path: root/compiler
diff options
mode: <unknown>2009-11-19 12:45:24 +0000 <unknown>2009-11-19 12:45:24 +0000
commitc93e8323ab49dd369e8b5f04027462a6fc1b8249 (patch)
treec54687c7d2732f79fdac2fb37731baa7325f59f3 /compiler
parent522c1e96173c5573f2cc9b3f428c56a6b5008942 (diff)
Re-implement the binder-swap stuff in OccurAnal
This is a pretty big patch, but it has a very local effect. It affects only the binder-swap mechanism in OccurAnal, which was not working well becuase it's more subtle than I'd realised (See Note [getProxies is subtle]). I think this does a much better job.
Diffstat (limited to 'compiler')
1 files changed, 339 insertions, 173 deletions
diff --git a/compiler/simplCore/OccurAnal.lhs b/compiler/simplCore/OccurAnal.lhs
index 8cef0fc442..53a89d5897 100644
--- a/compiler/simplCore/OccurAnal.lhs
+++ b/compiler/simplCore/OccurAnal.lhs
@@ -19,8 +19,9 @@ module OccurAnal (
import CoreSyn
import CoreFVs
-import CoreUtils ( exprIsTrivial, isDefaultAlt )
-import Coercion ( mkSymCoercion )
+import Type ( tyVarsOfType )
+import CoreUtils ( exprIsTrivial, isDefaultAlt, mkCoerceI )
+import Coercion ( CoercionI(..), mkSymCoI )
import Id
import Name ( localiseName )
import BasicTypes
@@ -33,7 +34,8 @@ import Digraph ( SCC(..), stronglyConnCompFromEdgedVerticesR )
import PrelNames ( buildIdKey, foldrIdKey, runSTRepIdKey, augmentIdKey )
import Unique ( Unique )
import UniqFM ( keysUFM, intersectUFM_C, foldUFM_Directly )
-import Util ( mapAndUnzip )
+import Util ( mapAndUnzip, filterOut )
+import Bag
import Outputable
import Data.List
@@ -63,7 +65,7 @@ occurAnalysePgm binds rules
= (final_usage, bind' ++ binds')
(bs_usage, binds') = go env binds
- (final_usage, bind') = occAnalBind env bind bs_usage
+ (final_usage, bind') = occAnalBind env env bind bs_usage
occurAnalyseExpr :: CoreExpr -> CoreExpr
-- Do occurrence analysis, and discard occurence info returned
@@ -81,13 +83,14 @@ Bindings
-occAnalBind :: OccEnv
+occAnalBind :: OccEnv -- The incoming OccEnv
+ -> OccEnv -- Same, but trimmed by (binderOf bind)
-> CoreBind
-> UsageDetails -- Usage details of scope
-> (UsageDetails, -- Of the whole let(rec)
-occAnalBind env (NonRec binder rhs) body_usage
+occAnalBind env _ (NonRec binder rhs) body_usage
| isTyVar binder -- A type let; we don't gather usage info
= (body_usage, [NonRec binder rhs])
@@ -294,7 +297,7 @@ This showed up when compiling Control.Concurrent.Chan.getChanContents.
