path: root/darcs-all
diff options
authorIan Lynagh <>2011-04-04 17:21:36 +0100
committerIan Lynagh <>2011-04-04 17:21:36 +0100
commit46a963a888863eee0548c1e4e13a15f0ba46354e (patch)
tree1f76ef43e6b6c003ea5063950881aad99be1ee50 /darcs-all
parentaaafc986f2175958bcadd4af6b3c9889bfc89009 (diff)
Remove redundant darcs-all script
Diffstat (limited to 'darcs-all')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 437 deletions
diff --git a/darcs-all b/darcs-all
deleted file mode 100755
index 106eb8f5cc..0000000000
--- a/darcs-all
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,437 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/perl -w
-use strict;
-# Usage:
-# ./darcs-all [-q] [-s] [-i] [-r repo]
-# [--nofib] [--testsuite] [--checked-out] cmd [darcs flags]
-# Applies the darcs command "cmd" to each repository in the tree.
-# e.g.
-# ./darcs-all -r get
-# To get any repos which do not exist in the local tree
-# ./darcs-all -r ~/ghc-validate push
-# To push all your repos to the ~/ghc-validate tree
-# ./darcs-all pull -a
-# To pull everything from the default repos
-# ./darc-all push --dry-run
-# To see what local patches you have relative to the main repos
-# -------------- Flags -------------------
-# -q says to be quite, and -s to be silent.
-# -i says to ignore darcs errors and move on to the next repository
-# -r repo says to use repo as the location of package repositories
-# --checked-out says that the remote repo is in checked-out layout, as
-# opposed to the layout used for the main repo. By default a repo on
-# the local filesystem is assumed to be checked-out, and repos accessed
-# via HTTP or SSH are assumed to be in the main repo layout; use
-# --checked-out to override the latter.
-# --nofib, --testsuite also get the nofib and testsuite repos respectively
-# The darcs get flag you are most likely to want is --complete. By
-# default we pass darcs the --partial flag.
-# ------------ Which repos to use -------------
-# darcs-all uses the following algorithm to decide which remote repos to use
-# It always computes the remote repos from a single base, $repo_base
-# How is $repo_base set?
-# If you say "-r repo", then that's $repo_base
-# othewise $repo_base is set thus:
-# look in _darcs/prefs/defaultrepo,
-# and remove the trailing 'ghc'
-# Then darcs-all iterates over the package found in the file
-# ./packages, which has entries like:
-# libraries/array packages/array darcs
-# or, in general
-# <local-path> <remote-path> <vcs>
-# If $repo_base looks like a local filesystem path, or if you give
-# the --checked-out flag, darcs-all works on repos of form
-# $repo_base/<local-path>
-# otherwise darcs-all works on repos of form
-# $repo_base/<remote-path>
-# This logic lets you say
-# both darcs-all -r pull
-# and darcs-all -r ../HEAD pull
-# The latter is called a "checked-out tree".
-# NB: darcs-all *ignores* the defaultrepo of all repos other than the
-# root one. So the remote repos must be laid out in one of the two
-# formats given by <local-path> and <remote-path> in the file 'packages'.
-$| = 1; # autoflush stdout after each print, to avoid output after die
-my $defaultrepo;
-my $verbose = 2;
-my $ignore_failure = 0;
-my $want_remote_repo = 0;
-my $checked_out_flag = 0;
-my %tags;
-my @packages;
-# Figure out where to get the other repositories from.
-sub getrepo {
- my $basedir = ".";
- my $repo = $defaultrepo || `cat $basedir/_darcs/prefs/defaultrepo`;
- chomp $repo;
- my $repo_base;
- my $checked_out_tree;
- if ($repo =~ /^...*:/) {
- # HTTP or SSH
- # Above regex says "at least two chars before the :", to avoid
- # catching Win32 drives ("C:\").
