path: root/docs
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authorEdward Z. Yang <>2015-04-20 22:52:19 +0100
committerEdward Z. Yang <>2015-04-25 00:12:49 +0100
commitbbabb711b2a7bdc87045202d5233f57135c21649 (patch)
tree815713a97c99fd51965dad098fe4d28c2072b50a /docs
parent72a927267d9c658a2e5d226a855702d348472516 (diff)
Updates to Backpack documentation based on recent visit to MSRC.
Includes lots of shaping examples, and a shaping algorithm description. Signed-off-by: Edward Z. Yang <>
Diffstat (limited to 'docs')
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-rw-r--r--docs/backpack/backpack-manual.pdfbin202608 -> 151402 bytes
-rw-r--r--docs/backpack/backpack-shaping.pdfbin0 -> 238012 bytes
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+all: backpack-impl.pdf backpack-manual.pdf ubackpack.pdf backpack-shaping.pdf algorithm.pdf
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+algorithm.pdf: algorithm.tex
+ latexmk -pdf -latexoption=-halt-on-error -latexoption=-file-line-error -latexoption=-synctex=1 algorithm.tex || ! rm -f $@
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+\usepackage{graphicx} %[pdftex] OR [dvips]
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+ {\end{mdframed}}
+\newcommand{\Red}[1]{{\color{red} #1}}
+\title{The Backpack algorithm}
+This document describes the Backpack shaping and typechecking
+passes, as we intend to implement it.
+\section{Front-end syntax}
+For completeness, here is the package language we will be shaping and typechecking:
+package ::= "package" pkgname [pkgexports] "where" pkgbody
+pkgbody ::= "{" pkgdecl_0 ";" ... ";" pkgdecl_n "}"
+pkgdecl ::= "module" modid [exports] where body
+ | "signature" modid [exports] where body
+ | "include" pkgname [inclspec]
+inclspec ::= "(" renaming_0 "," ... "," renaming_n [","] ")"
+ [ "requires" "(" renaming_0 "," ... "," renaming_n [","] ")" ]
+pkgexports ::= inclspec
+renaming ::= modid "as" modid
+See the ``Backpack manual'' for more explanation about the syntax. It
+is slightly simplified here by removing any constructs which are easily implemented as
+syntactic sugar (e.g. a \verb|modid| renaming is simply \verb|modid as modid|.)
+Shaping computes a \verb|Shape| which has this form:
+Shape ::= provides: { ModName -> Module { Name } }
+ requires: { ModName -> { Name } }
+Starting with the empty shape, we incrementally construct a shape by
+shaping package declarations (the partially constructed shape serves as
+a context for renaming modules and signatures and instantiating
+includes) and merging them until we have processed all declarations.
+There are two things to specify: what shape each declaration has, and
+how the merge operation proceeds.
+In the description below, we'll assume \verb|THIS| is the package key
+of the package being processed.
+\subsection{\texttt{module M}}
+Merge with this shape:
+ provides: { M -> THIS:M { exports of renamed M } }
+ requires: (nothing)
+\noindent Example:
+ -- provides: (nothing)
+ -- requires: (nothing)
+ module A(T) where
+ data T = T
+ -- provides: A -> THIS:A { THIS:A.T } -- NEW
+ -- requires: (nothing)
+ module M(T, f) where
+ import A(T)
+ f x = x
+ -- provides: A -> THIS:A { THIS:A.T }
+ M -> THIS:M { THIS:A.T, THIS:M.f } -- NEW
+ -- requires: (nothing)
+\subsection{\texttt{signature M}}
+Merge with this shape:
+ provides: { M -> HOLE:M { exports of renamed M } }
+ requires: { M -> { exports of renamed M } }
+\noindent Example:
+ -- provides: (nothing)
+ -- requires: (nothing)
+ signature H(T) where
+ data T
+ -- provides: H -> HOLE:H { HOLE:H.T }
+ -- requires: H -> { HOLE:H.T }
+ module A(T) where
+ import H(T)
+ module B(T) where
+ data T = T
+ -- provides: H -> HOLE:H { HOLE:H.T }
+ -- A -> THIS:A { HOLE:H.T } -- NEW
+ -- B -> THIS:B { THIS:B.T } -- NEW
+ -- requires: H -> { HOLE:H.T }
+ signature H(T, f) where
+ import B(T)
+ f :: a -> a
+ -- provides: H -> HOLE:H { THIS:B.T, HOLE:H.f } -- UPDATED
+ -- A -> THIS:A { THIS:B.T } -- UPDATED
+ -- B -> THIS:B { THIS:B.T }
+ -- requires: H -> { THIS:B.T, HOLE:H.f } -- UPDATED
+Notice that in the last example, when a signature with reexports is merged,
+it can result in updates to the shapes of other module names.
+\subsection{\texttt{include pkg (X) requires (Y)}}
+We merge with the transformed shape of package \verb|pkg|, where this
+shape is transformed by:
+ \item Renaming and thinning the provisions according to \verb|(X)|
+ \item Renaming requirements according to \verb|(Y)| (requirements cannot
+ be thinned, so non-mentioned requirements are passed through.)
+ For each renamed requirement from \verb|Y| to \verb|Y'|,
+ substitute \verb|HOLE:Y| with \verb|HOLE:Y'| in the
+ \verb|Module|s and \verb|Name|s of the provides and requires.
+ (Freshen holes.)
+ \item If there are no thinnings/renamings, you just merge the
+ shape unchanged!
+\noindent Example:
+ package p (M) requires (H) where
+ signature H where
+ data T
+ module M where
+ import H
+ data S = S T
+ -- p requires: M -> { p(H -> HOLE:H):M.S }
+ -- provides: H -> { HOLE:H.T }
+ package q (A) where
+ module X where
+ data T = T
+ -- provides: X -> { q():X.T }
+ -- requires: (nothing)
+ include p (M as A) requires (H as X)
+ -- 1. Rename/thin provisions:
+ -- provides: A -> { p(H -> HOLE:H):M.S }
+ -- requires: H -> { HOLE:H.T }
+ -- 2. Rename requirements, substituting HOLEs:
+ -- provides: A -> { p(H -> HOLE:X):M.S }
+ -- requires: X -> { HOLE:X.T }
+ -- (after merge)
+ -- provides: X -> { q():X.T }
+ -- A -> { p(H -> q():X):M.S }
+ -- requires: (nothing)
+Merging combines two shapes, filling requirements with implementations
+and substituting information we learn about the identities of
+\verb|Name|s. Importantly, merging is a \emph{directed} process, akin
+to taking two boxes with input and output ports and wiring them up so
+that the first box feeds into the second box. This algorithm does not
+support mutual recursion.
+Suppose we are merging shape $p$ with shape $q$. Merging proceeds as follows:
+ \item \emph{Fill every requirement of $q$ with provided modules from
+ $p$.} For each requirement $M$ of $q$ that is provided by $p$,
+ substitute each \verb|Module| occurrence of \verb|HOLE:M| with the
+ provided $p(M)$, merge the names, and remove the requirement from $q$.
+ \item \emph{Merge in provided signatures of $q$, add the provided modules of $q$.}
+ For each provision $M$ of $q$: if $q(M)$ is a hole, substitute every
+ \verb|Module| occurrence of \verb|HOLE:|$q(M)$ with $p(M)$ if it exists and merge
+ the names; otherwise, add it to $p$, erroring if $p(M)$ exists.
+Substitutions apply to both shapes. To merge two sets of names, take
+each pair of names with matching \verb|OccName|s $n$ and $m$.
+ \item If both are from holes, pick a canonical representative $m$ and substitute $n$ with $m$. (E.g., pick the one with the lexicographically first \verb|ModName|).
+ \item If one $n$ is from a hole, substitute $n$ with $m$.
+ \item Otherwise, error if the names are not the same.
+It is important to note that substitutions on \verb|Module|s and substitutions on
+\verb|Name|s are disjoint: a substitution from \verb|HOLE:A| to \verb|HOLE:B|
+does \emph{not} substitute inside the name \verb|HOLE:A.T|.
+Here is a simple example:
+ shape 1 shape 2
+provides: A -> THIS:A { q():A.T } M -> p(A -> HOLE:A) { HOLE:A.T, p(A -> HOLE:A).S }
+requires: (nothing) A -> { HOLE:A.T }
+(after filling requirements)
+provides: A -> THIS:A { q():A.T } M -> p(A -> THIS:A) { q():A.T, p(A -> THIS:A).S }
+requires: (nothing) (nothing)
+(after adding provides)
+provides: A -> THIS:A { q():A.T }
+ M -> p(A -> THIS:A) { q():A.T, p(A -> THIS:A).S }
+requires: (nothing)
+\Red{Example of canonical choice for signature merging}
+\Red{Example of how provides DO NOT merge}
+\Red{How to relax this so hs-boot works}
+\Red{Example of how loopy modules which rename requirements make it un-obvious whether or not
+a requirement is still required. Same example works declaration level.}
+\Red{package p (A) requires (A); the input output ports should be the same}
+% We figure out the requirements (because no loopy modules)
+% package p (A, B) requires (B)
+% include base
+% sig B(T)
+% import Prelude(T)
+% requirement example
+% mental model: you start with an empty package, and you start accreting
+% things on things, merging things together as you discover that this is
+% the case.
