path: root/compiler
diff options
authorIan Lynagh <>2012-07-16 20:53:21 +0100
committerIan Lynagh <>2012-07-16 22:40:37 +0100
commitcdf946e45024f76ce4f22462f511a0490fef1dff (patch)
tree993709cdc4a579e34b056cfb31826cd2b358f340 /compiler
parent5d0fce85fd5c885343196142b15b8a8d2928d3fe (diff)
Make -fPIC a dynamic flag
Hopefully I've kept the logic the same, and we now generate warnings if the user does -fno-PIC but we ignore them (e.g. because they're on OS X amd64).
Diffstat (limited to 'compiler')
12 files changed, 154 insertions, 128 deletions
diff --git a/compiler/codeGen/CgCon.lhs b/compiler/codeGen/CgCon.lhs
index aff5e468ca..78c1934869 100644
--- a/compiler/codeGen/CgCon.lhs
+++ b/compiler/codeGen/CgCon.lhs
@@ -119,9 +119,10 @@ buildDynCon :: Id -- Name of the thing to which this constr will
-> FCode CgIdInfo -- Return details about how to find it
buildDynCon binder ccs con args
= do dflags <- getDynFlags
- buildDynCon' (targetPlatform dflags) binder ccs con args
+ buildDynCon' dflags (targetPlatform dflags) binder ccs con args
-buildDynCon' :: Platform
+buildDynCon' :: DynFlags
+ -> Platform
-> Id
-> CostCentreStack
-> DataCon
@@ -148,7 +149,7 @@ which have exclusively size-zero (VoidRep) args, we generate no code
at all.
-buildDynCon' _ binder _ con []
+buildDynCon' _ _ binder _ con []
= returnFC (taggedStableIdInfo binder
(mkLblExpr (mkClosureLabel (dataConName con)
(idCafInfo binder)))
@@ -183,9 +184,9 @@ because they don't support cross package data references well.
-buildDynCon' platform binder _ con [arg_amode]
+buildDynCon' dflags platform binder _ con [arg_amode]
| maybeIntLikeCon con
- , platformOS platform /= OSMinGW32 || not opt_PIC
+ , platformOS platform /= OSMinGW32 || not (dopt Opt_PIC dflags)
, (_, CmmLit (CmmInt val _)) <- arg_amode
, let val_int = (fromIntegral val) :: Int
, val_int <= mAX_INTLIKE && val_int >= mIN_INTLIKE
@@ -195,9 +196,9 @@ buildDynCon' platform binder _ con [arg_amode]
intlike_amode = CmmLit (cmmLabelOffW intlike_lbl offsetW)
; returnFC (taggedStableIdInfo binder intlike_amode (mkConLFInfo con) con) }
-buildDynCon' platform binder _ con [arg_amode]
+buildDynCon' dflags platform binder _ con [arg_amode]
| maybeCharLikeCon con
- , platformOS platform /= OSMinGW32 || not opt_PIC
+ , platformOS platform /= OSMinGW32 || not (dopt Opt_PIC dflags)
, (_, CmmLit (CmmInt val _)) <- arg_amode
, let val_int = (fromIntegral val) :: Int
, val_int <= mAX_CHARLIKE && val_int >= mIN_CHARLIKE
@@ -212,7 +213,7 @@ buildDynCon' platform binder _ con [arg_amode]
Now the general case.
-buildDynCon' _ binder ccs con args
+buildDynCon' _ _ binder ccs con args
= do {
; let
(closure_info, amodes_w_offsets) = layOutDynConstr con args
diff --git a/compiler/codeGen/StgCmmCon.hs b/compiler/codeGen/StgCmmCon.hs
index a7af5662e9..03a659b2cf 100644
--- a/compiler/codeGen/StgCmmCon.hs
+++ b/compiler/codeGen/StgCmmCon.hs
@@ -40,7 +40,6 @@ import Literal
import PrelInfo
import Outputable
import Platform
-import StaticFlags
import Util
import Control.Monad
@@ -115,9 +114,10 @@ buildDynCon :: Id -- Name of the thing to which this constr will
-- Return details about how to find it and initialization code
buildDynCon binder cc con args
= do dflags <- getDynFlags
- buildDynCon' (targetPlatform dflags) binder cc con args
+ buildDynCon' dflags (targetPlatform dflags) binder cc con args
-buildDynCon' :: Platform
+buildDynCon' :: DynFlags
+ -> Platform
-> Id
-> CostCentreStack
-> DataCon
@@ -145,7 +145,7 @@ premature looking at the args will cause the compiler to black-hole!
-- which have exclusively size-zero (VoidRep) args, we generate no code
-- at all.
-buildDynCon' _ binder _cc con []
+buildDynCon' _ _ binder _cc con []
= return (litIdInfo binder (mkConLFInfo con)
(CmmLabel (mkClosureLabel (dataConName con) (idCafInfo binder))),
@@ -176,9 +176,9 @@ We don't support this optimisation when compiling into Windows DLLs yet
because they don't support cross package data references well.
