path: root/docs
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authorAdam Sandberg Eriksson <>2015-11-14 22:06:16 +0100
committerBen Gamari <>2015-11-14 22:06:29 +0100
commit46a03fbec6a02761db079d1746532565f34c340f (patch)
tree04dfc1739f2e0612b3be99049d6f4202a5e53d0a /docs
parent54884220cd8f68bcb4291cc3689d69258b835f6f (diff)
Implement the Strict language extension
Add a new language extension `-XStrict` which turns all bindings strict as if the programmer had written a `!` before it. This also upgrades ordinary Haskell to allow recursive and polymorphic strict bindings. See the wiki[1] and the Note [Desugar Strict binds] in DsBinds for specification and implementation details. [1] Reviewers: austin, tibbe, simonpj, bgamari Reviewed By: tibbe, bgamari Subscribers: thomie Differential Revision: GHC Trac Issues: #8347
Diffstat (limited to 'docs')
1 files changed, 289 insertions, 20 deletions
diff --git a/docs/users_guide/glasgow_exts.rst b/docs/users_guide/glasgow_exts.rst
index ec026947be..ed47dae6a0 100644
--- a/docs/users_guide/glasgow_exts.rst
+++ b/docs/users_guide/glasgow_exts.rst
@@ -10332,22 +10332,12 @@ the top level of a ``let`` or ``where`` binding makes the binding
strict, regardless of the pattern. (We say "apparent" exception because
the Right Way to think of it is that the bang at the top of a binding is
not part of the *pattern*; rather it is part of the syntax of the
-*binding*, creating a "bang-pattern binding".) For example:
+*binding*, creating a "bang-pattern binding".) See :ref:`Strict recursive and
+polymorphic let bindings <recursive-and-polymorphic-let-bindings> for
+how bang-pattern bindings are compiled.
- let ![x,y] = e in b
-is a bang-pattern binding. Operationally, it behaves just like a case
- case e of [x,y] -> b
-Like a case expression, a bang-pattern binding must be non-recursive,
-and is monomorphic. However, *nested* bangs in a pattern binding behave
-uniformly with all other forms of pattern matching. For example
+However, *nested* bangs in a pattern binding behave uniformly with all
+other forms of pattern matching. For example
@@ -12434,10 +12424,11 @@ Strict Haskell
High-performance Haskell code (e.g. numeric code) can sometimes be
littered with bang patterns, making it harder to read. The reason is
-that lazy evaluation isn't the right default in this particular code but
-the programmer has no way to say that except by repeatedly adding bang
-patterns. Below ``-XStrictData`` is detailed that allows the programmer
-to switch the default behavior on a per-module basis.
+that lazy evaluation isn't the right default in this particular code
+but the programmer has no way to say that except by repeatedly adding
+bang patterns. Below ``-XStrictData`` and ``-XStrict`` are detailed
+that allows the programmer to switch the default behavior on a
+per-module basis.
.. _strict-data:
@@ -12455,7 +12446,7 @@ When the user writes
data T = C a
data T' = C' ~a
-we interpret it as if she had written
+we interpret it as if they had written
@@ -12463,3 +12454,281 @@ we interpret it as if she had written
data T' = C' a
The extension only affects definitions in this module.
+.. _strict:
+Strict-by-default pattern bindings
+Informally the ``Strict`` language extension switches functions, data
+types, and bindings to be strict by default, allowing optional laziness
+by adding ``~`` in front of a variable. This essentially reverses the
+present situation where laziness is default and strictness can be
+optionally had by adding ``!`` in front of a variable.
+``Strict`` implies :ref:`StrictData <strict-data>`.
+- **Function definitions.**
+ When the user writes ::
+ f x = ...
+ we interpret it as if they had written ::
+ f !x = ...
+ Adding ``~`` in front of ``x`` gives the regular lazy behavior.
+- **Let/where bindings.**
+ When the user writes ::
+ let x = ...
+ let pat = ...
+ we interpret it as if they had written ::
+ let !x = ...
+ let !pat = ...
+ Adding ``~`` in front of ``x`` gives the regular lazy
+ behavior. Notice that we do not put bangs on nested patterns. For
+ example ::
+ let (p,q) = if flob then (undefined, undefined) else (True, False)
+ in ...
+ will behave like ::
+ let !(p,q) = if flob then (undefined, undefined) else (True,False)
+ in ...
+ which will strictly evaluate the right hand side, and bind ``p``
+ and ``q`` to the components of the pair. But the pair itself is
+ lazy (unless we also compile the ``Prelude`` with ``Strict``; see
+ :ref:`strict-modularity` below). So ``p`` and ``q`` may end up bound to
+ undefined. See also :ref:`recursive-and-polymorphic-let-bindings` below.
+- **Case expressions.**
+ The patterns of a case expression get an implicit bang, unless
+ disabled with ``~``. For example ::
+ case x of (a,b) -> rhs
+ is interpreted as ::
+ case x of !(a,b) -> rhs
+ Since the semantics of pattern matching in case expressions is
+ strict, this usually has no effect whatsoever. But it does make a
+ difference in the degenerate case of variables and newtypes. So ::
+ case x of y -> rhs
+ is lazy in Haskell, but with ``Strict`` is interpreted as ::
+ case x of !y -> rhs
+ which evalutes ``x``. Similarly, if ``newtype Age = MkAge Int``, then ::
+ case x of MkAge i -> rhs
+ is lazy in Haskell; but with ``Strict`` the added bang makes it
+ strict.
+- **Top level bindings.**
+ are unaffected by ``Strict``. For example: ::
+ x = factorial 20
+ (y,z) = if x > 10 then True else False
+ Here ``x`` and the pattern binding ``(y,z)`` remain lazy. Reason:
+ there is no good moment to force them, until first use.