+\subsection{Export declarations}
+If an explicit export declaration is given, the final shape is the
+computed shape, minus any provisions not mentioned in the list, with the
+appropriate renaming applied to provisions and requirements. (Provisions
+are implicitly passed through if they are not named.)
+If no explicit export declaration is given, the final shape is
+the computed shape, minus any provisions which did not have an in-line
+module or signature declaration.
+\textbf{Guru meditation.} The defaulting behavior for signatures
+is slightly delicate, as can be seen in this example:
+package p (S) requires (S) where
+ signature S where
+ x :: True
+package q where
+ include p
+ signature S where
+ y :: True
+ module M where
+ import S
+ z = x && y -- OK
+package r where
+ include q
+ module N where
+ import S
+ z = y -- OK
+ z = x -- ???
+Absent the second signature declaration in \verb|q|, \verb|S.x| clearly
+should not be visible. However, what ought to occur when this signature
+declaration is added? One interpretation is to say that only some
+(but not all) declarations are provided (\verb|S.x| remains invisible);
+another interpretation is that adding \verb|S| is enough to treat
+the signature as ``in-line'', and all declarations are now provided
+(\verb|S.x| is visible).
+The latter interpretation avoids having to keep track of providedness
+per declarations, and means that you can always express defaulting
+behavior by writing an explicit provides declaration on the package.
+However, it has the odd behavior of making empty signatures semantically
+package q where
+ include p
+ signature S where
+Note that if \verb|p| didn't provide \verb|S|, \verb|x| would \emph{never}
+be visible unless it was redeclared in an interface.
+% SPJ: This would be too complicated (if there's yet a third way)
+\subsection{Package key}
+What is \verb|THIS|? It is the package name, plus for every requirement \verb|M|,
+a mapping \verb|M -> HOLE:M|. Annoyingly, you don't know the full set of
+requirements until the end of shaping, so you don't know the package key ahead of time;
+however, it can be substituted at the end easily.
+\section{Type checking}
+% what do we know for each type checked package
+% ModEnv
+% ModIface -> ModDetails (rename + tcIface)
+For type-checking, we assume that for every \verb|pkgname|, we have a mapping of \verb|ModName -> ModIface| (We distinguish \verb|ModIface| from the typechecked \verb|ModDetails|, which may have had \verb|HOLE|s renamed in the process.) We maintain a context of \verb|ModName -> Module| and \verb|Module -> ModDetails|
+How to type-check a signature? Well, a signature has a \verb|Module|, but it's \emph{NOT} necessarily in the home package.
+\subsection{Semantic objects}
+PkgKey ::= SrcPkgId "(" { ModName "->" Module } ")"
+ | HOLE
+Module ::= PkgKey ":" ModName
+Name ::= Module "." OccName
+OccName ::= -- a plain old name, e.g. undefined, Bool, Int
+Shape ::= "provided:" { ModName "->" Module { Name } }
+ "required:" { ModName "->" { Name } }
+Type ::= "shape:" Shape
+ "modenv:" { Module "->" ModIface }
+ModIface --- rename / tcIface ---> ModDetails
+A shape consists of the modules we provide (as well as what declarations
+are provided), and what module names (with what declarations) must
+be provided.
+\subsection{Renamed packages}
+spackage ::= "package" pkgname Shape "where" spkgbody
+spkgbody ::= "{" spkgdecl_0 ";" ... ";" spkgdecl_n "}"
+spkgdecl ::= "module" Module (rnexports) where rnbody
+ | "signature" Module (rnexports) where rnbody
+ | "include" pkgname sinclspec
+sinclspec ::= "(" srenaming_0 "," ... "," srenaming_n ")"
+ "requires" "(" srenaming_0 "," ... "," srenaming_n ")"
+srenaming ::= ModName "as" Module
+After shaping, we have renamed all of the identifiers inside a package.
+Here is the elaborated version. This is now immediately ready for
+type-checking. \Red{Representation is slightly redundant.}
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@@ -2436,6 +2436,33 @@ while it might be aesthetically displeasing to have the signature impose
extra restrictions on linking identities, we can carry this out without
violating the linking restriction.
+Controlling instance visibility via signature problems poses an implementation
+challenge similar to that of orphan instances. To describe this problem,
+we first have to describe how instance resolution works for orphans and
+non-orphans in GHC today.
+Type information for already compiled code in other packages is cached
+on disk using interface files. For efficiency reasons, it's desirable to
+avoid loading interface file until absolutely necessary: if we don't
+use any of the identifiers for a file, it should not be necessary to
+load the interface. Among other things, type class instances are stored
+in interface files.
+Signatures and hs-boot files notwithstanding, non-orphan instance
+resolution is achieved through a (somewhat) astonishing coincidence: at
+the point when a type class is resolved, we are guaranteed to have
+loaded the interfaces for all of the names involved in the type class
+instantiation. This means that if there is a type class, we will have
+seen it; conversely, it means that non-orphan instances are a closed
+world: if we load all these interfaces and see no non-orphan instance,
+we know there never be a non-orphan instance.
+Things are a bit worse for orphans: these instances are an open world,
+and so the only way to tell if an orphan instance is in scope is by consulting
+the transitive closure of module imports.
\section{Bits and bobs}
\subsection{Abstract type synonyms}
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@@ -12,697 +12,455 @@
-\paragraph{What is this?} This is an in-depth technical specification of
-all of the new components associated with Backpack, a new module system
-for Haskell. This is \emph{not} a tutorial, and it assumes you are
-familiar with the basic motivation and structure of Backpack.
-\paragraph{How to read this manual} This manual is split into three
-sections, in dependency order. The first section describes the new
-features added to GHC, e.g., new compilation flags and input formats.
-In principle, a user could take advantage of Backpack using just these
-features, without using Cabal or cabal-install; thus, we describe it
-first. The next section describes the new features added to the library
-Cabal, and the last section describes how cabal-install drives the
-entire process. A downside of this approach is that we start off by
-describing low-level GHC features which are quite dissimilar from the
-high-level Backpack interface, but we're not really trying to explain
-Backpack to complete new users. \Red{Red indicates features which are
-not implemented yet.}
-An \texttt{hsig} file represents a (type) signature for a Haskell
-module, containing type signatures, data declarations, type classes,
-type class instances, but not value definitions.\footnote{Signatures are
-the backbone of the Backpack module system. A signature can be used to
-type-check client code which uses a module (without the module
-implementation), or to verify that an implementation upholds some
-signature (without a client implementation.)} The syntax of an
-\texttt{hsig} file is similar to an \texttt{hs-boot} file. Here is an
-example of a module signature representing an abstract map type:
+Backpack is a new module system for Haskell, intended to enable
+``separate modular development'': a style of development where
+application-writers can develop against abstract interfaces or
+\emph{signatures}, while separately library-writers write software which
+implement these interfaces. Backpack was originally described in a
+POPL'14 paper \url{}, but the point of
+this document is to describe the syntax of a language you might actually
+be able to \emph{write}, as well as describe some of the changes to the
+design we've made since this paper.
+Before we dive in, here are some examples of Backpack files to whet
+your appetite:
-module Map where
-type role Map nominal representational
-data Map k v
-instance Functor (Map k)
-empty :: Map k a
+package p(A) where
+ module A(a) where
+ a = True
+package q(B, C) where
+ include p
+ module B(b) where
+ import A
+ b = a
+ module C(c) where
+ import B
+ c = b
-For entities that can be explicitly exported and imported, the
-export list of a module signature behaves in the same way as
-the export list for a normal module (e.g., if no list is provided,
-only entities defined in the signature are made available.)
-However, type class instances and type family instances operate
-differently: an instance is \emph{only} exported if it is directly
-defined in the signature. This is in contrast to the module behavior,
-where an instance is \emph{implicitly} brought into scope if it is
-imported in any way (even with an empty import list.)
-Even if an instance is ``hidden'' (i.e., not exported by a signature
-but in the implementation), we still take it into account when calculating
-conflicting instances (e.g., the soundness checks for type families). Thus,
-some compilation errors may only occur when linking an implementation
-and user, even if they compiled individually fine against the signature
-in question.
-An \texttt{hsig} file can either be type-checked or compiled against some
-\emph{backing implementation}, an \texttt{hs} module which provides all
-of the declarations that a signature advertises.
-\paragraph{Typechecking} A signature file can be type-checked in the same
-way as an ordinary Haskell file:
+In this example package \verb|p| exports a single module \verb|A|; package \verb|q| exports
+two modules, and includes package \verb|p| so that its modules are in
+scope. The form of a \verb|package| and a \verb|module| are quite similar:
+a package can express an explicit export list of modules in much the same
+way a module exports identifiers. \\
+Here is a more complicated Backpack file taking advantage of the availability
+of signatures in Backpack. This example omits the actual module bodies: GHC
+will automatically look for them in appropriate files (e.g. \verb|p/Map.hsig|,
+\verb|p/P/Types.hs|, \verb|p/P.hs|, \verb|q/QMap.hs| and \verb|q/Q.hs|).
