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authorSimon Peyton Jones <>2023-01-10 21:57:34 +0000
committerMarge Bot <>2023-01-17 16:33:05 -0500
commit003b6d4460c08b15a45a6ff04bc77fcf8e3f6633 (patch)
treeaaf8fe3f9eb14981f7aee62b73bd2528901cc022 /docs
parentfc02f3bbb5f47f880465e22999ba9794f658d8f6 (diff)
Document the semantics of pattern bindings a bit better
This MR is in response to the discussion on #22719
Diffstat (limited to 'docs')
2 files changed, 163 insertions, 67 deletions
diff --git a/docs/users_guide/exts/primitives.rst b/docs/users_guide/exts/primitives.rst
index a596c13f23..9caab6b146 100644
--- a/docs/users_guide/exts/primitives.rst
+++ b/docs/users_guide/exts/primitives.rst
@@ -136,7 +136,7 @@ There are some restrictions on the use of primitive types:
f x = let !(Foo a b, w) = ..rhs.. in ..body..
- since ``b`` has type ``Int#``.
+ since ``b`` has type ``Int#``. See :ref:`recursive-and-polymorphic-let-bindings`.
.. _unboxed-tuples:
@@ -198,7 +198,8 @@ example desugars like this:
q = snd t
in ..body..
-Indeed, the bindings can even be recursive.
+Indeed, the bindings can even be recursive. See :ref:`recursive-and-polymorphic-let-bindings`
+for a more precise account.
To refer to the unboxed tuple type constructors themselves, e.g. if you
want to attach instances to them, use ``(# #)``, ``(#,#)``, ``(#,,#)``, etc.
@@ -436,9 +437,13 @@ argument either way), GHC currently disallows the more general type
``PEither @l Int Bool -> Bool``. This is a consequence of the
`representation-polymorphic binder restriction <#representation-polymorphism-restrictions>`__,
-Due to :ghc-ticket:`19487`, it's
-currently not possible to declare levity-polymorphic data types with nullary
-data constructors. There's a workaround, though: ::
+Pattern matching against an unlifted data type work just like that for lifted
+types; but see :ref:`recursive-and-polymorphic-let-bindings` for the semantics of
+pattern bindings involving unlifted data types.
+Due to :ghc-ticket:`19487`, it is
+not currently possible to declare levity-polymorphic data types with nullary
+data constructors. There is a workaround, though: ::
type T :: TYPE (BoxedRep l)
data T where
diff --git a/docs/users_guide/exts/strict.rst b/docs/users_guide/exts/strict.rst
index 8c0925fdba..1e7bca739b 100644
--- a/docs/users_guide/exts/strict.rst
+++ b/docs/users_guide/exts/strict.rst
@@ -116,12 +116,10 @@ In both cases ``e`` is evaluated before starting to evaluate ``body``.
Note the following points:
-- This form is not the same as a bang pattern:
- The declarations ``f3 (x,y) = ...`` and ``f4 !(x,y) = ....``
- are equivalent (because the constructor pattern ``(x,y)`` forces the argument),
- but the expressions ``let (p,q) = e in body`` and ``let !(p,q) = e in body``
- are different. The former will not evaluate ``e`` unless
- ``p`` or ``q`` is forced in ``body``.
+- A strict binding (with a top level ``!``) should not be thought of as a regular
+ pattern binding that happens to have a bang pattern (:ref:`bang-patterns-informal`) on the LHS.
+ Rather, the top level ``!`` should be considered part of the let-binding, rather than
+ part of the pattern. This makes a difference when we come to the rules in :ref:`bang-patterns-sem`.
- Only a top-level bang (perhaps under parentheses) makes the binding strict; otherwise,
it is considered a normal bang pattern. For example, ::
@@ -354,8 +352,8 @@ Dynamic semantics of bang patterns
The semantics of Haskell pattern matching is described in `Section
-3.17.2 <>`__ of
-the Haskell Report. To this description add one extra item 10, saying:
+3.17.2 <>`__ of
+the Haskell Report. To this description add one extra item 9, saying:
- Matching the pattern ``!pat`` against a value ``v`` behaves as
@@ -365,8 +363,8 @@ the Haskell Report. To this description add one extra item 10, saying:
- otherwise, ``pat`` is matched against ``v``
Similarly, in Figure 4 of `Section
-3.17.3 <>`__,
-add a new case (t): ::
+3.17.3 <>`__,
+add a new case (w): ::
case v of { !pat -> e; _ -> e' }
= v `seq` case v of { pat -> e; _ -> e' }
@@ -377,20 +375,62 @@ Haskell Report.
