path: root/ghc/compiler/absCSyn
diff options
authorsimonpj <unknown>1997-03-14 08:11:17 +0000
committersimonpj <unknown>1997-03-14 08:11:17 +0000
commit1fb1ab5d53a09607e7f6d2450806760688396387 (patch)
treeb437d55fe6dc77a4bb21143be31188b9985793f9 /ghc/compiler/absCSyn
parentfa6fb09e2e4e6918eebc79ed187f32c88817c9db (diff)
[project @ 1997-03-14 07:52:06 by simonpj]
Major update to more-or-less 2.02
Diffstat (limited to 'ghc/compiler/absCSyn')
4 files changed, 45 insertions, 38 deletions
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/absCSyn/CLabel.lhs b/ghc/compiler/absCSyn/CLabel.lhs
index 98464fa3eb..7c9444c601 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/absCSyn/CLabel.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/absCSyn/CLabel.lhs
@@ -363,12 +363,12 @@ pprCLabel sty (RtsLabel RtsBlackHoleInfoTbl) = uppPStr SLIT("BH_UPD_info")
pprCLabel sty (RtsLabel (RtsSelectorInfoTbl upd_reqd offset))
= uppBesides [uppPStr SLIT("__sel_info_"), uppStr (show offset),
- uppStr (if upd_reqd then "upd" else "noupd"),
+ uppPStr (if upd_reqd then SLIT("upd") else SLIT("noupd")),
uppPStr SLIT("__")]
pprCLabel sty (RtsLabel (RtsSelectorEntry upd_reqd offset))
= uppBesides [uppPStr SLIT("__sel_entry_"), uppStr (show offset),
- uppStr (if upd_reqd then "upd" else "noupd"),
+ uppPStr (if upd_reqd then SLIT("upd") else SLIT("noupd")),
uppPStr SLIT("__")]
pprCLabel sty (IdLabel (CLabelId id) flavor)
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/absCSyn/Costs.lhs b/ghc/compiler/absCSyn/Costs.lhs
index 5c03e36d6d..4c0a636ff9 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/absCSyn/Costs.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/absCSyn/Costs.lhs
@@ -367,8 +367,9 @@ stmtMacroCosts macro modes =
GRAN_FETCH -> nullCosts {- GrAnSim bookkeeping -}
GRAN_RESCHEDULE -> nullCosts {- GrAnSim bookkeeping -}
GRAN_FETCH_AND_RESCHEDULE -> nullCosts {- GrAnSim bookkeeping -}
+ GRAN_YIELD -> nullCosts {- GrAnSim bookkeeping -- added SOF -}
THREAD_CONTEXT_SWITCH -> nullCosts {- GrAnSim bookkeeping -}
- _ -> trace "Costs.stmtMacroCosts" nullCosts
+ _ -> trace ("Costs.stmtMacroCosts: "++show macro) nullCosts
-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/absCSyn/HeapOffs.lhs b/ghc/compiler/absCSyn/HeapOffs.lhs
index 0958307f37..ee58c6f5a1 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/absCSyn/HeapOffs.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/absCSyn/HeapOffs.lhs
@@ -305,7 +305,7 @@ pprHeapOffsetPieces sty int_offs fxdhdr_offs varhdr_offs tothdr_offs
else if fxdhdr_offs _EQ_ ILIT(1) then
Just (uppPStr SLIT("_FHS"))
- Just (uppBesides [uppStr "(_FHS*", uppInt IBOX(fxdhdr_offs), uppChar ')'])
+ Just (uppBesides [uppChar '(', uppPStr SLIT("_FHS*"), uppInt IBOX(fxdhdr_offs), uppChar ')'])
pp_varhdr_offs = pp_hdrs (uppPStr SLIT("_VHS")) varhdr_offs
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/absCSyn/PprAbsC.lhs b/ghc/compiler/absCSyn/PprAbsC.lhs
index e73bf1576f..b2e60c492a 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/absCSyn/PprAbsC.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/absCSyn/PprAbsC.lhs
