path: root/
diff options
authorSimon Marlow <>2011-08-04 12:06:49 +0100
committerSimon Marlow <>2011-08-05 09:21:49 +0100
commit043d70f080c214a4c80c0654a15e3016250ba1fa (patch)
tree4a07b32991e1b2f9ac2a65cba85c5c3942493ed2 /
parent78e6b615329dd8ea4527b499107048693c87f895 (diff)
sanitise naming of package lists
The *predicates* all start with "PKGS_THAT_...", e.g.: PKGS_THAT_BUILD_WITH_STAGE0 (previously "PACKAGES_STAGE0") PKGS_THAT_BUILD_WITH_STAGE2 (previously "STAGE2_PACKAGES") PKGS_THAT_USE_TH (previously "TH_PACKAGES) etc. (there are a few more) the lists of packages to build are now consistently named: PACKAGES_STAGE0 PACKAGES_STAGE1 (previously just "PACKAGES") PACKAGES_STAGE2
Diffstat (limited to '')
1 files changed, 49 insertions, 44 deletions
diff --git a/ b/
index f55b89046b..bae8d91273 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@
# then we don't have to use -osuf/-hisuf. We would have to install
# them in different places too, so we'd need ghc-pkg support for packages
# of different ways.
-# * make PACKAGES generated by './configure' or './boot'?
+# * make PACKAGES_STAGE1 generated by './configure' or './boot'?
# * we should use a directory of package.conf files rather than a single
# file for the inplace package database, so that we can express
# dependencies more accurately. Otherwise it's possible to get into
@@ -284,28 +284,28 @@ include rules/
%/. : | $(MKDIRHIER)
-# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# Packages
-# --------------------------------
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Properties of packages
# These lists say "if this package is built, here's a property it has"
# They do not say "this package will be built"; see $(PACKAGES_xx) for that
# Packages that are built but not installed
-INTREE_ONLY_PACKAGES := haskeline mtl terminfo utf8-string xhtml
+PKGS_THAT_ARE_INTREE_ONLY := haskeline mtl terminfo utf8-string xhtml
-DPH_PACKAGES := dph/dph-base dph/dph-prim-interface dph/dph-prim-seq \
+PKGS_THAT_ARE_DPH := dph/dph-base dph/dph-prim-interface dph/dph-prim-seq \
dph/dph-common dph/dph-prim-par dph/dph-par dph/dph-seq \
vector primitive random
# Packages that, if present, must be built by the stage2 compiler,
# because they use TH and/or annotations, or depend on other stage2
# packages:
-STAGE2_PACKAGES := $(DPH_PACKAGES) haskell98 haskell2010
+PKGS_THAT_BUILD_WITH_STAGE2 := $(PKGS_THAT_ARE_DPH) haskell98 haskell2010
# Packages that we shouldn't build if we don't have TH (e.g. because
# we're building a profiled compiler):
# Packages that are built by stage0, in addition to stage1. These
# packages are dependencies of GHC, that we do not assume the stage0
@@ -313,11 +313,11 @@ TH_PACKAGES := $(DPH_PACKAGES)
# We assume that the stage0 compiler has a suitable bytestring package,
# so we don't have to include it below.
-PACKAGES_STAGE0 = Cabal/cabal hpc extensible-exceptions binary bin-package-db hoopl
+PKGS_THAT_BUILD_WITH_STAGE0 = Cabal/cabal hpc extensible-exceptions binary bin-package-db hoopl
# These packages are installed, but are installed hidden
# Why install them at all? Because the 'ghc' package depends on them
# $(EXTRA_PACKAGES) is another classification, of packages built but
# not installed
@@ -326,19 +326,24 @@ HIDDEN_PACKAGES = binary
# this
-# --------------------------------
+# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Packages to build
# The lists of packages that we *actually* going to build in each stage:
-# $(PACKAGES_STAGE0) does double duty; it really is the list of packages
-# we build the bootstrap compiler in stage 0
-# $(PACKAGES) A list of directories relative to libraries/ containing
-# packages that will be built by stage1, in dependency
-# order.
