path: root/docs/core-spec
diff options
authorRichard Eisenberg <>2012-12-01 11:06:02 -0500
committerRichard Eisenberg <>2012-12-01 11:06:02 -0500
commit81b7e5873f97c9e34aaf77e3591add04bd2a2ad4 (patch)
tree170d9b8e249af5829c74e59dc2804a48ea407857 /docs/core-spec
parent2332b4be2f74092bffb3ab338c8669d104a46196 (diff)
Added GHC formalism to the GHC source tree.
As per a request from Simon PJ, I wrote up a formalism of the core language in GHC, System FC. The writeup lives in docs/core-spec. I also added comments to a number of files dealing with the core language reminding authors to update the formalism when updating the code. In the next commit will be a README file in docs/core-spec with more details of how to do this.
Diffstat (limited to 'docs/core-spec')
-rw-r--r--docs/core-spec/core-spec.pdfbin0 -> 303537 bytes
6 files changed, 1013 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/docs/core-spec/.gitignore b/docs/core-spec/.gitignore
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index 0000000000..a1958037ad
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+++ b/docs/core-spec/.gitignore
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
diff --git a/docs/core-spec/ b/docs/core-spec/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..22949eddf3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/core-spec/
@@ -0,0 +1,402 @@
+%% Static semantics %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+CoreLint :: '' ::=
+defn |- prog program :: :: lintCoreBindings :: 'Prog_' {{ com Program typing, \coderef{coreSyn/CoreLint.lhs}{lintCoreBindings} }}
+ {{ tex \labeledjudge{prog} [[program]] }}
+G = </ vars_of bindingi // i />
+no_duplicates </ bindingi // i />
+</ G |-bind bindingi // i />
+--------------------- :: CoreBindings
+|-prog </ bindingi // i />
+defn G |- bind binding :: :: lint_bind :: 'Binding_' {{ com Binding typing, \coderef{coreSyn/CoreLint.lhs}{lint\_bind} }}
+ {{ tex [[G]] \labeledjudge{bind} [[binding]] }}
+G |-sbind n <- e
+---------------------- :: NonRec
+G |-bind n = e
+</ G |-sbind ni <- ei // i />
+---------------------- :: Rec
+G |-bind rec </ ni = ei // i />
+defn G |- sbind n <- e :: :: lintSingleBinding :: 'SBinding_' {{ com Single binding typing, \coderef{coreSyn/CoreLint.lhs}{lintSingleBinding} }}
+ {{ tex [[G]] \labeledjudge{sbind} [[n]] [[<-]] [[e]] }}
+G |-tm e : t
+G |-name z_t ok
+</ mi // i /> = fv(t)
+</ mi elt G // i />
+----------------- :: SingleBinding
+G |-sbind z_t <- e
+defn G |- tm e : t :: :: lintCoreExpr :: 'Tm_'
+ {{ com Expression typing, \coderef{coreSyn/CoreLint.lhs}{lintCoreExpr} }}
+ {{ tex [[G]] \labeledjudge{tm} [[e]] : [[t]] }}
+x_t elt G
+not (t is_a_coercion)
+------------------ :: Var
+G |-tm x_t : t
+t = literalType lit
+------------------- :: Lit
+G |-tm lit : t
+G |-tm e : s
+G |-co g : s ~#k t
+------------------- :: Cast
+G |-tm e |> g : t
+G |-tm e : t
+------------------- :: Tick
+G |-tm e {tick} : t
+G' = G, alpha_k
+G |-ki k ok
+G' |-subst alpha_k |-> s ok
+G' |-tm e[alpha_k |-> s] : t
+--------------------------- :: LetTyKi
+G |-tm let alpha_k = s in e : t
+G |-sbind x_s <- u
+G |-ty s : k
+G, x_s |-tm e : t
+------------------------- :: LetNonRec
+G |-tm let x_s = u in e : t
+</ G'i @ // i /> = inits(</ zi_si // i />)
+</ G, G'i |-ty si : ki // i />
+no_duplicates </ zi // i />
+G' = G, </ zi_si // i />
+</ G' |-sbind zi_si <- ui // i />
+G' |-tm e : t
+------------------------ :: LetRec
+G |-tm let rec </ zi_si = ui // i /> in e : t
+% lintCoreArg is incorporated in these next two rules
+G |-tm e1 : forall alpha_k.t
+G |-subst alpha_k |-> s ok
+---------------- :: AppType
+G |-tm e1 s : t[alpha_k |-> s]
+not (e2 is_a_type)
+G |-tm e1 : t1 -> t2
+G |-tm e2 : t1
+---------------- :: AppExpr
