path: root/docs
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authorSimon Peyton Jones <>2016-02-12 14:38:22 +0000
committerSimon Peyton Jones <>2016-02-12 17:37:11 +0000
commit6cf9b06fd193867bf4964eff4317479b9e25fca5 (patch)
tree78e1d269e5e991ea0e6f397c328009975d603ff8 /docs
parent24305bead969fdf85be8b8f4a42cd88ad21a7e16 (diff)
User manual improvments
- Document that you can use 'forall' in instance decls - Change the sections a bit, so that big sections (like lexically scoped type variables, pattern synonyms, implicit parameters) become more visible
Diffstat (limited to 'docs')
1 files changed, 879 insertions, 867 deletions
diff --git a/docs/users_guide/glasgow_exts.rst b/docs/users_guide/glasgow_exts.rst
index 774805b344..481ff5ffe5 100644
--- a/docs/users_guide/glasgow_exts.rst
+++ b/docs/users_guide/glasgow_exts.rst
@@ -617,422 +617,6 @@ follows:
alpha-equivalence, so two instances of ``(x, view x -> y)`` will not
be coalesced.
-.. _pattern-synonyms:
-Pattern synonyms
-.. ghc-flag:: -XPatternSynonyms
- :since: 7.8.1
- Allow the definition of pattern synonyms.
-Pattern synonyms are enabled by the flag :ghc-flag:`-XPatternSynonyms`, which is
-required for defining them, but *not* for using them. More information
-and examples of view patterns can be found on the
-`Wiki page <PatternSynonyms>`.
-Pattern synonyms enable giving names to parametrized pattern schemes.
-They can also be thought of as abstract constructors that don't have a
-bearing on data representation. For example, in a programming language
-implementation, we might represent types of the language as follows: ::
- data Type = App String [Type]
-Here are some examples of using said representation. Consider a few
-types of the ``Type`` universe encoded like this: ::
- App "->" [t1, t2] -- t1 -> t2
- App "Int" [] -- Int
- App "Maybe" [App "Int" []] -- Maybe Int
-This representation is very generic in that no types are given special
-treatment. However, some functions might need to handle some known types
-specially, for example the following two functions collect all argument
-types of (nested) arrow types, and recognize the ``Int`` type,
-respectively: ::
- collectArgs :: Type -> [Type]
- collectArgs (App "->" [t1, t2]) = t1 : collectArgs t2
- collectArgs _ = []
- isInt :: Type -> Bool
- isInt (App "Int" []) = True
- isInt _ = False
-Matching on ``App`` directly is both hard to read and error prone to
-write. And the situation is even worse when the matching is nested: ::
- isIntEndo :: Type -> Bool
- isIntEndo (App "->" [App "Int" [], App "Int" []]) = True
- isIntEndo _ = False
-Pattern synonyms permit abstracting from the representation to expose
-matchers that behave in a constructor-like manner with respect to
-pattern matching. We can create pattern synonyms for the known types we
-care about, without committing the representation to them (note that
-these don't have to be defined in the same module as the ``Type`` type): ::
- pattern Arrow t1 t2 = App "->" [t1, t2]
- pattern Int = App "Int" []
- pattern Maybe t = App "Maybe" [t]
-Which enables us to rewrite our functions in a much cleaner style: ::
- collectArgs :: Type -> [Type]
- collectArgs (Arrow t1 t2) = t1 : collectArgs t2
- collectArgs _ = []
- isInt :: Type -> Bool
- isInt Int = True
- isInt _ = False
- isIntEndo :: Type -> Bool
- isIntEndo (Arrow Int Int) = True
- isIntEndo _ = False
-In general there are three kinds of pattern synonyms. Unidirectional,
-bidirectional and explicitly bidirectional. The examples given so far are
-examples of bidirectional pattern synonyms. A bidirectional synonym
-behaves the same as an ordinary data constructor. We can use it in a pattern
-context to deconstruct values and in an expression context to construct values.
-For example, we can construct the value `intEndo` using the pattern synonyms
-`Arrow` and `Int` as defined previously. ::
- intEndo :: Type
- intEndo = Arrow Int Int
-This example is equivalent to the much more complicated construction if we had
-directly used the `Type` constructors. ::
- intEndo :: Type
- intEndo = App "->" [App "Int" [], App "Int" []]
-Unidirectional synonyms can only be used in a pattern context and are
-defined as follows:
- pattern Head x <- x:xs
-In this case, ``Head`` ⟨x⟩ cannot be used in expressions, only patterns,
-since it wouldn't specify a value for the ⟨xs⟩ on the right-hand side. However,
-we can define an explicitly bidirectional pattern synonym by separately
-specifying how to construct and deconstruct a type. The syntax for
-doing this is as follows:
- pattern HeadC x <- x:xs where
- HeadC x = [x]
-We can then use ``HeadC`` in both expression and pattern contexts. In a pattern
-context it will match the head of any list with length at least one. In an
-expression context it will construct a singleton list.
-The table below summarises where each kind of pattern synonym can be used.
-| Context | Unidirectional | Bidirectional | Explicitly Bidirectional |
-| Pattern | Yes | Yes | Yes |
-| Expression | No | Yes (Inferred)| Yes (Explicit) |
-.. _record-patsyn:
-Record Pattern Synonyms
-It is also possible to define pattern synonyms which behave just like record
-constructors. The syntax for doing this is as follows:
- pattern Point :: (Int, Int)
- pattern Point{x, y} = (x, y)
-The idea is that we can then use ``Point`` just as if we had defined a new
-datatype ``MyPoint`` with two fields ``x`` and ``y``.
- data MyPoint = Point { x :: Int, y :: Int }
-Whilst a normal pattern synonym can be used in two ways, there are then seven
-ways in which to use ``Point``. Precisely the ways in which a normal record
-constructor can be used.
-======================================= ==================================
-Usage Example
-======================================= ==================================
-As a constructor ``zero = Point 0 0``
-As a constructor with record syntax ``zero = Point { x = 0, y = 0}``
-In a pattern context ``isZero (Point 0 0) = True``
-In a pattern context with record syntax ``isZero (Point { x = 0, y = 0 }``
-In a pattern context with field puns ``getX (Point {x}) = x``
-In a record update ``(0, 0) { x = 1 } == (1,0)``
-Using record selectors ``x (0,0) == 0``
-======================================= ==================================
-For a unidirectional record pattern synonym we define record selectors but do
-not allow record updates or construction.
-The syntax and semantics of pattern synonyms are elaborated in the
-following subsections. See the :ghc-wiki:`Wiki page <PatternSynonyms>` for more
-Syntax and scoping of pattern synonyms
-A pattern synonym declaration can be either unidirectional,
-bidirectional or explicitly bidirectional.
-The syntax for unidirectional pattern synonyms is: ::
- pattern pat_lhs <- pat
-the syntax for bidirectional pattern synonyms is: ::
- pattern pat_lhs = pat
-and the syntax for explicitly bidirectional pattern synonyms is: ::
- pattern pat_lhs <- pat where
- pat_lhs = expr
-We can define either prefix, infix or record pattern synonyms by modifying
-the form of `pat_lhs`. The syntax for these is as follows:
-======= ============================
-Prefix ``Name args``
-------- ----------------------------
-Infix ``arg1 `Name` arg2``
- or ``arg1 op arg2``
-------- ----------------------------
-Record ``Name{arg1,arg2,...,argn}``
-======= ============================
-Pattern synonym declarations can only occur in the top level of a
-module. In particular, they are not allowed as local definitions.
-The variables in the left-hand side of the definition are bound by the
-pattern on the right-hand side. For bidirectional pattern
-synonyms, all the variables of the right-hand side must also occur on
-the left-hand side; also, wildcard patterns and view patterns are not
-allowed. For unidirectional and explicitly bidirectional pattern
-synonyms, there is no restriction on the right-hand side pattern.
