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authorManuel M T Chakravarty <>2008-10-08 06:19:27 +0000
committerManuel M T Chakravarty <>2008-10-08 06:19:27 +0000
commitdd82b49ad6f719bd324de7f2d63f3341c0e87694 (patch)
treec06a4c7fc54ed1ffc58341ec2ac861d3d77e3cab /docs
parent5f68f5880068404476c21b00be4aa2fc1a27a5a9 (diff)
Users Guide: added type family documentation
Diffstat (limited to 'docs')
1 files changed, 641 insertions, 27 deletions
diff --git a/docs/users_guide/glasgow_exts.xml b/docs/users_guide/glasgow_exts.xml
index 0eb0f7d480..e19f5d0f28 100644
--- a/docs/users_guide/glasgow_exts.xml
+++ b/docs/users_guide/glasgow_exts.xml
@@ -3694,6 +3694,647 @@ to work since it gets translated into an equality comparison.
+<sect1 id="type-families">
+<title>Type families</title>
+ <firstterm>Indexed type families</firstterm> are a new GHC extension to
+ facilitate type-level
+ programming. Type families are a generalisation of <firstterm>associated
+ data types</firstterm>
+ (&ldquo;<ulink url="">Associated
+ Types with Class</ulink>&rdquo;, M. Chakravarty, G. Keller, S. Peyton Jones,
+ and S. Marlow. In Proceedings of &ldquo;The 32nd Annual ACM SIGPLAN-SIGACT
+ Symposium on Principles of Programming Languages (POPL'05)&rdquo;, pages
+ 1-13, ACM Press, 2005) and <firstterm>associated type synonyms</firstterm>
+ (&ldquo;<ulink url="">Type
+ Associated Type Synonyms</ulink>&rdquo;. M. Chakravarty, G. Keller, and
+ S. Peyton Jones.
+ In Proceedings of &ldquo;The Tenth ACM SIGPLAN International Conference on
+ Functional Programming&rdquo;, ACM Press, pages 241-253, 2005). Type families
+ themselves are described in the paper &ldquo;<ulink
+ url="">Type
+ Checking with Open Type Functions</ulink>&rdquo;, T. Schrijvers,
+ S. Peyton-Jones,
+ M. Chakravarty, and M. Sulzmann, in Proceedings of &ldquo;ICFP 2008: The
+ 13th ACM SIGPLAN International Conference on Functional
+ Programming&rdquo;, ACM Press, pages 51-62, 2008. Type families
+ essentially provide type-indexed data types and named functions on types,
+ which are useful for generic programming and highly parameterised library
+ interfaces as well as interfaces with enhanced static information, much like
+ dependent types. They might also be regarded as an alternative to functional
+ dependencies, but provide a more functional style of type-level programming
+ than the relational style of functional dependencies.
+ Indexed type families, or type families for short, are type constructors that
+ represent sets of types. Set members are denoted by supplying the type family
+ constructor with type parameters, which are called <firstterm>type
+ indices</firstterm>. The
+ difference between vanilla parametrised type constructors and family
+ constructors is much like between parametrically polymorphic functions and
+ (ad-hoc polymorphic) methods of type classes. Parametric polymorphic functions
+ behave the same at all type instances, whereas class methods can change their
+ behaviour in dependence on the class type parameters. Similarly, vanilla type
+ constructors imply the same data representation for all type instances, but
+ family constructors can have varying representation types for varying type
+ indices.
+ Indexed type families come in two flavours: <firstterm>data
+ families</firstterm> and <firstterm>type synonym
+ families</firstterm>. They are the indexed family variants of algebraic
+ data types and type synonyms, respectively. The instances of data families
+ can be data types and newtypes.
+ Type families are enabled by the flag <option>-XTypeFamilies</option>.
+ Additional information on the use of type families in GHC is available on
+ <ulink url="">the
+ Haskell wiki page on type families</ulink>.
+<sect2 id="data-families">
+ <title>Data families</title>
+ <para>
+ Data families appear in two flavours: (1) they can be defined on the
+ toplevel
+ or (2) they can appear inside type classes (in which case they are known as
+ associated types). The former is the more general variant, as it lacks the
+ requirement for the type-indexes to coincide with the class
+ parameters. However, the latter can lead to more clearly structured code and
+ compiler warnings if some type instances were - possibly accidentally -
+ omitted. In the following, we always discuss the general toplevel form first
+ and then cover the additional constraints placed on associated types.