+G |-tm e1 e2 : t2
+G |-ty t : k
+G, x_t |-tm e : s
+----------------- :: LamId
+G |-tm \x_t.e : t -> s
+G' = G, alpha_k
+G |-ki k ok
+G' |-tm e : t
+--------------------------- :: LamTy
+G |-tm \alpha_k.e : forall alpha_k. t
+G |-tm e : s
+G |-ty s : k1
+G |-ty t : k2
+</ G, z_s; s |-altern alti : t // i />
+---------------------------------------------------- :: Case
+G |-tm case e as z_s return t of </ alti // i /> : t
+% Type case of lintCoreExpr omitted because it is irrelevant
+G |-co g : t1 ~#k t2
+-------------------- :: Coercion
+G |-tm g : t1 ~#k t2
+defn G |- name n ok :: :: lintSingleBinding_lintBinder :: 'Name_'
+ {{ com Name consistency check, \coderef{coreSyn/CoreLint.lhs}{lintSingleBinding\#lintBinder} }}
+ {{ tex [[G]] \labeledjudge{n} [[n]] [[ok]] }}
+G |-ty t : k
+----------------- :: Id
+G |-name x_t ok
+----------------- :: TyVar
+G |-name alpha_k ok
+defn G |- bnd n ok :: :: lintBinder :: 'Binding_'
+ {{ com Binding consistency, \coderef{coreSyn/CoreLint.lhs}{lintBinder} }}
+ {{ tex [[G]] \labeledjudge{bnd} [[n]] [[ok]] }}
+G |-ty t : k
+--------------------------------- :: Id
+G |-bnd x_t ok
+G |-ki k ok
+---------------------------------------- :: TyVar
+G |-bnd alpha_k ok
+defn G |- co g : t1 ~# k t2 :: :: lintCoercion :: 'Co_'
+ {{ com Coercion typing, \coderef{coreSyn/CoreLint.lhs}{lintCoercion} }}
+ {{ tex [[G]] \labeledjudge{co} [[g]] : [[t1]] \mathop{\sim_{\#}^{[[k]]} } [[t2]] }}
+G |-ty t : k
+---------------------- :: Refl
+G |-co <t> : t ~#k t
+G |-co g1 : s1 ~#k1 t1
+G |-co g2 : s2 ~#k2 t2
+G |-arrow k1 -> k2 : k
+------------------------- :: TyConAppCoFunTy
+G |-co (->) g1 g2 : (s1 -> s2) ~#k (t1 -> t2)
+T /= (->)
+</ G |-co gi : si ~#ki ti // i />
+G |-app </ (si : ki) // i /> : tyConKind T ~> k
+--------------------------------- :: TyConAppCo
+G |-co T </ gi // i /> : T </ si // i /> ~#k T </ ti // i />
+G |-co g1 : s1 ~#k1 t1
+G |-co g2 : s2 ~#k2 t2
+G |-app (s2 : k2) : k1 ~> k
+--------------------- :: AppCo
+G |-co g1 g2 : (s1 s2) ~#k (t1 t2)
+G |-ki k1 ok
+G, z_k1 |-co g : s ~#k2 t
+--------------------------- :: ForAllCo
+G |-co forall z_k1. g : (forall z_k1.s) ~#k2 (forall z_k1.t)
+z_(t ~#BOX t) elt G
+----------------------- :: CoVarCoBox
+G |-co z_(t ~#BOX t) : t ~#BOX t
+z_(s ~#k t) elt G
+k /= BOX
+----------------------- :: CoVarCo
+G |-co z_(s ~#k t) : s ~#k t
+G |-ty t1 : k
+----------------------------- :: UnsafeCo
+G |-co t1 ==>! t2 : t1 ~#k t2
+G |-co g : t1 ~#k t2
+------------------------- :: SymCo
+G |-co sym g : t2 ~#k t1
+G |-co g1 : t1 ~#k t2
+G |-co g2 : t2 ~#k t3
+----------------------- :: TransCo
+G |-co g1 ; g2 : t1 ~#k t3
+G |-co g : (T </ sj // j />) ~#k (T </ tj // j />)
+length </ sj // j /> = length </ tj // j />
+i < length </ sj // j />
+G |-ty si : k
+---------------------- :: NthCo
+G |-co nth i g : si ~#k ti
+G |-co g : (s1 s2) ~#k (t1 t2)
+G |-ty s1 : k
+----------------------- :: LRCoLeft
+G |-co Left g : s1 ~#k t1
+G |-co g : (s1 s2) ~#k (t1 t2)
+G |-ty s2 : k
+----------------------- :: LRCoRight
+G |-co Right g : s2 ~#k t2
+G |-co g : forall m.s ~#k forall n.t
+G |-ty t0 : k0
+m = z_k1
+k0 <: k1
+--------------------- :: InstCo
+G |-co g t0 : s[m |-> t0] ~#k t[n |-> t0]
+</ G |-co gi : si ~#ki ti // i />
+</ substi @ // i /> = inits(</ [ ni |-> si ] // i />)
+</ ni = zi_k'i // i />
+</ ki <: substi(k'i) // i />
+s' = s </ [ ni |-> si ] // i />
+t' = t </ [ ni |-> ti ] // i />
+G |-ty s' : k
+------------------------------------------------------ :: AxiomInstCo
+G |-co (forall </ ni // i />. (s ~ t)) </ gi // i /> : s' ~#k t'
+defn G |- ki k ok :: :: lintKind :: 'K_'
+ {{ com Kind validity, \coderef{coreSyn/CoreLint.lhs}{lintKind} }}
+ {{ tex [[G]] \labeledjudge{k} [[k]] [[ok]] }}
