path: root/compiler
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authorIan Lynagh <>2013-04-09 13:39:56 +0100
committerIan Lynagh <>2013-04-09 13:39:56 +0100
commit75ed401fecd487a1daa8f372e616750c5a6832bd (patch)
tree00c068b1aedc71f9f9b73f47d8f6d89960c24eeb /compiler
parent978afe6df28e2bc1ea68f663e6c914cb267f16c3 (diff)
Remove CPP in ByteCodeItbls
I tried making mkJumpToAddr return [Word32] on all platforms, but it went wrong on x86 (possibly due to alignment?). Rather than chasing the bug, I've just used an Either type for now.
Diffstat (limited to 'compiler')
2 files changed, 162 insertions, 186 deletions
diff --git a/compiler/ghci/ByteCodeItbls.lhs b/compiler/ghci/ByteCodeItbls.lhs
index 9446d569d5..0d07be5f67 100644
--- a/compiler/ghci/ByteCodeItbls.lhs
+++ b/compiler/ghci/ByteCodeItbls.lhs
@@ -6,20 +6,15 @@ ByteCodeItbls: Generate infotables for interpreter-made bytecodes
-{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wwarn #-}
--- There are lots of warnings when GHCI_TABLES_NEXT_TO_CODE is off.
--- It would be nice to fix this properly, but for now we turn -Werror
--- off.
-module ByteCodeItbls ( ItblEnv, ItblPtr(..), itblCode, mkITbls
+module ByteCodeItbls ( ItblEnv, ItblPtr(..), itblCode, mkITbls, peekItbl
, StgInfoTable(..)
) where
#include "HsVersions.h"
import DynFlags
+import Panic
+import Platform
import Name ( Name, getName )
import NameEnv
import DataCon ( DataCon, dataConRepArgTys, dataConIdentity )
@@ -28,8 +23,10 @@ import Type ( flattenRepType, repType, typePrimRep )
import StgCmmLayout ( mkVirtHeapOffsets )
import Util
+import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.Trans.Class
import Control.Monad.Trans.State.Strict
+import Data.Maybe
import Foreign
import Foreign.C
@@ -105,18 +102,18 @@ make_constr_itbls dflags cons
| ptrs' + nptrs' >= mIN_PAYLOAD_SIZE dflags = nptrs'
| otherwise = mIN_PAYLOAD_SIZE dflags - ptrs'
- code' = mkJumpToAddr entry_addr
+ code' = mkJumpToAddr dflags entry_addr
itbl = StgInfoTable {
- entry = entry_addr,
- ptrs = fromIntegral ptrs',
+ entry = if ghciTablesNextToCode
+ then Nothing
+ else Just entry_addr,
+ ptrs = fromIntegral ptrs',
nptrs = fromIntegral nptrs_really,
tipe = fromIntegral cONSTR,
- srtlen = fromIntegral conNo
- , code = code'
+ srtlen = fromIntegral conNo,
+ code = if ghciTablesNextToCode
+ then Just code'
+ else Nothing
qNameCString <- newArray0 0 $ dataConIdentity dcon
let conInfoTbl = StgConInfoTable {
@@ -133,134 +130,116 @@ make_constr_itbls dflags cons
-- Make code which causes a jump to the given address. This is the
--- only arch-dependent bit of the itbl story. The returned list is
--- itblCodeLength elements (bytes) long.
+-- only arch-dependent bit of the itbl story.
-- For sparc_TARGET_ARCH, i386_TARGET_ARCH, etc.
#include "nativeGen/NCG.h"
-itblCodeLength :: Int
-itblCodeLength = length (mkJumpToAddr undefined)
-mkJumpToAddr :: Ptr () -> [ItblCode]
+type ItblCodes = Either [Word8] [Word32]
ptrToInt :: Ptr a -> Int
ptrToInt (Ptr a#) = I# (addr2Int# a#)
-#if sparc_TARGET_ARCH
--- After some consideration, we'll try this, where
--- 0x55555555 stands in for the address to jump to.
