
-lookupCCanMap a p map
- = let possible_cts = lookupUFM (cts_given map) a `orElse`
- lookupUFM (cts_wanted map) a `orElse`
- lookupUFM (cts_derived map) a `orElse` emptyCts
- in find p (bagToList possible_cts)
+lookupCCanMap :: Uniquable a => a -> (CtEvidence -> Bool) -> CCanMap a -> Maybe CtEvidence
+lookupCCanMap a pick_me map
+ = findEvidence pick_me possible_cts
+ where
+ possible_cts = lookupUFM (cts_given map) a `plus` (
+ lookupUFM (cts_wanted map) a `plus` (
+ lookupUFM (cts_derived map) a `plus` emptyCts))
+ plus Nothing cts2 = cts2
+ plus (Just cts1) cts2 = cts1 `unionBags` cts2
+findEvidence :: (CtEvidence -> Bool) -> Cts -> Maybe CtEvidence
+findEvidence pick_me cts
+ = foldrBag pick Nothing cts
+ where
+ pick :: Ct -> Maybe CtEvidence -> Maybe CtEvidence
+ pick ct deflt | let ctev = cc_ev ct, pick_me ctev = Just ctev
+ | otherwise = deflt
partitionCCanMap :: (Ct -> Bool) -> CCanMap a -> (Cts,CCanMap a)
-- All constraints that /match/ the predicate go in the bag, the rest remain in the map
@@ -360,27 +369,33 @@ extractUnsolvedCMap cmap =
-- Maps from PredTypes to Constraints
-type CtTypeMap = TypeMap Ct
-newtype CtPredMap =
- CtPredMap { unCtPredMap :: CtTypeMap } -- Indexed by TcPredType
-newtype CtFamHeadMap =
- CtFamHeadMap { unCtFamHeadMap :: CtTypeMap } -- Indexed by family head
+type CtTypeMap = TypeMap Ct
+type CtPredMap = PredMap Ct
+type CtFamHeadMap = FamHeadMap Ct
+newtype PredMap a = PredMap { unPredMap :: TypeMap a } -- Indexed by TcPredType
+newtype FamHeadMap a = FamHeadMap { unFamHeadMap :: TypeMap a } -- Indexed by family head
-pprCtTypeMap :: TypeMap Ct -> SDoc
-pprCtTypeMap ctmap = ppr (foldTM (:) ctmap [])
+instance Outputable a => Outputable (PredMap a) where
+ ppr (PredMap m) = ppr (foldTM (:) m [])
+instance Outputable a => Outputable (FamHeadMap a) where
+ ppr (FamHeadMap m) = ppr (foldTM (:) m [])
ctTypeMapCts :: TypeMap Ct -> Cts
ctTypeMapCts ctmap = foldTM (\ct cts -> extendCts cts ct) ctmap emptyCts
+lookupFamHead :: FamHeadMap a -> TcType -> Maybe a
+lookupFamHead (FamHeadMap m) key = lookupTM key m
partCtFamHeadMap :: (Ct -> Bool)
-> CtFamHeadMap
-> (Cts, CtFamHeadMap)
partCtFamHeadMap f ctmap
= let (cts,tymap_final) = foldTM upd_acc tymap_inside (emptyBag, tymap_inside)
- in (cts, CtFamHeadMap tymap_final)
+ in (cts, FamHeadMap tymap_final)
- tymap_inside = unCtFamHeadMap ctmap
+ tymap_inside = unFamHeadMap ctmap
upd_acc ct (cts,acc_map)
| f ct = (extendCts cts ct, alterTM ct_key (\_ -> Nothing) acc_map)
| otherwise = (cts,acc_map)
@@ -388,8 +403,6 @@ partCtFamHeadMap f ctmap
= ty1
| otherwise
= panic "partCtFamHeadMap, encountered non equality!"
@@ -400,9 +413,7 @@ partCtFamHeadMap f ctmap
--- All Given (fully known) or Wanted or Derived, never Solved
+-- All Given (fully known) or Wanted or Derived
-- See Note [Detailed InertCans Invariants] for more
data InertCans
= IC { inert_eqs :: TyVarEnv Ct
@@ -467,29 +478,51 @@ The InertCans represents a collection of constraints with the following properti
occurs errors.
9 Given family or dictionary constraints don't mention touchable unification variables
+Note [Solved constraints]
+When we take a step to simplify a constraint 'c', we call the original constraint "solved".
+For example: Wanted: ev :: [s] ~ [t]
+ New goal: ev1 :: s ~ t
+ Then 'ev' is now "solved".
+The reason for all this is simply to avoid re-solving goals we have solved already.
+* A solved Wanted may depend on as-yet-unsolved goals, so (for example) we should not
+ use it to rewrite a Given; in that sense the solved goal is still a Wanted
+* A solved Given is just given
+* A solved Derived is possible; purpose is to avoid creating tons of identical
+ Derived goals.
-- The Inert Set
data InertSet
= IS { inert_cans :: InertCans
- -- Canonical Given,Wanted,Solved
+ -- Canonical Given, Wanted, Derived (no Solved)
+ -- Sometimes called "the inert set"
, inert_frozen :: Cts
-- Frozen errors (as non-canonicals)
- , inert_solved :: CtPredMap
- -- Solved constraints (for caching):
- -- (i) key is by predicate type
- -- (ii) all of 'Solved' flavor, may or may not be canonicals
- -- (iii) we use this field for avoiding creating newEvVars
, inert_flat_cache :: CtFamHeadMap
-- All ``flattening equations'' are kept here.
-- Always canonical CTyFunEqs (Given or Wanted only!)
- -- Key is by family head. We used this field during flattening only
- , inert_solved_funeqs :: CtFamHeadMap
- -- Memoized Solved family equations co :: F xis ~ xi
- -- Stored not necessarily as fully rewritten; we'll do that lazily
- -- when we lookup
+ -- Key is by family head. We use this field during flattening only
+ -- Not necessarily inert wrt top-level equations (or inert_cans)
+ , inert_solved_funeqs :: FamHeadMap CtEvidence -- Of form co :: F xis ~ xi
+ , inert_solved :: PredMap CtEvidence -- All others
+ -- These two fields constitute a cache of solved (only!) constraints
+ -- See Note [Solved constraints]
+ -- - Constraints of form (F xis ~ xi) live in inert_solved_funeqs,
+ -- all the others are in inert_solved
+ -- - Used to avoid creating a new EvVar when we have a new goal that we
+ -- have solvedin the past
+ -- - Stored not necessarily as fully rewritten
+ -- (ToDo: rewrite lazily when we lookup)
@@ -498,7 +531,7 @@ instance Outputable InertCans where
, vcat (map ppr (Bag.bagToList $ cCanMapToBag (inert_dicts ics)))
, vcat (map ppr (Bag.bagToList $ cCanMapToBag (inert_ips ics)))
, vcat (map ppr (Bag.bagToList $
- ctTypeMapCts (unCtFamHeadMap $ inert_funeqs ics)))
+ ctTypeMapCts (unFamHeadMap $ inert_funeqs ics)))
, vcat (map ppr (Bag.bagToList $ inert_irreds ics))
@@ -508,7 +541,7 @@ instance Outputable InertSet where
braces (vcat (map ppr (Bag.bagToList $ inert_frozen is)))
, text "Solved and cached" <+>
int (foldTypeMap (\_ x -> x+1) 0
- (unCtPredMap $ inert_solved is)) <+>
+ (unPredMap $ inert_solved is)) <+>
text "more constraints" ]
emptyInert :: InertSet
@@ -517,28 +550,27 @@ emptyInert
, inert_eq_tvs = emptyInScopeSet
, inert_dicts = emptyCCanMap
, inert_ips = emptyCCanMap
- , inert_funeqs = CtFamHeadMap emptyTM
+ , inert_funeqs = FamHeadMap emptyTM
, inert_irreds = emptyCts }
, inert_frozen = emptyCts
- , inert_flat_cache = CtFamHeadMap emptyTM
- , inert_solved = CtPredMap emptyTM
- , inert_solved_funeqs = CtFamHeadMap emptyTM }
+ , inert_flat_cache = FamHeadMap emptyTM
+ , inert_solved = PredMap emptyTM
+ , inert_solved_funeqs = FamHeadMap emptyTM }
-type AtomicInert = Ct
-updInertSet :: InertSet -> AtomicInert -> InertSet
--- Add a new inert element to the inert set.
-updInertSet is item
- | isSolved (cc_flavor item)
- -- Solved items go in their special place
- = let pty = ctPred item
+updSolvedSet :: InertSet -> CtEvidence -> InertSet
+updSolvedSet is item
+ = let pty = ctEvPred item
upd_solved Nothing = Just item
upd_solved (Just _existing_solved) = Just item
-- .. or Just existing_solved? Is this even possible to happen?
in is { inert_solved =
- CtPredMap $
- alterTM pty upd_solved (unCtPredMap $ inert_solved is) }
+ PredMap $
+ alterTM pty upd_solved (unPredMap $ inert_solved is) }
+updInertSet :: InertSet -> Ct -> InertSet
+-- Add a new inert element to the inert set.
+updInertSet is item
| isCNonCanonical item
-- NB: this may happen if we decide to kick some frozen error
-- out to rewrite him. Frozen errors are just NonCanonicals
@@ -548,7 +580,7 @@ updInertSet is item
-- A canonical Given, Wanted, or Derived
= is { inert_cans = upd_inert_cans (inert_cans is) item }
- where upd_inert_cans :: InertCans -> AtomicInert -> InertCans
+ where upd_inert_cans :: InertCans -> Ct -> InertCans
-- Precondition: item /is/ canonical
upd_inert_cans ics item
| isCTyEqCan item
@@ -578,14 +610,14 @@ updInertSet is item
upd_funeqs Nothing = Just item
upd_funeqs (Just _already_there)
= panic "updInertSet: item already there!"
- in ics { inert_funeqs = CtFamHeadMap
+ in ics { inert_funeqs = FamHeadMap
(alterTM fam_head upd_funeqs $
- (unCtFamHeadMap $ inert_funeqs ics)) }
+ (unFamHeadMap $ inert_funeqs ics)) }
| otherwise
= pprPanic "upd_inert set: can't happen! Inserting " $
ppr item
-updInertSetTcS :: AtomicInert -> TcS ()
+updInertSetTcS :: Ct -> TcS ()
-- Add a new item in the inerts of the monad
updInertSetTcS item
= do { traceTcS "updInertSetTcs {" $
@@ -596,6 +628,32 @@ updInertSetTcS item
; traceTcS "updInertSetTcs }" $ empty }
+addToSolved :: CtEvidence -> TcS ()
+-- Add a new item in the solved set of the monad
+addToSolved item
+ | isIPPred (ctEvPred item) -- Never cache "solved" implicit parameters (not sure why!)
+ = return ()
+ | otherwise
+ = do { traceTcS "updSolvedSetTcs {" $
+ text "Trying to insert new solved item:" <+> ppr item
+ ; modifyInertTcS (\is -> ((), updSolvedSet is item))
+ ; traceTcS "updSolvedSetTcs }" $ empty }
+addSolvedFunEq :: CtEvidence -> TcS ()
+addSolvedFunEq fun_eq
+ = modifyInertTcS $ \inert -> ((), upd_inert inert)
+ where
+ upd_inert inert
+ = let slvd = unFamHeadMap (inert_solved_funeqs inert)
+ in inert { inert_solved_funeqs =
+ FamHeadMap (alterTM key upd_funeqs slvd) }
+ upd_funeqs Nothing = Just fun_eq
+ upd_funeqs (Just _ct) = Just fun_eq
+ -- Or _ct? depends on which caches more steps of computation
+ key = ctEvPred fun_eq
modifyInertTcS :: (InertSet -> (a,InertSet)) -> TcS a
-- Modify the inert set with the supplied function
modifyInertTcS upd
@@ -606,20 +664,10 @@ modifyInertTcS upd
; return a }
-addToSolved :: Ct -> TcS ()
--- Don't do any caching for IP preds because of delicate shadowing
-addToSolved ct
- | isIPPred (ctPred ct)
- = return ()
- | otherwise
- = ASSERT ( isSolved (cc_flavor ct) )
- updInertSetTcS ct
extractUnsolvedTcS :: TcS (Cts,Cts)
-- Extracts frozen errors and remaining unsolved and sets the
-- inert set to be the remaining!