+ </para>
+ <sect3 id="data-family-declarations">
+ <title>Data family declarations</title>
+ <para>
+ Indexed data families are introduced by a signature, such as
+data family GMap k :: * -> *
+ The special <literal>family</literal> distinguishes family from standard
+ data declarations. The result kind annotation is optional and, as
+ usual, defaults to <literal>*</literal> if omitted. An example is
+data family Array e
+ Named arguments can also be given explicit kind signatures if needed.
+ Just as with
+ [ GADT
+ declarations] named arguments are entirely optional, so that we can
+ declare <literal>Array</literal> alternatively with
+data family Array :: * -> *
+ </para>
+ <sect4 id="assoc-data-family-decl">
+ <title>Associated data family declarations</title>
+ <para>
+ When a data family is declared as part of a type class, we drop
+ the <literal>family</literal> special. The <literal>GMap</literal>
+ declaration takes the following form
+class GMapKey k where
+ data GMap k :: * -> *
+ ...
+ In contrast to toplevel declarations, named arguments must be used for
+ all type parameters that are to be used as type-indexes. Moreover,
+ the argument names must be class parameters. Each class parameter may
+ only be used at most once per associated type, but some may be omitted
+ and they may be in an order other than in the class head. Hence, the
+ following contrived example is admissible:
+ class C a b c where
+ data T c a :: *
+ </para>
+ </sect4>
+ </sect3>
+ <sect3 id="data-instance-declarations">
+ <title>Data instance declarations</title>
+ <para>
+ Instance declarations of data and newtype families are very similar to
+ standard data and newtype declarations. The only two differences are
+ that the keyword <literal>data</literal> or <literal>newtype</literal>
+ is followed by <literal>instance</literal> and that some or all of the
+ type arguments can be non-variable types, but may not contain forall
+ types or type synonym families. However, data families are generally
+ allowed in type parameters, and type synonyms are allowed as long as
+ they are fully applied and expand to a type that is itself admissible -
+ exactly as this is required for occurrences of type synonyms in class
+ instance parameters. For example, the <literal>Either</literal>
+ instance for <literal>GMap</literal> is
+data instance GMap (Either a b) v = GMapEither (GMap a v) (GMap b v)
+ In this example, the declaration has only one variant. In general, it
+ can be any number.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ Data and newtype instance declarations are only legit when an
+ appropriate family declaration is in scope - just like class instances
+ require the class declaration to be visible. Moreover, each instance
+ declaration has to conform to the kind determined by its family
+ declaration. This implies that the number of parameters of an instance
+ declaration matches the arity determined by the kind of the family.
+ Although, all data families are declared with
+ the <literal>data</literal> keyword, instances can be
+ either <literal>data</literal> or <literal>newtype</literal>s, or a mix
+ of both.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ Even if type families are defined as toplevel declarations, functions
+ that perform different computations for different family instances still
+ need to be defined as methods of type classes. In particular, the
+ following is not possible:
+data family T a
+data instance T Int = A
+data instance T Char = B
+nonsence :: T a -> Int
+nonsence A = 1 -- WRONG: These two equations together...
+nonsence B = 2 -- ...will produce a type error.
+ Given the functionality provided by GADTs (Generalised Algebraic Data
+ Types), it might seem as if a definition, such as the above, should be
+ feasible. However, type families are - in contrast to GADTs - are
+ <emphasis>open;</emphasis> i.e., new instances can always be added,
+ possibly in other
+ modules. Supporting pattern matching across different data instances
+ would require a form of extensible case construct.
+ </para>
+ <sect4 id="assoc-data-inst">
+ <title>Associated data instances</title>
+ <para>
+ When an associated data family instance is declared within a type
+ class instance, we drop the <literal>instance</literal> keyword in the
+ family instance. So, the <literal>Either</literal> instance
+ for <literal>GMap</literal> becomes:
+instance (GMapKey a, GMapKey b) => GMapKey (Either a b) where
+ data GMap (Either a b) v = GMapEither (GMap a v) (GMap b v)
+ ...