-$ ghc -c Map.hsig -fno-code -fwrite-interface
+package p (P) requires (Map) where
+ include base
+ signature Map
+ module P.Types
+ module P
+package q (Q) where
+ include base
+ module QMap
+ include p (P) requires (Map as QMap)
+ module Q
-This procedure generates an interface file, which can be used to type
-check other modules which depend on the signature, even if no backing
-implementation is available. By default, this generated interface file
-is given \emph{fresh} original names for everything in the signature.
-For example, if \texttt{data T} is defined in two signature files
-\texttt{A.hsig} and \texttt{B.hsig}, they would not be considered
-type-equal, and could not be used interconvertibly, even if they
-had the same structure.
+Package \verb|p| provides a module \verb|P|, but it also \emph{requires}
+a module \verb|Map| (which must fulfill the specification described
+in \verb|signature Map|). This makes it an \emph{indefinite package}:
+a package which isn't fully implemented, and cannot be compiled into
+executable code until its ``hole'' (\verb|Map|) is filled.
+It also sports an internal module named \verb|P.Types| which
+is missing from the export list, and thus not exported.
+Package \verb|q|, on the other hand, is a \emph{definite package}; as it
+has no requirements, it can be compiled. When it includes \verb|p|
+into scope, it also fills the \verb|Map| requirement with an
+implementation \verb|QMap|.
-To explicitly specify what original name should be assigned (e.g.,
-to make the previous example type-equal) the \texttt{-shape-of} flag
-can be used:
+\section{The Backpack file}
-$ ghc -c Map.hsig -shape-of "Map is containers_KEY:Data.Map.Map" \
- -fno-code -fwrite-interface
+packages ::= "{" package_0 ";" ... ";" package_n "}"
-\texttt{-shape-of} is comma separated list of \texttt{name is origname}
-entries, where \texttt{name} is an unqualified name and
-\texttt{origname} is an original name, of the form
-\texttt{package\}, where \texttt{package\_KEY} is a
-package key identifying the origin of the identifier (or a fake
-identifier for a symbol whose provenance is not known). Each instance
-of \texttt{origname} in the signature is instead assigned the original
-name \texttt{origname}, instead of the default original name.
+A Backpack file consists of a list of named packages.
+All packages in a Backpack file live in the global namespace.
+A package defines a collection of modules, exporting some of
+these modules so that other modules can make use of them via
+\emph{include}. You can compile a definite package \verb|p| in a Backpack file \verb|foo.bkp|
+with \verb|ghc --backpack foo.bkp p|; you can type-check an indefinite package by
+adding \verb|-fno-code|.
-(ToDo: This interface will work pretty poorly with \texttt{--make})
+\Red{ToDo: How do you import an external Backpack file?}
-\paragraph{Compiling} We can specify a backing implementation for
-a signature and compile the signature against it using the
-\texttt{-sig-of} flag:
+\Red{ToDo: Facility for private packages.}
-$ ghc -c Map.hsig -sig-of "package_KEY:Module"
+package ::= "package" pkgname [pkgexports] "where" pkgbody
+pkgname ::= /* package name, e.g. containers (no version!) */
+pkgbody ::= "{" pkgdecl_0 ";" ... ";" pkgdecl_n "}"
-The \texttt{-sig-of} flag takes as an argument a module, specified
-as a package key, a colon, and then the module name. \Red{This module
-must be a proper, \texttt{exposed-module}, and not a reexport or
-Compilation of a signature entails two things. First, a consistency
-check is performed between the signature and the backing
-implementation, ensuring that the implementation accurately implements
-all of the types in the signature. For every declaration in the
-signature, there must be an equivalent one in the backing implementation
-with an identical type (this check is quite similar to the one used
-for \texttt{hs-boot}). Second, an interface file is generated
-which reexports the set of identifiers from the backing
-implementation that were specified in the signature. A file which
-imports the signature will use this interface file.\footnote{This
-interface file is similar to a module which reexports identifiers
-from another module, except that we also record the backing implementation
-for the purpose of handling imports, described in the next section.}
-ToDo: In what cases is a type class instance/type family instance reexported?
-Currently, type classes from the backing implementation leak through.
-We also need to fix \#9422.
-\subsection{Extended format in the installed package database}\label{sec:pkgdb}
-After a set of Haskell modules has been compiled, they can be registered
-as a package in the \emph{installed package database} using
-\texttt{ghc-pkg}. An entry in the installed package database specifies
-what modules and signatures from the package itself are available for
-import. It can also re-export modules and signatures from other
-packages.\footnote{Signature reexports are essential for creating
-signature packages in a modular way; module reexports are very useful
-for backwards-compatibility packages and also taking an package that has
-been instantiated multiple ways and giving its modules unique names.}
-There are three fields of an entry in the installed package database of note.
-\paragraph{exposed-modules} A comma-separated list of
-module names which this package makes available for import, possibly with two extra, optional pieces of information
-about the module in question: what the \emph{original module/signature}
-is (\texttt{from MODULE})\footnote{Knowing the original module/signature
-makes it possible for GHC to directly load the interface file, without
-having to follow multiple hops in the package database.}, and what the
-\emph{backing implementation} is (\texttt{is MODULE})\footnote{Knowing
-the backing implementation makes it possible to tell if an import is
-unambiguous without having to load the interface file first.}.
+A package begins with the keyword \verb|package|, its name, and an
+optional export specification (e.g., a list of modules to be exposed).
+The header is followed a list of declarations which define modules,
+signatures and include other packages.
- A, # original module
- B from ipid:B, # reexported module
- C is ipid:CImpl, # exposed signature
- D from ipid:D is ipid:DImpl, # reexported signature
- D from ipid:D2 is ipid:DImpl # duplicates can be OK
+pkgdecl ::= "module" modid [exports] "where" body
+ | "signature" modid [exports] "where" body
+ | "include" pkgname ["as" pkgname] [inclspec]
-If no reexports or signatures are used, the commas can be omitted
-(making this syntax backwards compatible with the original syntax.)\footnote{Actually,
-the parser is a bit more lenient than that and can figure out commas when it's
-omitted. But it's better to just put commas in.}
-\paragraph{instantiated-with} A map from hole name to the \emph{original
-module} which instantiated the hole (i.e., what \texttt{-sig-of}
-parameters were used during compilation.)
-\paragraph{key} The \emph{package key} of a
-package, an opaque identifier identifying a package
-which serves as the basis for type identity and linker
-symbols.\footnote{Informally, you might think of a package as a package
-name and its version, e.g., \texttt{containers-0.9}; however, sometimes,
-it is necessary to distinguish between installed instances of a package
-with the same name and version which were compiled with different
-dependencies.} When files are compiled as part of a package, the
-package key must be specified using the \texttt{-this-package-key}
-flag.\footnote{The package key is different from an
-\emph{installed package ID}, which is a more fine-grained identifier for
-a package. Identical installed package IDs imply identical package
-keys, but not vice versa. However, within a single run of GHC, we
-enforce that package keys and (non-shadowed) installed package IDs are
-in one-to-one correspondence.}
-The package key is programatically generated by Cabal\footnote{In
-practice, a package key looks something like
-\texttt{conta\_GtvvBIboSRuDmyUQfSZoAx}. In this document, we'll use
-\texttt{containers\_KEY} as a convenient shorthand to refer to some
-package key for the \texttt{containers} package.}. While GHC doesn't
-specify what the format of the package key is, Cabal's must choose distinct package keys if
-any of the following fields in the installed package database are
+A package is made up of package declarations, which either introduce a
+new module implementation, introduces a new module
+signature, or includes a package from the package environment.
+The declaration of modules and signatures is exactly as it is in Haskell98,
+so we don't reprise the grammar here.
-\item \texttt{name} (e.g., \texttt{containers})
-\item \texttt{version} (e.g., \texttt{0.8})
-\item \texttt{depends} (with respect to package keys)
-\item \texttt{instantiated-with} (with respect to package keys and module names)
+\Red{ToDo: Clarify whether order matters. Both are valid designs, but I think order-less is more user-friendly.}
-\subsection{Module thinning and renaming}
-The command line flag \texttt{-package pkgname} causes all
-exposed modules of \texttt{pkgname} (from the installed package database) to become visible under their
-original names for imports.