-occAnalBind env (Rec pairs) body_usage
+occAnalBind _ env (Rec pairs) body_usage
= foldr occAnalRec (body_usage, []) sccs
-- For a recursive group, we
-- * occ-analyse all the RHSs
@@ -869,7 +872,8 @@ occAnal env expr@(Lam _ _)
mkLams tagged_binders body') }
- env_body = vanillaCtxt env -- Body is (no longer) an RhsContext
+ env_body = vanillaCtxt (trimOccEnv env binders)
+ -- Body is (no longer) an RhsContext
(binders, body) = collectBinders expr
binders' = oneShotGroup env binders
linear = all is_one_shot binders'
@@ -899,16 +903,8 @@ occAnal env (Case scrut bndr ty alts)
Nothing -> (usage, setIdOccInfo bndr IAmDead)
Just _ -> (usage `delVarEnv` bndr, setIdOccInfo bndr NoOccInfo)
- alt_env = mkAltEnv env bndr_swap
- -- Consider x = case v of { True -> (p,q); ... }
- -- Then it's fine to inline p and q
- bndr_swap = case scrut of
- Var v -> Just (v, Var bndr)
- Cast (Var v) co -> Just (v, Cast (Var bndr) (mkSymCoercion co))
- _other -> Nothing
- occ_anal_alt = occAnalAlt alt_env bndr bndr_swap
+ alt_env = mkAltEnv env scrut bndr
+ occ_anal_alt = occAnalAlt alt_env bndr
occ_anal_scrut (Var v) (alt1 : other_alts)
| not (null other_alts) || not (isDefaultAlt alt1)
@@ -919,9 +915,11 @@ occAnal env (Case scrut bndr ty alts)
= occAnal (vanillaCtxt env) scrut -- No need for rhsCtxt
occAnal env (Let bind body)
- = case occAnal env body of { (body_usage, body') ->
- case occAnalBind env bind body_usage of { (final_usage, new_binds) ->
+ = case occAnal env_body body of { (body_usage, body') ->
+ case occAnalBind env env_body bind body_usage of { (final_usage, new_binds) ->
(final_usage, mkLets new_binds body') }}
+ where
+ env_body = trimOccEnv env (bindersOf bind)
occAnalArgs :: OccEnv -> [CoreExpr] -> (UsageDetails, [CoreExpr])
occAnalArgs env args
@@ -1019,6 +1017,188 @@ appSpecial env n ctxt args
+Note [Binders in case alternatives]
+ case x of y { (a,b) -> f y }
+We treat 'a', 'b' as dead, because they don't physically occur in the
+case alternative. (Indeed, a variable is dead iff it doesn't occur in
+its scope in the output of OccAnal.) It really helps to know when
+binders are unused. See esp the call to isDeadBinder in
+In this example, though, the Simplifier will bring 'a' and 'b' back to
+life, beause it binds 'y' to (a,b) (imagine got inlined and
+scrutinised y).
+occAnalAlt :: OccEnv
+ -> CoreBndr
+ -> CoreAlt
+ -> (UsageDetails, Alt IdWithOccInfo)
+occAnalAlt env case_bndr (con, bndrs, rhs)
+ = let
+ env' = trimOccEnv env bndrs
+ in
+ case occAnal env' rhs of { (rhs_usage1, rhs1) ->
+ let
+ proxies = getProxies env' case_bndr
+ (rhs_usage2, rhs2) = foldrBag wrapProxy (rhs_usage1, rhs1) proxies
+ (alt_usg, tagged_bndrs) = tagLamBinders rhs_usage2 bndrs
+ bndrs' = tagged_bndrs -- See Note [Binders in case alternatives]
+ in
+ (alt_usg, (con, bndrs', rhs2)) }
+wrapProxy :: ProxyBind -> (UsageDetails, CoreExpr) -> (UsageDetails, CoreExpr)
+wrapProxy (bndr, rhs_var, co) (body_usg, body)
+ | not (bndr `usedIn` body_usg)
+ = (body_usg, body)
+ | otherwise
+ = (body_usg' +++ rhs_usg, Let (NonRec tagged_bndr rhs) body)
+ where
+ (body_usg', tagged_bndr) = tagBinder body_usg bndr
+ rhs_usg = unitVarEnv rhs_var NoOccInfo -- We don't need exact info
+ rhs = mkCoerceI co (Var rhs_var)
+%* *
+ OccEnv
+%* *
+data OccEnv
+ = OccEnv { occ_encl :: !OccEncl -- Enclosing context information
+ , occ_ctxt :: !CtxtTy -- Tells about linearity
+ , occ_proxy :: ProxyEnv }
+-- OccEncl is used to control whether to inline into constructor arguments
+-- For example:
+-- x = (p,q) -- Don't inline p or q
+-- y = /\a -> (p a, q a) -- Still don't inline p or q
+-- z = f (p,q) -- Do inline p,q; it may make a rule fire
+-- So OccEncl tells enought about the context to know what to do when
+-- we encounter a contructor application or PAP.