+ The most important point about associated family instances is that the
+ type indexes corresponding to class parameters must be identical to
+ the type given in the instance head; here this is the first argument
+ of <literal>GMap</literal>, namely <literal>Either a b</literal>,
+ which coincides with the only class parameter. Any parameters to the
+ family constructor that do not correspond to class parameters, need to
+ be variables in every instance; here this is the
+ variable <literal>v</literal>.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ Instances for an associated family can only appear as part of
+ instances declarations of the class in which the family was declared -
+ just as with the equations of the methods of a class. Also in
+ correspondence to how methods are handled, declarations of associated
+ types can be omitted in class instances. If an associated family
+ instance is omitted, the corresponding instance type is not inhabited;
+ i.e., only diverging expressions, such
+ as <literal>undefined</literal>, can assume the type.
+ </para>
+ </sect4>
+ <sect4 id="scoping-class-params">
+ <title>Scoping of class parameters</title>
+ <para>
+ In the case of multi-parameter type classes, the visibility of class
+ parameters in the right-hand side of associated family instances
+ depends <emphasis>solely</emphasis> on the parameters of the data
+ family. As an example, consider the simple class declaration
+class C a b where
+ data T a
+ Only one of the two class parameters is a parameter to the data
+ family. Hence, the following instance declaration is invalid:
+instance C [c] d where
+ data T [c] = MkT (c, d) -- WRONG!! 'd' is not in scope
+ Here, the right-hand side of the data instance mentions the type
+ variable <literal>d</literal> that does not occur in its left-hand
+ side. We cannot admit such data instances as they would compromise
+ type safety.
+ </para>
+ </sect4>
+ <sect4 id="family-class-inst">
+ <title>Type class instances of family instances</title>
+ <para>
+ Type class instances of instances of data families can be defined as
+ usual, and in particular data instance declarations can
+ have <literal>deriving</literal> clauses. For example, we can write
+data GMap () v = GMapUnit (Maybe v)
+ deriving Show
+ which implicitly defines an instance of the form
+instance Show v => Show (GMap () v) where ...
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ Note that class instances are always for
+ particular <emphasis>instances</emphasis> of a data family and never
+ for an entire family as a whole. This is for essentially the same
+ reasons that we cannot define a toplevel function that performs
+ pattern matching on the data constructors
+ of <emphasis>different</emphasis> instances of a single type family.
+ It would require a form of extensible case construct.
+ </para>
+ </sect4>
+ <sect4 id="data-family-overlap">
+ <title>Overlap of data instances</title>
+ <para>
+ The instance declarations of a data family used in a single program
+ may not overlap at all, independent of whether they are associated or
+ not. In contrast to type class instances, this is not only a matter
+ of consistency, but one of type safety.
+ </para>
+ </sect4>
+ </sect3>
+ <sect3 id="data-family-import-export">
+ <title>Import and export</title>
+ <para>
+ The association of data constructors with type families is more dynamic
+ than that is the case with standard data and newtype declarations. In
+ the standard case, the notation <literal>T(..)</literal> in an import or
+ export list denotes the type constructor and all the data constructors
+ introduced in its declaration. However, a family declaration never
+ introduces any data constructors; instead, data constructors are
+ introduced by family instances. As a result, which data constructors
+ are associated with a type family depends on the currently visible
+ instance declarations for that family. Consequently, an import or
+ export item of the form <literal>T(..)</literal> denotes the family
+ constructor and all currently visible data constructors - in the case of
+ an export item, these may be either imported or defined in the current
+ module. The treatment of import and export items that explicitly list
+ data constructors, such as <literal>GMap(GMapEither)</literal>, is
+ analogous.
+ </para>
+ <sect4 id="data-family-impexp-assoc">
+ <title>Associated families</title>
+ <para>
+ As expected, an import or export item of the
+ form <literal>C(..)</literal> denotes all of the class' methods and
+ associated types. However, when associated types are explicitly
+ listed as subitems of a class, we need some new syntax, as uppercase
+ identifiers as subitems are usually data constructors, not type
+ constructors. To clarify that we denote types here, each associated
+ type name needs to be prefixed by the keyword <literal>type</literal>.
+ So for example, when explicitly listing the components of
+ the <literal>GMapKey</literal> class, we write <literal>GMapKey(type
+ GMap, empty, lookup, insert)</literal>.