+- **Newtypes.**
+ There is no effect on newtypes, which simply rename existing types.
+ For example: ::
+ newtype T = C a
+ f (C x) = rhs1
+ g !(C x) = rhs2
+ In ordinary Haskell, ``f`` is lazy in its argument and hence in
+ ``x``; and ``g`` is strict in its argument and hence also strict in
+ ``x``. With ``Strict``, both become strict because ``f``'s argument
+ gets an implict bang.
+.. _strict-modularity:
+``Strict`` and ``StrictData`` only affects definitions in the module
+they are used in. Functions and data types imported from other modules
+are unaffected. For example, we won't evaluate the argument to
+``Just`` before applying the constructor. Similarly we won't evaluate
+the first argument to ``Data.Map.findWithDefault`` before applying the
+This is crucial to preserve correctness. Entities defined in other
+modules might rely on laziness for correctness (whether functional or
+Tuples, lists, ``Maybe``, and all the other types from ``Prelude``
+continue to have their existing, lazy, semantics.
+.. _recursive-and-polymorphic-let-bindings:
+Recursive and polymorphic let bindings
+**Static semantics**
+Exactly as in Haskell, unaffected by ``Strict``. This is more permissive
+than past rules for bang patterns in let bindings, because it supports
+bang-patterns for polymorphic and recursive bindings.
+**Dynamic semantics**
+Consider the rules in the box of `Section 3.12 of the Haskell
+report <>`__.
+Replace these rules with the following ones, where ``v`` stands for a
+.. admonition:: FORCE
+ Replace any binding ``!p = e`` with ``v = e; p = v`` and replace
+ ``e0`` with ``v seq e0``, where ``v`` is fresh. This translation works fine if
+ ``p`` is already a variable ``x``, but can obviously be optimised by not
+ introducing a fresh variable ``v``.
+.. admonition:: SPLIT
+ Replace any binding ``p = e``, where ``p`` is not a variable, with
+ ``v = e; x1 = case v of p -> x1; ...; xn = case v of p -> xn``, where
+ ``v`` is fresh and ``x1``.. ``xn`` are the bound variables of ``p``.
+ Again if ``e`` is a variable, you can optimised his by not introducing a
+ fresh variable.
+The result will be a (possibly) recursive set of bindings, binding
+only simple variables on the left hand side. (One could go one step
+further, as in the Haskell Report and make the recursive bindings
+non-recursive using ``fix``, but we do not do so in Core, and it only
+obfuscates matters, so we do not do so here.)
+Here are some examples of how this translation works. The first
+expression of each sequence is Haskell source; the subsequent ones are
+Here is a simple non-recursive case: ::
+ let x :: Int -- Non-recursive
+ !x = factorial y
+ in body
+ ===> (FORCE)
+ let x = factorial y in x `seq` body
+ ===> (inline seq)
+ let x = factorial y in case x of x -> body
+ ===> (inline x)
+ case factorial y of x -> body
+Same again, only with a pattern binding: ::
+ let !(x,y) = if blob then (factorial p, factorial q) else (0,0)
+ in body
+ ===> (FORCE)
+ let v = if blob then (factorial p, factorial q) else (0,0)
+ (x,y) = v
+ in v `seq` body
+ ===> (SPLIT)
+ let v = if blob then (factorial p, factorial q) else (0,0)
+ x = case v of (x,y) -> x
+ y = case v of (x,y) -> y
+ in v `seq` body
+ ===> (inline seq, float x,y bindings inwards)
+ let v = if blob then (factorial p, factorial q) else (0,0)
+ in case v of v -> let x = case v of (x,y) -> x
+ y = case v of (x,y) -> y
+ in body
+ ===> (fluff up v's pattern; this is a standard Core optimisation)
+ let v = if blob then (factorial p, factorial q) else (0,0)
+ in case v of v@(p,q) -> let x = case v of (x,y) -> x
+ y = case v of (x,y) -> y
+ in body
+ ===> (case of known constructor)
+ let v = if blob then (factorial p, factorial q) else (0,0)
+ in case v of v@(p,q) -> let x = p
+ y = q
+ in body
+ ===> (inline x,y)
+ let v = if blob then (factorial p, factorial q) else (0,0)
+ in case v of (p,q) -> body[p/x, q/y]
+The final form is just what we want: a simple case expression.
+Here is a recursive case ::
+ letrec xs :: [Int] -- Recursive
+ !xs = factorial y : xs
+ in body
+ ===> (FORCE)
+ letrec xs = factorial y : xs in xs `seq` body
+ ===> (inline seq)
+ letrec xs = factorial y : xs in case xs of xs -> body
+ ===> (eliminate case of value)
+ letrec xs = factorial y : xs in body
+and a polymorphic one: ::
+ let f :: forall a. [a] -> [a] -- Polymorphic
+ !f = fst (reverse, True)
+ in body
+ ===> (FORCE)
+ let f = /\a. fst (reverse a, True) in f `seq` body
+ ===> (inline seq, inline f)
+ case (/\a. fst (reverse a, True)) of f -> body
+Notice that the ``seq`` is added only in the translation to Core
+If we did it in Haskell source, thus ::
+ let f = ... in f `seq` body
+then ``f``\ 's polymorphic type would get intantiated, so the Core
+translation would be ::
+ let f = ... in f Any `seq` body
+When overloading is involved, the results might be slightly counter
+intuitive: ::
+ let f :: forall a. Eq a => a -> [a] -> Bool -- Overloaded
+ !f = fst (member, True)
+ in body
+ ===> (FORCE)
+ let f = /\a \(d::Eq a). fst (member, True) in f `seq` body
+ ===> (inline seq, case of value)
+ let f = /\a \(d::Eq a). fst (member, True) in body
+Note that the bang has no effect at all in this case