@@ -88,7 +88,7 @@ emitMacro :: CostRes -> Unpretty
-- ToDo: Check a compile time flag to decide whether a macro should be emitted
emitMacro (Cost (i,b,l,s,f))
- = uppBesides [ uppStr "GRAN_EXEC(",
+ = uppBesides [ uppPStr SLIT("GRAN_EXEC"), uppChar '(',
uppInt i, uppComma, uppInt b, uppComma, uppInt l, uppComma,
uppInt s, uppComma, uppInt f, pp_paren_semi ]
@@ -114,21 +114,21 @@ pprAbsC sty (CAssign dest src) _ = pprAssign sty (getAmodeRep dest) dest src
pprAbsC sty (CJump target) c
= uppAbove (uppBesides [emitMacro c {-WDP:, uppStr "/* <--++ CJump */"-} ])
- (uppBesides [ uppStr "JMP_(", pprAmode sty target, pp_paren_semi ])
+ (uppBesides [ uppStr jmp_lit, pprAmode sty target, pp_paren_semi ])
pprAbsC sty (CFallThrough target) c
= uppAbove (uppBesides [emitMacro c {-WDP:, uppStr "/* <--++ CFallThrough */"-} ])
- (uppBesides [ uppStr "JMP_(", pprAmode sty target, pp_paren_semi ])
+ (uppBesides [ uppStr jmp_lit, pprAmode sty target, pp_paren_semi ])
-- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Spit out GRAN_EXEC macro immediately before the return HWL
pprAbsC sty (CReturn am return_info) c
= uppAbove (uppBesides [emitMacro c {-WDP:, uppStr "/* <---- CReturn */"-} ])
- (uppBesides [uppStr "JMP_(", target, pp_paren_semi ])
+ (uppBesides [uppStr jmp_lit, target, pp_paren_semi ])
target = case return_info of
- DirectReturn -> uppBesides [uppStr "DIRECT(", pprAmode sty am, uppRparen]
+ DirectReturn -> uppBesides [uppPStr SLIT("DIRECT"),uppChar '(', pprAmode sty am, uppRparen]
DynamicVectoredReturn am' -> mk_vector (pprAmode sty am')
StaticVectoredReturn n -> mk_vector (uppInt n) -- Always positive
mk_vector x = uppBesides [uppLparen, pprAmode sty am, uppStr ")[RVREL(", x, uppStr ")]"]
@@ -232,7 +232,7 @@ pprAbsC sty stmt@(COpStmt results op args liveness_mask vol_regs) _
-- hence we can toss the provided cast...
pprAbsC sty (CSimultaneous abs_c) c
- = uppBesides [uppStr "{{", pprAbsC sty abs_c c, uppStr "}}"]
+ = uppBesides [uppPStr SLIT("{{"), pprAbsC sty abs_c c, uppPStr SLIT("}}")]
pprAbsC sty stmt@(CMacroStmt macro as) _
= uppBesides [uppStr (show macro), uppLparen,
@@ -285,7 +285,7 @@ pprAbsC sty stmt@(CStaticClosure closure_lbl cl_info cost_centre amodes) _
PprForC -> pp_exts
_ -> uppNil,
uppBesides [
- uppStr "SET_STATIC_HDR(",
+ uppPStr SLIT("SET_STATIC_HDR"),uppChar '(',
pprCLabel sty closure_lbl, uppComma,
pprCLabel sty info_lbl, uppComma,
if_profiling sty (pprAmode sty cost_centre), uppComma,
@@ -295,7 +295,7 @@ pprAbsC sty stmt@(CStaticClosure closure_lbl cl_info cost_centre amodes) _
uppNest 2 (uppBesides (map (ppr_item sty) amodes)),
uppNest 2 (uppBesides (map (ppr_item sty) padding_wds)),
- uppStr "};" ]
+ uppPStr SLIT("};") ]
info_lbl = infoTableLabelFromCI cl_info
@@ -328,7 +328,7 @@ pprAbsC sty stmt@(CClosureInfoAndCode cl_info slow maybe_fast upd cl_descr liven
= uppAboves [
uppBesides [
- uppStr "_ITBL(",
+ uppPStr SLIT("_ITBL"),uppChar '(',
pprCLabel sty info_lbl, uppComma,
-- CONST_ITBL needs an extra label for