-extractUnsolvedTcS =
- modifyInertTcS extractUnsolved
+extractUnsolvedTcS = modifyInertTcS extractUnsolved
extractUnsolved :: InertSet -> ((Cts,Cts), InertSet)
-- Postcondition
@@ -660,22 +708,20 @@ extractUnsolved (IS { inert_cans = IC { inert_eqs = eqs
-- At some point, I used to flush all the solved, in
-- fear of evidence loops. But I think we are safe,
-- flushing is why T3064 had become slower
- , inert_solved = solved -- CtPredMap emptyTM
- , inert_flat_cache = flat_cache -- CtFamHeadMap emptyTM
- , inert_solved_funeqs = funeq_cache -- CtFamHeadMap emptyTM
+ , inert_solved = solved -- PredMap emptyTM
+ , inert_flat_cache = flat_cache -- FamHeadMap emptyTM
+ , inert_solved_funeqs = funeq_cache -- FamHeadMap emptyTM
in ((frozen, unsolved), is_solved)
- where solved_eqs = filterVarEnv_Directly (\_ ct -> isGivenOrSolvedCt ct) eqs
+ where solved_eqs = filterVarEnv_Directly (\_ ct -> isGivenCt ct) eqs
unsolved_eqs = foldVarEnv (\ct cts -> cts `extendCts` ct) emptyCts $
eqs `minusVarEnv` solved_eqs
- (unsolved_irreds, solved_irreds) = Bag.partitionBag (not.isGivenOrSolvedCt) irreds
+ (unsolved_irreds, solved_irreds) = Bag.partitionBag (not.isGivenCt) irreds
(unsolved_ips, solved_ips) = extractUnsolvedCMap ips
(unsolved_dicts, solved_dicts) = extractUnsolvedCMap dicts
- (unsolved_funeqs, solved_funeqs) =
- partCtFamHeadMap (not . isGivenOrSolved . cc_flavor) funeqs
+ (unsolved_funeqs, solved_funeqs) = partCtFamHeadMap (not . isGivenCt) funeqs
unsolved = unsolved_eqs `unionBags` unsolved_irreds `unionBags`
unsolved_ips `unionBags` unsolved_dicts `unionBags` unsolved_funeqs
@@ -697,7 +743,7 @@ extractRelevantInerts wi
in (cts, ics { inert_dicts = dict_map })
extract_ics_relevants ct@(CFunEqCan {}) ics =
let (cts,feqs_map) =
- let funeq_map = unCtFamHeadMap $ inert_funeqs ics
+ let funeq_map = unFamHeadMap $ inert_funeqs ics
fam_head = mkTyConApp (cc_fun ct) (cc_tyargs ct)
lkp = lookupTM fam_head funeq_map
new_funeq_map = alterTM fam_head xtm funeq_map
@@ -706,7 +752,7 @@ extractRelevantInerts wi
in case lkp of
Nothing -> (emptyCts, funeq_map)
Just ct -> (singleCt ct, new_funeq_map)
- in (cts, ics { inert_funeqs = CtFamHeadMap feqs_map })
+ in (cts, ics { inert_funeqs = FamHeadMap feqs_map })
extract_ics_relevants (CIPCan { cc_ip_nm = nm } ) ics =
let (cts, ips_map) = getRelevantCts nm (inert_ips ics)
in (cts, ics { inert_ips = ips_map })
@@ -716,36 +762,40 @@ extractRelevantInerts wi
extract_ics_relevants _ ics = (emptyCts,ics)
-lookupInInerts :: InertSet -> TcPredType -> Maybe Ct
+lookupInInerts :: InertSet -> TcPredType -> Maybe CtEvidence
-- Is this exact predicate type cached in the solved or canonicals of the InertSet
lookupInInerts (IS { inert_solved = solved, inert_cans = ics }) pty
= case lookupInSolved solved pty of
- Just ct -> return ct
- Nothing -> lookupInInertCans ics pty
+ Just ctev -> return ctev
+ Nothing -> lookupInInertCans ics pty
-lookupInSolved :: CtPredMap -> TcPredType -> Maybe Ct
+lookupInSolved :: PredMap CtEvidence -> TcPredType -> Maybe CtEvidence
-- Returns just if exactly this predicate type exists in the solved.
-lookupInSolved tm pty = lookupTM pty $ unCtPredMap tm
+lookupInSolved tm pty = lookupTM pty $ unPredMap tm
-lookupInInertCans :: InertCans -> TcPredType -> Maybe Ct
+lookupInInertCans :: InertCans -> TcPredType -> Maybe CtEvidence
-- Returns Just if exactly this pred type exists in the inert canonicals
lookupInInertCans ics pty
- = lkp_ics (classifyPredType pty)
- where lkp_ics (ClassPred cls _)
- = lookupCCanMap cls (\ct -> ctPred ct `eqType` pty) (inert_dicts ics)
- lkp_ics (EqPred ty1 _ty2)
- | Just tv <- getTyVar_maybe ty1
- , Just ct <- lookupVarEnv (inert_eqs ics) tv
- , ctPred ct `eqType` pty
- = Just ct
- lkp_ics (EqPred ty1 _ty2) -- Family equation
- | Just _ <- splitTyConApp_maybe ty1
- , Just ct <- lookupTM ty1 (unCtFamHeadMap $ inert_funeqs ics)
- , ctPred ct `eqType` pty
- = Just ct
- lkp_ics (IrredPred {})
- = find (\ct -> ctPred ct `eqType` pty) (bagToList (inert_irreds ics))
- lkp_ics _ = Nothing -- NB: No caching for IPs
+ = case (classifyPredType pty) of
+ ClassPred cls _
+ -> lookupCCanMap cls (\ct -> ctEvPred ct `eqType` pty) (inert_dicts ics)
+ EqPred ty1 _ty2
+ | Just tv <- getTyVar_maybe ty1 -- Tyvar equation
+ , Just ct <- lookupVarEnv (inert_eqs ics) tv
+ , let ctev = ctEvidence ct
+ , ctEvPred ctev `eqType` pty
+ -> Just ctev
+ | Just _ <- splitTyConApp_maybe ty1 -- Family equation
+ , Just ct <- lookupTM ty1 (unFamHeadMap $ inert_funeqs ics)
+ , let ctev = ctEvidence ct
+ , ctEvPred ctev `eqType` pty
+ -> Just ctev
+ IrredPred {} -> findEvidence (\ct -> ctEvPred ct `eqType` pty) (inert_irreds ics)
+ _other -> Nothing -- NB: No caching for IPs
@@ -1038,13 +1088,13 @@ emitTcSImplication :: Implication -> TcS ()
emitTcSImplication imp = updTcSImplics (consBag imp)
-emitFrozenError :: CtFlavor -> SubGoalDepth -> TcS ()
+emitFrozenError :: CtEvidence -> SubGoalDepth -> TcS ()
-- Emits a non-canonical constraint that will stand for a frozen error in the inerts.
emitFrozenError fl depth
- = do { traceTcS "Emit frozen error" (ppr (ctFlavPred fl))
+ = do { traceTcS "Emit frozen error" (ppr (ctEvPred fl))
; inert_ref <- getTcSInertsRef
; inerts <- wrapTcS (TcM.readTcRef inert_ref)
- ; let ct = CNonCanonical { cc_flavor = fl
+ ; let ct = CNonCanonical { cc_ev = fl
, cc_depth = depth }
inerts_new = inerts { inert_frozen = extendCts (inert_frozen inerts) ct }
; wrapTcS (TcM.writeTcRef inert_ref inerts_new) }
@@ -1059,24 +1109,23 @@ getTcEvBinds :: TcS EvBindsVar
getTcEvBinds = TcS (return . tcs_ev_binds)
getFlatCache :: TcS CtTypeMap
-getFlatCache = getTcSInerts >>= (return . unCtFamHeadMap . inert_flat_cache)
+getFlatCache = getTcSInerts >>= (return . unFamHeadMap . inert_flat_cache)
updFlatCache :: Ct -> TcS ()
-- Pre: constraint is a flat family equation (equal to a flatten skolem)
-updFlatCache flat_eq@(CFunEqCan { cc_flavor = fl, cc_fun = tc, cc_tyargs = xis })
+updFlatCache flat_eq@(CFunEqCan { cc_ev = fl, cc_fun = tc, cc_tyargs = xis })
= modifyInertTcS upd_inert_cache
- where upd_inert_cache is = ((), is { inert_flat_cache = CtFamHeadMap new_fc })
+ where upd_inert_cache is = ((), is { inert_flat_cache = FamHeadMap new_fc })
where new_fc = alterTM pred_key upd_cache fc
- fc = unCtFamHeadMap $ inert_flat_cache is
+ fc = unFamHeadMap $ inert_flat_cache is
pred_key = mkTyConApp tc xis
- upd_cache (Just ct) | cc_flavor ct `canSolve` fl = Just ct
+ upd_cache (Just ct) | cc_ev ct `canSolve` fl = Just ct
upd_cache (Just _ct) = Just flat_eq
upd_cache Nothing = Just flat_eq
updFlatCache other_ct = pprPanic "updFlatCache: non-family constraint" $
ppr other_ct
getUntouchables :: TcS TcsUntouchables
getUntouchables = TcS (return . tcs_untch)
@@ -1296,142 +1345,193 @@ instFlexiTcSHelper tvname tvkind
-- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
data XEvTerm =
- XEvTerm { ev_comp :: [EvVar] -> EvTerm
+ XEvTerm { ev_comp :: [EvTerm] -> EvTerm
-- How to compose evidence
- , ev_decomp :: EvVar -> [EvTerm]
+ , ev_decomp :: EvTerm -> [EvTerm]
-- How to decompose evidence
-data MaybeNew a = Fresh { mn_thing :: a }
- | Cached { mn_thing :: a }
+data MaybeNew = Fresh CtEvidence | Cached EvTerm
-isFresh :: MaybeNew a -> Bool
+isFresh :: MaybeNew -> Bool
isFresh (Fresh {}) = True
isFresh _ = False
+getEvTerm :: MaybeNew -> EvTerm
+getEvTerm (Fresh ctev) = ctEvTerm ctev
+getEvTerm (Cached tm) = tm
+getEvTerms :: [MaybeNew] -> [EvTerm]
+getEvTerms = map getEvTerm
+freshGoals :: [MaybeNew] -> [CtEvidence]
+freshGoals mns = [ ctev | Fresh ctev <- mns ]
setEvBind :: EvVar -> EvTerm -> TcS ()
-setEvBind ev t
+setEvBind the_ev t
= do { tc_evbinds <- getTcEvBinds
- ; wrapTcS $ TcM.addTcEvBind tc_evbinds ev t
+ ; wrapTcS $ TcM.addTcEvBind tc_evbinds the_ev t
- ; traceTcS "setEvBind" $ vcat [ text "ev =" <+> ppr ev
+ ; traceTcS "setEvBind" $ vcat [ text "ev =" <+> ppr the_ev
, text "t =" <+> ppr t ]
#ifndef DEBUG
; return () }
; binds <- getTcEvBindsMap
- ; let cycle = any (reaches binds) (evVarsOfTerm t)
+ ; let cycle = reaches_tm binds t
; when cycle (fail_if_co_loop binds) }
where fail_if_co_loop binds
- = do { traceTcS "Cycle in evidence binds" $ vcat [ text "evvar =" <+> ppr ev
+ = do { traceTcS "Cycle in evidence binds" $ vcat [ text "evvar =" <+> ppr the_ev
, ppr (evBindMapBinds binds) ]
- ; when (isEqVar ev) (pprPanic "setEvBind" (text "BUG: Coercion loop!")) }
+ ; when (isEqVar the_ev) (pprPanic "setEvBind" (text "BUG: Coercion loop!")) }
+ reaches_tm :: EvBindMap -> EvTerm -> Bool
+ -- Does any free variable of 'tm' reach 'the_ev'
+ reaches_tm ebm tm = foldVarSet ((||) . reaches ebm) False (evVarsOfTerm tm)
reaches :: EvBindMap -> Var -> Bool
- -- Does this evvar reach ev?
- reaches ebm ev0 = go ev0
- where go ev0
- | ev0 == ev = True
- | Just (EvBind _ evtrm) <- lookupEvBind ebm ev0
- = any go (evVarsOfTerm evtrm)
- | otherwise = False
+ -- Does this evvar reach the_ev?
+ reaches ebm ev
+ | ev == the_ev = True
+ | Just (EvBind _ evtrm) <- lookupEvBind ebm ev = reaches_tm ebm evtrm
+ | otherwise = False
-newGivenEvVar :: TcPredType -> EvTerm -> TcS (MaybeNew EvVar)
-newGivenEvVar pty evterm
- = do { is <- getTcSInerts
- ; case lookupInInerts is pty of
- Just ct | isGivenOrSolvedCt ct
- -> return (Cached (ctId ct))
- _ -> do { new_ev <- wrapTcS $ TcM.newEvVar pty
- ; setEvBind new_ev evterm
- ; return (Fresh new_ev) } }
-newWantedEvVar :: TcPredType -> TcS (MaybeNew EvVar)
-newWantedEvVar pty
+newGivenEvVar :: GivenLoc -> TcPredType -> EvTerm -> TcS CtEvidence
+-- Make a new variable of the given PredType,
+-- immediately bind it to the given term
+-- and return its CtEvidence
+newGivenEvVar gloc pred rhs
+ = do { new_ev <- wrapTcS $ TcM.newEvVar pred
+ ; setEvBind new_ev rhs
+ ; return (Given { ctev_gloc = gloc, ctev_pred = pred, ctev_evtm = EvId new_ev }) }
+newWantedEvVar :: WantedLoc -> TcPredType -> TcS MaybeNew
+newWantedEvVar loc pty
= do { is <- getTcSInerts
; case lookupInInerts is pty of
- Just ct | not (isDerivedCt ct)
- -> do { traceTcS "newWantedEvVar/cache hit" $ ppr ct
- ; return (Cached (ctId ct)) }
+ Just ctev | not (isDerived ctev)
+ -> do { traceTcS "newWantedEvVar/cache hit" $ ppr ctev
+ ; return (Cached (ctEvTerm ctev)) }
_ -> do { new_ev <- wrapTcS $ TcM.newEvVar pty
; traceTcS "newWantedEvVar/cache miss" $ ppr new_ev
- ; return (Fresh new_ev) } }
-newDerived :: TcPredType -> TcS (MaybeNew TcPredType)
-newDerived pty
+ ; let ctev = Wanted { ctev_wloc = loc
+ , ctev_pred = pty
+ , ctev_evar = new_ev }
+ ; return (Fresh ctev) } }
+newDerived :: WantedLoc -> TcPredType -> TcS (Maybe CtEvidence)
+-- Returns Nothing if cached,
+-- Just pred if not cached
+newDerived loc pty
= do { is <- getTcSInerts
; case lookupInInerts is pty of
- Just {} -> return (Cached pty)
- _ -> return (Fresh pty) }
+ Just {} -> return Nothing
+ _ -> return (Just Derived { ctev_wloc = loc
+ , ctev_pred = pty }) }
-newKindConstraint :: TcTyVar -> Kind -> TcS (MaybeNew EvVar)
+newKindConstraint :: WantedLoc -> TcTyVar -> Kind -> TcS MaybeNew
-- Create new wanted CoVar that constrains the type to have the specified kind.
