path: root/ghc/compiler/hsSyn/HsDecls.lhs
diff options
authorsimonpj <unknown>2000-10-03 08:43:05 +0000
committersimonpj <unknown>2000-10-03 08:43:05 +0000
commit710e207487929c4a5977b5ee3bc6e539091953db (patch)
treeb7426a2301bda799286128b3cdffdec90cc334f1 /ghc/compiler/hsSyn/HsDecls.lhs
parentaf099cc124dcb1c5cbb1166aed1177848540c3ab (diff)
[project @ 2000-10-03 08:43:00 by simonpj]
-------------------------------------- Adding generics SLPJ Oct 2000 -------------------------------------- This big commit adds Hinze/PJ-style generic class definitions, based on work by Andrei Serjantov. For example: class Bin a where toBin :: a -> [Int] fromBin :: [Int] -> (a, [Int]) toBin {| Unit |} Unit = [] toBin {| a :+: b |} (Inl x) = 0 : toBin x toBin {| a :+: b |} (Inr y) = 1 : toBin y toBin {| a :*: b |} (x :*: y) = toBin x ++ toBin y fromBin {| Unit |} bs = (Unit, bs) fromBin {| a :+: b |} (0:bs) = (Inl x, bs') where (x,bs') = fromBin bs fromBin {| a :+: b |} (1:bs) = (Inr y, bs') where (y,bs') = fromBin bs fromBin {| a :*: b |} bs = (x :*: y, bs'') where (x,bs' ) = fromBin bs (y,bs'') = fromBin bs' Now we can say simply instance Bin a => Bin [a] and the compiler will derive the appropriate code automatically. (About 9k lines of diffs. Ha!) Generic related things ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * basicTypes/BasicTypes: The EP type (embedding-projection pairs) * types/TyCon: An extra field in an algebraic tycon (genInfo) * types/Class, and hsSyn/HsBinds: Each class op (or ClassOpSig) carries information about whether it a) has no default method b) has a polymorphic default method c) has a generic default method There's a new data type for this: Class.DefMeth * types/Generics: A new module containing good chunk of the generic-related code It has a .hi-boot file (alas). * typecheck/TcInstDcls, typecheck/TcClassDcl: Most of the rest of the generics-related code * hsSyn/HsTypes: New infix type form to allow types of the form data a :+: b = Inl a | Inr b * parser/Parser.y, Lex.lhs, rename/ParseIface.y: Deal with the new syntax * prelude/TysPrim, TysWiredIn: Need to generate generic stuff for the wired-in TyCons * rename/RnSource RnBinds: A rather gruesome hack to deal with scoping of type variables from a generic patterns. Details commented in the ClassDecl case of RnSource.rnDecl. Of course, there are many minor renamer consequences of the other changes above. * lib/std/PrelBase.lhs Data type declarations for Unit, :+:, :*: Slightly unrelated housekeeping ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * hsSyn/HsDecls: ClassDecls now carry the Names for their implied declarations (superclass selectors, tycon, etc) in a list, rather than laid out one by one. This simplifies code between the parser and the type checker. * prelude/PrelNames, TysWiredIn: All the RdrNames are now together in PrelNames. * utils/ListSetOps: Add finite mappings based on equality and association lists (Assoc a b) Move stuff from List.lhs that is related
Diffstat (limited to 'ghc/compiler/hsSyn/HsDecls.lhs')
1 files changed, 42 insertions, 22 deletions
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/hsSyn/HsDecls.lhs b/ghc/compiler/hsSyn/HsDecls.lhs
index 0ed79e2078..0767de0927 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/hsSyn/HsDecls.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/hsSyn/HsDecls.lhs
@@ -15,7 +15,10 @@ module HsDecls (
BangType(..), getBangType,
IfaceSig(..), SpecDataSig(..),
DeprecDecl(..), DeprecTxt,
- hsDeclName, instDeclName, tyClDeclName, isClassDecl, isSynDecl, isDataDecl, countTyClDecls, toHsRule
+ hsDeclName, instDeclName, tyClDeclName, isClassDecl, isSynDecl, isDataDecl, countTyClDecls, toHsRule,
+ toClassDeclNameList,
+ fromClassDeclNameList
) where
#include "HsVersions.h"
@@ -91,12 +94,13 @@ hsDeclName x = pprPanic "HsDecls.hsDeclName" (ppr x)
tyClDeclName :: TyClDecl name pat -> name
-tyClDeclName (TyData _ _ name _ _ _ _ _ _) = name
+tyClDeclName (TyData _ _ name _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _) = name
tyClDeclName (TySynonym name _ _ _) = name
-tyClDeclName (ClassDecl _ name _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _) = name
+tyClDeclName (ClassDecl _ name _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ) = name
instDeclName :: InstDecl name pat -> name
instDeclName (InstDecl _ _ _ (Just name) _) = name
@@ -186,10 +190,12 @@ data TyClDecl name pat
-- expect...
(DataPragmas name)
+ name -- generic converter functions
+ name -- generic converter functions
- | TySynonym name -- type constructor
- [HsTyVarBndr name] -- type variables
- (HsType name) -- synonym expansion
+ | TySynonym name -- type constructor
+ [HsTyVarBndr name] -- type variables
+ (HsType name) -- synonym expansion
| ClassDecl (HsContext name) -- context...
