path: root/compiler
diff options
authorSylvain Henry <>2021-09-14 14:51:16 +0200
committerMarge Bot <>2021-09-17 09:45:36 -0400
commitf6a69fb897ba873e2c8cac93d25d770b273278ea (patch)
tree7d36f145fce429dc3219b42eae64a5a6468faab8 /compiler
parentc662ac7e39a0a2fb85d4ab17ae71d54752d24f39 (diff)
Use an ADT for RecompReason
Diffstat (limited to 'compiler')
3 files changed, 113 insertions, 54 deletions
diff --git a/compiler/GHC/Driver/Backpack.hs b/compiler/GHC/Driver/Backpack.hs
index a192de853c..a4dbe7052b 100644
--- a/compiler/GHC/Driver/Backpack.hs
+++ b/compiler/GHC/Driver/Backpack.hs
@@ -568,14 +568,16 @@ mkBackpackMsg = do
| verbosity (hsc_dflags hsc_env) >= 2 -> showMsg (text "Skipping ") empty
| otherwise -> return ()
- RecompBecause reason -> showMsg (text "Instantiating ") (text " [" <> text reason <> text "]")
+ RecompBecause reason -> showMsg (text "Instantiating ")
+ (text " [" <> pprWithUnitState state (ppr reason) <> text "]")
ModuleNode _ ->
case recomp of
MustCompile -> showMsg (text "Compiling ") empty
| verbosity (hsc_dflags hsc_env) >= 2 -> showMsg (text "Skipping ") empty
| otherwise -> return ()
- RecompBecause reason -> showMsg (text "Compiling ") (text " [" <> text reason <> text "]")
+ RecompBecause reason -> showMsg (text "Compiling ")
+ (text " [" <> pprWithUnitState state (ppr reason) <> text "]")
-- | 'PprStyle' for Backpack messages; here we usually want the module to
-- be qualified (so we can tell how it was instantiated.) But we try not
diff --git a/compiler/GHC/Driver/Main.hs b/compiler/GHC/Driver/Main.hs
index 647ce0bf26..a01c559c80 100644
--- a/compiler/GHC/Driver/Main.hs
+++ b/compiler/GHC/Driver/Main.hs
@@ -742,7 +742,7 @@ checkObjects dflags mb_old_linkable summary = do
checkDynamicObj k = case dt_state of
DT_OK -> case (>=) <$> mb_dyn_obj_date <*> mb_if_date of
Just True -> k
- _ -> return (RecompBecause "Missing dynamic object", Nothing)
+ _ -> return (RecompBecause MissingDynObjectFile, Nothing)
-- Not in dynamic-too mode
_ -> k
@@ -755,7 +755,7 @@ checkObjects dflags mb_old_linkable summary = do
| isObjectLinkable old_linkable, linkableTime old_linkable == obj_date
-> return $ (UpToDate, Just old_linkable)
_ -> (UpToDate,) . Just <$> findObjectLinkable this_mod obj_fn obj_date
- _ -> return (RecompBecause "Missing object file", Nothing)
+ _ -> return (RecompBecause MissingObjectFile, Nothing)
-- | Check to see if we can reuse the old linkable, by this point we will
-- have just checked that the old interface matches up with the source hash, so
@@ -766,7 +766,7 @@ checkByteCode mb_old_linkable =
Just old_linkable
| not (isObjectLinkable old_linkable)
-> return $ (UpToDate, Just old_linkable)
- _ -> return $ (RecompBecause "Missing bytecode", Nothing)
+ _ -> return $ (RecompBecause MissingBytecode, Nothing)
-- Compilers
@@ -1083,17 +1083,20 @@ batchMsg hsc_env mod_index recomp node = case node of
| logVerbAtLeast logger 2 -> showMsg (text "Skipping ") empty
| otherwise -> return ()
- RecompBecause reason -> showMsg (text "Instantiating ") (text " [" <> text reason <> text "]")
+ RecompBecause reason -> showMsg (text "Instantiating ")
+ (text " [" <> pprWithUnitState state (ppr reason) <> text "]")
ModuleNode _ ->
case recomp of
MustCompile -> showMsg (text "Compiling ") empty
| logVerbAtLeast logger 2 -> showMsg (text "Skipping ") empty
| otherwise -> return ()
- RecompBecause reason -> showMsg (text "Compiling ") (text " [" <> text reason <> text "]")
+ RecompBecause reason -> showMsg (text "Compiling ")
+ (text " [" <> pprWithUnitState state (ppr reason) <> text "]")
dflags = hsc_dflags hsc_env
logger = hsc_logger hsc_env
+ state = hsc_units hsc_env
showMsg msg reason =
compilationProgressMsg logger $
(showModuleIndex mod_index <>
diff --git a/compiler/GHC/Iface/Recomp.hs b/compiler/GHC/Iface/Recomp.hs
index 918460a236..4cc03d488d 100644
--- a/compiler/GHC/Iface/Recomp.hs
+++ b/compiler/GHC/Iface/Recomp.hs
@@ -1,10 +1,12 @@
{-# LANGUAGE MultiWayIf #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TupleSections #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
-- | Module for detecting if recompilation is required
module GHC.Iface.Recomp
( checkOldIface
, RecompileRequired(..)