-Pattern synonyms cannot be defined recursively.
-.. _patsyn-impexp:
-Import and export of pattern synonyms
-The name of the pattern synonym is in the same namespace as proper data
-constructors. Like normal data constructors, pattern synonyms can be imported
-and exported through association with a type constructor or independently.
-To export them on their own, in an export or import specification, you must
-prefix pattern names with the ``pattern`` keyword, e.g.: ::
- module Example (pattern Zero) where
- data MyNum = MkNum Int
- pattern Zero :: MyNum
- pattern Zero = MkNum 0
-Without the ``pattern`` prefix, ``Zero`` would be interpreted as a
-type constructor in the export list.
-You may also use the ``pattern`` keyword in an import/export
-specification to import or export an ordinary data constructor. For
-example: ::
- import Data.Maybe( pattern Just )
-would bring into scope the data constructor ``Just`` from the ``Maybe``
-type, without also bringing the type constructor ``Maybe`` into scope.
-To bundle a pattern synonym with a type constructor, we list the pattern
-synonym in the export list of a module which exports the type constructor.
-For example, to bundle ``Zero`` with ``MyNum`` we could write the following: ::
- module Example ( MyNum(Zero) ) where
-If a module was then to import ``MyNum`` from ``Example``, it would also import
-the pattern synonym ``Zero``.
-It is also possible to use the special token ``..`` in an export list to mean
-all currently bundled constructors. For example, we could write: ::
- module Example ( MyNum(.., Zero) ) where
-in which case, ``Example`` would export the type constructor ``MyNum`` with
-the data constructor ``MkNum`` and also the pattern synonym ``Zero``.
-Bundled patterns synoyms are type checked to ensure that they are of the same
-type as the type constructor which they are bundled with. A pattern synonym
-``P`` can not be bundled with a type constructor ``T`` if ``P``\'s type is visibly
-incompatible with ``T``.
-A module which imports ``MyNum(..)`` from ``Example`` and then re-exports
-``MyNum(..)`` will also export any pattern synonyms bundled with ``MyNum`` in
-``Example``. A more complete specification can be found on the
-:ghc-wiki:`wiki. <PatternSynonyms/AssociatingSynonyms>`
-Typing of pattern synonyms
-Given a pattern synonym definition of the form ::
- pattern P var1 var2 ... varN <- pat
-it is assigned a *pattern type* of the form ::
- pattern P :: CReq => CProv => t1 -> t2 -> ... -> tN -> t
-where ⟨CProv⟩ and ⟨CReq⟩ are type contexts, and ⟨t1⟩, ⟨t2⟩, ..., ⟨tN⟩
-and ⟨t⟩ are types. Notice the unusual form of the type, with two
-contexts ⟨CProv⟩ and ⟨CReq⟩:
-- ⟨CProv⟩ are the constraints *made available (provided)* by a
- successful pattern match.
-- ⟨CReq⟩ are the constraints *required* to match the pattern.
-For example, consider ::
- data T a where
- MkT :: (Show b) => a -> b -> T a
- f1 :: (Eq a, Num a) => T a -> String
- f1 (MkT 42 x) = show x
- pattern ExNumPat :: (Num a, Eq a) => (Show b) => b -> T a
- pattern ExNumPat x = MkT 42 x
- f2 :: (Eq a, Num a) => T a -> String
- f2 (ExNumPat x) = show x
-Here ``f1`` does not use pattern synonyms. To match against the numeric
-pattern ``42`` *requires* the caller to satisfy the constraints
-``(Num a, Eq a)``, so they appear in ``f1``'s type. The call to ``show``
-generates a ``(Show b)`` constraint, where ``b`` is an existentially
-type variable bound by the pattern match on ``MkT``. But the same
-pattern match also *provides* the constraint ``(Show b)`` (see ``MkT``'s
-type), and so all is well.
-Exactly the same reasoning applies to ``ExNumPat``: matching against
-``ExNumPat`` *requires* the constraints ``(Num a, Eq a)``, and
-*provides* the constraint ``(Show b)``.
-Note also the following points
-- In the common case where ``Prov`` is empty, ``()``, it can be omitted
- altogether.
-- You may specify an explicit *pattern signature*, as we did for
- ``ExNumPat`` above, to specify the type of a pattern, just as you can
- for a function. As usual, the type signature can be less polymorphic
- than the inferred type. For example
- ::
- -- Inferred type would be 'a -> [a]'
- pattern SinglePair :: (a, a) -> [(a, a)]
- pattern SinglePair x = [x]
-- The GHCi :ghci-cmd:`:info` command shows pattern types in this format.
-- For a bidirectional pattern synonym, a use of the pattern synonym as
- an expression has the type
- ::
- (CReq, CProv) => t1 -> t2 -> ... -> tN -> t
- So in the previous example, when used in an expression, ``ExNumPat``
- has type
- ::
- ExNumPat :: (Num a, Eq a, Show b) => b -> T t
- Notice that this is a tiny bit more restrictive than the expression
- ``MkT 42 x`` which would not require ``(Eq a)``.
-- Consider these two pattern synonyms: ::
- data S a where
- S1 :: Bool -> S Bool
- pattern P1 :: Bool -> Maybe Bool
- pattern P1 b = Just b
- pattern P2 :: () => (b ~ Bool) => Bool -> S b
- pattern P2 b = S1 b
- f :: Maybe a -> String
- f (P1 x) = "no no no" -- Type-incorrect
- g :: S a -> String
- g (P2 b) = "yes yes yes" -- Fine
- Pattern ``P1`` can only match against a value of type ``Maybe Bool``,
- so function ``f`` is rejected because the type signature is
- ``Maybe a``. (To see this, imagine expanding the pattern synonym.)
- On the other hand, function ``g`` works fine, because matching
- against ``P2`` (which wraps the GADT ``S``) provides the local
- equality ``(a~Bool)``. If you were to give an explicit pattern
- signature ``P2 :: Bool -> S Bool``, then ``P2`` would become less
- polymorphic, and would behave exactly like ``P1`` so that ``g`` would
- then be rejected.
- In short, if you want GADT-like behaviour for pattern synonyms, then
- (unlike unlike concrete data constructors like ``S1``) you must write
- its type with explicit provided equalities. For a concrete data
- constructor like ``S1`` you can write its type signature as either
- ``S1 :: Bool -> S Bool`` or ``S1 :: (b~Bool) => Bool -> S b``; the
- two are equivalent. Not so for pattern synonyms: the two forms are
- different, in order to distinguish the two cases above. (See
- :ghc-ticket:`9953` for discussion of this choice.)
-Matching of pattern synonyms
-A pattern synonym occurrence in a pattern is evaluated by first matching
-against the pattern synonym itself, and then on the argument patterns.
-For example, in the following program, ``f`` and ``f'`` are equivalent: ::
- pattern Pair x y <- [x, y]
- f (Pair True True) = True
- f _ = False
- f' [x, y] | True <- x, True <- y = True
- f' _ = False
-Note that the strictness of ``f`` differs from that of ``g`` defined
-.. code-block:: none
- g [True, True] = True
- g _ = False
- *Main> f (False:undefined)
- *** Exception: Prelude.undefined
- *Main> g (False:undefined)
- False
.. _n-k-patterns:
n+k patterns
@@ -4445,6 +4029,422 @@ Note the following details
and then the normal rules for filling in associated types from the
default will apply, making ``Size Bar`` equal to ``Int``.
+.. _pattern-synonyms:
+Pattern synonyms
+.. ghc-flag:: -XPatternSynonyms
+ :since: 7.8.1
+ Allow the definition of pattern synonyms.