-buildDynCon' platform binder _cc con [arg]
+buildDynCon' dflags platform binder _cc con [arg]
| maybeIntLikeCon con
- , platformOS platform /= OSMinGW32 || not opt_PIC
+ , platformOS platform /= OSMinGW32 || not (dopt Opt_PIC dflags)
, StgLitArg (MachInt val) <- arg
, val <= fromIntegral mAX_INTLIKE -- Comparisons at type Integer!
, val >= fromIntegral mIN_INTLIKE -- ...ditto...
@@ -189,9 +189,9 @@ buildDynCon' platform binder _cc con [arg]
intlike_amode = cmmLabelOffW intlike_lbl offsetW
; return (litIdInfo binder (mkConLFInfo con) intlike_amode, mkNop) }
-buildDynCon' platform binder _cc con [arg]
+buildDynCon' dflags platform binder _cc con [arg]
| maybeCharLikeCon con
- , platformOS platform /= OSMinGW32 || not opt_PIC
+ , platformOS platform /= OSMinGW32 || not (dopt Opt_PIC dflags)
, StgLitArg (MachChar val) <- arg
, let val_int = ord val :: Int
, val_int <= mAX_CHARLIKE
@@ -203,7 +203,7 @@ buildDynCon' platform binder _cc con [arg]
; return (litIdInfo binder (mkConLFInfo con) charlike_amode, mkNop) }
-------- buildDynCon': the general case -----------
-buildDynCon' _ binder ccs con args
+buildDynCon' _ _ binder ccs con args
= do { let (tot_wds, ptr_wds, args_w_offsets)
= mkVirtConstrOffsets (addArgReps args)
-- No void args in args_w_offsets
diff --git a/compiler/iface/FlagChecker.hs b/compiler/iface/FlagChecker.hs
index 60b1fb6bfb..b9e37941b3 100644
--- a/compiler/iface/FlagChecker.hs
+++ b/compiler/iface/FlagChecker.hs
@@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ fingerprintDynFlags dflags@DynFlags{..} this_mod nameio =
IntSet.toList $ extensionFlags)
-- -I, -D and -U flags affect CPP
- cpp = (map normalise includePaths, opt_P dflags ++ picPOpts)
+ cpp = (map normalise includePaths, opt_P dflags ++ picPOpts dflags)
-- normalise: eliminate spurious differences due to "./foo" vs "foo"
-- Note [path flags and recompilation]
diff --git a/compiler/main/DriverPipeline.hs b/compiler/main/DriverPipeline.hs
index 73273ef6c8..14fff98599 100644
--- a/compiler/main/DriverPipeline.hs
+++ b/compiler/main/DriverPipeline.hs
@@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ import Module
import UniqFM ( eltsUFM )
import ErrUtils
import DynFlags
-import StaticFlags ( v_Ld_inputs, opt_PIC, opt_Static, WayName(..) )
+import StaticFlags ( v_Ld_inputs, opt_Static, WayName(..) )
import Config
import Panic
import Util
@@ -1349,7 +1349,7 @@ runPhase LlvmLlc input_fn dflags
let lc_opts = getOpts dflags opt_lc
opt_lvl = max 0 (min 2 $ optLevel dflags)
- rmodel | opt_PIC = "pic"
+ rmodel | dopt Opt_PIC dflags = "pic"
| not opt_Static = "dynamic-no-pic"
| otherwise = "static"
tbaa | ver < 29 = "" -- no tbaa in 2.8 and earlier
@@ -2036,7 +2036,7 @@ linkDynLib dflags o_files dep_packages = do
doCpp :: DynFlags -> Bool -> Bool -> FilePath -> FilePath -> IO ()
doCpp dflags raw include_cc_opts input_fn output_fn = do
- let hscpp_opts = getOpts dflags opt_P ++ picPOpts
+ let hscpp_opts = getOpts dflags opt_P ++ picPOpts dflags
let cmdline_include_paths = includePaths dflags
pkg_include_dirs <- getPackageIncludePath dflags []
diff --git a/compiler/main/DynFlags.hs b/compiler/main/DynFlags.hs
index 48d3402586..690b77ea4a 100644
--- a/compiler/main/DynFlags.hs
+++ b/compiler/main/DynFlags.hs
@@ -317,6 +317,7 @@ data DynFlag
| Opt_DeferTypeErrors
| Opt_Parallel
| Opt_GranMacros
+ | Opt_PIC
-- output style opts
| Opt_PprCaseAsLet
@@ -972,7 +973,7 @@ defaultDynFlags mySettings =
dirsToClean = panic "defaultDynFlags: No dirsToClean",
generatedDumps = panic "defaultDynFlags: No generatedDumps",
haddockOptions = Nothing,
- flags = IntSet.fromList (map fromEnum defaultFlags),
+ flags = IntSet.fromList (map fromEnum (defaultFlags (sTargetPlatform mySettings))),
warningFlags = IntSet.fromList (map fromEnum standardWarnings),
ghciScripts = [],
language = Nothing,
@@ -1840,6 +1841,8 @@ dynamic_flags = [
------ Safe Haskell flags -------------------------------------------