+ , RecompReason (..)
, recompileRequired
, addFingerprints
@@ -113,10 +115,10 @@ data RecompileRequired
-- ^ everything is up to date, recompilation is not required
| MustCompile
-- ^ The .hs file has been modified, or the .o/.hi file does not exist
- | RecompBecause String
+ | RecompBecause !RecompReason
-- ^ The .o/.hi files are up to date, but something else has changed
-- to force recompilation; the String says what (one-line summary)
- deriving (Eq, Show)
+ deriving (Eq)
instance Semigroup RecompileRequired where
UpToDate <> r = r
@@ -125,10 +127,69 @@ instance Semigroup RecompileRequired where
instance Monoid RecompileRequired where
mempty = UpToDate
+data RecompReason
+ = UnitDepRemoved UnitId
+ | ModulePackageChanged String
+ | SourceFileChanged
+ | ThisUnitIdChanged
+ | ImpurePlugin
+ | PluginsChanged
+ | PluginFingerprintChanged
+ | ModuleInstChanged
+ | HieMissing
+ | HieOutdated
+ | SigsMergeChanged
+ | ModuleChanged ModuleName
+ | ModuleRemoved ModuleName
+ | ModuleAdded ModuleName
+ | ModuleChangedRaw ModuleName
+ | ModuleChangedIface ModuleName
+ | FileChanged FilePath
+ | CustomReason String
+ | FlagsChanged
+ | OptimFlagsChanged
+ | HpcFlagsChanged
+ | MissingBytecode
+ | MissingObjectFile
+ | MissingDynObjectFile
+ deriving (Eq)
+instance Outputable RecompReason where
+ ppr = \case
+ UnitDepRemoved uid -> ppr uid <+> text "removed"
+ ModulePackageChanged s -> text s <+> text "package changed"
+ SourceFileChanged -> text "Source file changed"
+ ThisUnitIdChanged -> text "-this-unit-id changed"
+ ImpurePlugin -> text "Impure plugin forced recompilation"
+ PluginsChanged -> text "Plugins changed"
+ PluginFingerprintChanged -> text "Plugin fingerprint changed"
+ ModuleInstChanged -> text "Implementing module changed"
+ HieMissing -> text "HIE file is missing"
+ HieOutdated -> text "HIE file is out of date"
+ SigsMergeChanged -> text "Signatures to merge in changed"
+ ModuleChanged m -> ppr m <+> text "changed"
+ ModuleChangedRaw m -> ppr m <+> text "changed (raw)"
+ ModuleChangedIface m -> ppr m <+> text "changed (interface)"
+ ModuleRemoved m -> ppr m <+> text "removed"
+ ModuleAdded m -> ppr m <+> text "added"
+ FileChanged fp -> text fp <+> text "changed"
+ CustomReason s -> text s
+ FlagsChanged -> text "Flags changed"
+ OptimFlagsChanged -> text "Optimisation flags changed"
+ HpcFlagsChanged -> text "HPC flags changed"
+ MissingBytecode -> text "Missing bytecode"
+ MissingObjectFile -> text "Missing object file"
+ MissingDynObjectFile -> text "Missing dynamic object file"
recompileRequired :: RecompileRequired -> Bool
recompileRequired UpToDate = False
recompileRequired _ = True
+recompThen :: Monad m => m RecompileRequired -> m RecompileRequired -> m RecompileRequired
+recompThen ma mb = ma >>= \case
+ UpToDate -> mb
+ mc -> pure mc
-- | Top level function to check if the version of an old interface file
-- is equivalent to the current source file the user asked us to compile.
-- If the same, we can avoid recompilation. We return a tuple where the
@@ -239,20 +300,15 @@ checkVersions hsc_env mod_summary iface
-- test case bkpcabal04!