@@ -199,15 +205,29 @@ data TyClDecl name pat
[Sig name] -- methods' signatures
(MonoBinds name pat) -- default methods
(ClassPragmas name)
- name name name [name] -- The names of the tycon, datacon wrapper, datacon worker,
- -- and superclass selectors for this class.
- -- These are filled in as the ClassDecl is made.
+ [name] -- The names of the tycon, datacon
+ -- wrapper, datacon worker,
+ -- and superclass selectors for this
+ -- class (the first 3 are at the front
+ -- of the list in this order)
+ -- These are filled in as the
+ -- ClassDecl is made.
+-- Put type signatures in and explain further!!
+ -- The names of the tycon, datacon
+ -- wrapper, datacon worker,
+ -- and superclass selectors for this
+ -- class (the first 3 are at the front
+ -- of the list in this order)
+ -- These are filled in as the
+toClassDeclNameList (a,b,c,ds) = a:b:c:ds
+fromClassDeclNameList (a:b:c:ds) = (a,b,c,ds)
instance Ord name => Eq (TyClDecl name pat) where
-- Used only when building interface files
- (==) (TyData nd1 cxt1 n1 tvs1 cons1 _ _ _ _)
- (TyData nd2 cxt2 n2 tvs2 cons2 _ _ _ _)
+ (==) (TyData nd1 cxt1 n1 tvs1 cons1 _ _ _ _ _ _)
+ (TyData nd2 cxt2 n2 tvs2 cons2 _ _ _ _ _ _)
= n1 == n2 &&
nd1 == nd2 &&
eqWithHsTyVars tvs1 tvs2 (\ env ->
@@ -220,8 +240,8 @@ instance Ord name => Eq (TyClDecl name pat) where
= n1 == n2 &&
eqWithHsTyVars tvs1 tvs2 (\ env -> eq_hsType env ty1 ty2)
- (==) (ClassDecl cxt1 n1 tvs1 fds1 sigs1 _ _ _ _ _ _ _)
- (ClassDecl cxt2 n2 tvs2 fds2 sigs2 _ _ _ _ _ _ _)
+ (==) (ClassDecl cxt1 n1 tvs1 fds1 sigs1 _ _ _ _ )
+ (ClassDecl cxt2 n2 tvs2 fds2 sigs2 _ _ _ _ )
= n1 == n2 &&
eqWithHsTyVars tvs1 tvs2 (\ env ->
eq_hsContext env cxt1 cxt2 &&
@@ -242,7 +262,7 @@ eq_cls_sig env (ClassOpSig n1 dm1 ty1 _) (ClassOpSig n2 dm2 ty2 _)
-- This is used for comparing declarations before putting
-- them into interface files, and the name of the default
-- method isn't relevant
- (Just (_,explicit_dm1)) `eq_dm` (Just (_,explicit_dm2)) = explicit_dm1 == explicit_dm2
+ (Just (explicit_dm1)) `eq_dm` (Just (explicit_dm2)) = explicit_dm1 == explicit_dm2
Nothing `eq_dm` Nothing = True
dm1 `eq_dm` dm2 = False
@@ -251,9 +271,9 @@ eq_cls_sig env (ClassOpSig n1 dm1 ty1 _) (ClassOpSig n2 dm2 ty2 _)
countTyClDecls :: [TyClDecl name pat] -> (Int, Int, Int, Int)
-- class, data, newtype, synonym decls
countTyClDecls decls
- = (length [() | ClassDecl _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ <- decls],
- length [() | TyData DataType _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ <- decls],
- length [() | TyData NewType _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ <- decls],
+ = (length [() | ClassDecl _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ <- decls],
+ length [() | TyData DataType _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ <- decls],
+ length [() | TyData NewType _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ <- decls],
length [() | TySynonym _ _ _ _ <- decls])
isDataDecl, isSynDecl, isClassDecl :: TyClDecl name pat -> Bool
@@ -261,10 +281,10 @@ isDataDecl, isSynDecl, isClassDecl :: TyClDecl name pat -> Bool
isSynDecl (TySynonym _ _ _ _) = True
isSynDecl other = False
-isDataDecl (TyData _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _) = True
-isDataDecl other = False
+isDataDecl (TyData _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _) = True
+isDataDecl other = False
-isClassDecl (ClassDecl _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _) = True
+isClassDecl (ClassDecl _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ) = True
isClassDecl other = False
@@ -276,7 +296,7 @@ instance (Outputable name, Outputable pat)
= hang (ptext SLIT("type") <+> pp_decl_head [] tycon tyvars <+> equals)
4 (ppr mono_ty)
- ppr (TyData new_or_data context tycon tyvars condecls ncons derivings pragmas src_loc)
+ ppr (TyData new_or_data context tycon tyvars condecls ncons derivings pragmas src_loc gen_conv1 gen_conv2) -- The generic names are not printed out ATM
= pp_tydecl
(ptext keyword <+> pp_decl_head context tycon tyvars <+> equals)
(pp_condecls condecls ncons)
@@ -286,7 +306,7 @@ instance (Outputable name, Outputable pat)
NewType -> SLIT("newtype")
DataType -> SLIT("data")
- ppr (ClassDecl context clas tyvars fds sigs methods pragmas _ _ _ _ src_loc)
+ ppr (ClassDecl context clas tyvars fds sigs methods pragmas _ src_loc)
| null sigs -- No "where" part
= top_matter