, Flag "fpackage-trust" (NoArg setPackageTrust)
, Flag "fno-safe-infer" (NoArg (setSafeHaskell Sf_None))
+ , Flag "fPIC" (NoArg setFPIC)
+ , Flag "fno-PIC" (NoArg unSetFPIC)
++ map (mkFlag turnOn "" setDynFlag ) negatableFlags
++ map (mkFlag turnOff "no-" unSetDynFlag) negatableFlags
@@ -2195,8 +2198,8 @@ xFlags = [
( "PackageImports", Opt_PackageImports, nop )
-defaultFlags :: [DynFlag]
+defaultFlags :: Platform -> [DynFlag]
+defaultFlags platform
= [ Opt_AutoLinkPackages,
@@ -2217,6 +2220,14 @@ defaultFlags
++ [f | (ns,f) <- optLevelFlags, 0 `elem` ns]
-- The default -O0 options
+ ++ (case platformOS platform of
+ OSDarwin ->
+ case platformArch platform of
+ ArchX86_64 -> [Opt_PIC]
+ _ | not opt_Static -> [Opt_PIC]
+ _ -> []
+ _ -> [])
impliedFlags :: [(ExtensionFlag, TurnOnFlag, ExtensionFlag)]
= [ (Opt_RankNTypes, turnOn, Opt_ExplicitForAll)
@@ -2612,7 +2623,7 @@ setObjTarget l = updM set
return dflags
| not ((arch == ArchX86_64) && (os == OSLinux || os == OSDarwin)) &&
- (not opt_Static || opt_PIC)
+ (not opt_Static || dopt Opt_PIC dflags)
do addWarn ("Ignoring " ++ flag ++ " as it is incompatible with -fPIC and -dynamic on this platform")
return dflags
@@ -2623,6 +2634,37 @@ setObjTarget l = updM set
os = platformOS platform
flag = showHscTargetFlag l
+setFPIC :: DynP ()
+setFPIC = updM set
+ where
+ set dflags
+ | cGhcWithNativeCodeGen == "YES" || cGhcUnregisterised == "YES"
+ = let platform = targetPlatform dflags
+ in case hscTarget dflags of
+ HscLlvm
+ | (platformArch platform == ArchX86_64) &&
+ (platformOS platform `elem` [OSLinux, OSDarwin]) ->
+ do addWarn "Ignoring -fPIC as it is incompatible with LLVM on this platform"
+ return dflags
+ _ -> return $ dopt_set dflags Opt_PIC
+ | otherwise
+ = ghcError $ CmdLineError "-fPIC is not supported on this platform"
+unSetFPIC :: DynP ()
+unSetFPIC = updM set
+ where
+ set dflags
+ = let platform = targetPlatform dflags
+ in case platformOS platform of
+ OSDarwin
+ | platformArch platform == ArchX86_64 ->
+ do addWarn "Ignoring -fno-PIC on this platform"
+ return dflags
+ _ | not opt_Static ->
+ do addWarn "Ignoring -fno-PIC as -fstatic is off"
+ return dflags
+ _ -> return $ dopt_unset dflags Opt_PIC
setOptLevel :: Int -> DynFlags -> DynP DynFlags
setOptLevel n dflags
| hscTarget dflags == HscInterpreted && n > 0
@@ -2782,24 +2824,24 @@ picCCOpts dflags
-- Don't generate "common" symbols - these are unwanted
-- in dynamic libraries.
- | opt_PIC -> ["-fno-common", "-U __PIC__", "-D__PIC__"]
- | otherwise -> ["-mdynamic-no-pic"]
+ | dopt Opt_PIC dflags -> ["-fno-common", "-U __PIC__", "-D__PIC__"]
+ | otherwise -> ["-mdynamic-no-pic"]
OSMinGW32 -- no -fPIC for Windows
- | opt_PIC -> ["-U __PIC__", "-D__PIC__"]
- | otherwise -> []
+ | dopt Opt_PIC dflags -> ["-U __PIC__", "-D__PIC__"]
+ | otherwise -> []
-- we need -fPIC for C files when we are compiling with -dynamic,
-- otherwise things like stub.c files don't get compiled
-- correctly. They need to reference data in the Haskell
-- objects, but can't without -fPIC. See
- | opt_PIC || not opt_Static -> ["-fPIC", "-U __PIC__", "-D__PIC__"]
- | otherwise -> []
+ | dopt Opt_PIC dflags || not opt_Static -> ["-fPIC", "-U __PIC__", "-D__PIC__"]
+ | otherwise -> []
-picPOpts :: [String]
- | opt_PIC = ["-U __PIC__", "-D__PIC__"]
- | otherwise = []
+picPOpts :: DynFlags -> [String]
+picPOpts dflags
+ | dopt Opt_PIC dflags = ["-U __PIC__", "-D__PIC__"]
+ | otherwise = []
-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Splitting
diff --git a/compiler/main/StaticFlagParser.hs b/compiler/main/StaticFlagParser.hs
index b927f12d2c..2ef2914b30 100644
--- a/compiler/main/StaticFlagParser.hs
+++ b/compiler/main/StaticFlagParser.hs
@@ -158,10 +158,6 @@ flagsStatic = [
------ Compiler flags -----------------------------------------------
- -- -fPIC requires extra checking: only the NCG supports it.