+Pattern synonyms are enabled by the flag :ghc-flag:`-XPatternSynonyms`, which is
+required for defining them, but *not* for using them. More information
+and examples of view patterns can be found on the
+`Wiki page <PatternSynonyms>`.
+Pattern synonyms enable giving names to parametrized pattern schemes.
+They can also be thought of as abstract constructors that don't have a
+bearing on data representation. For example, in a programming language
+implementation, we might represent types of the language as follows: ::
+ data Type = App String [Type]
+Here are some examples of using said representation. Consider a few
+types of the ``Type`` universe encoded like this: ::
+ App "->" [t1, t2] -- t1 -> t2
+ App "Int" [] -- Int
+ App "Maybe" [App "Int" []] -- Maybe Int
+This representation is very generic in that no types are given special
+treatment. However, some functions might need to handle some known types
+specially, for example the following two functions collect all argument
+types of (nested) arrow types, and recognize the ``Int`` type,
+respectively: ::
+ collectArgs :: Type -> [Type]
+ collectArgs (App "->" [t1, t2]) = t1 : collectArgs t2
+ collectArgs _ = []
+ isInt :: Type -> Bool
+ isInt (App "Int" []) = True
+ isInt _ = False
+Matching on ``App`` directly is both hard to read and error prone to
+write. And the situation is even worse when the matching is nested: ::
+ isIntEndo :: Type -> Bool
+ isIntEndo (App "->" [App "Int" [], App "Int" []]) = True
+ isIntEndo _ = False
+Pattern synonyms permit abstracting from the representation to expose
+matchers that behave in a constructor-like manner with respect to
+pattern matching. We can create pattern synonyms for the known types we
+care about, without committing the representation to them (note that
+these don't have to be defined in the same module as the ``Type`` type): ::
+ pattern Arrow t1 t2 = App "->" [t1, t2]
+ pattern Int = App "Int" []
+ pattern Maybe t = App "Maybe" [t]
+Which enables us to rewrite our functions in a much cleaner style: ::
+ collectArgs :: Type -> [Type]
+ collectArgs (Arrow t1 t2) = t1 : collectArgs t2
+ collectArgs _ = []
+ isInt :: Type -> Bool
+ isInt Int = True
+ isInt _ = False
+ isIntEndo :: Type -> Bool
+ isIntEndo (Arrow Int Int) = True
+ isIntEndo _ = False
+In general there are three kinds of pattern synonyms. Unidirectional,
+bidirectional and explicitly bidirectional. The examples given so far are
+examples of bidirectional pattern synonyms. A bidirectional synonym
+behaves the same as an ordinary data constructor. We can use it in a pattern
+context to deconstruct values and in an expression context to construct values.
+For example, we can construct the value `intEndo` using the pattern synonyms
+`Arrow` and `Int` as defined previously. ::
+ intEndo :: Type
+ intEndo = Arrow Int Int
+This example is equivalent to the much more complicated construction if we had
+directly used the `Type` constructors. ::
+ intEndo :: Type
+ intEndo = App "->" [App "Int" [], App "Int" []]
+Unidirectional synonyms can only be used in a pattern context and are
+defined as follows:
+ pattern Head x <- x:xs
+In this case, ``Head`` ⟨x⟩ cannot be used in expressions, only patterns,
+since it wouldn't specify a value for the ⟨xs⟩ on the right-hand side. However,
+we can define an explicitly bidirectional pattern synonym by separately
+specifying how to construct and deconstruct a type. The syntax for
+doing this is as follows:
+ pattern HeadC x <- x:xs where
+ HeadC x = [x]
+We can then use ``HeadC`` in both expression and pattern contexts. In a pattern
+context it will match the head of any list with length at least one. In an
+expression context it will construct a singleton list.
+The table below summarises where each kind of pattern synonym can be used.
+| Context | Unidirectional | Bidirectional | Explicitly Bidirectional |
+| Pattern | Yes | Yes | Yes |
+| Expression | No | Yes (Inferred)| Yes (Explicit) |
+.. _record-patsyn:
+Record Pattern Synonyms
+It is also possible to define pattern synonyms which behave just like record
+constructors. The syntax for doing this is as follows:
+ pattern Point :: (Int, Int)
+ pattern Point{x, y} = (x, y)
+The idea is that we can then use ``Point`` just as if we had defined a new
+datatype ``MyPoint`` with two fields ``x`` and ``y``.
+ data MyPoint = Point { x :: Int, y :: Int }
+Whilst a normal pattern synonym can be used in two ways, there are then seven
+ways in which to use ``Point``. Precisely the ways in which a normal record
+constructor can be used.
+======================================= ==================================
+Usage Example
+======================================= ==================================
+As a constructor ``zero = Point 0 0``
+As a constructor with record syntax ``zero = Point { x = 0, y = 0}``
+In a pattern context ``isZero (Point 0 0) = True``
+In a pattern context with record syntax ``isZero (Point { x = 0, y = 0 }``
+In a pattern context with field puns ``getX (Point {x}) = x``
+In a record update ``(0, 0) { x = 1 } == (1,0)``
+Using record selectors ``x (0,0) == 0``
+======================================= ==================================
+For a unidirectional record pattern synonym we define record selectors but do
+not allow record updates or construction.
+The syntax and semantics of pattern synonyms are elaborated in the
+following subsections. See the :ghc-wiki:`Wiki page <PatternSynonyms>` for more
+Syntax and scoping of pattern synonyms
+A pattern synonym declaration can be either unidirectional,
+bidirectional or explicitly bidirectional.
+The syntax for unidirectional pattern synonyms is: ::
+ pattern pat_lhs <- pat
+the syntax for bidirectional pattern synonyms is: ::
+ pattern pat_lhs = pat
+and the syntax for explicitly bidirectional pattern synonyms is: ::
+ pattern pat_lhs <- pat where
+ pat_lhs = expr
+We can define either prefix, infix or record pattern synonyms by modifying
+the form of `pat_lhs`. The syntax for these is as follows:
+======= ============================
+Prefix ``Name args``
+------- ----------------------------
+Infix ``arg1 `Name` arg2``
+ or ``arg1 op arg2``
+------- ----------------------------
+Record ``Name{arg1,arg2,...,argn}``
+======= ============================
+Pattern synonym declarations can only occur in the top level of a
+module. In particular, they are not allowed as local definitions.
+The variables in the left-hand side of the definition are bound by the
+pattern on the right-hand side. For bidirectional pattern
+synonyms, all the variables of the right-hand side must also occur on
+the left-hand side; also, wildcard patterns and view patterns are not
+allowed. For unidirectional and explicitly bidirectional pattern
+synonyms, there is no restriction on the right-hand side pattern.
+Pattern synonyms cannot be defined recursively.
+.. _patsyn-impexp:
+Import and export of pattern synonyms
+The name of the pattern synonym is in the same namespace as proper data
+constructors. Like normal data constructors, pattern synonyms can be imported
+and exported through association with a type constructor or independently.
+To export them on their own, in an export or import specification, you must
+prefix pattern names with the ``pattern`` keyword, e.g.: ::
+ module Example (pattern Zero) where
+ data MyNum = MkNum Int
+ pattern Zero :: MyNum
+ pattern Zero = MkNum 0
+Without the ``pattern`` prefix, ``Zero`` would be interpreted as a
+type constructor in the export list.
+You may also use the ``pattern`` keyword in an import/export
+specification to import or export an ordinary data constructor. For
+example: ::
+ import Data.Maybe( pattern Just )
+would bring into scope the data constructor ``Just`` from the ``Maybe``
+type, without also bringing the type constructor ``Maybe`` into scope.
+To bundle a pattern synonym with a type constructor, we list the pattern
+synonym in the export list of a module which exports the type constructor.
+For example, to bundle ``Zero`` with ``MyNum`` we could write the following: ::
+ module Example ( MyNum(Zero) ) where
+If a module was then to import ``MyNum`` from ``Example``, it would also import
+the pattern synonym ``Zero``.