-# $(PACKAGES_STAGE2) Ditto, for stage2.
+# These are automatically derived from
+# (a) the set of packages in this source tree
+# (b) the predicates above, e.g. $(PKGS_THAT_BUILD_WITH_STAGE2)
+# (c) which platform we're on, and a few other things
+# no processing to do on this one: it really is the list of packages
+# to build with stage 0.
define addPackageGeneral
# args: $1 = PACKAGES variable, $2 = package, $3 = condition
@@ -356,11 +361,11 @@ define addPackageGeneral
define addPackage # args: $1 = package, $2 = condition
-ifneq "$(filter $1,$(TH_PACKAGES)) $(GhcProfiled)" "$1 YES"
-ifeq "$(filter $1,$(STAGE2_PACKAGES))" "$1"
+ifneq "$(filter $1,$(PKGS_THAT_USE_TH)) $(GhcProfiled)" "$1 YES"
+ifeq "$(filter $1,$(PKGS_THAT_BUILD_WITH_STAGE2))" "$1"
$(call addPackageGeneral,PACKAGES_STAGE2,$1,$2)
-$(call addPackageGeneral,PACKAGES,$1,$2)
+$(call addPackageGeneral,PACKAGES_STAGE1,$1,$2)
@@ -411,7 +416,7 @@ $(eval $(call extra-packages))
# configured and registered all of its dependencies. So the following
# hack forces all the configure steps to happen in exactly the following order:
-# $(PACKAGES) ghc(stage2) $(PACKAGES_STAGE2)
+# $(PACKAGES_STAGE1) ghc(stage2) $(PACKAGES_STAGE2)
# Ideally we should use the correct dependencies here to allow more
# parallelism, but we don't know the dependencies until we've
@@ -423,7 +428,7 @@ endef
ifneq "$(BINDIST)" "YES"
-$(foreach pkg,$(PACKAGES),$(eval $(call fixed_pkg_dep,$(pkg),dist-install)))
+$(foreach pkg,$(PACKAGES_STAGE1),$(eval $(call fixed_pkg_dep,$(pkg),dist-install)))
# the GHC package doesn't live in libraries/, so we add its dependency manually:
compiler/stage2/ $(fixed_pkg_prev)
@@ -461,9 +466,9 @@ BOOT_PKG_CONSTRAINTS := \
--constraint "$p == $(shell grep -i "^Version:" libraries/$d/$p.cabal | sed "s/[^0-9.]//g")"))
# The actual .a and .so/.dll files: needed for dependencies.
-ALL_STAGE1_LIBS = $(foreach lib,$(PACKAGES),$(libraries/$(lib)_dist-install_v_LIB))
+ALL_STAGE1_LIBS = $(foreach lib,$(PACKAGES_STAGE1),$(libraries/$(lib)_dist-install_v_LIB))
ifeq "$(BuildSharedLibs)" "YES"
-ALL_STAGE1_LIBS += $(foreach lib,$(PACKAGES),$(libraries/$(lib)_dist-install_dyn_LIB))
+ALL_STAGE1_LIBS += $(foreach lib,$(PACKAGES_STAGE1),$(libraries/$(lib)_dist-install_dyn_LIB))
BOOT_LIBS = $(foreach lib,$(PACKAGES_STAGE0),$(libraries/$(lib)_dist-boot_v_LIB))
@@ -572,7 +577,7 @@ endif
ifneq "$(CLEANING)" "YES"
- $(patsubst %, libraries/%, $(PACKAGES))
+ $(patsubst %, libraries/%, $(PACKAGES_STAGE1))
ifeq "$(INTEGER_LIBRARY)" "integer-gmp"
@@ -636,7 +641,7 @@ stage1_libs : $(ALL_STAGE1_LIBS)
# libraries/<pkg>_dist-install_HC_OPTS += -Wwarn
# Add $(GhcLibHcOpts) to all package builds
-$(foreach pkg,$(PACKAGES) $(PACKAGES_STAGE2),$(eval libraries/$(pkg)_dist-install_HC_OPTS += $$(GhcLibHcOpts)))
