path: root/compiler
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authorAndreas Klebinger <>2022-04-16 00:41:40 +0200
committerMarge Bot <>2022-05-01 22:21:17 -0400
commit636f7c62b1c30d130d88d6ad0763d894a8513e8a (patch)
treeadb74a6bbe497b82f74d5dae18730e34f0629eb1 /compiler
parenta7053a6c04496fa26a62bb3824ccc9664909a6ec (diff)
StgLint: Check that functions are applied to compatible runtime reps
We use compatibleRep to compare reps, and avoid checking functions with levity polymorphic types because of #21399.
Diffstat (limited to 'compiler')
4 files changed, 179 insertions, 24 deletions
diff --git a/compiler/GHC/Driver/Config/Stg/Pipeline.hs b/compiler/GHC/Driver/Config/Stg/Pipeline.hs
index 5ab9548786..50e7be0913 100644
--- a/compiler/GHC/Driver/Config/Stg/Pipeline.hs
+++ b/compiler/GHC/Driver/Config/Stg/Pipeline.hs
@@ -21,6 +21,7 @@ initStgPipelineOpts dflags for_bytecode = StgPipelineOpts
Just $ initDiagOpts dflags
, stgPipeline_pprOpts = initStgPprOpts dflags
, stgPipeline_phases = getStgToDo for_bytecode dflags
+ , stgPlatform = targetPlatform dflags
-- | Which Stg-to-Stg passes to run. Depends on flags, ways etc.
diff --git a/compiler/GHC/Stg/Lint.hs b/compiler/GHC/Stg/Lint.hs
index 45e7b38471..acc785346f 100644
--- a/compiler/GHC/Stg/Lint.hs
+++ b/compiler/GHC/Stg/Lint.hs
@@ -30,6 +30,56 @@ with this note:
Since then there were some attempts at enabling it again, as summarised in #14787.
It's finally decided that we remove all type checking and only look for
basic properties listed above.
+Note [Linting StgApp]
+To lint an application of the form `f a_1 ... a_n`, we check that
+the representations of the arguments `a_1`, ..., `a_n` match those
+that the function expects.
+More precisely, suppose the types in the application `f a_1 ... a_n`
+are as follows:
+ f :: t_1 -> ... -> t_n -> res
+ a_1 :: s_1, ..., a_n :: s_n
+ t_1 :: TYPE r_1, ..., t_n :: TYPE r_n
+ s_1 :: TYPE p_1, ..., a_n :: TYPE p_n
+Then we must check that each r_i is compatible with s_i. Compatibility
+is weaker than on-the-nose equality: for example, IntRep and WordRep are
+compatible. See Note [Bad unsafe coercion] in GHC.Core.Lint.
+Wrinkle: it can sometimes happen that an argument type in the type of
+the function does not have a fixed runtime representation, i.e.
+there is an r_i such that runtimeRepPrimRep r_i crashes.
+See for an example.
+Fixing this issue would require significant changes to the type system
+of STG, so for now we simply skip the Lint check when we detect such
+representation-polymorphic situations.
+Note [Typing the STG language]
+In Core, programs must be /well-typed/. So if f :: ty1 -> ty2,
+then in the application (f e), we must have e :: ty1
+STG is still a statically typed language, but the type system
+is much coarser. In particular, STG programs must be /well-kinded/.
+More precisely, if f :: ty1 -> ty2, then in the application (f e)
+where e :: ty1', we must have kind(ty1) = kind(ty1').
+So the STG type system does not distinguish beteen Int and Bool,
+but it /does/ distinguish beteen Int and Int#, because they have
+different kinds. Actually, since all terms have kind (TYPE rep),
+we might say that the STG language is well-runtime-rep'd.
+This coarser type system makes fewer distinctions, and that allows
+many nonsensical programs (such as ('x' && "foo")) -- but all type
+systems accept buggy programs! But the coarseness also permits
+some optimisations that are ill-typed in Core. For example, see
+the module STG.CSE, which is all about doing CSE in STG that would
+be ill-typed in Core. But it must still be well-kinded!