-The \texttt{-package} flag and its variants (\texttt{-package-id} and
-\texttt{-package-key}) support ``thinning and renaming''
-annotations, which allows a user to selectively expose only certain
-modules from a package, possibly under different names.\footnote{This
-feature has utility both with and without Backpack. The ability to
-rename modules makes it easier to deal with third-party packages which
-export conflicting module names; under Backpack, this situation becomes
-especially common when an indefinite package is instantiated multiple
-time with different dependencies.}
-Thinning and renaming can be applied
-using the extended syntax \verb|-package "pkgname (rns)"|, where \texttt{rns} is a comma separated list of
-module renamings \texttt{OldName as NewName}. Bare module names are
-also accepted, where \texttt{Name} is shorthand for \texttt{Name as
-Name}. A package exposed this way only causes modules (specified before
-the \texttt{as}) explicitly listed in the renamings to become visible
-under their new names (specified after the \texttt{as}). For example,
-\verb|-package "containers (Data.Set, Data.Map as Map)"| makes
-\texttt{Data.Set} and \texttt{Map} (pointing to
-\texttt{Data.Map}) available for import.\footnote{See also Cabal files
-for a twist on this syntax.}
-When the \texttt{-hide-all-packages} flag is applied, uses of the
-\texttt{-package} flag are \emph{cumulative}; each argument is processed
-and its bindings added to the global module map. For example,
-\verb|-hide-all-packages -package containers -package "containers (Data.Map as Map)"| brings both the default exposed modules of
-containers and a binding for \texttt{Map} into scope.\footnote{The
-previous behavior, and the current behavior when
-\texttt{-hide-all-packages} is not set, is for a second package flag for
-the same package name to override the first one.}\footnote{We defer
-discussion of what happens when a module name is bound multiple times until
-we have discussed signatures, which have interesting behavior on this front.}
-\subsection{Disambiguating imports}
-With module thinning and renaming, as well as the installed package
-database, it is possible for GHC to have multiple bindings for a single
-module name. If the bindings are ambiguous, GHC will report an error
-when the user attempts to use the identifier.
-Define the \emph{true module} associated with a binding to be the
-backing implementation, if the binding is for a signature,\footnote{This
-implements signature merging, as otherwise, we would not necessarily
-expect original signatures to be equal} and the original module
-otherwise. A binding is unambiguous if the true modules of all the
-bindings are equal. Here is an example of an unambiguous set of exposed
+We generally don't expect users to place their module source code
+in package files; thus we provide the following forms to refer to
+\verb|hs| and \verb|hsig| files living on the file-system:
- A from pkg:AImpl,
- A is pkg:AImpl,
- A from other-pkg:Sig is pkg:AImpl
+pkgdecl ::= "module" modid_0 "=" path_0 "," ... "," modid_n "=" path_n
+ | "signature" modid_0 "=" path_0 "," ... "," modid_n "=" path_n
+ | "module" modid_0 "," ... "," modid_n
+ | "signature" modid_0 "," ... "," modid_n
-This mapping says that this package reexports \texttt{pkg:AImpl} as
-\texttt{A}, has an \texttt{A.hsig} which was compiled against
-\texttt{pkg:AImpl}, and reexports a signature from \texttt{other-pkg}
-which itself was compiled against \texttt{pkg:AImpl}.
-When Haskell code makes an import, we either load the backing implementation,
-if it is available as a direct reexport or original definition, \Red{or else
-load \emph{all} of the interface files available as signatures. Loading
-all of the interfaces is guaranteed to not cause conflicts, as the
-backing implementation of all the signatures is guaranteed to be identical
-(assuming that it is unambiguous.)}
-\paragraph{Home package signatures} In some circumstances, we may
-both define a signature in the home package, as well as import a
-signature with the same name from an external package. While multiple
-signatures from external packages are always merged together, in some
-cases, we will ignore the external package signature and \emph{only}
-use the home package signature: in particular, if an external signature
-is not exposed from an explicit \texttt{-package} flag, it is not
-merged in.
-\paragraph{Package imports} A package import, e.g.,
+Thus, \verb|module A = "A.hs"| defines the body of \verb|A| based
+on the contents of \verb|A.hs| in the package's source directory.
+When the assignment is omitted, we implicitly refer to the file path
+created by replacing periods with directory separators and adding
+an appropriate file extension (thus, we can also write \verb|module A|).
-import "foobar" Baz
+pkgdecl ::= "source" path
-operates as follows: ignore all exposed modules under the name which
-were not directly exposed by the package in question. If the same
-package name was included multiple times, all instances of it are
-considered (thus, package imports cannot be used to disambiguate
-between multiple versions or instantiations of the same package.
-For complex disambiguation, use thinning and renaming.)
-In particular, package imports consider the \emph{immediate} package
-which exposed a module, not the original package which defined the
-\paragraph{Typechecking} \Red{When typechecking only, there is not
-necessarily a backing implementation associated with a signature. In
-this case, even if the original names match up, we must perform an
-\emph{additional} check to ensure declarations have compatible types.}
-This check is not necessary during compilation, because \texttt{-sig-of}
-will ensure that the signatures are compatible with a common, unique
-backing implementation.
-\paragraph{User-interface} A number of operations in the compiler
-accept a module name, and perform some operation assuming that, if
-the name successfully resolves, it will identify a unique module. In
-the presence of signatures, this assumption no longer holds. In this
-section, we describe how to adjust the behavior of these various
- \item \verb|ghc --abi-hash M| fails if \texttt{M} resolves to multiple
- signatures. Same rules for home/external package resolution apply,
- so in the absence of any other flags we will hash the signature
- interface in the home package.
- \item
-\subsection{Indefinite external packages}
+The \verb|source| keyword is another construct which allows us to
+define modules by simply scanning the path in question. For example,
+if \verb|src| contains two files, \verb|A.hs| and \verb|B.hsig|,
+then ``\verb|source "src"|'' is equivalent to
+``\verb|module A = "src/A.hs"; signature B = "src/B.hsig"|''.
-\Red{Not implemented yet.}
+\Red{ToDo: Allow defining package-wide module imports, which propagate to all inline
+modules and signatures.}
+\Red{ToDo: Allow defining anonymous modules with bare type/expression declarations.}
-\Red{This entire section is a proposed and has not been implemented.}
-In this section, we describe an expanded version of the package language
-described in the Backpack paper which GHC accepts as input. Given a
-\emph{Backpack file}, GHC performs shaping analysis, typechecking,
-compilation and registration of multiple packages (whose source code is
-specified by the Backpack file). A Backpack file replaces use of
-\texttt{-shape-of}, \texttt{-sig-of} and \texttt{-package} flags.\footnote{Backpack files are \emph{generated} by Cabal. Cabal is responsible for downloading source files, resolving what versions of packages are to be used, executing conditional statements. Once the Cabal files are compiled into a Backpack file, it is passed to GHC, which is responsible for instantiating holes and compiling the packages. The package descriptions in a Backpack file are not full Cabal packages, but contain the minimum information necessary for GHC to work: they are more akin to entries in the installed package database (with some differences).}\footnote{One design goal of this separate package language from Cabal is that it can more easily be incorporated into a language specification, without needing the specification to pull in a full description of Cabal.}
-Here is a very simple Backpack file which defines two packages:\footnote{It could have been written as two separate files: the effect of processing this Backpack file is to compile both packages simultaneously.}
+A signature, denoted with \verb|signature| in a Backpack file and a file
+with the \verb|hsig| extension on the file system, represents a (type) signature for a
+Haskell module. It can contain type signatures, data declarations, type
+classes, type class instances and reexports(!), but it cannot contain any
+value definitions.\footnote{Signatures are the backbone of the Backpack
+module system. A signature can be used to type-check client code which
+uses a module (without the module implementation), or to verify that an
+implementation upholds some signature (without a client
+implementation.)} Signatures are essentially
+\texttt{hs-boot} modules which do not support mutual recursion but
+have no runtime efficiency cost. Here is an example of a module signature
+representing an abstract map type:
-package a
- exposed-modules: A
-package b
- includes: a
- exposed-modules: B
+module Map where
+ type role Map nominal representational
+ data Map k v
+ instance Functor (Map k)
+ empty :: Map k a
-Here is a more complicated Backpack file taking advantage of the availability
-of signatures in Backpack:
+\section{Includes and exports}
-installed package base
- installed-id: base-4.0.6-0123456789abcdef
-package p
- includes: base
- exposed-modules: P
- other-modules: InternalsP
- required-signatures: Map
- source-dir: /srv/code/p
- installed-id: p-2.0.1-abcdef0123456789
- p-2.0.1-def0123456789abc
-package q
- includes: base, p (Map as QMap)
- exposed-modules: Q
- other-modules: QMap
- source-dir: /srv/code/q
-A Backpack file consists of a list of named packages, each of which
-is composed of fields (similar to fields in Cabal package description)
-which specify various aspects of the package. A package may optionally
-be an \emph{installed} package (specified by the \texttt{installed}
-keyword), in which case the package refers to an existing package
-(with no holes) in the installed package database; in this case,
-all fields are omitted except for \texttt{installed-id}, which identifies the
-specific package in use.
-All packages in a Backpack file live in the global namespace.
-\Red{A possible future addition would be the ability to specify private
-packages which are not exposed.}
+pkgdecl ::= "include" pkgname ["as" pkgname] [inclspec]
-backpack ::= package_0
- ...
- package_n
+inclspec ::= "(" renaming_0 "," ... "," renaming_n [","] ")"
+ [ "requires" "(" renaming_0 "," ... "," renaming_n [","] ")" ]
-package ::= "package" pkgname
- field_0
- ...
- field_n
- | "installed package" pkgname
- "installed-id:" ipid
+renaming ::= modid [ "as" modid ]
+ | "package" pkgname
-pkgname ::= /* package name, e.g. containers (no version!) */
+% Add me later:
+% | "hiding" "(" modid_0 "," ... "," modid_n [","] ")"
-field ::= "includes:" includes
- | "exposed-modules:" modnames
- | "other-modules:" modnames
- | "exposed-signatures:" modnames
- | "required-signatures:" modnames
- | "reexported-modules:" reexports
- | "source-dir:" path
- | pkgdb_field
+An include brings the modules and signatures of a package into scope.