@@ -404,16 +404,16 @@ pprAbsC sty stmt@(CClosureInfoAndCode cl_info slow maybe_fast upd cl_descr liven
pp_type = uppBesides [uppChar '"', uppStr (stringToC (closureTypeDescr cl_info)), uppChar '"']
pprAbsC sty (CRetVector lbl maybes deflt) c
- = uppAboves [ uppStr "{ // CRetVector (lbl????)",
+ = uppAboves [ uppPStr SLIT("{ // CRetVector (lbl????)"),
uppNest 8 (uppSep (map (ppr_maybe_amode sty) maybes)),
uppStr "} /*default=*/ {", pprAbsC sty deflt c,
- uppStr "}"]
+ uppChar '}']
ppr_maybe_amode sty Nothing = uppPStr SLIT("/*default*/")
ppr_maybe_amode sty (Just a) = pprAmode sty a
pprAbsC sty stmt@(CRetUnVector label amode) _
- = uppBesides [uppStr "UNVECTBL(", pp_static, uppComma, pprCLabel sty label, uppComma,
+ = uppBesides [uppPStr SLIT("UNVECTBL"),uppChar '(', pp_static, uppComma, pprCLabel sty label, uppComma,
pprAmode sty amode, uppRparen]
pp_static = if externallyVisibleCLabel label then uppNil else uppPStr SLIT("static")
@@ -442,15 +442,20 @@ ppLocalness label
const = if not (isReadOnly label) then uppNil else uppPStr SLIT("const")
ppLocalnessMacro for_fun{-vs data-} clabel
- = case (if externallyVisibleCLabel clabel then "E" else "I") of { prefix ->
- case (if isReadOnly clabel then "RO_" else "") of { suffix ->
- if for_fun
- then uppStr (prefix ++ "F_")
- else uppStr (prefix ++ "D_" ++ suffix)
- } }
+ = uppBesides [ uppChar (if externallyVisibleCLabel clabel then 'E' else 'I'),
+ if for_fun then
+ uppPStr SLIT("F_")
+ else
+ uppBeside (uppPStr SLIT("D_"))
+ (if isReadOnly clabel then
+ uppPStr SLIT("RO_")
+ else
+ uppNil)]
+jmp_lit = "JMP_("
grab_non_void_amodes amodes
= filter non_void amodes
@@ -662,7 +667,7 @@ pprCCall sty op@(CCallOp op_str is_asm may_gc _ _) args results liveness_mask vo
(uppBesides [
if null non_void_results
then uppNil
- else uppPStr SLIT("%r = "),
+ else uppStr "%r = ",
uppLparen, uppPStr op_str, uppLparen,
uppIntersperse uppComma ccall_args,
uppStr "));"
@@ -693,13 +698,14 @@ ppr_casm_arg sty amode a_num
-- for array arguments, pass a pointer to the body of the array
-- (PTRS_ARR_CTS skips over all the header nonsense)
ArrayRep -> (pp_kind,
- uppBesides [uppStr "PTRS_ARR_CTS(", pp_amode, uppRparen])
+ uppBesides [uppPStr SLIT("PTRS_ARR_CTS"),uppChar '(', pp_amode, uppRparen])
ByteArrayRep -> (pp_kind,
- uppBesides [uppStr "BYTE_ARR_CTS(", pp_amode, uppRparen])
+ uppBesides [uppPStr SLIT("BYTE_ARR_CTS"),uppChar '(', pp_amode, uppRparen])
-- for ForeignObj, use FOREIGN_OBJ_DATA to fish out the contents.
ForeignObjRep -> (uppPStr SLIT("StgForeignObj"),
- uppBesides [uppStr "ForeignObj_CLOSURE_DATA(", pp_amode, uppStr")"])
+ uppBesides [uppPStr SLIT("ForeignObj_CLOSURE_DATA"),uppChar '(',
+ pp_amode, uppChar ')'])
other -> (pp_kind, pp_amode)
@@ -750,7 +756,7 @@ ppr_casm_results sty [r] liveness
ForeignObjRep ->
(uppPStr SLIT("StgForeignObj"),
- uppBesides [ uppStr "constructForeignObj(",
+ uppBesides [ uppPStr SLIT("constructForeignObj"),uppChar '(',
liveness, uppComma,
result_reg, uppComma,
@@ -841,10 +847,10 @@ Special treatment for floats and doubles, to avoid unwanted conversions.