- -- See also DynFlags.parseDynamicFlags.
- , Flag "fPIC" (PassFlag setPIC)
-- All other "-fno-<blah>" options cancel out "-f<blah>" on the hsc cmdline
, Flag "fno-"
(PrefixPred (\s -> isStaticFlag ("f"++s)) (\s -> removeOpt ("-f"++s)))
@@ -171,12 +167,6 @@ flagsStatic = [
, Flag "f" (AnySuffixPred isStaticFlag addOpt)
-setPIC :: String -> StaticP ()
-setPIC | cGhcWithNativeCodeGen == "YES" || cGhcUnregisterised == "YES"
- = addOpt
- | otherwise
- = ghcError $ CmdLineError "-fPIC is not supported on this platform"
isStaticFlag :: String -> Bool
isStaticFlag f =
f `elem` [
@@ -196,7 +186,6 @@ isStaticFlag f =
- "fPIC",
|| any (`isPrefixOf` f) [
diff --git a/compiler/main/StaticFlags.hs b/compiler/main/StaticFlags.hs
index 4695d83ed0..3d33565b5a 100644
--- a/compiler/main/StaticFlags.hs
+++ b/compiler/main/StaticFlags.hs
@@ -70,7 +70,6 @@ module StaticFlags (
-- Related to linking
- opt_PIC,
-- misc opts
@@ -317,14 +316,6 @@ opt_UF_DearOp = ( 40 :: Int)
-- Related to linking
-opt_PIC :: Bool
-#if darwin_TARGET_OS && x86_64_TARGET_ARCH
-opt_PIC = True
-#elif darwin_TARGET_OS
-opt_PIC = lookUp (fsLit "-fPIC") || not opt_Static
-opt_PIC = lookUp (fsLit "-fPIC")
opt_Static :: Bool
opt_Static = lookUp (fsLit "-static")
opt_Unregisterised :: Bool
diff --git a/compiler/nativeGen/AsmCodeGen.lhs b/compiler/nativeGen/AsmCodeGen.lhs
index 4b49fe304e..142f467f32 100644
--- a/compiler/nativeGen/AsmCodeGen.lhs
+++ b/compiler/nativeGen/AsmCodeGen.lhs
@@ -59,7 +59,6 @@ import UniqFM
import Unique ( Unique, getUnique )
import UniqSupply
import DynFlags
-import StaticFlags
import Util
import BasicTypes ( Alignment )
@@ -135,7 +134,7 @@ The machine-dependent bits break down as follows:
data NcgImpl statics instr jumpDest = NcgImpl {
cmmTopCodeGen :: RawCmmDecl -> NatM [NatCmmDecl statics instr],
- generateJumpTableForInstr :: instr -> Maybe (NatCmmDecl statics instr),
+ generateJumpTableForInstr :: DynFlags -> instr -> Maybe (NatCmmDecl statics instr),
getJumpDestBlockId :: jumpDest -> Maybe BlockId,
canShortcut :: instr -> Maybe jumpDest,
shortcutStatics :: (BlockId -> Maybe jumpDest) -> statics -> statics,
@@ -494,7 +493,7 @@ cmmNativeGen dflags ncgImpl us cmm count
---- generate jump tables
let tabled =
{-# SCC "generateJumpTables" #-}
- generateJumpTables ncgImpl kludged
+ generateJumpTables dflags ncgImpl kludged
---- shortcut branches
let shorted =
@@ -572,10 +571,10 @@ makeImportsDoc dflags imports
-- (Hack) sometimes two Labels pretty-print the same, but have
-- different uniques; so we compare their text versions...
dyld_stubs imps
- | needImportedSymbols arch os
+ | needImportedSymbols dflags arch os
= vcat $
- (pprGotDeclaration arch os :) $
- map ( pprImportedSymbol platform . fst . head) $
+ (pprGotDeclaration dflags arch os :) $
+ map ( pprImportedSymbol dflags platform . fst . head) $
groupBy (\(_,a) (_,b) -> a == b) $
sortBy (\(_,a) (_,b) -> compare a b) $
map doPpr $
@@ -712,12 +711,12 @@ makeFarBranches blocks
-- Analyzes all native code and generates data sections for all jump
-- table instructions.