+If these modules/signatures have the same names as other
+modules/signatures in scope, \emph{mix-in linking} occurs.
+In particular:
-We now describe the package fields in more detail.
+ \item Module + module = error (unless they really are the same!)
+ \item Module + signature = the signature is filled in, and is
+ no longer part of the requirements of the package.
+ \item Signature + signature = the signatures are merged together.
+An include is associated with an optional \verb|inclspec|,
+which can be to thin the provided modules and rename the provided and
+required modules of an include. In its simplest mode of use,
+an \verb|inclspec| is a list of modules to be brought into scope,
+e.g. \verb|include p (A, B)|. Requirements cannot be hidden, but
+they can be renamed to provide an implementation (or even to just
+reexport the requirement under another name.) If a requirement is
+not mentioned in an explicit requirements list, it is implicitly included
+(thus, \verb|requires (Hole)| has only a purely documentary effect).
+It is not valid to rename a provision to a requirement, or a requirement
+to a provision.
-includes ::= include_0 "," ... "," include_n
-include ::= pkgname ["(" renames ")"]
-renames ::= rename_0 "," ... "," rename_n
-rename ::= modname
- | modname "as" modname
+pkgexports ::= inclspec
-The \texttt{includes} field consists of a comma-separated list of
-packages to include. This field is similar to the Cabal
-\texttt{build-depends} field, except that no version numbers are
-allowed. Each package has all exposed modules and signatures are
-brought into scope under their original names, unless there is a
-parenthesized, comma-separated thinning and renaming specification which
-causes only the specified modules are brought into scope (under new
-names, if the \texttt{as} keyword is used). Here is an example
-\texttt{includes} field, which brings into scope all exposed modules
-from \texttt{base}, \texttt{P1} and \texttt{P2} from \texttt{p}, and
-\texttt{Q} from \texttt{q} under the name \texttt{MyQ}.
+An export, symmetrically, specifies what modules a package will bring
+into scope if it is included without any \verb|inclspec|. Any module
+which is omitted from an explicit export list is not exposed (however,
+like before, requirements cannot be hidden.)
- includes: base, p (P1, P2), q (Q as MyQ)
+When an explicit export list is omitted, you can calculate the provides
+and requires of a package as follows:
+ \item A package provides any non-included modules and signatures.
+ (It only provides an included module/signature if it is explicitly
+ reexported.)
+ \item A package requires any transitively reachable signatures or
+ hole signatures which are not filled in with an implementation.
-Package inclusion is the mechanism by which holes are instantiated:
-a hole and an implementation which are brought in the same scope with
-the same name are linked together. If a package is included multiple
-times, it is treated as a separate instantiation for the purpose of
-filling holes.
+\Red{ToDo: Properly describe ``hole signatures'' in the declarations section}
-\subsection{\texttt{exposed-modules}, \texttt{other-modules}, \texttt{exposed-signatures}, \texttt{required-signatures}}
-modnames ::= modname_0 ... modname_n
+The fact that requirements are \emph{implicitly} propagated from package
+to package can result in some spooky ``action at a distance''. However,
+this implicit behavior is one of the key ingredients to making mix-in
+modular development scale: you don't want to have to explicitly link
+everything up, as you might have to do in a traditional ML module
-The \texttt{exposed-modules}, \texttt{other-modules},
-\texttt{exposed-signatures} and \texttt{required-signatures} are exactly
-analogous to their Cabal counterparts, and consist of lists of module names
-which are to be compiled from the package's source directory. For example,
-to expose modules \texttt{P} and \texttt{Q}, you would write:
+You cannot, however, import a requirement, unless it is also provided,
+which helps increase encapsulation. If a package provides a
+module, it can be imported:
- exposed-modules: P Q
+package p (A) requires (A) where
+ signature A where
+ x :: Bool
+package q (B) requires (A) where
+ include p
+ module B where
+ import A -- OK
+If it does not, it cannot be imported:
+\Red{Alternately, the import is OK but doesn't result in any identifiers
+being brought into scope.}
-reexports ::= reexport_0 "," ... "," reexport_n
-reexport ::= modname "as" modname
- | modname
+package p () requires (A) where -- yes, this is kind of pointless
+ signature A where
+ x :: Bool
+package q (B) requires (A) where
+ include p
+ module B where
+ import A -- ERROR!
-The \texttt{reexported-modules} field is exactly analogous to its Cabal
-counterpart, and allows reexporting an in-scope module under a different name.\footnote{This is different from \emph{aliasing} in the original Backpack language, since reexported modules are not visible in the current package.} For example, to reexport a locally available module \texttt{P} under the name \texttt{Q}, write:
+This means that it is always safe for a package to remove requirements
+or weaken holes; clients will always continue to compile.
+Of course, if there is a different signature for the hole in scope, the
+import is not an error; however, no declarations from \verb|p| are in scope:
- reexported-modules: P as Q
+package p () requires (A) where
+ signature A where
+ x :: Bool
+package q (B) requires (A) where
+ include p
+ signature A where
+ y :: Bool
+ module B where
+ import A
+ x' = x -- ERROR!
+ y' = y -- OK
+To summarize, requirements are part of the interface of a package; however,
+they provide no identifiers as far as imports are concerned. \Red{There is
+some subtle interaction with requirements and shaping; see Shaping by example
+for more details.}
-path ::= /* file path, e.g. /home/alice/src/containers */
+\subsection{Package includes/exports}
-The \texttt{source-dir} field specifies where the source files of
-the package in question live, e.g. if \texttt{source-dir: /foo}
-then we expect the \texttt{hs} file for module \texttt{A} to live
-in \texttt{/foo/A.hs}.
+A package export is easy enough to explain by analogy of module exports
+in Haskell: a \verb|package p| in an export list explicitly reexports
+the identifiers from that package; whereas even a default, wildcard export
+list would only export locally defined identifiers/modules.
+For example, this module exports the modules of both \verb|base|
+and \verb|array|.
-ipid ::= /* installed package ID, e.g. containers-0.8-HASH */
+package combined(package base, package array) where
+ include base
+ include array
-The \texttt{installed-id} field specifies an existing, \emph{compiled} package in
-the installed package database, which should be used. This information
-is only used in the case of an \texttt{installed package} entry, because
-we would otherwise not have enough information to calculate a package
-key for the package. It is analogous to the \texttt{-package-id} flag.
-\Red{This is enough if, in a package database, a given package key is
- unique. If package keys are not unique, it might also be necessary
- to explicitly provide multiple multiple \texttt{installed-id}s for
-an indefinite package, corresponding to valid compilations of the
-package with different hole instantiations. This never happens with
-current Cabal, since version numbers are built into package keys.}
-\subsection{Installed package database fields}
+However, in Backpack, a package may be included multiple times, making
+such declarations ambiguous. Thus, a package can be included as a local
+package name to disambiguate:
- pkgdb_field ::= ...
+package p(package q1) where -- equivalent to B1
+ include impls (A1, A2)
+ include q as q1 (hole A as A1, B as B1)
+ include q as q2 (hole A as A2, B as B2)
-GHC's installed package database supports a number of other fields
-which are necessary for GHC to build some packages, e.g., the \texttt{extraLibraries}
-field which specifies operating system libraries which also have to
-be linked in. Backpack packages accept any fields which are valid in the
-installed package database, except for: \texttt{name}, \texttt{id}, \texttt{key}
-and \texttt{instantiated-with} (which are computed by GHC itself).
-The full list of available fields can be found in the \texttt{bin-package-db}
-\subsection{Structure of a Backpack file}
-In general, a Backpack file must contain the package descriptions of
-\emph{all} packages which are transitively depended on (in case
-one of those packages must be rebuilt.) However, if we know a specific
-version of a package is already in the installed package database,
-its description may be replaced with an \texttt{installed package}
-entry, in which case the description (and description of its dependencies)
-can be omitted. \Red{An alternative is to have an indefinite package
-database, in which case this database is simply always in scope. This
-might be better if we want to save interface files associated with indefinite
-It should be emphasized that while the Backpack file leaves the instantiation
-of holes implicit (to be resolved by looking at the included packages and
-linking modules together), \emph{all package versions} must be resolved
-prior to writing a Backpack file. A Backpack file assumes that the
-versions of all packages are consistent (e.g., any reference to \texttt{foo}
-will always be a reference to \texttt{foo-1.2}).
-% Confusion:
-% - It's not really clear what 'installed package foo' refers to
-% - What does it mean to "install" an indefinite package?
-% - So I guess having the 'installed package' qualifier is not useful,
-% because "indefinite" ones also have precompiled indefinite ones
-% - The Cabal compilation process: write it out
-% 1. Cabal copies relevant q-3.4.cabal into .bkp
-% 2. Resolves version
-% 3. Selects bits GHC needs
-% 4. Downloads source code
-% 5. Executes conditionals
-% - Want to distinguish different names from installed package
-% database, local names, Hackage names (invariant: Hackage names
-% never show up)
-% - SPJ trap: version resolution versus hole instantiation
-% - Another red herring: couldn't Cabal pick different versions for
-% the same package
-% - Halfway house: definite packages can be snipped off, but
-% put in all the indefinite ones
-% This is BETTER than having an indefinite package database,
-% because all that's doing is saving us from having to write
-% some characters into a file, it doesn't save us compilation
-% - Update: version versus holes is REALLY CONFUSING (NO HOLES!)