+data OccEncl
+ = OccRhs -- RHS of let(rec), albeit perhaps inside a type lambda
+ -- Don't inline into constructor args here
+ | OccVanilla -- Argument of function, body of lambda, scruintee of case etc.
+ -- Do inline into constructor args here
+type CtxtTy = [Bool]
+ -- [] No info
+ --
+ -- True:ctxt Analysing a function-valued expression that will be
+ -- applied just once
+ --
+ -- False:ctxt Analysing a function-valued expression that may
+ -- be applied many times; but when it is,
+ -- the CtxtTy inside applies
+initOccEnv :: OccEnv
+initOccEnv = OccEnv { occ_encl = OccVanilla
+ , occ_ctxt = []
+ , occ_proxy = PE emptyVarEnv emptyVarSet }
+vanillaCtxt :: OccEnv -> OccEnv
+vanillaCtxt env = OccEnv { occ_encl = OccVanilla
+ , occ_ctxt = []
+ , occ_proxy = occ_proxy env }
+rhsCtxt :: OccEnv -> OccEnv
+rhsCtxt env = OccEnv { occ_encl = OccRhs, occ_ctxt = []
+ , occ_proxy = occ_proxy env }
+setCtxtTy :: OccEnv -> CtxtTy -> OccEnv
+setCtxtTy env ctxt = env { occ_ctxt = ctxt }
+isRhsEnv :: OccEnv -> Bool
+isRhsEnv (OccEnv { occ_encl = OccRhs }) = True
+isRhsEnv (OccEnv { occ_encl = OccVanilla }) = False
+oneShotGroup :: OccEnv -> [CoreBndr] -> [CoreBndr]
+ -- The result binders have one-shot-ness set that they might not have had originally.
+ -- This happens in (build (\cn -> e)). Here the occurrence analyser
+ -- linearity context knows that c,n are one-shot, and it records that fact in
+ -- the binder. This is useful to guide subsequent float-in/float-out tranformations
+oneShotGroup (OccEnv { occ_ctxt = ctxt }) bndrs
+ = go ctxt bndrs []
+ where
+ go _ [] rev_bndrs = reverse rev_bndrs
+ go (lin_ctxt:ctxt) (bndr:bndrs) rev_bndrs
+ | isId bndr = go ctxt bndrs (bndr':rev_bndrs)
+ where
+ bndr' | lin_ctxt = setOneShotLambda bndr
+ | otherwise = bndr
+ go ctxt (bndr:bndrs) rev_bndrs = go ctxt bndrs (bndr:rev_bndrs)
+addAppCtxt :: OccEnv -> [Arg CoreBndr] -> OccEnv
+addAppCtxt env@(OccEnv { occ_ctxt = ctxt }) args
+ = env { occ_ctxt = replicate (valArgCount args) True ++ ctxt }
+%* *
+ ProxyEnv
+%* *
+data ProxyEnv
+ = PE (IdEnv (Id, [(Id,CoercionI)])) VarSet
+ -- Main env, and its free variables (of both range and domain)
+Note [ProxyEnv]
+The ProxyEnv keeps track of the connection between case binders and
+scrutinee. Specifically, if
+ sc |-> (sc, [...(cb, co)...])
+is a binding in the ProxyEnv, then
+ cb = sc |> coi
+Typically we add such a binding when encountering the case expression
+ case (sc |> coi) of cb { ... }
+Things to note:
+ * The domain of the ProxyEnv is the variable (or casted variable)
+ scrutinees of enclosing cases. This is additionally used
+ to ensure we gather occurrence info even for GlobalId scrutinees;
+ see Note [Binder swap for GlobalId scrutinee]
+ * The ProxyEnv is just an optimisation; you can throw away any
+ element without losing correctness. And we do so when pushing
+ it inside a binding (see trimProxyEnv).