--- According to includes/rts/MachRegs.h, %g3 is very
--- likely indeed to be baggable.
--- 0000 07155555 sethi %hi(0x55555555), %g3
--- 0004 8610E155 or %g3, %lo(0x55555555), %g3
--- 0008 81C0C000 jmp %g3
--- 000c 01000000 nop
-type ItblCode = Word32
-mkJumpToAddr a
- = let w32 = fromIntegral (ptrToInt a)
- hi22, lo10 :: Word32 -> Word32
- lo10 x = x .&. 0x3FF
- hi22 x = (x `shiftR` 10) .&. 0x3FFFF
- in [ 0x07000000 .|. (hi22 w32),
- 0x8610E000 .|. (lo10 w32),
- 0x81C0C000,
- 0x01000000 ]
-#elif powerpc_TARGET_ARCH
--- We'll use r12, for no particular reason.
--- 0xDEADBEEF stands for the address:
--- 3D80DEAD lis r12,0xDEAD
--- 618CBEEF ori r12,r12,0xBEEF
--- 7D8903A6 mtctr r12
--- 4E800420 bctr
-type ItblCode = Word32
-mkJumpToAddr a =
- let w32 = fromIntegral (ptrToInt a)
- hi16 x = (x `shiftR` 16) .&. 0xFFFF
- lo16 x = x .&. 0xFFFF
- in [
- 0x3D800000 .|. hi16 w32,
- 0x618C0000 .|. lo16 w32,
- 0x7D8903A6, 0x4E800420
- ]
-#elif i386_TARGET_ARCH
--- Let the address to jump to be 0xWWXXYYZZ.
--- Generate movl $0xWWXXYYZZ,%eax ; jmp *%eax
--- which is
--- B8 ZZ YY XX WW FF E0
-type ItblCode = Word8
-mkJumpToAddr a
- = let w32 = fromIntegral (ptrToInt a) :: Word32
- insnBytes :: [Word8]
- insnBytes
- = [0xB8, byte0 w32, byte1 w32,
- byte2 w32, byte3 w32,
- 0xFF, 0xE0]
- in
- insnBytes
-#elif x86_64_TARGET_ARCH
--- Generates:
--- jmpq *.L1(%rip)
--- .align 8
--- .L1:
--- .quad <addr>
--- We need a full 64-bit pointer (we can't assume the info table is
--- allocated in low memory). Assuming the info pointer is aligned to
--- an 8-byte boundary, the addr will also be aligned.
-type ItblCode = Word8
-mkJumpToAddr a
- = let w64 = fromIntegral (ptrToInt a) :: Word64
- insnBytes :: [Word8]
- insnBytes
- = [0xff, 0x25, 0x02, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
- byte0 w64, byte1 w64, byte2 w64, byte3 w64,
- byte4 w64, byte5 w64, byte6 w64, byte7 w64]
- in
- insnBytes
-#elif alpha_TARGET_ARCH
-type ItblCode = Word32
-mkJumpToAddr a
- = [ 0xc3800000 -- br at, .+4
- , 0xa79c000c -- ldq at, 12(at)
- , 0x6bfc0000 -- jmp (at) # with zero hint -- oh well
- , 0x47ff041f -- nop
- , fromIntegral (w64 .&. 0x0000FFFF)
- , fromIntegral ((w64 `shiftR` 32) .&. 0x0000FFFF) ]
- where w64 = fromIntegral (ptrToInt a) :: Word64
+mkJumpToAddr :: DynFlags -> Ptr () -> ItblCodes
+mkJumpToAddr dflags a = case platformArch (targetPlatform dflags) of
+ ArchSPARC ->
+ -- After some consideration, we'll try this, where
+ -- 0x55555555 stands in for the address to jump to.
+ -- According to includes/rts/MachRegs.h, %g3 is very
+ -- likely indeed to be baggable.