+It is also possible to use the special token ``..`` in an export list to mean
+all currently bundled constructors. For example, we could write: ::
+ module Example ( MyNum(.., Zero) ) where
+in which case, ``Example`` would export the type constructor ``MyNum`` with
+the data constructor ``MkNum`` and also the pattern synonym ``Zero``.
+Bundled patterns synoyms are type checked to ensure that they are of the same
+type as the type constructor which they are bundled with. A pattern synonym
+``P`` can not be bundled with a type constructor ``T`` if ``P``\'s type is visibly
+incompatible with ``T``.
+A module which imports ``MyNum(..)`` from ``Example`` and then re-exports
+``MyNum(..)`` will also export any pattern synonyms bundled with ``MyNum`` in
+``Example``. A more complete specification can be found on the
+:ghc-wiki:`wiki. <PatternSynonyms/AssociatingSynonyms>`
+Typing of pattern synonyms
+Given a pattern synonym definition of the form ::
+ pattern P var1 var2 ... varN <- pat
+it is assigned a *pattern type* of the form ::
+ pattern P :: CReq => CProv => t1 -> t2 -> ... -> tN -> t
+where ⟨CProv⟩ and ⟨CReq⟩ are type contexts, and ⟨t1⟩, ⟨t2⟩, ..., ⟨tN⟩
+and ⟨t⟩ are types. Notice the unusual form of the type, with two
+contexts ⟨CProv⟩ and ⟨CReq⟩:
+- ⟨CProv⟩ are the constraints *made available (provided)* by a
+ successful pattern match.
+- ⟨CReq⟩ are the constraints *required* to match the pattern.
+For example, consider ::
+ data T a where
+ MkT :: (Show b) => a -> b -> T a
+ f1 :: (Eq a, Num a) => T a -> String
+ f1 (MkT 42 x) = show x
+ pattern ExNumPat :: (Num a, Eq a) => (Show b) => b -> T a
+ pattern ExNumPat x = MkT 42 x
+ f2 :: (Eq a, Num a) => T a -> String
+ f2 (ExNumPat x) = show x
+Here ``f1`` does not use pattern synonyms. To match against the numeric
+pattern ``42`` *requires* the caller to satisfy the constraints
+``(Num a, Eq a)``, so they appear in ``f1``'s type. The call to ``show``
+generates a ``(Show b)`` constraint, where ``b`` is an existentially
+type variable bound by the pattern match on ``MkT``. But the same
+pattern match also *provides* the constraint ``(Show b)`` (see ``MkT``'s
+type), and so all is well.
+Exactly the same reasoning applies to ``ExNumPat``: matching against
+``ExNumPat`` *requires* the constraints ``(Num a, Eq a)``, and
+*provides* the constraint ``(Show b)``.
+Note also the following points
+- In the common case where ``Prov`` is empty, ``()``, it can be omitted
+ altogether.
+- You may specify an explicit *pattern signature*, as we did for
+ ``ExNumPat`` above, to specify the type of a pattern, just as you can
+ for a function. As usual, the type signature can be less polymorphic
+ than the inferred type. For example
+ ::
+ -- Inferred type would be 'a -> [a]'
+ pattern SinglePair :: (a, a) -> [(a, a)]
+ pattern SinglePair x = [x]
+- The GHCi :ghci-cmd:`:info` command shows pattern types in this format.
+- For a bidirectional pattern synonym, a use of the pattern synonym as
+ an expression has the type
+ ::
+ (CReq, CProv) => t1 -> t2 -> ... -> tN -> t
+ So in the previous example, when used in an expression, ``ExNumPat``
+ has type
+ ::
+ ExNumPat :: (Num a, Eq a, Show b) => b -> T t
+ Notice that this is a tiny bit more restrictive than the expression
+ ``MkT 42 x`` which would not require ``(Eq a)``.
+- Consider these two pattern synonyms: ::
+ data S a where
+ S1 :: Bool -> S Bool
+ pattern P1 :: Bool -> Maybe Bool
+ pattern P1 b = Just b
+ pattern P2 :: () => (b ~ Bool) => Bool -> S b
+ pattern P2 b = S1 b
+ f :: Maybe a -> String
+ f (P1 x) = "no no no" -- Type-incorrect
+ g :: S a -> String
+ g (P2 b) = "yes yes yes" -- Fine
+ Pattern ``P1`` can only match against a value of type ``Maybe Bool``,
+ so function ``f`` is rejected because the type signature is
+ ``Maybe a``. (To see this, imagine expanding the pattern synonym.)
+ On the other hand, function ``g`` works fine, because matching
+ against ``P2`` (which wraps the GADT ``S``) provides the local
+ equality ``(a~Bool)``. If you were to give an explicit pattern
+ signature ``P2 :: Bool -> S Bool``, then ``P2`` would become less
+ polymorphic, and would behave exactly like ``P1`` so that ``g`` would
+ then be rejected.
+ In short, if you want GADT-like behaviour for pattern synonyms, then
+ (unlike unlike concrete data constructors like ``S1``) you must write
+ its type with explicit provided equalities. For a concrete data
+ constructor like ``S1`` you can write its type signature as either
+ ``S1 :: Bool -> S Bool`` or ``S1 :: (b~Bool) => Bool -> S b``; the
+ two are equivalent. Not so for pattern synonyms: the two forms are
+ different, in order to distinguish the two cases above. (See
+ :ghc-ticket:`9953` for discussion of this choice.)
+Matching of pattern synonyms
+A pattern synonym occurrence in a pattern is evaluated by first matching
+against the pattern synonym itself, and then on the argument patterns.
+For example, in the following program, ``f`` and ``f'`` are equivalent: ::
+ pattern Pair x y <- [x, y]
+ f (Pair True True) = True
+ f _ = False
+ f' [x, y] | True <- x, True <- y = True
+ f' _ = False
+Note that the strictness of ``f`` differs from that of ``g`` defined
+.. code-block:: none
+ g [True, True] = True
+ g _ = False
+ *Main> f (False:undefined)
+ *** Exception: Prelude.undefined
+ *Main> g (False:undefined)
+ False
.. _type-class-extensions:
Class and instances declarations
@@ -7544,10 +7544,13 @@ the type level:
GHC.TypeLits> natVal (lg (Proxy :: Proxy 2) (Proxy :: Proxy 8))
+Constraints in types
.. _equality-constraints:
Equality constraints
A type context can include equality constraints of the form ``t1 ~ t2``,
which denote that the types ``t1`` and ``t2`` need to be the same. In
@@ -7597,7 +7600,7 @@ the paper
.. _constraint-kind:
The ``Constraint`` kind
.. ghc-flag:: -XConstraintKinds
@@ -7673,10 +7676,10 @@ contexts and superclasses, but to do so you must use
:ghc-flag:`-XUndecidableInstances` to signal that you don't mind if the type
checker fails to terminate.
-.. _other-type-extensions:
+.. _extensions-to-type-signatures:
-Other type system extensions
+Extensions to type signatures
.. _explicit-foralls:
@@ -7698,18 +7701,26 @@ means this: ::
g :: forall b. (b -> b)
-The two are treated identically.
+The two are treated identically, except that the latter may bring type variables
+into scope (see :ref:`scoped-type-variables`).
-Of course ``forall`` becomes a keyword; you can't use ``forall`` as a
-type variable any more!
+- With :ghc-flag:`-XExplicitForAll`, ``forall`` becomes a keyword; you can't use ``forall`` as a
+ type variable any more!
-If the :ghc-flag:`-Wunused-foralls` flag is enabled, a warning will be emitted
-when you write a type variable in an explicit ``forall`` statement that is
-otherwise unused. For instance: ::
+- As well in type signatures, you can also use an explicit ``forall``
+ in an instance declaration: ::
+ instance forall a. Eq a => Eq [a] where ...