-newKindConstraint tv knd
+newKindConstraint loc tv knd
= do { ty_k <- wrapTcS (instFlexiTcSHelper (tyVarName tv) knd)
- ; newWantedEvVar (mkTcEqPred (mkTyVarTy tv) ty_k) }
-instDFunConstraints :: TcThetaType -> TcS [MaybeNew EvVar]
-instDFunConstraints = mapM newWantedEvVar
+ ; newWantedEvVar loc (mkTcEqPred (mkTyVarTy tv) ty_k) }
+instDFunConstraints :: WantedLoc -> TcThetaType -> TcS [MaybeNew]
+instDFunConstraints wl = mapM (newWantedEvVar wl)
-xCtFlavor :: CtFlavor -- Original flavor
+Note [xCFlavor]
+A call might look like this:
+ xCtFlavor ev subgoal-preds evidence-transformer
+ ev is Given => use ev_decomp to create new Givens for subgoal-preds,
+ and return them
+ ev is Wanted => create new wanteds for subgoal-preds,
+ use ev_comp to bind ev,
+ return fresh wanteds (ie ones not cached in inert_cans or solved)
+ ev is Derived => create new deriveds for subgoal-preds
+ (unless cached in inert_cans or solved)
+Note: The [CtEvidence] returned is a subset of the subgoal-preds passed in
+ Ones that are already cached are not returned
+ ev : Tree a b ~ Tree c d
+ xCtFlavor ev [a~c, b~d] (XEvTerm { ev_comp = \[c1 c2]. <Tree> c1 c2
+ , ev_decomp = \c. [nth 1 c, nth 2 c] })
+ (\fresh-goals. stuff)
+xCtFlavor :: CtEvidence -- Original flavor
-> [TcPredType] -- New predicate types
-> XEvTerm -- Instructions about how to manipulate evidence
- -> ([CtFlavor] -> TcS a) -- What to do with any remaining /fresh/ goals!
- -> TcS a
+ -> TcS [CtEvidence]
xCtFlavor = xCtFlavor_cache True
xCtFlavor_cache :: Bool -- True = if wanted add to the solved bag!
- -> CtFlavor -- Original flavor
+ -> CtEvidence -- Original flavor
-> [TcPredType] -- New predicate types
-> XEvTerm -- Instructions about how to manipulate evidence
- -> ([CtFlavor] -> TcS a) -- What to do with any remaining /fresh/ goals!
- -> TcS a
-xCtFlavor_cache _ (Given { flav_gloc = gl, flav_evar = evar }) ptys xev cont_with
- = do { let ev_trms = ev_decomp xev evar
- ; new_evars <- zipWithM newGivenEvVar ptys ev_trms
- ; cont_with $
- map (\x -> Given gl (mn_thing x)) (filter isFresh new_evars) }
+ -> TcS [CtEvidence]
+xCtFlavor_cache _ (Given { ctev_gloc = gl, ctev_evtm = tm }) ptys xev
+ = ASSERT( equalLength ptys (ev_decomp xev tm) )
+ zipWithM (newGivenEvVar gl) ptys (ev_decomp xev tm)
+ -- For Givens we make new EvVars and bind them immediately. We don't worry
+ -- about caching, but we don't expect complicated calculations among Givens.
+ -- It is important to bind each given:
+ -- class (a~b) => C a b where ....
+ -- f :: C a b => ....
+ -- Then in f's Givens we have g:(C a b) and the superclass sc(g,0):a~b.
+ -- But that superclass selector can't (yet) appear in a coercion
+ -- (see evTermCoercion), so the easy thing is to bind it to an Id
-xCtFlavor_cache cache (Wanted { flav_wloc = wl, flav_evar = evar }) ptys xev cont_with
- = do { new_evars <- mapM newWantedEvVar ptys
- ; let evars = map mn_thing new_evars
- evterm = ev_comp xev evars
- ; setEvBind evar evterm
- ; let solved_flav = Solved { flav_gloc = mkSolvedLoc wl UnkSkol
- , flav_evar = evar }
- ; when cache $ addToSolved (mkNonCanonical solved_flav)
- ; cont_with $
- map (\x -> Wanted wl (mn_thing x)) (filter isFresh new_evars) }
-xCtFlavor_cache _ (Derived { flav_wloc = wl }) ptys _xev cont_with
- = do { ders <- mapM newDerived ptys
- ; cont_with $
- map (\x -> Derived wl (mn_thing x)) (filter isFresh ders) }
+xCtFlavor_cache cache ctev@(Wanted { ctev_wloc = wl, ctev_evar = evar }) ptys xev
+ = do { new_evars <- mapM (newWantedEvVar wl) ptys
+ ; setEvBind evar (ev_comp xev (getEvTerms new_evars))
+ -- Add the now-solved wanted constraint to the cache
+ ; when cache $ addToSolved ctev
+ ; return (freshGoals new_evars) }
- -- I am not sure I actually want to do this (e.g. from recanonicalizing a solved?)
- -- but if we plan to use xCtFlavor for rewriting as well then I might as well add a case
-xCtFlavor_cache _ (Solved { flav_gloc = gl, flav_evar = evar }) ptys xev cont_with
- = do { let ev_trms = ev_decomp xev evar
- ; new_evars <- zipWithM newGivenEvVar ptys ev_trms
- ; cont_with $
- map (\x -> Solved gl (mn_thing x)) (filter isFresh new_evars) }
-rewriteCtFlavor :: CtFlavor
+xCtFlavor_cache _ (Derived { ctev_wloc = wl }) ptys _xev
+ = do { ders <- mapM (newDerived wl) ptys
+ ; return (catMaybes ders) }
+rewriteCtFlavor :: CtEvidence
-> TcPredType -- new predicate
-> TcCoercion -- new ~ old
- -> TcS (Maybe CtFlavor)
--- rewriteCtFlavor old_fl new_pred co
--- Main purpose: create a new identity (flavor) for new_pred;
--- unless new_pred is cached already
--- * Returns a new_fl : new_pred, with same wanted/given/derived flag as old_fl
--- * If old_fl was wanted, create a binding for old_fl, in terms of new_fl
--- * If old_fl was given, AND not cached, create a binding for new_fl, in terms of old_fl
--- * Returns Nothing if new_fl is already cached
+ -> TcS (Maybe CtEvidence)
+ rewriteCtFlavor old_fl new_pred co
+Main purpose: create a new identity (flavor) for new_pred;
+ unless new_pred is cached already
+* Returns a new_fl : new_pred, with same wanted/given/derived flag as old_fl
+* If old_fl was wanted, create a binding for old_fl, in terms of new_fl
+* If old_fl was given, AND not cached, create a binding for new_fl, in terms of old_fl
+* Returns Nothing if new_fl is already cached
+ Old evidence New predicate is Return new evidence
+ flavour of same flavor
+ -------------------------------------------------------------------
+ Wanted Already solved or in inert Nothing
+ or Derived Not Just new_evidence
+ Given Already in inert Nothing
+ Not Just new_evidence
rewriteCtFlavor = rewriteCtFlavor_cache True
-- Returns Just new_fl iff either (i) 'co' is reflexivity
@@ -1439,40 +1539,40 @@ rewriteCtFlavor = rewriteCtFlavor_cache True
-- In either case, there is nothing new to do with new_fl
rewriteCtFlavor_cache :: Bool
- -> CtFlavor
+ -> CtEvidence
-> TcPredType -- new predicate
-> TcCoercion -- new ~ old
- -> TcS (Maybe CtFlavor)
+ -> TcS (Maybe CtEvidence)
-- If derived, don't even look at the coercion
-- NB: this allows us to sneak away with ``error'' thunks for
-- coercions that come from derived ids (which don't exist!)
-rewriteCtFlavor_cache _cache (Derived wl _pty_orig) pty_new _co
- = newDerived pty_new >>= from_mn
- where from_mn (Cached {}) = return Nothing
- from_mn (Fresh {}) = return $ Just (Derived wl pty_new)
+rewriteCtFlavor_cache _cache (Derived { ctev_wloc = wl }) pty_new _co
+ = newDerived wl pty_new
-rewriteCtFlavor_cache cache fl pty co
- | isTcReflCo co
- -- If just reflexivity then you may re-use the same variable as optimization
- = if ctFlavPred fl `eqType` pty then
- -- E.g. for type synonyms we want to use the original type
- -- since it's not flattened to report better error messages.
- return $ Just fl
- else
- -- E.g. because we rewrite with a spontaneously solved one
- return (Just $ case fl of
- Derived wl _pty_orig -> Derived wl pty
- Given gl ev -> Given gl (setVarType ev pty)
- Wanted wl ev -> Wanted wl (setVarType ev pty)
- Solved gl ev -> Solved gl (setVarType ev pty))
- | otherwise
- = xCtFlavor_cache cache fl [pty] (XEvTerm ev_comp ev_decomp) cont
- where ev_comp [x] = mkEvCast x co
- ev_comp _ = panic "Coercion can only have one subgoal"
- ev_decomp x = [mkEvCast x (mkTcSymCo co)]
- cont [] = return Nothing
- cont [fl] = return $ Just fl
- cont _ = panic "At most one constraint can be subgoal of coercion!"
+rewriteCtFlavor_cache _cache (Given { ctev_gloc = gl, ctev_evtm = old_tm }) pty_new co
+ = return (Just (Given { ctev_gloc = gl, ctev_pred = pty_new, ctev_evtm = new_tm }))
+ where
+ new_tm = mkEvCast old_tm (mkTcSymCo co) -- mkEvCase optimises ReflCo
+rewriteCtFlavor_cache cache ctev@(Wanted { ctev_wloc = wl, ctev_evar = evar, ctev_pred = pty_old }) pty_new co
+ | isTcReflCo co -- If just reflexivity then you may re-use the same variable
+ = return (Just (if pty_old `eqType` pty_new
+ then ctev
+ else ctev { ctev_pred = pty_new }))
+ -- If the old and new types compare equal (eqType looks through synonyms)
+ -- then retain the old type, so that error messages come out mentioning synonyms
+ | otherwise
+ = do { new_evar <- newWantedEvVar wl pty_new
+ ; setEvBind evar (mkEvCast (getEvTerm new_evar) co)
+ -- Add the now-solved wanted constraint to the cache
+ ; when cache $ addToSolved ctev
+ ; case new_evar of
+ Fresh ctev -> return (Just ctev)
+ _ -> return Nothing }
-- Matching and looking up classes and family instances
@@ -1537,29 +1637,29 @@ deferTcSForAllEq (loc,orig_ev) (tvs1,body1) (tvs2,body2)
phi1 = Type.substTy subst1 body1
phi2 = Type.substTy (zipTopTvSubst tvs2 tys) body2
skol_info = UnifyForAllSkol skol_tvs phi1
- ; mev <- newWantedEvVar (mkTcEqPred phi1 phi2)
- ; let new_fl = Wanted loc (mn_thing mev)
- new_ct = mkNonCanonical new_fl
- new_co = mkTcCoVarCo (mn_thing mev)
- ; coe_inside <- if isFresh mev then
- do { ev_binds_var <- wrapTcS $ TcM.newTcEvBinds
- ; let ev_binds = TcEvBinds ev_binds_var
- ; lcl_env <- wrapTcS $ TcM.getLclTypeEnv
- ; loc <- wrapTcS $ TcM.getCtLoc skol_info
- ; let wc = WC { wc_flat = singleCt new_ct
- , wc_impl = emptyBag
- , wc_insol = emptyCts }
- imp = Implic { ic_untch = all_untouchables
- , ic_env = lcl_env
- , ic_skols = skol_tvs
- , ic_given = []
- , ic_wanted = wc
- , ic_insol = False
- , ic_binds = ev_binds_var
- , ic_loc = loc }
- ; updTcSImplics (consBag imp)
- ; return (TcLetCo ev_binds new_co) }
- else (return new_co)
+ ; mev <- newWantedEvVar loc (mkTcEqPred phi1 phi2)
+ ; coe_inside <- case mev of
+ Cached ev_tm -> return (evTermCoercion ev_tm)
+ Fresh ctev -> do { ev_binds_var <- wrapTcS $ TcM.newTcEvBinds
+ ; let ev_binds = TcEvBinds ev_binds_var
+ new_ct = mkNonCanonical ctev
+ new_co = evTermCoercion (ctEvTerm ctev)
+ ; lcl_env <- wrapTcS $ TcM.getLclTypeEnv
+ ; loc <- wrapTcS $ TcM.getCtLoc skol_info
+ ; let wc = WC { wc_flat = singleCt new_ct
+ , wc_impl = emptyBag
+ , wc_insol = emptyCts }
+ imp = Implic { ic_untch = all_untouchables
+ , ic_env = lcl_env
+ , ic_skols = skol_tvs
+ , ic_given = []
+ , ic_wanted = wc
+ , ic_insol = False
+ , ic_binds = ev_binds_var
+ , ic_loc = loc }
+ ; updTcSImplics (consBag imp)
+ ; return (TcLetCo ev_binds new_co) }
; setEvBind orig_ev $
EvCoercion (foldr mkTcForAllCo coe_inside skol_tvs)
@@ -1573,7 +1673,6 @@ deferTcSForAllEq (loc,orig_ev) (tvs1,body1) (tvs2,body2)
-- Rewriting with respect to the inert equalities
-- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
getInertEqs :: TcS (TyVarEnv Ct, InScopeSet)
getInertEqs = do { inert <- getTcSInerts
; let ics = inert_cans inert
@@ -1581,11 +1680,14 @@ getInertEqs = do { inert <- getTcSInerts
getCtCoercion :: EvBindMap -> Ct -> TcCoercion
-- Precondition: A CTyEqCan which is either Wanted or Given, never Derived or Solved!