- $repo_base = $repo;
- # --checked-out is needed if you want to use a checked-out repo
- # over SSH or HTTP
- if ($checked_out_flag) {
- $checked_out_tree = 1;
- } else {
- $checked_out_tree = 0;
- }
- # Don't drop the last part of the path if specified with -r, as
- # it expects repos of the form:
- #
- #
- #
- # rather than
- #
- #
- #
- if (!$defaultrepo) {
- $repo_base =~ s#/[^/]+/?$##;
- }
- }
- elsif ($repo =~ /^\/|\.\.\/|.:(\/|\\)/) {
- # Local filesystem, either absolute or relative path
- # (assumes a checked-out tree):
- $repo_base = $repo;
- $checked_out_tree = 1;
- }
- else {
- die "Couldn't work out repo";
- }
- return $repo_base, $checked_out_tree;
-sub message {
- if ($verbose >= 2) {
- print "@_\n";
- }
-sub warning {
- if ($verbose >= 1) {
- print "warning: @_\n";
- }
-sub darcs {
- message "== running darcs @_";
- system ("darcs", @_) == 0
- or $ignore_failure
- or die "darcs failed: $?";
-sub parsePackages {
- my @repos;
- my $lineNum;
- my ($repo_base, $checked_out_tree) = getrepo();
- open IN, "< packages" or die "Can't open packages file";
- @repos = <IN>;
- close IN;
- @packages = ();
- $lineNum = 0;
- foreach (@repos) {
- chomp;
- $lineNum++;
- if (/^([^# ]+) +([^ ]+) +([^ ]+) +([^ ]+) +([^ ]+)$/) {
- my %line;
- $line{"localpath"} = $1;
- $line{"tag"} = $2;
- $line{"remotepath"} = $3;
- $line{"vcs"} = $4;
- $line{"upstream"} = $5;
- push @packages, \%line;
- }
- elsif (! /^(#.*)?$/) {
- die "Bad content on line $lineNum of packages file: $_";
- }
- }
-sub darcsall {
- my $localpath;
- my $remotepath;
- my $path;
- my $tag;
- my @repos;
- my $command = $_[0];
- my $line;
- my ($repo_base, $checked_out_tree) = getrepo();
- for $line (@packages) {
- $localpath = $$line{"localpath"};
- $tag = $$line{"tag"};
- $remotepath = $$line{"remotepath"};
- if ($checked_out_tree) {
- $path = "$repo_base/$localpath";
- }
- else {
- $path = "$repo_base/$remotepath";
- }
- if (-d "$localpath/_darcs") {
- if ($want_remote_repo) {
- if ($command =~ /^opt/) {
- # Allows ./darcs-all optimize --relink
- darcs (@_, "--repodir", $localpath, "--sibling=$path");
- } else {
- darcs (@_, "--repodir", $localpath, $path);
- }
- } else {
- darcs (@_, "--repodir", $localpath);
- }
- }
- elsif ($tag eq "-") {
- message "== Required repo $localpath is missing! Skipping";
- }
- else {
- message "== $localpath repo not present; skipping";
- }
- }
-sub darcsget {
- my $r_flags;
- my $localpath;
- my $remotepath;
- my $path;
- my $tag;
- my @repos;
- my $line;
- my ($repo_base, $checked_out_tree) = getrepo();
- if (! grep /(?:--complete|--partial|--lazy)/, @_) {
- warning("adding --partial, to override use --complete");
- $r_flags = [@_, "--partial"];
- }
- else {
- $r_flags = \@_;
- }
- for $line (@packages) {
- $localpath = $$line{"localpath"};
- $tag = $$line{"tag"};
- $remotepath = $$line{"remotepath"};
- if ($checked_out_tree) {
- $path = "$repo_base/$localpath";
- }
- else {
- $path = "$repo_base/$remotepath";
- }
- if ($tags{$tag} eq 1) {
- if (-d $localpath) {
- warning("$localpath already present; omitting");
- }
- else {
- darcs (@$r_flags, $path, $localpath);
- }
- }
- }
-sub darcsupstreampull {
- my $localpath;
- my $upstream;
- my $line;
- for $line (@packages) {
- $localpath = $$line{"localpath"};
- $upstream = $$line{"upstream"};
- if ($upstream ne "-") {
- if (-d $localpath) {
- darcs ("pull", @_, "--repodir", $localpath, $upstream);
- }
- }
- }
-sub main {
- if (! -d "compiler") {
- die "error: darcs-all must be run from the top level of the ghc tree."