; hsc_env <- getTopEnv
; if mi_src_hash iface /= ms_hs_hash mod_summary
- then return (RecompBecause "Source file changed", Nothing) else do {
+ then return (RecompBecause SourceFileChanged, Nothing) else do {
; if not (isHomeModule home_unit (mi_module iface))
- then return (RecompBecause "-this-unit-id changed", Nothing) else do {
+ then return (RecompBecause ThisUnitIdChanged, Nothing) else do {
; recomp <- liftIO $ checkFlagHash hsc_env iface
- ; if recompileRequired recomp then return (recomp, Nothing) else do {
- ; recomp <- liftIO $ checkOptimHash hsc_env iface
- ; if recompileRequired recomp then return (recomp, Nothing) else do {
- ; recomp <- liftIO $ checkHpcHash hsc_env iface
- ; if recompileRequired recomp then return (recomp, Nothing) else do {
- ; recomp <- liftIO $ checkMergedSignatures hsc_env mod_summary iface
- ; if recompileRequired recomp then return (recomp, Nothing) else do {
- ; recomp <- liftIO $ checkHsig logger home_unit mod_summary iface
- ; if recompileRequired recomp then return (recomp, Nothing) else do {
- ; recomp <- pure (checkHie dflags mod_summary)
+ `recompThen` checkOptimHash hsc_env iface
+ `recompThen` checkHpcHash hsc_env iface
+ `recompThen` checkMergedSignatures hsc_env mod_summary iface
+ `recompThen` checkHsig logger home_unit mod_summary iface
+ `recompThen` pure (checkHie dflags mod_summary)
; if recompileRequired recomp then return (recomp, Nothing) else do {
; recomp <- checkDependencies hsc_env mod_summary iface
; if recompileRequired recomp then return (recomp, Just iface) else do {
@@ -276,7 +332,7 @@ checkVersions hsc_env mod_summary iface
; recomp <- checkList [checkModUsage (hsc_FC hsc_env) (homeUnitAsUnit home_unit) u
| u <- mi_usages iface]
; return (recomp, Just iface)
- }}}}}}}}}}}
+ }}}}}}
logger = hsc_logger hsc_env
dflags = hsc_dflags hsc_env
@@ -284,7 +340,6 @@ checkVersions hsc_env mod_summary iface
-- | Check if any plugins are requesting recompilation
checkPlugins :: HscEnv -> ModIface -> IfG RecompileRequired
checkPlugins hsc_env iface = liftIO $ do
@@ -324,7 +379,7 @@ pluginRecompileToRecompileRequired old_fp new_fp pr
-- when we have an impure plugin in the stack we have to unconditionally
-- recompile since it might integrate all sorts of crazy IO results into
-- its compilation output.
- ForceRecompile -> RecompBecause "Impure plugin forced recompilation"
+ ForceRecompile -> RecompBecause ImpurePlugin
| old_fp `elem` magic_fingerprints ||
new_fp `elem` magic_fingerprints
@@ -336,17 +391,16 @@ pluginRecompileToRecompileRequired old_fp new_fp pr
-- For example when we go from ForceRecomp to NoForceRecomp
-- recompilation is triggered since the old impure plugins could have
-- changed the build output which is now back to normal.
- = RecompBecause "Plugins changed"
+ = RecompBecause PluginsChanged
| otherwise =
- let reason = "Plugin fingerprint changed" in
case pr of
-- even though a plugin is forcing recompilation the fingerprint changed
-- which would cause recompilation anyways so we report the fingerprint
-- change instead.
- ForceRecompile -> RecompBecause reason
+ ForceRecompile -> RecompBecause PluginFingerprintChanged
- _ -> RecompBecause reason
+ _ -> RecompBecause PluginFingerprintChanged
magic_fingerprints =
@@ -364,7 +418,7 @@ checkHsig logger home_unit mod_summary iface = do
massert (isHomeModule home_unit outer_mod)
case inner_mod == mi_semantic_module iface of
True -> up_to_date logger (text "implementing module unchanged")
- False -> return (RecompBecause "implementing module changed")
+ False -> return (RecompBecause ModuleInstChanged)
-- | Check if @.hie@ file is out of date or missing.