-getCtCoercion bs ct
+getCtCoercion _bs ct
+ = ASSERT( not (isDerivedCt ct) )
+ evTermCoercion (ctEvTerm (ctEvidence ct))
+{- ToDo: check with Dimitrios that we can dump this stuff
= case lookupEvBind bs cc_id of
-- Given and bound to a coercion term
Just (EvBind _ (EvCoercion co)) -> co
- -- NB: The constraint could have been rewritten due to spontaneous
+ -- NB: The constraint could have been rewritten due to spontaneous
-- unifications but because we are optimizing away mkRefls the evidence
-- variable may still have type (alpha ~ [beta]). The constraint may
-- however have a more accurate type (alpha ~ [Int]) (where beta ~ Int has
@@ -1596,6 +1698,9 @@ getCtCoercion bs ct
_ -> mkTcCoVarCo (setVarType cc_id (ctPred ct))
- where cc_id = ctId ct
+ where
+ cc_id = ctId ct
diff --git a/compiler/typecheck/TcSimplify.lhs b/compiler/typecheck/TcSimplify.lhs
index e6a4fd2f79..f97347a305 100644
--- a/compiler/typecheck/TcSimplify.lhs
+++ b/compiler/typecheck/TcSimplify.lhs
@@ -558,7 +558,7 @@ simplifyRule name lhs_wanted rhs_wanted
-- variables; hence NoUntouchables
; (resid_wanted, _) <- runTcS (SimplInfer doc) untch emptyInert emptyWorkList $
- solveWanteds zonked_all
+ solveWanteds zonked_all
; zonked_lhs <- zonkWC lhs_wanted
@@ -579,7 +579,8 @@ simplifyRule name lhs_wanted rhs_wanted
vcat [ text "zonked_lhs" <+> ppr zonked_lhs
, text "q_cts" <+> ppr q_cts ]
- ; return (map ctId (bagToList q_cts), zonked_lhs { wc_flat = non_q_cts }) }
+ ; return ( map (ctEvId . ctEvidence) (bagToList q_cts)
+ , zonked_lhs { wc_flat = non_q_cts }) }
@@ -784,10 +785,11 @@ solveNestedImplications implics
where givens_from_wanteds = foldrBag get_wanted []
get_wanted cc rest_givens
| pushable_wanted cc
- = let fl = cc_flavor cc
- wloc = flav_wloc fl
- gfl = Given (mkGivenLoc wloc UnkSkol) (flav_evar fl)
- this_given = cc { cc_flavor = gfl }
+ = let fl = ctEvidence cc
+ gfl = Given { ctev_gloc = setCtLocOrigin (ctev_wloc fl) UnkSkol
+ , ctev_evtm = EvId (ctev_evar fl)
+ , ctev_pred = ctev_pred fl }
+ this_given = cc { cc_ev = gfl }
in this_given : rest_givens
| otherwise = rest_givens
@@ -1025,20 +1027,20 @@ solveCTyFunEqs cts
; return (niFixTvSubst ni_subst, unsolved_can_cts) }
- solve_one (Wanted _ cv,tv,ty)
+ solve_one (Wanted { ctev_evar = cv }, tv, ty)
= setWantedTyBind tv ty >> setEvBind cv (EvCoercion (mkTcReflCo ty))
solve_one (Derived {}, tv, ty)
= setWantedTyBind tv ty
solve_one arg
= pprPanic "solveCTyFunEqs: can't solve a /given/ family equation!" $ ppr arg
-type FunEqBinds = (TvSubstEnv, [(CtFlavor, TcTyVar, TcType)])
+type FunEqBinds = (TvSubstEnv, [(CtEvidence, TcTyVar, TcType)])
-- The TvSubstEnv is not idempotent, but is loop-free
-- See Note [Non-idempotent substitution] in Unify
emptyFunEqBinds :: FunEqBinds
emptyFunEqBinds = (emptyVarEnv, [])
-extendFunEqBinds :: FunEqBinds -> CtFlavor -> TcTyVar -> TcType -> FunEqBinds
+extendFunEqBinds :: FunEqBinds -> CtEvidence -> TcTyVar -> TcType -> FunEqBinds
extendFunEqBinds (tv_subst, cv_binds) fl tv ty
= (extendVarEnv tv_subst tv ty, (fl, tv, ty):cv_binds)
@@ -1052,7 +1054,7 @@ getSolvableCTyFunEqs untch cts
dflt_funeq :: (Cts, FunEqBinds) -> Ct
-> (Cts, FunEqBinds)
dflt_funeq (cts_in, feb@(tv_subst, _))
- (CFunEqCan { cc_flavor = fl
+ (CFunEqCan { cc_ev = fl
, cc_fun = tc
, cc_tyargs = xis
, cc_rhs = xi })
@@ -1071,7 +1073,7 @@ getSolvableCTyFunEqs untch cts
, not (tv `elemVarSet` niSubstTvSet tv_subst (tyVarsOfTypes xis))
-- Occurs check: see Note [Solving Family Equations], Point 2
- = ASSERT ( not (isGivenOrSolved fl) )
+ = ASSERT ( not (isGiven fl) )
(cts_in, extendFunEqBinds feb fl tv (mkTyConApp tc xis))
dflt_funeq (cts_in, fun_eq_binds) ct
@@ -1210,16 +1212,16 @@ defaultTyVar untch the_tv
, not (k `eqKind` default_k)
= tryTcS $ -- Why tryTcS? See Note [tryTcS in defaulting]
do { let loc = CtLoc DefaultOrigin (getSrcSpan the_tv) [] -- Yuk
- ; eqv <- TcSMonad.newKindConstraint the_tv default_k
+ ; eqv <- TcSMonad.newKindConstraint loc the_tv default_k
; case eqv of
Fresh x ->
return $ unitBag $
- CNonCanonical { cc_flavor = Wanted loc x, cc_depth = 0 }
+ CNonCanonical { cc_ev = x, cc_depth = 0 }
Cached _ -> return emptyBag }
if isNewEvVar eqv then
return $ unitBag (CNonCanonical { cc_id = evc_the_evvar eqv
- , cc_flavor = fl, cc_depth = 0 })
+ , cc_ev = fl, cc_depth = 0 })
else return emptyBag }
@@ -1300,13 +1302,12 @@ disambigGroup (default_ty:default_tys) group
; success <- tryTcS $ -- Why tryTcS? See Note [tryTcS in defaulting]
do { derived_eq <- tryTcS $
-- I need a new tryTcS because we will call solveInteractCts below!
- do { md <- newDerived (mkTcEqPred (mkTyVarTy the_tv) default_ty)
+ do { md <- newDerived (ctev_wloc the_fl)
+ (mkTcEqPred (mkTyVarTy the_tv) default_ty)
+ -- ctev_wloc because constraint is not Given!
; case md of
- Cached _ -> return []
- Fresh pty ->
- -- flav_wloc because constraint is not Given/Solved!
- let dfl = Derived (flav_wloc the_fl) pty
- in return [ CNonCanonical { cc_flavor = dfl, cc_depth = 0 } ] }
+ Nothing -> return []
+ Just ctev -> return [ mkNonCanonical ctev ] }
; traceTcS "disambigGroup (solving) {"
(text "trying to solve constraints along with default equations ...")
@@ -1335,7 +1336,7 @@ disambigGroup (default_ty:default_tys) group
; disambigGroup default_tys group } }
((the_ct,the_tv):_) = group
- the_fl = cc_flavor the_ct
+ the_fl = cc_ev the_ct
wanteds = map fst group
@@ -1365,9 +1366,12 @@ newFlatWanteds :: CtOrigin -> ThetaType -> TcM [Ct]
newFlatWanteds orig theta
= do { loc <- getCtLoc orig
; mapM (inst_to_wanted loc) theta }
- where inst_to_wanted loc pty
+ where
+ inst_to_wanted loc pty
= do { v <- TcMType.newWantedEvVar pty
; return $
- CNonCanonical { cc_flavor = Wanted loc v
+ CNonCanonical { cc_ev = Wanted { ctev_evar = v
+ , ctev_wloc = loc
+ , ctev_pred = pty }
, cc_depth = 0 } }
diff --git a/compiler/typecheck/TcUnify.lhs b/compiler/typecheck/TcUnify.lhs
index 6e4d12852e..c44ce31f2e 100644
--- a/compiler/typecheck/TcUnify.lhs
+++ b/compiler/typecheck/TcUnify.lhs
@@ -31,7 +31,6 @@ module TcUnify (
- wrapEqCtxt,
-- Errors
@@ -43,7 +42,6 @@ module TcUnify (
import HsSyn
import TypeRep
-import TcErrors ( unifyCtxt )
import TcMType
import TcIface
import TcRnMonad
@@ -535,7 +533,9 @@ uType_defer items ty1 ty2
= ASSERT( not (null items) )
do { eqv <- newEq ty1 ty2
; loc <- getCtLoc (TypeEqOrigin (last items))
- ; emitFlat $ mkNonCanonical (Wanted loc eqv)
+ ; let ctev = Wanted { ctev_wloc = loc, ctev_evar = eqv
+ , ctev_pred = mkTcEqPred ty1 ty2 }
+ ; emitFlat $ mkNonCanonical ctev
-- Error trace only
-- NB. do *not* call mkErrInfo unless tracing is on, because
@@ -1005,15 +1005,6 @@ we return a made-up TcTyVarDetails, but I think it works smoothly.