- }
- $tags{"-"} = 1;
- $tags{"dph"} = 1;
- $tags{"nofib"} = 0;
- $tags{"testsuite"} = 0;
- $tags{"extra"} = 0;
- while ($#_ ne -1) {
- my $arg = shift;
- # We handle -q here as well as lower down as we need to skip over it
- # if it comes before the darcs command
- if ($arg eq "-q") {
- $verbose = 1;
- }
- elsif ($arg eq "-s") {
- $verbose = 0;
- }
- elsif ($arg eq "-r") {
- $defaultrepo = shift;
- }
- elsif ($arg eq "-i") {
- $ignore_failure = 1;
- }
- # --nofib tells get to also grab the nofib repo.
- # It has no effect on the other commands.
- elsif ($arg eq "--nofib") {
- $tags{"nofib"} = 1;
- }
- elsif ($arg eq "--no-nofib") {
- $tags{"nofib"} = 0;
- }
- # --testsuite tells get to also grab the testsuite repo.
- # It has no effect on the other commands.
- elsif ($arg eq "--testsuite") {
- $tags{"testsuite"} = 1;
- }
- elsif ($arg eq "--no-testsuite") {
- $tags{"testsuite"} = 0;
- }
- # --dph tells get to also grab the dph repo.
- # It has no effect on the other commands.
- elsif ($arg eq "--dph") {
- $tags{"dph"} = 1;
- }
- elsif ($arg eq "--no-dph") {
- $tags{"dph"} = 0;
- }
- # --extralibs tells get to also grab the extra repos.
- # It has no effect on the other commands.
- elsif ($arg eq "--extra") {
- $tags{"extra"} = 1;
- }
- elsif ($arg eq "--no-extra") {
- $tags{"extra"} = 0;
- }
- # Use --checked-out if the remote repos are a checked-out tree,
- # rather than the master trees.
- elsif ($arg eq "--checked-out") {
- $checked_out_flag = 1;
- }
- else {
- unshift @_, $arg;
- if (grep /^-q$/, @_) {
- $verbose = 1;
- }
- last;
- }
- }
- if ($#_ eq -1) {
- die "What do you want to do?";
- }
- my $command = $_[0];
- parsePackages;
- if ($command eq "get") {
- darcsget @_;
- }
- elsif ($command eq "upstreampull") {
- shift;
- darcsupstreampull @_;
- }
- else {
- if ($command =~ /^(?:w|wh|wha|what|whats|whatsn|whatsne|whatsnew)$/) {
- # Hack around whatsnew failing if there are no changes
- $ignore_failure = 1;
- }
- if ($command =~ /^(pul|pus|sen|put|opt)/) {
- $want_remote_repo = 1;
- }
- darcsall @_;
- }
-END {
- my $ec = $?;
- message "== Checking for old bytestring repo";
- if (-d "libraries/bytestring/_darcs") {
- if ((system "darcs annotate --repodir libraries/bytestring --match 'hash 20080118173113-3fd76-d5b74c04372a297b585ebea4e16d524551ce5035' > /dev/null 2> /dev/null") == 0) {
- print <<EOF;
-You have an old bytestring repository in your GHC tree!
-Please remove it (e.g. "rm -r libraries/bytestring"), and the new
-version of bytestring will be used from a tarball instead.
- }
- }
- message "== Checking for bytestring tarball";
- if (-d "libraries/bytestring" && not -d "libraries/bytestring/_darcs") {
- print <<EOF;
-You have an old bytestring in your GHC tree!
-Please remove it (e.g. "rm -r libraries/bytestring"), and then run
-"./darcs-all get" to get the darcs repository.
- }
- message "== Checking for unpulled tarball patches";
- if ((system "darcs annotate --match 'hash 20090930200358-3fd76-cab3bf4a0a9e3902eb6dd41f71712ad3a6a9bcd1' > /dev/null 2> /dev/null") == 0) {
- print <<EOF;
-You have the unpulled tarball patches in your GHC tree!
-Please remove them:
- darcs unpull -p "Use mingw tarballs to get mingw on Windows"
-and say yes to each patch.
- }
- $? = $ec;