+G |-ty k : BOX
+-------------- :: Box
+G |-ki k ok
+defn G |- ty t : k :: :: lintType :: 'Ty_'
+ {{ com Kinding, \coderef{coreSyn/CoreLint.lhs}{lintType} }}
+ {{ tex [[G]] \labeledjudge{ty} [[t]] : [[k]] }}
+z_k elt G
+------------ :: TyVarTy
+G |-ty z_k : k
+G |-ty t1 : k1
+G |-ty t2 : k2
+G |-app (t2 : k2) : k1 ~> k
+--------------- :: AppTy
+G |-ty t1 t2 : k
+G |-ty t1 : k1
+G |-ty t2 : k2
+G |-arrow k1 -> k2 : k
+------------------- :: FunTy
+G |-ty t1 -> t2 : k
+not (isUnLiftedTyCon T) \/ length </ ti // i /> = tyConArity T
+</ G |-ty ti : ki // i />
+G |-app </ (ti : ki) // i /> : tyConKind T ~> k
+--------------------------- :: TyConApp
+G |-ty T </ ti // i /> : k
+G |-ki k1 ok
+G, z_k1 |-ty t : k2
+------------------------ :: ForAllTy
+G |-ty forall z_k1. t : k2
+G |-tylit lit : k
+-------------- :: LitTy
+G |-ty lit : k
+defn G |- subst n |-> t ok :: :: checkTyKind :: 'Subst_'
+ {{ com Substitution consistency, \coderef{coreSyn/CoreLint.lhs}{checkTyKind} }}
+ {{ tex [[G]] \labeledjudge{subst} [[n]] [[|->]] [[t]] [[ok]] }}
+G |-ki k ok
+------------------------ :: Kind
+G |-subst z_BOX |-> k ok
+k1 /= BOX
+G |-ty t : k2
+k2 <: k1
+---------------------- :: Type
+G |-subst z_k1 |-> t ok
+defn G ; s |- altern alt : t :: :: lintCoreAlt :: 'Alt_'
+ {{ com Case alternative consistency, \coderef{coreSyn/CoreLint.lhs}{lintCoreAlt} }}
+ {{ tex [[G]];[[s]] \labeledjudge{alt} [[alt]] : [[t]] }}
+G |-tm e : t
+--------------------- :: DEFAULT
+G; s |-altern _ -> e : t
+s = literalType lit
+G |-tm e : t
+---------------------------------------- :: LitAlt
+G; s |-altern lit -> e : t
+T = dataConTyCon K
+not (isNewTyCon T)
+t1 = dataConRepType K
+t2 = t1 {</ sj // j />}
+</ G |-bnd ni ok // i />
+G' = G, </ ni // i />
+G' |-altbnd </ ni // i /> : t2 ~> T </ sj // j />
+G' |-tm e : t
+--------------------------------------- :: DataAlt
+G; T </ sj // j /> |-altern K </ ni // i /> -> e : t
+defn t' = t { </ si // , // i /> } :: :: applyTys :: 'ApplyTys_'
+ {{ com Telescope substitution, \coderef{types/Type.lhs}{applyTys} }}
+--------------------- :: Empty
+t = t { }
+t' = t{</ si // i />}
+t'' = t'[n |-> s]
+-------------------------- :: Ty
+t'' = (forall n. t) { s, </ si // i /> }
+defn G |- altbnd vars : t1 ~> t2 :: :: lintAltBinders :: 'AltBinders_'
+ {{ com Case alternative binding consistency, \coderef{coreSyn/CoreLint.lhs}{lintAltBinders} }}
+ {{ tex [[G]] \labeledjudge{altbnd} [[vars]] : [[t1]] [[~>]] [[t2]] }}
+------------------------- :: Empty
+G |-altbnd empty : t ~> t
+G |-subst beta_k' |-> alpha_k ok
+G |-altbnd </ ni // i /> : t[beta_k' |-> alpha_k] ~> s
+------------------------------------------------------ :: TyVar
+G |-altbnd alpha_k, </ ni // i /> : (forall beta_k'.t) ~> s
+G |-altbnd </ ni // i /> : t2 ~> s
+----------------------------------------------- :: Id
+G |-altbnd x_t1, </ ni // i /> : (t1 -> t2) ~> s
+defn G |- arrow k1 -> k2 : k :: :: lintArrow :: 'Arrow_'
+ {{ com Arrow kinding, \coderef{coreSyn/CoreLint.lhs}{lintArrow} }}
+ {{ tex [[G]] \labeledjudge{\rightarrow} [[k1]] [[->]] [[k2]] : [[k]] }}
+------------------------- :: Box
+G |-arrow BOX -> k2 : BOX
+k1 elt { *, #, Constraint }
+k2 elt { *, #, Constraint }
+------------------------- :: Kind
+G |-arrow k1 -> k2 : *
+defn G |- app kinded_types : k1 ~> k2 :: :: lint_app :: 'App_'
+ {{ com Type application kinding, \coderef{coreSyn/CoreLint.lhs}{lint\_app} }}
+ {{ tex [[G]] \labeledjudge{app} [[kinded_types]] : [[k1]] [[~>]] [[k2]] }}
+--------------------- :: Empty
+G |-app empty : k ~> k
+k <: k1
+G |-app </ (ti : ki) // i /> : k2 ~> k'
+---------------------------------------------------- :: FunTy
+G |-app (t : k), </ (ti : ki) // i /> : (k1 -> k2) ~> k'
+k <: k1
