path: root/docs
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authorBen Gamari <>2018-06-08 15:35:48 -0400
committerBen Gamari <>2018-06-10 10:22:58 -0400
commite1f74aaa2fa9d1907e313f9c86a2fba9abe238e4 (patch)
tree6956773e36d35f8c478599a0cc514e4fc396174c /docs
parentbb8383149640d919df071fce248afa0d83661c4b (diff)
users-guide: Spelling and style pass over QuantifiedConstraints docs
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1 files changed, 24 insertions, 31 deletions
diff --git a/docs/users_guide/glasgow_exts.rst b/docs/users_guide/glasgow_exts.rst
index 8705852cea..ae12feaa1f 100644
--- a/docs/users_guide/glasgow_exts.rst
+++ b/docs/users_guide/glasgow_exts.rst
@@ -9747,9 +9747,9 @@ Introducing quantified constraints offers two main benefits:
instance (Eq a, forall b. Eq b => Eq (f b)) => Eq (Rose f a) where
(Rose x1 rs1) == (Rose x2 rs2) = x1 == x2 && rs1 == rs2
- This extension allows to write constraints of the form ``forall b. Eq b => Eq (f b)``,
- which is needed to solve the ``Eq (f (Rose f x))`` constraint arising from the
- second usage of the ``(==)`` method.
+ This extension allows us to write constraints of the form ``forall b. Eq b =>
+ Eq (f b)``, which is needed to solve the ``Eq (f (Rose f x))`` constraint
+ arising from the second usage of the ``(==)`` method.
- Secondly, quantified constraints allow for more concise and precise specifications. As an example, consider the MTL type class for monad transformers::
@@ -9757,7 +9757,7 @@ Introducing quantified constraints offers two main benefits:
lift :: Monad m => m a -> (t m) a
The developer knows that a monad transformer takes a monad ``m`` into a new monad ``t m``.
- But this is property is not formally specified in the above declaration.
+ But this property is not formally specified in the above declaration.
This omission becomes an issue when defining monad transformer composition::
newtype (t1 * t2) m a = C { runC :: t1 (t2 m) a }
@@ -9776,31 +9776,37 @@ Introducing quantified constraints offers two main benefits:
class (forall m. Monad m => Monad (t m)) => Trans t where
lift :: Monad m => m a -> (t m) a
-THe idea is very old; see Seciton 7 of `Derivable type classes <>`_.
+This idea is very old; see Seciton 7 of `Derivable type classes <>`_.
Syntax changes
`Haskell 2010 <>`_ defines a ``context`` (the bit to the left of ``=>`` in a type) like this ::
- context ::= class
- | ( class1, ..., classn )
+.. code-block:: none
+ context ::= class
+ | ( class1, ..., classn )
- class ::= qtycls tyvar
- | qtycls (tyvar atype1 ... atypen)
+ class ::= qtycls tyvar
+ | qtycls (tyvar atype1 ... atypen)
We to extend ``class`` (warning: this is a rather confusingly named non-terminal symbol) with two extra forms, namely precisely what can appear in an instance declaration ::
- class ::= ...
- | context => qtycls inst
- | context => tyvar inst
+.. code-block:: none
+ class ::= ...
+ | context => qtycls inst
+ | context => tyvar inst
The definition of ``inst`` is unchanged from the Haskell Report (roughly, just a type).
That is the only syntactic change to the language.
-- Where GHC allows extensions instance declarations we allow exactly the same extensions to this new form of ``class``. Specifically, with ``ExplicitForAll`` and ``MultiParameterTypeClasses`` the syntax becomes ::
+- Where GHC allows extensions instance declarations we allow exactly the same extensions to this new form of ``class``. Specifically, with :extension:`ExplicitForAll` and :extension:`MultiParameterTypeClasses` the syntax becomes ::
+.. code-block:: none
class ::= ...
| [forall tyavrs .] context => qtycls inst1 ... instn
@@ -9822,7 +9828,7 @@ Notes:
instance (forall xx. c (Free c xx)) => Monad (Free c) where
Free f >>= g = f g
- See `Iceland Jack's summary <>`_. The key point is that the bit to the right of the `=>` may be headed by a type *variable* (`c` in this case), rather than a class. It should not be one of the forall'd variables, though.
+ See `Iceland Jack's summary <>`_. The key point is that the bit to the right of the ``=>`` may be headed by a type *variable* (``c`` in this case), rather than a class. It should not be one of the forall'd variables, though.
(NB: this goes beyond what is described in `the paper <>`_, but does not seem to introduce any new technical difficulties.)
@@ -9907,7 +9913,7 @@ is in practice, and try something more ambitious if necessary.
Instance lookup
-In the light of the overlap decision, instance lookup works like this, when
+In the light of the overlap decision, instance lookup works like this when
trying to solve a class constraint ``C t``
1. First see if there is a given un-quantified constraint ``C t``. If so, use it to solve the constraint.
@@ -9919,22 +9925,9 @@ trying to solve a class constraint ``C t``
-GHC uses the `Paterson Conditions <>`_ to ensure that instance resolution terminates:
-The Paterson Conditions are these: for each class constraint ``(C t1 ... tn)``
-in the context
-1. No type variable has more occurrences in the constraint than in
- the head
-2. The constraint has fewer constructors and variables (taken
- together and counting repetitions) than the head
-3. The constraint mentions no type functions. A type function
- application can in principle expand to a type of arbitrary size,
- and so are rejected out of hand
-How are those rules modified for quantified constraints? In two ways.
+GHC uses the :ref:`Paterson Conditions <instance-termination>` to ensure
+that instance resolution terminates. How are those rules modified for quantified
+constraints? In two ways.
- Each quantified constraint, taken by itself, must satisfy the termination rules for an instance declaration.