+- If the :ghc-flag:`-Wunused-foralls` flag is enabled, a warning will be emitted
+ when you write a type variable in an explicit ``forall`` statement that is
+ otherwise unused. For instance: ::
g :: forall a b. (b -> b)
-would warn about the unused type variable `a`.
+ would warn about the unused type variable `a`.
.. _flexible-contexts:
@@ -7841,10 +7852,440 @@ function that can *never* be called, such as this one: ::
quantified type variables ``tvi``. These ad-hoc restrictions are
completely subsumed by the new ambiguity check.
+.. _kinding:
+Explicitly-kinded quantification
+.. ghc-flag:: -XKindSignatures
+ Allow explicit kind signatures on type variables.
+Haskell infers the kind of each type variable. Sometimes it is nice to
+be able to give the kind explicitly as (machine-checked) documentation,
+just as it is nice to give a type signature for a function. On some
+occasions, it is essential to do so. For example, in his paper
+"Restricted Data Types in Haskell" (Haskell Workshop 1999) John Hughes
+had to define the data type: ::
+ data Set cxt a = Set [a]
+ | Unused (cxt a -> ())
+The only use for the ``Unused`` constructor was to force the correct
+kind for the type variable ``cxt``.
+GHC now instead allows you to specify the kind of a type variable
+directly, wherever a type variable is explicitly bound, with the flag
+This flag enables kind signatures in the following places:
+- ``data`` declarations: ::
+ data Set (cxt :: * -> *) a = Set [a]
+- ``type`` declarations: ::
+ type T (f :: * -> *) = f Int
+- ``class`` declarations: ::
+ class (Eq a) => C (f :: * -> *) a where ...
+- ``forall``\'s in type signatures: ::
+ f :: forall (cxt :: * -> *). Set cxt Int
+The parentheses are required. Some of the spaces are required too, to
+separate the lexemes. If you write ``(f::*->*)`` you will get a parse
+error, because ``::*->*`` is a single lexeme in Haskell.
+As part of the same extension, you can put kind annotations in types as
+well. Thus: ::
+ f :: (Int :: *) -> Int
+ g :: forall a. a -> (a :: *)
+The syntax is
+.. code-block:: none
+ atype ::= '(' ctype '::' kind ')
+The parentheses are required.
+.. _universal-quantification:
+.. _scoped-type-variables:
+Lexically scoped type variables
+.. ghc-flag:: -XScopedTypeVariables
+ :implies: :ghc-flag:`-XRelaxedPolyRec`
+ :implies: :ghc-flag:`-XExplicitForAll`
+ Enable lexical scoping of type variables explicitly introduced with
+ ``forall``.
+GHC supports *lexically scoped type variables*, without which some type
+signatures are simply impossible to write. For example: ::
+ f :: forall a. [a] -> [a]
+ f xs = ys ++ ys
+ where
+ ys :: [a]
+ ys = reverse xs
+The type signature for ``f`` brings the type variable ``a`` into scope,
+because of the explicit ``forall`` (:ref:`decl-type-sigs`). The type
+variables bound by a ``forall`` scope over the entire definition of the
+accompanying value declaration. In this example, the type variable ``a``
+scopes over the whole definition of ``f``, including over the type
+signature for ``ys``. In Haskell 98 it is not possible to declare a type
+for ``ys``; a major benefit of scoped type variables is that it becomes
+possible to do so.
+Lexically-scoped type variables are enabled by
+:ghc-flag:`-XScopedTypeVariables`. This flag implies :ghc-flag:`-XRelaxedPolyRec`.
+The design follows the following principles
+- A scoped type variable stands for a type *variable*, and not for a
+ *type*. (This is a change from GHC's earlier design.)
+- Furthermore, distinct lexical type variables stand for distinct type
+ variables. This means that every programmer-written type signature
+ (including one that contains free scoped type variables) denotes a
+ *rigid* type; that is, the type is fully known to the type checker,
+ and no inference is involved.
+- Lexical type variables may be alpha-renamed freely, without changing
+ the program.
+A *lexically scoped type variable* can be bound by:
+- A declaration type signature (:ref:`decl-type-sigs`)
+- An expression type signature (:ref:`exp-type-sigs`)
+- A pattern type signature (:ref:`pattern-type-sigs`)
+- Class and instance declarations (:ref:`cls-inst-scoped-tyvars`)
+In Haskell, a programmer-written type signature is implicitly quantified
+over its free type variables (`Section
+4.1.2 <>`__ of
+the Haskell Report). Lexically scoped type variables affect this
+implicit quantification rules as follows: any type variable that is in
+scope is *not* universally quantified. For example, if type variable
+``a`` is in scope, then ::
+ (e :: a -> a) means (e :: a -> a)
+ (e :: b -> b) means (e :: forall b. b->b)
+ (e :: a -> b) means (e :: forall b. a->b)
+.. _decl-type-sigs:
+Declaration type signatures
+A declaration type signature that has *explicit* quantification (using
+``forall``) brings into scope the explicitly-quantified type variables,
+in the definition of the named function. For example: ::
+ f :: forall a. [a] -> [a]
+ f (x:xs) = xs ++ [ x :: a ]
+The "``forall a``" brings "``a``" into scope in the definition of
+This only happens if:
+- The quantification in ``f``\'s type signature is explicit. For
+ example: ::
+ g :: [a] -> [a]
+ g (x:xs) = xs ++ [ x :: a ]
+ This program will be rejected, because "``a``" does not scope over
+ the definition of "``g``", so "``x::a``" means "``x::forall a. a``"
+ by Haskell's usual implicit quantification rules.
+- The signature gives a type for a function binding or a bare variable
+ binding, not a pattern binding. For example: ::
+ f1 :: forall a. [a] -> [a]
+ f1 (x:xs) = xs ++ [ x :: a ] -- OK
+ f2 :: forall a. [a] -> [a]
+ f2 = \(x:xs) -> xs ++ [ x :: a ] -- OK
+ f3 :: forall a. [a] -> [a]
+ Just f3 = Just (\(x:xs) -> xs ++ [ x :: a ]) -- Not OK!
+ The binding for ``f3`` is a pattern binding, and so its type
+ signature does not bring ``a`` into scope. However ``f1`` is a
+ function binding, and ``f2`` binds a bare variable; in both cases the
+ type signature brings ``a`` into scope.
+.. _exp-type-sigs:
+Expression type signatures
+An expression type signature that has *explicit* quantification (using
+``forall``) brings into scope the explicitly-quantified type variables,
+in the annotated expression. For example: ::
+ f = runST ( (op >>= \(x :: STRef s Int) -> g x) :: forall s. ST s Bool )
+Here, the type signature ``forall s. ST s Bool`` brings the type
+variable ``s`` into scope, in the annotated expression
+``(op >>= \(x :: STRef s Int) -> g x)``.
+.. _pattern-type-sigs:
+Pattern type signatures
+A type signature may occur in any pattern; this is a *pattern type
+signature*. For example: ::
+ -- f and g assume that 'a' is already in scope
+ f = \(x::Int, y::a) -> x
+ g (x::a) = x
+ h ((x,y) :: (Int,Bool)) = (y,x)
+In the case where all the type variables in the pattern type signature
+are already in scope (i.e. bound by the enclosing context), matters are
+simple: the signature simply constrains the type of the pattern in the
+obvious way.
+Unlike expression and declaration type signatures, pattern type
+signatures are not implicitly generalised. The pattern in a *pattern
+binding* may only mention type variables that are already in scope. For
+example: ::
+ f :: forall a. [a] -> (Int, [a])
+ f xs = (n, zs)
+ where
+ (ys::[a], n) = (reverse xs, length xs) -- OK
+ zs::[a] = xs ++ ys -- OK
+ Just (v::b) = ... -- Not OK; b is not in scope
+Here, the pattern signatures for ``ys`` and ``zs`` are fine, but the one
+for ``v`` is not because ``b`` is not in scope.