Replace the "Translation" there with the following one. Given
``let { bind1 ... bindn } in body``:
-.. admonition:: FORCE
+.. admonition:: SPLIT-LAZY
- Replace any binding ``!p = e`` with ``v = case e of p -> (x1, ..., xn); (x1, ..., xn) = v`` and replace
- ``body`` with ``v seq body``, where ``v`` is fresh. This translation works fine if
- ``p`` is already a variable ``x``, but can obviously be optimised by not
- introducing a fresh variable ``v``.
+ Given a lazy pattern binding ``p = e``, where ``p`` is not a variable,
+ and ``x1...xn`` are the variables bound by ``p``,
+ and all these binders have lifted type,
+ replace the binding with this (where ``v`` is fresh)::
-.. admonition:: SPLIT
+ v = case e of { p -> (x1, ..., xn) }
+ x1 = case v of { (x1, ..., xn) -> x1 }
+ ...
+ xn = case v of { (x1, ..., xn) -> xn }``
- Replace any binding ``p = e``, where ``p`` is not a variable, with
- ``v = e; x1 = case v of p -> x1; ...; xn = case v of p -> xn``, where
- ``v`` is fresh and ``x1``.. ``xn`` are the bound variables of ``p``.
- Again if ``e`` is a variable, this can be optimised by not introducing a
- fresh variable.
+ If n=1 (i.e. exactly one variable is bound),
+ the desugaring uses the ``Solo`` type to make a 1-tuple.
+.. admonition:: SPLIT-STRICT
+ Given a strict pattern binding ``!p = e``, where
+ ``x1...xn`` are the variables bound by ``p``,
+ and all these binders have lifted type:
+ 1. Replace the binding with this (where ``v`` is fresh)::
+ v = case e of { !p -> (x1, ..., xn) }
+ (x1, ..., xn) = v
+ 2. Replace ``body`` with ``v `seq` body``.
+ As in SPLIT-LAZY, if n=1 the desugaring uses the ``Solo`` type to make a 1-tuple.
+ This transformation is illegal at the top
+ level of a module (since there is no ``body``), so strict bindings are illegal at top level.
+ The transformation is correct when ``p`` is a variable ``x``, but can be optimised to::
+ let !x = e in body ==> let x = e in x `seq` body
+.. admonition:: CASE
+ Given a non-recursive strict pattern binding ``!p = e``,
+ where ``x1...xn`` are the variables bound by ``p``,
+ and any of the binders has unlifted type:
+ replace the binding with nothing at all, and replace
+ ``body`` with ``case e of p -> body``.
+ This transformation is illegal at the top
+ level of a module, so such bindings are rejected.
+ The result of this transformation is ill-scoped if any of the binders
+ ``x1...xn`` appears in ``e``; hence the restriction to non-recursive pattern bindings.
+ Exactly the same transformation applies to a non-recursive lazy pattern binding
+ (i.e. one lacking a top-level ``!``) that binds any unlifted variables; but
+ such a binding emits a warning :ghc-flag:`-Wunbanged-strict-patterns`. The
+ warning encourages the programmer to make visible the fact that this binding
+ is necessarily strict.
The result will be a (possibly) recursive set of bindings, binding
only simple variables on the left hand side. (One could go one step
@@ -412,56 +452,106 @@ Here is a simple non-recursive case: ::
!x = factorial y
in body
- ===> (FORCE)
- let x = factorial y in x `seq` body
+ let x = factorial y in x `seq` body
===> (inline seq)
- let x = factorial y in case x of x -> body
+ let x = factorial y in case x of !x -> body
===> (inline x)
- case factorial y of x -> body
+ case factorial y of !x -> body
Same again, only with a pattern binding: ::
- let !(Just x, Left y) = e in body
+ let !(Just x) = e in body
- ===> (FORCE)
- let v = case e of (Just x, Left y) -> (x,y)
- (x,y) = v
- in v `seq` body
+ let v = case e of !(Just x) -> Solo x
+ Solo x = v
+ in v `seq` body
- ===> (SPLIT)
- let v = case e of (Just x, Left y) -> (x,y)
- x = case v of (x,y) -> x
- y = case v of (x,y) -> y
- in v `seq` body
+ ===> (SPLIT-LAZY, drop redundant bang)
+ let v = case e of Just x -> Solo x
+ x = case v of Solo x -> x
+ in v `seq` body
===> (inline seq, float x,y bindings inwards)
- let v = case e of (Just x, Left y) -> (x,y)
- in case v of v -> let x = case v of (x,y) -> x
- y = case v of (x,y) -> y
- in body
+ let v = case e of Just x -> Solo x
+ in case v of !v -> let x = case v of Solo x -> x
+ in body
===> (fluff up v's pattern; this is a standard Core optimisation)
- let v = case e of (Just x, Left y) -> (x,y)
- in case v of v@(p,q) -> let x = case v of (x,y) -> x
- y = case v of (x,y) -> y
- in body
+ let v = case e of Just x -> Solo x
+ in case v of v@(Solo p) -> let x = case v of Solo x -> x
+ in body
===> (case of known constructor)
- let v = case e of (Just x, Left y) -> (x,y)
- in case v of v@(p,q) -> let x = p
- y = q
- in body
+ let v = case e of Just x -> Solo x
+ in case v of v@(Solo p) -> let x = p
+ in body
- ===> (inline x,y, v)
- case (case e of (Just x, Left y) -> (x,y) of
- (p,q) -> body[p/x, q/y]
+ ===> (inline x, v)
+ case (case e of Just x -> Solo x) of
+ Solo p -> body[p/x]
===> (case of case)
- case e of (Just x, Left y) -> body[p/x, q/y]
+ case e of Just x -> body[p/x]
+The final form is just what we want: a simple case expression. Notice, crucially,
+that that *pattern* ``Just x`` is forced eagerly, but ``x`` itself is not evaluated
+unless and until ``body`` does so. Note also that this example uses a pattern
+that binds exactly one variable, and illustrates the use of the ``Solo`` 1-tuple.