pushOrigin :: TcType -> TcType -> [EqOrigin] -> [EqOrigin]
pushOrigin ty_act ty_exp origin
= UnifyOrigin { uo_actual = ty_act, uo_expected = ty_exp } : origin
-wrapEqCtxt :: [EqOrigin] -> TcM a -> TcM a
--- Build a suitable error context from the origin and do the thing inside
--- The "couldn't match" error comes from the innermost item on the stack,
--- and, if there is more than one item, the "Expected/inferred" part
--- comes from the outermost item
-wrapEqCtxt [] thing_inside = thing_inside
-wrapEqCtxt items thing_inside = addErrCtxtM (unifyCtxt (last items)) thing_inside
diff --git a/compiler/types/Coercion.lhs b/compiler/types/Coercion.lhs
index 1360baca6b..42e54ba47b 100644
--- a/compiler/types/Coercion.lhs
+++ b/compiler/types/Coercion.lhs
@@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ module Coercion (
-- ** Constructing coercions
mkReflCo, mkCoVarCo,
mkAxInstCo, mkAxInstRHS,
- mkPiCo, mkPiCos,
+ mkPiCo, mkPiCos, mkCoCast,
mkSymCo, mkTransCo, mkNthCo,
mkInstCo, mkAppCo, mkTyConAppCo, mkFunCo,
mkForAllCo, mkUnsafeCo,
@@ -672,6 +672,18 @@ mkPiCos vs co = foldr mkPiCo co vs
mkPiCo :: Var -> Coercion -> Coercion
mkPiCo v co | isTyVar v = mkForAllCo v co
| otherwise = mkFunCo (mkReflCo (varType v)) co
+mkCoCast :: Coercion -> Coercion -> Coercion
+-- (mkCoCast (c :: s1 ~# t1) (g :: (s1 ~# t1) ~# (s2 ~# t2)
+mkCoCast c g
+ = mkSymCo g1 `mkTransCo` c `mkTransCo` g2
+ where
+ -- g :: (s1 ~# s2) ~# (t1 ~# t2)
+ -- g1 :: s1 ~# t1
+ -- g2 :: s2 ~# t2
+ [_reflk, g1, g2] = decomposeCo 3 g
+ -- Remember, (~#) :: forall k. k -> k -> *
+ -- so it takes *three* arguments, not two
diff --git a/compiler/types/TyCon.lhs b/compiler/types/TyCon.lhs
index a0a69c63e4..d6a744c7ac 100644
--- a/compiler/types/TyCon.lhs
+++ b/compiler/types/TyCon.lhs
@@ -1482,9 +1482,10 @@ instance Outputable TyCon where
pprPromotionQuote :: TyCon -> SDoc
pprPromotionQuote (PromotedDataCon {}) = char '\'' -- Quote promoted DataCons in types
+pprPromotionQuote (PromotedTyCon {}) = ifPprDebug (char '\'')
pprPromotionQuote _ = empty -- However, we don't quote TyCons in kinds
-- e.g. type family T a :: Bool -> *
- -- cf Trac #5952
+ -- cf Trac #5952. Except with -dppr-debug
instance NamedThing TyCon where
getName = tyConName
diff --git a/compiler/types/Type.lhs b/compiler/types/Type.lhs
index e0de629da6..f81aebbfcd 100644
--- a/compiler/types/Type.lhs
+++ b/compiler/types/Type.lhs
@@ -973,14 +973,17 @@ getClassPredTys_maybe ty = case splitTyConApp_maybe ty of
_ -> Nothing
getEqPredTys :: PredType -> (Type, Type)
-getEqPredTys ty = case getEqPredTys_maybe ty of
- Just (ty1, ty2) -> (ty1, ty2)
- Nothing -> pprPanic "getEqPredTys" (ppr ty)
+getEqPredTys ty
+ = case splitTyConApp_maybe ty of
+ Just (tc, (_ : ty1 : ty2 : tys)) -> ASSERT( tc `hasKey` eqTyConKey && null tys )
+ (ty1, ty2)
+ _ -> pprPanic "getEqPredTys" (ppr ty)
getEqPredTys_maybe :: PredType -> Maybe (Type, Type)
-getEqPredTys_maybe ty = case splitTyConApp_maybe ty of
- Just (tc, [_, ty1, ty2]) | tc `hasKey` eqTyConKey -> Just (ty1, ty2)
- _ -> Nothing
+getEqPredTys_maybe ty
+ = case splitTyConApp_maybe ty of
+ Just (tc, [_, ty1, ty2]) | tc `hasKey` eqTyConKey -> Just (ty1, ty2)
+ _ -> Nothing
getIPPredTy_maybe :: PredType -> Maybe (IPName Name, Type)
getIPPredTy_maybe ty = case splitTyConApp_maybe ty of
diff --git a/compiler/vectorise/Vectorise.hs b/compiler/vectorise/Vectorise.hs
index 8f6e32130f..3ac9c5105f 100644
--- a/compiler/vectorise/Vectorise.hs
+++ b/compiler/vectorise/Vectorise.hs
@@ -361,18 +361,18 @@ vectTopRhs recFs var expr
rhs _globalScalar _isDFun (Just (_, expr')) -- Case (1)
= return (inlineMe, False, expr')
rhs True False Nothing -- Case (2)
- = do { expr' <- vectScalarFun recFs expr
+ = do { expr' <- vectScalarFun expr
; return (inlineMe, True, vectorised expr')
rhs True True Nothing -- Case (3)
- = do { expr' <- vectScalarDFun var recFs
+ = do { expr' <- vectScalarDFun var
; return (DontInline, True, expr')
rhs False False Nothing -- Case (4) — not a dfun
= do { let exprFvs = freeVars expr
; (inline, isScalar, vexpr)
<- inBind var $
- vectPolyExpr (isStrongLoopBreaker $ idOccInfo var) recFs exprFvs
+ vectPolyExpr (isStrongLoopBreaker $ idOccInfo var) recFs exprFvs Nothing
; return (inline, isScalar, vectorised vexpr)
rhs False True Nothing -- Case (4) — is a dfun
diff --git a/compiler/vectorise/Vectorise/Exp.hs b/compiler/vectorise/Vectorise/Exp.hs
index 0764c3b255..e75cf0e009 100644
--- a/compiler/vectorise/Vectorise/Exp.hs
+++ b/compiler/vectorise/Vectorise/Exp.hs
@@ -51,271 +51,120 @@ import TcRnMonad (doptM)
import DynFlags (DynFlag(Opt_AvoidVect))
--- For prototyping, the VITree is a separate data structure with the same shape as the corresponding expression
--- tree. This will become part of the annotation
-data VectInfo = VIParr
- | VISimple
- | VIComplex
- | VIEncaps
- deriving (Eq, Show)
-data VITree = VITNode VectInfo [VITree]
- deriving (Show)
-viTrace :: CoreExprWithFVs -> VectInfo -> [VITree] -> VM ()
-viTrace ce vi vTs =
- -- return ()
- traceVt ("vitrace " ++ (show vi) ++ "[" ++ (concat $ map (\(VITNode vi _) -> show vi ++ " ") vTs) ++"]") (ppr $ deAnnotate ce)
-viOr :: [VITree] -> Bool
-viOr = or . (map (\(VITNode vi _) -> vi == VIParr))
--- TODO: free scalar vars don't actually need to be passed through, since encapsulations makes sure, that there are
--- no free variables in encapsulated lambda expressions
-vectInfo:: CoreExprWithFVs -> VM VITree
-vectInfo ce@(_, AnnVar v)
- = do { vi <- vectInfoType $ exprType $ deAnnotate ce
- ; viTrace ce vi []
- ; traceVt "vectInfo AnnVar" ((ppr v) <+> (ppr $ exprType $ deAnnotate ce))
- ; return $ VITNode vi []
- }
-vectInfo ce@(_, AnnLit _)
- = do { vi <- vectInfoType $ exprType $ deAnnotate ce
- ; viTrace ce vi []
- ; traceVt "vectInfo AnnLit" (ppr $ exprType $ deAnnotate ce)
- ; return $ VITNode vi []
- }
-vectInfo ce@(_, AnnApp e1 e2)
- = do { vt1 <- vectInfo e1
- ; vt2 <- vectInfo e2
- ; vi <- if viOr [vt1, vt2]
- then return VIParr
- else vectInfoType $ exprType $ deAnnotate ce
- ; viTrace ce vi [vt1, vt2]
- ; return $ VITNode vi [vt1, vt2]
- }
-vectInfo ce@(_, AnnLam _var body)
- = do { vt@(VITNode vi _) <- vectInfo body
- ; viTrace ce vi [vt]
- ; if (vi == VIParr)
- then return $ VITNode vi [vt]
- else return $ VITNode VIComplex [vt]
- }
-vectInfo ce@(_, AnnLet (AnnNonRec _var expr) body)
- = do { vtE <- vectInfo expr
- ; vtB <- vectInfo body
- ; vi <- if viOr [vtE, vtB]
- then return VIParr
- else vectInfoType $ exprType $ deAnnotate ce
- ; viTrace ce vi [vtE, vtB]
- ; return $ VITNode vi [vtE, vtB]
- }
-vectInfo ce@(_, AnnLet (AnnRec bnds) body)
- = do { let (_, exprs) = unzip bnds
- ; vtBnds <- mapM (\e -> vectInfo e) exprs
- ; if (viOr vtBnds)
- then do { vtBnds' <- mapM (\e -> vectInfo e) exprs
- ; vtB <- vectInfo body
- ; return (VITNode VIParr (vtB: vtBnds'))
- }
- else do { vtB@(VITNode vib _) <- vectInfo body
- ; ni <- if (vib == VIParr)
- then return VIParr
- else vectInfoType $ exprType $ deAnnotate ce
- ; viTrace ce ni (vtB : vtBnds)
- ; return $ VITNode ni (vtB : vtBnds)
- }
- }
-vectInfo ce@(_, AnnCase expr _var _ty alts)
- = do { vtExpr <- vectInfo expr
- ; vtAlts <- mapM (\(_, _, e) -> vectInfo e) alts
- ; ni <- if viOr (vtExpr : vtAlts)
- then return VIParr
- else vectInfoType $ exprType $ deAnnotate ce
- ; viTrace ce ni (vtExpr : vtAlts)
- ; return $ VITNode ni (vtExpr: vtAlts)
- }
-vectInfo (_, AnnCast expr _)
- = do { vt@(VITNode vi _) <- vectInfo expr
- ; return $ VITNode vi [vt]
- }
-vectInfo (_, AnnTick _ expr )
- = do { vt@(VITNode vi _) <- vectInfo expr
- ; return $ VITNode vi [vt]
- }
-vectInfo (_, AnnType {})
- = return $ VITNode VISimple []
-vectInfo (_, AnnCoercion {})
- = return $ VITNode VISimple []
-vectInfoType:: Type -> VM VectInfo
-vectInfoType ty
- | maybeParrTy ty = return VIParr
- | otherwise
- = do { sType <- isSimpleType ty
- ; if sType
- then return VISimple
- else return VIComplex
- }
--- Checks whether the type might be a parallel array type. In particular, if the outermost
--- constructor is a type family, we conservatively assume that it may be a parallel array type.
-maybeParrTy :: Type -> Bool
-maybeParrTy ty
- | Just ty' <- coreView ty = maybeParrTy ty'
- | Just (tyCon, ts) <- splitTyConApp_maybe ty = isPArrTyCon tyCon || isSynFamilyTyCon tyCon
- || or (map maybeParrTy ts)
-maybeParrTy _ = False
+-- Main entry point to vectorise expressions -----------------------------------
-isSimpleType:: Type -> VM Bool
-isSimpleType ty
- | Just (c, _cs) <- splitTyConApp_maybe ty = return $ (tyConName c) `elem` [boolTyConName, intTyConName, word8TyConName, doubleTyConName, floatTyConName]
- = do { globals <- globalScalarTyCons
- ; traceVt ("isSimpleType " ++ (show (elemNameSet (tyConName c) globals ))) (ppr c)
- ; return (elemNameSet (tyConName c) globals )
- }
- -}
- | Nothing <- splitTyConApp_maybe ty
- = return False
-isSimpleType ty
- = pprPanic "Vectorise.Exp.isSimpleType not handled" (ppr ty)
-varsSimple :: VarSet -> VM Bool
-varsSimple vs
- = do { varTypes <- mapM isSimpleType $ map varType $ varSetElems vs
- ; return $ and varTypes
- }
--- | Vectorise a polymorphic expression.
-vectPolyExpr:: Bool -> [Var] -> CoreExprWithFVs
- -> VM (Inline, Bool, VExpr)
-vectPolyExpr loop_breaker recFns (_, AnnTick tickish expr)
- = do { (inline, isScalarFn, expr') <- vectPolyExpr loop_breaker recFns expr
- ; return (inline, isScalarFn, vTick tickish expr')
- }
-vectPolyExpr loop_breaker recFns expr
- = do { vectAvoidance <- liftDs $ doptM Opt_AvoidVect
- ; vi <- vectInfo expr
- ; ((tvs, mono), vi') <-
- if vectAvoidance
- then do { (extExpr, vi') <- encapsulateScalar vi expr
- ; traceVt "vectPolyExpr extended:" (ppr $ deAnnotate extExpr)
- ; return $ (collectAnnTypeBinders extExpr , vi')
- }
- else return $ (collectAnnTypeBinders expr, vi)
- ; arity <- polyArity tvs
- ; polyAbstract tvs $ \args ->
- do {(inline, isScalarFn, mono') <- vectFnExpr False loop_breaker recFns mono vi'
- ; return (addInlineArity inline arity, isScalarFn, mapVect (mkLams $ tvs ++ args) mono')
- }
- }
--- todo: clean this
-vectPolyExprVT:: Bool -> [Var] -> CoreExprWithFVs -> VITree
- -> VM (Inline, Bool, VExpr)
--- vectPolyExprVT _loop_breaker _recFns e vi | not (checkTree vi (deAnnotate e))
--- = pprPanic "vectPolyExprVT" (ppr $ deAnnotate e)
-vectPolyExprVT loop_breaker recFns (_, AnnTick tickish expr) (VITNode _ [vit])
- = do { (inline, isScalarFn, expr') <- vectPolyExprVT loop_breaker recFns expr vit
- ; return (inline, isScalarFn, vTick tickish expr')
- }
-vectPolyExprVT loop_breaker recFns expr vi
- = do { -- checkTreeAnnM vi expr ;
- let (tvs, mono) = collectAnnTypeBinders expr
- ; arity <- polyArity tvs
- ; polyAbstract tvs $ \args ->
- do { (inline, isScalarFn, mono') <- vectFnExpr False loop_breaker recFns mono vi
- ; return (addInlineArity inline arity, isScalarFn, mapVect (mkLams $ tvs ++ args) mono')
- }
- }
+-- |Vectorise a polymorphic expression.
+-- If not yet available, precompute vectorisation avoidance information before vectorising. If
+-- the vectorisation avoidance optimisation is enabled, also use the vectorisation avoidance
+-- information to encapsulated subexpression that do not need to be vectorised.