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables, FlexibleContexts, TypeFamilies,
@@ -70,9 +120,14 @@ import Control.Applicative ((<|>))
import Control.Monad
import Data.Maybe
import GHC.Utils.Misc
+import GHC.Core.Multiplicity (scaledThing)
+import GHC.Settings (Platform)
+import GHC.Core.TyCon (primRepCompatible)
+import GHC.Utils.Panic.Plain (panic)
lintStgTopBindings :: forall a . (OutputablePass a, BinderP a ~ Id)
- => Logger
+ => Platform
+ -> Logger
-> DiagOpts
-> StgPprOpts
-> InteractiveContext
@@ -82,9 +137,9 @@ lintStgTopBindings :: forall a . (OutputablePass a, BinderP a ~ Id)
-> [GenStgTopBinding a]
-> IO ()
-lintStgTopBindings logger diag_opts opts ictxt this_mod unarised whodunnit binds
+lintStgTopBindings platform logger diag_opts opts ictxt this_mod unarised whodunnit binds
= {-# SCC "StgLint" #-}
- case initL diag_opts this_mod unarised opts top_level_binds (lint_binds binds) of
+ case initL platform diag_opts this_mod unarised opts top_level_binds (lint_binds binds) of
Nothing ->
return ()
Just msg -> do
@@ -195,22 +250,12 @@ lintStgExpr :: (OutputablePass a, BinderP a ~ Id) => GenStgExpr a -> LintM ()
lintStgExpr (StgLit _) = return ()
lintStgExpr e@(StgApp fun args) = do
- lintStgVar fun
- mapM_ lintStgArg args
+ lintStgVar fun
+ mapM_ lintStgArg args
+ lintAppCbvMarks e
+ lintStgAppReps fun args
- lf <- getLintFlags
- when (lf_unarised lf) $ do
- -- A function which expects a unlifted argument as n'th argument
- -- always needs to be applied to n arguments.
- -- See Note [Strict Worker Ids].
- let marks = fromMaybe [] $ idCbvMarks_maybe fun
- if length (dropWhileEndLE (not . isMarkedCbv) marks) > length args
- then addErrL $ hang (text "Undersatured cbv marked ID in App" <+> ppr e ) 2 $
- (text "marks" <> ppr marks $$
- text "args" <> ppr args $$
- text "arity" <> ppr (idArity fun) $$
- text "join_arity" <> ppr (isJoinId_maybe fun))
- else return ()
lintStgExpr app@(StgConApp con _n args _arg_tys) = do
-- unboxed sums should vanish during unarise
@@ -283,6 +328,71 @@ lintConApp con args app = do
addErrL (text "Constructor applied to incorrect number of arguments:" $$
text "Application:" <> app)
+-- See Note [Linting StgApp]
+-- See Note [Typing the STG language]
+lintStgAppReps :: Id -> [StgArg] -> LintM ()
+lintStgAppReps _fun [] = return ()
+lintStgAppReps fun args = do
+ lf <- getLintFlags
+ let platform = lf_platform lf
+ (fun_arg_tys, _res) = splitFunTys (idType fun)
+ fun_arg_tys' = map (scaledThing ) fun_arg_tys :: [Type]
+ fun_arg_tys_reps, actual_arg_reps :: [Maybe [PrimRep]]
+ fun_arg_tys_reps = map typePrimRep_maybe fun_arg_tys'
+ actual_arg_reps = map (typePrimRep_maybe . stgArgType) args
+ match_args :: [Maybe [PrimRep]] -> [Maybe [PrimRep]] -> LintM ()
+ -- Might be wrongly typed as polymorphic. See #21399
+ match_args (Nothing:_) _ = return ()
+ match_args (_) (Nothing:_) = return ()
+ match_args (Just actual_rep:actual_reps_left) (Just expected_rep:expected_reps_left)
+ -- Common case, reps are exactly the same
+ | actual_rep == expected_rep
+ = match_args actual_reps_left expected_reps_left
+ -- Check for void rep which can be either an empty list *or* [VoidRep]
+ | isVoidRep actual_rep && isVoidRep expected_rep
+ = match_args actual_reps_left expected_reps_left
+ -- Some reps are compatible *even* if they are not the same. E.g. IntRep and WordRep.