-% - But for TYPECHECKING you probably do want the indefinite package
-% database, for the INTERFACE FILES
-\subsection{Fields in the Cabal file}
-The Cabal file is a user-facing description of a package, which is
-converted into an \texttt{InstalledPackageInfo} during a Cabal build.
-Backpack extends the Cabal files with four new fields, all of which
-are only valid in the \texttt{library} section of a package:
-\paragraph{required-signatures} A space-separated list of module names
-specifying internal signatures (in \texttt{hsig} files) of the package.
-\Red{Signatures specified in this field are not put in the \texttt{exposed-modules} field in the installed package database and
-are not available for external import}; however, in order for a package to be
-compiled, implementations for all of its signatures must be provided (so
-they are not completely \emph{hidden} in the same way \texttt{other-modules} are).
-\paragraph{exposed-signatures} A space-separated list of module names
-specifying externally visible signatures (in \texttt{hsig} files) of the package. It is
-represented in the installed package database as an \texttt{exposed-module} with a
-non-empty backing implementation (\texttt{Sig is Impl}). Signatures exposed in this way are
-available for external import. In order for a package to be compiled,
-implementations for all exposed signatures must be provided.
-\paragraph{indefinite} A package is \emph{indefinite} if it has any
-\texttt{required-signatures} or \texttt{exposed-signatures}, or it
-depends on an indefinite package without instantiating all of the holes
-of that package. In principle, this parameter can be calculated
-by Cabal, but it serves a documentory purpose for packages which do not
-have any signatures themselves, but depend on packages which are indefinite.
-\Red{Actually, this field is in the top-level at the moment.}
-\paragraph{reexported-modules} A comma-separated list of module or
-signature reexports. It is represented in the installed package
-database as a module with a non-empty original module/signature: the
-original module is resolved by Cabal. There are three valid syntactic
- \item \texttt{Orig}, which reexports any module with the
- name \texttt{Orig} in the current scope (e.g.,
- as specified by \texttt{build-depends}).
+A package include, e.g. \verb|include a (package p)| is only valid if
+\verb|a| exports the package \verb|p| explicitly.\footnote{It's probably
+possible to use anonymous packages to allow easily dividing a package
+into subpackages, but this is silly and you can always just put it
+in an actual package.}
- \item \texttt{Orig as New}, which reexports a module with
- the name \texttt{Orig} in the current scope. \texttt{Orig}
- can be a home module and doesn't necessarily have to come
- from \texttt{build-depends}.
+\section{(Transparent) signature ascription}
- \item \texttt{package:Orig as New}, which reexports a module
- with name \texttt{Orig} from the specific source package \texttt{package}.
+inclspec ::= ...
+ | "::" pkgexp
-If multiple modules with the same name are in scope, we check
-if it is unambiguous (the same check used by GHC); if they are
-we reexport all of the modules; otherwise, we give an error.
-In this way, packages which reexport multiple signatures to the
-same name can be valid; a package may also reexport a signature
-onto a home \texttt{hsig} signature.
+pkgexp ::= pkgname
+ | "package" [exports] "where" pkgbody
+Signature ascription subsumes thinning: it narrows the exports
+of modules in a package to those specified by a signature
+package. This package \verb|pkgexp| is specified with either
+a reference to a named package or an \emph{anonymous package}
+(in prior work, these have been referred to as \emph{units},
+although here the distinction is not necessary as our system
+is \emph{purely applicative}).
-This field has been extended with new syntax
-to provide the access to GHC's new thinning and renaming functionality
-and to have the ability to include an indefinite package \emph{multiple times}
-(with different instantiations for its holes).
+Ascription also imposes a \emph{requirement} on the package
+being abscribed. Suppose you have \verb|p :: psig|, then:
-Here is an example entry in \texttt{build-depends}:
-\verb|foo >= 0.8 (ASig as A1, B as B1; ASig as A2, ...)|. This statement includes the
-package \texttt{foo} twice, once with \texttt{ASig} instantiated with
-\texttt{A1} and \texttt{B} renamed as \texttt{B1}, and once with
-\texttt{ASig} instantiated with \texttt{A2}, and all other modules
-imported with their original names. Assuming that the key of the first
-instance of \texttt{foo} is \texttt{foo\_KEY1} and the key of the second instance
-is \texttt{foo\_KEY2}, and that \texttt{ASig} is an \texttt{exposed-signature}, then this \texttt{build-depends} would turn into
-these flags for GHC\@: \verb|-package-key "foo\_KEY1 (ASig as A1, B as B1)" -package-key "foo\_KEY2" -package-key "foo\_KEY2 (ASig as A2)"|
+ \item Everything provided \verb|psig| must also
+ be provided by \verb|p|.
+ \item Everything required by \verb|p| must also
+ be required by \verb|psig|.
-Syntactically, the thinnings and renamings are placed inside a
-parenthetical after the package name and version constraints.
-Semicolons distinguish separate inclusions of the package, and the inner
-comma-separated lists indicate the thinning/renamings of the module.
-You can also write \verb|...|, which simply
-includes all of the default bindings from the package.
-\Red{This is not implemented. Should this only refer to modules which were not referred to already? Should it refer only to holes?}
+\Red{Alternately, the second requirement is not necessary, and you
+calculate the new requirements by taking the requirements of \texttt{psig},
+removing the provides of \texttt{p}, and then adding the requirements of \texttt{p}.
+This makes it possible to ascribe includes for \emph{adapter} packages, which
+provide some modules given a different set of requirements.}
+Semantically, ascription replaces the module with a signature,
+type-checks the package against the signature, and then \emph{post
+facto} links the signature against the implementation.
+An ascribed include can be replaced with the signature
+it is ascribed with, resulting in a package which still typechecks
+but has more holes. \Red{You have to link at the VERY END, because
+if you link immediately after processing the module with the
+ascribed include, the module identities will leak. Of course, if
+we're compiling we just link eagerly. But now this means that
+if you have a definite package which uses ascription, even assuming
+all packages in the environment type-check, you must still type-check
+this package twice, once indefinitely and then with the actual
+linking relationship.}
+For example, ascription in the export specification thins out all
+private identifiers from the package:
-There are two remarks that should be made about separate instantiations of
-the package. First, Cabal will automatically ``de-duplicate'' instances of
-the package which are equivalent: thus, \verb|foo (A; B)| is equivalent to
-\texttt{foo (A, B)} when \texttt{foo} is a definite package, or when the
-holes instantiation for each instance is equivalent. Second, when merging
-two \texttt{build-depends} statements together (for example, due to
-a conditional section in a Cabal file), they are considered \emph{separate
-inclusions of a package.}
+ package psig where
+ signature A where
+ public :: Bool
+ package p :: psig where
+ module A.Internal where
+ not_exported = 0
+ module A where
+ public = True
+ private = False
-\subsection{Setup flags}
+and, symmetrically, ascription in an include hides identifiers:
-There is one new flag for the \texttt{Setup} script, which can be
-used to manually provide instantiations for holes in a package:
-\verb|--instantiate-with NAME=PKG:MOD|, which binds a module \verb|NAME|
-to the implementation \verb|MOD| provided by installed package ID \verb|PKG|.
-The flag can be specified multiply times to provide bindings for all
-signatures. The module in question must be the \emph{original} module,
-not a re-export.
+ package psig where
+ signature A where
+ public :: Bool
+ package p where
+ module A where
+ public = True
+ private = False
+ package q where
+ include p :: psig
+ module B where
+ import A
+ ... public ... -- OK
+ ... private ... -- ERROR
+\Red{OBSERVATION: thinning is subsumed by transparent signature ascription, but NOT renaming. Thus RENAMING does not commute across signature ascription; you must do it either before or after. Syntax for this is tricky.}
+\paragraph{Syntactic sugar for anonymous packages}
-\subsection{Metadata in the installed package database}
+pkgexp ::= pkgbody
+ | path
-Cabal records
+It may be useful to provide two forms of sugar for specifying anonymous packages:
+\verb|pkgbody| is equivalent to \verb|package where pkgbody|; and \verb|"path"|
+is equivalent to \verb|package where source "path"|.
+\section{Full grammar}
+packages ::= "{" package_0 ";" ... ";" package_n "}"
-\subsection{Indefinite package instantiation}
+package ::= "package" pkgname [pkgexports] "where" pkgbody
+pkgname ::= /* package name, e.g. containers (no version!) */
+pkgbody ::= "{" pkgdecl_0 ";" ... ";" pkgdecl_n "}"
+pkgdecl ::= "module" modid [exports] "where" body
+ | "signature" modid [exports] "where" body
+ | "include" pkgname ["as" pkgname] [inclspec]
+ | "module" modid_0 "=" path_0 "," ... "," modid_n "=" path_n
+ | "signature" modid_0 "=" path_0 "," ... "," modid_n "=" path_n
+ | "module" modid_0 "," ... "," modid_n
+ | "signature" modid_0 "," ... "," modid_n
+ | "source" path
+inclspec ::= "(" renaming_0 "," ... "," renaming_n [","] ")"
+ [ "requires" "(" renaming_0 "," ... "," renaming_n [","] ")" ]
+ | "::" pkgexp
+pkgexports ::= inclspec
+renaming ::= modid [ "as" modid ]
+ | "package" pkgname
+pkgexp ::= pkgname
+ | "package" [exports] "where" pkgbody
+ | pkgbody
+ | path
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+\title{Backpack shaping by example}
+Note: this document assumes familiarity with the syntax of Backpack. Go
+read the Backpack Manual (\url{}) if you haven't already.