+vectPolyExpr :: Bool -> [Var] -> CoreExprWithFVs -> Maybe VITree
+ -> VM (Inline, Bool, VExpr)
+ -- precompute vectorisation avoidance information (and possibly encapsulated subexpressions)
+vectPolyExpr loop_breaker recFns expr Nothing
+ = do
+ { vectAvoidance <- liftDs $ doptM Opt_AvoidVect
+ ; vi <- vectAvoidInfo expr
+ ; (expr', vi') <-
+ if vectAvoidance
+ then do
+ { (expr', vi') <- encapsulateScalars vi expr
+ ; traceVt "vectPolyExpr encapsulated:" (ppr $ deAnnotate expr')
+ ; return (expr', vi')
+ }
+ else return (expr, vi)
+ ; vectPolyExpr loop_breaker recFns expr' (Just vi')
+ }
+ -- traverse through ticks
+vectPolyExpr loop_breaker recFns (_, AnnTick tickish expr) (Just (VITNode _ [vit]))
+ = do
+ { (inline, isScalarFn, expr') <- vectPolyExpr loop_breaker recFns expr (Just vit)
+ ; return (inline, isScalarFn, vTick tickish expr')
+ }
+ -- collect and vectorise type abstractions; then, descent into the body
+vectPolyExpr loop_breaker recFns expr (Just vit)
+ = do
+ { let (tvs, mono) = collectAnnTypeBinders expr
+ vit' = stripLevels (length tvs) vit
+ ; arity <- polyArity tvs
+ ; polyAbstract tvs $ \args ->
+ do
+ { (inline, isScalarFn, mono') <- vectFnExpr False loop_breaker recFns mono vit'
+ ; return (addInlineArity inline arity, isScalarFn, mapVect (mkLams $ tvs ++ args) mono')
+ }
+ }
+ where
+ stripLevels 0 vit = vit
+ stripLevels n (VITNode _ [vit]) = stripLevels (n - 1) vit
+ stripLevels _ vit = pprPanic "vectPolyExpr: stripLevels:" (text (show vit))
--- | encapsulate every purely sequential subexpression with a simple return type
--- of a (potentially) parallel expression into a lambda abstraction over all its
--- free variables followed by the corresponding application to those variables.
--- Condition:
--- all free variables and the result type must be of `simple' type
--- the expression is 'complex enough', which is, for now, every expression
--- which is not constant and contains at least one operation.
+-- Encapsulate every purely sequential subexpression of a (potentially) parallel expression into a
+-- into a lambda abstraction over all its free variables followed by the corresponding application
+-- to those variables. We can, then, avoid the vectorisation of the ensapsulated subexpressions.
+-- Preconditions:
+-- * All free variables and the result type must be /simple/ types.
+-- * The expression is sufficientlt complex (top warrant special treatment). For now, that is
+-- every expression that is not constant and contains at least one operation.
-encapsulateScalar :: VITree -> CoreExprWithFVs -> VM (CoreExprWithFVs, VITree)
-encapsulateScalar vit ce@(_, AnnType _ty)
+encapsulateScalars :: VITree -> CoreExprWithFVs -> VM (CoreExprWithFVs, VITree)
+encapsulateScalars vit ce@(_, AnnType _ty)
= return (ce, vit)
-encapsulateScalar vit ce@(_, AnnVar _v)
+encapsulateScalars vit ce@(_, AnnVar _v)
= return (ce, vit)
-encapsulateScalar vit ce@(_, AnnLit _)
+encapsulateScalars vit ce@(_, AnnLit _)
= return (ce, vit)
-encapsulateScalar (VITNode vi [vit]) (fvs, AnnTick tck expr)
- = do { (extExpr, vit') <- encapsulateScalar vit expr
+encapsulateScalars (VITNode vi [vit]) (fvs, AnnTick tck expr)
+ = do { (extExpr, vit') <- encapsulateScalars vit expr
; return ((fvs, AnnTick tck extExpr), VITNode vi [vit'])
-encapsulateScalar _ (_fvs, AnnTick _tck _expr)
+encapsulateScalars _ (_fvs, AnnTick _tck _expr)
= panic "encapsulateScalar AnnTick doesn't match up"
-encapsulateScalar (VITNode vi [vit]) ce@(fvs, AnnLam bndr expr)
+encapsulateScalars (VITNode vi [vit]) ce@(fvs, AnnLam bndr expr)
= do { varsS <- varsSimple fvs
; case (vi, varsS) of
- (VISimple, True) -> do { let (e', vit') = encaps vit ce
+ (VISimple, True) -> do { let (e', vit') = liftSimple vit ce
; return (e', vit')
- _ -> do { (extExpr, vit') <- encapsulateScalar vit expr
+ _ -> do { (extExpr, vit') <- encapsulateScalars vit expr
; return ((fvs, AnnLam bndr extExpr), VITNode vi [vit'])
-encapsulateScalar _ (_fvs, AnnLam _bndr _expr)
- = panic "encapsulateScalar AnnLam doesn't match up"
+encapsulateScalars _ (_fvs, AnnLam _bndr _expr)
+ = panic "encapsulateScalars AnnLam doesn't match up"
-encapsulateScalar vt@(VITNode vi [vit1, vit2]) ce@(fvs, AnnApp ce1 ce2)
+encapsulateScalars vt@(VITNode vi [vit1, vit2]) ce@(fvs, AnnApp ce1 ce2)
= do { varsS <- varsSimple fvs
; case (vi, varsS) of
- (VISimple, True) -> do { let (e', vt') = encaps vt ce
+ (VISimple, True) -> do { let (e', vt') = liftSimple vt ce
-- ; checkTreeAnnM vt' e'
-- ; traceVt "Passed checkTree test!!" (ppr $ deAnnotate e')
; return (e', vt')
- _ -> do { (etaCe1, vit1') <- encapsulateScalar vit1 ce1
- ; (etaCe2, vit2') <- encapsulateScalar vit2 ce2
+ _ -> do { (etaCe1, vit1') <- encapsulateScalars vit1 ce1
+ ; (etaCe2, vit2') <- encapsulateScalars vit2 ce2
; return ((fvs, AnnApp etaCe1 etaCe2), VITNode vi [vit1', vit2'])
-encapsulateScalar _ (_fvs, AnnApp _ce1 _ce2)
- = panic "encapsulateScalar AnnApp doesn't match up"
+encapsulateScalars _ (_fvs, AnnApp _ce1 _ce2)
+ = panic "encapsulateScalars AnnApp doesn't match up"
-encapsulateScalar vt@(VITNode vi (scrutVit : altVits)) ce@(fvs, AnnCase scrut bndr ty alts)
+encapsulateScalars vt@(VITNode vi (scrutVit : altVits)) ce@(fvs, AnnCase scrut bndr ty alts)
= do { varsS <- varsSimple fvs
; case (vi, varsS) of
- (VISimple, True) -> return $ encaps vt ce
- _ -> do { (extScrut, scrutVit') <- encapsulateScalar scrutVit scrut
+ (VISimple, True) -> return $ liftSimple vt ce
+ _ -> do { (extScrut, scrutVit') <- encapsulateScalars scrutVit scrut
; extAltsVits <- zipWithM expAlt altVits alts
; let (extAlts, altVits') = unzip extAltsVits
; return ((fvs, AnnCase extScrut bndr ty extAlts), VITNode vi (scrutVit': altVits'))
@@ -323,110 +172,100 @@ encapsulateScalar vt@(VITNode vi (scrutVit : altVits)) ce@(fvs, AnnCase scrut bn
expAlt vt (con, bndrs, expr)
- = do { (extExpr, vt') <- encapsulateScalar vt expr
+ = do { (extExpr, vt') <- encapsulateScalars vt expr
; return ((con, bndrs, extExpr), vt')
-encapsulateScalar _ (_fvs, AnnCase _scrut _bndr _ty _alts)
- = panic "encapsulateScalar AnnCase doesn't match up"
+encapsulateScalars _ (_fvs, AnnCase _scrut _bndr _ty _alts)
+ = panic "encapsulateScalars AnnCase doesn't match up"
-encapsulateScalar vt@(VITNode vi [vt1, vt2]) ce@(fvs, AnnLet (AnnNonRec bndr expr1) expr2)
+encapsulateScalars vt@(VITNode vi [vt1, vt2]) ce@(fvs, AnnLet (AnnNonRec bndr expr1) expr2)
= do { varsS <- varsSimple fvs
; case (vi, varsS) of
- (VISimple, True) -> return $ encaps vt ce
- _ -> do { (extExpr1, vt1') <- encapsulateScalar vt1 expr1
- ; (extExpr2, vt2') <- encapsulateScalar vt2 expr2
+ (VISimple, True) -> return $ liftSimple vt ce
+ _ -> do { (extExpr1, vt1') <- encapsulateScalars vt1 expr1
+ ; (extExpr2, vt2') <- encapsulateScalars vt2 expr2
; return ((fvs, AnnLet (AnnNonRec bndr extExpr1) extExpr2), VITNode vi [vt1', vt2'])
-encapsulateScalar _ (_fvs, AnnLet (AnnNonRec _bndr _expr1) _expr2)
- = panic "encapsulateScalar AnnLet nonrec doesn't match up"
+encapsulateScalars _ (_fvs, AnnLet (AnnNonRec _bndr _expr1) _expr2)
+ = panic "encapsulateScalars AnnLet nonrec doesn't match up"
-encapsulateScalar vt@(VITNode vi (vtB : vtBnds)) ce@(fvs, AnnLet (AnnRec bndngs) expr)
+encapsulateScalars vt@(VITNode vi (vtB : vtBnds)) ce@(fvs, AnnLet (AnnRec bndngs) expr)
= do { varsS <- varsSimple fvs
; case (vi, varsS) of
- (VISimple, True) -> return $ encaps vt ce
+ (VISimple, True) -> return $ liftSimple vt ce
_ -> do { extBndsVts <- zipWithM expBndg vtBnds bndngs
; let (extBnds, vtBnds') = unzip extBndsVts
- ; (extExpr, vtB') <- encapsulateScalar vtB expr
+ ; (extExpr, vtB') <- encapsulateScalars vtB expr
; let vt' = VITNode vi (vtB':vtBnds')
; return ((fvs, AnnLet (AnnRec extBnds) extExpr), vt')
expBndg vit (bndr, expr)
- = do { (extExpr, vit') <- encapsulateScalar vit expr
+ = do { (extExpr, vit') <- encapsulateScalars vit expr
; return ((bndr, extExpr), vit')
-encapsulateScalar _ (_fvs, AnnLet (AnnRec _) _expr2)
- = panic "encapsulateScalar AnnLet rec doesn't match up"
+encapsulateScalars _ (_fvs, AnnLet (AnnRec _) _expr2)
+ = panic "encapsulateScalars AnnLet rec doesn't match up"
-encapsulateScalar (VITNode vi [vit]) (fvs, AnnCast expr coercion)
- = do { (extExpr, vit') <- encapsulateScalar vit expr
+encapsulateScalars (VITNode vi [vit]) (fvs, AnnCast expr coercion)
+ = do { (extExpr, vit') <- encapsulateScalars vit expr
; return ((fvs, AnnCast extExpr coercion), VITNode vi [vit'])
-encapsulateScalar _ (_fvs, AnnCast _expr _coercion)
- = panic "encapsulateScalar AnnCast rec doesn't match up"
-encapsulateScalar _ _
- = panic "encapsulateScalar case not handled"
+encapsulateScalars _ (_fvs, AnnCast _expr _coercion)
+ = panic "encapsulateScalars AnnCast rec doesn't match up"
+encapsulateScalars _ _
+ = panic "encapsulateScalars case not handled"
--- CoreExprWithFVs, -- = AnnExpr Id VarSet
--- AnnExpr bndr VarSet = (annot, AnnExpr' bndr VarSet)
--- AnnLam :: bndr -> (AnnExpr bndr VarSet) -> AnnExpr' bndr VarSet
--- AnnLam bndr (AnnExpr bndr annot)
-encaps :: VITree -> CoreExprWithFVs -> (CoreExprWithFVs, VITree)
-encaps (VITNode vi (scrutVit : altVits)) (fvs, AnnCase expr bndr t alts)
+-- Lambda-lift the given expression and apply it to the abstracted free variables.
+-- If the expression is a case expression scrutinising anything but a primitive type, then lift
+-- each alternative individually.
+liftSimple :: VITree -> CoreExprWithFVs -> (CoreExprWithFVs, VITree)
+liftSimple (VITNode vi (scrutVit : altVits)) (fvs, AnnCase expr bndr t alts)
| Just (c,_) <- splitTyConApp_maybe (exprType $ deAnnotate $ expr),
- (not $ elem c [boolTyCon, intTyCon, doubleTyCon, floatTyCon]) -- TODO: globalScalarTyCons
- = ((fvs, AnnCase expr bndr t alts'), VITNode vi (scrutVit : altVits'))
- where
- (alts', altVits') = unzip $ map (\(ac,bndrs, (alt, avi)) -> ((ac,bndrs,alt), avi)) $
- zipWith (\(ac, bndrs, aex) -> \altVi -> (ac, bndrs, encaps altVi aex)) alts altVits
-encaps viTree ae@(fvs, _annEx)
+ (not $ elem c [boolTyCon, intTyCon, doubleTyCon, floatTyCon]) -- FIXME: shouldn't be hardcoded
+ = ((fvs, AnnCase expr bndr t alts'), VITNode vi (scrutVit : altVits'))
+ where
+ (alts', altVits') = unzip $ map (\(ac,bndrs, (alt, avi)) -> ((ac,bndrs,alt), avi)) $
+ zipWith (\(ac, bndrs, aex) -> \altVi -> (ac, bndrs, liftSimple altVi aex)) alts altVits
+liftSimple viTree ae@(fvs, _annEx)
= (mkAnnApps (mkAnnLams ae vars) vars, viTree')
- mkViTreeLams (VITNode _ vits) [] = VITNode VIEncaps vits
- mkViTreeLams vi (_:vs) = VITNode VIEncaps [mkViTreeLams vi vs]
+ mkViTreeLams (VITNode _ vits) [] = VITNode VIEncaps vits
+ mkViTreeLams vi (_:vs) = VITNode VIEncaps [mkViTreeLams vi vs]
- mkViTreeApps vi [] = vi
- mkViTreeApps vi (_:vs) = VITNode VISimple [mkViTreeApps vi vs, VITNode VISimple []]
+ mkViTreeApps vi [] = vi
+ mkViTreeApps vi (_:vs) = VITNode VISimple [mkViTreeApps vi vs, VITNode VISimple []]
+ vars = varSetElems fvs
+ viTree' = mkViTreeApps (mkViTreeLams viTree vars) vars
+ mkAnnLam :: bndr -> AnnExpr bndr VarSet -> AnnExpr' bndr VarSet
+ mkAnnLam bndr ce = AnnLam bndr ce
- vars = varSetElems fvs
- viTree' = mkViTreeApps (mkViTreeLams viTree vars) vars
+ mkAnnLams:: CoreExprWithFVs -> [Var] -> CoreExprWithFVs
+ mkAnnLams (fv, aex') [] = (fv, aex') -- fv should be empty. check!