+G |-app </ (ti : ki) // i /> : k2[z_k1 |-> t] ~> k'
+-------------------------------------------------------- :: ForAllTy
+G |-app (t : k), </ (ti : ki) // i /> : (forall z_k1. k2) ~> k'
+defn k1 <: k2 :: :: isSubKind :: 'SubKind_'
+ {{ com Sub-kinding, \coderef{types/Kind.lhs}{isSubKind} }}
+------ :: Refl
+k <: k
+-------------------- :: UnliftedTypeKind
+# <: OpenKind
+------------------- :: LiftedTypeKind
+* <: OpenKind
+---------------------- :: Constraint
+Constraint <: OpenKind
+------------------- :: ConstraintLifted
+Constraint <: *
+------------------ :: LiftedConstraint
+* <: Constraint \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/docs/core-spec/ b/docs/core-spec/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f3e8a61eb0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/core-spec/
@@ -0,0 +1,283 @@
+embed {{ tex-preamble
+ \newcommand{\coderef}[2]{\ghcfile{#1}:\texttt{#2}%
+ \newcommand{\keyword}[1]{\textbf{#1} }
+ \newcommand{\labeledjudge}[1]{\vdash_{\!\!\mathsf{#1} } }
+%% Metavariables %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+metavar x ::= {{ com Term-level variable names }}
+metavar alpha {{ tex \alpha }}, beta {{ tex \beta }} ::=
+ {{ com Type-level variable names }}
+metavar N ::= {{ com Type-level constructor names }}
+metavar K ::= {{ com Term-level data constructor names }}
+indexvar i, j ::= {{ com Indices to be used in lists }}
+%% Syntax %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+lit {{ tex \textsf{lit} }} :: 'Literal_' ::=
+ {{ com Literals, \coderef{basicTypes/Literal.lhs}{Literal} }}
+z :: 'Name_' ::= {{ com Term or type name }}
+ | alpha :: :: Type {{ com Type-level name }}
+ | x :: :: Term {{ com Term-level name }}
+n, m :: 'Var_' ::= {{ com Variable names, \coderef{basicTypes/Var.lhs}{Var} }}
+ | z _ t :: :: IdOrTyVar {{ com Name, labeled with type/kind }}
+ {{ tex {[[z]]}^{[[t]]} }}
+vars :: 'Vars_' ::= {{ com List of variables }}
+ | </ ni // , // i /> :: :: List
+ | fv ( t ) :: M :: fv
+ {{ tex \textit{fv}([[t]]) }}
+ | empty :: M :: empty
+e, u :: 'Expr_' ::= {{ com Expressions, \coderef{coreSyn/CoreSyn.lhs}{Expr} }}
+ | n :: :: Var {{ com Variable }}
+ | lit :: :: Lit {{ com Literal }}
+ | e1 e2 :: :: App {{ com Application }}
+ | \ n . e :: :: Lam {{ com Abstraction }}
+ | let binding in e :: :: Let {{ com Variable binding }}
+ | case e as n return t of </ alti // | // i /> :: :: Case {{ com Pattern match }}
+ | e |> g :: :: Cast {{ com Cast }}
+ | e { tick } :: :: Tick {{ com Internal note }}
+ {{ tex {[[e]]}_{\{[[tick]]\} } }}
+ | t :: :: Type {{ com Type }}
+ | g :: :: Coercion {{ com Coercion }}
+ | e [ n |-> t ] :: M :: TySubst {{ com Type substitution }}
+binding :: 'Bind_' ::= {{ com Let-bindings, \coderef{coreSyn/CoreSyn.lhs}{Bind} }}
+ | n = e :: :: NonRec {{ com Non-recursive binding }}
+ | rec </ ni = ei // and // i /> :: :: Rec {{ com Recursive binding }}
+alt :: 'Alt_' ::= {{ com Case alternative, \coderef{coreSyn/CoreSyn.lhs}{Alt} }}
+ | Kp </ ni // i /> -> e :: :: Alt {{ com Constructor applied to fresh names }}
+tick :: 'Tickish_' ::= {{ com Internal notes, \coderef{coreSyn/CoreSyn.lhs}{Tickish} }}
+Kp {{ tex \mathbb{K} }} :: 'AltCon_' ::= {{ com Constructors used in patterns, \coderef{coreSyn/CoreSyn.lhs}{AltCon} }}
+ | K :: :: DataAlt {{ com Data constructor }}
+ | lit :: :: LitAlt {{ com Literal (such as an integer or character) }}
+ | _ :: :: DEFAULT {{ com Wildcard }}
+program :: 'CoreProgram_' ::= {{ com A System FC program, \coderef{coreSyn/CoreSyn.lhs}{CoreProgram} }}
+ | </ bindingi // i /> :: :: CoreProgram {{ com List of bindings }}
+%% TYPES %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+t {{ tex \tau }}, k {{ tex \kappa }}, s {{ tex \sigma }}