+ -- We check for that here with primRepCompatible
+ | and $ zipWith (primRepCompatible platform) actual_rep expected_rep
+ = match_args actual_reps_left expected_reps_left
+ | otherwise = addErrL $ hang (text "Function type reps and function argument reps missmatched") 2 $
+ (text "In application " <> ppr fun <+> ppr args $$
+ text "argument rep:" <> ppr actual_rep $$
+ text "expected rep:" <> ppr expected_rep $$
+ -- text "expected reps:" <> ppr arg_ty_reps $$
+ text "unarised?:" <> ppr (lf_unarised lf))
+ where
+ isVoidRep [] = True
+ isVoidRep [VoidRep] = True
+ isVoidRep _ = False
+ -- n_arg_ty_reps = length arg_ty_reps
+ match_args _ _ = return () -- Functions are allowed to be over/under applied.
+ match_args actual_arg_reps fun_arg_tys_reps
+lintAppCbvMarks :: OutputablePass pass
+ => GenStgExpr pass -> LintM ()
+lintAppCbvMarks e@(StgApp fun args) = do
+ lf <- getLintFlags
+ when (lf_unarised lf) $ do
+ -- A function which expects a unlifted argument as n'th argument
+ -- always needs to be applied to n arguments.
+ -- See Note [Strict Worker Ids].
+ let marks = fromMaybe [] $ idCbvMarks_maybe fun
+ when (length (dropWhileEndLE (not . isMarkedCbv) marks) > length args) $ do
+ addErrL $ hang (text "Undersatured cbv marked ID in App" <+> ppr e ) 2 $
+ (text "marks" <> ppr marks $$
+ text "args" <> ppr args $$
+ text "arity" <> ppr (idArity fun) $$
+ text "join_arity" <> ppr (isJoinId_maybe fun))
+lintAppCbvMarks _ = panic "impossible - lintAppCbvMarks"
* *
@@ -304,6 +414,7 @@ newtype LintM a = LintM
deriving (Functor)
data LintFlags = LintFlags { lf_unarised :: !Bool
+ , lf_platform :: !Platform
-- ^ have we run the unariser yet?
@@ -329,9 +440,9 @@ pp_binders bs
pp_binder b
= hsep [ppr b, dcolon, ppr (idType b)]
-initL :: DiagOpts -> Module -> Bool -> StgPprOpts -> IdSet -> LintM a -> Maybe SDoc
-initL diag_opts this_mod unarised opts locals (LintM m) = do
- let (_, errs) = m this_mod (LintFlags unarised) diag_opts opts [] locals emptyBag
+initL :: Platform -> DiagOpts -> Module -> Bool -> StgPprOpts -> IdSet -> LintM a -> Maybe SDoc
+initL platform diag_opts this_mod unarised opts locals (LintM m) = do
+ let (_, errs) = m this_mod (LintFlags unarised platform) diag_opts opts [] locals emptyBag
if isEmptyBag errs then
diff --git a/compiler/GHC/Stg/Pipeline.hs b/compiler/GHC/Stg/Pipeline.hs
index 96c3cf3dcd..e1df24c626 100644
--- a/compiler/GHC/Stg/Pipeline.hs
+++ b/compiler/GHC/Stg/Pipeline.hs
@@ -37,6 +37,7 @@ import GHC.Utils.Logger
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.IO.Class
import Control.Monad.Trans.Reader
+import GHC.Settings (Platform)
data StgPipelineOpts = StgPipelineOpts
{ stgPipeline_phases :: ![StgToDo]
@@ -44,6 +45,7 @@ data StgPipelineOpts = StgPipelineOpts
, stgPipeline_lint :: !(Maybe DiagOpts)
-- ^ Should we lint the STG at various stages of the pipeline?