- :: NcgImpl statics instr jumpDest
+ :: DynFlags -> NcgImpl statics instr jumpDest
-> [NatCmmDecl statics instr] -> [NatCmmDecl statics instr]
-generateJumpTables ncgImpl xs = concatMap f xs
+generateJumpTables dflags ncgImpl xs = concatMap f xs
where f p@(CmmProc _ _ (ListGraph xs)) = p : concatMap g xs
f p = [p]
- g (BasicBlock _ xs) = catMaybes (map (generateJumpTableForInstr ncgImpl) xs)
+ g (BasicBlock _ xs) = catMaybes (map (generateJumpTableForInstr ncgImpl dflags) xs)
-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Shortcut branches
@@ -887,7 +886,7 @@ cmmBlockConFold (BasicBlock id stmts) = do
-- * reg = reg --> nop
-- * if 0 then jump --> nop
-- * if 1 then jump --> jump
--- We might be tempted to skip this step entirely of not opt_PIC, but
+-- We might be tempted to skip this step entirely of not Opt_PIC, but
-- there is some PowerPC code for the non-PIC case, which would also
-- have to be separated.
cmmStmtConFold :: CmmStmt -> CmmOptM CmmStmt
@@ -990,15 +989,15 @@ cmmExprNative referenceKind expr = do
-- to use the register table, so we replace these registers
-- with the corresponding labels:
CmmReg (CmmGlobal EagerBlackholeInfo)
- | arch == ArchPPC && not opt_PIC
+ | arch == ArchPPC && not (dopt Opt_PIC dflags)
-> cmmExprNative referenceKind $
CmmLit (CmmLabel (mkCmmCodeLabel rtsPackageId (fsLit "__stg_EAGER_BLACKHOLE_info")))
CmmReg (CmmGlobal GCEnter1)
- | arch == ArchPPC && not opt_PIC
+ | arch == ArchPPC && not (dopt Opt_PIC dflags)
-> cmmExprNative referenceKind $
CmmLit (CmmLabel (mkCmmCodeLabel rtsPackageId (fsLit "__stg_gc_enter_1")))
CmmReg (CmmGlobal GCFun)
- | arch == ArchPPC && not opt_PIC
+ | arch == ArchPPC && not (dopt Opt_PIC dflags)
-> cmmExprNative referenceKind $
CmmLit (CmmLabel (mkCmmCodeLabel rtsPackageId (fsLit "__stg_gc_fun")))
diff --git a/compiler/nativeGen/PIC.hs b/compiler/nativeGen/PIC.hs
index 64e37d0eae..67945669f5 100644
--- a/compiler/nativeGen/PIC.hs
+++ b/compiler/nativeGen/PIC.hs
@@ -74,7 +74,7 @@ import CLabel ( CLabel, ForeignLabelSource(..), pprCLabel,
import CLabel ( mkForeignLabel )
-import StaticFlags ( opt_PIC, opt_Static )
+import StaticFlags ( opt_Static )
import BasicTypes
import Outputable
@@ -160,7 +160,7 @@ cmmMakePicReference dflags lbl
= CmmLit $ CmmLabel lbl
- | (opt_PIC || not opt_Static) && absoluteLabel lbl
+ | (dopt Opt_PIC dflags || not opt_Static) && absoluteLabel lbl
= CmmMachOp (MO_Add wordWidth)
[ CmmReg (CmmGlobal PicBaseReg)
, CmmLit $ picRelative
@@ -256,7 +256,7 @@ howToAccessLabel dflags arch OSDarwin DataReference lbl
-- we'd need to pass the current Module all the way in to
-- this function.
| arch /= ArchX86_64
- , opt_PIC && externallyVisibleCLabel lbl
+ , dopt Opt_PIC dflags && externallyVisibleCLabel lbl
= AccessViaSymbolPtr
| otherwise
@@ -301,12 +301,12 @@ howToAccessLabel _ ArchPPC_64 os kind _
-- actually, .label instead of label
else AccessDirectly
-howToAccessLabel _ _ os _ _
+howToAccessLabel dflags _ os _ _
-- no PIC -> the dynamic linker does everything for us;
-- if we don't dynamically link to Haskell code,
-- it actually manages to do so without messing thins up.
| osElfTarget os
- , not opt_PIC && opt_Static
+ , not (dopt Opt_PIC dflags) && opt_Static
= AccessDirectly
howToAccessLabel dflags arch os DataReference lbl
@@ -320,7 +320,7 @@ howToAccessLabel dflags arch os DataReference lbl
-- via a symbol pointer (see below for an explanation why
-- PowerPC32 Linux is especially broken).