+ mkAnnLams (fv, aex') (v:vs) = mkAnnLams (delVarSet fv v, (mkAnnLam v ((delVarSet fv v), aex'))) vs
- mkAnnLam :: bndr -> AnnExpr bndr VarSet -> AnnExpr' bndr VarSet
- mkAnnLam bndr ce = AnnLam bndr ce
- mkAnnLams:: CoreExprWithFVs -> [Var] -> CoreExprWithFVs
- mkAnnLams (fv, aex') [] = (fv, aex') -- fv should be empty. check!
- mkAnnLams (fv, aex') (v:vs) = mkAnnLams (delVarSet fv v, (mkAnnLam v ((delVarSet fv v), aex'))) vs
- mkAnnApp :: (AnnExpr bndr VarSet) -> Var -> (AnnExpr' bndr VarSet)
- mkAnnApp aex v = AnnApp aex (unitVarSet v, (AnnVar v))
- mkAnnApps:: CoreExprWithFVs -> [Var] -> CoreExprWithFVs
- mkAnnApps (fv, aex') [] = (fv, aex')
- mkAnnApps ae (v:vs) =
- let
- (fv, aex') = mkAnnApps ae vs
- in (extendVarSet fv v, mkAnnApp (fv, aex') v)
+ mkAnnApp :: (AnnExpr bndr VarSet) -> Var -> (AnnExpr' bndr VarSet)
+ mkAnnApp aex v = AnnApp aex (unitVarSet v, (AnnVar v))
+ mkAnnApps:: CoreExprWithFVs -> [Var] -> CoreExprWithFVs
+ mkAnnApps (fv, aex') [] = (fv, aex')
+ mkAnnApps ae (v:vs) =
+ let
+ (fv, aex') = mkAnnApps ae vs
+ in (extendVarSet fv v, mkAnnApp (fv, aex') v)
-- |Vectorise an expression.
vectExpr :: CoreExprWithFVs -> VITree -> VM VExpr
@@ -441,6 +280,7 @@ vectExpr (_, AnnLit lit) _
vectExpr e@(_, AnnLam bndr _) vt
| isId bndr = (\(_, _, ve) -> ve) <$> vectFnExpr True False [] e vt
+ | otherwise = cantVectorise "Unexpected type lambda (vectExpr)" (ppr (deAnnotate e))
-- SPECIAL CASE: Vectorise/lift 'patError @ ty err' by only vectorising/lifting the type 'ty';
-- its only purpose is to abort the program, but we need to adjust the type to keep CoreLint
@@ -501,7 +341,7 @@ vectExpr (_, AnnCase scrut bndr ty alts) vt
vectExpr (_, AnnLet (AnnNonRec bndr rhs) body) (VITNode _ [vt1, vt2])
= do
- vrhs <- localV . inBind bndr . liftM (\(_,_,z)->z) $ vectPolyExprVT False [] rhs vt1
+ vrhs <- localV . inBind bndr . liftM (\(_,_,z)->z) $ vectPolyExpr False [] rhs (Just vt1)
(vbndr, vbody) <- vectBndrIn bndr (vectExpr body vt2)
return $ vLet (vNonRec vbndr vrhs) vbody
@@ -518,7 +358,7 @@ vectExpr (_, AnnLet (AnnRec bs) body) (VITNode _ (vtB : vtBnds))
vect_rhs bndr rhs vt = localV
. inBind bndr
. liftM (\(_,_,z)->z)
- $ vectPolyExprVT (isStrongLoopBreaker $ idOccInfo bndr) [] rhs vt
+ $ vectPolyExpr (isStrongLoopBreaker $ idOccInfo bndr) [] rhs (Just vt)
zipWith3M f xs ys zs = zipWithM (\x -> \(y,z) -> (f x y z)) xs (zip ys zs)
vectExpr (_, AnnTick tickish expr) (VITNode _ [vit])
@@ -527,7 +367,7 @@ vectExpr (_, AnnTick tickish expr) (VITNode _ [vit])
vectExpr (_, AnnType ty) _
= liftM vType (vectType ty)
-vectExpr e _ = cantVectorise "Can't vectorise expression (vectExpr)" (ppr $ deAnnotate e)
+vectExpr e vit = cantVectorise "Can't vectorise expression (vectExpr)" (ppr (deAnnotate e) $$ text (" " ++ show vit))
-- |Vectorise an expression that *may* have an outer lambda abstraction.
@@ -542,11 +382,8 @@ vectFnExpr :: Bool -- ^ If we process the RHS of a binding, whether
-> CoreExprWithFVs -- ^ Expression to vectorise; must have an outer `AnnLam`
-> VITree
-> VM (Inline, Bool, VExpr)
-- vectFnExpr _ _ _ e vi | not (checkTree vi (deAnnotate e))
-- = pprPanic "vectFnExpr" (ppr $ deAnnotate e)
vectFnExpr inline loop_breaker recFns expr@(_fvs, AnnLam bndr body) vt@(VITNode _ [vt'])
-- predicate abstraction: leave as a normal abstraction, but vectorise the predicate type
| isId bndr
@@ -557,7 +394,7 @@ vectFnExpr inline loop_breaker recFns expr@(_fvs, AnnLam bndr body) vt@(VITNode
-- non-predicate abstraction: vectorise (try to vectorise as a scalar computation)
| isId bndr
- = mark DontInline True (vectScalarFunVT False recFns (deAnnotate expr) vt)
+ = mark DontInline True (vectScalarFunMaybe (deAnnotate expr) vt)
mark inlineMe False (vectLam inline loop_breaker expr vt)
vectFnExpr _ _ _ e vt
@@ -689,144 +526,28 @@ vectDictExpr (Coercion coe)
-- instead they become dictionaries of vectorised methods). We treat them differently, though see
-- "Note [Scalar dfuns]" in 'Vectorise'.
-vectScalarFun :: [Var] -- ^ Functions names in same recursive binding group
- -> CoreExpr -- ^ Expression to be vectorised
- -> VM VExpr
-vectScalarFun recFns expr
- -- this is an external call to vectScalarFun, so we pass a dummy vt tree. The only
- -- relevant bit is that the node info is *not* VIEncaps
- = vectScalarFunVT True recFns expr (VITNode VISimple [])
-vectScalarFunVT :: Bool -- ^ Was the function marked as scalar by the user?
- -> [Var] -- ^ Functions names in same recursive binding group
- -> CoreExpr -- ^ Expression to be vectorised
- -> VITree
- -> VM VExpr
-vectScalarFunVT forceScalar recFns expr (VITNode vi _)
- = do { gscalarVars <- globalScalarVars
- ; scalarTyCons <- globalScalarTyCons
- ; let scalarVars = gscalarVars `extendVarSetList` recFns
- (arg_tys, res_ty) = splitFunTys (exprType expr)
- ; MASSERT( not $ null arg_tys )
- ; traceVt ("vectScalarFun - not scalar? " ++
- "\n\tall tycons scalar? : " ++ (show $all (is_scalar_ty scalarTyCons) arg_tys) ++
- "\n\tresult scalar? : " ++ (show $is_scalar_ty scalarTyCons res_ty) ++
- "\n\tscalar body? : " ++ (show $is_scalar scalarVars (is_scalar_ty scalarTyCons) expr) ++
- "\n\tuses vars? : " ++ (show $uses scalarVars expr) ++
- "\n\t is encaps? (same as & of all prev cond): " ++ (show vi)
- )
- (ppr expr)
- ; onlyIfV (ptext (sLit "not a scalar function"))
- (forceScalar -- user asserts the functions is scalar
- ||
- (vi == VIEncaps)) -- should only be true if all the foll. cond are hold
-{- ||
- all (is_scalar_ty scalarTyCons) arg_tys -- check whether the function is scalar
- && is_scalar_ty scalarTyCons res_ty
- && is_scalar scalarVars (is_scalar_ty scalarTyCons) expr
- && uses scalarVars expr)
- -}
- $ do { traceVt "vectScalarFun - is scalar" (ppr expr)
- ; mkScalarFun arg_tys res_ty expr
- }
- }
- where
- {-
- -- !!!FIXME: We would like to allow scalar functions with arguments and results that can be
- -- any 'scalarTyCons', but can't at the moment, as those argument and result types
- -- need to be members of the 'Scalar' class (that in its current form would better
- -- be called 'Primitive'). *ALSO* the hardcoded list of types is ugly!
- -}
- is_scalar_ty _scalarTyCons ty
- | isPredTy ty -- dictionaries never get into the environment
- = True
- | Just (tycon, []) <- splitTyConApp_maybe ty -- TODO: FIX THIS!
- = tyConName tycon `elem` [boolTyConName, intTyConName, word8TyConName, doubleTyConName, floatTyConName]
--- FIXME: = tyConName tycon `elemNameSet` scalarTyCons
- | Just (tycon, _) <- splitTyConApp_maybe ty
- = tyConName tycon `elem` [boolTyConName, intTyConName, word8TyConName, doubleTyConName, floatTyConName]
--- FIXME: = tyConName tycon `elemNameSet` scalarTyCons
- | otherwise
- = False
- -- Checks whether an expression contain a non-scalar subexpression.
- --
- -- Precodition: The variables in the first argument are scalar.
- --
- -- In case of a recursive binding group, we /assume/ that all bindings are scalar (by adding
- -- them to the list of scalar variables) and then check them. If one of them turns out not to
- -- be scalar, the entire group is regarded as not being scalar.
- --
- -- The second argument is a predicate that checks whether a type is scalar.
- --
- is_scalar :: VarSet -> (Type -> Bool) -> CoreExpr -> Bool
- is_scalar scalars _isScalarTC (Var v) =
- v `elemVarSet` scalars
- is_scalar _scalars _isScalarTC (Lit _) = True
- is_scalar scalars isScalarTC (App e1 e2) = is_scalar scalars isScalarTC e1 &&
- is_scalar scalars isScalarTC e2
- is_scalar scalars isScalarTC (Lam var body)
- | maybe_parr_ty (varType var) = False
- | otherwise = is_scalar (scalars `extendVarSet` var)
- isScalarTC body
- is_scalar scalars isScalarTC (Let bind body) = trace ("is_scalar LET " ++ (show bindsAreScalar ) ++
- " " ++ (show $ is_scalar scalars' isScalarTC body) ++
- (show $ showSDoc $ ppr bind)) $
- bindsAreScalar &&
- is_scalar scalars' isScalarTC body
- where
- (bindsAreScalar, scalars') = is_scalar_bind scalars isScalarTC bind
- is_scalar scalars isScalarTC (Case e var ty alts)
- | isScalarTC ty = is_scalar scalars' isScalarTC e &&
- all (is_scalar_alt scalars' isScalarTC) alts
- | otherwise = False
- where
- scalars' = scalars `extendVarSet` var
- is_scalar scalars isScalarTC (Cast e _coe) = is_scalar scalars isScalarTC e
- is_scalar scalars isScalarTC (Tick _ e ) = is_scalar scalars isScalarTC e
- is_scalar _scalars _isScalarTC (Type {}) = True
- is_scalar _scalars _isScalarTC (Coercion {}) = True
- -- Result: (<is this binding group scalar>, scalars ++ variables bound in this group)
- is_scalar_bind scalars isScalarTCs (NonRec var e) = (is_scalar scalars isScalarTCs e,
- scalars `extendVarSet` var)
- is_scalar_bind scalars isScalarTCs (Rec bnds) = (all (is_scalar scalars' isScalarTCs) es,
- scalars')
- where
- (vars, es) = unzip bnds
- scalars' = scalars `extendVarSetList` vars
- is_scalar_alt scalars isScalarTCs (_, vars, e) = is_scalar (scalars `extendVarSetList ` vars)
- isScalarTCs e
- -- Checks whether the type might be a parallel array type. In particular, if the outermost
- -- constructor is a type family, we conservatively assume that it may be a parallel array type.