, stgPipeline_pprOpts :: !StgPprOpts
+ , stgPlatform :: !Platform
newtype StgM a = StgM { _unStgM :: ReaderT Char IO a }
@@ -89,7 +91,7 @@ stg2stg logger ictxt opts this_mod binds
stg_linter unarised
| Just diag_opts <- stgPipeline_lint opts
= lintStgTopBindings
- logger
+ (stgPlatform opts) logger
diag_opts ppr_opts
ictxt this_mod unarised
| otherwise
diff --git a/compiler/GHC/Types/RepType.hs b/compiler/GHC/Types/RepType.hs
index e09164dc9a..28bf5cb7d4 100644
--- a/compiler/GHC/Types/RepType.hs
+++ b/compiler/GHC/Types/RepType.hs
@@ -16,11 +16,13 @@ module GHC.Types.RepType
PrimRep(..), primRepToRuntimeRep, primRepToType,
countFunRepArgs, countConRepArgs, dataConRuntimeRepStrictness,
tyConPrimRep, tyConPrimRep1,
+ runtimeRepPrimRep_maybe, kindPrimRep_maybe, typePrimRep_maybe,
-- * Unboxed sum representation type
ubxSumRepType, layoutUbxSum, typeSlotTy, SlotTy (..),
- slotPrimRep, primRepSlot
- ) where
+ slotPrimRep, primRepSlot,
+ ) where
import GHC.Prelude
@@ -533,6 +535,14 @@ typePrimRep ty = kindPrimRep (text "typePrimRep" <+>
parens (ppr ty <+> dcolon <+> ppr (typeKind ty)))
(typeKind ty)
+-- | Discovers the primitive representation of a 'Type'. Returns
+-- a list of 'PrimRep': it's a list because of the possibility of
+-- no runtime representation (void) or multiple (unboxed tuple/sum)
+-- See also Note [Getting from RuntimeRep to PrimRep]
+-- Returns Nothing if rep can't be determined. Eg. levity polymorphic types.
+typePrimRep_maybe :: Type -> Maybe [PrimRep]
+typePrimRep_maybe ty = kindPrimRep_maybe (typeKind ty)
-- | Like 'typePrimRep', but assumes that there is precisely one 'PrimRep' output;
-- an empty list of PrimReps becomes a VoidRep.
-- This assumption holds after unarise, see Note [Post-unarisation invariants].
@@ -576,6 +586,23 @@ kindPrimRep doc (TyConApp typ [runtime_rep])
kindPrimRep doc ki
= pprPanic "kindPrimRep" (ppr ki $$ doc)
+-- NB: We could implement the partial methods by calling into the maybe
+-- variants here. But then both would need to pass around the doc argument.
+-- | Take a kind (of shape @TYPE rr@) and produce the 'PrimRep's
+-- of values of types of this kind.
+-- See also Note [Getting from RuntimeRep to PrimRep]
+-- Returns Nothing if rep can't be determined. Eg. levity polymorphic types.
+kindPrimRep_maybe :: HasDebugCallStack => Kind -> Maybe [PrimRep]
+kindPrimRep_maybe ki
+ | Just ki' <- coreView ki
+ = kindPrimRep_maybe ki'
+kindPrimRep_maybe (TyConApp typ [runtime_rep])
+ = assert (typ `hasKey` tYPETyConKey) $
+ runtimeRepPrimRep_maybe runtime_rep
+kindPrimRep_maybe _ki
+ = Nothing
-- | Take a type of kind RuntimeRep and extract the list of 'PrimRep' that
-- it encodes. See also Note [Getting from RuntimeRep to PrimRep]
-- The [PrimRep] is the final runtime representation /after/ unarisation
@@ -589,6 +616,20 @@ runtimeRepPrimRep doc rr_ty
| otherwise
= pprPanic "runtimeRepPrimRep" (doc $$ ppr rr_ty)
+-- | Take a type of kind RuntimeRep and extract the list of 'PrimRep' that
+-- it encodes. See also Note [Getting from RuntimeRep to PrimRep]
+-- The [PrimRep] is the final runtime representation /after/ unarisation
+-- Returns Nothing if rep can't be determined. Eg. levity polymorphic types.
+runtimeRepPrimRep_maybe :: Type -> Maybe [PrimRep]
+runtimeRepPrimRep_maybe rr_ty
+ | Just rr_ty' <- coreView rr_ty
+ = runtimeRepPrimRep_maybe rr_ty'
+ | TyConApp rr_dc args <- rr_ty
+ , RuntimeRep fun <- tyConRuntimeRepInfo rr_dc
+ = Just $! fun args
+ | otherwise
+ = Nothing
-- | Convert a 'PrimRep' to a 'Type' of kind RuntimeRep
primRepToRuntimeRep :: PrimRep -> Type
primRepToRuntimeRep rep = case rep of