+$(foreach pkg,$(PACKAGES_STAGE1) $(PACKAGES_STAGE2),$(eval libraries/$(pkg)_dist-install_HC_OPTS += $$(GhcLibHcOpts)))
# Add $(GhcBootLibHcOpts) to all stage0 package builds
$(foreach pkg,$(PACKAGES_STAGE0),$(eval libraries/$(pkg)_dist-boot_HC_OPTS += $$(GhcBootLibHcOpts)))
@@ -645,7 +650,7 @@ $(foreach pkg,$(PACKAGES_STAGE0),$(eval libraries/$(pkg)_dist-boot_HC_OPTS += $$
# Haddock-related bits
# Don't run Haddock for the package that will not be installed
-$(foreach p,$(INTREE_ONLY_PACKAGES),$(eval libraries/$p_dist-install_DO_HADDOCK = NO))
+$(foreach p,$(PKGS_THAT_ARE_INTREE_ONLY),$(eval libraries/$p_dist-install_DO_HADDOCK = NO))
# We don't haddock the bootstrapping libraries
$(foreach p,$(PACKAGES_STAGE0),$(eval libraries/$p_dist-boot_DO_HADDOCK = NO))
@@ -691,7 +696,7 @@ ifneq "$(BINDIST)" "YES"
# ghc-stage2. DPH includes a bit of Template Haskell which needs the
# GHCI libs, and we don't have a better way to express that dependency.
-GHCI_LIBS = $(foreach lib,$(PACKAGES),$(libraries/$(lib)_dist-install_GHCI_LIB)) \
+GHCI_LIBS = $(foreach lib,$(PACKAGES_STAGE1),$(libraries/$(lib)_dist-install_GHCI_LIB)) \
ifeq "$(UseArchivesForGhci)" "NO"
@@ -848,14 +853,14 @@ INSTALLED_GHC_REAL=$(DESTDIR)$(bindir)/ghc.exe
-INSTALLED_PKG_DIRS := $(addprefix libraries/,$(PACKAGES)) \
+INSTALLED_PKG_DIRS := $(addprefix libraries/,$(PACKAGES_STAGE1)) \
compiler \
$(addprefix libraries/,$(PACKAGES_STAGE2))
ifeq "$(InstallExtraPackages)" "NO"
INSTALLED_PKG_DIRS := $(filter-out $(addprefix libraries/,$(EXTRA_PACKAGES)),\
-INSTALLED_PKG_DIRS := $(filter-out $(addprefix libraries/,$(INTREE_ONLY_PACKAGES)),\
+INSTALLED_PKG_DIRS := $(filter-out $(addprefix libraries/,$(PKGS_THAT_ARE_INTREE_ONLY)),\
# Set the INSTALL_DISTDIR_p for each package; compiler is special
@@ -884,7 +889,7 @@ install_packages: libffi/package.conf.install rts/package.conf.install
'$(ghclibdir)' \
'$(docdir)/html/libraries' \
- $(foreach p, $(HIDDEN_PACKAGES), \
+ $(foreach p, $(PKGS_THAT_ARE_HIDDEN), \
$(call make-command, \
--global-conf "$(INSTALLED_PACKAGE_CONF)" hide $p))
@@ -1135,19 +1140,19 @@ clean_files :
.PHONY: clean_libraries
-clean_libraries: $(patsubst %,clean_libraries/%_dist-install,$(PACKAGES) $(PACKAGES_STAGE2))
+clean_libraries: $(patsubst %,clean_libraries/%_dist-install,$(PACKAGES_STAGE1) $(PACKAGES_STAGE2))
clean_libraries: $(patsubst %,clean_libraries/%_dist-boot,$(PACKAGES_STAGE0))
- "$(RM)" $(RM_OPTS_REC) $(patsubst %, libraries/%/dist, $(PACKAGES) $(PACKAGES_STAGE2))
- "$(RM)" $(RM_OPTS) $(patsubst %, libraries/%/*.buildinfo, $(PACKAGES) $(PACKAGES_STAGE2))
+ "$(RM)" $(RM_OPTS_REC) $(patsubst %, libraries/%/dist, $(PACKAGES_STAGE1) $(PACKAGES_STAGE2))
+ "$(RM)" $(RM_OPTS) $(patsubst %, libraries/%/*.buildinfo, $(PACKAGES_STAGE1) $(PACKAGES_STAGE2))