+However, in all patterns *other* than pattern bindings, a pattern type
+signature may mention a type variable that is not in scope; in this
+case, *the signature brings that type variable into scope*. This is
+particularly important for existential data constructors. For example: ::
+ data T = forall a. MkT [a]
+ k :: T -> T
+ k (MkT [t::a]) =
+ MkT t3
+ where
+ t3::[a] = [t,t,t]
+Here, the pattern type signature ``(t::a)`` mentions a lexical type
+variable that is not already in scope. Indeed, it *cannot* already be in
+scope, because it is bound by the pattern match. GHC's rule is that in
+this situation (and only then), a pattern type signature can mention a
+type variable that is not already in scope; the effect is to bring it
+into scope, standing for the existentially-bound type variable.
+When a pattern type signature binds a type variable in this way, GHC
+insists that the type variable is bound to a *rigid*, or fully-known,
+type variable. This means that any user-written type signature always
+stands for a completely known type.
+If all this seems a little odd, we think so too. But we must have *some*
+way to bring such type variables into scope, else we could not name
+existentially-bound type variables in subsequent type signatures.
+This is (now) the *only* situation in which a pattern type signature is
+allowed to mention a lexical variable that is not already in scope. For
+example, both ``f`` and ``g`` would be illegal if ``a`` was not already
+in scope.
+.. _cls-inst-scoped-tyvars:
+Class and instance declarations
+The type variables in the head of a ``class`` or ``instance``
+declaration scope over the methods defined in the ``where`` part. You do
+not even need an explicit ``forall`` (although you are allowed an explicit
+``forall`` in an ``instance`` declaration; see :ref:`explicit-foralls`).
+For example: ::
+ class C a where
+ op :: [a] -> a
+ op xs = let ys::[a]
+ ys = reverse xs
+ in
+ head ys
+ instance C b => C [b] where
+ op xs = reverse (head (xs :: [[b]]))
+Bindings and generalisation
+.. _monomorphism:
+Switching off the dreaded Monomorphism Restriction
+.. ghc-flag:: -XNoMonomorphismRestriction
+ :default: on
+ Prevents the compiler from applying the monomorphism restriction to
+ bindings lacking explicit type signatures.
+Haskell's monomorphism restriction (see `Section
+4.5.5 <>`__ of
+the Haskell Report) can be completely switched off by
+:ghc-flag:`-XNoMonomorphismRestriction`. Since GHC 7.8.1, the monomorphism
+restriction is switched off by default in GHCi's interactive options
+(see :ref:`ghci-interactive-options`).
+.. _typing-binds:
+Generalised typing of mutually recursive bindings
+.. ghc-flag:: -XRelaxedPolyRec
+ Allow the typechecker to ignore references to bindings with
+ explicit type signatures.
+The Haskell Report specifies that a group of bindings (at top level, or
+in a ``let`` or ``where``) should be sorted into strongly-connected
+components, and then type-checked in dependency order
+(`Haskell Report, Section
+4.5.1 <>`__). As
+each group is type-checked, any binders of the group that have an
+explicit type signature are put in the type environment with the
+specified polymorphic type, and all others are monomorphic until the
+group is generalised (`Haskell Report, Section
+4.5.2 <>`__).
+Following a suggestion of Mark Jones, in his paper `Typing Haskell in
+Haskell <>`__, GHC implements a
+more general scheme. If :ghc-flag:`-XRelaxedPolyRec` is specified: *the
+dependency analysis ignores references to variables that have an
+explicit type signature*. As a result of this refined dependency
+analysis, the dependency groups are smaller, and more bindings will
+typecheck. For example, consider: ::
+ f :: Eq a => a -> Bool
+ f x = (x == x) || g True || g "Yes"
+ g y = (y <= y) || f True
+This is rejected by Haskell 98, but under Jones's scheme the definition
+for ``g`` is typechecked first, separately from that for ``f``, because
+the reference to ``f`` in ``g``\'s right hand side is ignored by the
+dependency analysis. Then ``g``\'s type is generalised, to get ::
+ g :: Ord a => a -> Bool
+Now, the definition for ``f`` is typechecked, with this type for ``g``
+in the type environment.
+The same refined dependency analysis also allows the type signatures of
+mutually-recursive functions to have different contexts, something that
+is illegal in Haskell 98 (Section 4.5.2, last sentence). With
+:ghc-flag:`-XRelaxedPolyRec` GHC only insists that the type signatures of a
+*refined* group have identical type signatures; in practice this means
+that only variables bound by the same pattern binding must have the same
+context. For example, this is fine: ::
+ f :: Eq a => a -> Bool
+ f x = (x == x) || g True
+ g :: Ord a => a -> Bool
+ g y = (y <= y) || f True
+.. _mono-local-binds:
+.. ghc-flag:: -XMonoLocalBinds
+ Infer less polymorphic types for local bindings by default.
+An ML-style language usually generalises the type of any ``let``\-bound or
+``where``\-bound variable, so that it is as polymorphic as possible. With the
+flag :ghc-flag:`-XMonoLocalBinds` GHC implements a slightly more conservative
+policy, using the following rules:
+- A variable is *closed* if and only if
+ - the variable is let-bound
+ - one of the following holds:
+ - the variable has an explicit type signature that has no free
+ type variables, or
+ - its binding group is fully generalised (see next bullet)
+- A binding group is *fully generalised* if and only if
+ - each of its free variables is either imported or closed, and
+ - the binding is not affected by the monomorphism restriction
+ (`Haskell Report, Section
+ 4.5.5 <>`__)
+For example, consider ::
+ f x = x + 1
+ g x = let h y = f y * 2
+ k z = z+x
+ in h x + k x
+Here ``f`` is generalised because it has no free variables; and its
+binding group is unaffected by the monomorphism restriction; and hence
+``f`` is closed. The same reasoning applies to ``g``, except that it has
+one closed free variable, namely ``f``. Similarly ``h`` is closed, *even
+though it is not bound at top level*, because its only free variable
+``f`` is closed. But ``k`` is not closed, because it mentions ``x``
+which is not closed (because it is not let-bound).
+Notice that a top-level binding that is affected by the monomorphism
+restriction is not closed, and hence may in turn prevent generalisation
+of bindings that mention it.
+The rationale for this more conservative strategy is given in `the
+papers <>`__
+"Let should not be generalised" and "Modular type inference with local
+assumptions", and a related `blog post <>`__.
+The flag :ghc-flag:`-XMonoLocalBinds` is implied by :ghc-flag:`-XTypeFamilies`
+and :ghc-flag:`-XGADTs`. You can switch it off again with
+:ghc-flag:`-XNoMonoLocalBinds <-XMonoLocalBinds>` but type inference becomes
+less predicatable if you do so. (Read the papers!)
.. _implicit-parameters:
Implicit parameters
.. ghc-flag:: -XImplicitParams
@@ -7895,7 +8336,7 @@ function in terms of an explicitly parameterised ``sortBy`` function: ::
sort = sortBy ?cmp
Implicit-parameter type constraints
Dynamic binding constraints behave just like other type class
constraints in that they are automatically propagated. Thus, when a
@@ -7944,7 +8385,7 @@ The binding for ``?x`` at ``f``\ 's call site is quite unambiguous, and
fixes the type ``a``.
Implicit-parameter bindings
An implicit parameter is *bound* using the standard ``let`` or ``where``
binding forms. For example, we define the ``min`` function by binding
@@ -7983,7 +8424,7 @@ or pattern guards), or a ``where`` clause. Note the following points:
f :: (?x::Int) => Int -> Int
Implicit parameters and polymorphic recursion
Consider these two definitions: ::
@@ -8021,7 +8462,7 @@ Adding a type signature dramatically changes the result! This is a
rather counter-intuitive phenomenon, worth watching out for.