+ :: 'Type_' ::= {{ com Types/kinds, \coderef{types/TypeRep.lhs}{Type} }}
+ | n :: :: TyVarTy {{ com Variable }}
+ | t1 t2 :: :: AppTy {{ com Application }}
+ | T </ ti // i /> :: :: TyConApp {{ com Application of type constructor }}
+ | t1 -> t2 :: :: FunTy {{ com Function }}
+ | forall n . t :: :: ForAllTy {{ com Polymorphism }}
+ | lit :: :: LitTy {{ com Type-level literal }}
+ | tyConKind T :: M :: tyConKind {{ com \coderef{types/TyCon.lhs}{tyConKind} }}
+ | t1 ~# k t2 :: M :: unliftedEq {{ com Metanotation for coercion types }}
+ {{ tex [[t1]] \mathop{\sim_{\#}^{[[k]]} } [[t2]] }}
+ | literalType t :: M :: literalType {{ com \coderef{basicTypes/Literal.lhs}{literalType} }}
+ | ( t ) :: M :: parens {{ com Parentheses }}
+ | t [ n |-> s ] :: M :: TySubst {{ com Type substitution }}
+ | subst ( k ) :: M :: TySubstList {{ com Type substitution list }}
+ | t subst :: M :: TySubstListPost {{ com Type substitution list }}
+ | dataConRepType K :: M :: dataConRepType {{ com Type of DataCon }}
+%% COERCIONS %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+g {{ tex \gamma }} :: 'Coercion_' ::= {{ com Coercions, \coderef{types/Coercion.lhs}{Coercion} }}
+ | < t > :: :: Refl {{ com Reflexivity }}
+ {{ tex \langle [[t]] \rangle }}
+ | T </ gi // i /> :: :: TyConAppCo {{ com Type constructor application }}
+ | g1 g2 :: :: AppCo {{ com Application }}
+ | forall n . g :: :: ForAllCo {{ com Polymorphism }}
+ | n :: :: CoVarCo {{ com Variable }}
+ | C </ gi // i /> :: :: AxiomInstCo {{ com Axiom application }}
+ | t1 ==>! t2 :: :: UnsafeCo {{ com Unsafe coercion }}
+ | sym g :: :: SymCo {{ com Symmetry }}
+ | g1 ; g2 :: :: TransCo {{ com Transitivity }}
+ | nth i g :: :: NthCo {{ com Projection (0-indexed) }}
+ {{ tex \textsf{nth}_{[[i]]}\,[[g]] }}
+ | LorR g :: :: LRCo {{ com Left/right projection }}
+ | g t :: :: InstCo {{ com Type application }}
+ | ( g ) :: M :: Parens {{ com Parentheses }}
+LorR :: 'LeftOrRight_' ::= {{ com left or right deconstructor, \coderef{types/Coercion.lhs}{LeftOrRight} }}
+ | Left :: :: CLeft {{ com Left projection }}
+ | Right :: :: CRight {{ com Right projection }}
+C :: 'CoAxiom_' ::= {{ com Axioms, \coderef{types/TyCon.lhs}{CoAxiom} }}
+ | forall </ ni // i /> . ( s ~ t ) :: :: CoAxiom {{ com Axiom }}
+ | ( C ) :: M :: Parens {{ com Parentheses }}
+%% TYCONS %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+T :: 'TyCon_' ::= {{ com Type constructors, \coderef{types/TyCon.lhs}{TyCon} }}
+ | ( -> ) :: :: FunTyCon {{ com Arrow }}
+ % the following also includes TupleTyCon, SynTyCon
+ | N _ k :: :: AlgTyCon {{ com Named tycon: algebraic, tuples, and synonyms }}
+ {{ tex {[[N]]}^{[[k]]} }}
+ | H :: :: PrimTyCon {{ com Primitive tycon }}
+ | ' K :: :: PromotedDataCon {{ com Promoted data constructor }}
+ | ' T :: :: PromotedTyCon {{ com Promoted type constructor }}
+ | dataConTyCon K :: M :: dataConTyCon {{ com TyCon extracted from DataCon }}
+H :: 'PrimTyCon_' ::= {{ com Primitive type constructors, \coderef{prelude/TysPrim.lhs}{} }}
+ | Int# :: :: intPrimTyCon {{ com Unboxed Int }}
+ | ( ~# ) :: :: eqPrimTyCon {{ com Unboxed equality }}
+ | BOX :: :: superKindTyCon {{ com Sort of kinds }}
+ | * :: :: liftedTypeKindTyCon {{ com Kind of lifted types }}
+ | # :: :: unliftedTypeKindTyCon {{ com Kind of unlifted types }}
+ | OpenKind :: :: openTypeKindTyCon {{ com Either $*$ or $\#$ }}
+ | Constraint :: :: constraintTyCon {{ com Constraint }}
+%% CONTEXTS %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+G {{ tex \Gamma }} :: 'LintM_Bindings_' ::= {{ com List of bindings, \coderef{coreSyn/CoreLint.lhs}{LintM} }}
+ | n :: :: Binding {{ com Single binding }}
+ | </ Gi // , // i /> :: :: Concat {{ com Context concatenation }}
+ | vars_of binding :: M :: VarsOf {{ com \coderef{coreSyn/CoreSyn.lhs}{bindersOf} }}