+ --
+ -- 0000 07155555 sethi %hi(0x55555555), %g3
+ -- 0004 8610E155 or %g3, %lo(0x55555555), %g3
+ -- 0008 81C0C000 jmp %g3
+ -- 000c 01000000 nop
+ let w32 = fromIntegral (ptrToInt a)
+ hi22, lo10 :: Word32 -> Word32
+ lo10 x = x .&. 0x3FF
+ hi22 x = (x `shiftR` 10) .&. 0x3FFFF
+ in Right [ 0x07000000 .|. (hi22 w32),
+ 0x8610E000 .|. (lo10 w32),
+ 0x81C0C000,
+ 0x01000000 ]
+ ArchPPC ->
+ -- We'll use r12, for no particular reason.
+ -- 0xDEADBEEF stands for the address:
+ -- 3D80DEAD lis r12,0xDEAD
+ -- 618CBEEF ori r12,r12,0xBEEF
+ -- 7D8903A6 mtctr r12
+ -- 4E800420 bctr
+ let w32 = fromIntegral (ptrToInt a)
+ hi16 x = (x `shiftR` 16) .&. 0xFFFF
+ lo16 x = x .&. 0xFFFF
+ in Right [ 0x3D800000 .|. hi16 w32,
+ 0x618C0000 .|. lo16 w32,
+ 0x7D8903A6, 0x4E800420 ]
+ ArchX86 ->
+ -- Let the address to jump to be 0xWWXXYYZZ.
+ -- Generate movl $0xWWXXYYZZ,%eax ; jmp *%eax
+ -- which is
+ -- B8 ZZ YY XX WW FF E0
+ let w32 = fromIntegral (ptrToInt a) :: Word32
+ insnBytes :: [Word8]
+ insnBytes
+ = [0xB8, byte0 w32, byte1 w32,
+ byte2 w32, byte3 w32,
+ 0xFF, 0xE0]
+ in
+ Left insnBytes
+ ArchX86_64 ->
+ -- Generates:
+ -- jmpq *.L1(%rip)
+ -- .align 8
+ -- .L1:
+ -- .quad <addr>
+ --
+ -- which looks like:
+ -- 8: ff 25 02 00 00 00 jmpq *0x2(%rip) # 10 <f+0x10>
+ -- with addr at 10.
+ --
+ -- We need a full 64-bit pointer (we can't assume the info table is
+ -- allocated in low memory). Assuming the info pointer is aligned to
+ -- an 8-byte boundary, the addr will also be aligned.
+ let w64 = fromIntegral (ptrToInt a) :: Word64
+ insnBytes :: [Word8]
+ insnBytes
+ = [0xff, 0x25, 0x02, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
+ byte0 w64, byte1 w64, byte2 w64, byte3 w64,
+ byte4 w64, byte5 w64, byte6 w64, byte7 w64]
+ in
+ Left insnBytes
+ ArchAlpha ->
+ let w64 = fromIntegral (ptrToInt a) :: Word64
+ in Right [ 0xc3800000 -- br at, .+4
+ , 0xa79c000c -- ldq at, 12(at)
+ , 0x6bfc0000 -- jmp (at) # with zero hint -- oh well
+ , 0x47ff041f -- nop
+ , fromIntegral (w64 .&. 0x0000FFFF)
+ , fromIntegral ((w64 `shiftR` 32) .&. 0x0000FFFF) ]
+ arch ->
+ panic ("mkJumpToAddr not defined for " ++ show arch)
-type ItblCode = Word32
-mkJumpToAddr a
- = undefined
-#if defined(i386_TARGET_ARCH) || defined(x86_64_TARGET_ARCH)
byte0, byte1, byte2, byte3 :: (Integral w, Bits w) => w -> Word8
byte0 w = fromIntegral w
byte1 w = fromIntegral (w `shiftR` 8)
byte2 w = fromIntegral (w `shiftR` 16)
byte3 w = fromIntegral (w `shiftR` 24)
-#if defined(x86_64_TARGET_ARCH)
byte4, byte5, byte6, byte7 :: (Integral w, Bits w) => w -> Word8
byte4 w = fromIntegral (w `shiftR` 32)
byte5 w = fromIntegral (w `shiftR` 40)
byte6 w = fromIntegral (w `shiftR` 48)