checkHie :: DynFlags -> ModSummary -> RecompileRequired
@@ -374,10 +428,10 @@ checkHie dflags mod_summary =
in if not (gopt Opt_WriteHie dflags)
then UpToDate
else case (hie_date_opt, hi_date) of
- (Nothing, _) -> RecompBecause "HIE file is missing"
+ (Nothing, _) -> RecompBecause HieMissing
(Just hie_date, Just hi_date)
| hie_date < hi_date
- -> RecompBecause "HIE file is out of date"
+ -> RecompBecause HieOutdated
_ -> UpToDate
-- | Check the flags haven't changed
@@ -388,7 +442,7 @@ checkFlagHash hsc_env iface = do
new_hash <- fingerprintDynFlags hsc_env (mi_module iface) putNameLiterally
case old_hash == new_hash of
True -> up_to_date logger (text "Module flags unchanged")
- False -> out_of_date_hash logger "flags changed"
+ False -> out_of_date_hash logger FlagsChanged
(text " Module flags have changed")
old_hash new_hash
@@ -404,7 +458,7 @@ checkOptimHash hsc_env iface = do
| gopt Opt_IgnoreOptimChanges (hsc_dflags hsc_env)
-> up_to_date logger (text "Optimisation flags changed; ignoring")
| otherwise
- -> out_of_date_hash logger "Optimisation flags changed"
+ -> out_of_date_hash logger OptimFlagsChanged
(text " Optimisation flags have changed")
old_hash new_hash
@@ -420,7 +474,7 @@ checkHpcHash hsc_env iface = do
| gopt Opt_IgnoreHpcChanges (hsc_dflags hsc_env)
-> up_to_date logger (text "HPC flags changed; ignoring")
| otherwise
- -> out_of_date_hash logger "HPC flags changed"
+ -> out_of_date_hash logger HpcFlagsChanged
(text " HPC flags have changed")
old_hash new_hash
@@ -437,7 +491,7 @@ checkMergedSignatures hsc_env mod_summary iface = do
Just r -> sort $ map (instModuleToModule unit_state) r
if old_merged == new_merged
then up_to_date logger (text "signatures to merge in unchanged" $$ ppr new_merged)
- else return (RecompBecause "signatures to merge in changed")
+ else return (RecompBecause SigsMergeChanged)
-- If the direct imports of this module are resolved to targets that
-- are not among the dependencies of the previous interface file,
@@ -448,12 +502,12 @@ checkMergedSignatures hsc_env mod_summary iface = do
-- - a new home module has been added that shadows a package module
-- See bug #1372.
--- Returns (RecompBecause <textual reason>) if recompilation is required.
+-- Returns (RecompBecause <reason>) if recompilation is required.
checkDependencies :: HscEnv -> ModSummary -> ModIface -> IfG RecompileRequired
checkDependencies hsc_env summary iface
= do
res <- liftIO $ traverse (\(mb_pkg, L _ mod) ->
- let reason = moduleNameString mod ++ " changed"
+ let reason = ModuleChanged mod
in classify reason <$> findImportedModule fc fopts units home_unit mod (mb_pkg))
(ms_imps summary ++ ms_srcimps summary)
case sequence (res ++ [Right (fake_ghc_prim_import)| ms_ghc_prim_import summary]) of
@@ -497,7 +551,7 @@ checkDependencies hsc_env summary iface
trace_hi_diffs logger $
text "module no longer " <> quotes (ppr old) <>
text "in dependencies"
- return (RecompBecause (moduleNameString old ++ " removed"))
+ return (RecompBecause (ModuleRemoved old))
check_mods (new:news) olds
| Just (old, olds') <- uncons olds
, new == old = check_mods (dropWhile (== new) news) olds'
@@ -505,7 +559,7 @@ checkDependencies hsc_env summary iface
trace_hi_diffs logger $
text "imported module " <> quotes (ppr new) <>
text " not among previous dependencies"
- return (RecompBecause (moduleNameString new ++ " added"))
+ return (RecompBecause (ModuleAdded new))
check_packages :: [(String, UnitId)] -> [UnitId] -> IO RecompileRequired
check_packages [] [] = return UpToDate
@@ -513,15 +567,15 @@ checkDependencies hsc_env summary iface
trace_hi_diffs logger $
text "package " <> quotes (ppr old) <>
text "no longer in dependencies"
- return (RecompBecause (unitString old ++ " removed"))
+ return (RecompBecause (UnitDepRemoved old))
check_packages (new:news) olds
| Just (old, olds') <- uncons olds
, snd new == old = check_packages (dropWhile ((== (snd new)) . snd) news) olds'
| otherwise = do
