path: root/ghc/compiler/hsSyn/HsExpr.lhs
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authorsimonpj <unknown>2001-06-11 12:24:53 +0000
committersimonpj <unknown>2001-06-11 12:24:53 +0000
commit2c6d73e2ca9a545c4295c6f532cd3612e7fd3d8d (patch)
tree87dd3394adb6d9a86069de667578d2013281991b /ghc/compiler/hsSyn/HsExpr.lhs
parent0004357ccaa3149cb112f5f5df1af60e65baad79 (diff)
[project @ 2001-06-11 12:24:51 by simonpj]
-------------------------------------- Tidy up and improve "pattern contexts" -------------------------------------- In various places (renamer, typechecker, desugarer) we need to know what the context of a pattern match is (case expression, function defn, let binding, etc). This commit tidies up the story quite a bit. I think it represents a net decrease in code, and certainly it improves the error messages from: f x x = 3 Prevsiously we got a message like "Conflicting bindings for x in a pattern match", but not it says " a defn of function f". WARNING: the tidy up had a more global effect than I originally expected, so it's possible that some other error messages look a bit peculiar. They should be easy to fix, but tell us!
Diffstat (limited to 'ghc/compiler/hsSyn/HsExpr.lhs')
1 files changed, 56 insertions, 47 deletions
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/hsSyn/HsExpr.lhs b/ghc/compiler/hsSyn/HsExpr.lhs
index 153c7d7ad6..60a1b83146 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/hsSyn/HsExpr.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/hsSyn/HsExpr.lhs
@@ -83,11 +83,11 @@ data HsExpr id pat
| HsWith (HsExpr id pat) -- implicit parameter binding
[(id, HsExpr id pat)]
- | HsDo HsMatchContext
+ | HsDo HsDoContext
[Stmt id pat] -- "do":one or more stmts
- | HsDoOut HsMatchContext
+ | HsDoOut HsDoContext
[Stmt id pat] -- "do":one or more stmts
id -- id for return
id -- id for >>=
@@ -222,7 +222,7 @@ ppr_expr (HsLit lit) = ppr lit
ppr_expr (HsOverLit lit) = ppr lit
ppr_expr (HsLam match)
- = hsep [char '\\', nest 2 (pprMatch (True,empty) match)]
+ = hsep [char '\\', nest 2 (pprMatch LambdaExpr match)]
ppr_expr expr@(HsApp e1 e2)
= let (fun, args) = collect_args expr [] in
@@ -278,7 +278,7 @@ ppr_expr (SectionR op expr)
ppr_expr (HsCase expr matches _)
= sep [ sep [ptext SLIT("case"), nest 4 (pprExpr expr), ptext SLIT("of")],
- nest 2 (pprMatches (True, empty) matches) ]
+ nest 2 (pprMatches CaseAlt matches) ]
ppr_expr (HsIf e1 e2 e3 _)
= sep [hsep [ptext SLIT("if"), nest 2 (pprExpr e1), ptext SLIT("then")],
@@ -479,46 +479,56 @@ We know the list must have at least one @Match@ in it.
pprMatches :: (Outputable id, Outputable pat)
- => (Bool, SDoc) -> [Match id pat] -> SDoc
-pprMatches print_info matches = vcat (map (pprMatch print_info) matches)
+ => HsMatchContext id -> [Match id pat] -> SDoc
+pprMatches ctxt matches = vcat (map (pprMatch ctxt) matches)
+-- Exported to HsBinds, which can't see the defn of HsMatchContext
+pprFunBind :: (Outputable id, Outputable pat)
+ => id -> [Match id pat] -> SDoc
+pprFunBind fun matches = pprMatches (FunRhs fun) matches
+-- Exported to HsBinds, which can't see the defn of HsMatchContext
+pprPatBind :: (Outputable id, Outputable pat)
+ => pat -> GRHSs id pat -> SDoc
+pprPatBind pat grhss = sep [ppr pat, nest 4 (pprGRHSs PatBindRhs grhss)]
pprMatch :: (Outputable id, Outputable pat)
- => (Bool, SDoc) -> Match id pat -> SDoc
-pprMatch print_info@(is_case, name) (Match _ pats maybe_ty grhss)
- = maybe_name <+> sep [sep (map ppr pats),
- ppr_maybe_ty,
- nest 2 (pprGRHSs is_case grhss)]
+ => HsMatchContext id -> Match id pat -> SDoc
+pprMatch ctxt (Match _ pats maybe_ty grhss)
+ = pp_name ctxt <+> sep [sep (map ppr pats),
+ ppr_maybe_ty,
+ nest 2 (pprGRHSs ctxt grhss)]
- maybe_name | is_case = empty
- | otherwise = name
+ pp_name (FunRhs fun) = ppr fun
+ pp_name other = empty
ppr_maybe_ty = case maybe_ty of
Just ty -> dcolon <+> ppr ty
Nothing -> empty
pprGRHSs :: (Outputable id, Outputable pat)
- => Bool -> GRHSs id pat -> SDoc
-pprGRHSs is_case (GRHSs grhss binds maybe_ty)
- = vcat (map (pprGRHS is_case) grhss)
+ => HsMatchContext id -> GRHSs id pat -> SDoc