+ </para>
+ </sect4>
+ <sect4 id="data-family-impexp-examples">
+ <title>Examples</title>
+ <para>
+ Assuming our running <literal>GMapKey</literal> class example, let us
+ look at some export lists and their meaning:
+ <itemizedlist>
+ <listitem>
+ <para><literal>module GMap (GMapKey) where...</literal>: Exports
+ just the class name.</para>
+ </listitem>
+ <listitem>
+ <para><literal>module GMap (GMapKey(..)) where...</literal>:
+ Exports the class, the associated type <literal>GMap</literal>
+ and the member
+ functions <literal>empty</literal>, <literal>lookup</literal>,
+ and <literal>insert</literal>. None of the data constructors is
+ exported.</para>
+ </listitem>
+ <listitem>
+ <para><literal>module GMap (GMapKey(..), GMap(..))
+ where...</literal>: As before, but also exports all the data
+ constructors <literal>GMapInt</literal>,
+ <literal>GMapChar</literal>,
+ <literal>GMapUnit</literal>, <literal>GMapPair</literal>,
+ and <literal>GMapUnit</literal>.</para>
+ </listitem>
+ <listitem>
+ <para><literal>module GMap (GMapKey(empty, lookup, insert),
+ GMap(..)) where...</literal>: As before.</para>
+ </listitem>
+ <listitem>
+ <para><literal>module GMap (GMapKey, empty, lookup, insert, GMap(..))
+ where...</literal>: As before.</para>
+ </listitem>
+ </itemizedlist>
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ Finally, you can write <literal>GMapKey(type GMap)</literal> to denote
+ both the class <literal>GMapKey</literal> as well as its associated
+ type <literal>GMap</literal>. However, you cannot
+ write <literal>GMapKey(type GMap(..))</literal> &mdash; i.e.,
+ sub-component specifications cannot be nested. To
+ specify <literal>GMap</literal>'s data constructors, you have to list
+ it separately.
+ </para>
+ </sect4>
+ <sect4 id="data-family-impexp-instances">
+ <title>Instances</title>
+ <para>
+ Family instances are implicitly exported, just like class instances.
+ However, this applies only to the heads of instances, not to the data
+ constructors an instance defines.
+ </para>
+ </sect4>
+ </sect3>
+<sect2 id="synonym-families">
+ <title>Synonym families</title>
+ <para>
+ Type families appear in two flavours: (1) they can be defined on the
+ toplevel or (2) they can appear inside type classes (in which case they
+ are known as associated type synonyms). The former is the more general
+ variant, as it lacks the requirement for the type-indexes to coincide with
+ the class parameters. However, the latter can lead to more clearly
+ structured code and compiler warnings if some type instances were -
+ possibly accidentally - omitted. In the following, we always discuss the
+ general toplevel form first and then cover the additional constraints
+ placed on associated types.
+ </para>
+ <sect3 id="type-family-declarations">
+ <title>Type family declarations</title>
+ <para>
+ Indexed type families are introduced by a signature, such as
+type family Elem c :: *
+ The special <literal>family</literal> distinguishes family from standard
+ type declarations. The result kind annotation is optional and, as
+ usual, defaults to <literal>*</literal> if omitted. An example is
+type family Elem c
+ Parameters can also be given explicit kind signatures if needed. We
+ call the number of parameters in a type family declaration, the family's
+ arity, and all applications of a type family must be fully saturated
+ w.r.t. to that arity. This requirement is unlike ordinary type synonyms
+ and it implies that the kind of a type family is not sufficient to
+ determine a family's arity, and hence in general, also insufficient to
+ determine whether a type family application is well formed. As an
+ example, consider the following declaration:
+type family F a b :: * -> * -- F's arity is 2,
+ -- although it's overall kind is * -> * -> * -> *
+ Given this declaration the following are examples of well-formed and
+ malformed types:
+F Char [Int] -- OK! Kind: * -> *
+F Char [Int] Bool -- OK! Kind: *
+F IO Bool -- WRONG: kind mismatch in the first argument
+F Bool -- WRONG: unsaturated application
+ </para>
+ <sect4 id="assoc-type-family-decl">
+ <title>Associated type family declarations</title>
+ <para>
+ When a type family is declared as part of a type class, we drop
+ the <literal>family</literal> special. The <literal>Elem</literal>
+ declaration takes the following form
+class Collects ce where
+ type Elem ce :: *
+ ...