pprAssign sty FloatRep dest@(CVal reg_rel _) src
- = uppBesides [ uppStr "ASSIGN_FLT(", ppr_amode sty (CAddr reg_rel), uppComma, pprAmode sty src, pp_paren_semi ]
+ = uppBesides [ uppPStr SLIT("ASSIGN_FLT"),uppChar '(', ppr_amode sty (CAddr reg_rel), uppComma, pprAmode sty src, pp_paren_semi ]
pprAssign sty DoubleRep dest@(CVal reg_rel _) src
- = uppBesides [ uppStr "ASSIGN_DBL(", ppr_amode sty (CAddr reg_rel), uppComma, pprAmode sty src, pp_paren_semi ]
+ = uppBesides [ uppPStr SLIT("ASSIGN_DBL"),uppChar '(', ppr_amode sty (CAddr reg_rel), uppComma, pprAmode sty src, pp_paren_semi ]
Lastly, the question is: will the C compiler think the types of the
@@ -924,7 +930,7 @@ no-cast case:
pprAmode sty amode
| mixedTypeLocn amode
- = uppParens (uppBesides [ pprPrimKind sty (getAmodeRep amode), uppStr ")(",
+ = uppParens (uppBesides [ pprPrimKind sty (getAmodeRep amode), uppPStr SLIT(")("),
ppr_amode sty amode ])
| otherwise -- No cast needed
= ppr_amode sty amode
@@ -950,13 +956,13 @@ ppr_amode sty (CTemp uniq kind) = prettyToUn (pprUnique uniq)
ppr_amode sty (CLbl label kind) = pprCLabel sty label
ppr_amode sty (CUnVecLbl direct vectored)
- = uppBesides [uppStr "(StgRetAddr) UNVEC(", pprCLabel sty direct, uppComma,
+ = uppBesides [uppChar '(',uppPStr SLIT("StgRetAddr"),uppChar ')', uppPStr SLIT("UNVEC"),uppChar '(', pprCLabel sty direct, uppComma,
pprCLabel sty vectored, uppRparen]
ppr_amode sty (CCharLike char)
- = uppBesides [uppStr "CHARLIKE_CLOSURE(", pprAmode sty char, uppRparen ]
+ = uppBesides [uppPStr SLIT("CHARLIKE_CLOSURE"),uppChar '(', pprAmode sty char, uppRparen ]
ppr_amode sty (CIntLike int)
- = uppBesides [uppStr "INTLIKE_CLOSURE(", pprAmode sty int, uppRparen ]
+ = uppBesides [uppPStr SLIT("INTLIKE_CLOSURE"),uppChar '(', pprAmode sty int, uppRparen ]
ppr_amode sty (CString str) = uppBesides [uppChar '"', uppStr (stringToC (_UNPK_ str)), uppChar '"']
-- ToDo: are these *used* for anything?
@@ -968,10 +974,10 @@ ppr_amode sty (CLitLit str _) = uppPStr str
ppr_amode sty (COffset off) = pprHeapOffset sty off
ppr_amode sty (CCode abs_C)
- = uppAboves [ uppStr "{ -- CCode", uppNest 8 (pprAbsC sty abs_C (costs abs_C)), uppChar '}' ]
+ = uppAboves [ uppPStr SLIT("{ -- CCode"), uppNest 8 (pprAbsC sty abs_C (costs abs_C)), uppChar '}' ]
ppr_amode sty (CLabelledCode label abs_C)
- = uppAboves [ uppBesides [pprCLabel sty label, uppStr " = { -- CLabelledCode"],
+ = uppAboves [ uppBesides [pprCLabel sty label, uppPStr SLIT(" = { -- CLabelledCode")],
uppNest 8 (pprAbsC sty abs_C (costs abs_C)), uppChar '}' ]
ppr_amode sty (CJoinPoint _ _)
@@ -980,7 +986,7 @@ ppr_amode sty (CJoinPoint _ _)
ppr_amode sty (CTableEntry base index kind)
= uppBesides [uppStr "((", pprPrimKind sty kind, uppStr " *)(",
ppr_amode sty base, uppStr "))[(I_)(", ppr_amode sty index,
- uppStr ")]"]
+ uppPStr SLIT(")]")]
ppr_amode sty (CMacroExpr pk macro as)
= uppBesides [uppLparen, pprPrimKind sty pk, uppStr ")(", uppStr (show macro), uppLparen,
@@ -1353,7 +1359,7 @@ ppr_decls_Amode (CUnVecLbl direct vectored)
returnTE (Nothing,
if (dlbl_seen || not (needsCDecl direct)) &&
(vlbl_seen || not (needsCDecl vectored)) then Nothing
- else Just (uppBesides [uppStr "UNVEC(", ddcl, uppComma, vdcl, uppRparen]))
+ else Just (uppBesides [uppPStr SLIT("UNVEC"),uppChar '(', ddcl, uppComma, vdcl, uppRparen]))
ppr_decls_Amode (CUnVecLbl direct vectored)
@@ -1369,7 +1375,7 @@ ppr_decls_Amode (CUnVecLbl direct vectored)
returnTE (Nothing,
if ({-dlbl_seen ||-} not (needsCDecl direct)) &&
({-vlbl_seen ||-} not (needsCDecl vectored)) then Nothing
- else Just (uppBesides [uppStr "UNVEC(", ddcl, uppComma, vdcl, uppRparen]))
+ else Just (uppBesides [uppPStr SLIT("UNVEC"),uppChar '(', ddcl, uppComma, vdcl, uppRparen]))
ppr_decls_Amode (CTableEntry base index _)
= ppr_decls_Amode base `thenTE` \ p1 ->