+ * Once scrutinee might map to many case binders: Eg
+ case sc of cb1 { DEFAULT -> sc of cb2 { ... } .. }
+ * If sc1 |-> (sc2, [...(cb, co)...]), then sc1==sc2
+ It's a UniqFM and we sometimes need the domain Id
+ * Any particular case binder 'cb' occurs only once in entire range
+ * No loops
+The Main Reason for having a ProxyEnv is so that when we encounter
+ case e of cb { pi -> ri }
+we can find all the in-scope variables derivable from 'cb',
+and effectively add let-bindings for them thus:
+ case e of cb { pi -> let { x = ..cb..; y = ...cb.. }
+ in ri }
+The function getProxies finds these bindings; then we
+add just the necessary ones, using wrapProxy.
+More info under Note [Binder swap]
Note [Binder swap]
We do these two transformations right here:
@@ -1074,22 +1254,50 @@ same simplifier pass that reduced (f v) to v.
I think this is just too bad. CSE will recover some of it.
+Note [Case of cast]
+Consider case (x `cast` co) of b { I# ->
+ ... (case (x `cast` co) of {...}) ...
+We'd like to eliminate the inner case. That is the motivation for
+equation (2) in Note [Binder swap]. When we get to the inner case, we
+inline x, cancel the casts, and away we go.
Note [Binder swap on GlobalId scrutinees]
When the scrutinee is a GlobalId we must take care in two ways
i) In order to *know* whether 'x' occurs free in the RHS, we need its
occurrence info. BUT, we don't gather occurrence info for
- GlobalIds. That's what the (small) occ_scrut_ids set in OccEnv is
+ GlobalIds. That's one use for the (small) occ_proxy env in OccEnv is
for: it says "gather occurrence info for these.
ii) We must call localiseId on 'x' first, in case it's a GlobalId, or
has an External Name. See, for example, SimplEnv Note [Global Ids in
the substitution].
+Note [getProxies is subtle]
+The code for getProxies isn't all that obvious. Consider
+ case v |> cov of x { DEFAULT ->
+ case x |> cox1 of y { DEFAULT ->
+ case x |> cox2 of z { DEFAULT -> r
+These will give us a ProxyEnv looking like:
+ x |-> (x, [(y, cox1), (z, cox2)])
+ v |-> (v, [(x, cov)])
+From this we want to extract the bindings
+ x = z |> sym cox2
+ v = x |> sym cov
+ y = x |> cox1
+Notice that later bindings may mention earlier ones, and that
+we need to go "both ways".
Historical note [no-case-of-case]
-We *used* to suppress the binder-swap in case expressoins when
+We *used* to suppress the binder-swap in case expressions when
-fno-case-of-case is on. Old remarks:
"This happens in the first simplifier pass,
and enhances full laziness. Here's the bad case:
@@ -1148,160 +1356,117 @@ It's fixed by doing the binder-swap in OccAnal because we can do the
binder-swap unconditionally and still get occurrence analysis
information right.
-Note [Case of cast]
-Consider case (x `cast` co) of b { I# ->
- ... (case (x `cast` co) of {...}) ...
-We'd like to eliminate the inner case. That is the motivation for
-equation (2) in Note [Binder swap]. When we get to the inner case, we
-inline x, cancel the casts, and away we go.
-Note [Binders in case alternatives]
- case x of y { (a,b) -> f y }
-We treat 'a', 'b' as dead, because they don't physically occur in the
-case alternative. (Indeed, a variable is dead iff it doesn't occur in
-its scope in the output of OccAnal.) It really helps to know when
-binders are unused. See esp the call to isDeadBinder in
-In this example, though, the Simplifier will bring 'a' and 'b' back to
-life, beause it binds 'y' to (a,b) (imagine got inlined and
-scrutinised y).
