path: root/ghc/Main.hs
diff options
authorDavid Terei <>2011-10-06 18:34:52 -0700
committerDavid Terei <>2011-10-17 13:50:07 -0700
commitc532c16ff5c93ea5330da4e81b2171d2f20e0653 (patch)
tree1c78def1b001c536316d31990f12c3864cf5300e /ghc/Main.hs
parent189f6663d41367f34f1b34819d344f1be3495a84 (diff)
Formatting wibbles.
Diffstat (limited to 'ghc/Main.hs')
1 files changed, 16 insertions, 16 deletions
diff --git a/ghc/Main.hs b/ghc/Main.hs
index 6dee2831e3..d44ecc58af 100644
--- a/ghc/Main.hs
+++ b/ghc/Main.hs
@@ -182,13 +182,13 @@ main' postLoadMode dflags0 args flagWarnings = do
hsc_env <- GHC.getSession
- -- To simplify the handling of filepaths, we normalise all filepaths right
+ -- To simplify the handling of filepaths, we normalise all filepaths right
-- away - e.g., for win32 platforms, backslashes are converted
-- into forward slashes.
normal_fileish_paths = map (normalise . unLoc) fileish_args
(srcs, objs) = partition_args normal_fileish_paths [] []
- -- Note: have v_Ld_inputs maintain the order in which 'objs' occurred on
+ -- Note: have v_Ld_inputs maintain the order in which 'objs' occurred on
-- the command-line.
liftIO $ mapM_ (consIORef v_Ld_inputs) (reverse objs)
@@ -236,7 +236,7 @@ partition_args ("-x":suff:args) srcs objs
| StopLn <- phase = partition_args args srcs (slurp ++ objs)
| otherwise = partition_args rest (these_srcs ++ srcs) objs
where phase = startPhase suff
- (slurp,rest) = break (== "-x") args
+ (slurp,rest) = break (== "-x") args
these_srcs = zip slurp (repeat (Just phase))
partition_args (arg:args) srcs objs
| looks_like_an_input arg = partition_args args ((arg,Nothing):srcs) objs
@@ -248,7 +248,7 @@ partition_args (arg:args) srcs objs
The following things should be considered compilation manager inputs:
- - haskell source files (strings ending in .hs, .lhs or other
+ - haskell source files (strings ending in .hs, .lhs or other
haskellish extension),
- module names (not forgetting hierarchical module names),
@@ -260,7 +260,7 @@ partition_args (arg:args) srcs objs
straight through to the linker.
looks_like_an_input :: String -> Bool
-looks_like_an_input m = isSourceFilename m
+looks_like_an_input m = isSourceFilename m
|| looksLikeModuleName m
|| '.' `notElem` m
@@ -284,10 +284,10 @@ checkOptions mode dflags srcs objs = do
-- -prof and --interactive are not a good combination
when (notNull (filter (not . isRTSWay) (wayNames dflags))
&& isInterpretiveMode mode) $
- do ghcError (UsageError
+ do ghcError (UsageError
"--interactive can't be used with -prof or -unreg.")
-- -ohi sanity check
- if (isJust (outputHi dflags) &&
+ if (isJust (outputHi dflags) &&
(isCompManagerMode mode || srcs `lengthExceeds` 1))
then ghcError (UsageError "-ohi can only be used when compiling a single source file")
else do
@@ -316,12 +316,12 @@ checkOptions mode dflags srcs objs = do
-- Compiler output options
-- called to verify that the output files & directories
--- point somewhere valid.
+-- point somewhere valid.
-- The assumption is that the directory portion of these output
-- options will have to exist by the time 'verifyOutputFiles'
-- is invoked.
verifyOutputFiles :: DynFlags -> IO ()
verifyOutputFiles dflags = do
-- not -odir: we create the directory for -odir if it doesn't exist (#2278).
@@ -336,9 +336,9 @@ verifyOutputFiles dflags = do
flg <- doesDirNameExist hi
when (not flg) (nonExistentDir "-ohi" hi)
- nonExistentDir flg dir =
- ghcError (CmdLineError ("error: directory portion of " ++
- show dir ++ " does not exist (used with " ++
+ nonExistentDir flg dir =
+ ghcError (CmdLineError ("error: directory portion of " ++
+ show dir ++ " does not exist (used with " ++
show flg ++ " option.)"))
@@ -603,9 +603,9 @@ doMake :: [(String,Maybe Phase)] -> Ghc ()
doMake srcs = do
let (hs_srcs, non_hs_srcs) = partition haskellish srcs
- haskellish (f,Nothing) =
+ haskellish (f,Nothing) =
looksLikeModuleName f || isHaskellSrcFilename f || '.' `notElem` f
- haskellish (_,Just phase) =
+ haskellish (_,Just phase) =
phase `notElem` [As, Cc, Cobjc, Cobjcpp, CmmCpp, Cmm, StopLn]
hsc_env <- GHC.getSession
@@ -690,7 +690,7 @@ showUsage ghci dflags = do
dump (c:s) = putChar c >> dump s
dumpFinalStats :: DynFlags -> IO ()
-dumpFinalStats dflags =
+dumpFinalStats dflags =
when (dopt Opt_D_faststring_stats dflags) $ dumpFastStringStats dflags
dumpFastStringStats :: DynFlags -> IO ()
@@ -715,7 +715,7 @@ dumpFastStringStats dflags = do
countFS :: Int -> Int -> Int -> Int -> [[FastString]] -> (Int, Int, Int, Int)
countFS entries longest is_z has_z [] = (entries, longest, is_z, has_z)
-countFS entries longest is_z has_z (b:bs) =
+countFS entries longest is_z has_z (b:bs) =
len = length b
longest' = max len longest