Implicit parameters and monomorphism
GHC applies the dreaded Monomorphism Restriction (section 4.5.5 of the
Haskell Report) to implicit parameters. For example, consider: ::
@@ -8040,73 +8481,8 @@ a type signature for ``y``, then ``y`` will get type
``let`` will see the inner binding of ``?x``, so ``(f 9)`` will return
-.. _kinding:
-Explicitly-kinded quantification
-.. ghc-flag:: -XKindSignatures
- Allow explicit kind signatures on type variables.
-Haskell infers the kind of each type variable. Sometimes it is nice to
-be able to give the kind explicitly as (machine-checked) documentation,
-just as it is nice to give a type signature for a function. On some
-occasions, it is essential to do so. For example, in his paper
-"Restricted Data Types in Haskell" (Haskell Workshop 1999) John Hughes
-had to define the data type: ::
- data Set cxt a = Set [a]
- | Unused (cxt a -> ())
-The only use for the ``Unused`` constructor was to force the correct
-kind for the type variable ``cxt``.
-GHC now instead allows you to specify the kind of a type variable
-directly, wherever a type variable is explicitly bound, with the flag
-This flag enables kind signatures in the following places:
-- ``data`` declarations: ::
- data Set (cxt :: * -> *) a = Set [a]
-- ``type`` declarations: ::
- type T (f :: * -> *) = f Int
-- ``class`` declarations: ::
- class (Eq a) => C (f :: * -> *) a where ...
-- ``forall``\'s in type signatures: ::
- f :: forall (cxt :: * -> *). Set cxt Int
-The parentheses are required. Some of the spaces are required too, to
-separate the lexemes. If you write ``(f::*->*)`` you will get a parse
-error, because ``::*->*`` is a single lexeme in Haskell.
-As part of the same extension, you can put kind annotations in types as
-well. Thus: ::
- f :: (Int :: *) -> Int
- g :: forall a. a -> (a :: *)
-The syntax is
-.. code-block:: none
- atype ::= '(' ctype '::' kind ')
-The parentheses are required.
-.. _universal-quantification:
Arbitrary-rank polymorphism
.. ghc-flag:: -XRankNTypes
@@ -8181,7 +8557,7 @@ authors to change their old flags specifications.)
.. _univ:
These are examples of ``data`` and ``newtype`` declarations whose data
constructors have polymorphic argument types: ::
@@ -8275,7 +8651,7 @@ In the function ``h`` we use the record selectors ``return`` and
.. _higher-rank-type-inference:
Type inference
In general, type inference for arbitrary-rank types is undecidable. GHC
uses an algorithm proposed by Odersky and Laufer ("Putting type
@@ -8318,7 +8694,7 @@ argument of constructor ``T1`` and that tells GHC all it needs to know.
.. _implicit-quant:
Implicit quantification
GHC performs implicit quantification as follows. At the top level
(only) of user-written types, if and only if there is no explicit
@@ -8362,7 +8738,7 @@ rank-2 types.
.. _impredicative-polymorphism:
Impredicative polymorphism
.. ghc-flag:: -XImpredicativeTypes
@@ -8412,370 +8788,6 @@ workaround like this: ::
foo = unWrap (id (Wrap runST))
-- Here id is called at monomorphic type (Wrap a)
-.. _scoped-type-variables:
-Lexically scoped type variables
-.. ghc-flag:: -XScopedTypeVariables
- :implies: :ghc-flag:`-XRelaxedPolyRec`
- :implies: :ghc-flag:`-XExplicitForAll`
- Enable lexical scoping of type variables explicitly introduced with
- ``forall``.
-GHC supports *lexically scoped type variables*, without which some type
-signatures are simply impossible to write. For example: ::
- f :: forall a. [a] -> [a]
- f xs = ys ++ ys
- where
- ys :: [a]
- ys = reverse xs
-The type signature for ``f`` brings the type variable ``a`` into scope,
-because of the explicit ``forall`` (:ref:`decl-type-sigs`). The type
-variables bound by a ``forall`` scope over the entire definition of the
-accompanying value declaration. In this example, the type variable ``a``
-scopes over the whole definition of ``f``, including over the type
-signature for ``ys``. In Haskell 98 it is not possible to declare a type
-for ``ys``; a major benefit of scoped type variables is that it becomes
-possible to do so.
-Lexically-scoped type variables are enabled by
-:ghc-flag:`-XScopedTypeVariables`. This flag implies :ghc-flag:`-XRelaxedPolyRec`.
-The design follows the following principles
-- A scoped type variable stands for a type *variable*, and not for a
- *type*. (This is a change from GHC's earlier design.)
-- Furthermore, distinct lexical type variables stand for distinct type
- variables. This means that every programmer-written type signature
- (including one that contains free scoped type variables) denotes a
- *rigid* type; that is, the type is fully known to the type checker,
- and no inference is involved.
-- Lexical type variables may be alpha-renamed freely, without changing
- the program.
-A *lexically scoped type variable* can be bound by:
-- A declaration type signature (:ref:`decl-type-sigs`)
-- An expression type signature (:ref:`exp-type-sigs`)
-- A pattern type signature (:ref:`pattern-type-sigs`)
-- Class and instance declarations (:ref:`cls-inst-scoped-tyvars`)
-In Haskell, a programmer-written type signature is implicitly quantified
-over its free type variables (`Section
-4.1.2 <>`__ of
-the Haskell Report). Lexically scoped type variables affect this
-implicit quantification rules as follows: any type variable that is in
-scope is *not* universally quantified. For example, if type variable
-``a`` is in scope, then ::
- (e :: a -> a) means (e :: a -> a)
- (e :: b -> b) means (e :: forall b. b->b)
- (e :: a -> b) means (e :: forall b. a->b)
-.. _decl-type-sigs:
-Declaration type signatures
-A declaration type signature that has *explicit* quantification (using
-``forall``) brings into scope the explicitly-quantified type variables,
-in the definition of the named function. For example: ::
- f :: forall a. [a] -> [a]
- f (x:xs) = xs ++ [ x :: a ]
-The "``forall a``" brings "``a``" into scope in the definition of
-This only happens if:
-- The quantification in ``f``\'s type signature is explicit. For
- example: ::
- g :: [a] -> [a]
- g (x:xs) = xs ++ [ x :: a ]
- This program will be rejected, because "``a``" does not scope over
- the definition of "``g``", so "``x::a``" means "``x::forall a. a``"
- by Haskell's usual implicit quantification rules.
-- The signature gives a type for a function binding or a bare variable
- binding, not a pattern binding. For example: ::
- f1 :: forall a. [a] -> [a]
- f1 (x:xs) = xs ++ [ x :: a ] -- OK
- f2 :: forall a. [a] -> [a]
- f2 = \(x:xs) -> xs ++ [ x :: a ] -- OK
- f3 :: forall a. [a] -> [a]
- Just f3 = Just (\(x:xs) -> xs ++ [ x :: a ]) -- Not OK!
- The binding for ``f3`` is a pattern binding, and so its type
- signature does not bring ``a`` into scope. However ``f1`` is a
- function binding, and ``f2`` binds a bare variable; in both cases the
- type signature brings ``a`` into scope.
-.. _exp-type-sigs:
-Expression type signatures
-An expression type signature that has *explicit* quantification (using
-``forall``) brings into scope the explicitly-quantified type variables,
-in the annotated expression. For example: ::
- f = runST ( (op >>= \(x :: STRef s Int) -> g x) :: forall s. ST s Bool )
-Here, the type signature ``forall s. ST s Bool`` brings the type
-variable ``s`` into scope, in the annotated expression
-``(op >>= \(x :: STRef s Int) -> g x)``.