+\textbf{Guru meditation.} These asides contain more complex examples
+which justify certain design choices. They can be skipped without missing
+out on important information. You might have to have read further to
+understand them.
+\section{What is shaping?}
+When you write an ordinary Haskell package, if you define
+the data type \verb|ByteString| in \verb|Data.ByteString.Lazy|,
+and define it again in \verb|Data.ByteString.Strict|, you
+do not expect these types to be the same.
+However, if you are doing modular programming with module interfaces, you
+might want to define a type in a module interface, but not say where
+it comes from: that's the job of whoever implements the
+interface. \verb|ByteString| defined in two interfaces could be
+the same\ldots or they might be different. Shaping tells you whether
+or not they are the same.
+Imagine you have two signature packages: \verb|haskell98-base-sigs|,
+which just exports \verb|Prelude| defining \verb|Int|; and \verb|ghc-base-sigs|,
+which provides a more internal version of \verb|Int| in \verb|GHC.Base|, with
+\verb|Prelude| simply reexporting the definition there.
+package haskell98-base-sigs (Prelude) where
+ signature Prelude(Int) where
+ data Int
+package ghc-base-sigs (Prelude, GHC.Base) where
+ include ghc-prim
+ signature GHC.Base(Int(..)) where
+ import GHC.Prim(Int#)
+ data Int = I# Int#
+ signature Prelude(Int) where
+ import GHC.Base
+Now, suppose you want to type-check a package which is using both
+signatures at the same time:
+package p (A) where
+ include haskell98-base-sigs
+ include ghc-base-sigs
+ module A where
+ import Prelude
+ import GHC.Base
+ ... Int ...
+There are two places where \verb|Int| is defined, and we ought not to
+accept \verb|A| unless \verb|haskell98-base-sigs:Prelude.Int| and
+\verb|ghc-base-sigs:GHC.Base.Int| are the same. In fact, they are the
+same;\footnote{The reason is \verb|p| \emph{linked} the two \verb|Prelude|s
+together: they must be implemented with the same module. Since any
+implementation of \verb|Prelude| can only define one entity named
+\verb|Int|, we can infer that the separate \verb|Int|s in the signatures
+must be the same; and by inference, that
+\verb|ghc-base-sigs:GHC.Base.Int| is equivalent as well.} however, if you
+remove module \verb|ghc-base-sigs:Prelude|, the two \verb|Int|s are no longer
+Shaping is the process responsible for concluding that these two types are
+equal. By the end of this document, you should understand how and why \verb|Int|
+is type equal in the previous example, as well as understand other examples.
+\section{Defining pre-shape}
+Informally, a package consists of a collection of modules and
+signatures, which, given some \emph{required} holes at some module
+names, can \emph{provide} some modules (at some other module names) for
+import by anyone who includes the package. The requires and provides
+of a package can be written explicitly in the header of a package:
+pkgexports ::= { ModName } "requires" { ModName }
+Here are the explicit headers of the packages in the introductory example:
+package haskell98-base-sigs (Prelude) requires (Prelude)
+package ghc-base-sigs (Prelude, GHC.Base) requires (Prelude, GHC.Base)
+package p (A) requires (Prelude, GHC.Base)
+When you instantiate a package, an instance is identified by a \emph{package key},
+which what module each hole was instantiated with (or the module is put
+in a special \verb|HOLE| package if it was not instantiated at all, as you
+might when type-checking a package which still has holes in it):
+PkgKey ::= SrcPkgId "(" { ModName "->" Module } ")"
+ | HOLE
+A module might get instantiated multiple times (when its package is instantiated
+multiple times): a particular instance of a module is identified by the
+its enclosing package key plus its module name:
+Module ::= PkgKey ":" ModName
+To infer the provides and requires of a package, however,
+The full pre-shape of a package, however, also specifies the module identities
+of everything it exports:
+preshape ::= { ModName "->" Module } "requires" { ModName "->" Module }
+ provides: Prelude -> HOLE:Prelude
+ provides: Prelude -> HOLE:Prelude
+ GHC.Base -> HOLE:GHC.Base
+ provides: A -> p(Prelude -> HOLE:Prelude,
+ GHC.Base -> HOLE:GHC.Base):A
+Depending on how we vary how the requirements of a package are filled,
+the types and values defined in the package may be different. So a
+mapping of required hole names to proper modules uniquely defines an
+instance of the package: we identify these instances with \emph{package
+keys} (\verb|PkgKey|).
+An example package key would be \verb|prelude-sig(Prelude -> base():Prelude)|,
+where \verb|prelude-sig| has a single requirement that was filled by the
+\verb|Module| \verb|base():Prelude|.
+\section{Defining shape}
+A \emph{shape} adds more information about the declarations that the
+module exports. Nothing as fancy as a full type; just a \verb|Name|
+which identifies the name in question. We'll say more about what
+\verb|Name|s are shortly, but the important property is that if two
+\verb|Name|s of two types are the same, they are type-equal (value-equal
+in the case of values). We can thus define a shape as a mapping of
+module name to the set of \verb|Name|s it provides and the set of
+\verb|Name|s it requires.
+Shape ::=
+ "provided:" { ModName "->" { Name } }
+ "required:" { ModName "->" { Name } }
+We should say a little bit about \verb|Name|s. This terminology
+comes from the internals of GHC, where it is very useful to have a
+representation of identity that distinguishes a type from anything else.
+In old versions of GHC, a \verb|Name| was the source package ID (\verb|bytestring-0.1|)
+plus the module name it was defined in (\verb|Data.ByteString.Lazy|)
+plus the actual name of the type (\verb|ByteString|). As a simplifying assumption
+in this document, we'll assume version numbers don't exist, but technically
+everywhere there is a package name in this document, there should also be
+a version number.
+In Backpack, this is \emph{still} not enough: we must also record
+the mapping from each required module name to the actual \verb|Module| which
+is fulfilling that requirement. Thus, the full specification of \verb|Name|
+(omitting version numbers) is:
+Name ::= Module "." OccName
+OccName ::= -- a plain old name, e.g. undefined, Bool, Int
+\textbf{Mini-guru meditation.} Why do we need the mapping of holes to modules? Consider:
+package p (A) requires (H) where
+ signature H(T) where
+ data T
+ module A(A) where
+ import H
+ data A = A T
+package q (A1, A2) where
+ module H1(T) where
+ data T = T Int
+ module H2(T) where
+ data T = T Bool
+ include p (A as A1) requires (H as H1)
+ include p (A as A2) requires (H as H2)
+If we conclude that \verb|A1.T| $=$ \verb|A2.T|, that would be
+\textbf{Guru meditation.} Why can't the \verb|PkgKey| just record a
+set of \verb|Module|s, e.g. \verb|PkgKey ::= SrcPkgKey { Module }|? Consider:
+package p (A) requires (H1, H2) where
+ signature H1(T) where
+ data T
+ signature H2(T) where
+ data T
+ module A(A(..)) where
+ import qualified H1
+ import qualified H2
+ data A = A H1.T H2.T
+package q (A12, A21) where
+ module I1(T) where
+ data T = T Int
+ module I2(T) where
+ data T = T Bool
+ include p (A as A12) requires (H1 as I1, H2 as I2)
+ include p (A as A21) requires (H1 as I2, H2 as I1)
+The sets of modules provided for both includions of \verb|p| are the same,
+but \verb|A12.A :: I1.T -> I2.T -> A12.A| while \verb|A21.A :: I2.T -> I1.T -> A12.A|.
+\textbf{Guru meditation.} Why can't the required portion of a shape
+refer to \verb|OccName|s instead of \verb|Name|s, e.g. \verb|"required:" { ModName "->" { OccName } }|? Consider:
+package p () requires (A, B) where
+ signature A(T) where
+ data T
+ signature B(T) where
+ import T
+This has the shape:
+provided: (empty)
+ A -> { HOLE:A.T }
+ B -> { HOLE:A.T }
+In particular, we conclude \verb|A.T| $=$ \verb|B.T|.
+\textbf{Guru meditation.} Why do \verb|Name|s matter for values? Consider:
+package p (A) requires (H1, H2) where
+ signature H1(x) where
+ x :: Int
+ signature H2(x) where
+ import H1(x)
+ module A(y) where
+ import H1
+ import H2
+ y = x
+The reference to \verb|x| in \verb|A| is unambiguous, because it is known
+that \verb|x| from \verb|H1| and \verb|x| from \verb|H2| are the same (have
+the same \verb|Name|.) If this was not known, it would be ambiguous and
+cause an error.
