path: root/ghc/compiler/javaGen
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authorandy <unknown>2000-05-24 07:31:44 +0000
committerandy <unknown>2000-05-24 07:31:44 +0000
commit3b24089dc380e2ff268182b42ebc51164db9ab90 (patch)
tree8d05b4255973bd9de78f232bb1e89d6785af910b /ghc/compiler/javaGen
parent60a202ee6cb40a0c1e86ed32738ea6d021cae316 (diff)
[project @ 2000-05-24 07:31:44 by andy]
Adding a field to the Method constructor, to allow methods to say what they might raise. This is needed to actually compile generated code. Also, the generated code now imports haskell.runtime.*
Diffstat (limited to 'ghc/compiler/javaGen')
3 files changed, 20 insertions, 16 deletions
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/javaGen/Java.lhs b/ghc/compiler/javaGen/Java.lhs
index 3151014041..a07c9f8e8a 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/javaGen/Java.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/javaGen/Java.lhs
@@ -25,9 +25,7 @@ data Decl
= Import [Name]
| Field [Modifier] Type Name (Maybe Expr)
| Constructor [Modifier] Name [Parameter] [Statement]
- -- Add Throws (list of Names)
- -- to Method
- | Method [Modifier] Type Name [Parameter] [Statement]
+ | Method [Modifier] Type Name [Parameter] [Name] [Statement]
| Comment [String]
| Interface [Modifier] Name [Name] [Decl]
| Class [Modifier] Name [Name] [Name] [Decl]
@@ -98,7 +96,7 @@ addModifier = \m -> \d ->
{ Import n -> Import n
; Field ms t n e -> Field (m:ms) t n e
; Constructor ms n as ss -> Constructor (m:ms) n as ss
- ; Method ms t n as ss -> Method (m:ms) t n as ss
+ ; Method ms t n as ts ss -> Method (m:ms) t n as ts ss
; Comment ss -> Comment ss
; Interface ms n xs ds -> Interface (m:ms) n xs ds
; Class ms n xs is ds -> Class (m:ms) n xs is ds
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/javaGen/JavaGen.lhs b/ghc/compiler/javaGen/JavaGen.lhs
index 513d99a16b..f6e7766475 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/javaGen/JavaGen.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/javaGen/JavaGen.lhs
@@ -32,7 +32,8 @@ javaGen :: Module -> [Module] -> [TyCon] -> [CoreBind] -> CompilationUnit
javaGen mod import_mods tycons binds
= liftCompilationUnit package
- decls = [Import [moduleString mod] | mod <- import_mods] ++
+ decls = [Import ["haskell","runtime","*"]] ++
+ [Import [moduleString mod] | mod <- import_mods] ++
concat (map javaTyCon (filter isDataTyCon tycons)) ++
concat (map javaTopBind binds)
package = Package (moduleString mod) decls
@@ -66,7 +67,7 @@ javaTyCon tycon
constr_jname = javaConstrWkrName data_con
constr_jtype = javaConstrWkrType data_con
- enter_meth = Method [Public] objectType enterName [] stmts
+ enter_meth = Method [Public] objectType enterName [] [papExcName] stmts
n_val_args = dataConRepArity data_con
field_names = map fieldName [1..n_val_args]
field_decls = [Field [Public] objectType f Nothing | f <- field_names]
@@ -93,7 +94,8 @@ java_top_bind :: Id -> CoreExpr -> Decl
java_top_bind bndr rhs
= Class [Public] (javaName bndr) [] [codeName] [enter_meth]
- enter_meth = Method [Public] objectType enterName [] (javaExpr rhs)
+ enter_meth = Method [Public] objectType enterName [] [papExcName]
+ (javaExpr rhs)
@@ -184,7 +186,7 @@ javaBind (Rec prs)
mk_class (b,r) = Declaration (Class [] (javaName b) [] [codeName] stmts)
stmts = [Field [] codeType (javaName b) Nothing | (b,_) <- prs] ++
- [Method [Public] objectType enterName [] (javaExpr r)]