-.. _pattern-type-sigs:
-Pattern type signatures
-A type signature may occur in any pattern; this is a *pattern type
-signature*. For example: ::
- -- f and g assume that 'a' is already in scope
- f = \(x::Int, y::a) -> x
- g (x::a) = x
- h ((x,y) :: (Int,Bool)) = (y,x)
-In the case where all the type variables in the pattern type signature
-are already in scope (i.e. bound by the enclosing context), matters are
-simple: the signature simply constrains the type of the pattern in the
-obvious way.
-Unlike expression and declaration type signatures, pattern type
-signatures are not implicitly generalised. The pattern in a *pattern
-binding* may only mention type variables that are already in scope. For
-example: ::
- f :: forall a. [a] -> (Int, [a])
- f xs = (n, zs)
- where
- (ys::[a], n) = (reverse xs, length xs) -- OK
- zs::[a] = xs ++ ys -- OK
- Just (v::b) = ... -- Not OK; b is not in scope
-Here, the pattern signatures for ``ys`` and ``zs`` are fine, but the one
-for ``v`` is not because ``b`` is not in scope.
-However, in all patterns *other* than pattern bindings, a pattern type
-signature may mention a type variable that is not in scope; in this
-case, *the signature brings that type variable into scope*. This is
-particularly important for existential data constructors. For example: ::
- data T = forall a. MkT [a]
- k :: T -> T
- k (MkT [t::a]) =
- MkT t3
- where
- t3::[a] = [t,t,t]
-Here, the pattern type signature ``(t::a)`` mentions a lexical type
-variable that is not already in scope. Indeed, it *cannot* already be in
-scope, because it is bound by the pattern match. GHC's rule is that in
-this situation (and only then), a pattern type signature can mention a
-type variable that is not already in scope; the effect is to bring it
-into scope, standing for the existentially-bound type variable.
-When a pattern type signature binds a type variable in this way, GHC
-insists that the type variable is bound to a *rigid*, or fully-known,
-type variable. This means that any user-written type signature always
-stands for a completely known type.
-If all this seems a little odd, we think so too. But we must have *some*
-way to bring such type variables into scope, else we could not name
-existentially-bound type variables in subsequent type signatures.
-This is (now) the *only* situation in which a pattern type signature is
-allowed to mention a lexical variable that is not already in scope. For
-example, both ``f`` and ``g`` would be illegal if ``a`` was not already
-in scope.
-.. _cls-inst-scoped-tyvars:
-Class and instance declarations
-The type variables in the head of a ``class`` or ``instance``
-declaration scope over the methods defined in the ``where`` part. You do
-not even need an explicit ``forall``. For example: ::
- class C a where
- op :: [a] -> a
- op xs = let ys::[a]
- ys = reverse xs
- in
- head ys
- instance C b => C [b] where
- op xs = reverse (head (xs :: [[b]]))
-Bindings and generalisation
-.. _monomorphism:
-Switching off the dreaded Monomorphism Restriction
-.. ghc-flag:: -XNoMonomorphismRestriction
- :default: on
- Prevents the compiler from applying the monomorphism restriction to
- bindings lacking explicit type signatures.
-Haskell's monomorphism restriction (see `Section
-4.5.5 <>`__ of
-the Haskell Report) can be completely switched off by
-:ghc-flag:`-XNoMonomorphismRestriction`. Since GHC 7.8.1, the monomorphism
-restriction is switched off by default in GHCi's interactive options
-(see :ref:`ghci-interactive-options`).
-.. _typing-binds:
-Generalised typing of mutually recursive bindings
-.. ghc-flag:: -XRelaxedPolyRec
- Allow the typechecker to ignore references to bindings with
- explicit type signatures.
-The Haskell Report specifies that a group of bindings (at top level, or
-in a ``let`` or ``where``) should be sorted into strongly-connected
-components, and then type-checked in dependency order
-(`Haskell Report, Section
-4.5.1 <>`__). As
-each group is type-checked, any binders of the group that have an
-explicit type signature are put in the type environment with the
-specified polymorphic type, and all others are monomorphic until the
-group is generalised (`Haskell Report, Section
-4.5.2 <>`__).
-Following a suggestion of Mark Jones, in his paper `Typing Haskell in
-Haskell <>`__, GHC implements a
-more general scheme. If :ghc-flag:`-XRelaxedPolyRec` is specified: *the
-dependency analysis ignores references to variables that have an
-explicit type signature*. As a result of this refined dependency
-analysis, the dependency groups are smaller, and more bindings will
-typecheck. For example, consider: ::
- f :: Eq a => a -> Bool
- f x = (x == x) || g True || g "Yes"
- g y = (y <= y) || f True
-This is rejected by Haskell 98, but under Jones's scheme the definition
-for ``g`` is typechecked first, separately from that for ``f``, because
-the reference to ``f`` in ``g``\'s right hand side is ignored by the
-dependency analysis. Then ``g``\'s type is generalised, to get ::
- g :: Ord a => a -> Bool
-Now, the definition for ``f`` is typechecked, with this type for ``g``
-in the type environment.
-The same refined dependency analysis also allows the type signatures of
-mutually-recursive functions to have different contexts, something that
-is illegal in Haskell 98 (Section 4.5.2, last sentence). With
-:ghc-flag:`-XRelaxedPolyRec` GHC only insists that the type signatures of a
-*refined* group have identical type signatures; in practice this means
-that only variables bound by the same pattern binding must have the same
-context. For example, this is fine: ::
- f :: Eq a => a -> Bool
- f x = (x == x) || g True
- g :: Ord a => a -> Bool
- g y = (y <= y) || f True
-.. _mono-local-binds:
-.. ghc-flag:: -XMonoLocalBinds
- Infer less polymorphic types for local bindings by default.
-An ML-style language usually generalises the type of any ``let``\-bound or
-``where``\-bound variable, so that it is as polymorphic as possible. With the
-flag :ghc-flag:`-XMonoLocalBinds` GHC implements a slightly more conservative
-policy, using the following rules:
-- A variable is *closed* if and only if
- - the variable is let-bound
- - one of the following holds:
- - the variable has an explicit type signature that has no free
- type variables, or
- - its binding group is fully generalised (see next bullet)
-- A binding group is *fully generalised* if and only if
- - each of its free variables is either imported or closed, and
- - the binding is not affected by the monomorphism restriction
- (`Haskell Report, Section
- 4.5.5 <>`__)
-For example, consider ::
- f x = x + 1
- g x = let h y = f y * 2
- k z = z+x
- in h x + k x
-Here ``f`` is generalised because it has no free variables; and its
-binding group is unaffected by the monomorphism restriction; and hence
-``f`` is closed. The same reasoning applies to ``g``, except that it has
-one closed free variable, namely ``f``. Similarly ``h`` is closed, *even
-though it is not bound at top level*, because its only free variable
-``f`` is closed. But ``k`` is not closed, because it mentions ``x``
-which is not closed (because it is not let-bound).
-Notice that a top-level binding that is affected by the monomorphism
-restriction is not closed, and hence may in turn prevent generalisation
-of bindings that mention it.
-The rationale for this more conservative strategy is given in `the
-papers <>`__
-"Let should not be generalised" and "Modular type inference with local
-assumptions", and a related `blog post <>`__.
-The flag :ghc-flag:`-XMonoLocalBinds` is implied by :ghc-flag:`-XTypeFamilies`
-and :ghc-flag:`-XGADTs`. You can switch it off again with
-:ghc-flag:`-XNoMonoLocalBinds <-XMonoLocalBinds>` but type inference becomes
-less predicatable if you do so. (Read the papers!)
.. _typed-holes:
Typed Holes