+pprGRHSs ctxt (GRHSs grhss binds maybe_ty)
+ = vcat (map (pprGRHS ctxt) grhss)
(if nullBinds binds then empty
else text "where" $$ nest 4 (pprDeeper (ppr binds)))
pprGRHS :: (Outputable id, Outputable pat)
- => Bool -> GRHS id pat -> SDoc
+ => HsMatchContext id -> GRHS id pat -> SDoc
-pprGRHS is_case (GRHS [ResultStmt expr _] locn)
- = pp_rhs is_case expr
+pprGRHS ctxt (GRHS [ResultStmt expr _] locn)
+ = pp_rhs ctxt expr
-pprGRHS is_case (GRHS guarded locn)
- = sep [char '|' <+> interpp'SP guards, pp_rhs is_case expr]
+pprGRHS ctxt (GRHS guarded locn)
+ = sep [char '|' <+> interpp'SP guards, pp_rhs ctxt expr]
ResultStmt expr _ = last guarded -- Last stmt should be a ResultStmt for guards
guards = init guarded
-pp_rhs is_case rhs = text (if is_case then "->" else "=") <+> pprDeeper (ppr rhs)
+pp_rhs ctxt rhs = ptext (matchSeparator ctxt) <+> pprDeeper (ppr rhs)
@@ -596,7 +606,7 @@ pprStmt (ParStmt stmtss)
pprStmt (ParStmtOut stmtss)
= hsep (map (\stmts -> ptext SLIT("| ") <> ppr stmts) stmtss)
-pprDo :: (Outputable id, Outputable pat) => HsMatchContext -> [Stmt id pat] -> SDoc
+pprDo :: (Outputable id, Outputable pat) => HsDoContext -> [Stmt id pat] -> SDoc
pprDo DoExpr stmts = hang (ptext SLIT("do")) 2 (vcat (map ppr stmts))
pprDo ListComp stmts = brackets $
hang (pprExpr expr <+> char '|')
@@ -644,30 +654,21 @@ pp_dotdot = ptext SLIT(" .. ")
-data HsMatchContext -- Context of a Match or Stmt
- = ListComp -- List comprehension
- | DoExpr -- Do Statment
- | FunRhs Name -- Function binding for f
+data HsMatchContext id -- Context of a Match or Stmt
+ = DoCtxt HsDoContext -- Do-stmt or list comprehension
+ | FunRhs id -- Function binding for f
| CaseAlt -- Guard on a case alternative
| LambdaExpr -- Lambda
| PatBindRhs -- Pattern binding
| RecUpd -- Record update
deriving ()
--- It's convenient to have FunRhs as a Name
--- throughout so that HsMatchContext doesn't
--- need to be parameterised.
--- In the RdrName world we never use the FunRhs variant.
+data HsDoContext = ListComp | DoExpr
-isDoExpr DoExpr = True
-isDoExpr other = False
-isDoOrListComp ListComp = True
-isDoOrListComp DoExpr = True
-isDoOrListComp other = False
+isDoExpr (DoCtxt DoExpr) = True
+isDoExpr other = False
@@ -675,17 +676,25 @@ matchSeparator (FunRhs _) = SLIT("=")
matchSeparator CaseAlt = SLIT("->")
matchSeparator LambdaExpr = SLIT("->")
matchSeparator PatBindRhs = SLIT("=")
-matchSeparator DoExpr = SLIT("<-")
-matchSeparator ListComp = SLIT("<-")
+matchSeparator (DoCtxt _) = SLIT("<-")
matchSeparator RecUpd = panic "When is this used?"
-pprMatchContext (FunRhs fun) = ptext SLIT("In the definition of") <+> quotes (ppr fun)
-pprMatchContext CaseAlt = ptext SLIT("In a group of case alternatives beginning")
-pprMatchContext RecUpd = ptext SLIT("In a record-update construct")
-pprMatchContext PatBindRhs = ptext SLIT("In a pattern binding")
-pprMatchContext LambdaExpr = ptext SLIT("In a lambda abstraction")
-pprMatchContext DoExpr = ptext SLIT("In a 'do' expression pattern binding")
-pprMatchContext ListComp = ptext SLIT("In a 'list comprehension' pattern binding")
+pprMatchContext (FunRhs fun) = ptext SLIT("In the definition of") <+> quotes (ppr fun)
+pprMatchContext CaseAlt = ptext SLIT("In a case alternative")
+pprMatchContext RecUpd = ptext SLIT("In a record-update construct")
+pprMatchContext PatBindRhs = ptext SLIT("In a pattern binding")
+pprMatchContext LambdaExpr = ptext SLIT("In a lambda abstraction")
+pprMatchContext (DoCtxt DoExpr) = ptext SLIT("In a 'do' expression pattern binding")
+pprMatchContext (DoCtxt ListComp) = ptext SLIT("In a 'list comprehension' pattern binding")
+-- Used to generate the string for a *runtime* error message
+matchContextErrString (FunRhs fun) = "function " ++ showSDoc (ppr fun)
+matchContextErrString CaseAlt = "case"
+matchContextErrString PatBindRhs = "pattern binding"
+matchContextErrString RecUpd = "record update"
+matchContextErrString LambdaExpr = "lambda"
+matchContextErrString (DoCtxt DoExpr) = "'do' expression"
+matchContextErrString (DoCtxt ListComp) = "list comprehension"