+\section{How to shape}
+\emph{You might consider skipping this section and reading some of the
+examples, before coming back.}
+Here is the core Backpack language (minus some syntactic sugar and
+package ::= "package" pkgname [pkgexports] "where" pkgbody
+pkgbody ::= "{" pkgdecl_0 ";" ... ";" pkgdecl_n "}"
+pkgdecl ::= "module" modid [exports] "where" body
+ | "signature" modid [exports] "where" body
+ | "include" pkgname [inclspec]
+inclspec ::= "(" renaming_0 "," ... "," renaming_n [","] ")" -- (provides list)
+ [ "requires" "(" renaming_0 "," ... "," renaming_n [","] ")" ]
+pkgexports ::= inclspec
+renaming ::= modid [ "as" modid ]
+Shaping proceeds in a few steps:
+\paragraph{Pre-shaping} Pre-shaping recursively calculates the provided
+and required module names of packages. Equivalently, it elaborates
+package declarations and includes so that \verb|pkgexports| and
+\verb|inclspec| are specified explicitly.
+The pre-shape of a package is calculated by processing declarations in
+order, calculating a set of provided module names $P$ (modules we are
+planning to expose outside the package), available module names $A$
+(modules which can be imported and fill requirements) and required
+module names $R$ (requirements that must be filled by a user of the
+package). Then, absent a \verb|pkgexports|, the shape of the package is
+(provides: $P$, requires: $R$).
+\paragraph{Module} Given ``\verb|module M|'': let $P' = P \cup \{M\}$, $A' = A \cup \{M\}$ and $R' = R - \{M\}$. A module definition is both provided and available, and fills any requirement with the same name.
+\paragraph{Signature} Given ``\verb|signature S|'': let $R' = R \cup \{S\}$ if $S \notin A$, and no change otherwise. A signature definition creates a requirement if there is not already another definition available. This definition could be another signature, in which case $S \in R$ already!
+Let the pre-shape of the included package be (provides: $P_I$, requires: $R_I$). \\
+Given ``\verb|include pkgname (X0 as X'0, ..., Xn as X'n) requires (Y0 as Y'0, ..., Yn as Yn')|'':
+ \item Fail if \verb|X0, ..., Xn| $\nsubseteq P_I$
+ \item Fail if \verb|Y0, ..., Yn| $\nsubseteq R_I$
+ \item Let $A' = A \cup \{$ \verb|X'0, ..., X'n| $\}$
+ \item Let $R_0 = $
+ \item Let $R' = R - \{$ \verb|X'0, ..., X'n| $\} + \{$ \verb|Y'0, ..., Y'n| $\}$
+ \item Add \verb|InclRequires| minus \verb|Y0, ..., Yn| to $R$, for all not in $A$
+If you have a sole \verb|Xi| in any renaming list, it is sugar for \verb|Xi as Xi|. When an
+\verb|inclspec| is absent, let the \verb|inclspec| be $P_I$ \verb|requires| $R_I$.
+\section{Definite packages are simple}
+When there aren't any signatures, package shapes are simple:
+given an identifier named \verb|T| declared in a module \verb|A| in a package \verb|p|,
+the module \verb|A| provides the name \verb|p():A.T|. Thus
+package p (A) where
+ module A(T,x) where
+ data T = T
+ x = False
+has the shape
+ A -> { p():A.T, p():A.x }
+ (nothing)
+\paragraph{Reexports} The Haskell source-language supports reexports.
+In such a case, the shape of the module reports the \emph{original}
+package p(A,B) where
+ module A(T) where
+ data T = T
+ module B(T) where
+ import A
+has shape
+ A -> { p():A.T }
+ B -> { p():A.T } -- not p():B.T!
+ (nothing)
+Haskell does not support changing the \verb|OccName| upon reexport;
+the usual way of renaming types and values results in a new \verb|Name|.
+package p (A,B) where
+ module A(T, x) where
+ data T = T
+ x = True
+ module B(S, y) where
+ import A
+ type S = T
+ y = x
+has shape
+ A -> { p():A.T, p():A.x }
+ B -> { p():B.S, p():B.y } -- not p():A.T, p():A.x!
+ (nothing)
+\textbf{Guru meditation.} If we can change \verb|OccName|s on reexport,
+we need a different definition of shape:
+Shape ::=
+ "provided:" ModName "->" { OccName ":" Name }
+ "required:" ModName "->" { OccName ":" Name }
+Without \verb|OccName| renaming, the \verb|OccName| always equals
+the \verb|OccName| of the \verb|Name|.
+\section{Signatures in indefinite packages}
+If there is a signatures, we say its identifiers are from the special
+\verb|HOLE| package. (These are a bit like skolem variables.)
+Signatures add to the requirement of a module shape
+in addition to the provides.
+package p-sig (A) requires (A) where
+ signature A(T,x) where
+ data T
+ x :: Bool
+has shape
+ A -> { HOLE:A.T, HOLE:A.x }
+ A -> { HOLE:A.T, HOLE:A.x }
+\paragraph{No export} You don't have to export a signature,
+but you must require it. In that case, it is required but
+not provided.
+package p-sig (B) requires (A,B) where
+ signature A(T) where
+ data T
+ signature B(S) where
+ import A
+ data S = S T
+has shape
+ B -> { HOLE:B.S }
+ A -> { HOLE:A.T }
+ B -> { HOLE:B.S }
+\paragraph{Reexports} Signatures also support reexports. They
+work in the same way as in modules.
+package p (A,B) where
+ signature A(T) where
+ data T = T
+ signature B(T) where
+ import A
+has shape
+ A -> { HOLE:A.T }
+ B -> { HOLE:A.T }
+ A -> { HOLE:A.T }
+ B -> { HOLE:A.T }
+Signatures can import modules too!
+\section{Modules in indefinite packages}
+When you define a module in a package with holes, when constructing
+the package key for names defined in this module, you must also specify
+how the holes in the package are filled in. For example:
+package p (A) requires (H) where
+ signature H where
+ x :: Bool
+ module A where
+ import H
+ y = x
+has shape
+ A -> { p(H -> HOLE:H):A.y } -- not p():A.y!
+ H -> { HOLE:H.x }
+The mapping \verb|H -> HOLE:H| says that \verb|p| was instantiated with
+An include brings the shape of the package included into the context
+of our package:
+package p (A) where
+ module A(x) where
+ x = True
+package q (A, B) where
+ include A
+ module B(y) where
+ y = True
+\verb|p| provides \verb|A -> { p:A.x }|, while \verb|q| has shape:
+ A -> { p:A.x }
+ B -> { q:B.y }
+ (nothing)
+If none of the module names from the included package and the
+current package overlap, things are simple. Things are more
+complex when there are overlapping names: in this case, \emph{linking}
+should occur.
+\paragraph{Renaming holes}
+If you rename a hole, the occurrences of \verb|HOLE:A| in modules and names
+are renamed:
+package p (M) requires (A) where
+ signature A(x) where
+ x :: Bool
+ module M(y) where
+ import A
+ y = x
+package q (M) requires (B) where
+ include A (M) requires (A as B)
+has shapes:
+p provides:
+ M -> { p(A -> HOLE:A):M.y }
+p requires:
+ A -> { HOLE:A.x }
+q provides:
+ M -> { p(A -> HOLE:B):M.y }
+q requires:
+ B -> { HOLE:B.x }
+\paragraph{Linking a signature with an implementation}
+If you fill a hole with an implementation, the occurrences of the hole's \verb|Module|, e.g. \verb|HOLE:A|, are replaced with the implementation module identity, and the
+occurences of the hole's \verb|Name|s, e.g. \verb|HOLE:A.x|, are replaced with
+the implementation's matching \verb|Name| (e.g., having the same \verb|OccName|).
+These are two separate substitutions!
+package p (B) requires (A) where
+ signature A(T) where
+ data T
+ module B(T, x) where
+ import A(T)
+ x :: Bool
+package q (A, B) where
+ module A(T) where
+ data T = T
+ include p
+has shapes:
+p provides:
+ B -> { HOLE:A.T, p(A -> HOLE:A):B.x }
+p requires:
+ A -> { HOLE:A.T }
+q provides:
+ B -> { q():A.T, p(A -> q():A):B.x }
+ A -> { q():A.T }
+q requires:
+ (nothing)
+Note that I can also include first and then define the module; the
+result is the same.
+\textbf{Guru meditation.} Why can't we just replace all occurrences of
+\verb|HOLE:A| with \verb|q():A|? A modified \verb|package q|:
+package q (TyA, A, B) where
+ module TyA(T) where
+ data T = T
+ module A(T) where
+ import TyA(T)
+ include p
+should have shape:
+q provides:
+ TyA -> { q():TyA.T }
+ A -> { q():TyA.T }
+ B -> { q():TyA.T, p(A -> q():A):B.x } -- NB: not p(A -> q():TyA)
+q requires:
+ (nothing)
+\verb|HOLE:A.T| is substituted with \verb|q():TyA.T|, but \verb|HOLE:A| is
+substituted with \verb|q():A|!
+\paragraph{Linking a signature with a signature}
+package p requires (H) where
+ include base
+ signature H(Int) where
+ import Prelude
+package q requires (H) where
+ include base