-occAnalAlt :: OccEnv
- -> CoreBndr
- -> Maybe (Id, CoreExpr) -- Note [Binder swap]
- -> CoreAlt
- -> (UsageDetails, Alt IdWithOccInfo)
-occAnalAlt env case_bndr mb_scrut_var (con, bndrs, rhs)
- = case occAnal env rhs of { (rhs_usage, rhs') ->
- let
- (alt_usg, tagged_bndrs) = tagLamBinders rhs_usage bndrs
- bndrs' = tagged_bndrs -- See Note [Binders in case alternatives]
- in
- case mb_scrut_var of
- Just (scrut_var, scrut_rhs) -- See Note [Binder swap]
- | scrut_var `localUsedIn` alt_usg -- (a) Fast path, usually false
- , not (any shadowing bndrs) -- (b)
- -> (addOneOcc usg_wo_scrut case_bndr NoOccInfo,
- -- See Note [Case binder usage] for the NoOccInfo
- (con, bndrs', Let (NonRec scrut_var2 scrut_rhs) rhs'))
- where
- scrut_var1 = mkLocalId (localiseName (idName scrut_var)) (idType scrut_var)
- -- Localise the scrut_var before shadowing it; we're making a
- -- new binding for it, and it might have an External Name, or
- -- even be a GlobalId; Note [Binder swap on GlobalId scrutinees]
- -- Also we don't want any INLILNE or NOINLINE pragmas!
- (usg_wo_scrut, scrut_var2) = tagBinder alt_usg scrut_var1
- shadowing bndr = bndr `elemVarSet` rhs_fvs
- rhs_fvs = exprFreeVars scrut_rhs
- _other -> (alt_usg, (con, bndrs', rhs')) }
-%* *
-%* *
-data OccEnv
- = OccEnv { occ_encl :: !OccEncl -- Enclosing context information
- , occ_ctxt :: !CtxtTy -- Tells about linearity
- , occ_scrut_ids :: !GblScrutIds }
-type GblScrutIds = IdSet -- GlobalIds that are scrutinised, and for which
- -- we want to gather occurence info; see
- -- Note [Binder swap for GlobalId scrutinee]
- -- No need to prune this if there's a shadowing binding
- -- because it's OK for it to be too big
--- OccEncl is used to control whether to inline into constructor arguments
--- For example:
--- x = (p,q) -- Don't inline p or q
--- y = /\a -> (p a, q a) -- Still don't inline p or q
--- z = f (p,q) -- Do inline p,q; it may make a rule fire
--- So OccEncl tells enought about the context to know what to do when
--- we encounter a contructor application or PAP.
-data OccEncl
- = OccRhs -- RHS of let(rec), albeit perhaps inside a type lambda
- -- Don't inline into constructor args here
- | OccVanilla -- Argument of function, body of lambda, scruintee of case etc.
- -- Do inline into constructor args here
-type CtxtTy = [Bool]
- -- [] No info
- --
- -- True:ctxt Analysing a function-valued expression that will be
- -- applied just once
- --
- -- False:ctxt Analysing a function-valued expression that may
- -- be applied many times; but when it is,
- -- the CtxtTy inside applies
-initOccEnv :: OccEnv
-initOccEnv = OccEnv { occ_encl = OccVanilla
- , occ_ctxt = []
- , occ_scrut_ids = emptyVarSet }
-vanillaCtxt :: OccEnv -> OccEnv
-vanillaCtxt env = OccEnv { occ_encl = OccVanilla, occ_ctxt = []
- , occ_scrut_ids = occ_scrut_ids env }
-rhsCtxt :: OccEnv -> OccEnv
-rhsCtxt env = OccEnv { occ_encl = OccRhs, occ_ctxt = []
- , occ_scrut_ids = occ_scrut_ids env }
-mkAltEnv :: OccEnv -> Maybe (Id, CoreExpr) -> OccEnv
+extendProxyEnv :: ProxyEnv -> Id -> CoercionI -> Id -> ProxyEnv
+-- (extendPE x co y) typically arises from
+-- case (x |> co) of y { ... }
+-- It extends the proxy env with the binding
+-- y = x |> co
+extendProxyEnv pe scrut co case_bndr
+ | scrut == case_bndr = PE env1 fvs1 -- If case_bndr shadows scrut,
+ | otherwise = PE env2 fvs2 -- don't extend
+ where
+ PE env1 fvs1 = trimProxyEnv pe [case_bndr]
+ env2 = extendVarEnv_C add env1 scrut1 (scrut1, [(case_bndr,co)])
+ add (x, cb_cos) _ = (x, (case_bndr,co):cb_cos)
+ fvs2 = fvs1 `unionVarSet` freeVarsCoI co
+ `extendVarSet` case_bndr
+ `extendVarSet` scrut1
+ scrut1 = mkLocalId (localiseName (idName scrut)) (idType scrut)
+ -- Localise the scrut_var before shadowing it; we're making a
+ -- new binding for it, and it might have an External Name, or
+ -- even be a GlobalId; Note [Binder swap on GlobalId scrutinees]
+ -- Also we don't want any INLILNE or NOINLINE pragmas!