+ The argument names of the type family must be class parameters. Each
+ class parameter may only be used at most once per associated type, but
+ some may be omitted and they may be in an order other than in the
+ class head. Hence, the following contrived example is admissible:
+class C a b c where
+ type T c a :: *
+ These rules are exactly as for associated data families.
+ </para>
+ </sect4>
+ </sect3>
+ <sect3 id="type-instance-declarations">
+ <title>Type instance declarations</title>
+ <para>
+ Instance declarations of type families are very similar to standard type
+ synonym declarations. The only two differences are that the
+ keyword <literal>type</literal> is followed
+ by <literal>instance</literal> and that some or all of the type
+ arguments can be non-variable types, but may not contain forall types or
+ type synonym families. However, data families are generally allowed, and
+ type synonyms are allowed as long as they are fully applied and expand
+ to a type that is admissible - these are the exact same requirements as
+ for data instances. For example, the <literal>[e]</literal> instance
+ for <literal>Elem</literal> is
+type instance Elem [e] = e
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ Type family instance declarations are only legitimate when an
+ appropriate family declaration is in scope - just like class instances
+ require the class declaration to be visible. Moreover, each instance
+ declaration has to conform to the kind determined by its family
+ declaration, and the number of type parameters in an instance
+ declaration must match the number of type parameters in the family
+ declaration. Finally, the right-hand side of a type instance must be a
+ monotype (i.e., it may not include foralls) and after the expansion of
+ all saturated vanilla type synonyms, no synonyms, except family synonyms
+ may remain. Here are some examples of admissible and illegal type
+ instances:
+type family F a :: *
+type instance F [Int] = Int -- OK!
+type instance F String = Char -- OK!
+type instance F (F a) = a -- WRONG: type parameter mentions a type family
+type instance F (forall a. (a, b)) = b -- WRONG: a forall type appears in a type parameter
+type instance F Float = forall a.a -- WRONG: right-hand side may not be a forall type
+type family G a b :: * -> *
+type instance G Int = (,) -- WRONG: must be two type parameters
+type instance G Int Char Float = Double -- WRONG: must be two type parameters
+ </para>
+ <sect4 id="assoc-type-instance">
+ <title>Associated type instance declarations</title>
+ <para>
+ When an associated family instance is declared within a type class
+ instance, we drop the <literal>instance</literal> keyword in the family
+ instance. So, the <literal>[e]</literal> instance
+ for <literal>Elem</literal> becomes:
+instance (Eq (Elem [e])) => Collects ([e]) where
+ type Elem [e] = e
+ ...
+ The most important point about associated family instances is that the
+ type indexes corresponding to class parameters must be identical to the
+ type given in the instance head; here this is <literal>[e]</literal>,
+ which coincides with the only class parameter.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ Instances for an associated family can only appear as part of instances
+ declarations of the class in which the family was declared - just as
+ with the equations of the methods of a class. Also in correspondence to
+ how methods are handled, declarations of associated types can be omitted
+ in class instances. If an associated family instance is omitted, the
+ corresponding instance type is not inhabited; i.e., only diverging
+ expressions, such as <literal>undefined</literal>, can assume the type.
+ </para>
+ </sect4>
+ <sect4 id="type-family-overlap">
+ <title>Overlap of type synonym instances</title>
+ <para>
+ The instance declarations of a type family used in a single program
+ may only overlap if the right-hand sides of the overlapping instances
+ coincide for the overlapping types. More formally, two instance
+ declarations overlap if there is a substitution that makes the
+ left-hand sides of the instances syntactically the same. Whenever
+ that is the case, the right-hand sides of the instances must also be
+ syntactically equal under the same substitution. This condition is
+ independent of whether the type family is associated or not, and it is
+ not only a matter of consistency, but one of type safety.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ Here are two example to illustrate the condition under which overlap
+ is permitted.