+%% UTILITY %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+B {{ tex \mathbb{B} }} :: 'Bool_' ::= {{ com Booleans in metatheory }}
+ | false :: :: False
+ | true :: :: True
+kinded_types {{ tex \overline{(\sigma_i : \kappa_i)}^i }} :: 'Kinded_Types_' ::= {{ com List of types with kinds }}
+ | </ ( si : ki ) // , // i /> :: :: List
+ | empty :: M :: empty
+subst :: 'Subst_' ::= {{ com List of type substitutions }}
+ | [ n |-> t ] :: :: Mapping
+ | </ substi // i /> :: :: List
+nat {{ tex \mathbb{N} }} :: 'Nat_' ::= {{ com Natural numbers }}
+ | i :: :: index
+ | length </ ti // i /> :: M :: length
+ | tyConArity T :: M :: tyConArity
+%% Terminals %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+terminals :: 'terminals_' ::=
+ | \ :: :: lambda {{ tex \lambda }}
+ | let :: :: let {{ tex \keyword{let} }}
+ | in :: :: key_in {{ tex \keyword{in} }}
+ | rec :: :: rec {{ tex \keyword{rec} }}
+ | and :: :: key_and {{ tex \keyword{and} }}
+ | case :: :: case {{ tex \keyword{case} }}
+ | of :: :: of {{ tex \keyword{of} }}
+ | -> :: :: arrow {{ tex \to }}
+ | |> :: :: cast {{ tex \triangleright }}
+ | forall :: :: forall {{ tex {\forall}\! }}
+ | ==>! :: :: unsafe
+ {{ tex \twoheadrightarrow\!\!\!\!\!\! \raisebox{-.3ex}{!} \,\,\,\,\, }}
+ | sym :: :: sym {{ tex \textsf{sym} }}
+ | ; :: :: trans {{ tex \fatsemi }}
+ | Left :: :: Left {{ tex \textsf{left} }}
+ | Right :: :: Right {{ tex \textsf{right} }}
+ | _ :: :: wildcard {{ tex \text{\textvisiblespace} }}
+ | BOX :: :: BOX {{ tex \Box }}
+ | Int# :: :: int_hash {{ tex {\textsf{Int} }_{\#} }}
+ | ~# :: :: eq_hash {{ tex \mathop{ {\sim}_{\#} } }}
+ | OpenKind :: :: OpenKind {{ tex \textsf{OpenKind} }}
+ | ok :: :: ok {{ tex \textsf{ ok} }}
+ | no_duplicates :: :: no_duplicates {{ tex \textsf{no\_duplicates } }}
+ | vars_of :: :: vars_of {{ tex \textsf{vars\_of } }}
+ | not :: :: not {{ tex \neg }}
+ | isUnLiftedTyCon :: :: isUnLiftenTyCon {{ tex \textsf{isUnLiftedTyCon} }}
+ | false :: :: false {{ tex \textsf{false} }}
+ | true :: :: true {{ tex \textsf{true} }}
+ | \/ :: :: or {{ tex \vee }}
+ | /\ :: :: and {{ tex \mathop{\wedge} }}
+ | elt :: :: elt {{ tex \in }}
+ | /= :: :: neq {{ tex \neq }}
+ | literalType :: :: literalType {{ tex \textsf{literalType} }}
+ | |-> :: :: mapsto {{ tex \mapsto }}
+ | <- :: :: assignment {{ tex \leftarrow }}
+ | @ :: :: marker {{ tex }}
+ | inits :: :: inits {{ tex \textsf{inits} }}
+ | ~> :: :: squigarrow {{ tex \rightsquigarrow }}
+ | tyConKind :: :: tyConKind {{ tex \mathop{\textsf{tyConKind} } }}
+ | empty :: :: empty {{ tex \cdot }}
+ | length :: :: length {{ tex \mathsf{length} }}
+ | <: :: :: subkind {{ tex \mathop{ {<} {:}\, } }}
+ | ~ :: :: eq {{ tex \sim }}
+ | tyConArity :: :: tyConArity {{ tex \textsf{tyConArity} }}
+ | dataConTyCon :: :: dataConTyCon {{ tex \textsf{dataConTyCon} }}
+ | dataConRepType :: :: dataConRepType {{ tex \textsf{dataConRepType} }}
+ | isNewTyCon :: :: isNewTyCon {{ tex \textsf{isNewTyCon} }}
+ | Constraint :: :: Constraint {{ tex \textsf{Constraint} }}
+%% Formulae %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+formula :: 'formula_' ::=
+ | judgement :: :: judgement
+ | formula1 ... formulai :: :: dots
+ | G1 = G2 :: :: context_rewrite
+ | t1 = t2 :: :: type_rewrite
+ | t1 /= t2 :: :: type_inequality
+ | e1 /=e e2 :: :: expr_inequality
+ {{ tex [[e1]] \neq [[e2]] }}
+ | rf :: :: rf_formula
+ | tlf :: :: tlf_formula
+ | g1 = g2 :: :: co_rewrite
+ | no_duplicates </ zi // i /> :: :: no_duplicates_name
+ | no_duplicates </ bindingi // i /> :: :: no_duplicates_binding
+ | not formula :: :: not
+ | isUnLiftedTyCon T :: :: isUnLiftedTyCon
+ | formula1 /\ formula2 :: :: and
+ | formula1 \/ formula2 :: :: or