+type ProxyBind = (Id, Id, CoercionI)
+getProxies :: OccEnv -> Id -> Bag ProxyBind
+-- Return a bunch of bindings [...(xi,ei)...]
+-- such that let { ...; xi=ei; ... } binds the xi using y alone
+-- See Note [getProxies is subtle]
+getProxies (OccEnv { occ_proxy = PE pe _ }) case_bndr
+ = -- pprTrace "wrapProxies" (ppr case_bndr) $
+ go_fwd case_bndr
+ where
+ fwd_pe :: IdEnv (Id, CoercionI)
+ fwd_pe = foldVarEnv add1 emptyVarEnv pe
+ where
+ add1 (x,ycos) env = foldr (add2 x) env ycos
+ add2 x (y,co) env = extendVarEnv env y (x,co)
+ go_fwd :: Id -> Bag ProxyBind
+ -- Return bindings derivable from case_bndr
+ go_fwd case_bndr = -- pprTrace "go_fwd" (vcat [ppr case_bndr, text "fwd_pe =" <+> ppr fwd_pe,
+ -- text "pe =" <+> ppr pe]) $
+ go_fwd' case_bndr
+ go_fwd' case_bndr
+ | Just (scrut, co) <- lookupVarEnv fwd_pe case_bndr
+ = unitBag (scrut, case_bndr, mkSymCoI co)
+ `unionBags` go_fwd scrut
+ `unionBags` go_bwd scrut [pr | pr@(cb,_) <- lookup_bwd scrut
+ , cb /= case_bndr]
+ | otherwise
+ = emptyBag
+ lookup_bwd :: Id -> [(Id, CoercionI)]
+ -- Return case_bndrs that are connected to scrut
+ lookup_bwd scrut = case lookupVarEnv pe scrut of
+ Nothing -> []
+ Just (_, cb_cos) -> cb_cos
+ go_bwd :: Id -> [(Id, CoercionI)] -> Bag ProxyBind
+ go_bwd scrut cb_cos = foldr (unionBags . go_bwd1 scrut) emptyBag cb_cos
+ go_bwd1 :: Id -> (Id, CoercionI) -> Bag ProxyBind
+ go_bwd1 scrut (case_bndr, co)
+ = -- pprTrace "go_bwd1" (ppr case_bndr) $
+ unitBag (case_bndr, scrut, co)
+ `unionBags` go_bwd case_bndr (lookup_bwd case_bndr)
+mkAltEnv :: OccEnv -> CoreExpr -> Id -> OccEnv
-- Does two things: a) makes the occ_ctxt = OccVanilla
--- b) extends the scrut_ids if necessary
-mkAltEnv env (Just (scrut_id, _))
- | not (isLocalId scrut_id)
- = OccEnv { occ_encl = OccVanilla
- , occ_scrut_ids = extendVarSet (occ_scrut_ids env) scrut_id
- , occ_ctxt = occ_ctxt env }
-mkAltEnv env _
- | isRhsEnv env = env { occ_encl = OccVanilla }
- | otherwise = env
-setCtxtTy :: OccEnv -> CtxtTy -> OccEnv
-setCtxtTy env ctxt = env { occ_ctxt = ctxt }
-isRhsEnv :: OccEnv -> Bool
-isRhsEnv (OccEnv { occ_encl = OccRhs }) = True
-isRhsEnv (OccEnv { occ_encl = OccVanilla }) = False
-oneShotGroup :: OccEnv -> [CoreBndr] -> [CoreBndr]
- -- The result binders have one-shot-ness set that they might not have had originally.