+ [Method [Public] objectType enterName [] [papExcName] (javaExpr r)]
mk_inst (b,r) = var [Final] (javaType b) (javaInstName b)
(New (javaType b) [] Nothing)
@@ -268,7 +270,7 @@ instanceOf x data_con
newCode :: [Statement] -> Expr
newCode [Return e] = e
-newCode stmts = New codeType [] (Just [Method [Public] objectType enterName [] stmts])
+newCode stmts = New codeType [] (Just [Method [Public] objectType enterName [] [papExcName] stmts])
newThunk :: Expr -> Expr
newThunk e = New thunkType [e] Nothing
@@ -281,12 +283,13 @@ newThunk e = New thunkType [e] Nothing
-codeName, enterName, vmName :: Name
+codeName, enterName, vmName,papExcName :: Name
codeName = "Code"
thunkName = "Thunk"
enterName = "ENTER"
vmName = "VM"
thisName = "this"
+papExcName = "PartialApplicationException"
fieldName :: Int -> Name -- Names for fields of a constructor
fieldName n = "f" ++ show n
@@ -455,10 +458,10 @@ liftDecl = \ top env decl ->
; (ss,_) <- liftStatements (combineEnv env newBound) ss
; return (Constructor mfs n (liftParameters env as) ss)
- ; Method mfs t n as ss ->
+ ; Method mfs t n as ts ss ->
do { let newBound = getBoundAtParameters as
; (ss,_) <- liftStatements (combineEnv env newBound) ss
- ; return (Method mfs (liftType env t) n (liftParameters env as) ss)
+ ; return (Method mfs (liftType env t) n (liftParameters env as) ts ss)
; Comment s -> return (Comment s)
; Interface mfs n is ms -> error "interfaces not supported"
@@ -599,7 +602,7 @@ new env@(Env _ pairs) typ args Nothing =
new env typ [] (Just inner) =
-- anon. inner class
do { innerName <- genAnonInnerClassName
- ; frees <- liftClass env innerName inner [unType typ] []
+ ; frees <- liftClass env innerName inner [] [unType typ]
; return (New (Type [innerName]) [ Var name | name <- frees ] Nothing)
where unType (Type [name]) = name
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/javaGen/PrintJava.lhs b/ghc/compiler/javaGen/PrintJava.lhs
index e71e527a47..5608595496 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/javaGen/PrintJava.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/javaGen/PrintJava.lhs
@@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ decl = \d ->
{ Import n -> importDecl (hcat (punctuate dot (map text n)))
; Field mfs t n e -> field (modifiers mfs) (typ t) (name n) e
; Constructor mfs n as ss -> constructor (modifiers mfs) (name n) (parameters as) (statements ss)
- ; Method mfs t n as ss -> method (modifiers mfs) (typ t) (name n) (parameters as) (statements ss)
+ ; Method mfs t n as ts ss -> method (modifiers mfs) (typ t) (name n) (parameters as) (throws ts) (statements ss)
; Comment s -> comment s
; Interface mfs n is ms -> interface (modifiers mfs) (name n) (extends is) (decls ms)
; Class mfs n x is ms -> clazz (modifiers mfs) (name n) (extends x) (implements is) (decls ms)
@@ -61,8 +61,8 @@ constructor = \mfs -> \n -> \as -> \ss ->
$$ indent ss
$$ text "}"
-method = \mfs -> \t -> \n -> \as -> \ss ->
- mfs <+> t <+> n <+> parens (hsep (punctuate comma as)) <+> text "{"
+method = \mfs -> \t -> \n -> \as -> \ts -> \ss ->
+ mfs <+> t <+> n <+> parens (hsep (punctuate comma as)) <+> ts <+> text "{"
$$ indent ss
$$ text "}"
@@ -96,6 +96,9 @@ extends xs = text "extends" <+> hsep (punctuate comma (map name xs))
implements [] = empty
implements xs = text "implements" <+> hsep (punctuate comma (map name xs))
+throws [] = empty
+throws xs = text "throws" <+> hsep (punctuate comma (map name xs))
name ns = text ns
parameters as = map parameter as