byte7 w = fromIntegral (w `shiftR` 56)
-- entry point for direct returns for created constr itbls
foreign import ccall "&stg_interp_constr_entry" stg_interp_constr_entry :: Ptr ()
@@ -280,95 +259,86 @@ data StgConInfoTable = StgConInfoTable {
infoTable :: StgInfoTable
-sizeOfConItbl :: StgConInfoTable -> Int
-sizeOfConItbl conInfoTable
+sizeOfConItbl :: DynFlags -> StgConInfoTable -> Int
+sizeOfConItbl dflags conInfoTable
= sum [ fieldSz conDesc conInfoTable
- , fieldSz infoTable conInfoTable ]
+ , sizeOfItbl dflags (infoTable conInfoTable) ]
pokeConItbl :: DynFlags -> Ptr StgConInfoTable -> Ptr StgConInfoTable -> StgConInfoTable
-> IO ()
pokeConItbl dflags wr_ptr ex_ptr itbl
= flip evalStateT (castPtr wr_ptr) $ do
- store (conDesc itbl `minusPtr` (ex_ptr `plusPtr` conInfoTableSizeB dflags))
- store (infoTable itbl)
- store (conDesc itbl)
+ when ghciTablesNextToCode $
+ store (conDesc itbl `minusPtr` (ex_ptr `plusPtr` conInfoTableSizeB dflags))
+ store' (sizeOfItbl dflags) (pokeItbl dflags) (infoTable itbl)
+ unless ghciTablesNextToCode $ store (conDesc itbl)
data StgInfoTable = StgInfoTable {
- entry :: Ptr (),
+ entry :: Maybe (Ptr ()), -- Just <=> not ghciTablesNextToCode
ptrs :: HalfWord,
nptrs :: HalfWord,
tipe :: HalfWord,
- srtlen :: HalfWord
- , code :: [ItblCode]
+ srtlen :: HalfWord,
+ code :: Maybe ItblCodes -- Just <=> ghciTablesNextToCode
-instance Storable StgInfoTable where
- sizeOf itbl
+sizeOfItbl :: DynFlags -> StgInfoTable -> Int
+sizeOfItbl dflags itbl
= sum
- fieldSz entry itbl,
+ if ghciTablesNextToCode then 0 else fieldSz (fromJust . entry) itbl,
fieldSz ptrs itbl,
fieldSz nptrs itbl,
fieldSz tipe itbl,
- fieldSz srtlen itbl
- ,fieldSz (head.code) itbl * itblCodeLength
+ fieldSz srtlen itbl,
+ if ghciTablesNextToCode then case mkJumpToAddr dflags undefined of
+ Left xs -> sizeOf (head xs) * length xs
+ Right xs -> sizeOf (head xs) * length xs
+ else 0
- alignment _
- poke a0 itbl
+pokeItbl :: DynFlags -> Ptr StgInfoTable -> StgInfoTable -> IO ()
+pokeItbl _ a0 itbl
= flip evalStateT (castPtr a0)
$ do
- store (entry itbl)
+ case entry itbl of
+ Nothing -> return ()
+ Just e -> store e
store (ptrs itbl)
store (nptrs itbl)
store (tipe itbl)
store (srtlen itbl)
- sequence_ (map store (code itbl))
+ case code itbl of
+ Nothing -> return ()
+ Just (Left xs) -> mapM_ store xs
+ Just (Right xs) -> mapM_ store xs
- peek a0
+peekItbl :: DynFlags -> Ptr StgInfoTable -> IO StgInfoTable
+peekItbl dflags a0
= flip evalStateT (castPtr a0)
$ do
- entry' <- load
+ entry' <- if ghciTablesNextToCode
+ then return Nothing
+ else liftM Just load
ptrs' <- load
nptrs' <- load
tipe' <- load
srtlen' <- load
