path: root/ghc/compiler/deSugar/MatchCon.lhs
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authorpartain <unknown>1996-01-08 20:28:12 +0000
committerpartain <unknown>1996-01-08 20:28:12 +0000
commite7d21ee4f8ac907665a7e170c71d59e13a01da09 (patch)
tree93715bf4e6e4bbe8049e4d8d4d3fbd19158a88d6 /ghc/compiler/deSugar/MatchCon.lhs
parente48474bff05e6cfb506660420f025f694c870d38 (diff)
[project @ 1996-01-08 20:28:12 by partain]
Initial revision
Diffstat (limited to 'ghc/compiler/deSugar/MatchCon.lhs')
1 files changed, 150 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/deSugar/MatchCon.lhs b/ghc/compiler/deSugar/MatchCon.lhs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..80b16eace1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ghc/compiler/deSugar/MatchCon.lhs
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+% (c) The GRASP/AQUA Project, Glasgow University, 1992-1995
+\section[MatchCon]{Pattern-matching constructors}
+#include "HsVersions.h"
+module MatchCon (
+ matchConFamily
+) where
+import AbsSyn -- the stuff being desugared
+import PlainCore -- the output of desugaring;
+ -- importing this module also gets all the
+ -- CoreSyn utility functions
+import DsMonad -- the monadery used in the desugarer
+import AbsUniType ( mkTyVarTy, splitType, TyVar, TyVarTemplate,
+ getTyConDataCons,
+ instantiateTauTy, TyCon, Class, UniType,
+ TauType(..), InstTyEnv(..)
+ )
+import DsUtils
+import Id ( eqId, getInstantiatedDataConSig,
+ getIdUniType, isDataCon, DataCon(..)
+ )
+import Maybes ( Maybe(..) )
+import Match ( match )
+import Util
+\subsection[matchConFamily]{Making alternatives for a constructor family}
+We are confronted with the first column of patterns in a set of
+equations, all beginning with constructors from one ``family'' (e.g.,
+@[]@ and @:@ make up the @List@ ``family''). We want to generate the
+alternatives for a @CoCase@ expression. There are several choices:
+Generate an alternative for every constructor in the family, whether
+they are used in this set of equations or not; this is what the Wadler
+chapter does.
+(a)~Simple. (b)~It may also be that large sparsely-used constructor families are mainly
+handled by the code for literals.
+(a)~Not practical for large sparsely-used constructor families, e.g., the
+ASCII character set. (b)~Have to look up (in the TDE environment) a
+list of what constructors make up the whole family. So far, this is
+the only part of desugaring that needs information from the environments.
+Generate an alternative for each constructor used, then add a default
+alternative in case some constructors in the family weren't used.
+(a)~Alternatives aren't generated for unused constructors. (b)~The
+STG is quite happy with defaults. (c)~No lookup in an environment needed.
+(a)~A spurious default alternative may be generated.
+``Do it right:'' generate an alternative for each constructor used,
+and add a default alternative if all constructors in the family
+weren't used.
+(a)~You will get cases with only one alternative (and no default),
+which should be amenable to optimisation. Tuples are a common example.
+(b)~Have to look up constructor families in TDE (as above).
+We are implementing the ``do-it-right'' option for now.
+The arguments to @matchConFamily@ are the same as to @match@; the extra
+@Int@ returned is the number of constructors in the family.
+The function @matchConFamily@ is concerned with this
+have-we-used-all-the-constructors question; the local function
+@match_cons_used@ does all the real work.
+matchConFamily :: [Id]
+ -> [EquationInfo]
+ -> [EquationInfo] -- Shadows
+ -> DsM MatchResult
+matchConFamily (var:vars) eqns_info shadows
+ = match_cons_used vars eqns_info shadows `thenDs` \ alts ->
+ mkCoAlgCaseMatchResult var alts
+And here is the local function that does all the work. It is more-or-less the
+@matchCon@/@matchClause@ functions on page~94 in Wadler's chapter in SLPJ.
+match_cons_used _ [{- no more eqns -}] _ = returnDs []
+match_cons_used vars eqns_info@(EqnInfo (ConPat data_con _ arg_pats : ps1) _ : eqns) shadows
+ = ASSERT(isDataCon data_con)
+ let
+ (eqns_for_this_con, eqns_not_for_this_con) = splitByCon eqns_info
+ (shadows_for_this_con, shadows_not_for_this_con) = splitByCon shadows
+ in
+ -- Go ahead and do the recursive call to make the alts
+ -- for the other ConPats in this con family...
+ match_cons_used vars eqns_not_for_this_con shadows_not_for_this_con `thenDs` \ rest_of_alts ->
+ -- Make new vars for the con arguments; avoid new locals where possible
+ selectMatchVars arg_pats `thenDs` \ new_vars ->
+ -- Now do the business to make the alt for _this_ ConPat ...
+ match (new_vars++vars)
+ (map shift_con_pat eqns_for_this_con)
+ (map shift_con_pat shadows_for_this_con) `thenDs` \ match_result ->
+ returnDs (
+ (data_con, new_vars, match_result)
+ : rest_of_alts
+ )
+ where
+ splitByCon :: [EquationInfo] -> ([EquationInfo], [EquationInfo])
+ splitByCon [] = ([],[])
+ splitByCon (info@(EqnInfo (pat : _) _) : rest)
+ = case pat of
+ ConPat n _ _ | n `eqId` data_con -> (info:rest_yes, rest_no)
+ WildPat _ -> (info:rest_yes, info:rest_no)
+ -- WildPats will be in the shadows only,
+ -- and they go into both groups
+ other_pat -> (rest_yes, info:rest_no)
+ where
+ (rest_yes, rest_no) = splitByCon rest
+ shift_con_pat :: EquationInfo -> EquationInfo
+ shift_con_pat (EqnInfo (ConPat _ _ pats': pats) match_result)
+ = EqnInfo (pats' ++ pats) match_result
+ shift_con_pat (EqnInfo (WildPat _: pats) match_result) -- Will only happen in shadow
+ = EqnInfo ([WildPat (typeOfPat arg_pat) | arg_pat <- arg_pats] ++ pats) match_result
+ shift_con_pat other = panic "matchConFamily:match_cons_used:shift_con_pat"
+Note on @shift_con_pats@ just above: does what the list comprehension in
+@matchClause@ (SLPJ, p.~94) does, except things are trickier in real
+life. Works for @ConPats@, and we want it to fail catastrophically
+for anything else (which a list comprehension wouldn't).
+Cf.~@shift_lit_pats@ in @MatchLits@.