- -- This happens in (build (\cn -> e)). Here the occurrence analyser
- -- linearity context knows that c,n are one-shot, and it records that fact in
- -- the binder. This is useful to guide subsequent float-in/float-out tranformations
-oneShotGroup (OccEnv { occ_ctxt = ctxt }) bndrs
- = go ctxt bndrs []
+-- b) extends the ProxyEnv if possible
+mkAltEnv env scrut cb
+ = env { occ_encl = OccVanilla, occ_proxy = pe' }
- go _ [] rev_bndrs = reverse rev_bndrs
- go (lin_ctxt:ctxt) (bndr:bndrs) rev_bndrs
- | isId bndr = go ctxt bndrs (bndr':rev_bndrs)
- where
- bndr' | lin_ctxt = setOneShotLambda bndr
- | otherwise = bndr
- go ctxt (bndr:bndrs) rev_bndrs = go ctxt bndrs (bndr:rev_bndrs)
-addAppCtxt :: OccEnv -> [Arg CoreBndr] -> OccEnv
-addAppCtxt env@(OccEnv { occ_ctxt = ctxt }) args
- = env { occ_ctxt = replicate (valArgCount args) True ++ ctxt }
+ pe = occ_proxy env
+ pe' = case scrut of
+ Var v -> extendProxyEnv pe v IdCo cb
+ Cast (Var v) co -> extendProxyEnv pe v (ACo co) cb
+ _other -> trimProxyEnv pe [cb]
+trimOccEnv :: OccEnv -> [CoreBndr] -> OccEnv
+trimOccEnv env bndrs = env { occ_proxy = trimProxyEnv (occ_proxy env) bndrs }
+trimProxyEnv :: ProxyEnv -> [CoreBndr] -> ProxyEnv
+-- We are about to push this ProxyEnv inside a binding for 'bndrs'
+-- So dump any ProxyEnv bindings which mention any of the bndrs
+trimProxyEnv (PE pe fvs) bndrs
+ | not (bndr_set `intersectsVarSet` fvs)
+ = PE pe fvs
+ | otherwise
+ = PE pe' (fvs `minusVarSet` bndr_set)
+ where
+ pe' = mapVarEnv trim pe
+ bndr_set = mkVarSet bndrs
+ trim (scrut, cb_cos) | scrut `elemVarSet` bndr_set = (scrut, [])
+ | otherwise = (scrut, filterOut discard cb_cos)
+ discard (cb,co) = bndr_set `intersectsVarSet`
+ extendVarSet (freeVarsCoI co) cb
+freeVarsCoI :: CoercionI -> VarSet
+freeVarsCoI IdCo = emptyVarSet
+freeVarsCoI (ACo co) = tyVarsOfType co
%* *
@@ -1390,8 +1555,9 @@ setBinderOcc usage bndr
mkOneOcc :: OccEnv -> Id -> InterestingCxt -> UsageDetails
mkOneOcc env id int_cxt
| isLocalId id = unitVarEnv id (OneOcc False True int_cxt)
- | id `elemVarSet` occ_scrut_ids env = unitVarEnv id NoOccInfo
- | otherwise = emptyDetails
+ | PE env _ <- occ_proxy env
+ , id `elemVarEnv` env = unitVarEnv id NoOccInfo
+ | otherwise = emptyDetails
markMany, markInsideLam, markInsideSCC :: OccInfo -> OccInfo