+type instance F (a, Int) = [a]
+type instance F (Int, b) = [b] -- overlap permitted
+type instance G (a, Int) = [a]
+type instance G (Char, a) = [a] -- ILLEGAL overlap, as [Char] /= [Int]
+ </para>
+ </sect4>
+ <sect4 id="type-family-decidability">
+ <title>Decidability of type synonym instances</title>
+ <para>
+ In order to guarantee that type inference in the presence of type
+ families decidable, we need to place a number of additional
+ restrictions on the formation of type instance declarations (c.f.,
+ Definition 5 (Relaxed Conditions) of &ldquo;<ulink
+ url="">Type
+ Checking with Open Type Functions</ulink>&rdquo;). Instance
+ declarations have the general form
+type instance F t1 .. tn = t
+ where we require that for every type family application <literal>(G s1
+ .. sm)</literal> in <literal>t</literal>,
+ <orderedlist>
+ <listitem>
+ <para><literal>s1 .. sm</literal> do not contain any type family
+ constructors,</para>
+ </listitem>
+ <listitem>
+ <para>the total number of symbols (data type constructors and type
+ variables) in <literal>s1 .. sm</literal> is strictly smaller than
+ in <literal>t1 .. tn</literal>, and</para>
+ </listitem>
+ <listitem>
+ <para>for every type
+ variable <literal>a</literal>, <literal>a</literal> occurs
+ in <literal>s1 .. sm</literal> at most as often as in <literal>t1
+ .. tn</literal>.</para>
+ </listitem>
+ </orderedlist>
+ These restrictions are easily verified and ensure termination of type
+ inference. However, they are not sufficient to guarantee completeness
+ of type inference in the presence of, so called, ''loopy equalities'',
+ such as <literal>a ~ [F a]</literal>, where a recursive occurrence of
+ a type variable is underneath a family application and data
+ constructor application - see the above mentioned paper for details.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ If the option <option>-XUndecidableInstances</option> is passed to the
+ compiler, the above restrictions are not enforced and it is on the
+ programmer to ensure termination of the normalisation of type families
+ during type inference.
+ </para>
+ </sect4>
+ </sect3>
+ <sect3 id-="equality-constraints">
+ <title>Equality constraints</title>
+ <para>
+ Type context can include equality constraints of the form <literal>t1 ~
+ t2</literal>, which denote that the types <literal>t1</literal>
+ and <literal>t2</literal> need to be the same. In the presence of type
+ families, whether two types are equal cannot generally be decided
+ locally. Hence, the contexts of function signatures may include
+ equality constraints, as in the following example:
+sumCollects :: (Collects c1, Collects c2, Elem c1 ~ Elem c2) => c1 -> c2 -> c2
+ where we require that the element type of <literal>c1</literal>
+ and <literal>c2</literal> are the same. In general, the
+ types <literal>t1</literal> and <literal>t2</literal> of an equality
+ constraint may be arbitrary monotypes; i.e., they may not contain any
+ quantifiers, independent of whether higher-rank types are otherwise
+ enabled.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ Equality constraints can also appear in class and instance contexts.
+ The former enable a simple translation of programs using functional
+ dependencies into programs using family synonyms instead. The general
+ idea is to rewrite a class declaration of the form
+class C a b | a -> b
+ to
+class (F a ~ b) => C a b where
+ type F a
+ That is, we represent every functional dependency (FD) <literal>a1 .. an
+ -> b</literal> by an FD type family <literal>F a1 .. an</literal> and a
+ superclass context equality <literal>F a1 .. an ~ b</literal>,
+ essentially giving a name to the functional dependency. In class
+ instances, we define the type instances of FD families in accordance
+ with the class head. Method signatures are not affected by that
+ process.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ NB: Equalities in superclass contexts are not fully implemented in
+ GHC 6.10.
+ </para>
+ </sect3>
<sect1 id="other-type-extensions">
<title>Other type system extensions</title>
@@ -4975,33 +5616,6 @@ pattern binding must have the same context. For example, this is fine:
-<sect2 id="type-families">
-<title>Type families
-GHC supports the definition of type families indexed by types. They may be
-seen as an extension of Haskell 98's class-based overloading of values to
-types. When type families are declared in classes, they are also known as
-associated types.
-There are two forms of type families: data families and type synonym families.
-Currently, only the former are fully implemented, while we are still working
-on the latter. As a result, the specification of the language extension is
-also still to some degree in flux. Hence, a more detailed description of
-the language extension and its use is currently available
-from <ulink url="">the Haskell
-wiki page on type families</ulink>. The material will be moved to this user's
-guide when it has stabilised.
-Type families are enabled by the flag <option>-XTypeFamilies</option>.
<!-- ==================== End of type system extensions ================= -->