-The final form is just what we want: a simple case expression.
+Rule (SPLIT-STRICT) applies even if the pattern binds no variables::
+ let !(True,False) = e in body
+ let v = case e of !(True,False) -> (); () = v in v `seq` body
+ ===> (inline, simplify, drop redundant bang)
+ case e of (True,False) -> body
+That is, we force ``e`` and check that it has the right form before proceeding with ``body``.
+This happens even if the pattern is itself vacuous::
+ let !_ = e in body
+ let v = case e of !_ -> (); () = v in v `seq` body
+ ===> (inline, simplify)
+ case e of !_ -> body
+Again, ``e`` is forced before evaluating ``body``. This (along with ``!x = e``) is the reason
+that (SPLIT-STRICT) uses a bang-pattern in the ``case`` in the desugared right-hand side.
+Note that rule (CASE) applies only when any of the *binders* is unlifted;
+it is irrelevant whether the binding *itself* is unlifted (see
+`GHC proposal #35 <>`__).
+For example (see :ref:`primitives`)::
+ let (# a::Int, b::Bool #) = e in body
+ ===> (SPLIT-LAZY)
+ let v = case e of (# a,b #) -> (a,b)
+ a = case v of (a,b) -> a
+ b = case v of (a,b) -> b
+ in body
+Even though the tuple pattern is unboxed, it is matched only when ``a`` or ``b`` are evaluated in ``body``.
+Here is an example with an unlifted data type::
+ type T :: UnliftedType
+ data T = MkT Int
+ f1 x = let MkT y = blah in body1
+ f2 x = let z :: T = blah in body2
+ f3 x = let _ :: T = blah in body3
+In ``f1``, even though ``T`` is an unlifted type, the pattern ``MkT y`` binds a lifted
+variable ``y``, so (SPLIT-LAZY) applies, and ``blah`` is not evaluated until ``body1`` evaluates ``y``.
+In contrast, in ``f2`` the pattern ``z :: T`` binds a variable ``z`` of unlifted type, so (CASE) applies
+and the let-binding is strict. In ``f3`` the pattern binds no variables, so again it is lazy like ``f1``.
Here is a recursive case ::
@@ -469,14 +559,14 @@ Here is a recursive case ::
!xs = factorial y : xs
in body
- ===> (FORCE)
- letrec xs = factorial y : xs in xs `seq` body
+ letrec xs = factorial y : xs in xs `seq` body
===> (inline seq)
- letrec xs = factorial y : xs in case xs of xs -> body
+ letrec xs = factorial y : xs in case xs of xs -> body
===> (eliminate case of value)
- letrec xs = factorial y : xs in body
+ letrec xs = factorial y : xs in body
and a polymorphic one: ::
@@ -484,10 +574,11 @@ and a polymorphic one: ::
!f = fst (reverse, True)
in body
- ===> (FORCE)
- let f = /\a. fst (reverse a, True) in f `seq` body
+ let f = /\a. fst (reverse a, True) in f `seq` body
===> (inline seq, inline f)
- case (/\a. fst (reverse a, True)) of f -> body
+ case (/\a. fst (reverse a, True)) of !f -> body
Notice that the ``seq`` is added only in the translation to Core
If we did it in Haskell source, thus ::
@@ -507,10 +598,10 @@ intuitive: ::
!f = fst (member, True)
in body
- ===> (FORCE)
- let f = /\a \(d::Eq a). fst (member, True) in f `seq` body
+ let f = /\a \(d::Eq a). fst (member, True) in f `seq` body
===> (inline seq, case of value)
- let f = /\a \(d::Eq a). fst (member, True) in body
+ let f = /\a \(d::Eq a). fst (member, True) in body
Note that the bang has no effect at all in this case