# We have to define a clean target for each library manually, because the
# libraries/*/ files are not included when we're cleaning.
ifeq "$(CLEANING)" "YES"
$(foreach lib,$(PACKAGES_STAGE0),\
$(eval $(call clean-target,libraries/$(lib),dist-boot,libraries/$(lib)/dist-boot)))
-$(foreach lib,$(PACKAGES) $(PACKAGES_STAGE2),\
+$(foreach lib,$(PACKAGES_STAGE1) $(PACKAGES_STAGE2),\
$(eval $(call clean-target,libraries/$(lib),dist-install,libraries/$(lib)/dist-install)))
@@ -1171,20 +1176,20 @@ distclean : clean
"$(RM)" $(RM_OPTS_REC) utils/ghc-pwd/dist
"$(RM)" $(RM_OPTS_REC) inplace
- "$(RM)" $(RM_OPTS) $(patsubst %, libraries/%/config.log, $(PACKAGES) $(PACKAGES_STAGE2))
- "$(RM)" $(RM_OPTS) $(patsubst %, libraries/%/config.status, $(PACKAGES) $(PACKAGES_STAGE2))
- "$(RM)" $(RM_OPTS) $(patsubst %, libraries/%/include/Hs*Config.h, $(PACKAGES) $(PACKAGES_STAGE2))
- "$(RM)" $(RM_OPTS_REC) $(patsubst %, libraries/%/autom4te.cache, $(PACKAGES) $(PACKAGES_STAGE2))
+ "$(RM)" $(RM_OPTS) $(patsubst %, libraries/%/config.log, $(PACKAGES_STAGE1) $(PACKAGES_STAGE2))
+ "$(RM)" $(RM_OPTS) $(patsubst %, libraries/%/config.status, $(PACKAGES_STAGE1) $(PACKAGES_STAGE2))
+ "$(RM)" $(RM_OPTS) $(patsubst %, libraries/%/include/Hs*Config.h, $(PACKAGES_STAGE1) $(PACKAGES_STAGE2))
+ "$(RM)" $(RM_OPTS_REC) $(patsubst %, libraries/%/autom4te.cache, $(PACKAGES_STAGE1) $(PACKAGES_STAGE2))
maintainer-clean : distclean
"$(RM)" $(RM_OPTS) configure mk/
"$(RM)" $(RM_OPTS_REC) autom4te.cache libraries/*/autom4te.cache
"$(RM)" $(RM_OPTS) ghc.spec
"$(RM)" $(RM_OPTS) $(patsubst %, libraries/%/GNUmakefile, \
- "$(RM)" $(RM_OPTS) $(patsubst %, libraries/%/, $(PACKAGES) $(PACKAGES_STAGE2))
+ "$(RM)" $(RM_OPTS) $(patsubst %, libraries/%/, $(PACKAGES_STAGE1) $(PACKAGES_STAGE2))
"$(RM)" $(RM_OPTS) $(patsubst %, libraries/%/configure, \
"$(RM)" $(RM_OPTS) libraries/base/include/
"$(RM)" $(RM_OPTS) libraries/directory/include/
"$(RM)" $(RM_OPTS) libraries/process/include/