trace_hi_diffs logger $
- text "imported package " <> quotes (ppr new) <>
+ text "imported package " <> quotes (ppr new) <>
text " not among previous dependencies"
- return (RecompBecause ((fst new) ++ " package changed"))
+ return (RecompBecause (ModulePackageChanged (fst new)))
needInterface :: Module -> (ModIface -> IO RecompileRequired)
@@ -567,7 +621,7 @@ checkModUsage _ _this_pkg UsagePackageModule{
usg_mod_hash = old_mod_hash } = do
logger <- getLogger
needInterface mod $ \iface -> do
- let reason = moduleNameString (moduleName mod) ++ " changed"
+ let reason = ModuleChanged (moduleName mod)
checkModuleFingerprint logger reason old_mod_hash (mi_mod_hash (mi_final_exts iface))
-- We only track the ABI hash of package modules, rather than
-- individual entity usages, so if the ABI hash changes we must
@@ -577,13 +631,13 @@ checkModUsage _ _this_pkg UsagePackageModule{
checkModUsage _ _ UsageMergedRequirement{ usg_mod = mod, usg_mod_hash = old_mod_hash } = do
logger <- getLogger
needInterface mod $ \iface -> do
- let reason = moduleNameString (moduleName mod) ++ " changed (raw)"
+ let reason = ModuleChangedRaw (moduleName mod)
checkModuleFingerprint logger reason old_mod_hash (mi_mod_hash (mi_final_exts iface))
checkModUsage _ this_pkg UsageHomeModuleInterface{ usg_mod_name = mod_name, usg_iface_hash = old_mod_hash } = do
let mod = mkModule this_pkg mod_name
logger <- getLogger
needInterface mod $ \iface -> do
- let reason = moduleNameString (moduleName mod) ++ " changed (interface)"
+ let reason = ModuleChangedIface mod_name
checkIfaceFingerprint logger reason old_mod_hash (mi_iface_hash (mi_final_exts iface))
checkModUsage _ this_pkg UsageHomeModule{
@@ -600,7 +654,7 @@ checkModUsage _ this_pkg UsageHomeModule{
new_decl_hash = mi_hash_fn (mi_final_exts iface)
new_export_hash = mi_exp_hash (mi_final_exts iface)
- reason = moduleNameString mod_name ++ " changed"
+ reason = ModuleChanged (moduleName mod)
liftIO $ do
@@ -629,8 +683,8 @@ checkModUsage fc _this_pkg UsageFile{ usg_file_path = file,
then return recomp
else return UpToDate
- reason = file ++ " changed"
- recomp = RecompBecause (fromMaybe reason mlabel)
+ reason = FileChanged file
+ recomp = RecompBecause (fromMaybe reason (fmap CustomReason mlabel))
handler = if debugIsOn
then \e -> pprTrace "UsageFile" (text (show e)) $ return recomp
else \_ -> return recomp -- if we can't find the file, just recompile, don't fail
@@ -638,7 +692,7 @@ checkModUsage fc _this_pkg UsageFile{ usg_file_path = file,
:: Logger
- -> String
+ -> RecompReason
-> Fingerprint
-> Fingerprint
-> IO RecompileRequired
@@ -652,7 +706,7 @@ checkModuleFingerprint logger reason old_mod_hash new_mod_hash
:: Logger
- -> String
+ -> RecompReason
-> Fingerprint
-> Fingerprint
-> IO RecompileRequired
@@ -667,7 +721,7 @@ checkIfaceFingerprint logger reason old_mod_hash new_mod_hash
:: Logger
- -> String
+ -> RecompReason
-> Maybe Fingerprint
-> Fingerprint
-> SDoc
@@ -681,7 +735,7 @@ checkMaybeHash logger reason maybe_old_hash new_hash doc continue
checkEntityUsage :: Logger
- -> String
+ -> RecompReason
-> (OccName -> Maybe (OccName, Fingerprint))
-> (OccName, Fingerprint)
-> IO RecompileRequired
@@ -700,10 +754,10 @@ checkEntityUsage logger reason new_hash (name,old_hash) = do
up_to_date :: Logger -> SDoc -> IO RecompileRequired
up_to_date logger msg = trace_hi_diffs logger msg >> return UpToDate
-out_of_date :: Logger -> String -> SDoc -> IO RecompileRequired
+out_of_date :: Logger -> RecompReason -> SDoc -> IO RecompileRequired
out_of_date logger reason msg = trace_hi_diffs logger msg >> return (RecompBecause reason)
-out_of_date_hash :: Logger -> String -> SDoc -> Fingerprint -> Fingerprint -> IO RecompileRequired
+out_of_date_hash :: Logger -> RecompReason -> SDoc -> Fingerprint -> Fingerprint -> IO RecompileRequired
out_of_date_hash logger reason msg old_hash new_hash
= out_of_date logger reason (hsep [msg, ppr old_hash, text "->", ppr new_hash])