+ | ( formula ) :: :: parens
+ | n elt G :: :: context_inclusion
+ | vars1 = vars2 :: :: vars_rewrite
+ | </ Gi @ // i /> = inits ( </ nj // j /> ) :: :: context_folding
+ | </ substi @ // i /> = inits ( </ [ nj |-> tj ] // j /> ) :: :: subst_folding
+ | nat1 = nat2 :: :: eq_nat
+ | nat1 < nat2 :: :: lt
+ | G |- tylit lit : k :: :: lintTyLit
+ {{ tex [[G]] \labeledjudge{tylit} [[lit]] : [[k]] }}
+ | isNewTyCon T :: :: isNewTyCon
+ | k1 elt { </ ki // , // i /> } :: :: kind_elt
+ | e is_a_type :: :: is_a_type
+ {{ tex \exists \tau \text{ s.t.~} [[e]] = \tau }}
+ | t is_a_coercion :: :: is_a_coercion
+ {{ tex \exists \tau_1, \tau_2, \kappa \text{ s.t.~} [[t]] =
+ \tau_1 \mathop{ {\sim}_{\#}^{\kappa} } \tau_2 }}
+%% Subrules and Parsing %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+TyCon_FunTyCon right Type_AppTy
+TyCon_PrimTyCon right Type_AppTy
+TyCon_AlgTyCon right Type_AppTy
+TyCon_PromotedDataCon right Type_AppTy
+TyCon_PromotedTyCon right Type_AppTy
+TyCon_FunTyCon right Coercion_AppCo
+TyCon_PrimTyCon right Coercion_AppCo
+TyCon_AlgTyCon right Coercion_AppCo
+TyCon_PromotedDataCon right Coercion_AppCo
+TyCon_PromotedTyCon right Coercion_AppCo
+Subst_Mapping <= Type_TySubstList
+Subst_List <= Type_TySubstList
+Subst_Mapping <= Type_TySubstListPost \ No newline at end of file
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+ latexmk -pdf $<
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+ ott $(OTT_OPTS) -tex_filter $< $@ $(OTT_FILES)
+ ott -tex_wrap false $(OTT_OPTS) -o $@ $^
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+% increase spacing between rules for ease of reading:
+System FC, as implemented in GHC\footnote{This
+document was originally prepared by Richard Eisenberg (\texttt{}),
+but it should be maintained by anyone who edits the functions or data structures
+mentioned in this file. Please feel free to contact Richard for more information.}\\
+There are a number of details elided from this presentation. The goal of the
+formalism is to aid in reasoning about type safety, and checks that do not
+work toward this goal were omitted. For example, various scoping checks (other
+than basic context inclusion) appear in the GHC code but not here.
+We will use the following metavariables:
+Literals do not play a major role, so we leave them abstract:
+We also leave abstract the function \coderef{basicTypes/Literal.lhs}{literalType}
+and the judgment \coderef{coreSyn/CoreLint.lhs}{lintTyLit} (written $[[G |-tylit lit : k]]$).
+GHC uses the same datatype to represent term-level variables and type-level
+The datatype that represents expressions:
+There are a few key invariants about expressions:
+\item The right-hand sides of all top-level and recursive $[[let]]$s
+must be of lifted type.
+\item The right-hand side of a non-recursive $[[let]]$ and the argument
+of an application may be of unlifted type, but only if the expression
+is ok-for-speculation. See \verb|#let_app_invariant#| in \ghcfile{coreSyn/CoreSyn.lhs}.
+\item We allow a non-recursive $[[let]]$ for bind a type variable.
+\item The $[[_]]$ case for a $[[case]]$ must come first.
+\item The list of case alternatives must be exhaustive.
+\item Types and coercions can only appear on the right-hand-side of an application.
+Bindings for $[[let]]$ statements:
+Case alternatives:
+Constructors as used in patterns:
+Notes that can be inserted into the AST. We leave these abstract:
+A program is just a list of bindings:
+There are some invariants on types:
+\item The type $[[t1]]$ in the form $[[t1 t2]]$ must not be a type constructor
+$[[T]]$. It should be another application or a type variable.
+\item The form $[[T </ ti // i /> ]]$ (\texttt{TyConApp})
+does \emph{not} need to be saturated.