- maybe_parr_ty :: Type -> Bool
- maybe_parr_ty ty
- | Just ty' <- coreView ty = maybe_parr_ty ty'
- | Just (tyCon, _) <- splitTyConApp_maybe ty = isPArrTyCon tyCon || isSynFamilyTyCon tyCon
- maybe_parr_ty _ = False
- -- FIXME: I'm not convinced that this reasoning is (always) sound. If the identify functions
- -- is called by some other function that is otherwise scalar, it would be very bad
- -- that just this call to the identity makes it not be scalar.
- -- A scalar function has to actually compute something. Without the check,
- -- we would treat (\(x :: Int) -> x) as a scalar function and lift it to
- -- (map (\x -> x)) which is very bad. Normal lifting transforms it to
- -- (\n# x -> x) which is what we want.
- uses funs (Var v) = v `elemVarSet` funs
- uses funs (App e1 e2) = uses funs e1 || uses funs e2
- uses funs (Lam b body) = uses (funs `extendVarSet` b) body
- uses funs (Let (NonRec _b letExpr) body)
- = uses funs letExpr || uses funs body
- uses funs (Case e _eId _ty alts)
- = uses funs e || any (uses_alt funs) alts
- uses _ _ = False
- uses_alt funs (_, _bs, e) = uses funs e
+vectScalarFunMaybe :: CoreExpr -- ^ Expression to be vectorised
+ -> VITree -- ^ Vectorisation information
+ -> VM VExpr
+vectScalarFunMaybe expr (VITNode VIEncaps _) = vectScalarFun expr
+vectScalarFunMaybe _expr _ = noV $ ptext (sLit "not a scalar function")
+-- |Vectorise an expression of functional type by lifting it by an application of a member of the
+-- zipWith family (i.e., 'map', 'zipWith', zipWith3', etc.) This is only a valid strategy if the
+-- function does not contain parallel subcomputations and has only 'Scalar' types in its result and
+-- arguments — this is a predcondition for calling this function.
+-- Dictionary functions are also scalar functions (as dictionaries themselves are not vectorised,
+-- instead they become dictionaries of vectorised methods). We treat them differently, though see
+-- "Note [Scalar dfuns]" in 'Vectorise'.
+vectScalarFun :: CoreExpr -> VM VExpr
+vectScalarFun expr
+ = do
+ { traceVt "vectScalarFun" (ppr expr)
+ ; let (arg_tys, res_ty) = splitFunTys (exprType expr)
+ ; mkScalarFun arg_tys res_ty expr
+ }
-- Generate code for a scalar function by generating a scalar closure. If the function is a
-- dictionary function, vectorise it as dictionary code.
@@ -883,9 +604,8 @@ mkScalarFun arg_tys res_ty expr
-- the application of the unvectorised dfun, to enable the dictionary selection rules to fire.
vectScalarDFun :: Var -- ^ Original dfun
- -> [Var] -- ^ Functions names in same recursive binding group
-> VM CoreExpr
-vectScalarDFun var recFns
+vectScalarDFun var
= do { -- bring the type variables into scope
; mapM_ defLocalTyVar tvs
@@ -901,7 +621,7 @@ vectScalarDFun var recFns
dict = Var var `mkTyApps` (mkTyVarTys tvs) `mkVarApps` thetaVars
scsOps = map (\selId -> varToCoreExpr selId `mkTyApps` tys `mkApps` [dict])
- ; vScsOps <- mapM (\e -> vectorised <$> vectScalarFun recFns e) scsOps
+ ; vScsOps <- mapM (\e -> vectorised <$> vectScalarFun e) scsOps
-- vectorised applications of the class-dictionary data constructor
; Just vDataCon <- lookupDataCon dataCon
@@ -943,7 +663,7 @@ unVectDict ty e
Nothing -> panic "Vectorise.Exp.unVectDict: no class"
selIds = classAllSelIds cls
--- |Vectorise an 'n'-ary lambda abstraction by building a set of 'n' explicit closures.
+-- Vectorise an 'n'-ary lambda abstraction by building a set of 'n' explicit closures.
-- All non-dictionary free variables go into the closure's environment, whereas the dictionary
-- variables are passed explicit (as conventional arguments) into the body during closure
@@ -1013,8 +733,9 @@ vectLam inline loop_breaker expr@(fvs, AnnLam _ _) vi
| otherwise = return (ve, le)
vectLam _ _ _ _ = panic "vectLam"
--- | Vectorise an algebraic case expression.
--- We convert
+-- Vectorise an algebraic case expression.
+-- We convert
-- case e :: t of v { ... }
@@ -1167,9 +888,172 @@ vectAlgCase tycon _ty_args scrut bndr ty alts (VITNode _ (scrutVit : altVits))
_ -> return []
-vectAlgCase tycon _ty_args _scrut _bndr _ty _alts (VITNode _ [])
+vectAlgCase tycon _ty_args _scrut _bndr _ty _alts (VITNode _ _)
= pprPanic "vectAlgCase (mismatched node information)" (ppr tycon)
+-- Support to compute information for vectorisation avoidance ------------------
+-- Annotation for Core AST nodes that describes how they should be handled during vectorisation
+-- and especially if vectorisation of the corresponding computation can be avoided.
+data VectAvoidInfo = VIParr -- tree contains parallel computations
+ | VISimple -- result type is scalar & no parallel subcomputation
+ | VIComplex -- any result type, no parallel subcomputation
+ | VIEncaps -- tree encapsulated by 'liftSimple'
+ deriving (Eq, Show)
+-- Instead of integrating the vectorisation avoidance information into Core expression, we keep
+-- them in a separate tree (that structurally mirrors the Core expression that it annotates).
+data VITree = VITNode VectAvoidInfo [VITree]
+ deriving (Show)
+-- Is any of the tree nodes a 'VIPArr' node?
+anyVIPArr :: [VITree] -> Bool
+anyVIPArr = or . (map (\(VITNode vi _) -> vi == VIParr))
+-- Compute Core annotations to determine for which subexpressions we can avoid vectorisation
+-- FIXME: free scalar vars don't actually need to be passed through, since encapsulations makes sure,
+-- that there are no free variables in encapsulated lambda expressions
+vectAvoidInfo :: CoreExprWithFVs -> VM VITree
+vectAvoidInfo ce@(_, AnnVar v)
+ = do { vi <- vectAvoidInfoType $ exprType $ deAnnotate ce
+ ; viTrace ce vi []
+ ; traceVt "vectAvoidInfo AnnVar" ((ppr v) <+> (ppr $ exprType $ deAnnotate ce))
+ ; return $ VITNode vi []
+ }
+vectAvoidInfo ce@(_, AnnLit _)
+ = do { vi <- vectAvoidInfoType $ exprType $ deAnnotate ce
+ ; viTrace ce vi []
+ ; traceVt "vectAvoidInfo AnnLit" (ppr $ exprType $ deAnnotate ce)
+ ; return $ VITNode vi []
+ }
+vectAvoidInfo ce@(_, AnnApp e1 e2)
+ = do { vt1 <- vectAvoidInfo e1
+ ; vt2 <- vectAvoidInfo e2
+ ; vi <- if anyVIPArr [vt1, vt2]
+ then return VIParr
+ else vectAvoidInfoType $ exprType $ deAnnotate ce
+ ; viTrace ce vi [vt1, vt2]
+ ; return $ VITNode vi [vt1, vt2]
+ }
+vectAvoidInfo ce@(_, AnnLam _var body)
+ = do { vt@(VITNode vi _) <- vectAvoidInfo body
+ ; viTrace ce vi [vt]
+ ; let resultVI | vi == VIParr = VIParr
+ | otherwise = VIComplex
+ ; return $ VITNode resultVI [vt]
+ }
+vectAvoidInfo ce@(_, AnnLet (AnnNonRec _var expr) body)
+ = do { vtE <- vectAvoidInfo expr
+ ; vtB <- vectAvoidInfo body
+ ; vi <- if anyVIPArr [vtE, vtB]
+ then return VIParr
+ else vectAvoidInfoType $ exprType $ deAnnotate ce
+ ; viTrace ce vi [vtE, vtB]
+ ; return $ VITNode vi [vtE, vtB]
+ }
+vectAvoidInfo ce@(_, AnnLet (AnnRec bnds) body)
+ = do { let (_, exprs) = unzip bnds
+ ; vtBnds <- mapM (\e -> vectAvoidInfo e) exprs
+ ; if (anyVIPArr vtBnds)
+ then do { vtBnds' <- mapM (\e -> vectAvoidInfo e) exprs
+ ; vtB <- vectAvoidInfo body
+ ; return (VITNode VIParr (vtB: vtBnds'))
+ }
+ else do { vtB@(VITNode vib _) <- vectAvoidInfo body
+ ; ni <- if (vib == VIParr)
+ then return VIParr
+ else vectAvoidInfoType $ exprType $ deAnnotate ce
+ ; viTrace ce ni (vtB : vtBnds)
+ ; return $ VITNode ni (vtB : vtBnds)
+ }
+ }
+vectAvoidInfo ce@(_, AnnCase expr _var _ty alts)
+ = do { vtExpr <- vectAvoidInfo expr
+ ; vtAlts <- mapM (\(_, _, e) -> vectAvoidInfo e) alts
+ ; ni <- if anyVIPArr (vtExpr : vtAlts)
+ then return VIParr
+ else vectAvoidInfoType $ exprType $ deAnnotate ce
+ ; viTrace ce ni (vtExpr : vtAlts)
+ ; return $ VITNode ni (vtExpr: vtAlts)
+ }
+vectAvoidInfo (_, AnnCast expr _)
+ = do { vt@(VITNode vi _) <- vectAvoidInfo expr
+ ; return $ VITNode vi [vt]
+ }
+vectAvoidInfo (_, AnnTick _ expr)
+ = do { vt@(VITNode vi _) <- vectAvoidInfo expr
+ ; return $ VITNode vi [vt]
+ }
+vectAvoidInfo (_, AnnType {})
+ = return $ VITNode VISimple []
+vectAvoidInfo (_, AnnCoercion {})
+ = return $ VITNode VISimple []
+-- Compute vectorisation avoidance information for a type.
+vectAvoidInfoType :: Type -> VM VectAvoidInfo
+vectAvoidInfoType ty
+ | maybeParrTy ty = return VIParr
+ | otherwise
+ = do { sType <- isSimpleType ty
+ ; if sType
+ then return VISimple
+ else return VIComplex
+ }
+-- Checks whether the type might be a parallel array type. In particular, if the outermost
+-- constructor is a type family, we conservatively assume that it may be a parallel array type.
+maybeParrTy :: Type -> Bool
+maybeParrTy ty
+ | Just ty' <- coreView ty = maybeParrTy ty'
+ | Just (tyCon, ts) <- splitTyConApp_maybe ty = isPArrTyCon tyCon || isSynFamilyTyCon tyCon
+ || or (map maybeParrTy ts)
+maybeParrTy _ = False
+-- FIXME: This should not be hardcoded.
+isSimpleType :: Type -> VM Bool
+isSimpleType ty
+ | Just (c, _cs) <- splitTyConApp_maybe ty
+ = return $ (tyConName c) `elem` [boolTyConName, intTyConName, word8TyConName, doubleTyConName, floatTyConName]
+ = do { globals <- globalScalarTyCons
+ ; traceVt ("isSimpleType " ++ (show (elemNameSet (tyConName c) globals ))) (ppr c)
+ ; return (elemNameSet (tyConName c) globals )
+ }
+ -}
+ | Nothing <- splitTyConApp_maybe ty
+ = return False
+isSimpleType ty
+ = pprPanic "Vectorise.Exp.isSimpleType not handled" (ppr ty)
+varsSimple :: VarSet -> VM Bool
+varsSimple vs
+ = do { varTypes <- mapM isSimpleType $ map varType $ varSetElems vs
+ ; return $ and varTypes
+ }
+viTrace :: CoreExprWithFVs -> VectAvoidInfo -> [VITree] -> VM ()
+viTrace ce vi vTs
+ = traceVt ("vitrace " ++ (show vi) ++ "[" ++ (concat $ map (\(VITNode vi _) -> show vi ++ " ") vTs) ++"]")
+ (ppr $ deAnnotate ce)
---- Sanity check of the tree, for debugging only
checkTree :: VITree -> CoreExpr -> Bool
@@ -1178,44 +1062,33 @@ checkTree (VITNode _ []) (Type _ty)
checkTree (VITNode _ []) (Var _v)
= True
checkTree (VITNode _ []) (Lit _)
= True
checkTree (VITNode _ [vit]) (Tick _ expr)
= checkTree vit expr
checkTree (VITNode _ [vit]) (Lam _ expr)
= checkTree vit expr
checkTree (VITNode _ [vit1, vit2]) (App ce1 ce2)
= (checkTree vit1 ce1) && (checkTree vit2 ce2)
checkTree (VITNode _ (scrutVit : altVits)) (Case scrut _ _ alts)
= (checkTree scrutVit scrut) && (and $ zipWith checkAlt altVits alts)
checkAlt vt (_, _, expr) = checkTree vt expr
checkTree (VITNode _ [vt1, vt2]) (Let (NonRec _ expr1) expr2)
= (checkTree vt1 expr1) && (checkTree vt2 expr2)
checkTree (VITNode _ (vtB : vtBnds)) (Let (Rec bndngs) expr)
= (and $ zipWith checkBndr vtBnds bndngs) &&
(checkTree vtB expr)
checkBndr vt (_, e) = checkTree vt e
checkTree (VITNode _ [vit]) (Cast expr _)
= checkTree vit expr