- code' <- sequence (replicate itblCodeLength load)
- return
- StgInfoTable {
+ code' <- if ghciTablesNextToCode
+ then liftM Just $ case mkJumpToAddr dflags undefined of
+ Left xs ->
+ liftM Left $ sequence (replicate (length xs) load)
+ Right xs ->
+ liftM Right $ sequence (replicate (length xs) load)
+ else return Nothing
+ return
+ StgInfoTable {
entry = entry',
ptrs = ptrs',
nptrs = nptrs',
tipe = tipe',
srtlen = srtlen'
,code = code'
fieldSz :: Storable b => (a -> b) -> a -> Int
@@ -377,28 +347,34 @@ fieldSz sel x = sizeOf (sel x)
type PtrIO = StateT (Ptr Word8) IO
advance :: Storable a => PtrIO (Ptr a)
-advance = state adv
+advance = advance' sizeOf
+advance' :: (a -> Int) -> PtrIO (Ptr a)
+advance' fSizeOf = state adv
where adv addr = case castPtr addr of
addrCast ->
- (addrCast, addr `plusPtr` sizeOfPointee addrCast)
+ (addrCast,
+ addr `plusPtr` sizeOfPointee fSizeOf addrCast)
-sizeOfPointee :: (Storable a) => Ptr a -> Int
-sizeOfPointee addr = sizeOf (typeHack addr)
+sizeOfPointee :: (a -> Int) -> Ptr a -> Int
+sizeOfPointee fSizeOf addr = fSizeOf (typeHack addr)
where typeHack = undefined :: Ptr a -> a
store :: Storable a => a -> PtrIO ()
-store x = do addr <- advance
- lift (poke addr x)
+store = store' sizeOf poke
+store' :: (a -> Int) -> (Ptr a -> a -> IO ()) -> a -> PtrIO ()
+store' fSizeOf fPoke x = do addr <- advance' fSizeOf
+ lift (fPoke addr x)
load :: Storable a => PtrIO a
load = do addr <- advance
lift (peek addr)
newExecConItbl :: DynFlags -> StgConInfoTable -> IO (FunPtr ())
newExecConItbl dflags obj
= alloca $ \pcode -> do
- wr_ptr <- _allocateExec (fromIntegral (sizeOfConItbl obj)) pcode
+ wr_ptr <- _allocateExec (fromIntegral (sizeOfConItbl dflags obj)) pcode
ex_ptr <- peek pcode
pokeConItbl dflags wr_ptr ex_ptr obj
return (castPtrToFunPtr ex_ptr)
diff --git a/compiler/ghci/RtClosureInspect.hs b/compiler/ghci/RtClosureInspect.hs
index 49e943c0de..d6cbf87fcc 100644
--- a/compiler/ghci/RtClosureInspect.hs
+++ b/compiler/ghci/RtClosureInspect.hs
@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ module RtClosureInspect(
#include "HsVersions.h"
import DebuggerUtils
-import ByteCodeItbls ( StgInfoTable )
+import ByteCodeItbls ( StgInfoTable, peekItbl )
import qualified ByteCodeItbls as BCI( StgInfoTable(..) )
import HscTypes
import Linker
@@ -185,7 +185,7 @@ getClosureData dflags a =
-- into account the extra entry pointer when
-- !ghciTablesNextToCode, so we must adjust here:
Ptr iptr `plusPtr` negate (wORD_SIZE dflags)
- itbl <- peek iptr'
+ itbl <- peekItbl dflags iptr'
let tipe = readCType (BCI.tipe itbl)
elems = fromIntegral (BCI.ptrs itbl)
ptrsList = Array 0 (elems - 1) elems ptrs