+\item A saturated application of $[[(->) t1 t2]]$ should be represented as
+$[[t1 -> t2]]$. This is a different point in the grammar, not just pretty-printing.
+The constructor for a saturated $[[(->)]]$ is \texttt{FunTy}.
+\item A type-level literal is represented in GHC with a different datatype than
+a term-level literal, but we are ignoring this distinction here.
+Invariants on coercions:
+\item $[[<t1 t2>]]$ is used; never $[[<t1> <t2>]]$.
+\item If $[[<T>]]$ is applied to some coercions, at least one of which is not
+reflexive, use $[[T </ gi // i />]]$, never $[[<T> g1 g2]] \ldots$.
+\item The $[[T]]$ in $[[T </gi//i/>]]$ is never a type synonym, though it could
+be a type function.
+Is it a left projection or a right projection?
+\subsection{Type constructors}
+Type constructors in GHC contain \emph{lots} of information. We leave most of it out
+for this formalism:
+We include some representative primitive type constructors. There are many more in \ghcfile{prelude/TysPrim.lhs}.
+The functions in \ghcfile{coreSyn/CoreLint.lhs} use the \texttt{LintM} monad.
+This monad contains a context with a set of bound variables $[[G]]$. The
+formalism treats $[[G]]$ as an ordered list, but GHC uses a set as its
+We assume the Barendregt variable convention that all new variables are
+fresh in the context. In the implementation, of course, some work is done
+to guarantee this freshness. In particular, adding a new type variable to
+the context sometimes requires creating a new, fresh variable name and then
+applying a substitution. We elide these details in this formalism, but
+see \coderef{types/Type.lhs}{substTyVarBndr} for details.
+The following functions are used from GHC. Their names are descriptive, and they
+are not formalized here: \coderef{types/TyCon.lhs}{tyConKind},
+\coderef{types/TyCon.lhs}{tyConArity}, \coderef{basicTypes/DataCon.lhs}{dataConTyCon}, \coderef{types/TyCon.lhs}{isNewTyCon}, \coderef{basicTypes/DataCon.lhs}{dataConRepType}.
+\subsection{Program consistency}
+Check the entire bindings list in a context including the whole list. We extract
+the actual variables (with their types/kinds) from the bindings, check for duplicates,
+and then check each binding.
+Here is the definition of $[[vars_of]]$, taken from \coderef{coreSyn/CoreSyn.lhs}{bindersOf}:
+[[vars_of n = e]] &= [[n]] \\
+[[vars_of rec </ ni = ei // i />]] &= [[</ ni // i />]]
+\subsection{Binding consistency}
+In the GHC source, this function contains a number of other checks, such
+as for strictness and exportability. See the source code for further information.
+\subsection{Expression typing}
+%\arraylabel{\coderef{coreSyn/CoreLint.lhs}{checkCaseAlts}} \\
+%\multicolumn{2}{l}{[[checkCaseAlts]] \text{ checks ordering and exhaustivity constr%aints}} \\
+\item Some explication of \ottdrulename{Tm\_LetRec} is helpful: The idea behind the
+second premise ($[[</ G, G'i |-ty s'i : ki // i />]]$) is that we wish
+to check each substituted type $[[s'i]]$ in a context containing all the types
+that come before it in the list of bindings. The $[[G'i]]$ are contexts
+containing the names and kinds of all type variables (and term variables,
+for that matter) up to the $i$th binding. This logic is extracted from
+\item There is one more case for $[[G |-tm e : t]]$, for type expressions.
+This is included in the GHC code but is elided
+here because the case is never used in practice. Type expressions
+can only appear in arguments to functions, and these are handled
+in \ottdrulename{Tm\_AppType}.
+\item The GHC source code checks all arguments in an application expression
+all at once using \coderef{coreSyn/CoreSyn.lhs}{collectArgs}
+and \coderef{coreSyn/CoreLint.lhs}{lintCoreArgs}. The operation
+has been unfolded for presentation here.
+\item If a $[[tick]]$ contains breakpoints, the GHC source performs additional
+(scoping) checks.
+\item The rule for $[[case]]$ statements also checks to make sure that
+the alternatives in the $[[case]]$ are well-formed with respect to the
+invariants listed above. These invariants do not affect the type or
+evaluation of the expression, so the check is omitted here.
+\item The GHC source code for \ottdrulename{Tm\_Var} contains checks for
+a dead id and for one-tuples. These checks are omitted here.
+\subsection{Kind validity}
+\subsection{Coercion typing}
+In \ottdrulename{Co\_AxiomInstCo}, the use of $[[inits]]$ creates substitutions from
+the first $i$ mappings in $[[ </ [ni |-> si] // i /> ]]$. This has the effect of
+folding the substitution over the kinds for kind-checking.
+\subsection{Name consistency}
+There are two very similar checks for names, one declared as a local function
+within \coderef{coreSyn/CoreLint.lhs}{lintSingleBinding}:
+\subsection{Substitution consistency}
+\subsection{Case alternative consistency}
+\subsection{Telescope substitution}
+\subsection{Case alternative binding consistency}
+\subsection{Arrow kinding}
+\subsection{Type application kinding}
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