| arch == ArchPPC
- , opt_PIC
+ , dopt Opt_PIC dflags
-> AccessViaSymbolPtr
| otherwise
@@ -341,12 +341,12 @@ howToAccessLabel dflags arch os DataReference lbl
howToAccessLabel dflags arch os CallReference lbl
| osElfTarget os
- , labelDynamic dflags (thisPackage dflags) lbl && not opt_PIC
+ , labelDynamic dflags (thisPackage dflags) lbl && not (dopt Opt_PIC dflags)
= AccessDirectly
| osElfTarget os
, arch /= ArchX86
- , labelDynamic dflags (thisPackage dflags) lbl && opt_PIC
+ , labelDynamic dflags (thisPackage dflags) lbl && dopt Opt_PIC dflags
= AccessViaStub
howToAccessLabel dflags _ os _ lbl
@@ -356,8 +356,8 @@ howToAccessLabel dflags _ os _ lbl
else AccessDirectly
-- all other platforms
-howToAccessLabel _ _ _ _ _
- | not opt_PIC
+howToAccessLabel dflags _ _ _ _
+ | not (dopt Opt_PIC dflags)
= AccessDirectly
| otherwise
@@ -419,8 +419,8 @@ picRelative _ _ _
-needImportedSymbols :: Arch -> OS -> Bool
-needImportedSymbols arch os
+needImportedSymbols :: DynFlags -> Arch -> OS -> Bool
+needImportedSymbols dflags arch os
| os == OSDarwin
, arch /= ArchX86_64
= True
@@ -428,12 +428,12 @@ needImportedSymbols arch os
-- PowerPC Linux: -fPIC or -dynamic
| osElfTarget os
, arch == ArchPPC
- = opt_PIC || not opt_Static
+ = dopt Opt_PIC dflags || not opt_Static
-- i386 (and others?): -dynamic but not -fPIC
| osElfTarget os
, arch /= ArchPPC_64
- = not opt_Static && not opt_PIC
+ = not opt_Static && not (dopt Opt_PIC dflags)
| otherwise
= False
@@ -453,9 +453,9 @@ gotLabel
-- We don't need to declare any offset tables.
-- However, for PIC on x86, we need a small helper function.
-pprGotDeclaration :: Arch -> OS -> SDoc
-pprGotDeclaration ArchX86 OSDarwin
- | opt_PIC
+pprGotDeclaration :: DynFlags -> Arch -> OS -> SDoc
+pprGotDeclaration dflags ArchX86 OSDarwin
+ | dopt Opt_PIC dflags
= vcat [
ptext (sLit ".section __TEXT,__textcoal_nt,coalesced,no_toc"),
ptext (sLit ".weak_definition"),
@@ -464,7 +464,7 @@ pprGotDeclaration ArchX86 OSDarwin
ptext (sLit "\tmovl (%esp), %eax"),
ptext (sLit "\tret") ]
-pprGotDeclaration _ OSDarwin
+pprGotDeclaration _ _ OSDarwin
= empty
-- pprGotDeclaration
@@ -472,10 +472,10 @@ pprGotDeclaration _ OSDarwin
-- The .LCTOC1 label is defined to point 32768 bytes into the table,
-- to make the most of the PPC's 16-bit displacements.
-- Only needed for PIC.
-pprGotDeclaration arch os
+pprGotDeclaration dflags arch os
| osElfTarget os
, arch /= ArchPPC_64
- , not opt_PIC
+ , not (dopt Opt_PIC dflags)
= empty
| osElfTarget os
@@ -484,7 +484,7 @@ pprGotDeclaration arch os
ptext (sLit ".section \".got2\",\"aw\""),
ptext (sLit ".LCTOC1 = .+32768") ]
-pprGotDeclaration _ _
+pprGotDeclaration _ _ _
= panic "pprGotDeclaration: no match"
@@ -496,10 +496,10 @@ pprGotDeclaration _ _
-- Whenever you change something in this assembler output, make sure
-- the splitter in driver/split/ghc-split.lprl recognizes the new output
-pprImportedSymbol :: Platform -> CLabel -> SDoc
-pprImportedSymbol platform@(Platform { platformArch = ArchPPC, platformOS = OSDarwin }) importedLbl
+pprImportedSymbol :: DynFlags -> Platform -> CLabel -> SDoc
+pprImportedSymbol dflags platform@(Platform { platformArch = ArchPPC, platformOS = OSDarwin }) importedLbl
| Just (CodeStub, lbl) <- dynamicLinkerLabelInfo importedLbl
- = case opt_PIC of
+ = case dopt Opt_PIC dflags of
False ->
vcat [
ptext (sLit ".symbol_stub"),
@@ -551,9 +551,9 @@ pprImportedSymbol platform@(Platform { platformArch = ArchPPC, platformOS = OSDa
= empty
-pprImportedSymbol platform@(Platform { platformArch = ArchX86, platformOS = OSDarwin }) importedLbl
+pprImportedSymbol dflags platform@(Platform { platformArch = ArchX86, platformOS = OSDarwin }) importedLbl
| Just (CodeStub, lbl) <- dynamicLinkerLabelInfo importedLbl
- = case opt_PIC of
+ = case dopt Opt_PIC dflags of
False ->
vcat [
ptext (sLit ".symbol_stub"),
@@ -586,7 +586,7 @@ pprImportedSymbol platform@(Platform { platformArch = ArchX86, platformOS = OSDa
ptext (sLit "\tjmp dyld_stub_binding_helper")
$+$ vcat [ ptext (sLit ".section __DATA, __la_sym_ptr")
- <> (if opt_PIC then int 2 else int 3)
+ <> (if dopt Opt_PIC dflags then int 2 else int 3)
<> ptext (sLit ",lazy_symbol_pointers"),
ptext (sLit "L") <> pprCLabel platform lbl <> ptext (sLit "$lazy_ptr:"),
ptext (sLit "\t.indirect_symbol") <+> pprCLabel platform lbl,
@@ -604,7 +604,7 @@ pprImportedSymbol platform@(Platform { platformArch = ArchX86, platformOS = OSDa
= empty
-pprImportedSymbol (Platform { platformOS = OSDarwin }) _
+pprImportedSymbol _ (Platform { platformOS = OSDarwin }) _
= empty
@@ -622,7 +622,7 @@ pprImportedSymbol (Platform { platformOS = OSDarwin }) _
-- section.
-- The "official" GOT mechanism (label@got) isn't intended to be used
-- in position dependent code, so we have to create our own "fake GOT"
--- when not opt_PIC && not opt_Static.
+-- when not Opt_PIC && not opt_Static.
-- 2) PowerPC Linux is just plain broken.
-- While it's theoretically possible to use GOT offsets larger
@@ -637,11 +637,11 @@ pprImportedSymbol (Platform { platformOS = OSDarwin }) _
-- the NCG will keep track of all DynamicLinkerLabels it uses
-- and output each of them using pprImportedSymbol.
-pprImportedSymbol platform@(Platform { platformArch = ArchPPC_64 }) _
+pprImportedSymbol _ platform@(Platform { platformArch = ArchPPC_64 }) _
| osElfTarget (platformOS platform)
= empty
-pprImportedSymbol platform importedLbl
+pprImportedSymbol _ platform importedLbl
| osElfTarget (platformOS platform)
= case dynamicLinkerLabelInfo importedLbl of
Just (SymbolPtr, lbl)
@@ -658,7 +658,7 @@ pprImportedSymbol platform importedLbl
-- PLT code stubs are generated automatically by the dynamic linker.
_ -> empty
-pprImportedSymbol _ _
+pprImportedSymbol _ _ _
= panic "PIC.pprImportedSymbol: no match"
diff --git a/compiler/nativeGen/PPC/CodeGen.hs b/compiler/nativeGen/PPC/CodeGen.hs
index 422e1bbf89..c725dd2f0c 100644
--- a/compiler/nativeGen/PPC/CodeGen.hs
+++ b/compiler/nativeGen/PPC/CodeGen.hs
@@ -45,7 +45,6 @@ import OldCmm
import CLabel
-- The rest:
-import StaticFlags ( opt_PIC )
import OrdList
import Outputable
import Unique
@@ -140,7 +139,8 @@ stmtToInstrs stmt = do
CmmBranch id -> genBranch id
CmmCondBranch arg id -> genCondJump id arg
- CmmSwitch arg ids -> genSwitch arg ids
+ CmmSwitch arg ids -> do dflags <- getDynFlags
+ genSwitch dflags arg ids
CmmJump arg _ -> genJump arg
CmmReturn ->
panic "stmtToInstrs: return statement should have been cps'd away"
@@ -1153,9 +1153,9 @@ genCCall' gcp target dest_regs argsAndHints
-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Generating a table-branch
-genSwitch :: CmmExpr -> [Maybe BlockId] -> NatM InstrBlock
-genSwitch expr ids
- | opt_PIC
+genSwitch :: DynFlags -> CmmExpr -> [Maybe BlockId] -> NatM InstrBlock
+genSwitch dflags expr ids
+ | dopt Opt_PIC dflags
= do
(reg,e_code) <- getSomeReg expr
tmp <- getNewRegNat II32
@@ -1185,10 +1185,11 @@ genSwitch expr ids
return code
-generateJumpTableForInstr :: Instr -> Maybe (NatCmmDecl CmmStatics Instr)
-generateJumpTableForInstr (BCTR ids (Just lbl)) =
+generateJumpTableForInstr :: DynFlags -> Instr
+ -> Maybe (NatCmmDecl CmmStatics Instr)
+generateJumpTableForInstr dflags (BCTR ids (Just lbl)) =
let jumpTable
- | opt_PIC = map jumpTableEntryRel ids
+ | dopt Opt_PIC dflags = map jumpTableEntryRel ids
| otherwise = map jumpTableEntry ids
where jumpTableEntryRel Nothing
= CmmStaticLit (CmmInt 0 wordWidth)
@@ -1196,7 +1197,7 @@ generateJumpTableForInstr (BCTR ids (Just lbl)) =
= CmmStaticLit (CmmLabelDiffOff blockLabel lbl 0)
where blockLabel = mkAsmTempLabel (getUnique blockid)
in Just (CmmData ReadOnlyData (Statics lbl jumpTable))
-generateJumpTableForInstr _ = Nothing
+generateJumpTableForInstr _ _ = Nothing
-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- 'condIntReg' and 'condFltReg': condition codes into registers
diff --git a/compiler/nativeGen/SPARC/CodeGen.hs b/compiler/nativeGen/SPARC/CodeGen.hs
index e0656db9db..840918281f 100644
--- a/compiler/nativeGen/SPARC/CodeGen.hs
+++ b/compiler/nativeGen/SPARC/CodeGen.hs
@@ -48,7 +48,6 @@ import CPrim
import BasicTypes
import DynFlags
import FastString
-import StaticFlags ( opt_PIC )
import OrdList
import Outputable
import Platform
@@ -135,7 +134,8 @@ stmtToInstrs stmt = case stmt of
CmmBranch id -> genBranch id
CmmCondBranch arg id -> genCondJump id arg
- CmmSwitch arg ids -> genSwitch arg ids
+ CmmSwitch arg ids -> do dflags <- getDynFlags
+ genSwitch dflags arg ids
CmmJump arg _ -> genJump arg
@@ -289,9 +289,9 @@ genCondJump bid bool = do
-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Generating a table-branch
-genSwitch :: CmmExpr -> [Maybe BlockId] -> NatM InstrBlock
-genSwitch expr ids
- | opt_PIC
+genSwitch :: DynFlags -> CmmExpr -> [Maybe BlockId] -> NatM InstrBlock
+genSwitch dflags expr ids
+ | dopt Opt_PIC dflags
= error "MachCodeGen: sparc genSwitch PIC not finished\n"
| otherwise
@@ -317,11 +317,12 @@ genSwitch expr ids
, JMP_TBL (AddrRegImm dst (ImmInt 0)) ids label
, NOP ]
-generateJumpTableForInstr :: Instr -> Maybe (NatCmmDecl CmmStatics Instr)
-generateJumpTableForInstr (JMP_TBL _ ids label) =
+generateJumpTableForInstr :: DynFlags -> Instr
+ -> Maybe (NatCmmDecl CmmStatics Instr)
+generateJumpTableForInstr _ (JMP_TBL _ ids label) =
let jumpTable = map jumpTableEntry ids
in Just (CmmData ReadOnlyData (Statics label jumpTable))
-generateJumpTableForInstr _ = Nothing
+generateJumpTableForInstr _ _ = Nothing
diff --git a/compiler/nativeGen/X86/CodeGen.hs b/compiler/nativeGen/X86/CodeGen.hs
index 65a3dd7f57..63a45764ea 100644
--- a/compiler/nativeGen/X86/CodeGen.hs
+++ b/compiler/nativeGen/X86/CodeGen.hs
@@ -45,7 +45,6 @@ import OldPprCmm ()
import CLabel
-- The rest:
-import StaticFlags ( opt_PIC )
import ForeignCall ( CCallConv(..) )
import OrdList
import Outputable
@@ -165,7 +164,8 @@ stmtToInstrs stmt = do
CmmBranch id -> genBranch id
CmmCondBranch arg id -> genCondJump id arg
- CmmSwitch arg ids -> genSwitch arg ids
+ CmmSwitch arg ids -> do dflags <- getDynFlags
+ genSwitch dflags arg ids
CmmJump arg gregs -> genJump arg (jumpRegs gregs)
CmmReturn ->
panic "stmtToInstrs: return statement should have been cps'd away"
@@ -2250,10 +2250,10 @@ outOfLineCmmOp mop res args
-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Generating a table-branch
-genSwitch :: CmmExpr -> [Maybe BlockId] -> NatM InstrBlock
+genSwitch :: DynFlags -> CmmExpr -> [Maybe BlockId] -> NatM InstrBlock
-genSwitch expr ids
- | opt_PIC
+genSwitch dflags expr ids
+ | dopt Opt_PIC dflags
= do
(reg,e_code) <- getSomeReg expr
lbl <- getNewLabelNat
@@ -2305,14 +2305,16 @@ genSwitch expr ids
return code
-generateJumpTableForInstr :: Instr -> Maybe (NatCmmDecl (Alignment, CmmStatics) Instr)
-generateJumpTableForInstr (JMP_TBL _ ids section lbl) = Just (createJumpTable ids section lbl)
-generateJumpTableForInstr _ = Nothing
+generateJumpTableForInstr :: DynFlags -> Instr -> Maybe (NatCmmDecl (Alignment, CmmStatics) Instr)
+generateJumpTableForInstr dflags (JMP_TBL _ ids section lbl)
+ = Just (createJumpTable dflags ids section lbl)
+generateJumpTableForInstr _ _ = Nothing
-createJumpTable :: [Maybe BlockId] -> Section -> CLabel -> GenCmmDecl (Alignment, CmmStatics) h g
-createJumpTable ids section lbl
+createJumpTable :: DynFlags -> [Maybe BlockId] -> Section -> CLabel
+ -> GenCmmDecl (Alignment, CmmStatics) h g
+createJumpTable dflags ids section lbl
= let jumpTable
- | opt_PIC =
+ | dopt Opt_PIC dflags =
let jumpTableEntryRel Nothing
= CmmStaticLit (CmmInt 0 wordWidth)
jumpTableEntryRel (Just blockid)